I've read that one cannot find a stick of wood in Haiti b/c of extreme poverty. Any available wood is burned as fuel.

It's not just old growth forests in the US that are being cleared. It's also happening in Europe.

The wokesters would never do this, but try to imagine a world with no fossil fuels, and the ensuing poverty. The world would become barren of vegetation. People would eat every living creature they could kill (no birds, no squirrels, no trees in any city park, or anywhere).

Sounds crazy, I know. Remember, the people making these decisions couldn't anticipate defunding the police would cause an increase in violent crime. That's the caliber of people we're electing to run our lives.

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They are pretty well electing themselves via fraud. We have been largely eliminated from the process

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See Green Utopian fantasy in real time in Sri Lanka. There won’t be a standing tree or live animal left.

The furniture industry in was centered in North Carolina before being offshored. What is left is the hardwood - which makes the best pellets.

But making pellets does not employ skilled-value added manufacturers and craftsmen. See the future in real time in New Hampshire - hollowed out towns, jobs at The Kwicky Krap, and fentanyl.

And I forget: what is the current Earth temperature - which you need to figure the optimal Earth temperature and why?

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You misspelled ruin.

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. . . perfect Aimee! I love it.

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It has also ruined Haitis ability to grow crops, because the erosion is so bad, because of NO TREES.

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I'm afraid it's not incompetence. ☹️

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Sadly, I would have to agree! Seems to be way too many coincidences of our countries natural resources being destroyed lately!

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Mistakes would go both directions. What we've seen from the 'leaders' for the last 2+ years ALWAYS goes one direction (just like the FBI 'mistakes' that always went one direction). Nobody is like "oops, we accidentally have too many nuclear power plants online and can help you after your stupid decision."

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Would it be "competent" to open our drilling and to provide gas and oil for ourselves and the countries in need? Of course the "warmists" wouldn't approve. Biden-O would never go for that. Too sensible.

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Of course it would be sensible. It's hard to believe that's where we were before the senile, illegitimate president was put in office.

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More appropriately

the senile, illegitimate, puppet. . .

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There was an ironic twist to the COP27 events today when 55 combined African countries stated that, tired of waiting for the promised billions from the developed West to persuade them not to use fossil fuels to help them emerge from poverty - which has not materialized - they intend to develop their own fossil fuel resources and even (heaven forbid!) sell them to the now needy West.


Wonder if this will put a dent in the WEF & Co.'s rhetoric......

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To hijack an old saw, "If bullshit were electricity, the WEF would be a powerhouse!"

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Go Africa! They pushed against the WHO agenda also. As described in Robert Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci, Africa has suffered much as the West, or their "representatives" experimented on them and their children.

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Bright green lies over and over again. You know, both left and right could come together on an agenda of earth stewardship. Both sides can get behind conservation, soil building, etc. Not to mention saving the earth by getting rid of burn pits and the endless war machine. How about abolishing globalist corporate ownership of governments? But no, that would be a far too sensible way of handling things.

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We are the stewards of a small, natural growth pine forest and I deeply treasure it and can’t even imagine clearing it! It is home to a huge variety of birds and critters, which makes strolls through it all the more enthralling! I have been watching in horror in my NE FL region as more & more land is stripped bare of it’s trees! On top of that we are experiencing die off of many of our pine forests, which our foresters attribute to pine beetles. I agree with Dane Wigginton, @GeoengineeringWatch.org on his assessment that these trees wouldn’t be susceptible to the beetles if they weren’t already weakened from climate engineering. The Dimming Documentary is very well done & can be found on his website or YT. Also this website has many sources: https://www.ourgeoengineeringage.org/post/welcome-to-our-geoengineering-age

Way too many incidents of our natural resources being squandered or somehow destroyed! A friend just returned from work in CA. He said he was excited to see the green farmlands he was used too from living there many years ago. They were all dust! He asked the locals about what was happening and they explained that in spite of the draught, they still had water,but were not allowed to use it. A small fish, 🐠 which wasn’t native (AIS- aquatic invasive species)had been found in their water and out of supposed concern for it threatening their natural aquatic life, they were dumping this water into the ocean!

I know here in FL they make a big deal about invasive plants and trees(which were mostly brought from Asia during the colonization periods) and want landowners to remove them from their property, but these trees and plants are already established in the environment after 100 or more years. I can understand thinning them out and replacing with native trees or removing from small areas that you intend to replant, but it would be ridiculous to try to remove completely because they are so widespread and it would do more damage to the land and wildlife in the long run. Way too many paychecks being given out in our country in order for someone to dream up more ridiculous laws & initiatives!!!

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Hey Sunflower Storms. Lots of what you say is true and I am seeing it my my forest too. I am steward to acres of deciduous forest here in Minnesota but the dang Oak Wilt(spread by beetles too!) is eating my forest. Hard to keep ahead of it. However, the oaks are being replaced by beautiful maples. . . and more oaks are reseeding themselves from acorns. Elms never reach maturity because they die before attaining about 5 or 10 yrs-- Dutch Elm disease.

I have reached the conclusion that this is just life in a forest. It will go in cycles and one tree species will cycle through life and replace others only to be replaced itself. Who knows.

God Knows.

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I have fond memories of a summer camp I attended in MN twice in my youth! Beautiful, pristine lakes and forests (at least in the 80’s it was)! Have you watched any of Dane Wigginton’s videos & documentary- The Dimming? They seem pretty convincing to me and I have watched the flight patterns with their residue in the sky continue to increase over the years and now I witness damage to all kinds of plant leaves after a rain - half of my day is spent outside. I’ve also been witness to the insect populations dying off in my organic gardening- mostly the good guys & honey bees. The production of my garden has decreased when it should be increasing as I continue to enrich the soil. I dunno, not a scientist, but I am observant and something is different….🤷‍♀️

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You are likely on the right track Sunflower Storms. It is not an easy thing to prove with only anecdotal evidence we have to show. . . My wife's veg garden did NOT produce well this year and I installed a drip irrigation system to make sure it was not dry like the nasty dry summer a year ago. Did NOT over water either. As you say: "I dunno".

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Encouraging our own leaders to follow the Flemish lead appears to be a reasonable pursuit.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022

The Globalist Circus doesn't have to produce successful results. This evil cabal only has to SAY they are producing them. Repeat the lie until it is accepted as truth.

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I agree. If only people would realize that when the overlords say they are producing results, and those results are not being widely experienced as improvements to our lives (as has been the case for a while now), then the overlords are still failing miserably -- to put their priorities in the right place!

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Dark forces are upon us. I believe we need to ascend to a much higher level of reality in order to grasp what essentially appears to be outright madness. The depth and breadth of this destructive life force is massive and appears to know no bounds. One could ask: where are the corporate heads, world governing heads, elite intellectuals, economists, journalists etc? Maybe we must come to grips with what is really going on. Is it too late?

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I am a follower of Christ. It appears that we are moving ever closer to certain events prophesied in the Bible, such as a one world government. That doesn't mean I sit around and do nothing; it means I do the best I can (as a 70 year old grandmother) to fight the injustice, stand for the vulnerable, and tell people how they can be prepared for eternity. (Hint: It's through Jesus. "Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6) It is comforting to know that God is ultimately in control, although it may not seem like He is.

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In my opinion, the corporate heads and world governing heads are greedy sociopaths who are the ones driving us off a cliff. They couldn't care less what happens to ordinary folks. All they care about is the endless accumulation of power and wealth. The elite intellectuals are lost in theory, economists are lost in their fictional economic models that bear no relation to reality, and true journalists have gone the way of the dodo bird; we now have "news presenters" instead, where "news" now means whatever new propaganda the sociopaths want you to hear.

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Jo, I agree.

It is eerie how NOT ONE of the billionaires has come out and stood for sanity and decency and righteousness.

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OR... Started to set the example by selling all their cars, palaces, real estate of all kinds, stock accounts, bank accounts, move into a small 2 BR rented appartment.. Good leaders SET THE EXAMPLE, RIGHT?

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EROEI is also the overriding influence for living on this planet. Humans and their domesticated animals can consume and never produce as long as oil is available though. Won't be long now!

Start a garden and begin the process of becoming a producer.

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I'm guessing what you mean is that the necessities of life, like food, clothing, etc., can be produced by machines (and not muscle power) as long as oil is available. It seems to me that the critical factor about oil, when viewed in planetary terms, is not whether it will remain physically available, but whether it can be extracted and readied for use at a cost that does not break the economy. For example, since economic growth in western countries is fueled by increasing levels of total debt outstanding, there may come a point at which the cost of energy disrupts the servicing of all that debt. Maybe, if there are enough individual gardener/producers, ... ??

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I don't know what will happen.

When considering that a barrel of oil represents 20,000+ hours of human labor what is it really worth? Will you buy 10 gallons of gas for $500, pull the load with horses for cost of hay, or just push it up and down the hills yourself?

Our appetites are so unnecessary in the respect that we could easily cut out 90% of the economy and still live quite well. The funny thing is we can't really disconnect as this economy is mandatory. The days of free land are long gone!

I don't divide this up by the cost, not even by calories, which would be closer to my ideas, but as the acronym EROEI. Yes, oil is the fuel that drives human behavior right now, as the EROEI decreases at each step down we will give up something that requires more energy with no return. Like orchestras for instance. As per Charles Hall.

Basic using food as energy, what quality and how much food eaten to produce the in labor to feed, cloth, build a shelter, and have a life.

I recommend starting a garden so that people can eat healthy food #1, get enough outdoor exercise #2, mingle with the local biology #3, save some money #4, and become less dependent of unhealthy food sources #5. Although if enough people did begin to disconnect from processed fascist food, it would change things but I doubt that will happen in a big way, but who knows.

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Yes. The coming transition presents a real dilemma.

I think the advantage of using some sort of relative cost ratio to express EROEI is that you can see the exponential nature of the inevitable decline.

I agree that most of the "stuff" we buy does not contribute to what makes life meaningful. In fact, I think we'd be better off without most of it.

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Deforestation is not an ecologically sound (duh) substitute for clean burning natural gas or even oil. Trees absorb CO2 and give off Oxygen. Deforestation leads to poor soil conditions and loss of habitat for the food chain of creatures... great and small. God created a world in balance and these blowhards want to destroy it.

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This is not what Adam Smith meant by 'advantage' in trading. There's no economic logic in these energy exports.

'Coal to Newcastle' used to mean the height of absurdity. Now it's Green by definition, just as diesel was Green by definition until VW missed its blackmail payment.

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All over the world I am seeing government leaders selling their countries down the river. They don’t seem to be working for the good of the people they govern rather they are schmoozing with Uncle Klaus for a chance to sit at the global round table. It heartening to see Belgium refusing to play ball.

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Burning tree = Bad.

Burning tree to graze CH4-emitting, human-feeding beast = REALLY Bad.

Burning tree + Glue proteins = Progressive, Inspired, VISIONARY

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The leaders of the world are trying to kill off their residents. They didn’t kill them off with the vaccines so they are now going to to starve and freeze their residents.

Pure evil!

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I no longer trust National Geo any farther than I throw a 30 year pile of back issues. We need to be careful about the cavalier use of the term "old growth". True old growth in the US is scarce.

Most pellets are from young forests, however, it's still a PISS POOR way to generate electricity, especially if that fuel must be shipped overseas. We must learn that we've been sold a bill of goods with wind and solar. Electrical demand hits in late afternoon, when both are going downhill for power production. Neither can function without of huge amounts of base load power. And batteries for grid backup is a joke, especially considering the amount of energy required to produce them.

This was all predicted long ago-even in 2019. The world would have to installed 1500 2.5 MW windmills EVERY DAY until 2050 to reach net zero. And that assumes no baseload needs---ludicrous. https://www.forbes.com/sites/rogerpielke/2019/09/30/net-zero-carbon-dioxide-emissions-by-2050-requires-a-new-nuclear-power-plant-every-day/?sh=6e3da14335f7. For more up to date, practical analysis, see Dave Walsh Energy on gettr. Western civilization is built and enabled by electric power. See Robert Bryce, A Question of Power, or Richard Rhodes Energy to begin to get an idea of what is truly required. The WEF plans are a prescription for collapse.

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I live in the Midwest of the US. When things got crazy during Covid, I realized the one thing that could do my family in fast - since my government leaders are crazy and no help there - would be lack of heat in the winter. So I got a wood stove. At first my husband thought I was a little crazy but he seemed to enjoy it today with a high in the 30s:) It is a Vermont Castings Dauntless "flex burn" which means at a certain temp I switch on the catalytic converter which burns the particulates so its pretty clean and efficient and I'm getting 26% of the cost and insulation back as a tax credit. I get my wood from a neighbor with a tree cutting service - I'm burning Ash trees that died from Ash borer disease. Obviously there is not enough dead ash trees for all people to use a wood stove, but with the number of dead trees coming down in my area, I should be good for a few years. By then maybe better government - or maybe Jesus will come because I'm thinking it's going to take something cosmic and mystical to sort this all out.

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Ash borer, Dutch Elm disease, Oak wilt, Pine beetle. . . and then there's these dang prickly ash and buck thorn!

It seems like forests fight to live just like humans.

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I've heard we can plant Elm trees again :)

I've also heard Maples are next - I hope they are wrong.

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