Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great post. The news from around the world has worsened lately. Any pushback against the WEF is welcome indeed. Looks like a very difficult winter coming on. The insanity driving this has go to go. It makes no sense for we the people around the planet to elect/appoint leaders who are rank opportunists and kleptocrats and who care about only their own enrichment and well being. It is a serially abusive relationship and we are all in it.

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If only we had unbiased public and social media outlets to expose this premeditated attempt at world domination by the wef and their allies. If America falls, all the dominos go with it. There is so much more at stake than we could have ever imagined.

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I don't listen or pay attention to the American or Canadian news in regards to Europe. Being of Serbian decent I get my information from there, much more accurate I believe, especially the hate for these two countries including France and UK since the bombings. Since Russia is good friends, brothers and sisters in Christ. both Orthodox Christians I trust and believe that Serbia will be fine during the winter months, Russia will supply them with all needed. You know the saying, that every person should, you reap what you sow. I truly don't care for the leaders that are up in arms about shortages of gas etc. I do feel bad for the people that will have to endure the worst through no fault or some fault depending of their support of those same evil leaders. Canada that voted for Castro's bas....d son deserves whatever is coming, as is US putting up with the stolen, rigged election of dementia, evil Byedone. By now the whole globe sees what the elitists have done, are doing to us regular folks, they don't give a damn and are laughing in our faces. Those I would love to see hang, take that smirk off their faces for once and for all. Let us pray for some divine intervention. Thank you Dr. Malone for all the excellent information you provide to us. Oh and thank your lovely wife Jill for sharing you with us. Thank you Jill!! God Bless you both and your family.

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Good comment. Can’t relate to those who would listen to mainstream news in many places. So bad it is a gross insult to anyone with a mind. Agree we need divine intervention. Be the light, be the change we wish to see.

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I think it must be up to us.

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You are absolutely right. One thing the past atrocities by the left has proven beyond a doubt; They have a coordinated plan in place to counter any attempt to save America from total subjugation. We the people may be called upon to make the supreme sacrifice, like so many other men and women have made for our freedom.

We are no longer fighting for someone else's liberty and the enrichment of politicians and defense contractors, we are fighting to save American. I pray that common sense and the real rule of law can be restored without blood shed. So much damage has been done already, but we must never give up hope.

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Yes, just because it isn’t declared by MSM or our slave masters doesn’t mean it is alive and well. The civil war (last one) tore America limb from limb and emboldened the Federal government and the corporatist kleptocrats. We need a return to first principles and State/Local government of we the people. It’s not over until it’s over.

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We do.

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The Red/ Green Axis of evil that nobody dares talk about.

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I agree. Good post with good information not easily available.

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words have meaning. the sourse of the "serial abusive relationship" lies in the fact that "we the people" have assumed the role of sheeple by calling these people " leaders" when did they become "leaders"? they are supposed to be called "public servants".

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Aug 28, 2022·edited Aug 28, 2022

Union worker to presidential candidate Biden: “You’re working for me, man”

Presidential candidate Biden: “I’m not working for you. Don’t be such a horse’s ass"

.... and somehow he STILL got to be president.

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"Any pushback against the WEF is welcome indeed. "

... for instance, we could stop calling them "WEF" but "WFF", because they have nothing to do with economy, and everything to do with finance?

Also, since they are private, their correct name could be PFF, or OFF (since they are the oligarchs).

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Brilliant. Thank you. It has worsened and many are FINALLY losing patience. What to do....what to do.........I'm beginning to feel like a MAD ALICE in Wonderland and am rapidly losing patience with maintaining a facade/fake self that deals everyday in make-pretend conversations with friends and colleagues. It is time for a new plane on which to exist as I do not believe we are going to be able to change one bit of this. I truly don't.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Did I learn from you that California's Gavin Newsome announced that no gas cars would be allowed on the roads after 2035? This will destroy car sales in one day, after the "Cash for Clunkers" put a lot of used car brokers out of business. I just posted a YouTube (not yet up on Sub) that compares the US 'sacrifice' of Ukraine to provoke Putin to Churchill's sacrifice of Poland to provoke Hitler. And a recent episode also looked at the Weimar austerity, where their coal and food was being exported while they froze and starved. I think we need to be looking more closely at what led up to WWII and whether that official narrative is true. Here is the YT on Forgiving Hitler: https://youtu.be/fKJunaD0DUM and https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/cj-hopkins-and-the-new-normal-reich

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

If gas cars are not allowed to be sold by 2035, it means that few people will be driving. In California today, about 5% of cars are EV and the state experiences electricity shortages. What happens if that were to double to 10%? I don't even think that is sustainable at all.

In addition, the upgrades to electrical infrastructure needed to support an even modest increase in EV's is immense. Perhaps some new, magical, super easy way to make and distribute electricity is forthcoming but I'm not seeing this at the moment and I'm also not seeing much in the way of upgrades in current technology.

Horse and buggy will make a comeback...oh wait, no, too many horse farts.

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Hahaha. I can see that clear thinking runs in the family ;-)

Yes, there are tremendous logistical problems with this. And even Tesla was one of the many companies that left Cal because of their absurd virtue-signaling bureaucracy, as Matt Taibbi reported. We already rival third-world countries in blackouts and brownout with a grid that starts fires and is taxing solar to make up the loss. It's pretty crazy here.

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These left progressives never think about the bigger picture. Besides all the devastation this will cause. I guarantee they will lose $$$ in tourism as well, it will cripple the airline industry there, and supply shortages because gas will be too hard to get trying to enter CA by gas powered trucks and cars and more! I say fine, let ‘em rot and be the example of the consequences. I just hope others states near me don’t do this because we can’t all leave to go to another State like FL. It’s boomed so much there that just in one years time, hubs and I can’t afford to live there. Ideally, I’d love to live where I’m surrounded by other Red States

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I know it's tempting to say let them rot. While it's imperative that people learn a lesson, the rest of us have to be smart enough to pick up the pieces somehow and REALLY teach them a lesson, in a completely altruistic manner of course!!!

I think Florida has to become bigger in lands mass with all the people who want to move there. I'm Canadian and I wish...

I vacationed in Florida a lot and really miss the place and the people.

Cheryl, there's many things wrong with the US but there're many things right. You have a great country and great people.

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We Americans must together own the place. As far as cars go not many folks I run into actually believe these would be slave masters actually mean to go through with these drastic climate hoax related measures. They say “there are too many people who won’t accept these.” After the plandemic I’m not at all sure this will be enough. Standing against tyranny usually requires doing something before they clamp down. Calling their bluff may not be very strategic.

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Georgia congressman Hank Johnson famously worried that the Island of Guam might sink if more American troops were stationed there. Whenever I think of the San Andreas Fault, I remember that God is in control and maybe Arizona will soon have prime oceanfront property.

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No worries. Gavin will the sitting in the White House by the time this happens. Then the whole nation will be forced to follow in California's footsteps -- right over that cliff on the horizon. God help us.

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My father who was not a very political person always said that WWII started because of the immense financial penalties piled onto Germany after WWI.

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It sounds like your father wasn't deluded by politics and therefore able to see the obvious. Reparations were 3X the value of everything in Germany. In the episode on CJ, I wrote:

Not only were Germans required to pay reparations for losing the war their Emperor forced them to fight, but they also had to pay back the debt that was their slave price. These were denominated in gold, of which Germany had none, and so had to buy foreign gold-backed currency at whatever price speculators were willing to take for the German mark. Then French and Belgian troops invaded to oversee shipments of coal directly as payment, so the workers slowed-down to a crawl.

Finally the financiers issued Rentenmarks (mortgage marks) pegged to the price of gold and the US dollar. Mortgages were reinstated at 25 billion times their value in the old marks, so the advantage of inflation in paying off debt was lost. Government bonds were promised at 2.5 billion of their original value but only after all reparations had been paid. The standard of living index was judged not relevant. They decided that bankruptcies, foreclosures, hunger, strikes, violence and insurrection were preferable to defaulting on foreign debts.

Coming soon to a theater near us?

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Power hungry, greedy tyrants will always find or will "create" a bad situation or "emergency which they can exploit to gain dominance over a population. The nazi's were given the perfect opportunity. If they couldn't convince people to submit with fear, they used force. The "fall guys" were the jewish people. Today, it is white males.

Never let a good "crisis", real or manufactured, go to waste.

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Agreed on many points, like never letting a real or manufactured crisis go to waste. But were the ones who manufactured the Weimar crisis the ones to exploit it and was the Nazi party initially the ones to solve it? As economist Henry C K Liu writes:

"The Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933, at a time when its economy was in total collapse, with ruinous war-reparation obligations and zero prospects for foreign investment or credit. Yet through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public-works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began."

I feel like I'm trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle with a lot of missing pieces. Why did Germany invade Poland if they'd gone from devastated to thriving in 4 years? I don't believe it was greed, when Churchill said he wanted Germany and Russia to 'bleed each other dry.' I think the real culprits are still up to their dirty tricks.

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One of today's headlines in The Seattle Times:-

"WA will ban new gas-powered cars by 2035, following California’s lead.

Washington lawmakers agreed in 2020 to follow California's emission standards, setting the stage for Gov. Jay Inslee's announcement. "

It's not a ban on existing cars but new ones. Same regulations were announced in the UK recently, which apparently has ironically sparked renewed interest in old gas guzzlers. It's hard to imagine how a reduced police force could monitor all the cars on the road unless a law was enacted requiring cars to bear a large identifying marker. Can't imagine that sitting well with electors.

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We have allowed Calif. moronic laws dictate how cars are built in the US for far too long. Time for the US to secede from Calif.

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Funny, I'd always advocated for the reverse but now I'm beginning to see your point!

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And in yet another a case of 'Anything you can do, I can do a week later', Inslee copied Newsome.

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On the used car issue, California (little to no rust) should be welcome out of state. Particularly since new cars/prices are so pressing. If I were a Cal dealer I'd be looking for out of State opportunities and as a Out of Stater, I'd be in the hunt as well.

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deletedAug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022
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Oh, the obvious question: what WILL the generators run on… wind?? Lol

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Having come from a rust belt state and a keeper of vehicles for ages (present car 21 yrs), I get enthusiastic about rust free cars. Was thinking more of other states picking up California cars. I live in Maryland now (California east) and am hoping and praying the locals don't adopt all the California craziness. All Californians have my sympathy. Beautiful state BUT......

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I am curious about your suggestion that the USA would "sacrifice' Ukraine and how such a decision could "provoke" Putin.

First of all, America has no obligation to Ukraine and secondly, NATO provoked Putin to invade Ukraine.

If anything, the USA is supporting a puppet government in Ukraine and propping it up in order to keep its money laundering operations working.

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Oh, I think we're in agreement, Charles, I just didn't express myself clearly. I didn't mean that the US would give Ukraine up as its vassal state. I mean that by using Ukraine as a money laundering puppet and host to bio-terrorism labs, the US was sacrificing the Ukrainian people in order to provoke Putin into a proxy war.

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No, just that they cannot be sold in CA. But I wonder if he will start to cut back on gas stations and fuel imports somehow. I hope people in CA wake up before November.

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I believe he already has a law that no newer gas stations can be built or at least some counties have. They will make it so bad that those who still have gas powered vehicles will be forced to give them up and I bet out of staters passing through will also get hit with some fee or whatever to enter the state. I live in AZ so this could impact us as well.

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I think WA state said they will follow CA. Most people cannot afford an electric car and Newsom has to know it would be impossible to generate the amount of electricity to meet all the needs of CA. I wonder if it is a coincidence that the WEF said that people shouldn't own so many cars just days before Newsom's announcement. This may be an attempt on his part to vastly reduce car ownership which will encourage another aspect of Agenda 21 of concentrating the population in urban centers.

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As I recall the brits sacrificed a Czechoslovakia who had a very modern competent military to then defend a much weaker Poland ruled by a weakened aristocracy. And paid dearly

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Check out The Duran on geopolitics and discussions of these sorts of historical patterns and current perspectives from around the world. The two Alexanders from The Duran also are a hub of commentary that reference and include many other throughtful voices from around the world.


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Thanks Betsy. Looking at their titles, I don't disagree with any of them.

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It is not about the titles, but the quality of their analysis, the intensive reading, interviewing and scholarship they bring to their craft, and the careful curation and vetting of guests they interview. They are a top geopolitics videocast for a reason and have been at it for some time.

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I'll check it out!

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I appreciate your (and others) correction on this, Wayne. And I'm relieved because we now have 3 cars for 4 adults in the family, and I'm sharing mine with the youngest while the older two daughters look to buy their first cars. I've been a good sport but it's been over a year and I'm ready to get my car back. The daughter buying one with her fiance was pretty close to a decision but to get a new car you couldn't drive in 13 yrs seemed rough (we drive cars into the ground...) And I'd feel better about all the walking if it didn't take me past the 280 homeless tents next to the county building and some seriously scary ranters...

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

global warming, an example of the battle of propaganda between both sides of this issue...

that we have a claimed defined problem and then we have proposed demanded solutions which build off of this claimed problem...

that there seems to be a total disconnect between the notion that having some validity of a problem does not by default justify a claimed solution...

that this issue has descended into an either/or, one side justified by a call for social justice supporting solutions without the robustness of the consideration if the solution has any real worthiness in solving the problem...

then the other side perceiving that many of the proposed publicly funded solutions are at best driven by greed and at worse play into a dark overall social agenda such that perceiving this leads to blind proof that the problem must be by default totally bogus...

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The whole basis for the claim of global warming comes from computer models and records dating from some 150 years ago - a mere blip in planetary climate history of 4.5 billion years during which there were successive periods of cooling, freezing of the northern hemisphere, then warming again, sometimes to much warmer temperatures than today - all without the input of Man and his evil carbon dioxide, without which there would be no plants or life at all. What sense does such "science" make?

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also add, consider that the oil and gas industry has spent millions to hire mostly petroleum geologist to spread misinformation about gobal warming, misinformation that if you have a robust science background it should be obvious, however lacking a robust science background then i can understand how it might sound convincing...

then also when i hear that a large hay field is going to be turned into a solar farm where it would be reasonable to assume that the ground is going to be hosed with roundup to control the vegetation, this only justified money wise by subsidies, then yes this makes me irate...

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Like you, I'm also a graduate (ancient) of environmental science, though unlike you, not the human nutritional aspect of it - my area was ecology, physical geography, climate etc. , so I do share your concerns about the ravages to Nature by unprincipled polluting enterprises. However, I also find there's a tendency to confuse the issue of global warming alarmism with environmental issues. My personal view is that it's a reflection of modern man's hubristic belief in his own unlimited powers that results in the "belief" that he can control the climate. If one does have "a robust science background" as you say, the actual scientific facts make that hard to fathom.

Most of the "misinformation" about Man being responsible for causing climate change has been perpetrated for the past 50 years by those with a long-term political agenda, and supported by most of the MSM (which has recently become almost a monopolistic position with no alternative views allowed - just as with Covid). As time has passed and this "belief" has become increasingly engrained in the public mind, it's resulted in dissenting climate scientists being ousted from their positions, so that only those toeing the official line are allowed to survive professionally. Ring any bells???

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ring bells, yes, i remember two climate scientists, one being run off due to being overly extreme doom and gloom, which spending some time studying over his arguments i found them overall compelling however i was bothered that he made the assumption that since we had created problems for ourselves that we currently have no solution for we were therefore doomed, like hello maybe we might figure out a solution as we go along, like why is this not a possibility...

but the other was for dissenting such that it gave support for the counter narrative, her issue was with the models, that the uncertainty was being under played and that key data collection needed for the model to be more robust was being ignored, left unfunded, yet she also made the statement that the models could be off both ways...

then the models from my understand are not robust enough to well predict when to expect effects, that there are variables within the model that must be assumed within a range of possible values, such that play with the assumptions, and you play with the outcomes...

however, we do have good certainty that we are increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere, that the planet is gaining heat energy, more incoming heat energy than outgoing heat energy, this which is counterbalanced/buffered by the earth's thermal mass which the oceans, ice caps/sheets, become an especially important aspect of...

then from here the uncertainty increases as far as how precisely this will affect the climate, that there are nonlinear feedback loops in the model which make predictions really difficult to forecast, and as far as belief, i don't share your belief, i more accept that mankind has been "blessed" with free will and that our task is to muster the maturity to handle it responsibility, that if we collectively desire to experience our own demise then so be it...

all this said i do feel this issue with gobal warning is a diversion, that there are other issue like roundup which if Zach Bush MD is correct about his concerns over multigeneration effects of roundup then we have way bigger issues ahead than gobal warming...

such that the bigger issue here is that with any legitimate stewardship concerns nefarious types and going to use them in nefarious ways for nefarious perceived gains, then the concerned scientist trying to bring legitimate issue into the public perception are faced with the need/desire of maintaining research funding where to ensure funding you need to sell a fear of concern to the public to get the funding...

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adding a follow-up comment...

within attempting to insure understanding Alexei, i am still pondering this aspect of your comment...

"view is that it's a reflection of modern man's hubristic belief in his own unlimited powers that results in the "belief" that he can control the climate"...

like from my perspective it becomes hubristic to believe that we cannot influence the climate in ways that might serve us poorly...

so, if you or others can further explain how mankind could/would be limited such that we could not cause a climate effect, i would be of interest...

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In response --

You ask: "if you or other can further explain how mankind could/would be limited such that we could not cause a climate effect"

I did not say we could not cause a climate "effect" (whatever you might mean by that) but that I doubt we can or do "control" the world's climate, in other words, make the climate change. It's not disputed that we can cause small-scale local weather effects such as seeding the clouds with silver iodide to induce rain, or disperse hurricanes by various methods, or Andrew Yang's giant mirrors to reflect the sun's rays back into space or injecting sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere also to prevent the sun's rays reaching earth. Some scientists have raised alarm at such ideas as having unpremeditated negative repercussions in other parts of the world. Indeed, huge amounts of sulphur dioxide were spewed into the atmosphere in 1815 by the largest volcanic eruption in history - Tambora in the Far East. It was considered one of the greatest environmental disasters to affect mankind, causing floods, droughts. starvation and disease for the next few years and the following year, 1816, was known as the Year Without a Summer as the skies were covered in a thick layer of volcanic dust shielding out the sun altogether, which was catastrophic for vegetation and food production.

Cloud seeding IS practised in a few countries locally but that is Weather, not Climate and is local, not global. As far as inducing rain is concerned, you must be aware of the water cycle and that the planet's water content is finite, such that changing its availability in one location may negatively impact another location down the road, so-to-speak.

So to answer your question, so far there are no viable, manageable methods of changing and controlling the earth's GLOBAL climate. Also, as a matter of interest, the increased amount of C02 is greening the planet. 35 years of satellite observations by NASA found the planet had greened by some 14%.

As for what IS responsible for changes in climate, alternative theories favor one or several factors depending on the scientist - the Solar cycles and sunspots, water vapor/cloud formation ( =78% of the atmosphere, whilst C02 = 0.04%), the changing tilt of the earth's axis relative to its orbital plane and earth's orbital eccentricity, Cosmic rays, the geomagnetic field, ocean currents, i.e. the Pacific Decadal Oscillations, volcanic activity ..... etc. In my view, a combination of these factors interrelating with each other are far more likely causes than C02 or methane, or the latest culprit, nitrogen.

The climate change agenda has nothing to do with controlling the climate, it's about controlling the people, about who controls money, wealth and resources and where that is relocated around the world, it's about globalist institutions taking control from nation states, making them subordinate to unelected plutocrats and corporations, it's all about our enslavement really and the end of democracy. Just look at who turns up to all the climate change conferences.

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the whole basis for the claim, so based on how much due diligence, this is a complex topic that requires a serious effort to understand at a level necessary to be able to discuss/understand...

such that based on an extremely simplistic incomplete understanding of the science i would have no expectations that it would make sense...

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You've managed to string together several words. Some of them even come close to being sentences. Congratulations.

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so, you disagree and the best you can do is a petty insult, how creative...

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I'm sorry, rylan. I can't disagree with a word salad that is incomprehensible.

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okay, that i can appreciate, writing for me is a bit of a struggle which i hope with enough practice will improve over time...

and this was an attempting to clarify if the comment i was replying to was more of that i might label as a rote memorize and regurgitate comment...

like if i am going to spend the time struggling with finding the words to write a long reply then seems best to ensure that it has some chance to be understood...

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You are really busy!! Thank you so much for all the precious insights and updates!! I have to admit I am still not through with your Moderna suing Pfizer/BioNTech article as we are busy with wood work for the winter - as every year but certainly especially this year due to the incredible inflation. We have already 3 fold costs for energy here and it’s still increasing. I hope for the elections in autumn to get some political cuttings of the energy costs. Did you know that the production is only some Euros here but due to the MERIT-ORDER SYSTEM the price follows the most expensive production costs in the market and thus we have to pay x-fold of what our own Austrian production plants produce what created a very high profit for the energy companies last year and this year so far...

Anyway, I hope you have some time and energy left for your book!! We are very much looking forward to it!! Still, I wonder if all the news popping up do interfere with your writing and makes you having to rewrite some passages? All the best and take care, Bettina

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a “climate changes” but human ability to impact it is minimal to noner, I certainly support the Friends of Science recommendations as a starting point. Of course, in view of the WEF progress in toppling our world, that undoubtedly will have to wait in the cue.

Poland Coal. In that our Administration is labeling “COAL BAD!” it would seem to me that we should be selling/giving some of our largess to Poland. If this Administration is focusing on financing the Ukraine - Russian war, why aren’t we helping reduce the coal issue in Poland? In theory Poland is a vulnerable ally.

UK is a disaster area. Leadership in question. Financial issues you cite. And winter energy also in question. At this point in time garnering meaningful assistance seems to me to be greatly in question. Certainly looks like Germany will be a part of the disaster area.

Israel and “positive hints.” Considering the track record of our US shadow government, hopefully Israel won’t be holding its breath. IMO they need a solid plan B and C.

Coffee Prices. For our nation of coffee lovers - Oh No! Is there nothing that will escape the ill winds of evil changes! Stock up! I do caffeine pills and am recharging my tolerance for tea. Sad times.


With lots good luck got to watch and listen to your talk today! BEST YET! Would have liked to see you have the full hour. The approaches to addressing tomorrow would benefit from a less hurried delivery. I do think the slide show is a positive addition. Was watching on my cell phone, but in person where one could get the full effect, they are a good plus. I also like the Epoch approach where they highlight specific pieces of the text. What you delivered seems to me to strengthen and add to your earlier messages. Good enough for another Epoch interview (with you and Ed? I didn’t get to see Eds Friday presentation - but you noted it as positive). Will be looking forward to what all will be coming next.

Great going! Power to you! And continuing success! Bestest +++

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A coffee shortage could just put us all over the top.

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"Come now, let us rival Nature

We’ll build on banks between the rivers

Watch us wall off every danger

Save our stores from starving strangers/

Let us set the price of pleasure

Catch our cut from every acre

Tally all the Earthbound treasures

For we only own what we can measure/

Add a bigger buffer

Around multiplying structures

Divide them up then conquer

Such are the axioms of Empire

Ever hungrier for power

Seeking new realms to devour

Fending off the final hour

As the axe falls on the Empire/

These decrees define the letters

Lines confining willful workers

All will cultivate our cultures

For only we’ll have any answers/

Ordered echoes yoke the future

Designing minds to be their bearer

Wooden actors pose as rulers

On strings of plundered lucre/

We face foregone foreclosure

Debt embedded in the architecture

For those who seek to be Earth’s master

Summon forth disaster even faster/

Add a bigger buffer

Around multiplying structures

Divide them up then conquer

Such are the axioms of Empire

Ever hungrier for power

Seeking new realms to devour

Fending off the final hour

As the axe falls on the Empire

As the axe falls.../

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What is globalism really?

Globalism is internationalized fascism. Their goal is global totalitarian, authoritarian government integrated with elites and businesses (stakeholders).

The World Economic Forum coined the term “Great Reset”, formalizing their intent to dramatically change society globally. Stakeholders will own and control everything. The people will own nothing and be happy.

Their power grab is obvious: draconian actions for the climate change hoax, anti-scientific global COVID hysteria, masking, shutting down businesses, blocking highly effective, safe, and inexpensive therapeutic COVID treatments, mandating vaccination with ineffective “vaccines” that are highly profitable to Big Pharma and elite bureaucrats, and attempting to seize global power by the WHO.

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Ignorant, yet arrogant the WEF forum members will never agree to discourse with actual experts in climate, vaccines, public health, economy or any topic they have weaponized to achieve their 2030 goals. They have earned their wealth through inheritance, deception, coercion, bribery and the like; not invention, innovation, nor merit. They have enough money to silence any and all experts who challenge their nefarious suppositions and need to. As long as they continue to employ those with mediocre competence to add credulity to their obscene claims, experts must be silenced. Wouldn’t want their minions to reconsider their alliance should honest discourse occur.

How dare they pollute our minds with their nonsensical, unscientific, unproven, indefensible claims. They insult our intelligence and must be dismissed, ignored and thwarted. Anyone who uses the words Equality or Equitable, Sustainability, and Inclusion are ignorant idiots towing the line for the criminally incompetent WEF.

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Hard to distinguish between ignorance and a sociopathic lust for power/wealth. Suspect the latter drives the WEF

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Fulfilling Hitler's dream of a superior race. All others will disappear if we don't stop this mRNA madness.

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Think your right about the leaders, however, I suspect many members are just looking for attention/recognition/respect/admiration they could not earn among their peers on their own.

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Great post! It’s important we see news from other countries. I fear if we don’t gain control in both the Senate and the House by 2024, this is what our country will be experiencing. So many Americans take our freedom for granted. I hope they start waking up more before it’s too late!

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The ORDER OF CHAOS sums up the 3rd Obama administration.

Denver Airport Murals Morbid Images - Mountain Weekly …


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The 4 murals seem to offer contrasting alternatives: war/death or nations/races coming together in peace.

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Wow! I’ve never seen them either time I was at the airport

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Could we please just learn the horrific facts about batteries. Materials, mining processes, caustic resources, child labor, chemical output, heavy metal poisoning us and our environment, disposal problems, recycle enigma... We are busy saving the world from fossil fuels while destroying our economies, peoples health and our environment. Why don’t we just continue to pretend that we are all knowing.

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Yes, exactly! It is a travesty that is invisible to us.

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Dr. Malone, we appreciate your post from months ago advising some reasonable prepping steps.

We've checked off many things on that list. You might want to update and refresh that post. Maybe others have recommendations since that time to add.

Worth mentioning here is that I bought several portable solar generators and foldable portable solar panels. We charge them every few days, and supplement power with those for our sma;; electronics but we are ready for more challenging times. Really easy to do. They are Bluetti's but there are many others manufacturers, as reviewed on a YT channel called HOBOTECH. Considering one of their cooler sized portable solar refrigerators on wheels.

We also just bought a Weber Summit Kamado grill, hardwood charcoal fuel and accessories after watching many YT reviews on all sorts of grills. The versatile kamado style grills can do lots of things and the Weber metal version is on wheels and still fairly portable. My husband is particularly excited about that purchase! Doing these things makes us feel a bit more in control and prepared for the next round of craziness to come.

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Things do look dismal for this coming winter/year. All the more reason to stand together and keep going, one step at a time.

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Greta Thunberg: a real fount of wisdom.. I don't think that is what was meant by "and a little child shall lead them" .. yes.. well I am back close to home just reviewing the SARS Corona post symptoms which I still have .. very strange but not like before. The neurological symptoms are real and do not feel good. well phone ringing.

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Get well soon!!

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Twin evils (Covid and War) are going to do humanity in if rational voices don't take charge.

The sign posts are everywhere that the mRNA injections must stop! The research report about corrupting the DNA of newborns is the most significant shocking valid scientific report that I have read! All mothers should read this and get angry and stop this madness! You can find it in my article.


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As an added insult I am listening to "Rigged: Maddies Story." Dell is interviewing Maddies parents about the experience they have had with the whole episode of Maddie's inoculation. Quite the heartbreaking story of the complete inept response to their plight. We need Divine Intervention to ever get out of this mess.

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