Beyond tragic for that baby subjected to unnatural everything. Then to have that messed up person as the mother. Poor poor innocent child. Truly diabolic.

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I truly hope that baby is put up for adoption. 🥲🥲

Canadian farmers are being harassed by Trudeau’s Gov’t, too. Regulations demanding they cut fertilizer use by 30% has either been passed or is in the works. Farmers in all Western countries are being stamped out by the disgusting, un-elected globalists. WEF, UN, WHO, IMF - all the twits pushing the climate hoax. They seem to want humans more controllable so food is one avenue. Control the food, control the people. That Socialist crap has NEVER worked, just killed. Western governments MUST be voted out …Trudeau FIRST.

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The WEF members are stakeholder capitalists, using Marxist rhetoric as a cover for their land grab. There will be no place for us to run to, and no way to grow our own unadulterated food. The 'electrical prods' will be vaccine passports and digital social credit currency.

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They can try but it's not going to work. There are too many of us standing in opposition now. We can't let oour guard down though. We have to keep up the fight!

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Bill Gates bought up 40% of U.S. farmland. Blackrock is scooping up single family homes, it seems to be happening, they are working on vaccine passports and digital currencies. If they ban cash, which they can do, people will be forced onto the social credit digital system to buy food and survive. And they will control the quality of food too, which will by synthetic and laced with chemicals. In fact, during covid there were several stores I went to with notices that they only accepted credit cards. I do think they will ultimately fail, but my fear is that they will succeed long enough to cause enormous enslavement. And, the work to reverse it will be so much harder than if we nipped it in the bud now.

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I've read Gates owns about 275,000 acres of farmland. That's a far cry from 40%. Do you know where that figure came from?

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It is only a small percent of the about 900 million acres, so I was way off, I will be careful to check stats in future before recklessly throwing them out there.

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You are correct, thanks I gave a way overestimation, should have checked before giving a stat like that. Additionally, on Forbes it says 384,000 acres of U.S. agricultural land owned by China or U.S. companies with Chinese investors.

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That's why he's for open borders. He's importing slaves to work on his farms.

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Which is why when enough people wake up to their evil, they will be the TARGETS!

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I hope the baby will be okay, and perhaps there is some type of chelation to help. There has to be laws against this crime, it is a crime, just as it is to inject a woman with a C19 shot during pregnancy, or to inject a child.

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As many laws are on the books, we can't expect them to work without people that will enforce them.

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There will be people to enforce them. They have this all planned.

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So true, but we have to start somewhere.

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

I vote we get rid of those who were hired to enforce the laws and prosecute the lawbreakers (and aren't), but where can we find suitable replacements?

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Anywhere. Anything is better than this.

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Chelation affects minerals, not hormones.

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Diabolic is right. This story should help people understand the diabolic is real. Otherwise, how can you defeat an enemy you don't believe exists?

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

Correct. I just keep thinking about the poor baby. It was most likely irreparably damaged before it took its first breath. Similar to fetal alcohol syndrome. Perhaps a best case scenario would be a set of grandparents of the baby raise it. If they are at all stable. Because they would know full well that the daughter they had is not capable. I found myself also thinking of that horrendous photograph of a man on female hormones trying to nurse a newborn baby several months ago. Can you imagine the toxins that would come out of his breasts. I worry about that baby also and there are going to be more

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Don't confuse "apples and oranges". Hormones are not toxins. It (the "female" doing the nursing) probably had a hormone profile close to what a normal woman has.

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Also, hormones, even the "wrong ones" aren't neurotoxic like alcohol. A male fetus shouldn't be affected at all, and a female could have a problem, but nothing catastrophic on the brain.

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Having seen the effect of in utero exposure to illicit drugs on babies (mainly heroin and crack - I did my medical training in Baltimore in the 90's), I shudder to think of the damage wrought upon the poor innocent child, whether male or female. It truly is medical malpractice for her (yep, I used her) physicians to miss a pregnancy. Any female anywhere close to reproductive age should have a pregnancy test before any anesthetic, and if you've got a uterus, you're a female of the species.

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How can you NOT love Tucker....literally the best at poking idiots in power directly in the eye.

Thank you FOX News for unleashing the GOAT.

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So agree! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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I truly laughed out loud at that clip!

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“Seahorse Dad” is another example of using linguistics to con people into accepting wokeness.

I guess a woman can also be a seahorse now.

A male seahorse.

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Jung had some intriguing thoughts about why it took man so long to achieve a high level of technological competence. He proposed that man’s earliest vocabularies were image derived (archaic) and this somehow constrained objective thought processing. He pointed out the Middle Ages had no lack of skilled artisanship nor understanding of basic physics yet they did not begin to evolve a high degree of technology until they began thinking with new words derived through objective expansion of their lexicon and he credited philosophers like St. Thomas and William of Ockham for externalizing our mental activity. We evolved technology as our word driven thinking expanded.

Our ancestors did not suffer from any dearth of words: we certainly utilize far fewer words than they did. But Jung believed that they lacked or possessed a reduced ability to think objectively by relying on an archaic vocabulary…that even the early metaphysicians were so addicted to subjective thinking that it prevented them from creating the technical vocabulary they needed to put their thoughts into more concrete effect. It was only when emphasis shifted to words free from their visual etiology that we broke free of archaic thinking.

Wonder what Jung would make of the woke lexicon ? Maybe we are heading back to the cave?

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I don’t agree - even though he’s probably right. I just think when inspiration strikes, it’s so often not able to be put into words. And so much of creation builds on previous success with the belief anything is possible. Since I’m not gifted verbally, of course, I am biased.

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The British Empire did well to expand and propel all of our English Language.

And The People responded with a vim and a vigor. Almost at completive levels the spoken and written word has done it's God given magic to many nations.

What goes up...must come down if you enjoy Anarchy. As in "bloody well" torn down.

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Rich in adjectives,.

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So cool 🪟🧐👍

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

ET TL had an interview with a Doc re mental resilience. Posited 2 types of thinking. Type 1 mass thinking. Type 2 Critical thinking enabled the hippocampus (he likened to sea horses - their shape). Notes they have been shrinking and leading to alzheimers. Recommends taking steps to reverse shrinkage.

Seahorses are grabbing their moments in the spotlights. The tale of the baby is horrific!

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Nice Woke mockery Michael! Jung’s tech advance occurred with the ‘objective expansion of their lexicon’. Perhaps tech advanced when the static stations of the lowly majority were ever increasingly freed to ponder and invent?

Wokeism is indeed huge steps back ward but certainly would not be accepted by cave people as having any value. Wokeism = a disparaging term for the promotion of liberal progressive ideology and policy as an expression of sensitivity to systemic injustices and prejudices.

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Indeed it is. Oh, Texas Scorecard has offered to host that duel between the rino and Miller. Doubt it happens tho

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Being that Jung's life span was from 1875 to 1961, does anyone know of his thoughts on Karl Marx, Frederich Engels (and) their Communist Manifesto - from which present day "Wokeism" has emerged?

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Migt consider them too archaic. I know I see them as cave throwbacks

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By "them" are you referring to the Collective Leftists (read MARXISTS) that either infest or control (or both) of virtually EVERY institution extant NOW, circe 2024 AD?

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In the beginning was the word...

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He would have loved it

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Yep, just leave the babies to the dad!

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Jan 24·edited Jan 24

The US has been making it increasingly harder, for more than a decade, for independent, family farms to survive here as well. Control the food, control the people. * Note: that woman who had her breasts cut off is mentally ill.

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Seahorse dad, that is terrible. What is going to be wrong with that baby? Terrible!!!!!! How can anyone think this is ok?

Having grown up on a farm , I can’t believe what is happening to the farmers all over the world. They are trying to starve the world . One more way to kill U.S. off and make us eat crickets.

Thank heavens for Canada’s Federal court Judge . Go Tucker Carlson!

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Just like with the covid lockdowns, this is a consolidation of power to the mega corporations. Small, independent businesses (like family farms) were crippled to death while big companies were permitted to expand and thrive.

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Family farms have become "Big Ag", at least here in Maine. They have had to either grow or get done, Now, they've taken on the role of "too big to fail" which puts them in the position of being forced to do what their handlers, USDA as the funding source and Pepsico (FritoLay), McCains, ADM, etc. as the manufacturers, tell them to do.

I've joked with a few of them that they are nothing but sharecroppers, and once in a while they reluctantly agree.

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A comment a bit off topic from right here in the good old USA. The Supreme courts decision to allow the complete illegal invasion of Texas to continue, voting 5 to 4 could have devastating consequences fir both Texas and the Federal government. Both sides are heavily armed and it’s creating a tense conflict unnecessarily. If conflict does occur it wouldn’t be the first time that SCOTUS played a big part in starting a civil war in America. Their Dred Scott decision in 1857, where they said an enslaved person is not a citizen but property, therefore has no protections under federal law was a big reason the civil war began in 1861. In fact after the civil war in 1868 the 14th amendment was added to the constitution where protection were given to anyone born in America or naturalized even children of former slaves. Article 4 section 4 of the constitution states the federal government has the obligation to protect individual states and their citizens from invasion. 10-12 million people entering our country illegally sure seem like an invasion to me!!! I’m starting to wonder if justice Roberts is on the Epstein list? Also wondering if Amy Coney Barrett has been swayed by illegal democrat protests and threats to her family at her Virginia home? Either way it’s another unnecessary conflict caused by unlawful corrupt acts of this administration like I’ve never seen in my life. God help us all!!!! (Very abbreviated) J.Goodrich

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The Constitution also gives states the right to repulse an invasion if the fed does not. The Babylon Bee supposes Barrett has need for a lot of cheap gardening……..

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You are correct my friend. Biden is violating the constitution by not protecting Texas and the US citizens there, (article 4 section 4), and governor Abbott is invoking article 1 section 10 that says a state shall be able to raise troops to stop an invasion. This is my point of the Supreme courts actions and inactions provoking tremendous conflict even leading to armed conflict or succession. They keep spitting in the face of the citizen by not upholding the constitution. The document is there for scotus to abide by it and make proper rulings. They’re breaking their oath. Their weakness may turn into civil war…

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To a point, it just has. Eagle Pass may be the new Ft. Sumpter.

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It’s clearly in the constitution so why are they ruling in favor of invasion?

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Because the legal profession has stolen our gov.., i.e., the Constitution

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Dr. Nash, state after state are now allying with Texas and Governor Abbott. The federal government (Biden) has usurped the constitution and the SC’s unconstitutional ruling (assholes) has created a Fort Sumpter moment. Brainless Biden is fucking stupid enough to face federal troops against Texas national guard. This is what you get when all of our system checks and balances fail us and allow elections to be stolen, tyranny. Why wouldn’t Biden start a war with Texas, there are no rules for him. I pray for Governor Abbott to stay strong.

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Been harping for some time we should shake out the old nearly unused 10th amendment and rein in the fed

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We are all Texans now!!!

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You know another asinine stupidity of this administration is where are the majority of the border patrol from? Is brother going to shoot on their sister upon this bulky boneheads orders?

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I'm pretty sure I noted ACB has 9 children. Wondered at the time if it wasn't a tell she would melt toward liberal positions.

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It seems she is really influenced by Roberts, definitely not an independent mind. We saw this when she ruled against Trumps challenge on the 2020 election with the no standing BS. Those protests at her home, the lefts threats against her family, and the threat to pack the court all seem to have a moving effect on these judges. If she couldn’t handle the pressure she should have declined the nomination!!

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Some part of it is that these many threats didn't surface until after she assumed the position. Our opposition is now pulling out their full armament to fend us off and back us into compliance.

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Though I’m sure she was threatened once nominated for the job, I guess I’m angry that Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh have all been threatened and voted to uphold the constitution, so I can only think, the threats have swayed her to again vote against the obvious text of the constitution. I’ve read it, it’s black and white. So what is the reason other than the threats against her. I understand her kids but she should resign after Trump gets in if he does. Aggravation Jean!!!!

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

I agree ACB had no justification for voting with the liberal lot. Re the 9 children, a picture of them disclosed a mixed lot with some having to have been adopted. The mix of probable adopted gave thought re do gooding liberal tendencies. One hopes that with a solid President and hopefully more conservatives surfacing, she will be attracted to providing responsible support.

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Jean I guess I’m aggravated because her decision for whatever reason could result in people being killed or much worse...

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Just to let you know, I was listening to Mark Levin, ESQ. ( I do hold him in high esteem, not withstanding his tendencies to deliver what some might deem Trumpstyle irritating utterances). He is as angry at ACB as you are. Cuts her no excuses. Somebody didn't do their due diligence at the outset.

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I agree with Mr. Levin, on this...

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James, we are f*cked!

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Jan 24·edited Jan 25Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Many/most/all here will know that Macron and Trudeau are WEF golden boys, mentioned specifically in Klaus Schwab's boasts to David Gergen, in 2017, that "We penetrate ze cabinets" through YGL infiltration. One would hope by now that the French and the Canadians would be wise to what is going on and vote for replacements. But I can say based on routine tracking of France24 and (less often) CNews that news consumers get a steady diet of Woke Woke Woke 24/7, and that this could offer some explanation of self-destructive voting patterns. Jordan Bardella is Rassemblement National, which is Marine Le Pen's party. Le Pen came closer to beating Macron in 2022 than in 2017, but that doesn't change the fact that France is probably stuck with Macron until 2027.

Which leads me to this: confusion about who is and is not a WEF Young Global Leader. And given the apparently downward trend in WEF popularity, I will not be surprised at all to see historically revisionist scrubbing going on henceforth.

Tulsi Gabbard, who speaks very well and seems very sane for a former Democrat, was on with Dr. Drew a while back and basically distanced herself from reports that she was a YGL alum. Said she didn't really know how she got on the list, and really had no involvement. True? I have no idea.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott makes the appearance of fighting off the internationalist agenda. But independent journalist and former Green Beret Michael Yon, who is boots-on-the-ground all over US-funded migrant camps in Panama's Darien Gap, insists that Abbott's apparent efforts at resistance are "Kayfabe," or alternatively stated, scripted for known outcomes a la WWE wrestling. Anyone can go to the WEF's own website and see Abbott's bio entry complete with smiling photo.

Then there's Elise Stefanik, about whom there is currently VP chatter. Last I checked, she is on the Malone Institute list of Young Global Leaders. The Gateway Pundit reported some months ago, with photo evidence, that she is a repeat beneficiary of Gates Foundation largesse.

Now would be a good time to know whether Stefanik would be another lieutenant in Klaus Schwab's efforts to "penetrate ze cabinets." The WEF/YGL site, when I checked a few days ago, didn't show her as an alum. Scrubbed?

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James, thank you for this report. Stefanik gave herself away in my eyes with her voting record right off the bat. Tulsi is given guest appearances nationally because she is one of them. Abbott does as little as possible to keep is 'R' from building too much tarnish.

Michael Yon is a hero. I watched an hour plus video of him unleashed as Alex Jones got his amazing life stories disclosed. Yon is a force, so glad he is on our side. I followed Yon when I was on TS.

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James, I’m stunned. You hit me with some shockers! I will push Elise for answers on Gates funding. T.Y.

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Jan 25·edited Jan 25

I'm not intent on being anti-Elise. If there's a refutation of this, I'll be glad to hear it. Here's the article to which I refer, from September 2022.


Update: Also just confirmed using search at fec.gov.

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Mind-blown. when I see Tulsi, I believe her and her bravado.

In this post-truth era, nothing should shock, yet here we are. It feels like the poison drinking segment of the “princess bride” movie.

Perhaps that metaphor can revive a new gauntlet for a better test for truth and trust, at least until someone ciphers the antidote to counter the poison.

Or is that going to be confounded/substituted by AI and video-edits?

Yikes, can we please have our good old world back?

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Oh man, Canada's alternative news is fun! Twitchy Witch 😂🤣

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I adore Ezra from Rebel News. who I support. Freeland is a total evil bijotch resting bitch face, but her head continues to bobble. Where was Castro jr, you ask Ezra, he probably had covid again and ran to his cottage on the lake. Mummy Maggie a floozy was not just with Castro, Mick Jagger and others, whooping it up while Pierre slept. A few years ago she wrote a book, trying to justify her behavior back in the day, saying her Bi-Polar condition was not diagnosed properly, hence the drinking, taking drugs and sleeping around occurred. Maggie you are a see you next tuesday, your offspring has some amazing dna. Canadians adore Tucker Carlson. The Independent Judge was appointed by Liberals, who would have thunk eh!!

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Yes! But I was unable to see a twitch, or a tic, or anything that suggested she knew she was lying.

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refers to her head movements left and right in a sharp robotic fashion - one interpretation.

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Justin Trudeau: The pretty face of tyranny.

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He is under the thumb of dark globalist forces. They keep him in line by threatening to kidnap his stock of Pantene and softly-lit vanity mirrors.

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Seahorse dad 😂 And this is not from the Babylon Bee! God, help us!

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What good does it do us to have h to see rules found to be unconstitutional after the fact? The damage was done. Unless our politicians go to jail for these violations, the next one will do it again.

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


I can't stomach reading anything after the horror of thinking what is being done to that poor baby 😪 by those demonic monsters!

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article!

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No. Justin looks like his mother. Why is only his father's portrait photo shown?

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Whether Justin Trudeau has Pierre’s or Fidel’s DNA is unimportant. The sad fact is that Justin Trudeau is a stupid and ignorant autocrat blindly pushing the dictates of the WEF. And that this insignificant little man is the Prime Minister of Canada speaks poorly of the electorate who have placed him there. I pray that come the next general election he will be sent to the dust bin of history where he belongs.

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great essay and great comments‼️

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Poor Nikki Haley. Everyone of her rino clients loved her when she was on Epstein Island. Now, her window of opportunity has aged out.

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Jan 24Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have to wonder, just how many people would see the Sea Horse Dad story with any kind of compassion or understanding. I can see feeling sorry for the person who is that lost and dumb, that they would mutilate their body knowing that they have a child growing inside of them? but then again, how many pregnant women took the RDA? Yes they were lied to And yes it was promoted by world wide physicians and bureaucrats .. oh yeah, but they are robots, sooooo.....

Love the Canadian content on this story, yes we do have a communist government and yes Americans are better off than we are, somewhat. We all are governed by incompetent posers, or the dumbest shaggin' villains none the less. Global will couldn't come any sooner!!

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