We should send cases of Palestine Springs bottled water to congress. Bottled in Ohio. I can’t believe the EPA denied money to the good Americans in Palestine Ohio, saying there is no emergency. Nope not even a dime. Their really going to have to rev up the election stealing machines in 2024. J.Goodrich

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Already have--they are in idle mode

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Feb 18, 2023·edited Feb 18, 2023

Democrats historically have fought hard for water cleanup in such situations. Those aren't bad values at all, why the sudden shift away from the core values? Actual Democrats are likely livid by this!

Both major parties are aligned on this, standing shoulder to shoulder, right? The environmental remediation to perform is fairly simple. No real studies needed, jut get right after the cleanup.

Even the organochlorines in the subsurface are fairly standard to cleanup, lots of precedence.

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Because democrats are no longer democrats. They "woke" up and became progressive activists.

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To be woke is to be anti US (a double entendre there). If we are for non violence, they want it. If we want honest elections, they do not. And so, if we want clean water, they want it dirty. Obviously woke is another word for stupid

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Not concerned with those against. Very much appreciative and welcoming of Democrats who just like the other party, are seeing more and more clearly, and recoiling at the dis-alignment of what is being dominant currently VS a person's own core values.

"Progressive" activists take joy in deliberately causing human harm. Actual Democrats are much, much different and appreciate free speech and helping people. There are many such people, and that group has been lied to and manipulated just as much as any other.

The actual activists you refer to have been lied to and are being treated as mental slaves. Many have begun to see clearly that their real masters are the very big-business and big-government types the claim to be against. Some of these folks are beginning to see things clearly as well, and welcome!!

Community wins. Love wins. Focusing on differences between groups hijacks everything, regardless of who is doing the focus.

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🤔 😎 Riddle of the Day:

Q: What Do Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Participation Trophies Buy You?

A: Corruption, Deep State, Big Donors, and The Biden Administration.

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Another day older and deeper in debt?

St Peter doncha call me cuz I cain't go.....

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Manchin should have that song playing on speakers outside his Senate office

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hahahah....I think we could name a hundred or more dudes in their wretched political lies..

But why stain such a fabulous moment of our toil and misery history for our freedoms.

The Tenn/Ernie Ford version is as expressive as it is haunting.

Some things you just cain't un-hear. That song be one of them.

When BigE popped that question : What Do Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Participation Trophies Buy You? That came to me out of the blue! I was laughing my butt off.

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I owe my soul to the company store. I love that song. When I was a kid my father played the record.

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Old enough to have seen him sing it on t.v.? I can still remember that.

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I pull it up and listen to it all the time. Funny I ply different things for my 20 something nephews and they continue to play things.

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WHAT? Is this for REAL? Brownstone's Debbie Lerman's article published today says "The dozens of new genetic vaccine products for everything from the flu to various cancers to AIDS currently under development by Moderna and BioNTech attest to the importance of the foundational Covid vaccine “success.”


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hundreds MRNA vaxxes in pipeline. Aside from world domination, this is what the last couple years has been about.

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The left obviously have redefined "success" in much the same way they redefined "vaccine".

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I was part of my song vocabulary. I can still recite it! I was a buddy teen when it came out.

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I was going to write you load 16 tons of horse manure,

Whada ya get? Another day older and deeper in debt. Hahaha But did not think Dr. Malone may approve

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Don't forget the smug sensation of self-satisfaction and virtue.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

-Ayn Rand

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FWIW, the Forrest Gump cartoon is sort of backwards. Black people, who retain traditional morality and sanity, are much more resistant to vax than theory-loving white males.

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Why do I see more blacks still wearing masks than whites? Others have commented having the same observation.

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Just as the mental disease that leads to sexual "transitions" is limited to certain areas of the country, local populations all have their quirks. I live in eastern Tennessee, where few black people live. I am seeing a resurgence of masks when I go to the grocery store - but no blacks wear them.

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Living here in Ontario, we see what the liberals have done and are doing to once beautiful BC. Hell in a hand basket is where it has gone to. Keep voting for castraue.

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The Asians seem very easy to intimidate. Even white people from mainland China are very timid about breathing fresh air, these days. I first learned of the plandemic from a white friend who lived in Pingshan City. Chinese New Year travel was canceled in 2020 and this guy convinced me I should not travel at all in February, 2020. He's since had his Visa revoked and he lives in Alabama; but I'd bet anything that he wears a mask.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

the heart, soul, mind, intellect of individual people are independent of their skin color

there's so much huge differences in people within their "categories" that the "between category" comparisons simply overlap in huge platykurtotic noise-scapes.

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We sure need a wonderful laugh after this week.

Thank you! Favorite was Jen Psaki

“The party that states men can get pregnant

Are the same group that decides on ‘misinformation’!

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Old British comedy was very funny decades ago and today it’s even funnier, except being dangerous since laughing at it might get you a visit from the FBI.

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Benny Hill an all time favorite.

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Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha hahahhahaha hahahhahaha Hahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahaha!

Outstanding blast Dr. Malone.

A couple brought a thought to my mind: “Do all of the Democrats who refused the jab realize they have joined the new deplorables?”

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Great point - if there really are Democrats who have refused the jab ...🤔

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How many have you heard of dropping dead suddenly? The answer to that may answer your question

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Hey, Mike, I suggest the greater proportion of dems jabbed vs reps is Darwinian. Like lemmings except dumber.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

we've seen hundreds drop dead but it's not like the MSM announces "Johnny Smith-Brown, a Democrat, dropped dead yesterday on the golf course" right? - just saying

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What I keep remembering is how all the administration goons advertised getting jabbed and yet..

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If someone released toxic, hazardous chemicals in the New York subway system, the MSM would be ALL over the story and swoop in like vultures to cover it. But when the corrupt U.S. government and its institutions act alone in making these decisions, it's a media blackout to cover it up.

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Love these! Especially “the BBC not giving in to government pressure.”

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Love it Drs Malone... Happy Friday!!!

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Some great comics! I laughed out loud because of the absurdity of some people!

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Sadly nearly half the country is double dumb.

They don't know that they don't know.

It's up to us via word of mouth to carry the message to them.

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As I keep saying, statistics tell you 1/2 of the population is at or below average i.q. Progressives have been taking advantage of that simple fact for ever now and buttressing its effect with institutionalized ignorance in gov schools

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Invincible ignorance is, well, invincible!

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1/2 of the pop. is at or below, but we used to have a bell curve and it all went pear shaped decades ago. And the pear is facing the wrong direction.

When I was still a teenage youth, I wondered about 'intelligence' among the population. What if intelligence was actually a finite resource and the world had only so much of it available? The geniuses of the world had more than their fair share and the wisdom in all the elderly was being kept from the young.

Here we are now, and I never would have guessed it.

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

The "Funnnies" are some of the most powerful persuasion posts. Thank you.

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Definitely some good, ironic satire belly laughs...🤪

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The best!! Again!!

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I lost it on the Balloon Rides Cancelled - hilarious - thanks for the deep belly laugh!

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