Mar 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The lunatics are running the asylum.

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And you realize we are the inmates of that asylum?

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For mentally competent adults needing this type of cautionary warning, it could be best for these folks and the rest of humanity if they were bear crap.

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I consider myself the Native American fella with the sink in 'One flew over the cuckoo's nest'...

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I read the book when it came out and saw the movie but I cannot remember.

I was in Marine Corps late 60s and we had native Americans (Indians) and guess what the nickname was.

Great men -just watch em when the booze flows.

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The late, great and possibly jibjabbed Terry Hall...

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think the National Park Service is trying to beat the FDA's viral Ivermectin tweet, "You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it."

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Agreed. Somewhere lost in the cyber ether is my lengthier comment, of perhaps the nanny state, in that regard.

That outrun the bear joke has has been around for literally ages. Back in grad school, as slave labor for my major prof, we were collecting winter water samples and streamflow measurements at 5000 feet in the Rockies. We'd climb onto the watershed's ridge with snowmobiles, then hike on snowshoes following the packed snowmobile path to reach the sub drainages. One time we came on a group of 3 moose, walking toward us, snorting in the frozen air. They wanted the compacted trail too. It was hi tech science back then, we measured streamflow with a galvanized bucket and a stopwatch. So I started yelling clanging my metal buckets together, hoping to scare them. My partner was silent, going instead back off the compacted trail to a tree. The moose finally moved off the ridge, into the deep snow. I yelled at him afterwards, full of adrenaline, "How were you going to climb a tree in snowshoes!" "Climb it, *ell," he replied, "I was just going to keep it between me and the moose."

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Good moose story! BTW, running away from a bear is not the recommended safety protocol...

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Prey animals generate more fear. Fear leads to aggression.

When animals like momma bear have something to be afraid of, then they wil ltake greater risks and do things that htey normally wouldn't as they would be afraid of injuries.

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The NPC AI don't seem to understand what jokes are or how to meme.

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NPS exposed themselves when they closed down parks and then took a rod to the veterans that attended war anniversaries at said parks.

Apparently they own the parks and we are merely privileged to go there.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

I think the biggest evil is the push for a Central Bank Digital Currency, masking falls off the screen next to that. CBDC is beyond nauseating to even ponder. They'll declare Bit Coin, gold and silver illegal with it, like the 1930's. More Great Depression parallels.

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The National Park Service (NPS) is in the Department of the Interior. Your comment about the "woke" NPS reminded me of the following article:

Interior Department Now Offering ‘Ecogrief’ Training For Employees


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Holy Mackeral. My above story is circa 1977, and even tho it was a US Forest Service funded study, even back then we all knew it as the forest circus. I imagine that moniker still exists, and for good reason.

And I'm still mad at that guy for not helping, leaving.

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Compared to child trafficking epstein and the pedo elite, these agencies are role playing a maid in comparison.

The one world government turned out to be full of vampires, child molestors, and satanists.

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A prime example of how the lifers in government manage their time and our money (blood, sweat, and tears).

The real warning should be "If you fear encountering aggressive bears on your hike, take a politician or bureaucrat with you. Preferably one you can outrun."

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But would any bear with discriminating taste......?

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thank you for that. I'm reading "The Rape of the Mind" by Joost Meerloo (recommeded by Michael Yon) and it is dark but 100% spot on. Needed a laugh today... even if totally dark.

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I think this is an example of

Looking too closely for sinister and stupid in everything.

As an avid hiker and national park visitor, and having grown up in Alaska., this joke is longstanding. I see this as the NPS having fun with people. Truly. The media is the one picking up And making it something because they are avoiding real issues. And you have fallen victims to it, spending your valuable time and mental energy putting it in the same category of other real insane things going on.

It’s a joke. It’s a marketing technique. It is no where near worthy of the space for discussion other than tongue and cheek, a well needed chuckle, and moving on. (Oh, and a lesson to mind your hiking partners. ;)

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Above all, it's yet another meaningless distraction. Something to bicker about. Another "look over there" tactic to divert attention away from our movement toward totalitarian control being perpetrated by a cabal of globalist billionaire psychopaths.

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The problem is, the "joke" is absolutely devoid of any trace of humor!

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What bugs me is that this joke might get people to think it’s okay to run from a bear, when the NPS online advice is “do NOT run”. Then the bear will be killed because it attacked a tourist. Highly irresponsible.

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spot on. i actually thought tweet (and replies) were rather funny because its so ridiculous .i get where people who have paid attention to Gates and the WEF might be sensitive considering their goal is population control, but this was just a silly tweet that reiterated a long-standing joke among those that hike in bear country. Just like wearing bells- they only attract bears because they know where to look for their lunch.

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Mar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023

Thank you for the comments Audreya. Right on! (except for the "joke" part)

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That’s a pretty gruesome ‘joke’ for kids though because in the end, they’re coloring a picture where the friend IS pushing the other friend down in front of a bear. That’s like a child coming home from school having colored a picture of stabbing mommy and daddy. At the bottom it says “children don’t stab mommy and daddy” and then the school explaining, oh this is just a funny joke.


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LOL, metaphorically the bear could be Russia, the friend that pushed down the other is the US, and the one on the ground about to be eaten alive is the EU?

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😉Except that the Bear doesn’t want the one that is immobile. It wants the runner.

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The message itself is a psyop imo. We all know who the bear is, and who the one "tempted" to push down the "friend" is, its all those hateful Americans that don't support the poor victim (Ukraine). Goofuses are just trying to gin up subliminal sympathy for the money pit in Ukraine since not one single American politician can rationally articulate what our national interest is there. So as usual they play the victim card, albeit a bit more imaginative this time, but just as transparent as ever... JMO of course...

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The runner is dinner-now, the lard-ass is dessert.

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Not the EU but Ukraine

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LOL, best comment of the day!!!

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Imagine the w.e.f. is a bear and then what are we? Bear bait?

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The way things are going, I’ll go with the most sinister. Giving boys ideas! They want us to turn on each other, separate us and clearly want us dead ! No !?!🤦‍♀️🙆‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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This is what I thought. Giving kids bad ideas.

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Can we please, please stop wasting taxpayer money on stupid sh*t?

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That would save about 90% of the budget.

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It can drive anyone crazy trying to make sense out of nonsense. Whenever I'm faced with the ludicrous I always know it's about something very different. Here, I would say they're using "relationships" and "relationship discord" to divide people even more than they already have. A very sorry, sorry, sorry, place to be.

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My brow is so furrowed that I am going to look pissed off for the next year. But that’s nothing new.

Yes, WTF???? This world truly is insane.

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Real aloe vera applied gentle twice a day will smooth out those wretched stress wrinkles.

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That's the oldest outdoorsmen gag in the book. So you think you can outrun a grizzly? Really?

I don't need to outrun the angry Grizzly...I just need to outrun you! (same for Lion/ Rhino etc...)

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Agree re the gag, but definitely it's inappropriate in a coloring book for kids. The kids should get actual bear safety info. I would be interested in that myself.

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Hmmmm...I'm headed into known bear country today. Hiking boots or running shoes?

Maybe borrow Dad's 44 mag. He takes it with him all the time. Hmmm...(Humor)

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I'm with you, Dr. Malone: WTF???

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Will government stupidity never end!

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This pretty much sums up the government treatment of the American population in general. I think the friendship with our government has run its course.

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Together as trusting Bosom Buddys....Or just as plain old under educated boobs? Hahhah

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Well when they knowingly poisoned my wife and wanted to poison me I started to think I was the slower runner…

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Amen Jim!! You're still thriving.

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is too funny. Robert, this is for a Friday email! Someone at the Parks has a great sense of humour and is bored with their job. Can we find out who it is? They must be laughing themselves senseless that their supervisors have allowed this!

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why didn't they recommend to the public to just bring your own bear? That way both can run away while the bears fight.

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