At this point, there's no humor except dark humor. Every time I see someone wearing a mask I wonder, how can they still be ignorant? Last night Epoch Times aired an interview with Arizona gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake. For those who don't know her story, she was a news anchor at a Fox station for 22 years and, as you would expect, being paid a very lucrative salary. Early in 2021, she reached her tipping point. She could no longer read on air the falsehoods which she was expected to present as news. She gave up her salary and position. She had no intention at that time of entering politics, but realized that God seemed to be leading her in that direction. She has big plans and I pray she will be elected. I pray that one day my home state, North Carolina, will be able to have a good governor. I pray that people will wake up and refuse to comply. (Link to the interview: https://www.theepochtimes.com/kari-lake-the-assault-on-patriotism-and-the-fight-to-restore-the-american-dream_4777948.html)

This morning I read in the book of Daniel. Three young men, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, were threatened with death in a fiery furnace unless they complied with the king's dictate to, essentially, worship him. They chose to trust God instead. They knew God was able to save them, but did not know if He would, but they trusted Him anyway. I felt somewhat the same way about covid early on. I decided that, for me, taking the jab would be sin. I knew God could protect me from what seemed at that time to be a very deadly disease, but if He chose not to do so, I would still trust Him. We have to make our decision. Who will we trust? Will we compromise, or will we stand even in the face of death? I'm not strong enough apart from the grace and provision of God, but I am still standing and will continue to do so, with His help.

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As a Christian I have struggled with a sense of "wrongness" since March of 2020. A lot of my fellow believers argued with me that God wanted us to obey the government and the doctors who knew more about saving lives than we did. After all, where in the Bible does it say, "Thou shalt not wear a face mask" or "Thou shalt not get an mRNA shot"? There is a stunning lack of discernment as well as conviction among professing Christians nowadays. We are told to be wise as serpents as well as harmless as doves. Stupidity is not a fruit of the spirit. God gave us brains to use so we could spot evil in the world and not get sucked into it. I did not make any of my decisions lightly and researched the "vaccine" before choosing not to take it. Ditto for removing the face mask.

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Haha, don't get me started on that whole, "if you love your neighbor, get vaccinated" or "Jesus would get vaccinated" nonsense. One of my pastors got vaccinated. (Actually, several did, but I'm focusing on this particular one.) Apparently he had problems with his immune system before, but now it seems that he is always sick. He's recovering from pneumonia right now and has not been able to work for three weeks. I talked to his wife (a nurse!) early on about ivermectin and about the dangers of the shots and she dismissed what I said. Of course I don't know the shot is to blame, but it certainly didn't help him.

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Me too friend, my pastor got one jab, super severe sick w/ Covid (Delta) 2 1/2 weeks later. I treated him, .. needed lots of rx, attention, and oxygen a couple of days. He is young and otherwise healthy. His wife listened. She also saw lots of jab reactions as a speech therapist. The only person he would listen to was McCullough, so I sent him his videos. A shame what the church, universal, has fallen for. But then again, the Word says it all so we shouldn't be surprised.

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The Bible clearly speaks against wearing face masks! See 2Cor3:18 re "Unveiled


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Amen. John MacArthur in CA has a great sermon on the lack of discernment in obeying gov that disobeys God in Romans. I have, too, grieved for the lack of discernment of evil in the worldwide church! Still praying some of my church folk will awaken, but by now most have.

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I will take a look at that.:::::on the lack of discernment in obeying gov that disobeys God in Romans... Jesus had some words on it too. but I have discussed and debated that topic with many Christians.. who seem to think the BIBLE said we have to obey the GOVT.. .. yadda.. that is NOT what is meant in the NT if the Govt is GODLESS.. and is against God. noting now.

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Take as another spatiotemporal example God’s omnipresence. Omnipresence means God is everywhere. He inhabits all of space. When we speak of God being present in all of time (past, present, and future), we say He is omnitemporal. :) for you.. God inhabits eternity.. PTL.

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I have some issues with that thinking, also. I agree with YOU! For one thing, the Bible was lived and written over 2,000 years ago. Caesor was granted leadership, not voted for and he did not want to be seen as a king (kings were bad, Caesors were the will of the people, but they weren't really). It seems to me, that we are caught between a monarchy and dynasty. I was sick of the Bushes, the Clintons, and I already know only one Trump needs to be in the WH. I will not vote for multiple family members. Teddy Roosevelt was great. not sure after that.

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That is a LONG STORY.. and I do know my Bible. the OT.. says that the PEOPLE demanded KINGS.. or a leader in the Flesh.. against God's advice.. which is where FREE WILL comes in.. and God knows we do have free will.. that if for sure. interesting conversation today.. take care..

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Thank for that Anne. They are trying to extinguish our God given intuitive discernment that is also based on sound facts endorsed by highly reputable and dedicated individuals. They are silencing all the voices that go against their objectives, and that is dictatorial. They prepared well, have limitless amounts of money and control the main information forums. We are actually experiencing a "modern dark age." Let's not forget however, that there was a Forth Man in that fiery furnace with those three young men.

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Exactly right, Apostol. I think I focused on the fact that they did not demand that God save them (as if they could) because so many Christians seem to think they should not have to suffer, they should just be "blessed." As Jesus said in John 16:33, "I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. You will have suffering in this world. Be courageous! I have conquered the world.” We are here for a reason and it's up to each of us to seek God's will as to how He chooses to use us in this terrible time. He will never leave or forsake us.

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Beautifully said! ✝️💜

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In Costco the other day I saw a woman unmasked, with her son, who was about 6 and masked. I thought it a bit weird.

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Just sad! 🥺

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God Bless YOU.

Well, he already has; it is evident!

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God bless you! ✝️💜

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Thanks. Finding humor in the dystopia is no small thing.

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My exact thought!

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Many thanks, I particularly liked the one with the dog and the cat (and it was truly funny, not scary) though they are ALL true.

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Sometimes great Comedy...

...isn’t funny

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Often the only way to illustrate the folly of humanity injustice has been "Candid" Humor.

It's the stuff... smart folks iz made from.

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Shining a spot light on Freedoms....one day at a time, not a glamourous profession.

Stay Gritty my friends.

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Not as funny as usual, but spot on, a lot of them. The Mask one made me smile. Actually what you need for that fairy ring of mushrooms is a dead tree.

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I assumed they marked the underground remains of the dead tree ?

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The mushrooms always show up long after the stump is rotted.

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No disagreement from me!

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There are two known varieties that do it, one is edible but unless you really know your mushrooms best to leave them for the fariy's....

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Oct 7, 2022·edited Oct 7, 2022

I thought the rings were because as fungi, they grow radially outwards, and the mushrooms are the sexual fruiting bodies, all the mushrooms are part of the one individual growing mass. There is a big underground mass of hair-like growth that keeps spreading out for more food, like bread mold colonies. The ring gets larger as more food is consumed as it progresses.

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My fave is definitely “strong men” to “weak men” … I just wish the creator had used “leaders” instead of “men” for obvious reasons. After all, those “good times” also included women, many of whom became weak leaders today.

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Funny, I was freezing ass cold last night as I turned on the heat, at least I have heat to turn on! Now if I just don't have to burn my furniture when it's too expensive...

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I love the dog cat toon!

I have had both and, man, no doubt. . . our cats would be starving if Skipper were still alive!

"Gone in sixty seconds!"

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Thanks Dr Malone, different matter I just received notice that your Book “LIES MY GOV’T TOLD ME” is delayed and I won’t get delivery until 11/22 just wandering if this is correct or just Amazon being Amazon again?

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Maria,It's correct. I am waiting too. I am sure it is worth the wait.

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I ordered the CD from Amazon about Fauci and I want to wait until CD comes out from Dr. Malone. It is hard for me to follow a thought past two sentences right now. I have become horribly distracted.

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That is understandable with the day to day distractions/crisis they create for us everyday. But we won’t be too distracted to vote and be poll watchers. God Bless us all.

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Yes I get it;; working in science develops a dark humor side.. otherwise one would be depressed all the time; when I took care of a double amputee... a retired AF officer one had to develop a sense of humor or the darkness of the situation would be overwhelming.. because the light at the end of the tunnel seems so far away. I always turn to MY BIBLE and thump it real hard.. and out comes something amazing: God is always faithful and LET THERE BE LIGHT. :) my all time favorite is.. for the know it all atheists is: God Inhabits Eternity – The End from the Beginning.. think about that one.. Take as another spatiotemporal example God’s omnipresence. Omnipresence means God is everywhere. He inhabits all of space. When we speak of God being present in all of time (past, present, and future), we say He is omnitemporal.... so anyway.. enough to think about for now: which is why I have NO FEAR because God is in charge.. not man and his machinations of gore, porn and fear. :)

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My mind's going blank now... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWZ8kyg3ajQ

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That was hilarious! That needs to go on the Dr. Malone's list! It was so funny!!! I sort of got into the beat. And then, of course, I felt a little guilty, because my mind is not as sharp as it once was. Not the sharpest tool in the tool box, not the brightest bulb...Biden is older than I am, but I am not professing to be a leader of the free world either.

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Fentanyl: weapon of CHINESE destruction.

We are at WAR; our government should ACT like it.

"ONLY" 57,000 men killed in all those years of the Vietnam war but over 100,000 killed annually by Fen-China.

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Tucker Carlson Tonight – Oct. 3 (Biden is responsible for this destruction in Europe)


Tucker Carlson Tonight – Oct. 5 (Don't ask obvious questions about the Nord Stream pipeline leak)


Tucker Carlson Tonight – Oct. 4 (Interview with Biden’s family former business partner – Tony Bobulinski)

Does anybody have a link for the transcript to this outstanding and VERY important interview?

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Both JP's and RB's videos were excellent today. Thanks for sharing! Have a great weekend!

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Some good news from Canada ( we hope ) “No longer will Alberta ask permission from Ottawa to be prosperous and free.”

In her victory speech, UCP leader Danielle Smith spoke about unity, freedom, and prosperity for the province. https://t.co/d8pbsl9x1v


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