Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looks like the ballot box is an outdated device that has little relevance to modern power structures.

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many others are also coming to that conclusion

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The 5 Eyes cabal weakened Trump enough to allow the Chinese virus to give us Biden. Now we will have selections rather than elections, and the voting public will have no say in the matter.

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Not yet. Consider...they censure because they still fear us. They still fear our power in the voting booth. The day we need to really worry about is when they no longer feel the need to censure us.

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95% of the time the proverbial 'they' decide the choices that appear on your ballot. That has worked very well for as long as I am old. It just gives the voters the sense of a choice and the ability to feel 'behind' the person they voted for. The Tea Party was an outlier because, although not a majority, many of their candidates were the real deal.

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And the tea party is making a come back....if not in name certainly in the attitude of voters. "They" ripped their drawers with this china flu nonsense.

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In keeping with this thread, just saw that a black state rep from a heavily dem district in atlanta just declared she is switching parties...becoming a Republican. Declared not a political but a moral decision. Worm turning time you think????

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It's easy to get the details wrong when analyzing the 2020 election because of the myriad of "irregularities" that occurred. But when the breadth and depth of the facts are viewed in the lens of legality vs. illegality, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, the election was in fact stolen. Do you disagree with this? We were censored and it worked. We're a little more aware now, but the psy/ops and mechanisms of control are still in place. Democrats have been experts at cheating since at least 1960 when Mayor Daley tipped the scales for JFK in Chicago, not to mention Landslide Lyndon's 1948 "win". Barack Obama saw early on how technology has changed the landscape, and the prospects for our recovery are not good. Someone asked long ago, "What is truth?" Today's answer is, "Truth is what we say it is."

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

I've posted this before regarding elections.

Dominion Early History

Dominion Voting System Corp., was founded in Canada in 2002-2003 with an openly progressive mission – to develop electronic voting software which would not just process ballots, but also “mobilize voters” – a popular slogan of the Left.

It found almost no buyers, until Obama was elected in 2008. In 2009, New York ordered a few dozens of systems from it. In 2010, Obama’s DOJ (Holder – Mueller) took the EVS unit, purchased from Diebold, away from the market leader ES&S, and gave it to Dominion. This gift included the installed base of about 30% of the US electronic voting systems (EVS) market. Within two weeks, Dominion also acquired Sequoia, which was formally spun from Smartmatic, but ties between these two companies remained. Smartmatic is a UK based EVS vendor, whose software was used by Chavez to “win” the Venezuelan referendum in 2004. Smartmatic’s unit Sequoia faced troubles in the US. Those troubles quickly ended when its assets were purchased by Dominion.

Thus, the new Democratic party created a pocket pet corporation, gave it the lion share of the US electronic voting systems market. Dominion is ideologically aligned with the Democratic Party, owes it everything it has, dependent on it for most of its business, and needs it in power to avoid prosecution for corruption. Sounds like a conflict of interest.

Much more here with references: https://iowaclimate.org/2020/11/10/shocking-history-of-dominion-vot...

I might add that it was Dana Perino, former Bush 43 WH secretary, that said on Fox cable that Dominion should sue those like Lindell that were lying about it. Guess what? They did and the suits included Fox! The irony.

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But not Dana

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I watched Dana on TV in 2020 say it within the context of co hosts talking about the heat Dominion was getting. I cannot find that clip but she just flat out said I don't know why Dominion does not just file a lawsuit against Powell for defamation. Here is a video clip of her and Rove discussing.


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You omitted to say that landside lyndon tipped the scales here in Texas. And yea, I certainly agree the '20_election was purloined.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is a ritual used to enforce a myth, nothing more.

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I may borrow that one aldous, super cool!

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One should distinguish between the ballot box and voting machines.

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Missouri uses paper ballots and voter registration does not include party affiliation. The big ‘but’ is those paper ballots are run through ballot scanners to count votes. MO's law forbids public access to CVRs (cast vote records). I tried in Jan last year to get my county’s CVR for Lindell. CVR houses a county’s votes with each voter’s votes on a single line including how (in person, mail, etc) and who they voted for. The results can be downloaded in XML and JSON. There is NO voter information on them so no reason not to provide them. Last year AZ SOS would not even let the county election supervisors use them to audit county votes.

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Elon Musks needs to invent an app. Birth certificates are public record, it has to be possible. Even if only to have a cross comparison initially.

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The app would need only to demonstrate a higher level of security and identity verification than the mail in ballot system which is here to stay- at least in CA

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I wonder if the people in these intelligence agencies took the poison and how they feel now? Everyone is a puppet until the puppet has no use; the perps become the victims. Hope they have figured this out by now

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It absolutely blows my mind. Very Bestest Friend (double board certified, fellowship trained) Badgered Me about the “vaccine”. He now has “problems”. You come near me with that, You are gonna get used to disappointment. I also have the utmost respect for Dr. Malone, Dr.JM and Ryan Cole, M.D. as well as others. Much Love and Hard Work My Friends, Ed

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You rarely hear from Cole anymore. Hope all is ok, though I understand he had to sign away his lab...I was very happy to hear of the upcoming "reunion" of the docs and scientists in August. And harking back to that cold January day on the Mall, I hope we all also can appreciate what was involved by the Canadians to wait in the middle of the -25F or more below night on a windy overpass just to wave at some trucks pulling their horn.

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I was there, in Ottawa,documenting the convoy. The media lied, made them out to be white hicks who hate dark people and authority. Could not be FURTHER from the truth. I saw all races, many Indians. I saw people bonding, helping each other. I witnessed the best of Canada and I witnessed its fall. I saw people trampled, gassed, clubbed, pushed, surrounded and arrested for standing up to the government, that's it, that's all they did, say no. Canada has fallen under liberal led tyranny.

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Funny how they co-opt the police - in every totalitarian state, the police are the enforcers. Good cops are on the side of the people. Good cops don't enforce unconstitutional diktats.

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Dr. Cole’s website is here: https://www.rcolemd.com/

He recently spoke at We the Patriots USA in Boise, ID: https://wethepatriotsusa.org/2023-ryan-cole/

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“Somehow I am gonna survive this mess”. Olav Zipser, Chronicles II. (Cool skydiving video and one of My Friends). 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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I figured it out. Ha! Stupid technology I too hope Ryan is “Okay”. I will fight for the Best and Ryan is One. 🏴‍☠️, Ed

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This is a great question. I've been wondering for a while whether the three letter agencies were mandated to take the shot. Like the US Arny: many took it, some were discharged for refusing; end result: weaker armed forces. Did the same happen in the repressive apparatus? If not, we know why...

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The CDC, congress, employees of Pfizer, J&J, Chinese students and illegal immigrants were all exempted (and I think maybe the police were too).

That one point alone should have made people realise it was not a good idea to have them.

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I dont think those people took it at all.

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The issue is, what if Henry I Miller is another Phillip Cross? And if behind those names aren’t even real people but AI. That’s where this is going.

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Miller spent 15 years at the FDA as a front group or AI?

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One of the most damaging consequences of this mass surveillance is no one should believe anything the government propaganda machine puts out there. It’s a dangerous place to be. I’ve had a few thoughts that have become more clear looking back at the “pandemic”. First it shone a light on family, friends, colleagues, and public figures as to their reaction and character. We’ve all been put into a stressful place and the decisions we make are based on what we believe to be the truth. This could have decided our very survival. The government at times wants to and does put us all under tremendous pressure. When we are under such pressure and life is stressful it is easy to make poor decisions. When a person gets knocked down to the canvas, and they get back up, this is when the fight truly begins. Will the person bend and fall in line, or will they continue the struggle and return to the sobriety of seeking the truth? Since the beginning of the surveillance state and Covid, choices have been made by what they believed to be the truth. My motives for subscribing to Dr. Malones sub stack were for this very reason, to find the truth. I must admit I not only found the truth but received a much greater and deeper learning experience. I may aggravate some but I have gained many friends as well. I think when subscribing to this sub stack we all had a sense that this is a space to find the truth. Thank you all for this. J.Goodrich

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GB has said one must connect the dots to see the big picture. Well Glenn has the staff to find the ‘dots.’

What is so great about the few Substacks I follow, like this one, not only does the author provide dots but those posting do also like HeldFast has here. It becomes easier for us all to see the big picture. Bless those that post these links.

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Well said, James.

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Yes, James, very well said.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Once an organization is created which is above the law, as the intelligence agencies effectively are, then such organizations will attract people who like and/or want to do things that they ordinarily would not be able to do in an open, honest civilized society. Ideologues, bullies, self-delusionists, psychopaths, and opportunists flock to such organizations and thrive within them. There undoubtedly are good honest people in these organizations as well, as whistleblower testimonies over the decades have shown, but they get overruled by the other types.

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I agree 100%. I would add "with urges to control and narcissist tendencies.

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Agree. Those types of people are often the people attracted to politics too - with a few notable exceptions. Trump is a major exception in my opinion - truly ran for the good of the country instead of a power/ego/control purpose.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The purpose of censorship is to hide the truth.

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I want this as my bumper sticker

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There are custom bumper sticker sites. I cant recall which one I used, but I have a custom made on my vehicle.

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Yoou can order a bumper sticker with your design,,,

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Which serves the interests of .......Democrats.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think a lot of people in America have a blown up bridge in their brain where you just can not get this information to the other side.

I have an excellent batting average over the last 20 years, starting with the invasion of Iraq. But yet, I am still the crazy one talking about all this stuff.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow, great piece back to buried material that needs sunshine. Thanks for this.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

The intrigue escalates. Israeli Gal Luft, (maybe mercenary?) charged, he all but implicates former FBI Director Freeh in Biden scandal, then:

"One of the charges against Gal Luft is for foreign agent violations. Same charge the Hunter Biden was investigated for but which federal prosecutors declined to bring."


As so many here post, it's hard to believe much of the official channels, There's so much talk of the Wuhan lab leak and laptop from hell now are becoming the weapon in the fight between Dems for party control by 2024, not to mention possibilities of AI generation. What a mess, but I believe RFK Jr on Covid having the highest death toll in the US (16%) with only 4% of the world pop. What's up or what's app? Billy Boy Gates and his WHO pushing vax by mail.

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Just what is left to rally around? When we pulled away from decadent, senescent europe we were a divided people. Half wanted to keep the status quo. But our freedom loving Founders won the race. By the time we fought the british in 1812 we had evolved a unified culture. It was ours. So what happened? Greed? We used to be very particular about immigration. We insisted on revoking all allegiance to former states. Then the quest for cheap labor opened wide the door and immigrants poured in. There remained some semblance of pride in new citizenship...our loyalty oath demanded it. But that went out the window with dual citizenship and all its progressive trappings. We are now an unhomogenized mix of cultures each bragging their own little-fill-the-blanks, our voting ballots written in a hodgepodge of languages. And we now also host the cartels, mafias from virtually every eastern european ethnicity (including the original from italy) and the tongs/ triads from china. Our laws are a joke to these vermin. In short, we have no culture to rally around. We are globalized. The only way back is to regain our Constitution in its original form which requires the repeal of bad laws, bad court decisions and their derivatives. Shelly is right in her criticisms of SCOTUS. If SCOTUS continues the way is has in the past, we are toast.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

First and foremost, our laws are a joke to the vermin who constitute the majority of the leadership in the US. The Deep State if you will. Open borders allows them to run child trafficking and drugs across our borders with ease, aided and abetted by the alphabet agencies. NAFTA was really a formalization of the organized crime syndicate in North America.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are in the throes of falling for freebies and false dreams. Confusions (transitioning, et al) and distractions. There are still folks on each side and perhaps a majority who either aren't paying attention or are too confused to do more than go with the flow. I agree we need to go (get leadership) back to morality and our founding imperatives. The hooker is how to stimulate beneficial involvement. SCOTUS has its perfidious leader and Brown in particular as at issue. Not to mention it is under attack. At the least we probably could benefit from providing positive reinforcement and appreciation to its stalwarts. Now pencilneck has apparently tendered legislation to expand its numbers. That aspect of our Administration does warrant strengthening IMO.

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Also an issue: "Today, the Court, for the first time in its history, grants a business open to the public a constitutional right to refuse to serve members of a protected class," Sotomayor wrote. "Our Constitution contains no right to refuse service to a DISFAVORED GROUP."

The use of language is one of ‘their’ many means of persuasion. Selectively calling out associations with their disfavored people and groups is another – think Thomas and the many hit pieces on him to force new myopic rules on the justices.

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Lbj's great society was a monumental mistake. Aside from creating the civil rights div in the doj which is as corrupt a deep state agency as there is, you cannot legislate out prejudice. It will out itself when the culture is ready. Okla was a fully segregated state. However, when an upscale restaurant in OKC insisted on resisting integration customers simply quit eating there. Only took a week or so and they came around. OKC was ready and it did not require fed intervention. Conversely, when lbj pulled the trigger on his pathway to welfare serfdom I saw a resurgence of race animosity I had not seen in many years.

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"you cannot legislate out prejudice. It will out itself when the culture is ready."

Exactly. Want a more enlightened society? Invest in the children and wait 20 years.

We did the opposite in America, the equivalent to feeding sugar to kids and wondering why they went nuts.

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Or injecting them with vaccines and drugs to dumb them down hen filling the heads with garbage knowing garbage in garbage out.

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Exactly, Shelley, the vaccines, the poor diets and the drugs that follow to temper the effects of vaccines and poor diets, it is a perfect demonic self perpetuating imprisonment of the body and mind, and it leaches down generationally.

Furthermore, the effects of that cycle (and other cycles) creates a scenario where it is very difficult to reach people for the overwhelming reason, they have no other way to go. The rest are comforted by ignorance and likely more high scale brain candy.

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That's very true, all of it. There were many naysayers at the time and they were obviously roundly rebuffed for having such wisdom. I remember when Rand Paul first ran for his senate seat, he made the comment the CR Act was a mistake. He was mincing around that statement for several months trying to water it down to only this or that. Again, it's the narrative spin, if you don't like what we are doing you are a xxxx. Obamcare got the same reaction, Ryan pushing grandma in a wheelchair of the cliff. Don't like the $$$$$$$$ going to Ukraine, or the open border ... or the green new deal

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023

Ted Kennedy is the one that shepherd through the 1965 egregious immigration law in Congress that authorized the non-stop chain migration coming from the southern border. Is it any wonder that TX has more Hispanics then white people now? In 2020 nationwide Hispanics make up 19%, Blacks 12.6%. In 1960 Whites 85%, Blacks 11%, Hispanics 3.5%. Thanks Ted.

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Michael? Can you expand on just HOW to "regain" our Constitution?

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Two ways. First, SCOTUS needs to overturn some very bad decisions. Aside from their own virulence the decisions made referencing them create a nasty pathway to be followed by progressive jurists. Second, we need to have any new decisions made by them adhere to the Constitution and not wonder afield as they are wont to do.

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the Joker in the POTUS deck is John Roberts...a Rehnquist he is definitely NOT.

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We need to appoint extremely brave Judges to SCOTUS. I mean really, really brave people. I like our Republican SCOTUS Judges, but I didn't expect Kavanaugh and Barrett to allow themselves to be so intimidated.

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Unfortunately, Jennifer, "We" don't have the opportunity to appoint SCOTUS Justices; and almost as ALWAYS is the case, so-called "Republicans" in the Senate rubber stamp whomever the so-called "Democrats" (read Liberals, Progressives, Socialists & Communists) who identify themselves as "Democrats" - INCLUDING some RINO "Republicans" choices for that highest of judicial office.

Rather than lifetime TENURE, it would be nice if SCOTUS "justices" faced ANNUAL REVIEW and re election - or NOT - BY "We the People" - which would no doubt take a Constitutional Amendment - which CONGRESS would NEVER allow.

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Plus, we would have to argue with Democrats whether to use "one man one vote" or the Electoral College system for voting.

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The truth hurts! My eyes have been opened these past few years regarding subjects I previously “glossed over”. Now that I am becoming fully awake, my heart hurts for those that refuse to see. Dr. Malone, your postings are so beneficial to those of us that seek the truth. Continue on, Sir!

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Zounds! I read the article linked below yesterday and was gobsmacked and then your Substack, so much attack, critical honest thinkers must stand firm and be on alert always…thank you for helping us.


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Oh for Pete's sake! Yeech.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My little sister and myself, along with our spouses and children/step-children, all independently realized that we were being played with the two weeks bullshit to stop the virus, which of course was the beginning of the real manipulation. To us, it was as if they could get the majority of people to go along then the rest of us would fall in line. We watched as many family and friends followed the fake Fauci science and did what they were told.

Our little group became somewhat ostracized for not getting the vax. Now, most of our friends realize that they were had. They went against their own instincts as part of the 'group' BS.

I see in everyday conversations and communications, people I know trying to influence me to think like the majority. (I do not respond or create an argument, I just don't go along)

Why can I see it and so many others cannot?

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Two weeks and Tiger King. I didn't watch that show because I dont watch shows, but I know what it was about and to think so many millions of Americans watched that as we embarked into madness means something, I dont know what exactly, but its three years later and a sizeable percentage of adolescents dont know what gender they are. Not saying the two are related, but the lockdowns, the masks, the hysteria, the shots and here we are having Drag Queen reading hours while our run away military and hubristic foreign policy planners drive this country and the world off of the edge of the galaxy.

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our brightest people bring together intelligence and technology to keep Britain safe."[1]

Some 30 centuries ago the same happened, sans technology

“Such is the nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears, he is a protector “


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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This sure explains the ‘how’ our whole world could end up a single Corporatocracy, if anyone doubts the possibility. If Reuters had used term “the truth about vaccines” in lieu of “anti vaccine propaganda”, it would have changed reader thinking and behavior. I really liked this phrase from What’s her Face:

“I’m sorry sir, you’ve had too much to think.

We’re going to have to revoke your Medical License.”

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Highly interesting post, and seeing it all laid out like this is intimidating, but I think, or hope, but do think, that a fair amount of US citizens - because of ongoing efforts by people like Dr. Malone - are waking up to the fact that we are bombarded and manipulated by propaganda (it was tough to read here that they were preemptive with their pro-vax efforts); legacy media like the New York Times is particularly culpable, and I wish there could be some sort of billionaires-financed live streamed rebuttal panel assigned to each outlet, essentially a truth panel looking over their shoulders. But darn it, as these also became compromised they'd need their own truth panels, and like Russian Dolls would have truth panels for truth panels etc.

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Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your essay today surely lays out the obstacles everyman (and woman) will encounter, should they wish to fully consider matters of import to their lives and their country. It is, in fact, one of my ongoing frustrations. I am very thankful that you terrific doctors have been so instrumental in helping us identify productive sources. One presumes ‘everyman’ generally isn’t accessing such invaluable assistance in identifying sources.

You suggest that our Congress has been deferring and dissembling regarding their oversight responsibilities as related to these matters. I, myself, have been grumbling that in the past couple years in particular that we’ve seen meetings and this year hearings that don’t seem to be generating meaningful focused responses. Just more sound and fury that keeps us entertained and hopeful. You further note the possible import of the ballot box. Of course that, with the related deliberate corruptions is mightily in question.

One avenue that comes to mind is how to get more everymen to seek legitimate/reliable information to use in forming their opinions and resulting actions. How can they come up with sources that provide or will lead them to ‘the truths of the matters asserted’? Off hand, beyond yourselves, maybe the Heritage Foundation, Hillsdale College, some of the sources I see regularly on GETTR, selected news outlets (a friend ? informed me she received an edition of the Epoch Times and immediately threw it into the trash as a biased unreliable source - I deem her as not worth the effort to disabuse of her opinions.) That said how to we get the amenable to seek out ‘good’ information sources on which to base their courses of actions?

At the moment what comes to mind is a series to help them identify honest and productive sources. I suppose you may laugh at my naïveté but RFK Jr has been talking about bringing people together. Could RFK Jr and the Trump folks sponsor a series to help the public/everymen to better locate reliable sources to assist in informing themselves. If they would collaborate that would defuse concerns of political bents impacting on the information. Ok, so that’s too grand. Can we come up with less challenging ways to accomplish such missions?

It is indeed infuriating to think of the moneys that are being spent on deluding us, to our detriment. Thank you ever so much for helping us to learn about it and to consider ways to overcome the damages they are causing! Clear pictures of our opposition are invaluable!

Take the best of care! You are appreciated! Bestest and lots more!

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IMO Congress began abrogating their responsibility to legislate when they began to create these agencies to do the heavy lifting they were elected to do. SCOTUS should have stopped this nonsense in its tracks

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Absent SCOTUS (I don't recall any particulars of their being asked to) we do need to do our very best to get an Administration elected that will take on the issues of the delegation of responsibilities, the Administrative State and the Agencies that are not producing valuable outcomes. In the meantime we need to continue to bring these issues/needs forcefully to the attention of the Congress persons we have in place. Power to us!

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I can tell when I hit an issue that they recognize because their response is something other than canned. But I'm fortunate to have Hawley and Schmitt and my newly elected House member is having a telephone townhall Thursday evening so he is making an effort to understand our issues.

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Yes, SCOTUS has done been brave enough to simply do their job.

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Jul 11, 2023·edited Jul 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very weird sense of humor here. If You would like to talk to My Lovely Bride (Think Hydrogen)/I’m more of a idiot;; but, Kind.…I Love individuals that think. “Irregardless” (sarcasm) of personable, reasonable discourse. Uhhh…I got virtually any beverage You might like🏴‍☠️ Open door. Ed

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