Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is interesting to see "flatten the curve" used so widely to justify the lock down. In Washington state, the governor told us a two week lock down would flatten the curve. That and the erection of temporary hospitals to care for the expected thousands of sick people. If they would admit they were wrong and promise not to do it again, my faith in government might be regained. As it is, why should we ever believe the government again?

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Yes, and the gov't isn't the only group I've lost trust in. A whole lot of the medical community was just as bad.

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Amen, Brother OG52

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I’m with you and honestly, my faith will never be restored with govt or medical institutions.

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The government wasn't wrong. It was planned and implemented.

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Got that right, Chachi....

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Our Gov. said the same thing of course, and bought a building to erect hosp./morgue. Never needed of course, the # provided to call in someone breaking the stay-at-home mandate wasn't even questioned and then quickly taken down when challenged. The wake-up calls just keep coming...

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Let's not allow our own tin pot dictator the comfort of anonymity. This was Minnesota's own Gov. Tim (I prefer to call him Dim) Walz. A WEF backed covid hack if there ever was one.

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Like our WEF Whacked PM Trudeau. Follows Klaus’ orders down to the finest detail.😡😡😡😡😡

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Well well, Mr. Bond. It appears there's yet a flicker of hope for the government's restoration to your high esteem. In such a tenuous circumstance, it might be ill-advised of me to let slip the publicity campaign's original phrase, "two weeks to flatten the Constitution."


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04/01/24 (EDT 3:00 pm): The timing of all this is interesting; most of the news will be on the front pages tomorrow morning after the bulk of the docs have been superficially digested.

And now I must scold again.

GENTLEMEN and LADIES: With these elaborately long sentences, you are WRITING YOURSELVES INTO OBLIVION.

People involved in these various coverups are delighted:

"The average reader will never tolerate this, and it will go unread! We're off the hook."

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I'm in WA state, too. There is no way on God's green earth that Inslee would ever admit that.

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I live in Oregon and was alarmed when both Governors WA and OR began releasing criminals from jail, so they would not get covid. Inslee was even considering releasing the Green river killer!

I have asked everyone in authority, my commissioners, my mayor, my state representative, "did they go back into jail once the pandemic was over"? No, none.

Our leaders caused the crime spike, letting prisoners out of jail so they wouldn't get sick.

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What possible justification for redaction of health policy decisions could be used other than to hide crimes or incompetence? The audacity of these evil people is a sign of their danger to even themselves. We live in a veil of normalcy surrounded by a wall of lies disguised as truth.

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Incompetence doesn't seem to work with me, any longer.

Too many co-in-co-dinks.

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sounds like the same BS that's happening in the States happens across the pond as well. Same ole horrible policies, like ventilators, resulting in deaths of the population. It's almost as if they want to kill their own population: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/how-covid-19-protocols-killed-millions

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They do

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Redactions: The tyrant's best friend.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

AKA the Deep State stiff-arm. Let's go over a typical nutshell summary of "congressional oversight" committee hearings:

Legislator: "We need you to answer these questions. We need you to provide these documents."

Deep State bureaucrat: "I'm not going to answer your questions. We're not going to provide you with those documents."

Legislator: <Huff, puff> "Okay. Oh well, we tried our best. No hard feelings, we'll still richly fund you with the next CR or budget bill."

Deep State bureaucrat: "Thanks. Look forward to stiff-arming you again at the next 'congressional oversight' committee hearing."

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Uniparty rules require this process.

Didn't you get the memo ?


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Yes. But it was redacted.

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haha !

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We all went along with all the rules and regulations during the time when it could be argued that the motive underlying these institutions was altruistic.

There is NO WAY I can justify that social contract any longer.

We need organization. We need to say no. We need to make it an unequivocal denouncement of the government that can now be proved to wish death and harm upon us.

Ivermectin and HCQ was known to control Coronavirus back in 2006-2007.... I know because I had a patient during that time that had survived the first Coronavirus outbreak. There are research articles showing the efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ used back in what was the first limited release of this pathogen. . Her lungs and circulatory system was wrecked. This one data point alone is really all anyone needs to come to the conclusion that the Social Contract is OVER!

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

The social contract is a two way street. "The consent of the governed" is not something on which we in America can agree on today. Paul Kingsnorth speaks to what we would call a Soviet tyranny: "When the twentieth-century Russian ­spiritual leader Father Arseny was asked, in the depths of a Soviet prison camp, who was responsible for the catastrophe of communism, he didn’t blame the camp guards, the politburo, or Stalin. “Among us Russian people,” he said, “many have lost the faith, lost respect for our past. We lost much of what was precious and good. Who is at fault? The authorities? No, we are at fault ourselves; we are only reaping what we ourselves have sown.” From https://www.firstthings.com/article/2023/03/a-wild-christianity#print

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IMO not all of us. There are those who believe or go along with a totalitarian rule believing they will benefit. There are the foolish who, heads down, don't involve themselves. There are some ( admittedly too few) who look, learn, warn and do all they can to effect action. This element needs to be amplified.

IMO I didn't sow it and I resent being stuck with the results. I do resolve to keep trying - harder!

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Yes, hence the culture wars. But would a neutral observer say that we are winning or losing? We have lost public education and many other gauging metrics in society. How in the world can Biden even be close in the polls? Due to both his policies and his mental capacity, I would guess him to be in single digits. The globalists are the enemies of the Constitution, and this is a war as serious, if not more so than any other. So, no, I didn't sign on to it either, and this light that is starting to flicker in Germany is a hopeful sign, but when the President of the United States declares Easter Sunday to now be known as "Transgender Day of Visibility", we can plainly see that the LGBTQ+ agenda is more of a religion than a social movement, and thus needs to be held to the same standard as other religions that are constrained by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

My suspicion is that many/most of 'Bidens' supporters are committed to his enablers (presumed to be Obama and his crew and more). Their support assumes these covert rulers will continue. It was interesting, read an article last night, that concluded there are people's that "Like to see things (US) burn." One wonders.

Thankfully Germany is pursuing truths and culpability. Actually we have many exceptional efforts to expose these same travesties in our USA. I'm wishing for many successes world wide.

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The Australian Senate has authorized an inquiry on everything Covid. 🤞🤞🤞

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With the Transgender Day selected for Easter Day, there is no longer doubt in my mind that this is truly about and by something evil. Probably Satan.

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All tyrannical governments (fledgling or not) find ways to go after the youth, who certainly have little protection from the long road of grooming that ensues. They always seem to produce the fruit for the tyrannical masters as a never-fail strategy. Parents have little recourse available for those that have been captured. It happened in China, Germany, Russia, US, Ukraine and other nations. It does not always add value to try to take 'some' blame for events that were never in your sphere of control. Adults can easily be played also, as we have witnessed. For those that want to accept blame because they felt they had the power to successfully intervene, and did not, that's fine. But to claim 'we' are at fault, that is a different matter.

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Joe Biden is the president that "we" supposedly elected. Had our culture not been degraded and diminished over a period of decades, we wouldn't have the cultural rot we see all around, consequently, we, as a culture, as Americans, have failed. You and I might not have contributed to our demise; perhaps we did the best we could to combat the forces of darkness. I didn't go to jail during Operation Rescue, but I supported my friends who did. Father Arseny surely did his part in standing against the Soviet regime, otherwise, why would he be in the Gulag? Yet he used the term "we" to include the whole of the Russian people, of which he was a part. We, as Americans, will surely be held to a higher standard because we were given a Constitution that put strict limits on the power of the federal government, including the right to bear arms in the event of federal tyranny. But we, Americans, over a period of time that started before we were born, have squandered our birthright, little by little, piece by piece, chip by chip. We, as a people are the poorer for it. History will judge us if we do or don't turn this ship around. We have a lot of work to do, and if we don’t, history will not be kind to us – all of us.

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Who’s to say we won't be end up in a gulag of sort? You know that each generation creates their own reality. When a government takes many generations to manipulate, and maneuver it knows resistance from the masses will be futile. That is where the 'frog in the pot' saying came from. Too many are accustomed to what they have perceived in their life. We see that today. Something strange happened with the generations of beatnik, hippy, heavy metal and finally rap.

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The Gulag is indeed an option, particularly for us right-wing troublemakers, should things go further south. It sounds beyond belief, but the daily papers are already beyond belief, with "re-education camps" or "early termination centers" being in play, because of the utter lack of traditional morality we find in the increasingly hostile behavior on the left. When the end justifies the means, anything goes. There are flickers of hope, however, from sources unexpected. One such example is Paul Kingsnorth, former Buddhist, later Wiccan, who has of late fully embraced the Christ of the cross and resurrection. I am encouraged by what he brings to the table, as I am generally dismayed by what I perceive to be the health of the American Church, which should be our most effective weapon, but sadly, generally speaking, has become conformed to the pattern of this world, rather than being a refuge and fountain of living water straight from the Source. The church growth movement hasn’t done us any favors.


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The church growth movement has both removed the faithful and littered the pews with those seeking self-satisfaction. The church was tied with education as the first things to radicalize. They did a good job over the generations.

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This going to sound odd to some people’s ears, but I believe illicit drugs are gateways for the demonic to enter in. An altered reality.

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Could be LDT. I know some folks lose themselves and are never the same again. The devil dances around us all so our shield must be up at all times.

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Drugs do open the door to the indwelling of evil. Drugs, New age practices, anything that subverts the Holy Spirit is an invitation to evil. The Bible says "follow peace" and also that the fruits of the spirit are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

I'm researching for an article on my substack that deals with Biblical truths regarding this topic of opening doors through "new age" practices. Peace be with you!

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Yes, I read about someone like him who analyzed it that way, as well. We let it happen. Little by little.

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That is why I decided to quit my profession as a ICU nurse, being forced to taken the shot, and so many of my colleagues did the same, believe it contact came in 2022 late in Fall to come back but I declined, and so did my colleagues, I am a Nurse in a private school and my colleagues are doing good too, but some have families with health issue which is not in there profile, my familie in Germany and Denmark did not take the shot either they are Medical Professional it was a choice for them, and kept there status, if it comes around again and it will I know, I will refuse it as I have done the first time. It is all controlled, planned

between Europa and USA, The ones there are in Power, does anyone think or believe they toke the shots? Well I stop now, and let you decide in all what we read here and express our knowledge right or wrong we will see the light in the end and know that listening exchanging words is always a good thing we may not agree but get smarter each time, The more we Study the more we Discover our Ignorance it is a True Fact

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Ute: Thank you for your comment and your English is so good !! Yes, we must find a way through this, I think us ladies out here need to use our freedoms that are remaining to start a new parallel system. It's going to be a challenge because the laws are written to absolutely block anyone from doing so. America used to be the place you came to for freedom to produce and keep your profits. The income tax is only 110 years old. Income prior to 1913 was all yours! So many of the people who are wealthy have money that was made during that period. Bless you and take care!

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Hi Deborah, as you mention my English is good, now I tell you what it toke let me (write) it is and was a self teaching way, my first language was German by birth no problem, second Danish lived there for many years again self thought no courses, third English the same self thought, it was because of marriage we meet in Germany and after 3 years I agreed to go with him to America, now been here18 years it was a not easy to start again but when you want to learn how to speak you have to listening and ask how do you say this word and how do you pronounce it, listening when people speak you are surrounded by and asking is the answer, in order to belong you have an obligation to yourself and to your surroundings to communicating with, just a little info about me.

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Ute are you here in the U.S.?

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What if all this is more about world-power shifts and control over natural resources? Scenario: 'We' don’t want to endlessly fund Ukraine, then low and behold… a cargo ship loses power at just the right moment, destroys an important bridge and screws up a major US port. (This will have far reaching implications.) Now Speaker Johnson says 'Funding Ukraine' will be his most import focus when Congress reconvenes. And what does Israel have to do with Ukraine? Are we the dog or the tail? Was all the chaos just a convenient time to 'cleanse the ghettos’? Netanyahu did make a point to say that this was their ‘9/11’, what exactly did he mean by this statement? Why did Biden imprudently rush to pull out of Afghanistan while leaving a bounty of US armaments? Did China tell the US to get out or *something* would happen? I feel like the citizenry is a large heard of sheep and each ‘emergency’ is hirleing with a high-volt prod… enclosing the herd into a tighter group, but there are wolves scattered through out trying to agitate them into an uncontrollable, scared mess of chaos.

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Are we the dog or the tail? I believe that U.S. Inc. is many things: the top enforcer (State, CIA, Military); D.C is a hub like City of London and the Vatican. It houses the global government entities like IMF, IBRD, IFC, IDA, JCSID, MIGA, GATT; and NYC is a special hub for global entities like the U.N. The UK, with its withdrawal from the EU, in which it never did adopt the EU currency, has a unique position also but only within the confines of the City of London.

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Too damn many agencies. See where Milei has slashed 9 gov agencies and released 120,000 gov workers? That is what we need here. Put Congress back to the work they were elected to do and not pushing it off on agencies……and SCOTUS!

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1


And the award for "Post of the year" goes to Dr. Michael Nash.

(whoosh of applause and cheers from the stands)

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He may like his award more if we spell his name correctly ( and heck yeah, I'll pitch-in )

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Ahhh, fiddlesticks

Michael, Micheal, Big Mike, Michele, Michala, Micholini, Michelin Man.

All good !

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Seems perhaps an Irish nun penned the name on my birth certificate (been told its an Irish spelling). Also mywife would support that Michelin Man as descriptive.

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I would give this 100 likes if possible.

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If we only had a Milei here in the U.S. So many useless government workers, so many useless politicians to get rid of....

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Whose ring did Milei kiss?

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Remember when Trump slashed so many gov’t workers and reduced the number of gov’t agencies when he first took office? Oh how we need that again!

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I agree with Michael, too many agencies. That is one of reasons we aren’t acting/responding like an actual Constitutional Republic. All these unelected bureaucrats that have made the government 'too big too fail', but also way too BIG to be effective or trusted. I thought I read that Congress was working on something to keep the next President from down-sizing it, do you know?

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Two things: to many agencies because Congress authorizes them. Congress is full of CFR people or beholden to the CFR org. I had not heard about the down-sizing but did know about tying the next pres hands in this matter: The foreign aid bill back in February contained $1.6 billion for foreign military financing in Ukraine, and $13.7 billion for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative. These funds expire on September 30, 2025—nearly a year into the possible second term of President Trump. These are the exact same accounts President Trump was impeached for pausing in December 2019.

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So how long have we been playing this game of 'republic on the outside, globalist on inside’? I’m thinking of the ‘white washed tombs’…

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Not to erase some real history, I'd say when the feds became cash strapped early on. For Congress, I'd say since the 50s, for those with clout.

I like your reference to the Pharisees.


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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

Yeah, I don’t know about all this, Shelley… the world is crowded with organized crime syndicates that trade in drugs, persons and war.

I was using the 'white washed reference' in terms of something that looks beautiful on the outside, but is rotted on the interior… not actual Pharisees. Although, the spirit behind the Pharisees and every other anti-christ movements' time is running down.

Jesus has already won the battle. He is Sovereign. Psalm 2.

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No, afraid Ido not know of anything like that

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HEAR YE, HEAR YE HEAR YE!!! Regarding the TOTALITY of the now OVER-RUN FBI, CIA, and ALL the myriad of other US "intelligence" agencies, now TOTALLY succumbed to (as well as ACCEPTING) the WOKE DOGMA of "Diversity, Equity and Inclusion" - SAME MARXIST (CULTURAL) based fatal mental virus that has de facto INFESTED "American" public & PRIVATE "education" (with ONE or TWO exceptions - Hillsdale in Southern Michigan being one). Anyone interested in self education (by) READING a new book* that TOTALLY exposes a HUGE "puzzle piece" about the history to TODAY- and WHAT HAPPENED to virtually destroy the (CURRENT) FBI/CIA, et al, apparat - and how it IS possible to clean the slate. ( sorry for the lonnng sentence).

* BIG INTEL - "How the CIA and FBI Went from Cold War Heroes to Deep State Villains"

By J. Michael Waller (Regreny)

NAMES, PLACES, DATES - its all here from the White House down!

( In my opinion "Villains" vastly understates the seminal ROT within ALL the so-called "intelligence" federal agencies, bureaus and departments; destroyed by INTERNAL hubris, hegemony, treason, avarice, greed, INCOMPETENCE, DEI narcissism, and more!

They (collectively) have totally forgotten their "core" mission is ONLY to PROTECT American citizens from enemies WITHIN (and from without) the USA; and abide by the precepts and tenets written in the US CONSTITUTION. PERIOD!

"DEI" MUST be absolutely and totally EXTIRPATED WITHIN the USA - in ALL 50 states AND the federal government - else "we" the people will in ALL coming generations be de facto subjects to the absolute EVIL dressed as "EQUALITY".

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Distraction, distraction, followed by more distraction.

Hit them from every possible angle, and they will have no idea how to respond.

Which they are currently doing.

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Of course, the other (maybe) pertinent element in my scenario is our recent abstention from the UN vote regarding Gaza.

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I only have one word for that. Shameful!

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Which decision? To abstain or to continue to fund it?

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To veto that, for the U.S., should have been a no brainer.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

When was the last time you truly believed our foreign policy was on the side of what is right, helpful and honorable? Those who’ve had the reigns for the last 30 years don’t appear to think much of the claims on 'shared humanity’. But we are certainly far from the only government that has lost its soul to power and greed, no doubt, we will be far from the last. I know the arguments for and against many actions, but I think the public has been lied to for decades regarding the histories and reasons for our actions.

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Apr 2·edited Apr 2

I was working as a teacher in Tehran, Iran from 1977 to 1979, so I witnessed first hand all the funny business between our government and the Shah of Iran. I believe that for a number of reasons related to oil, our government once again decided to change the regime (don't forget the CIA helped removed Prime Minister Mosaddegh in 1953.) They may have known the Shah was extremely ill and probably in his last months with cancer, so it was a good time to oust him and besides, he had outlived his usefulness. In addition, the Shah was getting downright uppity and wanting to make his own decisions without the U.S. butting in. There were CIA operatives all over the place in Iran in 1977 and 1978, and in fact, the day I arrived in early 1977 a CIA operative was assassinated in downtown Tehran. The stories about the fall of Iran that were published in the U.S. press during that time were not accurate, and many of us working there knew it full well.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

I have certainly questioned the motives or goals of quite a few foreign policy actions over the years, as I think most of us have. That said: Beginning with obama and with a break for Trump and then accelerating again with o'biden the obvious lack of loyalty towards our allies make us appear to be almost openly hostile of late. Certainly not worthy of trust. If the powers that be were trying to start another world war, I'm not sure what they would be doing differently.

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Totalitarianism is getting ever closer in Germany. Our ruling class is ignoring our constitution (called Grundgesetz) over and over again. Nothing happened so far……. Hopefully the redacted files will make people aware of the crimes that were committed by our government, aided by most of the press and a parliamentary opposition that is none. Too many love the nanny-state - until it’s too late —again. Thank you for spreading the word far and wide, Dr Malone. We are sliding downhill with enormous speed…….in every respect……. HAPPY EASTER from Germany - May CHRIST be with us 🙏

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When you look as to the extent all of these governments have gone to, to deceive the people it’s difficult for the average citizen to understand what’s happened. So many people are too trusting of governments that redact all of their actions on and off paper. Here in America and I’m sure in Europe, you need courts with lower level people, threatened with jail time, possibly given immunity, put under oath to flip on the bigger fish. This is how most all mafias and mobs are broken. The mafia or mob is not going to prosecute themselves. They will trickle out small chosen less redacted pages for long enough until the election happens. Look at our government, they just say oops the system was down right when their operative was placing the bombs at the DNC and RNC. Or the FBI just won’t look and see that Hunter and Joe were in the same room during their phone calls extorting money from Chinese officials. Emails text messages and deposits to all his family members bank accounts by foreign governments is not evidence. Hillary would never be prosecuted for smashing her phones and bleach bitting all those emails (even though they have all of them). And of course Joes such an sweet old man no jury could ever convict him so why bother. They’re all as completely corrupt as the day is long. Unless we get an administration that is ruthless and willing to start subpoenaing dozens of crooks and criminals with the ultimate goal of jailing these thugs just like the LEFT does, you can expect this to continue to spiral into complete tyranny. No more badminton while the LEFT hits you in the teeth with a baseball bat. As Bannon says we need action, action, action. J.Goodrich

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All of the alphabet agencies need to be immediately disbanded.

Problem is when that happens, they will retaliate and claim it was because "all of the alphabet agencies were disbanded".

No easy solution, no doubt, other than a guillotine outside ever politicians office door, with a matching basket below.

You, "F up, and this is your punishment".

Dreaming again.....

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B.I.N.G.O.O.O. ! ( that's the new alphabet agency ramrodding your plan, T. ...







Office. )

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Flatten the curve" was uniformly broadcast as have been numerous MSM(Main Stream Media) news programs across the US within short time frames using language so identical with cadence that correlations of these broadcasts side-by-side created a uniform chorus i.e., robotic and from identically written scripts.

The choreography was so obvious!

I am glad to see highly respected orgs demanding answers. At some point, even the most isolated least exposed will finally know that "the Russians" did not do this.

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Seriously, It's been more than 4 freaking years and people are just now getting around to questioning this stuff? No wonder this planet is so f'd up.

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If you consider that this world wide response occurring as it did so conveniently as to remove Trump from 1600, which I believe played a major role in all the hoopla, then that makes it a very good reason to put him in there again.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

He can have my vote.

Problem is the gate keepers we watched toss out all those ballots during the 2020 election, on film. I sat in disbelief watching all these poll workers open envelopes, look at the name on the ballot, and throw them in the plastic trash bin in front of them, time and time again.

There are significant number of sick individuals who "think" they're doing the right thing by supplanting / bypassing the election processes instituted to provide a representative government. Whether they're bribed with a bottle of booze, a carton of smokes, or whatever it is that made them do what they did, or if it is their distorted view of who's really screwing them over, we'll never know. The regulations put forwards back in early 2019, which were shelved by good old Turtle Mconnell, would have helped solidify the process, but they already had the planned demic of covid ready in the wings to distract again from that obvious Uniparty gameplay.

Seeing the busses moving hundreds or thousands of folks from camden and trenton NJ to Philly to emerge in front of the polling stations was pretty cool. That couple of bucks and free lunch must have been so worth the trip.

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is all a very big mess. Every government is corrupt. I believe Germany has been corrupt for a very long time. Many Centuries. What can we do? Clean house!

Why is our Speaker of the house pushing the Ukraine war. We are at war on our home front. We are being invaded by illegal aliens.

That should be our focus. That would money well spent. Not the war in Ukraine. Protect our home front first.

This Covid crisis and all the lockdowns were just the beginning of a power play to take control and to see just how compliant we would be.

We need to clean house.

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Neocon=uniparty=rino. That is why el speaker is pushing up to his hairy ears in ukrane war mongering

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New speaker same playbook and that's a non-change you can believe in.

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Piglosi in drag

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Without the hand gestures.

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for covering this. It's encouraging to hear of this progress. One hopes before the June elections all the many facets of EU duplicity are recognized and exposed. You have pointed out some of the (evil) initiatives have sprung from agenda 2030. The people's there and here need to recognize and appreciate the ultimate impacts of the many insanities imposed on us. The details of each are very important. But the impact of each and every one must also be appreciated as a whole.

VanLyden, in particular would be a prime candidate to dispatch. An arrogant, self entitled sell out IMO. One wishes these efforts great success!

Bestest always ♡♡♡

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All I can say is, I had C-19 in 2/2020. It was mean. I made it through, mostly fine. Many of these politicians and physicians are sick, Evil or incompetent.🤬, Ed

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Apr 1Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The more I read the less I believe in all forms of government from all locations. As I read the Midwestern Doctor for another point of view and diverse subjects, it is all the same deception being piled on the unsuspecting. Except now there are far less of the duped and gradually more of the "HUH?" Keep it coming about the many ways to be blindsided, this whole world is under the siege of dark forces.

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FOI is a misnomer. It's a April Fool special available year round by governments around the world. This should be a special day for you know who, who slapped Christianity in the Face on Easter Sunday.

The RNA agenda is set in stone and is moving forward at "Warp Speed" and humanity is their lab rats.

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Apr 1·edited Apr 1

Assuming humanity, at least in part, hasn't been paying attention. I, for one, am and will be declining any and all opportunities to serve as a government and/or pharma

lab rat. At least one state has legislation in process to prohibit, I think it is mRNA in food sources. Hopefully realities will continue to be broadcast far and wide.

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MO had legislation last year on mRNA in Anything and it died in committee.

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Thanks for the info. Hope Gates nefarious initiatives will gain more attention and legislators/voters will reconsider, consider the merits of preventative actions.

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Have you read Dr. Bossche's prediction ?

It's the same exact prediction my primary doctor said to me back in 2021.

The very same prediction I heard about about six months into Warped speed.

Now they're talking about it, after millions are injected, and who knows how many they've shared their injections with through close, personal contact.

Grab your panties, it's gonna be a bitchin ride up ahead.


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T., this sounds like a conspiracy 🤔 theory. However as we all now know, many of them have come true. I just don't know what to believe anymore! I recently read that there was no such thing as LONG TERM COVID and now that link that you posted said that it is going to be rampant!?!?!

Who knows anything anymore?

We have so many plausible scenarios that could play out that we'll never run out of things to worry about.

We need to work on keeping our sanity! Let's remember that we should consider LAUGHTER 😃 (The Best Medicine 💊).

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Okay, okay.

I'll post memes about Big Mike Obama having a penis. That should hold us over for a while.

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T. you made me smile!!!

Thank 😊 you ‼️

Good night 😴 🥱

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Ha ha !

You've discovered my secret plan to rule the world with funnies !

You're a security breach now, so I will have to take you into custody, and place you in the gulag for the next several years till this revealing of my plan has blown over !

Prepare yourself. Pick up at least an extra toothbrush or two.


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So..can we identify the mad medicine man who will release the next pathogen?

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