Wow. So this is how the puppeteers control our lives. Amazing and brilliant! Thank you for this. And now, how can this be untangled to restore local autonomy?

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It must be the universe because I had a podcast this Sunday talking about this very same topic: how the banks ultimately control our livelihood!

How can we untangle this you ask? Ultimately it starts with freeing our individual selves from the control of the banks. Debt and loans are the biggest chains holding us captive and when we can eliminate them from our lives and communities, we start the process on untanglement:


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By reminding everyone you come in contact with it's the game being played on us.

The financial predators control the sources of their prey. And rob from our abundance.

The Hierarchy is illusive, cunning, and pull the strings of the hungriest of puppets.

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Our family uses credit unions, not banks.

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In the USSA, the so-called "Federal Reserve" is a MONOPOLY of PRIVATE (regional) BANKERS created in 1913 by "DEMOCRAT" president - Woodrow Wilson - and his (then) MAJORITY in the House and Senate, who CREATE FIAT PAPER "money" and de facto CONTROL the ENTIRE ECONOMY of ALL 50 states; and the LIVES of every American citizen.

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I marvel at the number of people now-a-days who it apparently never occurs to, to get their "stuff" paid for, the American gov't included. This problem seems to be growing at an exponential pace lately.

A saying I have been spouting for many years is: There's a reason why bankers drive Cadillacs and most of the rest of us drive Chevies, bankers collect interest, most of the rest of us pay it.

Albert Einstein is said to have called "the power of compound interest the most powerful force in the universe."

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I have wondered if there might be benefit to grassroots activism vs. WEF partners. Many corporate names on the WEF roster are unfamiliar, but some are immediately recognizable brands.

Recently there was some discussion in this comments section that touched on Tyson Foods and use of insect-based ingredients. I noted that in early 2023 I had seen Tyson listed as a partner on the WEF website, but that they are no longer.


Could it be that Tyson is embarrassed by such partnership for the same reasons the WEF has tasked itself with "Rebuilding Trust?" I can only speculate.

What if Toyota or Honda grew concerned that their customer base was growing disconcerted about creeping WEF and globalist tyranny? Might they distance themselves from the association? Might receding partners weaken the globalist paradigm?

What if hundreds of people started writing and calling The Coca Cola Company and explaining why they were switching to Dr. Pepper? Might that drive a change in corporate behavior and WEF partnership? Like many movements, it would have to begin small, but such is true for all great movements.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

If you look who owns Dr.Pepper, Coca Cola won't be concerned. They have manufacturing rights outside of the U.S.A. These corps. are integrated and tangled and aren't easily separated as you know.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

You are right, of course, it is quite a tangle. And you read my mind; I glanced at Keurig-Dr Pepper, JAB Holdings, and Mondelez International to see if they were listed as WEF partners. They aren't, but that doesn't necessarily mean Dr Pepper is free from the same malign influences. The meaningful goal would be to apply negative pressure to corporate partners complicit in changing our way of life without our permission.

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Thank you for the direct link to WEF partners.

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Ironic how just yesterday the Supreme Court in its cowardly way sided with the state to allow continued government censorship by intimidation and coercion of social media. To hell with the first amendment. Honestly if Trump is ever able to pull this off I hope he pushes for the resignation of Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh. We have no time or space for cowardice SCJustices as they just demolish the bedrock principle of American freedom. They should be removed.

Like the government coercion that has infected America in what we can say, what we can think and how the government has stopped protests by infiltrating and jailing participants, the global governance organizations are trying to crush any government that desires its independence from this cabal of global elites.

It seems as a show of power they have and will continue this war in Ukraine against Russia because Russia will not go along with this one world governance and all of their perverse policies. If Biden wins a second term I believe this globalist mindset may continue to the point where there can be no dissent or independent states. Any opposition will be total isolation or eventually a declaration of war will be placed on them, really what’s the difference?

I can remember years back I bought a piece of property out in the very rural central part of the state and developed it with no overbearing controls from the local or state authorities. I didn’t realize it then but now I see the freedom of having a parcel of land to do with it what you like without being harassed, it’s freedom. I ended up building a house and selling it with minor permitting and inspections, which was acceptable. Today the state has made it nearly impossible to develop a “buildable house lot”. The state has the attitude they own every tree rock and plant on your “private property”. A microcosm of this new world order. J.Goodrich

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I sincerely hope that some day the disgusting concept of "standing" is relegated to the trash bin of really bad ideas

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Yes , if you are alive you have “STANDING” !……..

How is it the plaintiffs weren’t “injured” ?!!!…..The citizens (human species) were injured, silenced, injected, damaged, and

Genetically Modified !!!

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Mark Levin opined on this cop out. He sees Barr9ett as joining the 3 Uber liberals. He feels the case itself is a black and white matter - there is no question the case is valid and should be supported

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I guess we are to only see or read whatever it is the government deems ok. Freedom of speech and freedom of expression, because of these cowards in black robes, is now over. Home of the free is now home of the coerced.

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Not if we urge more response from our state govs. Some state AGs and even legs are easing towards totally ignoring patently unconstitutional decisions from fed courts and agencies and if they can be assured of backing from the voters maybe more can be accomplished by reinvigorating the languishing 10th

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"Languishing" 10th? Make that ENTOMBED!

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Not entirely.

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Your points are well taken.

I would suggest however that it's a matter of whether the Democrat candidate is elected. Obama just had a meeting with Biden. Mrs Clinton is reemerging. Possibilies beyond Biden are behind the curtain

Robert's (IMO) has been grooming ACB to become a faithful enabler. First her highly praised Opinion on a 9 to 0 case. Then the next Opinion on a noncontroversial case. Now her cop-out. Robert's has some Globalist friends. Unfortunately ACB and K seem to be grateful followers.The encouraging news is AG Bailey announced he will be picking up the pieces, adding fuel and further pursuing it.

I'm very concerned about Chevron. They have already issued an opinion supporting an ALJ ruling denying entry into the US on what I consider weak analyses. There was no appeal available

Dr Malone's sharing of the facts of these matters is outstanding and impressive! What a road he's traveled since 2019. I'm looking forward to his next analysis of more on this story!

I'm very concerned the Chevron matter will follow this down the toilet.

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I agree with you Jean, believe me, I by no means support everything Trump says and does. But I would rather him take another shot at picking a SCJ over Hillary or JB. I think Trump has learned by his bad personnel picks how constitutionally important these decisions are. As he’s learned we should learn also it is going to be mostly up to us to persist if these structural problems are to be fixed. The SC isn’t going to fix it!!!

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Where I live the city doesn’t want any individually occupied properties. They are into so called “smart growrh” which, among other things, means high rises along transportation corridors and getting people crammed in like sardines in residential areas by use of ADU’s (Accessory Dwelling Units). Picture a house with little separate dwellings, all on the same lot. The homeless get put in “tiny houses.” Same difference.

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Similar policy here where single family dwellings with a singular private yard (property) is not being approved. To me it’s a war on Americana and the family. Where I grew up one of the comforting feelings was knowing that’s the Smith’s house, that’s the Carlin’s house, that’s the Goodrich’s house. When people moved I actually would feel a loss that I no longer knew who lived in that house, we were similar, we were neighbors.

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One of our local politicians opined, several years ago now, that it was a matter of forging votes. With apartment complexes, high rises and 15 minute cities voting can be beneficially impacted. Illegal aliens can be accommodated. Global goals can be forged.

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In a different look, can we keep everyone in a single dwelling? The loss of habitat due to excessive building of large developers has also impacted farm land buyouts. Balance is key and money is king.

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I think we need both. Being a builder/contractor I’m honestly biased…😬 I do hate to see farms turn into neighborhoods though!!

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"..if Trump is ever able to pull this off I hope he pushes for the resignation of Roberts, Barrett and Kavanaugh. We have no time or space for cowardice SCJustices. They should be removed..."

Yeah right, Captain warp speed is going to be your saviour. LMAO


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Funny how all the conservative pundits were wetting their pants over the prospect of a female conservative appointment, i.e., Barrett. Another reason to be careful what you wish for. No more ivies is what I wish for

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No Biden is much better LMAO

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

Shatter the swarm: https://youtu.be/8QhlfYaFxBI

The medical profession are their foot soldiers. They are inherently corrupt. Throughout history they have always shunned, hidden and propagandised against natural, safe, effective remedies. They rely on their masters (Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs etc) to shut down people like me and make sure we are censored.


* If everyone took 5,000 i.u.'s of vitamin d per day we could get rid of 95% of doctors. Don't believe me? Search for vitamin d deficiency + the disease of your choice + pubmed

The medical profession is lying to us. https://www.seignalet-plus.com/recipes/the-medical-profession-is-lying-to-us/

*In 1850, French doctor Anselm Blanc put everything into remission with cabbage leaf wraps, including gangrene, cured in a few days.

See me putting months long, painful semi paralysis of the arm after the jab into remission:


Here is my translation of Dr. Blanc's book:


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Love the “Swarm”.

In “Prey”, Michael Crichton details how swarming is a self-organizing emergent property and programmed into nanobots which become Frankensteinian. With no emergency brake - Which people with souls call God.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

*In the 1950's Dr. Klenner put Polio into remission in days with vitamin c. Thanks to Klenner we know that high dose vitamin c puts any viral disease into remission fast! A fact that has been ruthlessly suppressed by the medical mafia.


Here is the CEO of youtube boasting about how she took down a million (!) videos about vitamin c.


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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

* Here is Dr. Cheney's 1952 paper on how he put stomach ulcer into remission with cabbage juice in 10 days or less:


*In the 1970's, French professor of medicine put 95 chronic, so called "incurable" diseases into remission with a diet which heals the gut.


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Over the last four years or so, I've written many letters/messages/posts to elected officials; met and/or been close enough to touch several congressional reps and senators; made many phone calls and (modest) political contributions; and tuned in for many congressional committee hearings, press conferences, floor votes, and arguments on the floor. And after all of it, I'm convinced that the folks who follow Dr. Robert Malone are running way ahead of most in Congress on topics such as those covered in this article.

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Such a nice complement! God Bless you. It’s so refreshing to find many of us here are indeed awake Thank you 🙏🏻💯

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Yep !.. It is MUSSOLINI ‘s ideas ON STEROIDS !!!!!


The so called “Partnership” is a Euphemism… !!!……sounds like “togetherness”…. How quaint .

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Chris Parkinson- The medical professional foot soldiers are not “inherently” corrupt, but are corruptible (human) and coerced & threatened& controlled.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 27

No. Sorry. All their protocols are junk. I just gave a few examples. I could give many more.

Nsaids, corticosteroids, statins, vaccines, antibiotics, etc.etc. All junk. How they can look themselves in the mirror is beyond me.

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So you’re an MD ? Or know more than those who have 7-15 years of post college education and specialization and have not been bought……. The corruption of science & medicine (by Pharma) was recognized in 2000 and earlier (by the Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine)….. She quit & wrote a book about it….. Unfortunately the Pharma Corps got better & better at espionage/ secrecy / faking research results (by hiring researchers from FDA) Until they got over-confident & over-greedy for political POWER as well as money and joined their corporate forces w/ govt ( CDC,NIH, Fauci, Biden,etc.) …….and THEN the virus escaped earlier than planned……. before a good vaccine could be made….. So they felt the immediate need (opportunity) was in front of them to “Warp Speed” a vaccine to get rich and grab political power………. But having failed on the first SRV- vaccines in 2004 ++ …. They thought they were close (they were OVER-confident) and thought their new COVID-19 “Emergency” vaccine would work….. It KILLED instead; just like the first ones. (Due to Antibody Enhancement - newly discovered)……. So the Criminals continued anyway and theFiasco- Crime was carried out and assisted by the purchased Media & White House Twitter campaign of propaganda & censorship culture against the true heroes of Medicine who stood up to DELIVER….. And along came Elon Musk thank god ! WHO bought Twitter and exposed their political censorship cooperative (with Biden, Facebook and Mr Vaccine himself Bill Gates……)……

The rest is documented history but still only partially exposed..!!!!……. Time & TRUTH will prevail…..

The supreme court, unable to to recognize the crimes against humanity (6 to 3) just used the “STANDING” smoke screen verbal technicality to hide behind!!!!!

If you are human and vertical (alive & standing) you have ETHICAL STANDING to sue the government and Courts to get humane justice…… I think the Supreme Court was played & responded…….

If we dont’t get the right back to be UNCENSORED by a reversal of this “standing” issue we have indeed lost our Freedom & Justice !!!!

Dr Del

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"So you're an MD?" No! What are my medical qualifications? I didn't get the jab, I don't have cancer or myocarditis, I don't have Guillain Barre syndrome etc.etc.etc.

So it seems like I know something the MD's don't!

"....The corruption of science & medicine (by Pharma) was recognized in 2000 and earlier (by the Editor of The New England Journal of Medicine)..."

Yawn. Pharma IS your medicine. The Rockefellers, Goldman Sachs and now Gates own the franchise and you are the franchisees.

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Chris, it seems that your comments don't allow for the uncorrupted to have a place. Lumping together ALL M.D.s don't give credence to "A Midwestern Doctor and team, Zach Bush M.D. and many others. If you cut off your leg, where will you go?

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WOW, outstanding quote by Edward Dowd to open this article. It basically explains the nonsense going on, the globalist web that protects itself. A weak point must be found to start its demolition.

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Thanks to Dr. Malone and all those who shared their information on the medical industrial complex and big corp. The lies, the deceit, and the lust for profit at the expense of human life and suffering. We have been "played" so long by so many that is has become accepted as normal. Now it all makes sense.


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Same as the old boss?

We don't get fooled again!!! No No.....


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Really beyond words good piece of analysis and articulation. I saw this, but did not understand it at the time in the late 1970s when I was at GE. The global sales team believed they could bring democracy to emerging nations by bringing business ethics with them. They believed they were proselytizing the Golden Rule. How naive and full of hubris this perspective! I had collected donations for UNICEF when I was 8yrs old. It took a long time till it was obvious the US was simply den of thieves working in hand with US corporate and political interests to foster many self-interests. This piece is succinct in its condemnation of the people who have long populated these fraudulent organizations. Thank you

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The puppet masters represent satan..who in the end, is always defeated. Thank God.

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When Congress approved the legislation that corporations have the same rights as the citizens of the USA, they solidified the 3GP concept. The power shift was now completed!

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So what do we do about this, because we need to get started! I'm thinking development of a parallel system that will be the model we use when their system starts to crumble. Individually many of us are already working on this with the purchasing and lifestyle changes we've already made. It takes some effort though, and a big change in habits, so it's hard to get others to see the light and join us.

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Thank you for this Dr. Malone. Knowing ones enemy is essential to effectively opposing and defeating them. Seeing pieces of the whole is one thing but having someone so competently put them together and provide a clear picture of what nefarious no-good these arrogant godless corrupt humans are up to is absolutely priceless. The good news is that they will fail as they do at most things by virtue of their arrogance, incompetence and corruption. We need to defend our Constitutional Republic, shun and discard those who are not and never, ever lose sight of who has and intends to continue to harm us all.

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That is a great summary how, "As The World Turns" from Edward Dowd.

(A daytime TV Series 1956–2010 of notable fame about The American soap opera characters

storylines of families headed by legal and medical professionals.)


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Some of the usual suspects mentioned by Dr. Malone in this initial expose on WHO the hell is BEHIND this international coup of humanity in the name of DEI, ESG and the common good - include former president - Jimmy Carter - (and) - Zbigniew Brzezinski (and David Rockefeller) all "COUNCIL on FOREIGN RELATIONS" members - as well as FOUNDERS of the "Trilateral Commission" - yet another globalist bunch of power-mad-control-freaks and self styled "intellectuals" who have REALLY SCREWED UP THE ENTIRE PLANET in the IMBECILIC Marxist quest to institute absolute equality of OUTCOME - which is an absolute IMPOSSIBILITY - ALWAYS just around the corner - via ever MORE government control of the means of production.

This is a continuation of a centuries old shell-game that has NO end WHATSOEVER- which is WHY the "Collective" Left milk it for all its worth - BY THEM - for THEIR benefit!

Also, it is GENERATIONAL, for example MIKA BRZEZINSKI - the talking head at MSNBC is Zbigniew's daughter - who like her dad has NEVER actually performed productive WORK.

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Productivity is contra- parasitic.

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What REALLY aggravates is that the (able bodied) non-productive (international) "parasite class" somehow believe they are "entitled" to live the life of luxurious leisure - totally removed and 'above' the crass notion of actually doing productive WORK.

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