Isn’t it amazing the political party that prosecuted a former president and leading presidential candidate for a supposed clerical error, putting a lawyers fee under legal expense, found him guilty of 34 felonies facing years and years in prison, but billions and billions of dollars being stolen (adding up to trillions) and or being given to corrupt disgraceful politicians, corrupt countries, terrorists, neutering foreign children. Sesame Street in Iraq etc. has the investigation blocked by judges of the same political party. Makes complete sense if your a Communist. 😊

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They knew Trump would expose him, so desperate measures were employed.

I'm loving every minute of this; Trump is moving so fast they (dems) can't keep up.

Trump needs to name names and what they got paid, the world wants to know.

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Draining the swamp was always going to be a murky business.

Let's continue, shall we!

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I like that!!

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The Constitution must be enforced. Traitors who have sold out America must be prosecuted. Blood Money by Peter Schweitzer names those in our government, who have sold out America. Its time they are prosecuted and pay for what they have done. If our Constitution had been enforced years ago, perhaps it would have set an example...and deterred this rampant, runaway corruption, occurring in our government representatives.

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Joe Biden giving away the taxpayers' assets with the "loan forgiveness" scam, defying the Supreme Court, then bragging that he was defying the Supreme Court. He needs to be personally sued for the damages, and when his lawyers try to claim that he was not mentally competent, nullify every other action that he took.

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AGREED! A president must be capable of making decisions. Joe Biden was definitely incapable of making decisions. Therefore any decisions that were rendered during his time in office ... are not legal..

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Okay, I LOVE ❤️ this suggestion!! And while they are at it, look closer at the fake PhD (piled higher and deeper) Jill Biden.

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With the exception of the Supreme Court, ALL other (lower)"federal" judges and courts are created by the Congress and as such can be de-funded or eliminated BY the Congress.

DemoCommies and their sidekicks RINOCommies - when in power - pack the federal court system with "activist" DemoCommie judges who enact unconstitutional edicts that de facto become LAW - which defies the US Constitution as written in ARTICLE. 1 Section.1., which sez: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and house of Representatives."

One would think the Supreme Court "justices" - who presumably have actually READ the US Constitution would UPHOLD ARTICLE I, Section 1., and smack-down unconstitutional edicts by UN-ELECTED lower court activist judges who at whim decide how the Executive branch will operate; OR - at least by the Congress - to de-fund or IMPEACH rogue "judges."

We don need no stinking DemoCommie activist judges usurping our sacred Constitution.

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These communists have made an absolute disgrace of our judicial system which was once the envy of the world. I guess it’s like every other purposeful piece of America that they seek to destroy.

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Communism is at its root nihilistic. Everything communism touches turns to excrement and dies.

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I was born on Valentines Day and the nun who helped deliver me was also born on Valentines Day. I feel blessed to have this day be a remembrance of Love. Give yourself a hug today!

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Happy birthday DD!!!

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Years ago, my wife was picking me up at the office on Valentine’s Day and was speeding to get there. She was pulled over by an officer who claimed his name was Officer Valentine. After she explained where she was going he wished her a happy Valentine’s Day and let her go.! Who says policeman don’t have a heart?

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Happy Birthday DD. My wife's birthday is also today. Going to get her Flowers and ice cream :)

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Peaches and Cream is always good, Neapolitan too! Choices!

I'd forgo the Rocky Road variety.


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Sugar free ice cream I hope!

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I too was born in a,Catholic hospital and suspect an Irish nun for the spelling of my first name. Was told that by a friend who served in the UK that spelling common in Ireland

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Surprising for speakers of Gaelic.

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Don't know. Weird spelllng tho

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😂 I have a son named Michael.

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And to all exposed and yet to be exposed DSers I say, Go Hug Yourself (you may not find anyone else that will!)

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Happy birthday!

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Happy Birthday, DD.

Exactly 1 year ago today, we took in Mr. Bentley, our insane, nasty little ShihTzu rescue nutjob. Since that day, he's bitten me less than 6 times, but my wife's more like almost 15 times. Seems as though you abuse one of these little chinko dogs, use it for making puppes, then toss it out when it's of no use anymore, they're a bit touched in the head for the next lucky soul who decides to save his ass.

Don't get me wrong, I would never get rid of him, and he will live a long, natural, unvaccinated life with us, until he's sent back home with the rest of my clan that's passed. He is just a real 12lb handful, and my wife still fears being bitten, even though now being a year, he's mostly bark, and not too much bite anymore, that is, unless she accidentally puts her foot down on him at the dinner table, then all bets are off.

Amazing how long it has taken to be able to clip his nails, clean the goop out of his hair around his eyes, and even trim his hair on his head with the scissors. It works best when my wife is not around, as then he really doesn't fight me back, although I still need to be aware of his "warnings". Shihtzu's have a mystical tongue action when they're gonna bite your ass. It comes out, swings to the right, and starts wiggling, as his nose twitches, and his eyes widen to the size of a bus. Then you know you're in for it.


Bentley says "Happy Birthday, DD".

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Thanks for the laughs and story; I was bitten in the face when I was very little, fortunately no lasting damage, similar to the time someone went to toss a fishing line and as it went back it caught me in the lip, no lasting damage there either. My guardian angel needed to retire after I was in a car accident at four and ended up in a swamp with just enough water to soften the weight but not enough to drown me. A nurse found the car and had some guys lift the car off me. And that's just my early years!

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Well, DD, I guess you were a real catch, having that hook in your lip. Explains why your friends nicknamed you Sea Bass, after that incident.


Glad you were spared when you were a kid in that swamp wreck. Your work here, clearly not finished, as you had a lifetime of influencing others ahead of you, lucky for us too.

My mom, at age 17 (1947) was a first time "student"behind the wheel of a mid 40's Chevy rental car. She was being tutored by her mom in the passenger seat, showing her the beautiful state of Cali, heading towards AZ out of Gilroy CA.

Heading back to NJ from a trip out there to see moms future hubby, Richard, who was stationed at a Navy base near San Diego, the trip ended rapidly, as my mom's green driving skills, and a wet curved road, found my mom through the windshield, lying on the highway, and Grandma with an iron guardrail clear through the car's body, and out the other side of grandma's back. Being killed instantly, and my mom in a coma for 3 days in a CA hospital changed my mom forever.

When mom passed in 2013,I found the newspaper clip referencing the accident. Old car design, 1940's tire compounds, guardrais not yet designed to "give way" and absorb impact, and a young, inexperienced girl, all factors that led to the tragedy. Grandma is buried in an Elisabeth NJ plot that overlooks the Budweiser plant, which from what I hear, fit my grandmothers Irish drinking ladies personality

Glad you made it out of the swamp, ultimately being able to (hopefully) watch the DC swamp be drained

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Oh dear DD that is terrible. I’m glad things turned out for the good.

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Thank you for your kind words.I know we haven’t always been on the same page, and I appreciate your wishes.

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Happy birthday, DD!

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Happy Birthday, DD!

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Happy birthday, DD!

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🎈 Happy Birthday DD!!

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Very happy birthday!

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" HVD" plus "HBD" lady bug!

Hugs all around ye!

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Many years ago, my wife was picking me up at the office on Valentine’s Day so we could celebrate with a dinner out. She was caught for speeding, and the officer claimed his name was Officer Valentine. After explaining where she was going, the officer wished her a happy Valentine’s Day. Proves our policeman are not heartless.!

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Happy Birthday

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There's one st Valentine's Day I'll never forget. It was 18 years ago. My beloved Big Dog (the one in my av) couldn't go on any longer. Even to the last he was my guardian. He could hardly get up but when the Vet rang the doorbell, he scrambled up, took a couple of steps and barked his 'someone at the door, come quick' bark.

Two days before that we had what became our last walk: beautiful spring weather, he walked at my side, smiling, tail wafting - slow but happy. He wanted to go on but we had to turn round, to get him safely back and on the way back he started to stumble over his paws ... a sign of what was to come.

He is still walking at my side, smiling up to me. Never forgotten - but every St Valentine's Day has now become special for me.

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Reminds me of several we had. Cannot equal a dog's devotion

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For Texans. Just got a heads up from Paxton to be sure and see his extensive interview with T Carlson.

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God blessed Texas and AG Paxton.

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Truer words were never spoken

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Happy 😊 Valentine Day 💝 ❤️ 💗 💛

May all of you have a wonderful day!

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Bah, humbug [unless a tall(er), fairly athletic, XX, (formerly) ginger haired lovely unexpectedly shows up on my stoop - front or side, don’t care.

If she arrives with a matching pair of snow shovels… 😘

Until then, it’s just me and my love handles ( 🤔 love pony keg) going recluse until the 15th. 🤣

To them not in my dire straits: much enjoyment (and don’t forget to close the curtains).

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SR Miller, please 🙏 don't become a recluse.

Live in the present & enjoy everyday as if it is a present 🎁! 😊😊😊

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Happy Valentine’s Day Drs Malone! Thank you for the great collection of Friday Funnies today. Sherlock Holmes video was my favorite today. Enjoy your weekend!

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Feb 14Edited

I've often wondered, Dr. Malone, what do you think of the corruption in the Catholic Church? Was this via USAID or is the pope a universalist that denies the absolute centrality of Christ? Not to mention all the anti-biblical positions that he has either passively allowed or promoted. Just saw this letter from Bishop Strickland. https://substack.com/home/post/p-157059692

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Very interesting, thanks. In light of what I just read, I guess I come back to a bit of this… how much influence has our IC and our foreign policy had over countries in South and Central America? Have we caused more harm than good financially and politically? I love Christ, first.. then my spouse, family, church family, etc., Country. Jesus calls us to live at peace with all men, so long as it depends upon us. He also calls us to obey our laws, that do not conflict with His word. What have we been exporting? How many were embracing a godless socialism prior to our involvement in their nations? I know we are in a politically complex world, it has never been point A to point B.

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Exactly! We have been complicit! Let us reverse course. Live Godly lives, do good, be good and let the rest of the world take care of itself!

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Thank you.

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Yeah Dr. M….a nickel for your thoughts☺️

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Joe Biden's world of inflation

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LDT, the Catholic Church... where to start? Bishop Strickland is Bishop Emeritus because this pope kicked him out. Bishop Strickland had one glaring flaw, he didn't buy the hierarchical crap and he called a spade a spade, believing the Bible over that of a leftist ideologue who wears a funny hat. Strickland would have made a great Protestant. Having said that, I can't denounce the Catholic Church. Our preacher was asleep at the wheel when the Roe decision came down, and only later admitted that the Catholic response to Roe had put him to shame. He later went to jail during Operation Rescue and never lost his respect for the initial Catholic reaction to the Supreme Court decision to declare as legal the extermination of unborn human beings.

As an aside to Strickland's critique of Jesuits, the late Francis Canavan stands tall. He wrote three books on the philosophy of Edmund Burke, and Canavan's "The Pluralist Game" should be required reading for all socialists.

And doctrine, oh my. It's a long list. But I'm wrestling with the notion of doctrine in the context of I Timothy 6:3, "the doctrine which accords with godliness." And what is the "mystery of godliness? as outlined in 3:16? Turns out that Catholic doctrine, and Baptist doctrine, and acapella Church of Christ doctrine all pass the Timothy 3:16 test. What role does conscience play? Good question. Will get back to you on that...

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I am Anglican... North American, not CofE. Yes, and what constitutes godliness? Who determines what is godly? Man or God? I believe God does, not man. Man can get it wrong, even the best of us. God is completely holy, righteous and true.

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Agree. Our job is humility. His job is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Which is what makes the first line of 3:16 so incredible: "God was manifested in the flesh..." More than my poor brain can comprehend, and yet, I believe it with my whole heart, with tears...

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I'm sure that Trump's and Elon's decisions will affect the money the Catholic non-profits receive for helping immigrants here.

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I believe we have a responsibility to provide food, shelter and probably some medical care.. while people are here, being processed and assessed. We do this even for prisoners. Maybe we should ask for help from the countries who taught them how to avoid ICE?

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That responsibility needs to include not stealing from one (taxpayers) to benefit another. Let it be by choice either as charity or by allowing citizen taxpayers to assign their tax dollars but NO ONE should be forced to do it! Remember, they CHOSE to come. They ARE responsible for themselves!

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Feb 15Edited

I look at it as an act of mercy. I'm not talking for years, I'm talking about short term situations, before they are deported. If they are allowed to stay, then they become our responsibility, but they must work.

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What are your thoughts on AOC and other sanctuary cities giving instructions on how to avoid ICE… elected USA officials?

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I think they should be investigated and if there is cause, prosecuted.

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"Conclave" anyone!?

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35 years ago, for my 40th birthday, I threw a huge party for myself with several hundred guests, family and friends. I was young and bold, handsome and charming, and I invited 35 of my past girlfriends and relationships, 20 of whom showed up. An attendee remarked, Ned, you must have left a trail of broken hearts. To which I replied, no, I left a trail of enriched hearts.

I see the lead photo in this Valentine's Day Friday Funnies shows Doctor Fauci with the caption, you make my heart stop. I can't hold a candle to Doctor Fauci when it comes to heartbreaking. It is he who has truly left a trail of broken hearts.

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Wouldn't it be appropriate to repay Dr. FlimFlam Faucheee for all of his effort with all these "broken hearts" ?

Maybe give him a few hundred, a few thousand, a few hundred thousand vials of his own, injected randomly ?

Just thinking he'd like to be included in all of it.

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I sit chuckling in deep amusement, brilliantly put together Dr Robert Malone.

This one is definitely a keeper.

Happy Valentines Day to all in the Northern Hemisphere. Be careful what you may wake up with tomorrow morning 💝😉

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I’m pretty certain that I was one of those Valentines conceived babies…. Born on Nov 13💞

I mentioned this to my Mom about 7 years ago and she told me to “Mind your own business!”

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Had to reread last sentence ... No, it's not " ... who you wake up with ...

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Well keeping it in reference with "making babies" it would be "what"; also broadening the scope, depending on how smashed one may get it could be a "what" not a "who" you wake up with. And also there are a few other applications the "what" may be applied to. Hmmm... something to really think about, nudge nudge 😉😉

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Me too!

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Thanks for the fun memes. Loved the video of “Sherlock Holmes and Watson”. How was it accomplished? It was great. More power to DOGE!!

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Musk in the self driving cart was pretty cool idea.

Never knew Tucker was in any supporting roles. Good job, ole chap!

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WOW......You outdid yourself today....I loved all the "funnies".....GREAT JOB.

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Ah, what joy, FridayFunnies that are.

Hilarity&History, 😌

Education: 1979 -> 2025, 1st to 24th, How2Think -> What2Think, 🧐

Elon and the DOGE Team: hard to see Shaggy&Scooby in that role -

I don’t call it getting old, I call it my "use before" date.

Lordy, has it only been 3 weeks…

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Great Funnies for this Valentines Day - thanks!

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an insult to turtles!

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I agree. Associating Mitch with turtles, is no different than associating Jerry Nadler with a clean underwear commercial. It's like that Frank's Red Hot commercial.

He puts that shit on everything !

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As always; great stuff. Particularly your leading cartoon with Fauci stopping one's heart, priceless. Best of Valentines Days to the Malones and happy Birthday to DD.

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Love the DOGE Sherlock Holmes parody, I can't wait for the next shocking announcement from DOGE. I'm also enjoying watching the deepstate have a panic attack -- exactly what I voted for.

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