Thanks for pre digesting the world news. I rarely bother with it. The globalists and others always have one word wrong. It’s not conspiracy theories, it is conspiracy FACTS. I know who ultimately controls things, the globalists have delusions of grandeur. While it is true they can make life miserable or even end it temporarily, I’ve read the back of the book and I know who wins.

“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.“Matthew 5:5

“And ye shall tread down the wicked;

for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, saith the LORD of hosts.” Malachi 4:3

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Thank you Ann for truth of His Word👍🙏🏻

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I so wish I could articulate it better. God wins!

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Thank you for sharing! God gives us comfort and peace from Him as we walk thru these trials and tribulations!

The true warrior Dr Robert Malone and his truth tribe is exposing the evil being thrust upon us, BUT GOD WINS!!!!!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

God wins and His people go with Him. One tough to stomach part is that it takes coming to the end of oneself and giving up and into the sacrifice of the Savior dying as the sole way into eternity. And THEN the victory awaits. Even clear thinking people who haven't given to Him have horrid stuff awaiting.

I went to church and tried to do all the right stuff for 8 years before giving up personally into Him. After that, all kinds of people noticed things in me, it was like they were seeing someone different. Humbling and wonderful all at once.

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Luke 15:10

10 Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents

This verse is for us all!!!

He saved a me when I thought I was done!

My wording is not articulate but the meaning is right

I truly care for you all, even though I haven’t met you I know in a deeper way who you are in Him!!!!!!

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YHWH said it & it's impossible to improve on His words.

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YHVH, yes it matters.

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Absolutely correct. I wish I could share better is a better way of saying it. I stand corrected. God bless.

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The meek will inherit the earth after those who are willing to fight for it put everything on the line.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

A little side step there. Depending of course if this is a poke at meek as cowards. One would have to understand the correct text in scripture if the comment is directed that way. Most haven't got a clue of what phrases, figures of speech, and metaphor are, or where the literal parts start and stop in the common cannons.

It is a very sad thing! Helpful for those that depend on confusion.

Meek most often in scripture translates as "the non powerful" or those not of "the wicked trouble makers" the meddlers, usurpers, pushy opportunists etc. In simple terms, GOoD Salt of the earth people. Foolish to right them all off as timid, cowardly, or plain "slap me across the face and I'll turn the other cheek" pacifists.

The bottom line focal point is; The IRON ROD is coming. Man is not in control. With the exception of choosing whether to do things HIS Way or get more of the kind of crap that we've now got. Too Simple? Too few care, sincerely.

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Truly the meek are the humble ones but certainly not cowards.

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I couldn't agree with you more. These are the times when the meek, humble and all God fearing people must come together. The Liberty and freedom to live and worship as we see fit is being attacked by an evil, well funded and well organized army of merciless demagogues whos god is power and money.

"Courage is being scared to death and saddling up anyway"

John Wayne

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Humanity has always defined the meaning of words to suit their own narratives . We witness this on a daily basis. The Bible was and is no exception. The numerous religions, separated through human "interpretation's", serve to divide us, confuse us and place their doctrines and dogma in the way of a true relationship with our Heavenly Father. The righteous will then spend their precious time preaching to others and pointing out their obvious short comings. Thanks for the lesson.

" Make yourselves like sheep and the wolves will eat you".

Benjamin Franklin

Interpret that!!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau, MO is where I earned my bachelor's degree in 1974. I am shocked and heart broken to read this news. I will be sending letters to the president of the school, as well as the editor of the newspaper. This is very sad news. I realize that the WEF and/or their predecessors have been infiltrating universities all over the world since the late 60s. Now they are going for our children in the public schools. Cape Girardeau is a very conservative town. They should return the blood money and say "No thank you".

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Sleepy towns need to wake up before it happens to them!

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Cape Girardeau is a sleepy town. So many people are lured by the money. I would love to know how much the WEF paid them. All of these local people involved will be selling their university and their community down the river. Most of them don't even have a clue. I could write to all of them, but my news will probably fall on deaf ears. Its as if they are living in another dimension. I am surprised that the WEF didn't choose Mizzou over SEMO. All the more reason for concern.

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And I might add, Rush Limbaugh is rolling over in his grave in disgust.

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He was a native of Cape Girardeau. I do believe you are right.

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Our federal government has wielded influence and control using the tactic of using federal funding (our money) in the form of grants, whether by the awarding grants or the withholding of them. State and local governments, along with colleges, universities, and health care entities should emphatically say “NO THANK YOU!!!”

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You are all WRONG !!!!

We should be much more emphatic in our refusal to be federal slaves with lethal strings attached. Every individual, town, city, county, state, “educational “ institution / indoctrination center, and corporation should say “Hell no! Keep your blood money and get outta my mask!”

Everyone, please get to know your officials, neighbors, and candidates at the local level. You can influence some of them and warn them about the dangers of succumbing to the elixir of federal funding and other people’s money 💰 .

I have had a few wins (granted, with a mostly conservative audience) over the last year — wins that never would have happened without personal trust and connection and a bit of courage to step out of my comfort zone and respectfully speak up.

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The DOE was created expressly for this purpose

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I went to The Institute for Advanced Conservative Studies in Cape Girardeau.

I never graduated because “the learning never ends”.

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I went there too. Really miss being there.

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Thank you Fran for your observation. I strongly believe that you are absolutely right, talking about methodical infiltration into the US political and educational system. I feel that "Shining" by Stanley Kubrick (1980) was a sunset of the American constitutional freedom and democracy.

Your generation is a single one witness of humiliating changes and disastrous decisions. You are a some sort of scale which allows us to see the social diagnosis in the whole its bizarreness.

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Yes, the home of Rush Limbaugh!

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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Wayne, I agree. They infiltrated the Boy Scouts organization. Imagine the impact the Pope could have on the world if he would return the money that the Vatican accepted from the WEF. He should say "I'm sorry, we didn't realize that the WEF agenda is not compatible with the teachings of Christ." "Therefore, we cannot, in good faith, accept any monetary gift from the WEF." I am not Catholic, but I know that the Pope can have influence over a huge number of people, all over the world. The WEF knows that too. There's no way he can embrace the WEF and Christ. He must choose. The WEF supports eugenics. They believe that there are too many people on Earth, and they believe it is their job to remedy the problem. That is, the WEF and Bill and Melinda Gates. They are all friends.

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I doubt they are what we would consider “friends”. You are so very right about the Pope. But unfortunately, there is a struggle within the church as well. I have completely distrusted this pope since his first public speech.

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Dr. Zelenko was a true warrior. RIP. He's probably trying to help us, even as I type.

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Who a man’s enemies are speak volumes about him. I think highly of Zev simply on the basis of his opponents identity.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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Rules for thee, but not for me. The rules are for us, the Serfs. Not for them, the Kings and Queens. Back to feudalism. The green agenda is for Serfs too. They all fly into Davos on private jets every year for their "stakeholder" meeting. The Predator Class. The worst beasts on the planet. They have everything they could ever want, but it will never be enough. They crave power and control. I think they have a few defective genes in their pedigree blood lines. "Live and Let Live", "Keep Your Hands and Your Feet to Yourself", and "Be Kind" are all simple lessons for all of us to follow. The power elite refuse to learn these lessons.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Klaus's father was a Nazi collaborator. Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi collaborator. These people never went away. They just went underground and have been busy infiltrating and indoctrinating wherever possible.

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Right. I corrected my comment.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“We believe in a world in which young people are central to solution-building, policy-making and lasting change.”

“lasting change” WTF?

Please, somebody! Teach your “young people” to critically read so they don’t get involved in such messes.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Okay from a small town in Texas

Gas is going down for the time being

Lowes our grocery store prices, which were always high to begin with, are now out of sight.

Candy is outrageous, I expect soda to really start going up. Halloween and the upcoming holidays are going to experience significant sticker shock. Not even thinking of chocolate chip cookies this year.

I have noticed grocery shopping the following; stock is iffy. Sometimes there are quantity limits. (Dr. Pepper for instance, also chicken wings, chicken period) Sometimes stores are out of pasta, rice, beans.Limiting toilet paper, paper towels. Quality of TP is going down. Selection of items is down. Two brands if that.

The area I am in hadn’t seen rain since May. Just this past week we have had rain. This in turn caused flash flooding in a lot of areas. Remember turn around don’t drown.

Buses of immigrants in out of the way parking lots.

Cattle has been sold off early, no feed, no hay, no water, so ranchers are cut their losses early. Price of feed is sky high as is deer corn.

The river which we get water from was super low. With the recent rains maybe things will turn around a bit. It is nice to see green instead of brown. I am not sure if the burn ban is still on.

we are worried about our wells. No rain for four months.

Everyone who can is trying to stock up for this fall/winter. Majority believes that after the midterms prices on gas will go up. In fact all prices will go higher.

Community divide on the library. With the lawsuit in play now and talk of insurance companies willing to settle out of court the feeling is that the library will close permanently at some point. Stocking up on books and DVDs. We get little info on what exactly is going on because of the lawsuit. Theory is that they are using this small town library as a test case for reading materials in the library. No one is going to win. The law firm is out of state (San Francisco, CA if I remember correctly)

We might be getting chickens after September. Eggs for trade or cooking.

The recent Biden speech was not televised in Texas. We tried on ABC, NBC, CBS and public tv. Nope, nada.

We are not wearing masks and I for one, am loving it.

No cable or satellite tv. It is just too expensive and not worth it, lots of reruns and the new is for sh*t.

Watching out for grass fires everything is both dry and wet. Storms are hit and miss here.

Trump signs for 2024 are going up, and many believe the election was corrupted. I am just tired of it all and wonder how bad the next election will be.

Still love the community, husband and dog. There, a positive note to end on. Stay well.

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Driving through Georgia (to see the now destroyed Georgia Guidestones) six months ago, there were already TRUMP 2024 signs on fences. If honest elections are held in 26 months, we'll never see the zombie-puppet Biden again.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Interesting that Biden's speech was not televised in Texas. That must mean that "they" really fear the citizens of Texas. I listened to bits and pieces of it the next day. It was embarrassing, to say the least. Its a sad day when you realize that the federal government and it's various organizations are nothing but a cartel. Any action to "Build Back Better" is an act of treason. That's not who we are. Build Back Better = Take Down Everything in America so the cartel can usher in Totalitarianism. Our protection lies in the sovereignty of our States. Red, that is.

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The push is to turn Texas blue. The governor has been a big help in that effort. That speech would likely have harmed this effort so....

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I hope they do not succeed. There is a pioneer spirit that will always be strong in Texas. Just the fact that his speech was not aired in Texas is reason for red flags. Biden and his followers are not fooling the good citizens of Texas. They still think "American".

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hi from Austin where we don't see many trump signs yet. Perennial Beto signs flourishing. take care. Thank you for your overviews. Im growing sweet potatoes and a few other things. prices always high here.

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We live in Spring, but my wife inherited a small farm from her father in Central TX. We spend all of our summers and a lot of weekends there.

Sorry to hear about your library. In Comanche, it was run by the same lady for decades. She finally had to retire when she reached her 80's. The county hired a new librarian, who threw out a lot of the old books to make room for new ones. My wife picked up a lot of the old books before they went in the dumpster. When my wife mentioned it to the president of the library committee, she was unaware of the books being discarded. I've had suspicions from the beginning about what kind of books the new librarian bought, but haven't had time to check into it.

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My wife was suspended from Next Door because of pointing out how a Librarian Assoc. meeting was being entertained by drag queens or some such foolishness. Anyway,the librarians are taking a definite swing to the left

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Good morning ☕

Happy Labor day to you and Jill👍

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I know this is a non sequitur, but on Labor Day I always think of Studs Terkel. I used to see him around Chicago quite often, the most accessible celebrity ever. He lived about a 20 minute walk from our house. I regret never having tried to visit him there. Studs really cared about people and the arts. I always wonder if he would have signed on reflexively to the COVID tyranny. I'd like to think that at some point he would have begun to ask questions. I suspect he would have opposed funding the Ukrainian military.

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Studs Terkel is one of my favorite writers. I once sat on a bus next to him when I lived in Chicago - it was one of the highlights of my four years tenure in the windy city.

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That's great! He used to ride the bus all the time. I bought him a drink once and he complained too many people were buying him drinks! His radio show was unique, more like a podcast in a way.

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I think they waited for people like Studs to leave this Earth before they started pulling their full-on crap.

*I knew Eric Hoellen (pseudonym), the Janitor from “Working” very well. Maybe it’s a good day for me to revisit that book. Thanks for bringing Studs up!

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and thanks for the comment.

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“The picture that I’m painting is one of the end of abundance." - Mr. Macron

Yep, that's the premise of the Great Reset. There will only be enough "abundance" for the elites. For everyone else, there will be destitution and death.

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End of abundance?? That is also completely anti-God. God is a god of abundance. Have you ever seen one dandelion bloom and the results across your garden a few months later? It is simply staggering. Have you ever seen how many blue berries you get from one bush. God multiplies 10 -fold and 100-fold. The end of abundance? yeah, right, what they really mean is they won't let you enjoy any of God's abundance. They will take it all for themselves instead.

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The Great Reset will actually be a reset of the French Reign of Terror, but on a worldwide scale.

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The Duran (geopolitics analysts from UK and Greece) + Gonzalo Lira (filmmaker and former podcaster on lighter matters holed up in Kharkov during the last 6 months in Ukraine) discuss the End of Abundance:


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I really don’t feel like watching that. But I will.

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Yes, I agree with their perspectives. I have followed Gonzalo Lira this last year over at The Saker's website:


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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I say the following with nothing but love for Dr. Malone. As I read the news clips from around the world, it struck me that Dr. Malone is as "un-American" as me. Wait, wait. Hear me out.

I was born and raised in Canada, then later became a citizen of Greece, then even later America. It always struck me as odd that American media treats this country as an island nation in which all of the interesting things happen, save for huge random calamities around the world.

What a pleasure to wake up this morning to this post. Thank you good Doc.

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It is actually hard to find new stories from sources that aren't "US" news based. The Internet/news sources do not allow one to go to other nations and look at their news easily.

For instance, go to:

https://www.independent.co.uk (or any similar domain that is UK based)

which is then ported into


There you can get news from the US - but not actually what is being printed in the UK.

This is the same for many foreign newspapers - the US edition is all you are "allowed" to read.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Yup. Part of the good feeling I had when reading your post is that it put me back to the lovely Greek island where we have some land, and which I visit every November, going back to 1998.

For two weeks in November, I eat the best food, swim in the 70 degrees Mediterranean, even eat the bread and baklava from the local "furno" (and come back 2 pounds lower), and discuss the news from the whole world with my friends over there.

But I love coming back to America where we are all free. Well, sort of free, since Covidland and all.

Which brings me to this substack page. To me, this page is one of the few places left where the true America, free and brave, lives proudly.

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It is interesting that the war we started in Ukraine eight years ago has not been in the news lately. Except for the murder of Darya Dugina, you'd think it was ancient history. One can only conclude that that Nazi's are not doing very well.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To me, Covidland changed everything. Prior to Covidland, I could read stuff on climate change, health advances, political revolutions, etc etc and not bat an eye.

Post Covidland, my suspicious mind says "What are those lying f-tards up to now?" Ask yourself that about Ukraine, and it's a short walk to the 2014 coup, and the shelling of Donbas by Nazis ever since then.

Not that I'm "pro-Russia" in this war. I'm not. Neither am I "pro-Ukraine".

I'm pro-Russian people, pro-Ukrainian people, pro-American people, pro- .... you get the picture.

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I will agree with pro-people wherever they may be, but also more pro-Russia than any country that starts these wars, diseases, and USA is the #1 culprit, followed by UK, Canada, France, you get the picture. Russia also is an Orthodox Christian Nation whom I respect, as I am one as well, however I am not Russian. God Bless. Gospodi Pomiluj.

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Yeah, I think world history shows that the pre-eminent power -- America today (but not for long, it appears), England in the 1800s, Spain in the 1500s, Mongols in the 1000s, Romans in 300, etc. etc. -- are always the "#1 culprit" for "wars, diseases" and pretty much else that the rest of the world despises.

BTW, love your ending. My father was a Serb, and although he didn't teach us kids the language (because my mother was Greek, and they comprised with English), I will conclude with one of the two phrases that I remember coming from my father in the 1960s: "донеси ми пиво, молим те" (confession: I had to use Google Translate).

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We love our fellow Greeks, have huge respect for how even now we have our Vesper Services together at Easter, a beautiful sight. Many, many Serbs in Serbia go to Greece for their summer vacation, a beautiful country. Hey at least you father added the please when he asked for the beer!! Love it. All the best. Ziveo!! I wonder if the 2nd was "jebem ti" lol.

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Except that comedian Jon Stewart just awarded an Azov (Nazi) Battalion soldier for his "heroism" at a Disneyworld Warrior Games event, Jimmy Dore covers this well:


Highly recommend The Duran available on many platforms. They are a hub for talking with many independent journalists and commentators around the world on the matter of Ukrainem and all current geopolitics.


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Hi Dr. Malone, I would think a VPN should solve that problem. I went on Independent's site using your link and switched to different countries, including the UK and it seems to load the exact same material every time. ( Maybe I'm missing something? )

Brave Browser is also good since it takes out a lot of the ads off of news sites which makes them easier to read. Hope this helps!

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Brave.com is the only browser I use. It is amazing how many stories are promoted by Google and MicroSoft and how many are hidden.

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Me too

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VPN gets you around some of this.

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Yep, I second the VPN suggestion, I use the free VPN Chrome Extension called "SetupVPN" which allows me to pick a country like Netherlands, UK or Switzerland, then the site you browse thinks that's where you are coming from and they give you the news tailored for that location.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The News - brought to you by WEF. They will become the new AP, Reuters. Shaping policy and the spin at the same time.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

LOVE this concise listing of world news in a brief, easy-to-read column. Would like to see more of this!

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wow ! It looks like the WEF is invading country by country and now state by state.

Greece’s energy is the only country where 100% of the price goes through the stock market.

Missouri is starting a young global group. It would seem that the target group is 18-27. This is the age where they are “adults” but they haven’t had enough experience with real life experiences. They are easily shaped and molded to move the WEF agenda forward. Like the nazi’s did with the youth. Endocrination.

Parents need to teach their children to be critical thinkers. As Dr Malone says if it looks like duck and walks like a duck it must be a duck.

They can’t teach us old geezers new tricks . We have lived life. So they target the youth.

The energy crisis is the WEF’s own doing.

Let’s taunt Putin the big egomaniac into invading the Ukraine . Let Putin destroy the corrupt evidence.

I’m just grateful for my faith in God. He is the all powerful one. He wins in the end. Obviously according to the book of Revelations we have a lot of crap to go through before his son comes to save us. Keep strong , keep the faith and please do a lot of praying.

We spent the weekend camping with our youngest child before she leaves for college at the end of this week.

Sketch internet access. That was great because we were able to have some good conversations about life.

Hug your kids , teach your kids, love your kids.

Dr Malone and Dr Jill thank you for all that you do for the good of the planet. Have a great Labor Day.

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Those family dinners can be used to great effect. While it's tempting to eat and run off to the kids' evening activities, make the effort to have a good sit-down dinner a couple times a week. Even older kids are easily bribed with a tasty meal :)

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this column. Effectively gives a world view of related events. Helps to keep matters in perspective here given the msm spin.

On a separate note….because you may know who might be able to consider what I am about to suggest…..

The AG’a from Louisiana and Missouri have successfully put forth legal theories that have provided them with discovery that shows the collusion between big tech and the government in censoring speech.

Clearly, there are claims to be made by you and others who have been raising the alarm and challenging the government narrative. My understanding of the legal theory of their case is that the censorship that our federal government orchestrated impacted their ability to advise their state citizens about the merits of the many faceted COVID debate. I expect/suspect that if the discovery warrants (as it seems to) others will join in the lawsuit. That is, various experts like yourself will be able to claim infringement of 1st Amendment and defamation. However, there will be debates around what protection you have and whether you are a public figure warranting less protection from lies. The irony is that you became a public figure in trying to counter the government narrative!

Anyhow, as an attorney, I am wondering if these lawyers (AGs from LA and MO) have considered that they may have the basis for a class action lawsuit of citizens against big tech and the government for their actions. While I understand the frustration and impact that the demonizing of you and others had——it may be even more of a wake up call to America (and a potential means of breaking the mass formation psychosis) to have the class action expose the downstream effects of their censorship and calling you folks misinformation spreaders. That is, calling out how FB began attaching notices to the accounts of those of us who followed your research and writings. Some how we need to make these matters real and personal to everyday Americans. For example, I have friends who have disowned me and called me a conspiracy theorist for trying to raise concerns about the vaccine.

A class action lawsuit that profiles the nastiness that our supposed “unity living” president fostered and condoned is important to demonstrating the importance of the weaponization of the msm and press. We need to be able to show that in essence the current administration, Fauci especially, has operated as if it has a state owned and controlled media.

I had to laugh when Biden said violence is never condoned for political change. Interesting that he has no problem weaponizing Americans against each other….he and his administration have with COVID committed a great deal to f violence against Americans in the name of politics. I have endured assaults on my job by a fellow citizen (just as docs have been under threat of their job) for my opinions and questions relative to the vaccine. My mother lost her life to the vaccine. I have lost friends who have charged that my questioning the experts means I am a conspiracy theorist who should he shunned. I know a state assistant prosecutor who publicly ranted that those who refuse to get the jab should be treated like prisoners of war.

The class action lawsuit would demonstrate the harm inflicted on average citizens who would not consent to the vaccination. It would also show how the censoring and defaming of you and the other dissenting experts was purposefully done to control the masses and censor them….through fear! If you speak up….expect to have happen to you exactly what happened to the wrongly demonized experts. The is the real crisis America is in is the mass formation psychosis that Fauci et al fostered. Buck stops with Biden. We are looking at totalitarianism if we do not impress upon the public in general that they were purposefully weaponized as a means of control. Even if you win your case or it settles….the admission of big tech and the government will just get spun. We need to be able to demonstrate how the web of control spread through msm and then by FB and other platforms essentially blacklisting many Americans who listened to you.

Keep up the good work!!!!

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

"I have friends [and in my case, sadly, close family] who have disowned me and called me a conspiracy theorist for trying to raise concerns about the vaccine." It keeps on and on.

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deletedSep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022
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Wayne, thank you so much for your kind encouraging words! Unfortunately, where I live, in a very very blue Midwestern town (with a large, woke university), I don't see ANYone in my immediate environment who's awake in the ways we are... and that's why I'm online... to find a new family. I dread a family wedding later this month; at least two of my six sibs have pretty much ostracized me, and I have to go be social with them. I doubt it'll be much of a joyous occasion. At least the bride, who doesn't agree with me, has held her tongue and actually treats me as if I'm a human too.

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If I were in your situation, I'd seriously consider moving elsewhere. Build new ties in a more compatible community.

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Yes, I have considered a move... we're elderly, though, and the entire task of finding and then uprooting to go to another locale is very daunting. At the moment, the coping mechanism or lack of it is to hunker down, be cautious but firm, keep in touch with people like you online... and pray like crazy.

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I am sorry to hear that finnbuck. These are the times I am grateful for not having any siblings, I can't imagine, I can not hold my tongue, which used to get me in trouble in the workforce, banking. I was always on my customer's side advising them what is best for them, not the institution. A few calls from Head Office asking what I am doing!! Just my job, nothing more, nothing less. Many happy customers I hardly knew, but my bosses not so much. Even now, retired, I run into some of these same people, we have a polite chat and go our ways. They are not family and ever so grateful for the advice, which was really my job. I adore, respect Dr. Malone, Jill and the posters on here. God Bless.

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Don't let them set the tone! "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Keep smiling and cover them with kindness.

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Right. Stay in relationship. Alienation is not the way through this mess. Find ways to rock the boat, but without polarizing and creating enemies.

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Laura Garcia - thank you for spelling this out so clearly. I know many families who have simply fallen apart due to these lies. Many. The truth must be told. The world’s public must have opportunity to hear it!

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"...it may be even more of a wake up call to America (and a potential means of breaking the mass formation psychosis) to have the class action expose the downstream effects of their censorship..." I love this forward momentum opportunity!

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Even "bigger issues than conspiracy theories!" Stay awake my friend.

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The WEF's fear of becoming the object of public criticism and anger reminds me of a classic scene from The Wizard of Oz:


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I can't help thinking there is another curtain behind the curtain. The WEF have been exposed, but who controls the WEF? Or does the buck indeed stop there?

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Their protests are too little, too late. I think a lot of Canadians have figured out lately that the conspiracy analysts have been right all along.

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Sep 5, 2022·edited Sep 5, 2022

Typical news day. A few hopeful signs. Others not so much.

Can't tell if we're winning or falling further behind.

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Sep 5, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I did a brief run through of all of the news items. Great overview. I came away with a half smirk, half smile. Not all will suffer and once again we see and experience the juxtaposition of the draconian approaches that lead to “the end of abundance” while another nation rolls along strong. Which way does the world want to go? What a show. Split screen definition. Yep. Karma can be a “b**ch” now can’t it…Let’s see which way the citizens of the good ole USofA want to roll.

Thank you Dr Bob. Always stimulating and enlightening.

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Great! Klaus says we can all be superheroes if we get the implant! As for the Global Shapers in Cape Girardeau, there must be more to this story, I don't think this randomly came about because an Indian likes Missouri, WTF? Also, what is "codefi," the alleged reporter who wrote this never explains? Okay, maybe I missed it. Carlson had a great segment (I saw it online since I ditched my cable box last year) about Europe returning to the middle ages, with people (in Poland) foraging for firewood so they can keep warm this winter. The Greek economy and many other economies will be destroyed. Why? To aid Oligarchs and military contractors? I am afraid James Corbett was right when he said world war III has begun and it isn't a war between countries (although I think we might get there, too) it's a war on YOU. That is, on us, the common people. Thanks for this digest.

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Looks like codefi is this organization: https://www.codefiworks.com/about/ trying to help rural folks join the digital economy without having to move to cities, sounds like a great idea to me. I think one good thing that might come out of the Great Lockdown is the realization that cities are mostly unnecessary. If cities declined and people lived in nicer more rural places, they would probably have more common sense when it comes time to vote. Could be a good thing.

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I think we need to form alternative communities, that's what I mean when I say merely voting won't do it.

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Sadly, voting won't change the path we're on, I don't think. Interesting that codefi isn't transparent about where its money comes from.

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Well, I hope you are wrong :-) I think the global cabal wants us think we have no choice but to protest, riot, and even entertain the unthinkable, civil war. Because then they can round us all up and throw us in jail and throw away the key - thereby cancelling our vote. They are so afraid of our vote that Biden is willing to risk riling us up with talk about how we are all extremists. Remember they say "what they wish was true" - not what is actually true. We see it already with jan 6th protestors still sitting in jail, no court date, completely illegal that they have no due process, and there's no outcry from the media, zip nothing. This was a trial run and it worked so well that they are ramping it up globally (riling the Canadian truckers, Dutch farmers, French yellow vests, Australians because of never ending lockdowns). We must not fall into their trap, we must win votes, and hearts and minds one neighbor at a time, show forgiveness, love, and truth, zero aggression, so we totally destroy their false narrative about extremism. We want your average CCN watcher to think "hmm, that's not the Chris Lovett that I know? what are they talking about? switch off" :-) I believe a small number of dedicated people can achieve a huge amount. Look how much Dr Malone has achieved, wow!

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“Outcry from the media”. They are supposed to report. There has been little outcry to report. I say shame on us!

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I don't doubt any of what you said, but voting alone won't defeat the globalists. There are many Republicans (Mike DeWine types) who are on board with their program.

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I don't believe Chris was suggesting that "voting alone" is the limit re: what to do and how to be.

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Well, he mentioned voting as the key thing. In any case, he seems well-equipped to speak for himself.

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