Dr. Malone, respectfully, I treat all news regarding Ukraine with the same skepticism I have for COVID coverage. As the neighbor of many Russian ex-pats and Russian-speaking Ukrainians, I am deeply concerned about what is shaping up to be anti-Russian hysteria across the globe. I stand with peace-loving humans, many of whom will be pawns in a this cruel globalist game.

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Mar 2, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022

Agreed. I’m also not in favor of wars of aggression, but…. My concern is that, like what has happened with covid globally and perpetuated by our own government (read: lies and death), our hands are also not at all clean when it involves Russia. We have poked the Russian bear, repeatedly, over and over again. I also watched the documentary “Ukraine on Fire (2016)” by Oliver Stone and this little reminder from someone closer to the situation at https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OisJkpGYpAo&feature=youtu.be. Can someone verify the accuracy of these?

I also listened to Lauren Southern’s interview of Dr Michael Millerman (PhD in Political Science and somewhat of an expert on Putin and Eurasian affairs). And listened to a Conservative Daily podcast by Joe Oltman and Max yesterday. And read this - https://canadianpatriot.org/2022/01/19/cia-trains-ukrainian-nazis-how-to-kill-russians/

Here’s some of the takeaways how we have brought this situation into being:

- former cia officials said we have trained Ukrainian soldiers into what they said were effectively “insurgents”

- there are as many as 16 US-sponsored bio labs in Ukraine

- we promised Putin that we wouldn't push NATO closer to Russia

- we’ve significantly interfered into Ukrainian affairs and may have led a coup into overthrowing previous Ukrainian leadership

-as Dr Malone pointed out, there’s been at least 13 fake Ukraine news stories/videos/images spread through the news and social media

- don’t forget our vp got the prosecutor fired in Ukraine in exchange for a billion dollars

- sons of our government officials were involved in burisma and other interests, and it was widely reported as a conflict of interest at the time

- one of their partners, Devon Archer, just got sentenced to a year in jail

- apparently, Ukraine is a money laundering machine

Yes, we poked the bear.

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Russia are after the bio-weapons factories made by U.S.A. The list is here!!

¨Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.

The US Embassy in Ukraine Has Just Been Caught Attempting To Scrub Evidence of Bioweapons Laboratories Operated by the US Government on Ukrainian Soil. A Full List of the Biolabs

By Baxter Dmitry February 26, 2022

Putin Orders Military to Destroy Bio-Labs in Ukraine as US Scrubs Evidence of Their Existence

¨Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.

Bioweapons laboratories in Ukrainian cities including Kharkiv, Luhansk, Dnipropetrovsk, and the capital Kyiv, among others locations, have been targeted by Russian troops operating under Putin’s direct orders in recent days.

Meanwhile, the US embassy in Ukraine has been caught scrubbing evidence of biolabs in Ukraine while mainstream media and fact checkers have begun telling the masses that the biolabs don’t exist.

Ukrainian President Volodmyr Zelensky stated Friday that Russian forces are firing at “military installations” leaving analysts speculating that term could include US-installed and operated bio-labs.

According to US government documents, the US has multiple biolabs in Ukraine. In typical Pentagon fashion, these biolabs are marketed as “defense.“

Russia has been warning the US for months to stop operating dangerous biolabs on their doorstep. Mainstream media won’t touch the topic now, but they did cover the news in the past.

Four months ago, Russia and China asked the UN for the US to be “checked and limited” in biological capabilities.

Russia and China blamed the US for the Covid-19 outbreak and were fearful that the US had more bioweapons to be unleashed on the world.¨ Read More


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Mar 3, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here is a full list of the biolabs:
















US officials have gone into overdrive attempting to explain away the existence of the biolabs. Robert Pope, the director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, a 30-year-old Defense Department program, has admitted that the labs could release “dangerous pathogens.”

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I read each one of these. Sobering. What if they are all gone or neutralized in a matter of weeks. If you read each of these, and I did, this was a massive amount of our US taxpayer dollars that went into these nefarious activities.

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Yes. Bio weapons warfare are illegal and it was to be use against who? Us probably, like Fauci and is Gain of Function research in Wuhan. Why? For Genocide.

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Thanks for the research and the link!

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Thank you Stinger Steve. More here : ¨ As Chris Hedges so accurately reminds us:

Only the autocrats and politicians who dream of empire and global hegemony, of the god-like power that comes with wielding armies, warplanes, and fleets, along with the merchants of death, whose business floods countries with weapons, profit from war. The expansion of NATO into Eastern Europe has earned Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Analytic Services, Huntington Ingalls, Humana, BAE Systems, and L3Harris billions in profits. The stoking of conflict in Ukraine will earn them billions more.

We must not let the purveyors of propaganda lead us into another Afghanistan or Iraq. We simply cannot afford it, and this time, the enemy is a far greater threat than an insurgency in caves.¨

Never Forget: The Same Politicians Calling for ‘Freedom’ Now are The Ones Who Took Yours Away Months Ago by Matt Agorist


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Is it possible for a YGL to reject their training & the NWO??


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Thank you for those links Sunflower Storms. I am starting to read it just now. Very interesting... I think so.

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Ukrainian Press release from a few years ago discussing the US & Biden interference/ corruption: https://www.bitchute.com/video/B7sQCDRKpN1O/

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Amazing Polly connecting the dots with Soros & some Canadian leaders & Ukraine - https://www.bitchute.com/video/VHud_qBZrhM/

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I watched Ukraine on Fire and could not help think that what happened there in 2014 is the same playbook used here in the US from 2016-2020 to take down a duly elected president.

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Exactly right. We don't know everything going on behind the scenes; all we know for certain is what we're being told is incorrect. #standwithhumanity

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Russia has moved closer to China. Putin is no idiot. Russia will take control of Eastern Ukraine including Kiev. That is a given. Putin / Russia might agree to a Western Ukraine (Lviv, Lemberg region that was Austria Hungary) that is aligned with NATO.

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I hope no one is anti Russian! I think only anti Putin

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I blog on substack from Kyiv. My short take:

Ukraine is holding up very well. Russia is doing very stupid, desperate things right now. The media is telling you to panic out of a need to sell soap. Here in Kyiv the attack that has been supposed to happen for four days still isn't happening. They can't pull it off.

Russia will end this shortly. Putin will go, and Russia will be welcomed back into Europe. Which really needs its raw materials.

As Malone, says, absolutely distrust the government and mainstream media. They made this war, now they want to take credit for ending it and tell you how to fix things afterwards. Don't believe any of it.

Ukraine has sustained quite a bit of damage and deaths... about the level (credited to) Covid at its peak. We will be flooded with money. The greatest danger will be the strings attached to that money.

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Wrong. Russian is just not destroying the country for practical and perhaps moral reasons. It has complete control of the Ukrainian skies, has not used much of its military capability. The hope is the Ukrainians will agree to neutrality and allow the Donbass republics to determine their own future. Russia could annihilate the entire country in an instant.

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"scuse me? My window looks out over Kyiv. I have not seen a Russian airplane since things thing started. Ukraine is much tougher than anybody (including me) imagined.

Your proposal of neutrality and recognition of Donbass was the logical solution. See my blogs from January. I am afraid it was not given a chance.

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I am guessing Ukraine is just being used as a geo-political chess piece right now (a pawn) rather than a money laundering pass-through for U.S. politicians to enrich their families and special interests, which is its typical CIA approved role. As they start pumping in the "foreign aid" to deal with this manufactured "atrocity" it will return to business as usual and Putin will have the Donbass territory officially back in the Russian fold. It also serves as a necessary distraction from the rest of the criminal activity the various WEF inspired *formerly* young world leaders have been inflicting on the world with their fascist covid19 fear porn policies. This is all part of the plan people, don't be suckered by the enabling narrative that legacy corporate media is creating.

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The catalyst for this "war" started in late 2013. Winter of Fire is a good one sided documentary to watch.

I just wrote this on another substack thread this am.

"Biden needed this conflict, and the west/NATO will do everything they can to prop him up ahead of the 2022 midterms. ALL his actions will be done to protect against losses in Senate & House, regardless of how it effects individual lives.

He will be the one to capitulate behind the scenes w/Putin, cut a "neutral" deal and give Putin what he wants. That is just my opinion based on best outcomes for both, and the MSM will declare Biden a brilliant hero to bump the polls.

Hope I am wrong, and Biden gets hammered by Putin, USA deserves this, we caused this "war" to happen... we funded it. Goes back to broken assurances, Obama/Biden played both sides of the fence to set this up. Zel boy is getting thrown under the bus."

General MacGregor interviewed with Tucker last night, gave the "neutral" basic split of Ukraine as the likely outcome.

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Not so sure Russia has a case for Ukraine "neutrality". They argue that NATO would be within 300 miles of Moscow which they say is unacceptable for them while meanwhile their hypersonic submarine based missiles are maybe 50 miles from Washington DC, LA, Boston, New York, etc.?

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Those who look for simple explanations are often disappointed. This case is definitely complex. Ukraine dispute with Russia is very much like the disputes between Florida and Washington. Both sides have a case, both have rights. The best solution is to work the differences out. The common denominator is Joe, who has been on Russian and Ukraine payroll for many years.

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Regarding being flooded with money. This is very true. The Fed will go back to printing to make up for the loss of Russian funds. That will cause more inflation down the road. Signs of stagflation are becoming more prevalent.

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George Webb reports that Ukraine is asking Congress for $58B in debt forgiveness. Another money flooding technique. Meanwhile, people here losing jobs over a dangerous vaccine.


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Does JP Sears have it about right? Where does he get it wrong, in your opinion?

Ukraine and Russia: What the Media Wants You To Think! (VIDEO)

—JP Sears


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That was funny. "Unprovoked" is not at all appropriate. However, "wildly overreacted" is. He has done this in the past - see reviews of Putin's Wars and MH17 on Amazon and my blog.

He is targeting civilians as his plan (or lack thereof) falls apart. This is criminal and he must go. But that does not mean the bear was not seriously baited. See my blog entries of the months leading up to this invasion.

Tulsi Gabbard is right about Zelensky. But of course this is just what the left in the US has been doing to Trump, the Jan 6 crowd etc. It is not a perfect world.

I have listened to Zelensky's speeches. He has gravitas; he knows his people. He stands head and shoulders above any previous president.

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Mar 2, 2022·edited Mar 2, 2022

I also came across this documentary and wonder if you have a comment on it? Supposedly it explains everything that is happening today, but there is a Netflix version of it (Winter on Fire) that is purportedly propoganda. This one is by Oliver Stone:



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There are definitely two sides to the story. Just yesterday I posted a review of Flight MH17 and the New Cold War, about the events of 2014. Very well researched. I wrote the author that having lived here I saw things somewhat differently, but it is the best researched book I have seen and fundamentally right. Here's a link to my review.

I'll try to find time for the movie, but with three kids and a babysitter gone to Poland we have our hands full.


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No doubt! Thanks for the link, I will look into it.

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Thank you -- OUTSTANDING !!

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you and -- a very refreshing and longer-term view:

Has Putin Miscalculated? | With Pepe Escobar | Part 1 of 2 – March 1, 2022


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Pepe Escobar is an articulate guy with a very pronounced opinion. I read him on Unz. Glad he is asking that question.

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Thanks -- never heard of Unz...

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Great website.

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I'm not sure about Richard Medhurst...he is very passionate about painting Palestinians as innocent refugees and Israelis as occupiers. He seems to have a very clear bias and agenda.

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Interesting - he even thinks that Israel is an apartheid country, just like Amnesty International... ;-))

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You're right Graham. As everyone know the Ukrainians control the skies over Ukraine and the Russians are stymied. We should also believe you, because you write a substack and you aren't seeing any Russian planes.

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Ah, c'mon. I didn't say that. There are no airplanes - of either side - in the sky over Kyiv. That's what I see.

Ukrainian AF is credited with taking out an 800 vehicle convoy at Bashtanka, between Kherson and Krivi Rig with MIG 29s. On the other hand, Russian helicopters are flying over the Kyiv Sea. That's what I read.

I give you props for half your post and you snark me for the other half. ITU.

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If Ukraine had any air power, you'd see lots of Ukraine jets. You don't, because they don't. Russia doesn't need to fly, or they'd certainly fill your skies. There are many factors in war one can't see from their window.

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I try not to write in such a tone that I'll sound silly in a week. Let's see.

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There are knowledgeable military analysts out there who are following what the strategy is and what it might mean and talking about it. If military installations and biolabs are the key targets then the actions taken makes some sense.

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The problem with analysts is they can only analyze what they know, and the principals in any conflict make a point of not saying what they know. Maybe Vlad and Volody will tell us their motives some day. I suppose Vlad has plenty of biolabs of his own, but thwarting Uke attempts to construct "wmd's" might be a good excuse.

I usually enjoy watching fights between people I don't like. It's particularly fun when the audience decides to root for the less reprehensible combatant.

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Mr Graham Seibert, thank you for sharing your viewpoint with us from where you are in Kyiv! My apologies for our government leaders who have been meddling in your countries’ affairs, most of us are not happy with them either! Prayers for all who are in harms way!

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Something doesn’t feel right….about this whole thing. Same feeling I had about COVID.

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It ALL starts with modern “original sin” and the Big Lie. Key players in the Russia-gate hoax and impeachment “entertainments” are now celebrating about “all but certain major war in Europe a la WW2” which they eagerly stoked– repulsive ghouls Adam Schiff, colonel Alexander Windman (an extremist Ukrainian), Jake Sullivan, advisor to Hillary who played key role in the Russia-gate hoax and now national security advisor to Biden (he “replaced” Michael Flynn), and Fiona Hill (a rabid Cold War warrior on National Security Council).

SAME lying bastards who led the scam of the century concocted by the SAME lying team -- Obama-Biden-Hillary-Pelosi-Schumer-Schiff and the rest of DNC-CIA/FBI cabal.

Adam Schiff has been, for years, a leading recipient of huge “donations” by arm industry – his main source of funds. Remember when Raytheon in 2013 put on a Beyonce concert to promote Adam Schiff? This despicable -- that human excrement and serial liar is among leading Congress war-mongers and recipient of arm industry donations.


Schiff is now driving government’s domestic terrorism legislation !!

In his free time this loathsome grifter wants to write a novel – of all things about Holocaust.

The entire Russia-gate lying team is back in FULL power -- we are now paying the price for not fully unmasking the brazen scam of the century. Of course, Trump and GOP lunatics were and remain VERY bad – however, DNC lying and warmongering team is INFINITELY more dangerous. They will possibly even try to prevent 2022 elections - as "illegal" - in order to stay in power.

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War is the ultimate excuse to declare an "emergency" take away your rights and retain power.

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Soviets peaceably dismantled their empire in return for security promises from the west. NATO(US fig leaf) did not adhere to the promise not to move "1 inch to the east." Instead it incorporated the former Warsaw Pact countries and the breakaway republics into NATO. In the Ukraine the US armed and funded explicitly Nazi elements to overthrow an elected president. These Nazis have shelled the Russian civilian population in Donbass since 2014. Ukraine is armed by the US, it has sought nuclear weapons from the west, and it has applied for membership in NATO. Thought exercise: Imagine if the Mexican Gov was in an alliance with Russian, it was conducting joint military exercises with the Russians on the Texas border, it was shelling US retirees in Cuernavaca and it sought nuclear weapons from the Russians. Would that be tolerated by the US.gov?

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Start a garden now and avoid the rush (among other home-based production).

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And also-try and support your local businesses and farmers. For your sake as well as theirs.

Case in point-buying my cat and dog food from my local family owned feed store as opposed to amazon or Petco. We buy vegetables, bread, chicken and beef at our local farmers market in bulk-we know the animals are raised humanely and fed well(local feed grown within 25 miles). We support these small farmers to be able to continue. No supply chain issues here!

These are the networks we all need to start to build and improve on imho.

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Very good advice! A fifteen minute drive out of my city gets me farm fresh eggs, chickens to roast, raw milk, and we also purchase our beef from a local family farm.

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Thank you for the supporting comment!

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We should all not let Ukraine divert our attention away from the vaccines. Here is an initial look at the first batch of Pfizer trial documents


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Thank you

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I first became aware of you last year as a result of B Weinstein’s Darkhorse Podcast. I have followed you ever since. I cannot thank you enough for exposing yourself to this senseless persecution and hardship for the purpose of TRUTH! Thank you for this important read. You are part of a very small group of whom I trust to write truth instead of outright lies or propaganda.

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately, I have to agree with everything you said. We are literally sitting on the fringe of the storms nucleus.

But for me and my family, knowing how the ELECTION WAS STOLEN we knew and have been doing this very thing!

We started planning on November 4, 2020!! When YOU (you know who you are) gave money to the DNC and voted for the Biden Crime family!! I say this because it is hard to bite my tongue, so I am exercising my 1st amendment right before it is taken away from me. Sorry if it offends anyone but how do you think the rest of us feel? However….

I’m still working through forgiving the ones who have contributed to our current situation. Please be patient with me as I work through it all. It’s a process as you all know, and I respect the freedom we all are given in our US Constitution to vote for who we want.

Continuing on: We have had 2 years of preparation that includes, we sold our Luxury home and live modestly in 1/3 of the debt we carried 2 years ago. We have a stocked freezer of meat from a local farmer, get eggs and milk too. We are growing our garden of favorite fruits and vegetables, we live near water so we will have fish as an option if we need it.

We have a generator, bicycles, and are not on any medications. Propane for the grill and a large water supply. And I am an amazing Baker and chef. We very rarely eat out. Maybe 5 times a year. It’s gross now. Very hard to do anymore.

One thing my mother did during bad lightning storms, was full all the bathtubs with water. Use for flushing, and cooking. You can boil water to drink. Just make sure you boil it.

Sorry if I hurt anyones feelings.

Keep up the good work Dr. Malone and know we never stop learning and growing.

Next time, if we get a next time-think and do : AMERICA FIRST!!

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Mar 2, 2022·edited Mar 2, 2022

A little background. The transnational NGO's such as WEF were spreading their pernicious influences in Russia until Putin threw them out about 10 years ago. George Soros and his ilk are not even allowed in Russia. These people then became very active in Ukraine and orchestrated the so-called "color" revolution in 2014, which was really a coup. Ever since that time, these NGO's have been working to destabilize Russia simply because the Russians won't let them in. It is also worth these NGO's were booted out of China for the same reasons. This war was really instigated by the NGO's, particularly WEF.

We all know Putin's an asshole. Vox Day seems to be revering him. But the rest of us understand his's a top-drawer prick. But consider. Putin is an old school nationalist. He is not a "globalist" nor is he an ideological expansionist like the old Soviet Union was. This means he cares about what people do in Russia and Russia's back yard. He doesn't care about, for example, what Chileans do living in Chile. Putin is also one of the few nationalist leaders willing to stand up to the WEF-inspired globalists.

On the other hand, you have this "globalist" faction lead by assholes like Bill Gates, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and all of the other ilk of the WEF. These guys want to inject you with substances against your will and require you to carry proof of such. They want to censor what you say and read on the internet. They want to regulate your bank account and what you can spend your money on. They want regulate what you drive and where you can drive to, and how much and where you can fly. They want to regulate what kind of house you live in and its size. Putin doesn't want to do any of these things to me.

So, tell me. Who is the bigger threat to my life and personal and economic freedom? Is it Putin? Or is it the Gates/Soros/Schwab WEF pricks? I say the latter, BY FAR.

Does the expression "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" mean anything to you?

I think we need to take a step back, smarten up, and realize who the true enemy is. Because I believe all of us are being played here.

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These are my thoughts as well. Everyone has a bleeding heart for Ukraine while forgetting the money laundering, human trafficking, thr bio labs (if true) and their affiliation with WEF. I don’t like Putin and wouldn’t trust him for anything. But he seems easier to live with since he doesn’t want to own my money or my property or force me to put things in my body I don’t want. He’s an idiot for this aggression, but knocking Ukraine around and messing with their resources might not be a bad thing. We need to let them figure it out. We still have Biden and his idiocies to contend with; a trucker convoy to support and hope they don’t get hurt as the Canadians did; and elections to protect and win. We need to focus on our country and it’s ills. Not get side tracked by blue states “giving” us freedoms back since freedoms aren’t theirs to take away in the first place but they will play the give and take game for all it’s worth leading up to and after the elections. Pray for the citizens in both Russia and Ukraine and hope they find a peaceful resolution soon. Stay focused here at home. Prepare for shortages. Live simply and move on. Maybe keep half an eye on all those nuclear buttons available to way too many people.

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Putin is a graduate of the WEF academy according to Dr. Malone's post from yesterday, which means he is one of the "WEF pricks."

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Mar 2, 2022·edited Mar 3, 2022

I don’t think he’s pro-wef in any form anymore. It’s like he saw the light for what it was and is a different man than he was in his kgb days. People change, and sometimes for the better.

It looks like Soros, the NGOs and the WEF were kicked out of Russia for their involvement in the 2014 election coup in Ukraine.

Update: after I've thought about this more, the above was pure speculation on my part. I think we may need to say that he is loyal to Russia first and maybe the WEF second.

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He was declared by our establishment and its media to be "our bastard" (see Matt Taibbi on that). But, after a while, he understood our game and -- has decided to be "his own bastard"... ;-))

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Why we all know this? Because Russia-gate hoaxers are relentlessly brainwashing you?

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this wisdom! And thank you for all you are doing to share truth!

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone and Jill. Good information , wise counsel. We are grateful for this extended community (that includes you reading this comment)and friends and family who are supporting one another. In the midst of this darkness, there is good. God bless America, and all of you.

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant! I also am investing in some precious metals. I have NO debt, own a bit of land, have emergency food and cash on hand. I am growing my own food this year! Because I don't trust what I ingest when bought in a store. Best of all, I have MY HEALTH! A gift that keeps on giving.

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Dan - Which is the greatest commandment? To love God and to love your neighbor. You are so right Dr. Malone. We must look out for each other. Thank you for going out on the limb for all of us!

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Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great article - thanks! Just want to let everyone on this forum know that one of my life sustaining medications - Cytomel - is already in shortage. Unfortunately I can't take the generics. I had a 3 month supply already in place. I know this sounds crazy but STOCK UP ON YOUR MEDS. If you've got a cool doc, they can write you a big Rx. If you don't, then you might be able to buy more from Mexico (there are a lot of pharmacies online). STOCK UP.

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I am grateful that I don't ingest any pharma stuff. I heard Mexico is a great source for that!

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This needs to be read before sides are taken


Only shades of grey here people and wrong way decisions in the clouds of history

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Thank you for posting this. The MSM wants to simplify this "war" and not consider the history. I commented this on another thread this am.

The catalyst for this "war" started in late 2013. Winter of Fire is a good one sided documentary to watch.

I just wrote this on another substack thread this am.

"Biden needed this conflict, and the west/NATO will do everything they can to prop him up ahead of the 2022 midterms. ALL his actions will be done to protect against losses in Senate & House, regardless of how it effects individual lives.

He will be the one to capitulate behind the scenes w/Putin, cut a "neutral" deal and give Putin what he wants. That is just my opinion based on best outcomes for both, and the MSM will declare Biden a brilliant hero to bump the polls.

Hope I am wrong, and Biden gets hammered by Putin, USA deserves this, we caused this "war" to happen... we funded it. Goes back to broken assurances, Obama/Biden played both sides of the fence to set this up. Zel boy is getting thrown under the bus."

General MacGregor interviewed with Tucker last night, gave the "neutral" basic split of Ukraine as the likely outcome.

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So I just finished listening to a variety of clips--find them on Rumble easily-- of Colonel MacGregor discussing Ukraine and NATO (an archaic and uneeded entity in his viewpoint.). These are edifying and reassuring. Whether you are left, right or something else, these are easy to listen to as they are non partisan. If Dr. Malone is a friend or colleague of MacGregor maybe he could get his own interview with him, that would be amazing.

Recommend to anyone here on Substack. On Rumble: https://rumble.com/search/video?q=douglas%20macgregor

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Very helpful, thank you. Basically we did exactly the one thing we should not have done. Unless of course, we wanted war.

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I've been coming across some of these historic analyses and warnings, so it is helpful to have such a comprehensive review. Absolutely this was to be expected.

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Mar 2, 2022·edited Mar 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Make sure your security systems, whatever they are, are operational. Good neighborhood personal relationships are one of the best forms of security and help destroy the mass formation hypnosis- two birds with one stone! If you are at war with a neighbor, this is the time for an olive branch. That’s going to be hard. You’ll have to ignore some differences of opinion. Thank you Malones for taking the time with this list.

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