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I wonder if the people in these intelligence agencies took the poison and how they feel now? Everyone is a puppet until the puppet has no use; the perps become the victims. Hope they have figured this out by now

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It absolutely blows my mind. Very Bestest Friend (double board certified, fellowship trained) Badgered Me about the “vaccine”. He now has “problems”. You come near me with that, You are gonna get used to disappointment. I also have the utmost respect for Dr. Malone, Dr.JM and Ryan Cole, M.D. as well as others. Much Love and Hard Work My Friends, Ed

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You rarely hear from Cole anymore. Hope all is ok, though I understand he had to sign away his lab...I was very happy to hear of the upcoming "reunion" of the docs and scientists in August. And harking back to that cold January day on the Mall, I hope we all also can appreciate what was involved by the Canadians to wait in the middle of the -25F or more below night on a windy overpass just to wave at some trucks pulling their horn.

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I was there, in Ottawa,documenting the convoy. The media lied, made them out to be white hicks who hate dark people and authority. Could not be FURTHER from the truth. I saw all races, many Indians. I saw people bonding, helping each other. I witnessed the best of Canada and I witnessed its fall. I saw people trampled, gassed, clubbed, pushed, surrounded and arrested for standing up to the government, that's it, that's all they did, say no. Canada has fallen under liberal led tyranny.

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Funny how they co-opt the police - in every totalitarian state, the police are the enforcers. Good cops are on the side of the people. Good cops don't enforce unconstitutional diktats.

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Dr. Cole’s website is here: https://www.rcolemd.com/

He recently spoke at We the Patriots USA in Boise, ID: https://wethepatriotsusa.org/2023-ryan-cole/

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“Somehow I am gonna survive this mess”. Olav Zipser, Chronicles II. (Cool skydiving video and one of My Friends). 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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I figured it out. Ha! Stupid technology I too hope Ryan is “Okay”. I will fight for the Best and Ryan is One. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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This is a great question. I've been wondering for a while whether the three letter agencies were mandated to take the shot. Like the US Arny: many took it, some were discharged for refusing; end result: weaker armed forces. Did the same happen in the repressive apparatus? If not, we know why...

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The CDC, congress, employees of Pfizer, J&J, Chinese students and illegal immigrants were all exempted (and I think maybe the police were too).

That one point alone should have made people realise it was not a good idea to have them.

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I dont think those people took it at all.

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The issue is, what if Henry I Miller is another Phillip Cross? And if behind those names aren’t even real people but AI. That’s where this is going.

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Miller spent 15 years at the FDA as a front group or AI?

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