Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So we leave billions in advanced weaponry in Afghanistan. Send $6 billion back to Iran. Send billions upon billions to Ukraine (supposedly). We are in the weakest position we’ve been militarily, economically, and in petrol reserves, perhaps in modern history (1970s calling?). Our border is overrun, the cartels seem to have operational control. Israel backs us in our desire to keep the US petrol dollar/world reserve currency…and suddenly are under attack? Hmmm.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

But this is not an accident— not one bit of it! And it is ALL going just perfectly. At least from Klaus Schwab's perspectve and that of his Technocrat Globalist cronies. The USA is standing in their way of world domination and must be destroyed!

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May I rephrase Faith? The people of American are standing in their way. The USG, with is powerful Federal Reserve and nefarious State Dept with its strong-arm CIA, cash cow USAID and support groups like PEW, Brookings Institute, and Aspen Institute, and Bilderberg, has been the tool by which the UN, NATO, CFR, Trilateral Commission, and so forth operate. The WEF is just the merry-go-round that offers a ride to the piranhas of the world while on their feeding frenzy. Given the focus of the three branches of the US gov, the US Bill of Rights appears to be folded and tucked in Biden’s back pocket as a reminder of the ‘rights’ left to eliminate.

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Not sure I believe all of it… Klaus is a little too ‘ghoulish’ (thanks, John Leake) to be real, his Israeli guru Yuval Harari, TOO perfect a villain.

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Some of those Afghanistan weapons (over 300,000) made their way to Gaza, will miracles never cease. Our strategic oil reserve is at an all time low (thanks Joe- he is considering buying Iranian oil!) so make sure you fill your tank first chance you get, expect prices to rise quickly. Plus, the Biden Administration resumed aiding Hamas (a known terrorist organization) after Trump had stopped the aid.

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Also, what about the DOJ trying to destroy Trump and his family…except for Ivanka (married to creepy Jared who was a powerful liaison and advocate for Israel)? The near blackout on candidate and now Gov. DeSantis, who I think also backed the ‘special relationship’ with Israel. What’s up with all of this?

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We (our government) have become statists, central government with global ambition.

History proves that the mytho-poetic idealism of statism only serves to legislate and codify “Power over Others", the basis of most evil and crimes. No wonder so many smart educated sincere left leaning scholars feel betrayed, as they fail to understand that "governemnt is a necessary evil"

Plato stated, "Such is the nature of the Tyrant, when he first appears he is a Protector" So the statists came up with "Global Warming" to "save the world" That is why they cant let it go. However it is the best red pill subject to share with indocrtinated left leaning friends and family that will still at least have a conversation. Why? Because it is decades old and deeply flawed science with many thousands of skeptical papers published by ten of thousands of scientists, and the political reasons for advocacy are well documented.

So a well written report on Global Warming, the science and the politics, is the best red pill for family and friends that lean left, yet will still talk to you. So consider to read and share this always free , not a news feed post. (It works, open eyes on one subject leads to a new perspective on many other subjects. The truth of the Global Warming fraud cannot be unseen.


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All coincidence, they assure us!

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So about that $113 BILLION the US has sent to Ukraine for a predictable outcome, do we all understand what could have been done with that money and how much it will take to repay...

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Many of those funds got lost into the MIC's deep pockets...

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Wars must be fomented to keep weapons' industries obscenely profitable. That is not a "stupid that can't be fixed" but an abject immorality.

"War is a moral imperative for the morally impaired" - Ned B.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Reading this down, kept hoping you'd get re:Germany to the point where they are restarting coal plants for electricity this winter.

Great, you highlighted it!

reinforces the point I made a while back that freezing in winter can be good news, that maybe more folks will see the absurdity of this CO2 nonsense. Well, the Germans have, they see a bitter winter if they don't get ahead now. As for blowing up Nordstream, I'd imagine that behind the scenes they aren't so happy of the way this forced them into a conundrum.

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I can’t believe they tolerated it.

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I really think that the German government knew about the sabatoge. They have been breaking their own energy infrastructure for years. Consider the link here to have a personal tool that is effective in convincing left leaning family and friends to better understand the fraud. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/global-news-round-up-the-green-hysteria/comment/41528571

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So instead let's send the Ukraine war machine Twinkies/Dorito's/ and Diet Coke,

wish em all Merry Christmas and call it a draw. Stop Killing each other already!

Where does the love of God go when the waves of hatred turn the minutes into months with no end in sight? How long as a casual observer must we hold dear to?

They are doing to us this decades of nonsense all over AGAIN!

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Let us remember that the CIA has agents embedded in all the major news and tech agencies. How do control the mindset of the masses if you don't decide on what they should not know and what the true motivations are by manipulating the facts. The covid con is their masterful stroke of manipulation! Does anyone remember in 1970, that oil reserves would disappear and we needed a new energy source. ie EV autos the answer.

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Many folks don't recall what they had for dinner yesterday. Let alone what a CIA agent is.

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I do, had cabbage rolls with mashed potatoes. s/ You are spot on with the C I A. I do remember those evil bastards, what they did to my parents' homeland, destroyed, the former Yugoslavia I spell it Jugoslavija. When one retired he wrote a book telling how propaganda worked on the people there. Hope they retire to the lake of fire. Clinton and Nato as well.

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I love cabbage rolls, with sour cream!

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If you lived close, I would gladly give you some.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To quote: "Yep - green candidates pelted with eggs ahead of local elections. That isn’t a good look!"

But, it's a good sign! Things are getting bad enough that people are waking up, getting involved in a positive way. We need to keep doing the same and more here in the US.

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By now it is obvious ---Biden is just a piece of shit

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I think you're being too harsh on the old turd.

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He knew with 1000% certainty that Iraq doesn’t have WMD -- millions dead and maimed as result

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Why would anyone be surprised over X's censoring? They never quit it! Many deplatformed Twitter users never were reinstated by Twitter after Musk took it over.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Maybe a shout out to the poor AfD politician (against the Green Deal and now called Russian plant for wanting to end the Ukraine battle), was injected by presumably, a neurotoxin and in hospital. Huge media black out and the election in his province is tomorrow.


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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks Drs. Malone for another great short and to the point substack. God Bless 🙏🏻

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As an aside, when I was in Egypt the air was so bad I put a scarf around my face when going to the store. Gagging bad. India is no better. The use of kerosene for cooking has ruined many a lung, leaving the poor more susceptible to respiratory issues (and covid).

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Green energy is an oxymoron, unless one counts the solar powered blades of grass cows convert to meat using photosynthesis....

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Imagine how much more verdant a world this would be if we replaced every politician with a dairy cow. The flatulence might remain at the same level, but quality of the manure would improve immensely.

Bessie for Congress!

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

For people like Dr. Malone who read history, this must seem like an old/new page. Humans are just not very bright (like to be led) and tend to be so warlike that this episode of confusion will have a price to pay.

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China and India know we are being led by fools. The get cheap coal while our leaders piss away all our tax dollars and whatever they can't get from taxes they just print, putting our future collapse closer and closer.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Very good.

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