Jul 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I hope everyone takes the time to read your excellent article. Allergenic antigens are contained in insect products. Allergies to shellfish show cross allergenicity with insect chitons

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Is that because some are invertebrates like lobster, crayfish, snails etc.?

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Yes. Lobsters, Crayfish and Shrimp are bugs they are even called bugs by people. Snails are a different phylum but it is easy to get sick from them, too.

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Just the thought is enough. Maybe I’ll give that up for lent.

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Lobsters: phyllum Arthropoda, which also includes shrimp, crabs, barnacles, and insects.

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Lots of people eat them, and they are part of the western diet.

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All I know is that PETA is thrilled to death with this movement away from animal protein!

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When Marie-Antoinette said "let them eat cake" in response to reports that the people of France could no longer find bread - in the run-up to the French Revolution (235 years anniversary this coming Sunday 14 July), it was not because she was arrogant or despised the people, but because she simply thought cake was a practical substitute when you cannot find bread.

Brought up between Hapsburg and Bourbon palaces, that is what she knew. She could not imagine poverty.

But, these WEF people ... can someone please get a hold of the menus of their Dalian dinners so we can see what they are consuming?

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Absolutely I agree: what the heck do these "alleged leaders of countries", actually eat when attending these expensive, large & unnecessary conventions anyway? The conventions that these folks travel to VIA AIRPLANES?

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Cake was the creosote that built up inside the chimney

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Swabbie? ANY solid info that THAT is the "cake" Marie-Antoinette was referring to?

How could she POSSIBLY know WHAT was on the inside of chimneys?

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Only from a history book in college long ago. There is also no evidence that she ever said that.

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ha! what an agitator. . . good one SR.

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I won't ask what "college" you attended.

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Then I won't tell you :) By the by, in the times of the French Revolution most people heated with wood or coal so everyone would know about chimney sweeping even if too important to participate. The word "Cake" was not just for sweet baked things. Caked with ... like mud, Hay Cakes were a term for animal feed. caked with make-up. and from Spinal Tap: "Talk about bum cakes, my girls got em." which probably 1st referred to Marie Antoinette. Don't ya think?

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This explains everything.

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Good point.

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That’s my question. Are Klaus and his comrades from the WEF eating insect by products? I find the idea of the DAVOS crowd as nauseating as eating any form of insect.

They are unelected, self appointed world “leaders” who are more petulant narcissists than leaders. Maybe we will need to explore new sustainable means of feeding the world but isn’t the global population in decline? Who will these overlords be commandeering if there’s not enough unwashed peasants to lord over? It would be fitting if when and when they succeed at grabbing global power they find their efforts to reduce the population was more successful than they intended. I’d say I’d like to a fly on the wall at that meeting but I might wind up on someone’s plate...🫠

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We're not declining fast enough for their pleasure. Georgia guidestones wanted world population at 500 million. Who knows exactly how many Klaus wants.

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Klaus, Hitler, Stalin- birds of a feather. I guess we can add Gates to that list too. I think the population reduction efforts should begin with them and theirs but somehow I doubt they would see it justified then. You or your family, yeah.

Why do the wealthy see themselves fit to determine what’s best for the rest of the world?

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I have dealt with many sorta narcissists in business & family, but my last landlord was full narcissist. To him I'm somewhere between a slave & a cockroach. I have no rights, he ignores every point I make & then just repeats his lies. That's every career politician! We're ants to be squished if he/she feels like it or manipulated to make even more billions for them.

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I know slow in England and Ireland where cattle feed and hay are also called cake. They sometimes say “hay cake” about hay that’s mashed together with some sort of molasses into large pucks— sort of. I wonder if that is what Marie was referring to.

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I doubt Marie knew much about cattle.

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Or creosote

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Jul 9·edited Jul 9

Cow pies? Kind of like Pizza Pies, only "fresher" ?

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They are likely sipping Cockroach milk !

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Dear God. This is like a bad SF movie.

On a separate note, the Communist Pope has just excommunicated Archbishop Vigano. The archbishop has been a strong voice for sanity. The forword to our #1 new book on Amazon last year, "Invisible Treason," is from the Archbishop.



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Vigano is a faithful soul that understands what corruption is and thankfully he is very out spoken about it. There was never anything right about Bergoglio's installation and many knew it.

I will have to purchase your book. He depth of knowledge is well beyond most and he writes with intensity and intention so the reader never has to fill in the blanks.

It is heartening to know that this apostate can in no way evict anyone from the Church who God ordains as a member.

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One priest stated that because Francis is already a heretic, which he became with his first of many heretical statements, he has lost his authority and cannot excommunicate anyone. Bp Vigano is my pope...

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I’m trying to envision what cricket farms look like and then add to that how they get to their dinner table dining at the landfills.

The farmed-salmon industry is just one of many alternatives for natural food. I am glad my grocery labels their salmon but the frozen kind is just labelled ‘wild caught’. At least it is a natural food product for human. Perhaps humans have always eaten crickets. My cats when young used to snack on them, it moves so it’s game. They also go after moths and eat them.

I tried of this stuff. I want a vanishing wand in which all this goes away and the WEF (Where Eternity Flourishes – for a select few) and all its cohorts wake up and forget what they were about.

Mike Johnson is speaking on the Threats to the US-led World Order at the Hudson Institute at 1:15 PM eastern. Turn in. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/house/3072508/watch-live-mike-johnson-threats-us-led-world-order/

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Shelley: WEF = "We Are F..ked."

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With all due respect Leonora, it is ONLY when WE THE PEOPLE refuse to take control of our world (which is our inalienable Right in both YOUR CONSTITUTION and MINE here in Australia). I take great note of Gen Mike Flynn where he states "Fear is a reflex and we have little or no control over it, HOWEVER Courage IS A DECISION and we of the planet Earth MUST make that decision NOW", or the world as we knew it (AND BUILT IT) will be lost forever. This is truly a pivitol time in History.

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LOL - of course! That's just the way I remember the order of the initials.

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Well said down-under guy. These DAVOS creeps are all kinds of evil and evil wins when good men do nothing.

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Thanks for the link! Listening now.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

I'm so disappointed. I hope this is not Trump's stance. Someone needs to explain to him all the upheaval around the world is propagated by the US on behalf of the UN. Ukraine is a useful tool. NATO nations cannot afford to give more or send aide to Ukraine. We are the problem.


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When we tell our vets and seniors that the cupboards are bare yet spend BILLIONS of borrowed dollars to propagate proxy wars it’s hard to take these federal ppl seriously. I don’t have anything against the Ukrainian ppl and the Holodor (not sure if I spelled that right) was a real atrocity but we cannot continue to finance this war. The idiots in DC won’t be satisfied until they instigate a hot war with Russia. If that happens everyone loses.

I remember the tensions of the Cuban missile crises. We did drills by hiding under our desks in school as if that would help. No doubt Stalin was a monster and the Cold War was one heck of a terrible time. It took two rational strong leaders to bring that to an end. Trump is no Reagan but it’s the weakness of Biden that has encouraged the mess in Ukraine and Israel. Reagan coined the term “make America great again”, not DJT. No one had a problem with that then but somehow it now is synonymous with “dangerous white supremacists” a.k.a. domestic terrorists. I guess Jill, I mean Joe doesn’t remember the 70’s or the 80’s. I guess we’ll have to wait for the next issue of Vanity Fair to find out what Jilloe really thinks. 😉

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I 100% agree with you Shelley, well done to bring it up.

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The Indiana USA farm raised salmon is GMO and is sold as food service/restaurant because they do not have to label it a GMO. It is perfectly fine to eat but you won't see it in the grocery store but will be fed it when you go to a restaurant. I have not issue with this type of technology and it is needed if you want to eat fish regularly.

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My Daughter read that "some farm raised salmon" is very toxic; she stopped buying it at Costco. Not sure the brand name, but her oldest toddler & husband could eat one package in a week. Pre-cooked & packaged; not sure if it was smoked salmon or not.

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It is sold in grocery stores. It’s labeled “farm raised” but doesn’t have the same nutritional benefits that wild caught offers. Something to do with the fatty acids but it tastes about the same. There are shrimp farms too as well as other seafood producing endeavors. It has the benefits of also better preserving natural species from over harvesting as well as reducing the impact of fishing vessel waste.

And keeps these foods more affordable. Win win.

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Thank you for the heads up.

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It does sound as if he will be carrying on with those who believe in his positions and views. The faith does seem ill served IMO by the current Pope and his governance

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The "Pope", the supposed Vicar of Christ also said that "populist politics and what he called “the dross of ideology” https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/pope-decries-populists-france-germany-rcna160594

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He’s no Catholic. My parents were devout Catholics and I’m glad they didn’t live to see this guy. I went to hear John Paul speak on the Mall in DC in the 80’s. He was fantastic but didn’t change my mind about parting ways with the CC. Still a strong believer in Yeshua though.

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The church is not about buildings and the garments and adornments of office. The church has to reside within our hearts and minds and community of faithful. This pope is a political one, more communist than Christian as far as I can tell. He is like Fauci and Biden rising to positions they never should have attained. But, perhaps that is also in God's plan to make us SEE what we see.

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Interesting take.

The church (the bride) is the body of believers. Not a bldg or any particular pastor per se. Jesus, (Yeshua in Aramaic) also said not to call any man “abba”, a title reserved only for our Heavenly Father. I find the departure from scriptural instruction throughout much of Christiandom to be an indictment of organized religion. But then so did the Hebrews. It says in one of the Books of Moses that the Passover should be counted as the date of the new year yet they have never observed this instruction. Most of us humans are not capable of putting our vanity aside to truly live by the Word. A poll of Christian’s asking if they believed in the resurrection from a decade ago indicated that the majority do not. If this is not true then the New Testament is a false doctrine and our faith is very misplaced.

I think too many ppl don’t want to believe because scripture places parameters on Godliness that do not allow for our lifestyle choices.

I left the Catholic Church as a teenager because I could not reconcile the dogma with the world around me. I got pretty far out there but always felt this nagging sense that God at least was real. Ultimately I found faith in a back door kinda way but I did find it and having read a half dozen books that presented the case for having faith in a way that made sense I had a genuine epiphany. I can’t claim perfect faith but God has given me extraordinary experiences that are well beyond casual coincidence to affirm my decision to believe. Anyway, back to the issue of eating garbage fed crickets I can honestly give that a hard pass. Given the intense greed of the corporate world I can’t imagine that money saving corners in safety protocols won’t be taken and landfills are undoubtedly filthy biohazards. What could go wrong?

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Apathy towards God is the free will to rejection those parameters and a normal human response. Man's watered-down version of the New Testament brings in many looking for meaning but certainly leads them astray from Godliness. Some of my ancestors arrived on the coast of what became MA from Leiden. They worship God, trusted Him and were very aware of His wrath. Things have changed.

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Thank you for your response. A lot to take in here.

I was raised Lutheran and left that after high school. I read a lot of philosophy and studied other religions and read some of the works of various gurus and spiritual leaders. A big turning point for me is an elderly neighbor from my childhood neighborhood whom I loved to talk with gave me a book: The Viking Age By Paul Du Chaillu published in 1889. That led me down a deep rabbit hole about the Norse gods (Iam Norwegian on my father's side) and the proto-Indo-European religion(s) development and evolution of humanity's concepts and understanding of the spiritual. I realized that the Scandinavians believed as deeply in their gods as we do in our Christian God. I realized we are all on a journey, both physical and spiritual. - and it is a wild ride!

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I bought that book! Thank you for writing it.

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We need to see more headlines like this: Louisiana Governor Signs Bill Nullifying UN, WHO, WEF! https://thenewamerican.com/us/louisiana-governor-signs-bill-nullifying-un-who-wef/

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That would be wonderful!

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I like that guy more all the time. Isn’t he the one who signed a law that second offense child molesters could be sentenced to physical castration? Bout time. A child who endures that kind of trauma is hurt for life. Nothing can fully undo the damage.

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Force and collaboration is an oxymoron for morons.

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You rock DD!

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We need a LIST of the ‘cover-up’ names for BUGS. Listing “Acheta” on a label as CRICKETS does not cut it. This MUST be regulated and ingredients must be spelled out in plain English so consumers do not get POISONED b/c of allergies. We need to KNOW what is in a food somWE can decide if it’s safe for us. Klaus Schwab can GO to Hell.

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I have started reading labels a little closer now. Oh my!!

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They even have NUMBERS assigned to hide what’s in there. We all need to dig deep for that info.

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Funny you say that as he’s working to make sure our lives become a living hell..

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Don’t understand your comment?

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Schwab said FORCE clearly in the video. In the WEF website, the quotes from the speech edit out that word! https://www.weforum.org/press/2024/06/innovation-and-collaboration-to-push-the-next-frontiers-for-growth-say-leaders-at-the-15th-annual-meeting-of-the-new-champions/

"To drive future economic growth, we must embrace innovation and foster collaboration across sectors, regions, nations and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive society and resilient future,” said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum, in a welcome address to delegates.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The "Pizza Farm" video from yesterday's Sunday Funnies was a humorous message advocating for healthy school lunches for kids. I noted that it was made 9 years ago, in partnership with the American Heart Association, by producers who poked fun at unhealthy foods such as pizza, corndogs, and taquitos.

Flash forward to 9 years later, and a warped new paradigm. I suspect the American Heart Association joins the other authoritative institutions of "health" in pushing the kids to their nth jab, and would rather have them eating mealworms than to serve them a corndog.

It remains bewildering to me that the "people's representatives" in Congress are so passive as their constituencies are poisoned in such a variety of ways. I'd write some more letters to rep and senators to point out the developments described above, but I'm not sure I can bear any more vague replies describing the benign intentions of the UN, written by twenty-something year old interns.

I see an insect producer in my state. Perhaps I might turn again to my state rep and senator.

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Agreed. Those form letters are an insult. Caused me to give up, too.

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Yep. I get a kick out of the reimagining of margarine as “plant butter”. I haven’t checked the labels to see if it continues to contain hydrogenated oils but it’s simply ridiculous.

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How is natural meat production unsustainable? Are we going to run out of grass to feed cattle or natural seeds to feed chickens. Meat production has been sustained throughout all human civilizations for tens of thousands of years and there is nothing in existence that threatens that, other than WEF propaganda.

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Farmed salmon, fish, shrimp, are not at all sustainable. Neither is "wild caught" fish. We have gone past peak fish from the ocean. Everyone in the industry knows it. If you want to eat carnivores like salmon, they need a protein source. The Krill fishery collapsed last year and was totally shut down-- or it would collapse permanently. Not what anyone wants to hear. But there we are.

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I would argue that fishing is sustainable but not at the current levels. Farm raised fish can make up some of the slack but we do need to do better at protecting our waterways and oceans. In my mind, pollution is THE biggest environmental problem the world faces. And this cannot be solved by switching our power grids or by driving electric cars.

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That’s true. Ruining the water is the biggest threat we can pose to this old rock. That would effectively kill life on earth. The electric car thing is bat shit. It causes more environmental damage than it stops. We most likely cannot stop global warming so perhaps as a species we should focus on ways we might survive the resultant ice age it will cause. Animals adapt. Humans aren’t real good at that. We “adapt” the environment. Polar bears were grisly bears that evolved to survive the last ice age but we aren’t bears.

Yet at the rate we are racing toward WWIII it may be moot.

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Mike, I would concur; and how this problem can be solved is what to focus on. The ways to go about ending, or at least lessening the pollution happening are too numerous to count and too much trouble for most. For as supposedly advanced as we are, we have failed at a basic level. Also too numerous to recount. Such is the way .

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As well as the plastics found in fish, some more than others.

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I'm feeling grumpy, too. ;-(

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We have over fished some populations. But we can continue to develop aqua farming. I don’t believe that we need to start eating insects just yet. Salmon eat a big variety of foods that include insects, zooplankton, sand eels, shrimp, crayfish and yes, krill. Their food sources are for the most part not endangered.

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They will cover all the arable land with solar farms and windmills.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Certain cultures have always eaten insects of various natures. If Klaus S. wasn't such a despicable creature, this use of insects would be just a choice. But the money that stands to be made from marketing these products is huge. Another opportunity for "forced collaboration".

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Klaus is an Economist. For him, it is all and only about the money.

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And the son of a Nazi...

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Hey klaus, gates and soros; you eat them first.

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I'd rather they ate each other

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Thank you for your informative essay. I am disgusted to say the least. Eating garbage fed crickets is not on my bucket list and never will be. Stay strong and God Bless us all 🙏🏻💯♥️

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Selective breeding and genetic modification of animals and plants has taken years. Modern cows and corn are obviously not what was first domesticated centuries ago.

Bugs, no doubt, will be vigorously modified to make them, bigger, disease resistant, food efficient, waste eating, mass producible little money making machines.

Exactly what the gmo hating, chemical loathing, masses dont want.

I’m not opposed because it’s insects. Its the dishonesty and attempts to force it on me I despise.

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Well said!

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People have been selectively breeding bugs for 10,000 years that we know of. You think a silkworm got so useful by chance? I love Jumbo Shrimp myself.

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Good point on insects although I doubt they have been selected for their food value? but, jumbo shrimp?

I only eat wild caught shrimp so the jumbos I eat aren’t bred to be so. Ditto fish

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Me too.

Funny cause I was pondering the evolution of silk worms yesterday and wondering why there aren’t or haven’t been successful attempts to get silk from other silk/web producing bugs. I don’t think silk worms are technically insects but I’ll have go down that rabbit hole now to get some answers about other web spinners. I’m sure there’s good reasons. You seem rather well informed in general Mr Grumpy, sir.

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World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab told delegates at a conference in China this week that humanity needs to be “forced into a collaboration” with globalist entities.


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I think we should reverse that and insist the WEF collaborate with us, the common people, or disband altogether.

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We can just totally annoy them by ignoring them. They only have power we give them.

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I hope so, but they have been in the business of capturing Government agencies and training new "Young Leaders", etc. So, we may not be able to ignore them. We may need to be proactive in the villagers storming Frankenstein's Castle with pitchforks ropes and torches. I hope that is with legal means as opposed to literally.

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I prefer they disband. Yesterday.

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I thought Klaus was stepping down. I guess he can’t help himself.

Per Klaus:

“At this critical juncture, the active participation of all stakeholders is essential.”

We all just know we aren’t the stakeholders and that crickets and manufactured feed are intended for the subjects. Recycled landfill waste to feed crickets brings a whole new food chain paradigm. Think of the possibilities! Soylent green anyone?

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That’s what it reminded me of too. 🤢

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

My disgust with RINO's somehow manages to keep growing every time I read news like this. They are the most deceitful snakes on the planet. They hate the proverbial "chains of the constitution" every bit as much as do the Democrats. Because they're globalists who don't care a whit about the Bill of Rights or State powers reserved by the 10th amendment (or our lives or health, as is implied by their refusal to take seriously the insanities of the HHS mad scientists).

There is only one way to stop the non-sense. And that's to call it out for the insanity that it is and never stop until one side wins outright or both sides lose in the effort. As Patrick Henry supposedly said (more or less) prior to the secession from Britain, TIME IS NOT ON OUR SIDE!!!

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Yeah I think it ran out in like 1812. 1776 was the prequel so 1812 must have the after party.

Cannon balls anyone?

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