Given the accumulating evidence that all these bloody vaccines are playing havoc with the development and maintenance of a healthy immune system this obstinate insisting on vaccine development rather than on new anti-viral compounds is at best idiotic and at worst genocidal.

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When military and intelligence provide funding for GOF, make no mistake, it’s about developing a weapon.

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They don't see it that way! Their agenda is to create RNA injections to save lives supposedly, and the collateral damage along the way is a necessary evil. It is out of control.

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Perhaps they DO see it that way, but are unwilling to say so.

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Money and power

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genocidal is part of the plan, the leftist vermin believe their are to many peasants on the planet, and if they cant lynch babies in the womb, or mutilate the sex organs of the children that escape the lynching, they will promote giving a dna altering drug to as many young people as possible, who have a fraction of the risk, that every one else has, for a manufactured disease

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Not convinced yet. Suspect more a matter of greed by sociopaths

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J Peterson, pointed this out.

When sociopaths in the population get over 5 percent, they start destroying the population.

In the past, it was locally controlled, the sociopaths got the crap beat out of them, or killed, till the problem got back to one percent of the population'

Bravery of the internet stopped that.

Today, democrats elect them, promote them, and cheer them on,

I suspect rabies, a different kind, and instead of hydrophobic, these vermin are responsibility phobic, and blame everyone else.

And the specials feel that we have to many people using "their" resources

The soviets purposefully starved the Ukrainians, because they had to many independent peasants', and took all their resources,

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Gain of function research must stop. It is criminal to design viruses that are more transmissible to humans and more virulent for any reason. These mad “scientists” will eventually design something that wipes out the human population.

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May 21·edited May 21

And if it doesn't finish us off, the WHO response surely will.

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May 22Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gain of function research is not likely to stop simply because gain-of-function is closely tied to gain-of-funding.

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These organizations keep playing with fire knowing that mankind is at stake. It’s obvious after looking back at Covid they have learned nothing as to actually helping infected people, which I believe is not their goal. Their goal is to strike fear into the populations to control us and extract all things of value from us. Between the governments and these massive drug corporations along with this police state they have created, there will surely be an attempt to encamp people like myself that will never comply to their treason and tyranny. Years back the American government fenced in massive areas of land with the idea someday people would be forced into these “camps”. Just look back at Governor Hochul in New York who recently tried to segregate unvaxed people from society. This I believe is the ultimate preferred result the globalists are intending for us. Of coarse for them it will be private jets, filet mignon smothered in lobsters, caviar and third world slaves working their plantations. Here’s a very sad futuristic look at Big Pharma in America. https://youtu.be/Lxw6fqew7Uw?si=opUAui8mbGgn69O0 J.Goodrich

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I looked at just a few minutes, and do not believe that our inherent, God-given wisdom and spirit can be annihilated. Short-circuited, damaged and misled for sure, but as long as we have a soul, (and I believe everybody does, even the most deranged) there can be a flash of Light. Look what happened to Dannion Brinkley! He was a mercenary in the Marines and got a huge wake-up call.

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It’s a sci-fi clip but much of it is here already. Big Pharma has convinced billions of people that a pill can fix everything. It seems nearly 70% of commercials are pills that cure everything, just try not to pay attentions to the side effects…

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I agree on the convincing, but there have always been and still are, people whose bent is towards natural medicine. Sometimes it takes some terrible side-effect or death or injury to get hip to the dangers, but as long as there are people who are in tune with nature there is always the possibility of turn around.

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Thank God for people that question pharma!!! I’m a great example at least with pills and doctors, wisdom comes with age….

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Not all elderly are wise...

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Don’t I know it, I live in Massachusetts!!!!!

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absolutely, modern med has allowed way to many brain dead idiots to survive to old age, and they tend to vote democrat

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Democrats, and other leftist vermin, just want more people to die.

Too many peasants on the planet, you know, using the "specials" precious resources

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Funny all of the hotels here in Dedham Ma. Are filled to the brim of illegals that just months ago weren’t using AC, stoves electric transportation cable tv, cell phones etc. Now they all sit around all day in the air conditioning, laze around the indoor heated pools, get free room service, have food delivered for free, and just for fun many go across the street to the legacy place mall or CVS and shop lift whatever their little heart desires. Isn’t this adding to the global warming epidemic, adding 20-30 million people burning carbon to stay cool, stay warm, clothing, cell phones, cars, fuel. Wasn’t the earth so much better off when these people were living a zero carbon lives?

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damn good point that leftist vermin will never understand

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May 21·edited May 21

THE WUHAN COVER-UP by RFK opens with a history of biological warfare. It’s the best exposé I’ve ever read and has 100 pages of documented evidence. On a related note, David Martin’s brief presentation re: coronavirus patents is definitely a must-watch: https://t.co/6s31ZpwEUP.

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There is no evidence that gain of function will be stopped. The Bio warfare concept is to stay one step ahead of the enemy and create a bio weapon and have a antidote ready..ie a vaccine to counter act the gain of function bio weapon. Covid was just that exercise. Dr. Angell was the Chief Editor for NEJM for about 20 years. She resigned because she could no longer be part of the manipulation of medical science to produce drugs/vaccines for consumption by patients that are harmful. She wrote the book: The Truth About the Drug Companies. Had no impact on how drug development works. Today, Avian Bird Flu is being hyped as to the grave potential danger to humans. Developing the fear factor is on going. A Senior NEJM physician Dr. Baden is warning of the coming avian flu crisis. He claims no vested interests, but his work history and associations tells the story.


Dr. Baden reports grants from Ragon Institute, grants from NIH/NIAID, grants from Gates Foundation, grants from the Wellcome Trust outside the submitted work; and Dr. Baden is a Deputy Editor at the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Baden is involved in HIV and COVID vaccine clinical trials conducted in collaboration with the NIH, HIV Vaccine Trials Network (HVTN), COVID Vaccine Prevention Network (CoVPN), International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI), Crucell/Janssen, Moderna, Military HIV Research Program (MHRP), Gates Foundation, and the Ragon Institute. Dr. Baden is Chair of the AntiMicrobial Drug Advisory Committee (AMDAC), FDA.

The CDC is active and is stepping up the monitoring the presence of the avian flu in waste water.

Texas reports one case of bird flu jumped to a human. There are reports that the Avian Flu virus escaped from China's biolab years ago. The US chicken farmers have destroyed millions and millions of chickens because of avian flu being rampant in the flocks. Changing the way the chickens are raised can eliminate the problem. The push to create fear and inject just goes on at warp speed.

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So we must assume that the premise for pushing GOF research is a sham for the real agenda one of making big Pharma investors rich, and creating problems to mitigate that create fear to manipulate and control as history bares out. If it happens again serves us right for allowing ourselves to be played

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Maybe I'm being foolish, but I refuse to live in fear. Stress isn't good for our immune systems or our peace. I was given what I was required as child, which wasn't a lot back then, and then the military jabs before they started using soldiers as the guinea pigs for the 'anthrax' jab. I don't bother with the flu shots, either. My dad gets the flu EVERY year, even with the flu shots... so, no thanks.

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Twain got it right--no amount of evidence can convince an idiot. We know this kind of research has been going on for decades by the military in our country and probably in all others, which complicates the question of how to prevent humans from engineering their own extinction using GOF rationales. Also, on the civilian side, we have learned from "the covid years" that the incompetence, bad faith, and reckless disregard for safety of way too many federal and state agencies was and is appalling (FDA, Ag, CDC, HHS, et al)--with politicians muddying the water further with their edicts. At a minimum the issue needs to be named and identified, then given greater priority in all governments--how we get there is a conundrum. First, maybe, identify the issue as a pressing one, then brainstorm and try ways to manage, control, and direct the risks? Oh wait--first it will be necessary to convince countries and individual entrepreneurs that the risks outweigh the benefits of using these powerful agents for their own gain. Oy vey.

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Why do some people need power so much that they have to endanger the whole human race? Obviously, it's a rhetorical question.

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I don't believe there is a legitimate use for GOF research. It all sounds like justification for bioweapons research to me.

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Let's see. Which gov can kill the other gov's population first. Nah, of course not. Let all countries get together and promise one another that the bioweapons being produce are not really bioweapons for use on people. It's just the latest stage of peace through strength, like the atom bomb and nuclear arsenals - no one dares go first. There is another alternative and we lived through it.

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It is. Create a bio weapon and find the defense against it! RNA injection!

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Is GoF research real or is it a scheme? Why not just make poison, manufacture toxins, or is this a distinction without a difference? This is a serious question. Can anyone really make a ‘natural pathogen’ more of a threat to humans(globally) by diddling with proteins and sequences? Or is it a laundering scheme designed to build a global money sucking empire aimed at nothing more than fueling the fear porn industry and make certain people very rich in the process. Following up on a previous post, is it just an arm of Psychological BioTerrorism without intrinsic substance or value in any legitimate economic sense, per se? Don’t know just asking.

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Read the following budget report! 88 Billion allocated to bio weapon activities!


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Saw how real it is with wu flu. If I understand correctly they took a bug happily residing in bats and turned it into a human pathogen, though not nearly as nasty as advertised

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This is the question. Is that in fact what occurred? Was this really a virus or was it some kind of toxin? We were told initially it was zoonotic jump, then we found out about the furin cleavage, about the unusual sequence. What is true and what isn’t. Thus was never about the “virus”, if that’s what it was. It was always about the vaccine. I’m asking these questions because I no longer trust any of the narratives, some because of the source, others because I just don’t believe the entire truth is out there, not even close.

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Trust your eyes. They have electron micrographs of it, it is a virus. One that has obviously been messed with..and did not like it.

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Do you know exactly what you are looking at when you see an electron micrograph of a virus, any virus? I don’t, so I can’t possibly trust my eyes. I am left with narratives and what I’m told, which I have grown increasingly skeptical of. I’m not saying this isn’t a virus that was modified in a lab and deliberately or accidentally released. I’m just saying that I don’t know. In my opinion all this focus on the virus and GoF is a giant distraction, a limited hangout, diverting everyone’s gaze from where the spotlight and focus should be, which is on the vaccine. The vaccine may turn out to be the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. Compared to that, GoF research, per se, doesn’t even rise to the level of a jaywalking ticket. They do not want the truth about the vaccine to fulminate, at all costs.

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If wu flu had a 30% or so mortality rate you might be singing a different tune about g.o.f.

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I Think I remember Dr Malone stating that even level 4 labs can have an accidental leak. The fact that they are performing GoF is terrifying. Making a terrible pathogen only found in animals transferable to humans . Let’s see how many people we can kill. Oh wait, let’s make a vaccine that doesn’t work but kills. That way we can make lots of money.

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I think bureaucratic treachery and GoF word games sound so much more charming in an Australian accent. From Senator Gerard Rennick, hearing 2/14/24, posted on YouTube today.


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My impressions may be wrong, but I'm having problems with this seemingly sensible exchange and Australia's handling of the C19 pandemic.

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I just note parallels here with some our domestic committee exchanges. As bad as things have been here, I think Australians, from what I've gathered, have suffered a worse tyranny than the US has.

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I agree James, it’s still going on. I heard they arrested a priest for something he said about a month ago. We’re not to far behind, especially if Nov. 5th goes criminal.

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Ha ha ha.... My impression was, of all the questions the gentleman asked, she never answered even one.

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None the less, appearing responsive and ready to engage in a meaningful follow0up.

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Reminds me of circle back girl, Jen Psaki, of white house press room fame.

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Isn't it amazing Hippocrates is considered the Father of Medicine, but they don't emphasize nutrition in med school. Hippocrates said, "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." However, medical doctors and scientists don't study what he taught.. The right nutrition creates stronger immunity and contributes to good health! The medical profession doesn't put much emphasis on nutrition in med school. I spoke to a doctor who told me there was one class in nutrition, which was scheduled on Friday night at 6 P.M. The medical students were so tired by Friday night they couldn't attend. Many know the reason why nutrition isn't promoted.. Healthy people don't need doctors.

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At one point in the article, I was thinking, yeah that is useful information to discover how the virus evades the immune system, as well as other info. So, I guess that is a more benign form of GOF, as long as such research doesn't put humanity in danger. Recreating the 'Spanish flu' and tweaking H5N1 to make it pathogenic to humans is a recipe for disaster, human error will always lead to lab leaks. I think we are there. The vaccine panacea delusion is going to make a small group of people go beyond rich and will be used to make the rest of us walk the plank. Very sad to read of the young athlete, son of a New Zealand politician, unexpectedly die. It is a common occurrence among young male athletes in the last three years.

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No shortage of idiots in the world...

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