"They" have no intention of stopping, they must be stopped first themselves, period.

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Reminder: The Nazis weren't going to Nuremburg themselves.

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there was that small matter known as "the entirety of world war 2?"

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deletedNov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022
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We could of course have our states take back control of our power production and tell the e.p.a. to pound sand. That would be a good start

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Agreed. We keep looking up to be saved, but a well organized county by county Constitution upheld communities is where its at.

Either they can comply, or we s h o o t them. Way more of us. Bring it.

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Like your thinking. Amazing how many folks forget we have a Constitution giving the power to the people via the states

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Jeff Childers wrote an interesting, perhaps sobering, article on constitutions:


I've read through several of the event simulations at https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/our-work/events/ and a common theme is what power is allowed by emergency use, can the military be used, etc.

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I like this idea. Texas has it's own power grid but we need to put less wind etc. I'm not sure how much if any is controlled by feds other than eoa. I'm going to write gov abbot and ask about how we can be in control of all of our nat gas oil etc. at a minimum let him know ppl are talkin about it if he doesnt know already

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The time for that has passed. You would be shocked to know how long and how effectively they have infiltrated even at the state level particularly in key states.

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Not at all surprised. Our energy needs here in Texas were being dictated by a commission all of whose members lived out of the state. The big freeze of 2020 evoked an outrage that got them removed. Much of the same policies still there but--someone did listen and the fact 30% of our energy now (un)renewables not qoing over too well with Texans

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Also here in Texas...there must be a forum to inform our energy commission that those who serve on it must be legal residents of Texas. Your thoughts?

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Is there a member of the Texas PUC who is not a legal resident?

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I think that commission is a political boondoggle we could do without.

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No electricity for a couple of days, very cold! We survived! Yea Texas!

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100 did not

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This truly is the most evil of all. There is no acceptance or pathway fir natural immunity in this. China already has done this for several years to varying degrees. Anyone who does not comply does not eat, can be jailed and worse for anyone in China is shunned publicly. Have we descended so far this cannot be stopped? There is no benefit from this for the masses yet those connected to the “Who”, Bill Gates and sadly most Western governments are happy to force implement this. If you complied with the masks and the jab you just might see unvaccinated as dirty disease causing people. Really in my city I’ve had people with masks on jump away from me because I don’t wear one. That’s despite our community has 68 case(whatever that really means) per 100,000.

Can this be stopped? I try to not be afraid and prayed they would not move so fast. Now everyone who has critical thinking skills must take a stand where we are planted. I hope we have prepared enough to survive what is coming.

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“What is it going to take to stop this globalized version of insanity?”

WE MUST NOT COMPLY! Had we done this from the beginning, as soon as we knew what was being implemented was WRONG, we could have stopped it.

All the bargaining -- if we just do this, things will be normal again -- just emboldened the puppet-masters. They will never relent until we are all enslaved.

So we have to decide whether to live as slaves or (perhaps) to die as free beings who tried to make a difference.

I still look to “Non-Compliant Movie” from KrisAnne Hall (Liberty First Legal) for inspiration: https://libertyfirstsociety.com/noncompliantmovie/ (1hr 24 min)

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Totally agree! Gave up trying to awake the masses. The DO NOT COMPLY is for us, of course. Horrific outcomes are coming. Yes, preparation needed. The hardest preparation for me is preparing my mind.

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I actually think secession could be the ultimate solution. People (or their states) could just opt out of the un-fixable mess. However, this would require abundant courage ... so this possible solution probably won't be seriously advanced. It would take many brave leaders just like it took a lot of brave leaders to secede from the UK.

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Is secession really necessary? If Texas had a governor with the testicular content of Gov. Noem this rush off the cliff might have stopped. That coward (or worse) hamstrung one of the world's largest economies when this phoney baloney medical emergency was declared. Had he kept us open, as Noem did, we might have pulled enough states with us to have nipped this farce in the bud. Sadly we ow have 4 more yrs of him to look forward to

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There are those who are actively working on secession of Texas. They are going to meetings, making connections with police, community members, attorneys, etc to inform the public what discussions and what they can do to help. People are actively laying the ground work. It might work or be a dream we don’t know until we start doing things. Texas has more power in its people than anyone can imagine.

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I agree. Abbott is a poor leader.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a 24/7 soul (sole) caregiver who rarely leaves the house,

here are some things I'm doing and planning on doing to stop this.

1) keep keep praying the Our Father daily - it specifically begs "deliver Us from evil"

2) purchase and distribute, asap, Dr Malone's book "lies my government told me" to everybody woke person I know.

3) I used to be a poet and artist and I'm going to try to resurrect some of those skills to help better share the information in a way that speaks to the heart.

4) to increase courage, strength, and good health, I am studying and practing Wim Hof and his breathing method as well as taking cold showers. I have begun a modified version and I'm kind of easing into but I think it's very important and he has a version for seniors, I am 63, I'm going to buy myself for Christmas.

5) I'm going to buy and wear JP Sears t-shirts that say "I will not comply' and other people's too I've seen several from "as we know" and David Harris just the name a few.

6) going to shop on "public sqare" buy from local sellers and farmers even if it cost a little more. I'm going to check out Gab for sellers platform. I used to sell on eBay for extra cash I think gab has something similar and I want to check out to see if eBay is a work company or not I'm not sure.

7) I'm going to start attending church again instead of watching on TV. in that regard I want to learn about the Latin Mass. as opposed to the novo ordos Mass. I, like others, believe the current pope likely has sold out to the globalists at a minimum. he is trying to stop the Latin Mass for good but since he's announced its closures, the Latin Mass has been seeing much more attendance than other churches. I may just go to AA meetings instead of a proper church when I was going 10 years ago my group provided a church that was the nicest Church experience and is really what a church should be... people just sitting around admitting our weekneses and telling out stories and where and how we get spiritual food and drink.

8) continue to keep up and share important information. I may get back on Facebook and I'm thinking about starting my own sub stack or rumble channel or something one place I can put everything I share.

9) continue to call and write email to senators congressman local government regarding things I believe are important like the unconstitutionality of allowing The WHO or any unelected official or organization make decisions for us. also point out every example of unconstitutional behavior etc of ou leader.

10) in addition to Wim Hoff. I'm seeking ways and things I can do to stay healthy, exercise more, increase strenghth . find freedom purposed medical professionals.

11) Use my Faith more and more

12) Rest more and practice patience

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You are one great tour de force of nature!

Warm congratulations on all the above and also typing it all out for great teaching purposes, MrsMc. ❤️❤️🙏🙏

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thank you...I didn't type tho. I mostly use voice to text feature on my phone device it's a lot faster.. number of mistakes probably the same. thank you again.

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Thank you for the artistic pathway to the heart. I, musician & songwriter.

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Don’t go to any place of business participating. If restaurant window says “cashless” - don’t enter. BOYCOTT!

Don’t fill out any forms that give you feeling it’s for this - from banks,or any other places.

Americans, they especially need our country to participate and, in their eyes, succeed for their entire worldwide plan to work. DO NOT PARTICIPATE! or we will look like China in no time at all.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

All of this was conspiracy theory not that long ago. How do more people not see it for what it is? A system of enslavement. I’ll never understand how so many Americans Became ok with limiting or outright taking away freedoms and rights. All I know is we need to do everything in our power to get the truth about this system out there in a big way!

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It starts with coddling our children, making them hypersensitive and fearful through SEL, and generally raising snowflakes who think the answers to our problems can be provided by man and reliance on government to "take care of us." Add a strong dose of teaching "social studies" instead of history and the panic of a plandemic and here we are.

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We have a Creator whose kingdom is founded on love, truth and freedom. Satan rose up against God's government and it is he who incites men to be oppressive & selfish. The results are what it is like to live under Satan's form of government: hate, lies and threats. The 10 commandments are the precepts of God's law that His kingdom is based on. It is a transcript of His character. We owe our allegiance to Him in this great controversy while we do all we can to help our brothers and sisters. It is refreshing to see others posting here of like mind pushing together to thwart Satan's purposes.

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Last week I received some information about the great rest. The one and only creep Harrari indicates the soon a large group of the elite come are going to the place where the Ten Commandments were given. Sound nice but the intent is to make their own ten for the world. We’ll I pray there is a medical that day one like we have never witnessed, the hand of God stoking them down as it is written no man shall add one word.

Harrari is spouting lots of heretical dogma all of it against Juseao Christian beliefs. He sound so intelligent but looks and sounds like a snake.

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He reminds me of 2 Thess 2:3-4 Let no one deceive you in any way, for it will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness—the son of destruction—is revealed. 4He will oppose and exalt himself above every so-called god or object of worship. So he will seat himself in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.

We shall see who will be “that man of sin” who will be revealed by trying to exalt himself above all that is called GOD.

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We are watching Bible prophecy play out before our eyes.

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Yes we are. Back in 70’s I attended a Bible school for a year. All the education in eschatology seemed it would happen at some far away date. We were admonished to be watchers on the wall. I’ve spent the summer and fall preparing as much as I can.

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The great rest will be the next big mandate. The covid mandates were just a practice run. We haven't seen anything, yet. Stand strong. God will see us through.

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Yes God will help us be strong and of good courage. Then therefore put on the helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness and feet shod with truth and then therefore stand!

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A brilliant pastor gave a widely viewed lecture regarding demons defined as persons without a body with which to carry out all sorts of corporeal acts. They were said to have resulted from the hand of God casting them out in judjment between genesis I and II. My wife and, upon viewing the video, wonder whether this whirlwind worth of demons have found refuge in the corporate/legal vs lawful/human world and the narcissists hellbent on destruction of all that is good. For eternal power.

Your words do help immensely in our quest to make sense of what lies ahead.

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Col 1: 27

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Hello, Katherine. I recognize many things in your post. “transcript of His character,” “in this great controversy.” just wanted to say Amen and “Hello fellow sister.” 🙏

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Hello, glad to see a sister pilgrim here. Keep looking up!

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Our sytem of government protects us from these globalist agendas. We just have to follow and enforce the Constitution. As for the rest of the world, they need to rise up and implement systems to protect themselves.

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While I agree, our Constitution will not help very much with international travel restrictions/requirements. Maybe if our unigovernment had our backs, but it's pretty apparent that they are the pawns of pharma, WEF, WHO, Davis, etc even when the RINOs are in charge. I'm saddened that my son may not be able to see the world without risking his life. Not sure what he'll decide when he's grown. It's pretty clear that an intervention more powerful than man is the only possible resolution. Man is making it pretty clear they can't govern themselves.

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So far we have a run away non compliant government that is NOT following and most likely never read our constitution despite the pledge to protect it. We have now in place real enemies within. Through slight of hand intellectual speeches and programming of our youth through bastardized public education. Since the best of generations has now gone to the grave it will be up

to we who are now in our 70’s and maybe as early as 50 to stand and loudly proclaim the truth of this matter. That is if they will stop shouting insults long enough to listen.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Are we--the awake and aware--the only ones who think that 220 medical journals publishing the same editorial means that all those journals are being controlled like puppets?

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I popped over here to just peruse the comments - I was curious if there would be the level of outrage I felt, expressed. As I was reading I got to thinking about "the mark of the beast" that was prevalent in some peoples’ concerns about ever increasing governmental size and power back in the day; and I couldn’t help but wonder how those folk would be reacting today. Back in the day, the mark was deemed to be some visible brand to show your sheeple status, belonging.

What I couldn’t help but wonder is could the mark of governmental compliance be some thing like this Covid passport. ESG compliance, vaxxed, socially conforming, etc. - is it the goal that all people become one homogenized indistinguishable mass. Your place in society determined and assigned by ????

I can’t help but wonder what happened to diversity; what happened to the chants of freedom of thought from my youth; what the hell happened to Haight-Asbury?

Would this, could this be the end? Does uniformity of conformity spell the end of mankind? OR,

is mankind still on some unchartered course of evolution in which we become more like ants and bees than sapient primates?

We use to call this Sci-Fi; what do we call it today?

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Yes! It is not a visable mark. Notice it is in the head or hand meaning you truly believe the agenda (head) or you just go along with it (handshake). That is what we witnessed through the covid crisis. It was not the mark of the beast, but gives some indication of how people will react when we are faced with that decision. The mark of the beast has to do with worship. Who do we align ourselves with? A good indicator is how did we treat others during the pandemic. Coercion, threats and fear do not come from a God of truth. love and liberty. By their fruits you will know them.

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Hopefully the awakened will find the strength to awaken the woke fools who would blindly submit like sheep to their own slaughter. Digital gulag indeed.

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Yes. We need the sheep to keep us warm (with their wool). Otherwise, we cannot count on them. And we cannot awaken them either.

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Thank you for farming. Stay well.

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Stopping it.... Refusal by society at large to comply? War?

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

America can stop this Social-BioTerror of Corporatism meets INGSOC, but people need to awaken soon and come together. The good and honest Elected leaders like DeSantis, RJohnson, RPaul, Gaetz, Hawley will work with us to stop these Megalomaniacs. Elect Desantis president and he will disrupt this Dystopian tyranny. Most Democrats support this insanity currently.

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Keep trying to wake up your friends and neighbors. Write to your legislatures. Voice your concerns. We have to keep trying for our children and grandchildren.

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Sometimes, I'm afraid that if all this totalitarian roll out isn't carried out to a certain extent —and eventually fails miserably no doubt— people won't realize what the whole thing is about. Unfortunately that means quite a lot of suffering and death before there is any significant pushback and the thing stalls.

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A Loving Creator that wants eternal relationship allows things that drive people to the Loving Creator for eternal relationship.

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Yes, He listens to our cries for help and is always there for us.

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That is consistent with our expectation that only suffering may awaken the asleep ones. Sadly. Then it will truly be all of us vs evil government vs left/right and all the other divisions they have foisted upon us.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

Precisely. Totalitarianism is inhuman and thus it has to fail. Also we should bear in mind that "totalitarianism 2.0" that is to say corporate totalitarianism with all its woke feel-good catchwords doesn't have the powerful esthetic that was conveyed by Fascism, Nazism, Bolshevism and Maoism. No blackshirts, no SS, no Hitlerjugend, no Red Guards, no Komsomol and no Hurrahs on the Red Square by the Red Army... No one is ready to give his life in combat for BlackRock, Goldman Sachs, Google or Pfizer stocks or stock options! I don't see any fanaticized ruthless warriors pledging their allegiance to Larry Fink, Augustin Carstens or Bill Gates any time soon! The whole damn thing is more akin to the Wizard of Oz behind his big curtain of PR.

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Your distinctions might also tell us why this version will WORK. There is no Hitler or Stalin type character associated with it. It's kinder gentler totalitarianism.

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

they fail because it's already been determined and written that they fail, both in this world and certainly as individuals in their unspeakably horrible next if they don't honestly repent.

The East (likely China), the North (likely Russia), and the South (likely Arab nations) will never be onboard with the globalists. They fight and in the end the globalists are defeated.

It's the discomfort along the way that's tough to deal with imo.

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I think you're mistaken - all the evidence (if you look for it) shows China, Russia and the Arab nations are all on board with these policies. China , Russia and Saudi Arabia are undeniably globalists. Russia (which was represented at the recent G20 meeting despite putatively being at war with the West) has already rolled out its own digital currency, vax passports and has joined with Astra Zeneca to produce more mRNA vaccines. See Edward Slavsquat on substack for details.

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I was thinking Daniel 11:36 and afterwards. It will happen sometime, maybe not in the current configuration, as you mention. But it will happen.

In general, things seem entrenched until they aren't. EU seemed impossible. Then Brexit seemed impossible, etc.

Frankly that people at large would begin to see truth and begin sharing the news about covid seemed impossible not too long ago. Now the leaking truth is seen all around in pretty much every form of media.

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Your optimism is enviable. Brexit (and other democratic decisions) is far from written in stone. The current helicoptered-in unelected Prime Minister + acolytes are moving surreptitiously to reverse it and return Britain to the EU. Latest proposal is to become an "associated member" like Switzerland but this will evolve. Northern Ireland, till now considered an integral part of Britain, is predicted to become a part of Ireland, as Sinn Fein has become the most powerful political party on the island. If that happens, expect renewed vigor for Scotland gaining its independence and the virtual end of the United Kingdom.

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Nov 22, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

These G20 governments are evil actually; no brain or senses. Why is that absurd vaccines passport? . Half of the population do not want the vaccines, how they will work on that? It’s crazy what is going on here Dr. Malone.

Just a read Isaiah 5.20, and I this it’s happening now. Heartbreaking for humanity.

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