There were approximately 30 million buffalo in the U.S. circa 1800. There are about that many head of cattle here today. Cows are not the problem. Oh...and the whole climate crisis crap is a hoax.

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"Well, if cows are such a big problem there are way more people then cows..."

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Yaaaa, I think they're working on that too.

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Americans dont see it, but they are killing humans now.

By creating food destruction, food prices rise past the ability for many to feed themselves.

Millions are starving now because of the WEF.

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"Millions are starving now because of the WEF"

I believe that is the plan. Reduce the surplus population, and all.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

I don't believe there is a surplus population, just a surplus of people who don't buy the "bull shit".

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I used to watch the Red green show! A Canadian national treasure. One of the very finest pieces of Canadianne culture. Highly refined, yet accessible for normal folks. Miss Justin Castro should join an episode to learn more about Canada. Justin’s daddy Fidel would not approve.


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It's why I was immediately so mad about the lockdowns. I knew that around the world people would be starved to death or otherwise killed by cutting the production and supply chains.

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WHO even said as much.

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Per the UN over 30,000,000 starved to death because of the lockdowns destroying local economies...

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That number is probably low.

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Soylent green. Start with the commies and green monsters. They would love to become green pellets. It would be their only contribution to humanity.

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Great reference! If the proles can be convinced to eat bugs, they can be convinced to eat people crackers.

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'karma' ---->> compost,

and the weird thing is that the ones whom they follow will be doing the composting.

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"Near the end of her column Hageman states there is a “special place in hell for liberal elites who intentionally drive up the cost of food.” "


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Why haven't they banned Private Jets to fight climate change yet? Shouldn't these elites lead by example? I suggest the WEFers bicycle to the next Davos and eat the bugs at their banquets.

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They have made it crystal clear they believe they are not like the rest of us. Even Congress exempted themselves from vaccine mandates. The west is devolving into a totalitarian system just like China and Russia. We are going through our own cultural revolution. I wonder if there is any way to stop it.

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One well placed moab would quickly rectify the davos problem

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Toto, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore.

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Some days I wonder if we're still on Planet Earth.

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Feels like the Matrix to me.

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With too many black cats running around.

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More like a poorly written low budget sci-fi movie, rejected by reputable studios as too unbelievable.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Man made global warming models and Climate change theory is best described as " a beggar, wrapped in purple, whom ignorant people mistook for a king." Their theory is a mass of errors and deceptive ideas and opposed to common sense.  

"UN Climate policy is FakeScience & fraud and entirely political - not scientific or environmental in its purpose; a fact they admit. In Nov 2010 Ottmar Edenhofer Co-chair of UN-IPCC Working Group 3 said (link in Presentation below**): redistribute de-facto the world's wealth by climate policy..'One must say clearly that we .One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore'.    


There is no man-made climate change.

NASA - What's the Difference Between Weather and Climate?


Urban areas make up only 3 percent of the entire land area of the country but are home to more than 80 percent of the population. Conversely, 97 percent of the country’s land mass is rural but only 19.3 percent of the population lives there.


Half The World's Population Lives on 1% of Its Land


The Greenhouse Effect is caused primarily by Water vapor in the Troposphere and is the most powerful greenhouse gas.

The ocean plays a key role in this vital cycle of water. The ocean holds 97% of the total water on the planet; 78% of global precipitation occurs over the ocean, and it is the source of 86% of global evaporation.................

About 71 percent of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth's water.

Why? Releasing heat(IR) by evaporation by using water from the oceans, we call it weather and cooling.







Carbon Cycle:

In reality, the earth's greenhouse effect is a good thing. If not for the greenhouse effect, earth's average surface temperature would be -18°C (Celsius), or -40°F (Fahrenheit). Instead, our planet exists at a livable 15°C, or 59°F. We need more CO2, not less.

CO2 is actually a planet-saving nutrient that could multiply food production rates and feed the world more nutritious, healthy plants and ecosystem

It is called the "carbon cycle" and "water cycle" of nature: Plants are a good starting point when looking at the carbon cycle on Earth. Plants have a process called "carbon cycle" and photosynthesis that enables them to take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere and combine it with water. Using the energy of the Sun, plants make sugars and oxygen molecules. In return plants exhale oxygen which allows you to breathe. We and the ecosystems need more C02, not less.

The reason why the CO2 atmosphere theory can never work is that the Ocean-atmosphere interface controls the amount of CO2 in air – a warmer ocean (which holds 50x more CO2 than the atmosphere) emits CO2 and vice versa. This is very basic physics*.

Taking a cold can of CO2 is actually a planet-saving nutrient that could multiply food production rates and feed the world more nutritious, healthy plants and ecosystems.Prove it to yourself at home - soda, place it on the table, if you let it warm up it will give off CO2.

The sea is a 'buffer' solution of many salts so anything added has even less effect.

There are other reasons why CO2 warmest theory must fail: a) the surface cooling effect of plants b) Non equilibrium thermodynamics in the atmosphere - i.e. the assumptions of the ‘theory’ are nonsense. *Henry's Law.



Growth with CO2:

Consider the carbon atom: without it, life as we know it wouldn’t exist. Together with hydrogen and oxygen, carbon is one of the literal building blocks of all life on Earth—including crops and the countless people who rely on them.

CO2 is a life-giving gas for plants, Commercial greenhouses are aware of this and commonly use CO2 generators(up to 1500ppm) to maximize production.

The U.S. has been steadily adding back forests since the 1940s. According to The North American Forest Commission, we have two-thirds of the trees that we had in the year 1600. But the news isn't all good – cities in the US have been quickly losing critical urban forests.

CO2 is making Earth greener—for now --


A quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.

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It's a moral justification for the neofuedal future they want. Propaganda to keep the plebes in line while they are enslaved.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Correct you are....FYI...background information

There is no real Marxism or man-made global warming, it was a manufactured cover/false flag for the Black Nobility, the Royal families and international banking families and the Vatican. They learned over a 1000 years it is best to operate from behind the curtain.

The new world order is really the old world order. Which two groups believe in the divine right to rule?

The Council on Foreign Relation is one of the operation fronts for these folks......


Three major legs of the globalist stool, the Vatican: who has had the best intelligence service in the world for many years and the Black Nobility, the Royal families and international banking families that started the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state.

They have been trying to claw their power back, but they are small in numbers.

Their enforcement is carried out by NATO and the Military industrial complex.

They won't quite go back to Feudalism, but close. Most folks have no idea who is actually behind globalism and why they are making such an effort.


The question is who is controlling the banks? Answer - The Black Nobility who are the Royal families and international banking families, these groups that start the Globalist movement to counteract the rise of the nation state. Yes, they have actual names.

International banking cartel headquartered in the City of London and on Wall Street and Switzerland, together with their agencies like the Bank of International Settlements, the IMF, World Bank, the global systemically important banks and institutions like the World Economic Forum.


They learned over a 1000 years it is best to operate from behind the curtain.


These folks ran the world for over 1000 years before nationalism and they want their power and control back.

"The divine right of kings, or divine-right theory of kingship, is a political and religious doctrine of royal and political legitimacy. It asserts that a monarch is subject to no earthly authority, deriving his right to rule directly from the will of God." Certainly not the working class poor peasants. What right do they have to vote.....................and tell the Kings with divine rights what to do?

The Guelphs are also called the Neri, Black Guelphs, or Black Nobility, and supported William of Orange in his seizure of the throne of England, which eventually resulted in the formation of the Bank of England and the East India Company, which would rule the world from the 17th century. All coup d’etats, revolutions and wars in the 19th and 20th centuries are centered in the battle of the Guelphs to hold and enhance their power, which is now the New World Order.










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Excellent presentation of facts, John... the only one you missed is that the ENTIRE premise of "MAN-MADE" climate change is outright FRAUD - conjured up and perpetrated by the non-productive parasites that INFEST to so-called "United Nations" - who first trotted out their preposterous assumptions WHOLLY based on computer MODELS by PAID UN so-called "climate scientists" in the mid 1970s.

Aside of redistribution of wealth from the so-called 'have' (industrialized) nations to the so-called 'have nots' - NONE of whom are actually delineated -the goal of the UN apparatchiks and nomenklatura is to completely control the GLOBAL means of production (and RATIONED global "fair share" redistribution of energy, food and ALL life sustaining products) by INTERNATIONAL UN-ELECTED and UN-ACCOUNTABLE "lifetime" (tenured) bureaucrats.

The absolute INSANITY of trying to institute absolute (global) egalitarian "life" on planet earth will wreak havoc - and NO one will be "held accountable".

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please follow the links for full documentation:


A. Geoengineering Programs and Weather Modification Experiments,

This article lists active geoengineering programs, proposals, experiments, field trials, and weather modification programs worldwide:


B. Weather Modification Laws in the United States of America:


c. Extensive list of Patents:


For anyone doubting the existence of the phenomenon of geoengineering/weather modification, please take a minute to read through this extensive list of patents from America on equipment and processes used in just such programs. The evidence is clear.

Map of U.N. Tracking Weather Modification Projects (1952-1999)



NEXRAD - NEXRAD or Nexrad (Next-Generation Radar) geoengineering




NEXRAD or Nexrad (Next-Generation Radar) is a network of 159 high-resolution S-band Doppler weather radars operated by the National Weather Service (NWS), an agency of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) within the United States Department of Commerce, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) within the Department of Transportation, and the U.S. Air Force within the Department of Defense. Its technical name is WSR-88D (Weather Surveillance Radar, 1988, Doppler).


Hurricane Idalia could have caused far more damage to Florida. How come it didn’t?

Did Hurricane Idalia follow a trajectory that was laid out by nature? Or is there much more to the equation of Idalia's path? The US military first initiated hurricane modification operations in 1947 with project Cirrus, how far have they advanced their technology in the last 76 years? What part do frequency transmission installations play in the steering of Hurricane Idalia and every other hurricane that the controllers use to carry out possible agendas and objectives?


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John...technically speaking the UN definition of "man-made" climate change is directed specifically and explicitly to "climate change" caused by John Q. Public.

The possibilities of GOVERNMENTAL (made) climate change is conveniently ignored.

Thank you for the additional links on "geo-engineering" climate change - which IS controlled (and GENERATED) by governments.

Here in my neck of the woods, after some months of no noticeable man-made "con-trails" that coalesce into overcast, cloudy skies -"they" are at it again, with innumerable jets criss-crossing in all directions spewing out SOMETHING that does NOT dissipate as actual high-altitude con-trails - from piston engines or jets do. Have you have any specifics on WHAT these jet induced substances are that do NOT dissipate but coalesce together?

The notion of using climate as an instrument of WAR against other nations is an abomination!

BTW, what was the name of the East Coast hurricane some years ago that made a 90 degree LEFT turn and whacked New York and thereabouts? VERY unusual.

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

That is an interesting point about John Q Public....

High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines, Geoengineering, And The Contrail Lie

"Here is the fact of the matter, all commercial jet aircraft and all military tankers are fitted with a type of jet engine that is by design nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances, the high bypass turbofan. "


We are told by all "official sources" that the sun blocking weather disrupting jet dispersed trails we see in our skies are only "condensation trails". The "condensation trail" official narrative is perhaps the greatest lie -- that jet trails are a "normal result of fuel combustion",.


The fact that official explanations for what we see in our skies are completely contrary to deductive reasoning and the laws of physics has, so far, seemed not to matter to the majority of the population.

Here is the fact of the matter, all commercial jet aircraft and all military tankers are fitted with a type of jet engine that is by design nearly incapable of producing any condensation trail except under the most extreme circumstances, the high bypass turbofan.


The fact that high-bypass turbofan engines cannot produce trails is the reason life-long skywatchers and pilots have never seen trails come from these engines until widespread geoengineering began.


Testimony: Allan Buckmann, US Air Force Meteorologist

Wildlife Biologist Retired, California Department Fish & Wildlife

August 07, 2014


#1 There’s Barium and Aluminum in jet exhaust. Take a look at the IPCC’s report and you will see confirmation that indeed barium and aluminum are indeed in the exhaust plumes of jets.


The aluminum as a fire accelerant - "is any substance or mixture that accelerates or speeds the development and escalation of fire."

"The author discovered that unprecedented levels of aluminum and barium nanodust, primary components in chemtrails, both of which are incendiary, are fueling the ferocity of the super wildfires."


"A retired USAF brigadier general, Gen. Charles Jones, has been quoted from a public source as stating, "These white aircraft spray trails are the result of scientifically verifiable spraying of aluminum particles and other toxic heavy metals, polymers and chemicals."

"Millions of tons of aluminum and barium are being sprayed almost daily across the U.S., stated Mills, a former naval officer and UCLA graduate. "Just sprinkle aluminum or barium dust on a fire and see what happens.  It's near explosive.  When wildfires break out, the aluminum/barium dust results in levels of fire intensity so great as to cause firefighters to coin a new term  ̶ 'firenados,' "  he said. The entire U.S., in addition to various other NATO countries, are being sprayed."

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I guess they figure they can’t play the pandemic card often enough, so a climate emergency is a perfect permanent crisis. They get to destroy everything and build out bitter so we can hobble around half-starved on bug protein within our 15-minute zones and remain glued to our electronic monitors (cell phones) for amusement, education and “wellness” bulletins from our leaders.

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Synopsys accepted, thank you !

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One of the best deals ever, Wyoming! Trading in Liz Cheney for Harriet Hageman!

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Tin Lizzy doesn’t live in Wyoming. She lives in Fairfax, Virginia with the military Beltway bandits. She has a condo in jackson Hole that she visits for one week each year on her skee vacations.

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Is that like a skeecation?

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Yup. A skeecation.

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The fundamental problem with this government overreach is to create more government to control fewer cows and will provoke hunger for many.

The insane idea of the solution lies in importing BRAZIL beef to the meet carbon goals of Europe is equivalent to USA purchasing oil from Iran or other nations when our country is Rich in this


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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Perhaps it would be more useful to evaluate the carbon output of those who are employed in the production and content of medical journals, and demand that they bring their levels down to that of the economic, lower 90 percent members. :-D Why should the hot gas output of these people allow them to be exempted from the misery they are causing for others?

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Fear mongering over flatulent cows and WHO dung flung poo.

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Speaking of flatulence, has anybody monitored sessions of congress? The demise of Ted Kennedy seriously reduced output but still…….

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I see your Ted Kennedy and raise you a Lindsey Graham.

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He is why still a problem

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Nov 27, 2023·edited Nov 27, 2023

Teddy? The Lion of the Senate? He’s”down there” making waitress sandwiches with Chris Dodd and some demons now.

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You forgot about Congressman E Swalwell!!!

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Nov 27, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree with her comment at the end. Anyone intentionally attached to a group and/or plan to increase human suffering and to deny the good of God’s creation for humanity, will find themselves at the feet of a holy and righteous Judge in the end. He doesn’t grade on the curve, despite what many may hope.

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The only accepted standard is perfect righteousness and perfect obedience to Yahweh’s perfect laws.

Praise God, i belong to King Jesus. He is my judge and my advocate on that great Day of the Lord. I will stand before him and say I am guilty of everything. King Jesus will say “this one belongs to me, step aside son and go to the right and enter paradise” enter the New Earth, i will be with you soon.

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He is both LORD and Savior… a lot of people want a Savior, but not many understand what it means to have Him as LORD. Fortunately, because He is completely HOLY, He is also completely GOOD, which means I can completely trust Him…even when I don’t understand.

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What if, LDT, that We are the judge and the jury of ourselves? He is Me. I believe we are held responsible for our actions and deeds, and according to Dannion Brinkley , We are the judge, jury and just in case we forget the impact we have on others and ourselves, we get to experience the impact once again. What a great way to get the message.

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We are not, God is. We do, however, have a conscience.

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I and the Father are one -John 10:30

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I must have misunderstood what you were trying to say. Yes, triune LORD.

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Wow, what an onslaught (slaughter?) of crazed ideas. I'm not tuned in fast enough to keep track of all the new crazed ideas, this bit of info sure helps round out the mix, and I know there is more. Much more.

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Even more profound is how quickly and widely these crazed ideas are accepted and put into practice.

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Climate change is real, and has always been there. We used to call it "weather."

Global Warming is a total hoax, but -- thanks to massive 24/7 propaganda -- it now helps fund the Globalists and the Radical Left. Big Brother lives....

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Agree! My bad using their language. Climate change - natural and ongoing. Global warming - a man-made construct claiming anthropomorphic causation to extract monies and mandate compliances from the masses.

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WEF wants to lower CO2, end Nirogen Fertilizers and lower cow herds.

How do we go "organic" farming without the massive amounts of cow manure?

Does WEF calculate how many bugs to grow for consumption to offset the estimated 50 percent crop losses and 30 percent Herd destruction. No.

So, the WEF must either be retarded or Climate Change is about depopulation.

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Simple, skip paying attention and feed all the elites into the Soylent Green factory. Feed the pellets to the bugs. Feed the bugs to our chicken. Have some southern hot fried chicken smothered with green chile sauce.

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Man, you are making me hungry! Elite Fed Chickens!

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What if we just ship all the progressives to Mars? That will help the planet... Oh boy, will it!!

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Yes, let them destroy that planet. Keep them busy for awhile.

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This “news” makes me laugh because when one recognizes that control freaks and evil doers -- of course “for the sake of good” -- have been at it since the beginning of time, we discover that “there ain’t nothin’ new under the sun”.

It’s the good against evil for years -- the reality in history, and of course depicted countless years also in Hollywood. We must recognize that our efforts against the evil doers rests in the very thing that God tells us to do, and that is “To put on the full armor of God”.

Ephesians 6:10-18

That is to say, we must not just read those words, we must live this truth, because God has given us this very real and effective “equipment” to stand firm in faith, and resist our enemies.

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I just reviewed Naomi Wolf's newest book on my sub stack. This seems to be an awakening. I am praying that we are not too late to get an extension.

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Whenever I read of these ever-more-absurd demands being placed upon the proles, I can't help but wonder if this is part of a massive experiment just to see how far people can be pushed and how much utter bullshit they will embrace. Sort of a follow-on to the plandemic control experiment.

My guess is that the results are even more promising than most of the social engineering lot could have predicted. People are sheep, asking the wolves for directions to the slaughterhouse then smugly signaling their virtue as they march toward it.

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