How do I flee Australia, satrapy of Amerikan Empire, WITH my assets protected from Western Banksters? Where can I REFUSE CBDCs? Vax Mandates? Panopticon surveillance? Where Pedophilia is ILLEGAL, not encouraged by depraved perverts? WHERE?

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You're going to have to find an indigenous tribe to adopt you in Africa or the Amazon. Stay away from Papua New Guinea.

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OMG, Moresby! 'tho the Nature History museum there has a hand axe from ... 45,000 years ago!!!! 🤯 I'm thinking Souther Mexico, Central America... but the fallout... 🤔

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Perhaps one of the BRICS countries could help find what you seek? Snowden seems quite happy and maybe Tara Reade will be happy.

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Heh. Well DEFO NOT South Afrique, oui? They're kiln the blancos there & my Evil Australia will only take non english speaking Devil Worshippers as immigrants, not white Africans. Certainly NOT China! Oh my very goodness! I like cricket! 🤷 (head waggle,) and I've always wanted a 🐅

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Experience the charm of Hungary, a country I've proudly called home for over a decade. Amidst the growing interest in the BRICS economic coalition from various European nations, Hungary stands out as a potential participant. With their open stance against the Open Society Foundation of George Soros and the perceived shortcomings of the European Parliament, Hungary offers a unique perspective worth exploring.

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Florida is mostly an island now.

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Mexico is a narco state, run by the drug dealers. it is the least safe place to go.

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As a libertarian minded guy, the cartels would be safe, IF there was an arrangement... pero la problema is la vecina de Mexico, sabes?

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Given the long history of drug trafficking by the CIA, it could easily be said that the US is a Narco state. Basically, the prohibition that drives the narco business has been in place since 1914. No surprise, San Francisco and many other large cities in the US are the least safe places to go.

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Mexico is a large country, with some scary regions and others not so. I understand that quite a few Americans are now settling in Mexico, but not sure what region[s]. Could be worth looking into.

Always remember -- in most countries, whenever there is a dispute between a native citizen and an outsider, the outsider loses. That has been the case even when the American empire was at its strongest. Many countries are also rather racist, so perform requisite due diligence and try a short visit before making any radical decisions (that said, it may behoove you to get a move on, as the world situation is changing fast, and the Davos crowd has nasty business planned for 2030 but may try to push the agenda faster if their powerbase is threatened by advancing BRICS ascendency.)

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WIKI: "Pedophilia is a paraphilia. In recent versions of formal diagnostic coding systems such as the DSM-5 and ICD-11, "pedophilia" is distinguished from "pedophilic disorder". See? What are you talking about?

The Crown still has a strong grip on the counties of an old British Empire; the difference is that the empire became sort of shy...

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Every poor decision has it’s consequences and the United States is on an unbelievable slide into oblivion. It’s comparable to the Cleveland Browns and the Detroit Lions when each had like one win in 32 games over 2 seasons. It’s debatable when the current disaster truly started but it is not debatable that we need dramatic changes in so many areas to survive. We need divine intervention badly. Let us 🙏🙏🙏

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And, we need citizens to wake up and act up.

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Years ago I heard Lyndon LaRouch explained the people all over the world held US DOLLARS because they felt they had some safety with their dollars. He then explained if the dollar lost its' place as the World's Reserve Currency, those dollars would return to the USA so fast you would hear the whosh and we would have an immediate deflationary depression. When is that going to happen with the morons in Washington printing so many worthless dollars?

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"years ago" - actually MANY decades ago, when the U.S. paper dollar was still backed by and EXCHANGEABLE for GOLD, the scenario LaRouch posited WAS plausible, however, the fiat paper dollar ever since "tricky Dick Nixon" (via his EXECUTIVE Order ), took the U.S.A. OFF the Gold Standard - is backed by NOTHING. THAT fact means that with NO exchange for GOLD, any and all "paper" dollars held world-wide would become essentially, WORTHLESS.

As it is NOW, since the Federal Reserve /treasury department has had the paper money printing presses going FLAT-OUT 24/7/365 - FOR YEARS -the actual (worth) of the paper dollar is FAST approaching a NEGATIVE value.

Rumor was, back before Nixon made his 'formal' announcement to de-link the U.S. dollar with GOLD, the Arabs got wind of it and CASHED IN ALL their paper dollar holdings that all but EMPTIED OUT the Fort Knox Gold Reserves Repository.

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Gee, it's almost as if they were trying to wreck the economy on purpose...do you suppose that maybe the much-touted Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) the banksters are always congratulating themselves about without much enthusiasm from we the debt-slaves needs a panic-inspiring push like, say, a total financial collapse, to get off the ground?

Between the centuries-spanning huge scam of the central banks on the one hand, and the byzantine international legal system and trade treaties that give multi-national corporations so much power that their demands easily overwhelm the sovereign of national sovereignty, we little people are in a terrible fix.

Both of these psychopathic vampires feeding on the lifeblood of humanity while consuming nature and spitting out ruination MUST BE STOPPED!

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The NWO must die. Thank you for this new critical information.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Doc: Thanks for the background information. No clue how this is all going to play out, but geo-politically I can't see BRICS as one happy family. Brazil, India and South Africa may have common interest in ending US Hegemony (at least one being driven by our current corrupt regime in concert with WEF et.al.). However on other matters Brazil, India and South Africa have more in common with the USA and Europe than with China and Russia. As bad as the USA ruling elit is today, I think most people understand the CCP is worse.

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What the BRICS countries have in common is a distaste for everything about the government in Washington.

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Most Americans hate the deep state and want it destroyed. If one candidate (RFK jr) ran on dismantling it and does it--there may be a glimmer of hope. Otherwise its over.

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You did see what happened to Trump, his father, his uncle?

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Really now,JFK Jr.? A Democrat running on bringing down the Deep State?

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I suddenly feel a certain amount of empathy for BRICS inhabitants.

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China and Russia have never been comfortable friends. But the enemy of my enemy is my friend-type thinking prevails... If America had been kinder to Russia after the demise of the USSR instead of acting like a bunch of parasitic carpetbaggers, Russia would have served a role as buffer between the US-lead "west" and China, but instead, NeoCon hubris and insane, "never-Trumper"-level hatred of Russia poisoned their minds and pushed US politics into this 19-century British "Great Game" mentality that is now leading the Anglo-American-centric hegemony to a precipitous demise.

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Who was behind the installation of the commie in Brazil - Russia, China, Rothschild? There are only three nation states without a central bank (I assume all CBs are secretly run by Rothschild families). Iran, North Korea and Cuba. In 2003 that list included Libya and Sudan. In 2000 that list included Afghanistan and Iraq. Any ideas as to what happened?

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That's very curious... All places the us either invaded or was involved in regime change...🤔

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Steve, you are a curious cat who smelled out the rat.

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Not by much and moving swiftly in the direction of China at their direction.

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I can't fathom either Russia or China happily going along with a NWO in which either is a player and not top dog. The UN seems to coax China along by giving it control of WHO. Any move the middle east nations makes towards China means they disrespect the western nations ( who can blame them). It's a chess game that could have a surprise checkmate. It's like playing Risk but with money and commodities instead of troops.

South America has what everyone will want oil and freshwater reservoirs.

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Russia and China have a common enemy NATO.

NATO is owned by the US.

China now owns the US having purchased it through the Biden crime family.

Obama is an America hating Muslim who wished he could have a third term from the shadows.

The Saudis orchestrated Obama's formal education and rise to power and Obama orchestrated the Biden crime family's connections to money through the billion dollar deal in Ukraine.

Biden got rich and In return Obama got his wish to "lead from behind" the curtain.

Lead from behind....🤔 Where had I heard that before.

I believe over the last two years China has been passing orders to Biden through Obama or Obama surrogates like Rice who recently excited state left.

It's a pretty deep rabbit hole.

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As a Canadian, devastated by our current government, and knowing that the USA is a highly corrupt state of liars, oligarchs and warmongers, I fear for Canada's future. It is only a matter of time until the Americans completely destroy their own economy and resources, and come looking to steal Canada's wealth of natural resources, much as they have in every weaker country around the world. It is my fondest hope that our next government disbands all this stupidity and that the Trudeau liberals and their Uniparty opposition are thrown unceremoniously out the back door, so we can issue a heartfelt apology to Russia, initiate positive diplomatic relations, and someday they might accept us into BRICS. We are too small to defend ourselves against the Behemoth to the south and we are going to need help with defense in order to survive.

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Let's not forget the WEF and China's 100 year plan in all of this...

China owns the Biden crime family and thus they controls the US. I believe China is orchestrating the destruction of my country through Obama pulling Biden's strings.

Remember it was Obama who gave Biden the point position in Ukraine and blessing to withhold the billion dollars if the prosecutor investigating Hunter and the Biden crime family wasn't fired.

I believe Obama allowed Biden to do his dirty dealings in Ukraine and in return Obama agreed to install Biden in the white house with the caveat he (Obama) runs the show from behind the curtain. That actually explains why Obama waited till the last minute to endorse Biden, plausible deniability.

And I'm sure there's more....

It's a very deep rabbit hole with many twists and turns and dead end to confuse investigation.

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Jarrett pulls Obeyme's strings. That stupid son of a bitch isn't much brighter than Biden.

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Exactly, they have bigger problems than us.

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“Brexit Shmexit” as my Grandmother would have said if she was alive when we supposedly left. We are being pulled back in to the EU sadly. Our political class as a bunch of treacherous scumbags. We never left the EU and will most likely be kept handicapped being tied to its institutions until all the older people who voted OUT die off. The young are too young to remember, and too selfish to think about anyone else. They will vote for their own executions.

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Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for such an important global view of the BRICS growth. Most sad to think we have seen our best USA come and watch a rapid effort to compromise meritocracy for elite personal gain of corruption. Must fight the good fight for our next generation.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant assessment of what the leadership and powerful of the West have wrought. Our image even in the EU is one of resentment and disgust. The peak of delusion is demonizing Putin for unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, while ignoring Iraq and a long list of other despicable actions. Everyone should be concerned that very soon the rest of the world may attempt to extract revenge for the policies and actions of the representatives we thought cared about us. China is way ahead in the revenge department than most, flooding us with Fentanyl as revenge for the opium wars.

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Jun 11, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Do I infer correctly that with the advent of numerous other nations into BRICS that it will challenge the influence and authority of the US, UN, WEF, UN?

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Nothing is as the mainstream media suggests.

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

AMERICA needs to pull out of China, period‼️

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In our beloved US we are now ruled by -- bandits.

Stand with Russia -- it fights for all of us !!

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So agree with that. But duck and cover was beaten into all of us relentlessly at a very early age. So many are lax to give up that fear.

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Jun 11, 2023·edited Jun 11, 2023

"Dark Ages America: The Final Phase of Empire" by Morris Berman, 2006.

I was shocked in 2006 when he said there is no was to stop the collapse of our empire. Today the collapse is in full swing.

From the cover.

"...argues that the the nation entered a dangerous phase in its historical development from which there is no return. As the corporate consumerist juggernaut rolls on, the very factors that once propelled America to greatness -- extreme individualism, territorial and economic expansion, and the pursuit of material wealth -- are now paradoxically the nails in our collective coffin. Within a few decades, Berman argues, the US will be marginalized on the world stage, its hegemony replaced by China or the EU. We could also, he suggests, be just one more terrorist attack away from a police state. Berman's book is a controversial and illuminating look at our current society and its ills'

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Ha: How about the USA petitions to join BRICS?

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Who ever thought the evil empire was us? In fact the BRICS alliance has as much or more capacity for evil as we in the West have. The capacity for evil seems proportional to the hubris one has about being the missionaries of economic and political deliverance for the world. The unraveling of the Western alliance and the rise of the BRICS alliance does not bode well, but our alliance is so corrupted it must reform or die. I tend to think it will die first rather than engage in creative self-improvement.

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