Sep 12, 2022ยทedited Sep 12, 2022

One More Law that Murphy should have written: "Whatever it is that Russia, China, and India have on their agenda, you can bet that personal pronouns aren't on the list."

Reality bites. Until facts replace fantasy, it will continue to bite harder.

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The Great Reset = The latest excuse for Totalitarianism.

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So proud Pierre Poilievre won in a landslide. First time hubby and I became members of any party, Now lets go, or as Novak would say "Idemo Pierre, kick that evil Castro to the curb. It was a pleasure listening to his speech on Saturday. God Bless Canada.

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another piece of good news is that the Swedish Democrats and the Moderates as a block may have won the election in Sweden. It's very close with the Socialists and Left block as the incumbents. They are expecting the mailed in vote from Swedes living outside the country before it's final - that close! Maybe they can finally get some of the immigration and no go zones under control.

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And of course the BBC are calling the Swedish Democrats an extreme far right party.

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Of course! SD are for controversial things like controlling immigration (that's been wide open) and taking steps to mitigate the out of control crime. Sweden has the highest rate of rape in Europe. There are no-go zones in multiple cities, generally controlled by muslims. Organized crime has been run by Russians for a long time. This is too big a topic for a post like this, but the society I grew up in in Sweden and our culture from hundreds of years is almost gone and it happened in a matter of 30-40 years. I've lived in the US most of my life, feeling lucky and blessed until recently. Very concerned about where we're heading, not just here but in the world. Thank you Dr. Malone for facilitating this discussion we're able to have.

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I've followed the Swedish situation for many years, during which I continued to wonder how long it would be before a sizeable proportion of the population questioned whether and when the ramifications of the country's enthusiasm for large-scale muslim immigration, particularly of young men, needed to be questioned, rather than promoted as the best policy for Sweden.

Although the population of many European countries have actually voted for parties promising to address the scale of unlimited immigration, in reality those parties once in power mostly allow the situation to continue. There's clearly a common agenda.

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... but you know who are NOT extreme far right? The Not-Zs from 404!

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Don't worry, they're working on hard on disqualifying people based on their 'extremist' views -- like the ability for self-governance or a government that stays within the confines of their power.

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Speaking before a microphone in the House of Representatives, members preface their comments by praising the "leadership" of whoever it was who previously spoke.

There are 435 Representatives and 330 million of the rest of us. We didn't elect you for your alleged "leadership" qualities, we elected you to represent us and that is all. That means represent ALL of us, those who voted for you as well as those of us who did not. We expect you to address the legitimate and righteous concerns of the American people and to defend our rights, full stop. Have I made myself clear?

Don't make the rest of us come down there and explain things to you. 330 million Americans versus 435 know-nothings who purport to lead the rest of us hardly seems like a fair fight.

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These guys couldn't lead their way out of a wet paper bag, and would relentlessly attack anybody actually leading and making them look bad (DeSantis).

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Judging by their actions, it seems to me the elected members of congress only care about getting reelected and becoming wealthy. Which means they are easy prey for the big-money influence of the billionaire oligarchs who actually call the shots. Members of congress represent the interests of the donor class, not the interests of the electorate.

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In a shocking moment of candor, President Brandon (almost!) admitted as much. He chose a Supreme Court justice based on a promise made on the campaign trail to a long-sought-after political constituency, whereas public polls showed that the vast majority of Americans simply wanted the selection made according to who among us was deemed most qualified for the job. That said, it's the big-money donors who rule the roost these days. I share your assessment.

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I hope this wakes up our politicians in DC! This has happened because of lack of INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT! The only solution I see is to motivate our Congressman in Washington to take action and stop sitting on their hands. Canadians are getting Trudeau out.! Everyone should copy and paste my OVERSIGHT ARTICLE and send it to their Congressman at www.senate.gov. Any Congressman running for re-election that continues to re-gurgitate the Covid party line should be voted out! They are not safe or effective. They are dangerous! https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/oversight

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Our politicians are fully awake. They are just self consumed. Most need to go.

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Thank you for noticing Canada. I supported Pierre Poilievre, and introduced him at a rally in NL in May, where the biggest standing ovation was for his criticism of the WEF. Pierre supported the Freedom Convoy. He has been consistent in his advocacy of political and economic freedom all his adult life, and he is not going to change. Trudeau is already attacking him for "opposing" jabs, which Trudeau says have saved "millions of lives", so that will be a major field of battle. Pierre will be a transformational leader in Canada and a beacon of resistance to the globalist agenda elsewhere.

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Essential news stories not covered by our "free press."

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Free because it is worthless, not because it is independent...

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Sep 12, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For the first time in my life I will probably vote PC.

Had any fortune teller of any type, card reader, tea leaves, bone, raven entrails any mystic of any stripe told me I would change allegiance from the NDP I would have burst a blood vessel laughing.

Quite the swing NDP to PC.

To some people that would seem to make me a weak person, wishy washy, not committed to my ideals, you could not be more wrong. The primary ideal is free speech and by extension democracy above all.

For my wonderful American cousins the NDP are like your most extreme left and the canadian PC are equivalent to your mid right.(if you have read any other postings of mine you know why I no longer capitalize canada)

The betrayal perpetrated by Mr. Singh is unbearable.

A shortened history:

Early in the pandemic Mr Trudeau is leader of a minority government which he had formed by election (18months earlier?) He had won by election a MINORITY government meaning the people of canada were not confident in his representation, not comfortable with him leading my homeland as a majority government, unconvinced he should have complete authourity to enact legislation without debate/opposition or should I say meaningful debate/opposition .

Shortened history:

canada is a parliamentary democracy we have a set of seats in the house(parliament) 230 I believe/ you can look it up if important to you. Hopeful representatives run in each home seat the winner goes to the federal house to represent his ridings interests.

To have a majority means one party controls greater than 50% of the total seats available. If the seats available in the house is 230 then greater than 50% would be 116 seats controlled by one party. In canada the ruling parties are liberal and PC, and sometimes PC by other names( we are a complicated people), slightly different than America by similar in function in many ways.

Mr.Trudeau's liberal party had a MINORITY position in the federal house by election,,,,,,,,,,, by the will of the people. The remaining seats split between PC, NDP, BLOC, Green(2 seats?) one independent ex liberal not sure. They function of the other parties is to offer an opposition to power when required or to support power when required. A minority ruling party needs the support of the other parties to pass legislation(check and balance) a majority does not, a good system,,, a portion of a Just Society,,, Canadians know the reference.

Early pandemic Mr. Trudeau is feeling confident he is truly sanctified and truly beloved by his people, the intolerables?,,,,,,,, he calls an election(during a pandemic) obviously expecting to win a majority. He is returned to MINORITY position once again, the people of canada are not confident in his ability, in his dignity as leader, in his representation, in his honesty. in his intellect, in his ??? I can't speak for everyone.

The betrayal:

Mr Singh held a number of seats in the house 26 I believe again not sure, if of interest its findable online. Those seats(26) if given over would put Mr.Trudeau into a majority position. That means no meaningful debate no meaningful opposition, and no roadblocks, no unchecked legislation NO democracy!!!!!!!!!! ( I am furious writting this and that is rare for me).

Just for clarity if a party is given MAJORITY in the house by ELECTION then that party is representing a democratic country and that means democracy wins,,,,,, I don't care what party is elected I care absolutely that democracy democracy democracy wins wins please god almighty wins.

Mr.Trudeau was a minority leader by election, Mr.Singh discounted the will of the Canadian people who returned Mr Trudeau to MINORITY position by putting Mr. Trudeau into MAJORITY power against their wishes. How? he agreed to support the liberals for 4 years giving them unconditional NDP votes/support in the house. There was a publicized trade off,,,,,,,,,,,, in return the liberals would give dental and pharma. Those were always available to strong leadership particularly now. no trade off was required as this would have happened I would estimate within two election cycles.

Ok drinking a coffee OK,OK Whiskey OK OK coffee with whiskey......... calming down.

Mr. Polievve( I will learn the spelling)

I will not agree with many of his policies but I do think he is an honest man and understands what democracy is and why it matters above all else. I watched a clip of him walking outside his childhood home in Calgary talking about his youth and simpler things, He spoke for 4-5 mins I liked him. I sensed he understood the words he was saying, yes I know there were cue cards, I am not naive.

I lost faith in him when Harper supported him ( I believe Harper to be a blight on canada) BUT I will watch closely I will see what actions he tries to initiate from now to election, remember we have an unopposed government until 2025(thanks to Mr.Singh). I will watch him closely in the house, will he stop this nonsensical non answering of Trudeau/Freeland(Canadians know what I mean). I for the first time in my life will consider PC by any other name.

My brothers and my sisters. By means of political action we must show Mr,Trudeau/Freeland/Singh and all other members whom supplanted our best interests (mandates, passports, truckers, 49 days in prison on misdemeanour charges!!!!!!!!(are you kidding) we are watching). Vote your heart know your spirit get active make them aware we live with our eyes open now, not like the complacency of yesterday.

Of interest,,, Klaus Schwab boosts The WEF Young Global Leaders program has infiltrated the federal house by a greater than 50% margin. Yes Mr. Trudeau/Freeland/Singh are graduates of the program. As are many other canadian politicians.

IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work. Who knew/ When did they know/ who suppressed it.


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Why do you think Singh did it? I saw that they got dental and pharmacy, but does that sufficiently explain it in your mind? My husband and I were discussing it last night and we're very curious why Singh aligned himself with Trudeau.

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Singh and Trudeau are both WEF. Their priority is to enact the Great Reset. To do that they need control of the government. Singh will not pull the rug out from under Trudeau because what's good for Canada is not his priority.

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Hello Laura thanks your response

I wanted to add something to my earlier response, some clarity. A little about reason and consequence.

The following are facts:

the injectable does not prevent spread of the virus. How can a government justify anything related to mandating of any type, isolation, passports, travel restrictions to stop the spread. There must be other reasons.

The injectable does not sterilize the disease, if that is true how can a government justify anything related to mandating of any type, isolation, passports, travel restrictions. There must be other reasons.

A fact?

The injectable lessons the severity of the disease, Does it, I can't say. Other qualified people say the disease is extremely mild in the vast majority of people in fact if you are under 70 its less impactful than seasonal flu. If over 70 its slightly more impactful than seasonal flu. Does it really lesson symptoms of a disease that is so mild. Maybe?

So why did Mr. Singh do it;

it was in my opinion politically foolish, it accomplished nothing but remove Mr.Singh/and the PC/BLOC from an opposing position in government. It only gave Mr.Trudeau unbounded power.

Over the next four years the PC the BLOC the NDP would better serve their constituents by going home to their ridings. They are completely moot in the house. This is serious.

It only made Mr.Trudeau appear justified in his past actions. Shutting down the country over what we have known for 2.5 years was an manipulated media based disease, banning protest, suppressing contrary opinion, imprisoning a Canadian on misdemeanour charges(45+ days in jail) justifying suppression of contrary opinion,,,,,wait did I say that already, ok etc....

So why did he do it.

He says to get dental/pharma,,,,,,,,, Ok I can't know his mind but that is politically foolish, as mentioned earlier this was a winning political plank for the next election. I understand he is a lawyer, a smart person. Giving up that plank was strategic incompetence.

The next election was around the corner by the way, Mr.Trudeaus government would not have withstood a non confidence motion, which was coming, completely my opinion. I think enough members of his own party would have voted against his leadership if given the chance(opinion)

So why did he do it.

If a person acts against their own best interest or the interests of his membership(winning the next election) there is a hidden reason.

This event did happen overnight its was negotiated. I harp on this because DENTAL/PHARMA was not enough, there is something else at play. Taking the NDP/PC/BLOC out of opposition, taking canada from a minority led government, which is always preferable to a majority led government which is always dangerous, maybe? as reward enough.

He discounted the will of his voters(myself included) for no valid reason DENTAL/PHARMA was not enough. there is something else at play.

So why did he do it.

Is Mr. Singh a career politician I think not(I cant know that).

Strategically he sacrificed one thing(opposition) to strategically achieve something else,,,,,,,,, position for himself after his political career( I cant know that).

why did he do it

why did he do it

There is reward somewhere downline.

its all only opinion, but chocolate covered little faces tell me you have been in the cookie jar even if I didn't see it.

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Yes supposedly he will get dental and pharma for the lower income persons less than 90,000 household income I believe. I support those programs

However where this is going, it will cover extractions and amalgam fillings and xrays. Not reconstructive not preventative, not proactive I believe that to be true. In fairness I have not been consulted by the NDP on these programs

Why did he do it;

at best he in innocence saw an opportunity to get a program dental/ pharma and traded a lot of bad for a little good. Not smart but not evil.

This could have been a election plank at any time. It would have benefited the NDP greatly as an election platform, odd he gave away that future win.

What is in it for him, only he can know his mind,,,,, however. He is a member of the young global leaders program. A program that is designed by an organization that has an agenda reflective of its own goals which may not reflect our goals as a country.

This is from another posting;

I lean towards the following Klaus Schwab is aged,,, Mr. Trudeau is being groomed for high position at the WEF.

Based on my experience in life/business I surmise the following:

There are several candidates for the higher positions within the WEF. Trudeau/ Macron/ Arden as potentials, I am sure several more. I highlight these individuals because the Machiavellian ethic they employ to dominate/force/impose a program they must know is so flawed fatally, literally. The position will be awarded based on a performance evaluation, in a fashion similar to any sales contest.

As all tests require a grounding/rules and benchmarks, a criteria. This performance test is based on commitment to the program vax'ing, CBDC ,Passport Organization, willingness to overcome, sacrifice of the innocent etc.... all the things we the informed have been talking about. Basically those leaders that get the most needles in arms, suppress their citizenry and effectively replace democracy with ??????? Orwellian horror maybe. get awarded the gold medal the top ribbon the position of authority, the jump seat in the WEF. Undoubtedly the winner gets to appoint his loyal lieutenants to positions of rank. Which I believe is the only possible reason for Mr. Singhs outright betrayal of the Canadian people,,,,,,,,,, that includes all the Canadian people regardless of the political views they hold or held. I have written other postings about this if interested I hope you will go to my site.

Speaking for myself only, I find its easy to be angry with they/those and them, to allow myself the warm blanket of self righteous indignation. Lets keep in mind we fight for all, our noble goal is to to protect all. Even those that think we are wrong. IVERMECTIN/HYDROXY work Who knew/ when did they know/ who suppressed it. Shanw663

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Household debt to income ratio 1.817. There's really only one thing to say: "That which cannot continue forever ... won't".

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Come now, let us rival Nature

Weโ€™ll build on banks between the rivers

Watch us wall off every danger

Save our stores from starving strangers

Let us set the price of pleasure

Catch our cut from every acre

Tally all the Earthbound treasures

For we only own what we can measure


Add a bigger buffer

Around multiplying structures

Divide them up then conquer

Such are the axioms of Empire

Ever hungrier for power

Seeking new realms to devour

Fending off the final hour

As the axe falls on the Empire


These decrees define the letters

Lines confining willful workers

All will cultivate our cultures

For only weโ€™ll have any answers

Ordered echoes yoke the future

Designing minds to be their bearer

Wooden actors pose as rulers

On strings of plundered lucre

We face foregone foreclosure

Debt embedded in the architecture

For those who seek to be Earthโ€™s master

Summon forth disaster even faster


Add a bigger buffer

Around multiplying structures

Divide them up then conquer

Such are the axioms of Empire

Ever hungrier for power

Seeking new realms to devour

Fending off the final hour

As the axe falls on the Empire


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Love the Ayn Rand quote subtitling your post today! :-)

"The best way to keep your secrets safe is to keep them off the net." ---- I've been writing software since the mid-1970's and watched mainframes become minicomputers, minis become PC's, and so on. Most people today do not realize that the "PC revolution" was about giving users total control over their data. This control was not common before people could have storage inside the box on their desk. User data was previously stored on a central storage device, shared among other users' data, accessed via terminals on a shared computer. The PC revolution was revolutionary because IT departments controlled access to Your Data. Then, suddenly, they didn't.

But the amazing thing that's happened, since the Internet became ubiquitous, is the rush to using "cloud storage". It can be convenient, for sure, but at what cost? Data breach? Invaded privacy? Corporate loss? Government loss? All for "convenience". This is a form of "history repeated".

Your advice to your readers is excellent.

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Or the return of....Dear Diary, today I made a new friend. I think I'll call him Rolodex?

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Its a great day when Sweden votes moderate/right into powerโ€ฆ and another moderate Trump supporter buys CNN!


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Hope the good folks were paying attention to our 2020 election debacle. The same folks that manipulated our election are the same folks that will manipulate their election if they allow it.

Thank you for those very profound words of wisdom. We need only look at socialist/communist countries to see the true reality.

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The whole world is a mess. I think if every country got rid of their politician and the common person or persons start over. Put our Constitution back the way it was. Less government. Other countries follow suit. Our Constitution has been the great experiment which has worked until we allowed big business to get into office. Greed and power have always and will always mess everything up.

We have to get out and vote. Letโ€™s make our vote count. Also get the old cronies out of there. They have been in way to long.

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Lol! Body language is everything!

Modi in the middle looks overjoyed; Putin & Xi both look a bit chagrined about "now we three have completed the "Male Bonding" ritual" that makes US ALL EQUAL!


Welcome to the World Superpower Club, India!

USA, China and Russia must let you play now...even though you didn't drop nukes, start wars, or go whole hog Communist Dictator, creating gulags and mass starvation, grinding millions under your boots, even though all you did was hold a reasonable line, practice peace and free trade as much as possible, affirm human rights and the rule of law, and utilize Diplomacy!

You didn't even "Sabre Rattle" your way to the table. My, my. What a thought. You can do this without threatening or killing anyone??

Why, yes you can!

INDIA ๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ณ. The New Leader of the Free World!

Especially since the US decided to piss all over Freedom of Speech, Nuremburg, and The Rule of Law!

For Covid Dollars for pHarma?

Or is there something more coming, perhaps?

Something like the GREAT RESET??

However, we clearly abdicated our position as Leaders of Freedom when "we" pulled off 911 as an inside job to start "The New American Century" and all the illegal wars of destruction and occupation that followed that false flag event.....

(Look into it if you do not understand this. Start with Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth.)

I'm getting tired of this crowd of criminals.

Could we please remove the Traitors now? Before it gets worse? Because, it can always get worse...

Don't say I didn't warn you when the gulags and starvation gets here, my fellow Americans.

Then we are on the proverbial trains, and all our assets are in the "New Nazi's" Bank accounts!

Google God.


Bezos's Belly.



Trump & Biden (left/right let's make Americans fight each other scam)

These creatures already destroyed 3.3 million American Businesses and killed off 1.5 or 2 million of us.....damaged a generation of children and GMO'ed humanity!!

How far will we let them go before we take a stand and stop them?

That's the only question left.

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