May your stock portfolio investment in the big Vax Pharma three wither into the dust bins of eternal nowhere ville after the major lawsuit and punitive damages have been rewarded to those who seek justice and grand reversal of all this wrongful death and injuries of vaccines. 👹👎

The time is nearing. 🧐👍

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s with great delight to see the charts of decline in the stock profits of Moderna and Pfizer. May they continue to tank.

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Thanks to decades of government corruption via lobbyist, the big pharma's have very deep pockets. But if they should fail, I am sure the taxpayers will bale them out.

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Like the banks too big to fail, like g.m, like chrysler, like......

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Schemes to bilk the us citizens out of their countries wealth for profit of another?

No way !

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Maybe people will stop dying coincidently.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There's a reason they structured the EU "government" to look just like the Soviet Politburo. Now it is starting to pay real dividends. WEF gonna WEF, as they say.

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We have a way to fix all of this and more. We need to make new systems that make the old ones obsolete - or in this case plug into their old systems and fix them with decentralization and transparency. Understanding this takes a little effort and it starts by using Human Swarm Intelligence to harness the Wisdom of the Crowd. For short, it is called "swarming." Scientists and medical fields looking to form decentralized systems need to be part of this. Start your journey here and stay tuned:


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Escaped a communist country in 1989 only to find myself in a communist country in 2023. you can't make this up, God has a sense of humor.

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Litarvan, I get your point, but don't blame this twisted state of affairs on a separate God. God lives in us too, hidden by ego crap of all forms.

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Happy to witness the truth trickle out, like the light of a candle, lighting up a dark room. Big Pharma and its minions will not be happy with their holy dollars diminishing. My concern is what evil plans do BigP/CIA have up their sleeve for the next mind/population control? Wait we are already in it! Don’t forget, 5G baby! This is concerning but DO NOT FEAR! The sun will come up and the stars are in the night sky and the moon will rise; that I can be assured. I can also rest that I am loved and let the cards fall where they may. Stand up for the widow and the orphans and the hurting of our brothers and sisters. We are all one; connected by this dirt we walk upon, which we will all return. Begin locally and don’t forget to start with making your bed in the morning. Peace be with ya’ll.

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I think Twitter/X has the skills and flexibility to enforce EU Diktat only in EU countries. That means people with a VPN will still be able to read freely. Eventually, this, like the old Soviet Union will be overthrown. No one likes censorship, except dictators, their followers, and the willfully blind.

The EU commission is showing who they really are.

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The RESTRICT act S.686 introduced by many “bipartisan” legislators could stop VPNs in their tracks (https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/686/text?s=1&r=15). Here is part of a letter I wrote to my senator, one of the co-sponsors. 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 🦗 (crickets)


Thank you for your recent reply to my concerns regarding the RESTRICT Act.

American speech is under attack. This bill, while well-intentioned, has the potential to do more harm than TikTok ever will. For example, it will criminalize the use of VPNs. The RESTRICT Act doesn't mention "TikTok," or parent company "ByteDance," or even "social media." Instead, it hands a whole lot of power to the government, particularly the Secretary of Commerce, "to review and prohibit certain transactions between persons in the United States and foreign adversaries" regarding information and communications technology.

I urge you AGAIN to re-read this Act carefully and urge your colleagues to do so as well. Then vote NO on this Trojan Horse legislation.

Yes, it might peripherally restrict TikTok. However, its potential to be weaponized against Americans -- like so much other well-intentioned but complex legislation that few read in depth before passing -- should be reason enough to vote NO.

If you wish to restrict TikTok, write a simple ONE PAGE bill that says "TikTok is hereby banned from all software, hardware, and social media used in America." But then you get into the slippery slope of enforcement and penalties, which should not affect Americans who unknowingly use it but likely will. Vote NO!

Link: https://reason.com/2023/03/31/the-restrict-act-would-restrict-a-lot-more-than-tiktok/

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I have a few places to post that link that will get other in gear to contact congress. Thanks for posting. May copy you letter also for guidance.

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Musk is suing California, contesting the constitutionality of Assembly Bill 587, a state law that mandates new transparency regulations for social media platforms.

Assembly Bill 587, endorsed by California's Governor Gavin Newsom, claims to aim to prevent the misuse of social media to propagate hate and misinformation. The law would require such companies to release semiannual reports detailing their content moderation practices, including statistics on problematic posts and their subsequent actions. Non-compliance may result in fines of up to $15,000 daily for each violation. X argues that this law infringes on its First Amendment rights, suggesting that California's objective is to coerce platforms into removing content deemed undesirable by the state.


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I would agree with Musk. One thing he can do is pull X out of Calif, no sense feeding their economy with wages and taxes. He has already pulled himself personally out.

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Bring it to Texas and put it in orbit.....Space X.

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Well, if Musk does not mind losing 6% of his global revenues each year then maybe yes. The enforcement mechanism that renders the Code of Practice obligatory is the EU’s Digital Services Act (DSA). The DSA gives the European Commission power to impose fines of up to 6% percent of GLOBAL turnover on platforms that it finds to be in violation of the Code

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just now

His options would be:

1. To curate content based on eu diktat. A vpn gets around that, because there is no way to find where the user is, since the IP address can indicate outside of EU. The curation could be limited to EU residents. Easily done in code.

2. If EU gets unreasonable, he can simply cease doing business there... then they can come fight him in US court. Good luck with that.

The EU seems to be setting itself up as the new Stazi, and we know how fun that was to live with.

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Sep 19, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I love how you left out the indefinite article "a" in the sentence "This is Soviet (Communist) grocery store from the 1980s" 😂 made it much more authentic Russian-sounding

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Back in the 80s some russian bigwigs were visiting n.a.s.a and were taken to a Randal's supermarket in Clear Lake, TX. They were astounded at the variety of goods offered, the options and the amounts of merchandise available. Literally astounded.

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I had family visit from Australia in 2009, and they couldn't wrap their head around the vast selection of goods in our shopping markets either.

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I'll miss that

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I don't think this will become a national movement. I live in a middle to upper-middle class suburb of Detroit and we have 5 different groceries and 2 big-box chains with large grocery depts within a few miles. It's about profit and especially safety--as I wrote in my comment, I think Chicago is opening stores in the inner city because retail stores have moved out due to theft and violence.

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I think his point was that since the china flu fraud shelves have become somewhat barren compared to pre fraud. Many products we once bought have disappeared entirely.....never to return?

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Government run groceries - an Obama dream come true. And Michele's (aka Michael) complaint about 'food deserts' being addressed!

The homeless in CA don't have to worry about food stores. A non-profit provides three meals a day to all of its tent residence!

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And that includes drugs. I am not even going to mention prices.

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The decline of rural life is predictable by how many Dollar General, Family Dollar, Dollar Tree, etc. exist around you. These small convenience stores do not carry fresh produce or fruit. Urban centers have numerous sources for foods. Not so in rural areas. I drive over 12 to 15 miles to get to a full grocery store in three directions. What I find lacking is sea food selection, unless I want thawed Tilapia which I do not.

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12-15 miles isn't all that far, is it? Maybe I'm saying that because I grew up in a suburb of Chicago and since we had such great public transportation I could easily go downtown. As for seafood, you may be better off without it, since so much is poisoned with mercury. Have you tried canned salmon or sardines? They're both low in mercury and easily mix into salads or sandwiches with some mustard for taste. I get them in water without salt.

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I'm just griping because of the cost of gasoline. I eat sardines in mustard sauce and I buy the frozen sockeye salmon which says wild caught, to me that means farmed and set free to catch. I don't care for the canned salmon.

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What the w.e.f. wants for us with them being the new fat cats

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The WEF'ers, a la Cluus Schwab, are pushing for an angry global population. One which will flow into the streets in violence, allowing theml global puppets to 'push the button down' and get about the business of culling all the useless gas-guzzlers.

Because petroleum is what they covet, and refuse to share.

Not realizing it is a resource that bubbles up from the earths core, they fear it shall be used up before they can gather it to themselves.

I say, as always, ignore the Quislings on their soap boxes and continue building a future that is not beholding to the billionaire class. Independant and self sustaining.

Violence benefits violence, love the same.

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Censorship is disinformation, a tool used by those in power to dis-count and dis-miss information. In addition, censorship is often used yo "dis"-appear the person being censored, to dis-able their ability to speak. YouTube, for example, does not censor facts, does not censor untruths or lies, it dis-appears specific channels and speakers and everything the have ever said.

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In spite of the illinois State Taxes and other “crap” it was cool to live there for 4 years. 30 South Wacker is now dead, do NOT walk the streets in chicago after dark. My wife…”You wanna go on the architectural tour again?” Now, won’t go back. Sad. Ed

Edit - The Blues singers were Awesome…That’s done too.

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My grandparents fled the Soviet Union years ago , I listened to the stories they told in Russian and my Dad interpreted them to me . I never forgot the stories of food shortages and starvation. Thank you Dr. Malone for the clip of the grocery store ....I forwarded it to my older sibling , he has a very short memory in his comfy world and millionaire job .

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Sep 19, 2023·edited Sep 19, 2023

Yee-hah! People are staying away from the jabs, jabs, and more jabs.

I think the reason Chicago wants to open grocery stores is because there aren't enough in the inner city due to theft and violence. We have the same problem in Detroit--there's one chain, Meijer, that opened a store and is getting a lot of business but the gangs are still very dangerous.

China is China--nothing has changed from its determination to conquer the world with its Han superior race. My heart is breaking from this physical and cultural genocide.

Finally, the EU can go only so far before people start to revolt. And, quite honestly, if the censorship causes people to stop using social media, all the better for them. Study after study has shown how harmful social media has become, especially for female teens and young adults.

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Regarding your article on " Cults ", you may find this of interest.

Here in Canada

LEVY: The union bullies care about control, not kids | True North (tnc.news)

The Andrew Lawton Show | Unions declare war on parental rights protest | True North (tnc.news)

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The teachers union here declared a war on children and on parents.

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I would say they declared war on education because what they offer today does not fit the traditional definition

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Agree and now the parents are in the cross hairs and Dem activist are forever making a stink about the parents.

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The article about the dropping birthrate in minorities in China is being seen here too, with different tactics in place. Forced sterilization has been implemented in the past and certainly wouldn't take much to implement again. That piece of your article bothered me the most in reading the stats. Wicked workings.

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Thank you! Good to get a global- nationwide peek at the states of affairs.

Surely the 'Free speech but not reach' is the end game of our elite bettors who believe they alone have all THE answers. Sounds like we need to identify our options for un/less fettered access. Don't forget to assess GETTR as well. So far it seems open. As I've mentioned before, if I can only obtain one message - from the Government or their expert (cult leaders) - I won't accept it as being true or credible.

As for Chicago, as a former Chicago dweller, I have some questions about what he has in mind. Agree the south of the loop area is likely hurting with lacks of commercial operations. Is he suggesting a full takeover of the whole metropolitan area? A food bank setup (no cash)? We need more details to better consider if it could be a meaningful solution to 'The Problem.'

The CCP solutions to their population, organ needs and indoctrination needs are extremely repugnant. This doesn't disclose their position on their own populations reproductive rights now. Sure would be interested on whether Kissinger provided input.

Thanks so very much for keeping us informed!

Have a great day! Very Bestest +++

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Re-education camps. Coming to a blue state near you, soon.

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Oh wait. We already have them; red states, too. They're called public schools and Colleges of Liberal Arts.

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