Please watch Sally Towell's story. It starts at 1 hour 4 minutes.

Sally is a Geelong mum of 2 kids who suffered horrific side effects after one dose of the Pfizer 'vaccine' including anaphylaxis and severe tremors. Her ED Doctor refused to report her as an adverse vaccine event.

She was later brushed off by two neurologists who basically told her they had 'no idea' what was wrong with her, blamed 'anxiety' and just left her to deteriorate with constant seizures, then strokes.

Sally is an ex nurse who refused to accept her neurologists brush off, and instead searched for her own treatments. She used the FLCCC protocol, low-dose naltrexone then approached Professor Ian Brighthope and took high dose IV Vitamin C and CBD oil.

Sally has since regained a lot of her functions and now speaks out publicly for the vaccine injured.

The video shows clips of her hospital admissions, then Sally sitting on a stage talking telling her story.

Ends at 1 hour 34 minutes.

Thanks to the Australian Medical Professional Society (break away group of Oz medics, part of Red Union).


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I saw similar situations; albeitin neuromusculoskeletal medicine. I am awaiting a third primary care physician appointment just for “check-ups”. The first two were stupid. Uhhh…This should be relatively simple and straightforward. Sheesh. Welcome to the uk.

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Many of these doctors took the mrnas. they are lobomitized. also neuropathy is extremely complicated and modern western medicine don't have many usable solutions, if any.

I've worked with a few clients suffering from neuropathy, nerve impingement, and numbness due to trauma (like surgeries). The Western medicine path offers them no solution and no relief, while costing a lot more than I need.

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I have done a lot of research on hyperbarics/HBOT. This is an idea where indicated…Peripheral neuropathy being just one. I was 6 for 6 in improvement in HIV/AIDS patients. Had to move on before I could go further down that rabbit hole. Ed

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She graduated the test

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For the gatekeepers to clean up their act would require an ethical construct they have lost entirely...its called wokness or bowing to the dollar of the progressive political/medical donor groups. From medical association to pseudo-public health specialist who by their own action put their heads in the sand and still have it there. These gatekeepers have not changed this inhumanity ideology they simply are waiting to do the same thing again using fear and hysteria and cancelling to create more death and disability. You will never educate these gatekeepers for most if not all believe in late term abortions, life definitions to them is different thus they have zero problems with cancelling anyone who has opposite opinions....and cancelling has a very wide definition too. They will as a group do the exact same thing over again...thus a purge from power is required at the earliest opportunity.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

Unfortunately, the application of many many bribery dollars over many many years seems like a strategy that will forever be successful for the wealthy elites of the world, especially in situations where humans believe they must compete for relatively scarce resources.

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Dollars - currency, give a special stuff to it. Money dissolves all institutional bounds; it is the lifeblood of private interests dissolving away the checks of man and controlling everything. But I do believe our awareness is key, and the ability to hide is at the root of all criminality. One thing I have said about our species is, "Show me transparency and accountability, and I'll show you morality."

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I agree that we are liable to be wayward again, and from this, that we must make amends to the way we have been operating. I think we need to add to the way that we operate. I think we could add a democratic structure outside of the government that could task itself with monitoring and redressing government injustices. With great epistemology, or method, we can get our facts straight. Intro:


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On MedPage Today. I get their daily email just to see what the opposition is up to, but they are the worst! Yesterday they had an article, "Do we need a Spring booster for Covid." Yeah, we need that like a hole in the head!

I am not a medical professional, so I am not allowed to join and therefore can't comment, but boy would I love to. They must be totally owned by Big Pharma, because they constantly trash people like you and any reports contrary to the narrative.

It is a surprise that they published this article, even though they tried to spin it. Maybe it shows that the weight of trying to deny all Covid Vaccine reactions is finally getting too heavy to bear. We can hope!

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The hesitation by the general population to now avoid ALL vaccines, (and doctors and hospitals) for the plague that they are, has them scrambling to 'admit' that ...maybe... these specific vaccines are a problem, but that vaccines, overall, are perfectly safe and effective.

This has more to do with gas lighting an increasingly aware population into stepping back onto the vaccine train.

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If they keep trying to pass genetic engineering off as a normal vaccine they are going to have a big problem. Once faith is broken, it's almost impossible to regain.

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The sooner the better. I have zero faith in anyone with a 'sales pitch' for any pharma.

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Corrin Strong, you are not a medical professional (nor am I) but you have common sense and critical thinking skills. The way things are going, I'll place all my best on those two things rather than a laundry list of credentials. Thankfully, we have scientists, MDs and other professionals out there who DO have the knowledge, background and skills AND use their critical thinking skills to make sense of all this chaos.

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Yeah, it really makes you wonder what they are afraid of. If they were so confident in the truth of their news and opinions why would they not allow those with a different perspective to challenge them? I am quite sure God did not restrict common sense and thinking skills only to medical professionals!

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They are big pharma's baby that is for sure. I get their emails too just to keep an eye on them and I can respond but usually do not since I am in the laboratory field. There are a few good docs on there that comment, not many.

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I gave up on the comment section. It's just an echo chamber of true believers in the narrative, and it's too frustrating when you can't respond to the idiocy, but I guess they want it that way.

As Dr. McCullough said recently, 95% of doctors in the US got the jab, and like almost everybody else in the country who has been jabbed, they don't want to think that it might have been harmful.

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Part of the MRNA borg dna transformation is that they aren't even capable of thinking in their original ways. The time to think was before, after they lobotomized themselves, they can no longer even think critically as they were before. So they end up taking even more sub optimal decisions. A never ending cycle.

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God I hope that's not true. As evidence that it isn't, I believe a lot of the leading critics of the vax did get the vax themselves and were still able to overcome the spell including Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough and others. So it is not fatal to critical thinking, but there are a lot of anecdotal reports of people's personality changing post-vax. Hard to tell if that is from the vax itself, or the non-stop propaganda they imbibe.

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There is an incredible amount of saline/fake shots they inserted into the deployment schedule.

For example, the US government likely didn't get any real shots, except maybe for the guy playing McConnel and he fell down into the hospital like a turtle. They also obtained exemptions for themselves, their staff, and families in 2021.

There is also even more of a gap/range due to the manufacturing defects, but ultimately the leading critics had a soul contract to do what they do. They are protected at the UnSeen Realm.

As for how I know these things, I knew in February 28th, 2020 that the covid and the later waxxines were, quoting myself, "Atlantean hybrid DNA bio weapons".

I didn't need any doctor or researcher to tell me what was going on. I have my own avenues of information and data. You know how humans seem to perceive a dark state controlling the strings behind the throne? Well, there's many factions like that, and not all of us agree with what the crazy evil ones are doing.

To understand why the mrna nano technology affects people's nervous systems, first you need to read Charles Lieber's nano tech patents. Then correlate that to the WEF's talk about making humans into hackable animals. That is the mrna injection, but of course, not everyone got the "real thing" or perhaps their batch was damaged in some fashion. ANyways, a number of "luck" and divine factors play into here. Now if they had waited 5 years to provide the wax, they would have been much better prepared.

This mrna was only supposed to make people get used to the gene editing pattern, but the effects have already been seen. Perhaps that was rather unintentional. The boosters, of course, are much stronger in changing their brain.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRucWPUmLR0 God is taking back the Earth and that requires that the darkness be revealed. There is plenty of higher powers and other "stuff" going on that people will slowly grow aware of.

I suspect people are actually afraid of what was once called the dark illuminati, secret societies? They are so weakened now that I don't even bother being afraid of them. They are old obsolete news, still clinging to their power or what is left of it.

They botched the weapon release entirely.

I'm very good at strategy and war. I don't botch operations like they do.


A written letter to the dark illuminati, it illustrates a lot of the hidden power conflicts going on that the news don't know about.

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treplanning. holes in head, literally their procedure ; )

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I think we should make amends to the way we have been operating. We need to add to it. I think we could add a democratic structure outside of the government that could task itself with monitoring and redressing government injustices. With great method, we are aided to get our facts straight. Intro: https://markgmeyers.substack.com/p/introduction-to-a-democratic-approach

(deeper reading on site)

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One parameter the paper did not cover was the cohort of people that fall under the definition of long Covid AND vaccinated. It seems to me that long Covid plus previous vaccination are adding up to more long Covid. I do realize that there are people that were never vaccinated and have long Covid. However, I feel like that is a very small subset of people.

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I also believe long Covid is rare, partly because I have new and old friendships with many unvaccinated people, and none have experienced any long Covid symptoms. I thought I might have long Covid about a year ago, but it turned out to be just another upper respiratory virus. On the other hand, many of my vaccinated friends and neighbors are struggling with at least one long term health issue. The analyses of all cause mortality by Denis Rancourt at https://denisrancourt.ca/categories.php?id=1&name=covid come to the conclusion that the vaccines and other pandemic responses are responsible for the vast majority of the health harm. It also makes sense to me that having Covid after vaccination can exacerbate the harm of the vaccine.

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No unvaccinated people I know have had any trouble getting over Covid infection. The risk of long Covid is probably just more unproven propaganda from the establishment. Pretty much everything about Covid has turned out to be lies. Most unvaccinated people have said the flu is worse. I am the last person I know that hasnt had Covid. I am unvaccinated, but I do take zinc and vitamins C+D+B.

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My sister had a rough time after Covid, with pronounced swings in vital signs, but she was 74 and has Ehlers Danloss Syndrome, which seems to make everything worse. She recovered after a course of ivermectin.

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“The risk of long Covid is probably just more unproven propaganda from the establishment” rings very true. I no longer own a tv, but radio is now saturated with ads for all kinds of medications for all kinds of bizarre and obscure ailments, so “ask your doctor.” Psychology and practical experience prove that we tend toward actualizing our predominant thoughts. When the Big Flu hit, we were relentlessly reminded that asymptomatic is the same as infected and on death’s doorstep, and the media is constantly pathologizing the least little ache into a medical crisis. The axis of evil would make us all hypochondraics on unnecessary, lifelong prescriptions with side effects sure to require another prescription. It’s an effective business model weaponized by truly sick people. Fortunately, there’s a remedy: turn off the propaganda machine and “set your minds on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2) at least regularly enough to flush out the ad cancer.

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Another one here...same as you, if I travel, I take ivermectin a couple times a week and NAC as needed.

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Absolutely! Myself as well as my family and numerous friends are unvaccinated. None that I know of had any long lasting effects from Covid infection. We all got the original strain in November 2020 right around Thanksgiving and then most but not all got the crazy uncle omicron. Other than that all healthy and happy. It really begs the question of which came first since so many fell for the fallacy of getting vaccinated after infection. I suspect from my reading that this just piled on more spike protein.

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Lisa, thank you for posting about what I was just about to post myself.

There rarely, if ever, seems to be a differentiation between the unvaxed-Covid-recovered vs. the vaxed-AND-Covid-recovered when it comes to any of these studies on long Covid or side effects from either the virus or the vax. And it would seem that knowing whether they were recovered FIRST and then vaxed, or vice versa, would be important.

The waters are now completely muddied, because no sufficient, legitimate safety tests were ever done before the jabs were released, and all the gaslighting and denial of facts and hiding of reports of injuries of all types thereafter have convoluted all data, such that how can we ever get to the truth of anything?

It seems, right now at least, that reliance upon the undeniable data of all-cause mortality and working-age disability claims that have skyrocketed since the rollout of the vaccines is what we really have. (See Edward Dowd’s substacks and Steve Kirsch’s substacks.)

However, as Naomi Wolf’s Daily Clout team labors over the hundreds of thousands of court-order-released Pfizer documents (which they tried to keep suppressed for 75 years, but the judge ordered to be released), we are getting more (horrifying) data about the illegitimate testing that they DID do, and which should have prevented the poisons from ever having received the EUA.

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I read both stacks you mention plus A Midwestern Doctor is fantastic. I agree that the waters are so muddled that one could probably never differentiate between them. I am of the belief that long Covid is really just a term that encompasses vaccine injured. I fear that is really what is going on since the body can keep making that spike protein for a long period of time from vaccination and the fact that Dr Ryan Cole has the staining methods to find it in many tissues of the deceased that were missed by routine necropsy. That jab is just the gift that keeps on giving. Wether designed that way or not it should never have been approved. EVER.

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Long Covid--I would be interested to know when that term first cropped up in this whole saga. Was it before or after the jabs started rolling out?

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A quick search on google said that the term long Covid was first mentioned by a Twitter hash tag in May of 2020. The vaccine roll out was December 2020. That is why I wasn’t 100% discounting the people that described long Covid without vaccination. There will always be people that have a tougher time clearing any viral infection and the fact that there was no early treatment offered didn’t help. If you check Wikipedia it’s an interesting read about long Covid.

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Thanks for looking that up. That's the vague recollection I was having, i.e., that long covid was being discussed earlier than the jabs were released. We now know so much more about how to strengthen the immune system against this disease and how easily the serious effects from the illness in most people could have been avoided with the known and safety-proven ivermectin and HCQ, not to mention adequate D3 and zinc, etc.

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Mar 28, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Part of the problem of differentiating causation for long covid symptoms in the elderly is that many of these symptoms occur with old age. I see elderly now with many of the mentioned symptoms of long covid, including my husband who is 80. But most would say this is what happens to the body when we age.

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I.e., allowing the ignoring of jab damage by passing it off as a symptom of advanced age. Which would explain severe under reporting of jab damage in the elderly

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Deaths also. Well they were 70 YO......even though they were very healthy.

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Right? My fully vaxdoctrinated sister, died quite suddenly and unexpectedly (awakened unable to breathe and was dead before the paramedics arrived), last October. That she was a marathon running vegetarian, very physically fit 70 year old, didn't prevent all of our vaxxed relatives from poo-pooing the idea that it might have been the dreadful clot shot. This despite the fact that our people live into their 90's without heart problems of any kind, except for some life long chain smokers.

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Condolences, DBT. Vaxdoctrinated and mandated are equally tragic.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

I'm also concerned about the common practice of physicians casually recommending FMRIs and MRIs, brain and body scans. Recently I did a couple of flaky things and it was suggested that I may have Alzheimer's and should get a brain scan. Years ago I had a conversation with a neuroscientist who worked with electrical engineers involved in the development of these technologies. He said one should never undergo these diagnostic procedures unless there is severe enough symptoms due to trauma or brain lesions that specific visual diagnosis is necessary. He added that these machines expose patients to very strong EM fields. There's a whole lot of money invested and to be made by developers, medical institutions and radiologists alike by the use of these machines. When you're a kid it's called spacing out, as an adult over 60 it's probably Alzheimer's and cause for a brain scan.

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"Is this evidence that the tide of misinformation from medical journals geared towards physician education may be decreasing?"

I can't help but feel you're probably correct in this assumption.

In this world of 'Asch Conformity' rules, the narrative will flip just the same and even if for all the wrong reasons, the rest will still follow.

With the persistence of noble people such as the Malone's, the truth will prevail.

With the aid of time we often forget just how much hurt our heroes had gone through to help us realize the freedoms we now have.

Always remember.....

"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."

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Malone and M Heiser are old and nearing their date of leaving this plane (Heiser already did) for their well deserved vacation in the Beyond.

We must take up the mantle and work now.

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In their 60ties with improved consumption and healthful habits, one expects / certainly hopes they have a good while with us ahead! Sharing and supporting mantles has much merit.

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You made one slight error…&Beyond company for safari…I have not slept that well in years. My mind actually “shut up”. 🤣, But Agreed with All in this Dumpster Fire. Very Best, Ed

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The medical community is merely the latest”institution” to fail. Can they be the ones to show the way to “institutional rehab?” Doubtful. I have seen as much cowardice and groupthink out of this hive as in our FBI, IRS, CIA, DOD..... as nauseum. WTF has this country turned into?

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A herd of sheep corralled by an enclave of progressives (socialists). This has been the predicted end of democratic governance--active interest in government replaced by abject apathy fueled by hedonism, a common character trait of primates.

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Michael, I am copying that statement and saving it for use elsewhere. So many issues it explains! Probably won't give you credit either.

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And just think, if the medical establishment would not have banned off-label use of existing meds, a good portion of those cases would not have occurred....

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I honestly think and hope time will allow the wall that has been constructed by the government medical establishment block by block be torn down. This article is an example that it is happening. As I read this post I couldn’t help but think of the Veritas videos of Dr. Jordan Walker speaking about their knowing of the harms to women’s menstrual cycles and the connection to the effects on the hypothalamus. These facts will continue to be exposed and I believe will all be connected until the facts crumble the establishments house of cards.


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It is not hope that will get the job done, it is simply we the people who must do the job.

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

It is time for human child civilization to grow up. Cannot rely on mommy daddy sociopath parents any more.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

The so-called "gatekeepers" of science and medicine knew very well what they were doing from the get-go, and deserve to be permanently removed from their roles/goals. When someone fulfills their role so ineptly, the appropriate response is to fire/ignore them and allow them to experience what it takes to find a productive role in society. Meanwhile, many have already found exceptional new gatekeepers that are trustworthy, dependable, admirable, more knowledgeable and far wiser than the old guard. In my book, those have included this substack, the Brownstone Institute, Cole Diagnostics, pierrekory.substack.com, Truth for Health Foundation, aflds.org, World Council for Health, an ND who does live blood analysis, and many more. Finding those new gatekeepers has been part of the truly great "reset".

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the nurses at death hospitals got a few extra k per week to help the kill production line. And doctors were paid even more per "covid death".

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That was a truly awful low point for our society. Those hospitals and the so-called drs/nurses who participated also deserve to be fired/ignored. It's possible to get far better medical advice than they have offered even in the best of times. I also want to acknowledge the highly ethical MDs and nurses who are struggling to stay within mainstream hospitals and clinics and are providing excellent care for the patients they treat. What we need is completely new highly ethical medical leadership at all levels, that employs and supports only the highly ethical health professionals who have outstanding training from a variety of programs. We can start by supporting only the professionals who will belong in that system.

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Child civilizations rely on experts like doctors and nurses for health care. More mature civilizations rely on their own gardens and healing methods for health care.

While I suspect there will be a transition period of expert and skill healers, that is only a transition period. Eventually people will be called on to finally grow up and take care of themselves, the way they take care of wiping their arse instead of relying on the state authorities.

Take for example prodentim product for the mouth biome, Ayurvedic science, or essential oils. They are not all modern nor are they completely ancient herbal remedies. What we have access to now is a fusion of some of the best of both worlds. But it requires people to take charge of their own life and become self responsible. And not offshore their problems unto other people or nations.

Will their health go up or down as a result? It will go up the more they focus on becoming self responsible. Thta was the lesson of mrna 2021

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Ymarsakar, as you know there are many more areas of healing to incorporate! This list is long and interesting. Massage, acupuncture, sound, herbal specialists, homeopathic use and more. Taking responsibility takes lots of time and learning. Maybe this time will encourage (courage) people to dig in. Do you know of Dannion Brinkley?

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Yes I have heard his near death experience and some of his podcasts with, David Wilcock or Corey Goode.

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He talks about the crisis of healthcare that he was shown on the other side, as well as chip implantation. Box 12 is a good one, in his first book.

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Dare I say that for too many the understanding and the will to do this are not within reach because that world does not exist in their memory. Depending upon your age, perhaps you remember the frugal grandmother that save every glass jar, darned holes in socks, made and mended their clothes and quilts or perhaps the great grandfather that sharpened gardening tools every winter, raised and sold hunting dogs, built lean-tos for the chickens and goats, kept the wood pile full….and children that were taught to hunt and fish…

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In the old days to get herbal extracts, one had to collect and distill them almost by themselves. Now we just order on a website pLant therapy and it arrives like magick in a few days.

The fact that much of the ancient knowledge is lost or no longer applies, is not an excuse these days.

For a more concrete example, I recommend Rosenberg's The Breaking Dawn book. Free on amazon for kindle unlimited. It describes the transition quite well.

But you and I likely have two dramatically different paradigms at work.

My paradigm consists of the natural and the super natural, such as Heiser's Unseen Realm and spiritual technology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABm5wqG9q78

What you are referring to is the material world alone. The gap requires a transition period.

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There is some wisdom in this perspective, but it may be a while before we are advanced enough to understand without any training how to avoid all accidents that break a bone or how to heal the bone expertly if it is broken. Even the most advanced societies to date have included very impressive healers. We earn them by appreciating what they contribute while we also taking good care of ourselves.

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That is what a transition period would be for.

There are not enough healers, me included, for 8 billion humans. NOt even 4 or 3.

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deletedMar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023
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That's the thing. I don't understand why they didn't "link hands". There's power in numbers. Just as we need to "link hands" in order to rebel against all of the evil confronting us.

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I think most rejected their gut reaction in favor of a paycheck. I hope that most of them now realized they too will be going down with the ship. They have to live and die with that choice.

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They did "link hands".... remember Front Line Doctors? or the Barrington Declaration?

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I commend those doctors for their brave actions, of course. But in my opinion such "limited linking" cannot turn the tide. Every doctor within a medical network must link hands within that network and refuse to obey the unethical dictates from above. And so on.

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Some received 10K a week.

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Another stack you may already be following is A Midwestern Doctor. I highly recommended! We are finding the TRUTH. I don’t know how long it’s going to take but brick by brick the facade is crumbling. I can’t tell you how many times on Twitter I have read something along the terms of, “I just woke up and am so scared.” Luckily the Twitter crowd has been overall very supportive and not the I told you so crowd. We are past that. I can’t be angry at people that fell for the biggest psyop in recent history. I can’t figure out how or why a person would because I sure didn’t. I went so far as to read Mattis Desmets book, and still didn’t gain insight into it. I just feel sorry for them now.

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The Midwestern Doctor is right on!

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“If the neurological examination is not searching for these features, the diagnosis will be missed”. Espey

I was taught there is a reason We take 1-2 hours of physical examination with an individual to get it correct. We called our clinic “the dumping grounds” because We took all the patients that others did not have time for. Gawd, those were some long days. Ed

Edit - And Yes, I did sleep in a walkin closet and shower at the clinic. There is a reason I insisted we have a shower in the clinic I designed.🏴‍☠️🤣💥

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And today, under Medicare, I don't go to the doctor for an annual "physical examination" any more. I go to a Physician's Assistant for a 20-minute (at the most) "wellness check".

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That is mainly asking questions to fill in the dots for meaningful use in the EHR which the government requires if the docs are to get their yearly carrot check from them. I do not go to the doctor at all anymore.

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Because of my background, I can tell if something is going sideways. The “healthcare providers” of today, not all, are lost. It was not great in the 90’s. It has progressively disintegrated. I almost assaulted a “doctor” over my Mother’s healthcare…I might have been in the “I’m beyond pissed off” zone.

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✋️ I believe there is something to this. I compare me and my father. I have natural immunity. The nucleocapsid protein protected my brain I think (no BBB cross.) My father was vaxxed without my permission and so his spike proteins went in and completely destroyed his engineer brain

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Also FYI, he NEVER "tested positive" the ENTIRE time except for about two weeks before his murder I was told the entire facility went into 10 day quarantine. He sounded strong to me 4 days before his death. I never believed the tests

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So sorry this happened to your father. I got out of the medical system when I saw what happened to my father and mother. Both were destroyed by treatments that were wrong before we had the Covid vaxxes.

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I'm glad you used the word "murder". I would also add the adjective "premeditated".

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The tests are contaminated to spread nano tech. At least the first nostril penetrators were. I don't know about the later variations.

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About these swabs: two docs in the Bay area, when the swabs were first available, randomly tested hundreds of people with no symptoms that turned out positive. That led me to believe the swabs were only capable of finding recent episodes of a cold or flu. Then I read the Covid vector was never isolated and also read the PCR test was not capable of finding Covid. I had one shoved up my nose this time last year when I was in the hospital for a short time - it was disgusting. I would not put it passed the degenerate medical field to actually use this test to make people sick, that is how low my trust has gotten.

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Can you tell me the rationale for recommending a yearly "booster"? This is being promoted by the administration Surgeon General. Besides the shots devastating effects, they already know the "protection" is short-lived. The insanity just doesn't stop!

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To keep the cash flowing until it runs out.

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DD, I think it’s because the fda, cdc, big Pharma triad decided to “protect” themselves. (And make $ too!). This is how they gaslight the herd by distancing themselves from the FACT that they’ve caused irreparable harm to the population.

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I can. This mrna is the beginning of transhumanism via borg nano technology. The human immune system fights back against the nano tech, as it is foreign dna and material, so they need to reduce your immune system before transplantation (of organs), and they also need to get people used to covid passes, waxxine passes, digital cash/id, and yearly gene therapy.

The end result is basically a matrix of former human current cyborg slaves, used as batteries and distributed computer networks. Transhuman=no longer human.

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I'm not sure what you mean by "transplantation of organs". Aren't pretty much all organs corrupted by spike protein after vaccination? Who would benefit from such a transplanted organ?

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The transplanters.

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Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 30, 2023

OK, yes. The thing I hate most about trying to understand what's going on and where it's all headed is that you have to constantly think like a criminal.

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Right? Advantage, criminals. World turned upside down.

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The boasters provide pharma $$ but also to hospitals, docs, nurses for the ‘treatment’ of all the adverse reactions; maintain the illusion of gene injection worthiness; plus, the big one, making sure enough doses hit the fertility organs to further reduce the population.

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Mar 28, 2023·edited Mar 28, 2023

FND is the latest instance... but there is no effective feedback system within the medical system, nor has there been for decades. No effective feedback from patients, certainly. Possibly there has never been.

Consider the 'official' dietary guidelines. Diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome - surely, the American diet must bear responsibility, right? And yet, nothing ever changes within the medical hierarchy. I once asked a cardiologist which diet(s) worked best for averting future cardiac problems. "I'm agnostic on that," he told me.

Agnostic? I mean, really? NO effect, whatsoever?

I pressed him repeatedly, still no answer.

Good grief. Individuals are taking it upon themselves to solve what the medical system refuses to. Take a good look at the grocery shelves. More and more of us are taking charge, devising your own diet is easier than it ever was.

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Given you can no longer believe anything "they" say about pretty much anything, what other choice is left?

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Many medical doctors will not talk about Long Covid or possible vaccine injury as a result of their employers. This is a huge problem for those suffering and want help. A dear family friend is suffering after two bouts of Covid and three vax doses. She has many neurological issues, fatigue, tinnitus, BP issues, and insomnia, etc. The medical community at a very prestigious northeast hospital do not communicate with each other, they keep sending her for more tests, repeat tests, and make her wait weeks or months for follow-up appts. No diagnosis after a year of this. Not to mention her insurance and savings is being devoured. She is so disheartened and is ready to give up. I am hoping she will see Dr. Pierre Kory as I know he is one of the best in this field. God help us.

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I am very sorry to hear about your friend being gas lighted. The medical community as a whole has a hard time recognizing iatrogenic issues wether from this particular injection or any other injection or medication. I do hope you persist in pointing her to Dr Kory and have her read FLCCC guidelines. I also receive almost daily short writings from Dr McCullough.

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I have had problems with neurologists before since I have been suffering for many, many years with RLS. I have found most neurologists are arrogant, self centered, common sense lacking jerks. Truly, I have not met one neurologist I like or trust. I am sure they are out there some where. I finally went to a naturopath and found relief.

My heart goes out to the vaccine injured in trying to work with these....people. Neuro issues are so hard to deal with. BTW, I have been a med tech for going on 30 years so I know hell of a lot about medicine and also how little some doctors actually know especially when it comes to lab tests and interpretation of results. I have been speaking out from the very beginning about this plandemic, the uselessness of masks, bad vaccines and how it is a grab on power and not a pandemic. Needless to say,. no jab for me and mine ever.

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Funny you saying that. Was a public health bacteriologist many many years ago. We had forms for docs to fill out when submitting specimens for testing. Seems never the right boxes for them there so they wrote (scribbled) in their wants. We then would have to have a lab meeting to decipher what is was that wanted. Always wondered if we guessed right

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