Isn’t it amazing the political party that prosecuted a former president and leading presidential candidate for a supposed clerical error, putting a lawyers fee under legal expense, found him guilty of 34 felonies facing years and years in prison, but billions and billions of dollars being stolen (adding up to trillions) and or being give…
Isn’t it amazing the political party that prosecuted a former president and leading presidential candidate for a supposed clerical error, putting a lawyers fee under legal expense, found him guilty of 34 felonies facing years and years in prison, but billions and billions of dollars being stolen (adding up to trillions) and or being given to corrupt disgraceful politicians, corrupt countries, terrorists, neutering foreign children. Sesame Street in Iraq etc. has the investigation blocked by judges of the same political party. Makes complete sense if your a Communist. 😊
The Constitution must be enforced. Traitors who have sold out America must be prosecuted. Blood Money by Peter Schweitzer names those in our government, who have sold out America. Its time they are prosecuted and pay for what they have done. If our Constitution had been enforced years ago, perhaps it would have set an example...and deterred this rampant, runaway corruption, occurring in our government representatives.
Joe Biden giving away the taxpayers' assets with the "loan forgiveness" scam, defying the Supreme Court, then bragging that he was defying the Supreme Court. He needs to be personally sued for the damages, and when his lawyers try to claim that he was not mentally competent, nullify every other action that he took.
AGREED! A president must be capable of making decisions. Joe Biden was definitely incapable of making decisions. Therefore any decisions that were rendered during his time in office ... are not legal..
With the exception of the Supreme Court, ALL other (lower)"federal" judges and courts are created by the Congress and as such can be de-funded or eliminated BY the Congress.
DemoCommies and their sidekicks RINOCommies - when in power - pack the federal court system with "activist" DemoCommie judges who enact unconstitutional edicts that de facto become LAW - which defies the US Constitution as written in ARTICLE. 1 Section.1., which sez: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and house of Representatives."
One would think the Supreme Court "justices" - who presumably have actually READ the US Constitution would UPHOLD ARTICLE I, Section 1., and smack-down unconstitutional edicts by UN-ELECTED lower court activist judges who at whim decide how the Executive branch will operate; OR - at least by the Congress - to de-fund or IMPEACH rogue "judges."
We don need no stinking DemoCommie activist judges usurping our sacred Constitution.
These communists have made an absolute disgrace of our judicial system which was once the envy of the world. I guess it’s like every other purposeful piece of America that they seek to destroy.
Isn’t it amazing the political party that prosecuted a former president and leading presidential candidate for a supposed clerical error, putting a lawyers fee under legal expense, found him guilty of 34 felonies facing years and years in prison, but billions and billions of dollars being stolen (adding up to trillions) and or being given to corrupt disgraceful politicians, corrupt countries, terrorists, neutering foreign children. Sesame Street in Iraq etc. has the investigation blocked by judges of the same political party. Makes complete sense if your a Communist. 😊
They knew Trump would expose him, so desperate measures were employed.
I'm loving every minute of this; Trump is moving so fast they (dems) can't keep up.
Trump needs to name names and what they got paid, the world wants to know.
Draining the swamp was always going to be a murky business.
Let's continue, shall we!
I like that!!
The Constitution must be enforced. Traitors who have sold out America must be prosecuted. Blood Money by Peter Schweitzer names those in our government, who have sold out America. Its time they are prosecuted and pay for what they have done. If our Constitution had been enforced years ago, perhaps it would have set an example...and deterred this rampant, runaway corruption, occurring in our government representatives.
Joe Biden giving away the taxpayers' assets with the "loan forgiveness" scam, defying the Supreme Court, then bragging that he was defying the Supreme Court. He needs to be personally sued for the damages, and when his lawyers try to claim that he was not mentally competent, nullify every other action that he took.
AGREED! A president must be capable of making decisions. Joe Biden was definitely incapable of making decisions. Therefore any decisions that were rendered during his time in office ... are not legal..
Okay, I LOVE ❤️ this suggestion!! And while they are at it, look closer at the fake PhD (piled higher and deeper) Jill Biden.
With the exception of the Supreme Court, ALL other (lower)"federal" judges and courts are created by the Congress and as such can be de-funded or eliminated BY the Congress.
DemoCommies and their sidekicks RINOCommies - when in power - pack the federal court system with "activist" DemoCommie judges who enact unconstitutional edicts that de facto become LAW - which defies the US Constitution as written in ARTICLE. 1 Section.1., which sez: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and house of Representatives."
One would think the Supreme Court "justices" - who presumably have actually READ the US Constitution would UPHOLD ARTICLE I, Section 1., and smack-down unconstitutional edicts by UN-ELECTED lower court activist judges who at whim decide how the Executive branch will operate; OR - at least by the Congress - to de-fund or IMPEACH rogue "judges."
We don need no stinking DemoCommie activist judges usurping our sacred Constitution.
These communists have made an absolute disgrace of our judicial system which was once the envy of the world. I guess it’s like every other purposeful piece of America that they seek to destroy.
Communism is at its root nihilistic. Everything communism touches turns to excrement and dies.