Not only is the government still pushing vaccines, but they're still shamelessly lying about them. Last week, White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Ashish Jha claimed that “We can prevent every covid death in America if everyone gets vaccinated and boosted.”


What a joke.

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Any government led by a congenital liar is going to lie. by default. Sorta akin to "a cat's gotta cat".

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There is a great sadness that will remain as this theater of madness and mortal sins,

finds the road to rational thinking and some form of personal enlightenment ensues. Even now there are millions with spike protein Inoculum injury, willing to do it all again.

The hypnotic dumbing of America is in the final completion stages. Will pieces be left to pick up and move on, after the living blood and the ashes become one in total sorrow?

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Seems almost certain that a deadly, fundamental flaw exists with mRNA pseudo-vaccine technology that is not widely known or talked about, when this should be front and center in such discussions. This flaw is that the proteins generated by a cell, in response to the mRNA message, are by definition foreign, non-self-proteins which are attacked, and die violently with high inflammation, by “complement” (killer system #2).

This flaw is clearly explained, in layperson terms, by Dr Bhakdi MD in this excerpt from CHD TV 2022.10.21 -- (00:45-29:00 of https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/friday-roundtable/worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m-d-sucharit-bhadki-m-d/ )

Given this, any MD who uses, or advocates for the use of, mRNA pseudo-vaccines is guilty of malpractice and/or gross incompetence, and could thus be sued for damages to those injured, without having to prove anything but mRNA use (my non-lawyer view).

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Dec 1, 2022·edited Dec 1, 2022

Dr. Malone this is happening in REAL TIME:

The veil has been lifted. A most amazing well edited video

Here is you opportunity to turn eyes away from Red Herrings/ Epstein/WHO etc.

November 30, 2022

New Zealand Health Authorities Trying to Medically Kidnap 4-Month-Old Baby Who Needs Heart Surgery Because Parents Want Unvaccinated Blood


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Horrific story. Pray for the baby and family.

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Prayers to Will and his family 🙏

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One word... Diabolical!

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"Approximately 3 in 10 adult Coronavirus fatalities in the fall of 2021 were vaccinated or boosted. But by January 2022, approximately 4 in 10 COVID deaths were vaccinated or boosted. By April 2022, the CDC data showed that about 6 in 10 adult COVID deaths were vaccinated or boosted. Then the CDC data from June and July 2022 showed over 50 percent of deaths were being reported in vaccinated individuals, with 61 and 56 percent reported respectively."

We have to remember that because of the insane way that we allowed Big Pharma to define 'vaccinated', its efficacy HAS TO BE 100% at the start of the dataset.

Why? Because everybody who gets covid before the 'vaccinated' cutoff date is counted as unvaccinated. In other words, you only get the 'vaccinated' label if you get through the entire regimen without getting covid. Instant (and fake) 100% efficacy.

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We seem to have lost sight of the "co-morbidities." Covid is not random. Healthy people have mild or no effects. The sick suffer varying degrees of several chronic conditions, mostly voluntary.

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Vaccination IS a co-morbidity.

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Yes, it seems to degrade immune function, just like other chronic conditions. Tons of evidence, but no adjudication by formal research. Until the prohibitions of analysis is removed, society is doomed. Probably too late to recover. Censorship is the new normal until we convince our neighbors they need liberty more than dependence. Most of the world is enslaved by their dependence or their fear.

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Yes! I just made this point at home yesterday. Funny to see it in print today (though you wrote it 3 days ago).

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Bingo!!! Its not as though taking control of your personal health is unobtainable!

What we really are learning in all of this is just how those that play the wellness game are easily managing this 3 years of utter nonsense. While the greater percentage could care less what is transpiring behind curtains. They are dragging the healthy into Coffinville.

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They're not dragging me. I'm just watching from the stands. Good entertainment.

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Thank you for the non mainstream news update. Isn't it odd that China is on the list of countries with the lowest deaths per million? I suspect their data might be untrustworthy.

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Also, they're healthier. See "China Study" where sickly Mao hired American doctor to learn why he's sick but a billion peasants are healthy. Campbell found the simpler diet of the peasants maintained natural health, while the rich western diet enjoyed by the elites made them sick. Also showed that healthy Asians who immigrate to US soon develop the same bad habits and the same chronic diseases as everyone else. Doesn't have to be that way. Health is a choice.

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Ah so! You have fork in road. You can take only but one. How will you choose? Clock ticks!

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I prefer off road.

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Well, that was then and this is now. Many of the peasants are now city dwellers.

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Most are still on traditional diets.

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Things are changing:


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Well a couple of things could impact on that. First, people often compensate for frustrations, being mentally uncomfortable by eating. Watch even some of our Senators seem to be looking heavier. As for the Chinese, they have plenty to be uncomfortable about.

There are also the lockdowns and much reported famines that are being projected.. Another way (whether on a conscious or unconscious level) to compensate is have weight one can afford to loose.

Have to say I'm surprised to learn about it. Thanks for identifying the issue.

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That always comes with prosperity.

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When they aren't locked down and can get some if its available?

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Whenever one reads gibberish such as this:

"Expanding the EU's international partnerships on health as part of the Global Gateway, based on co-ownership and co-responsibility from our partners. Improving their health sovereignty will ensure more resilience and autonomy and allow us to focus on those most in need and where our impact will be the greatest. Partnerships with advanced economies will also be pursued"

One can be 100% certain of the meaning for the native EU populace: "We are going to level your health care to the minimum common denominator because equity you know, all those non EU poor people have worse care than you selfish EU folks, and you live too long after retirement anyway...

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Censoring free speech. They actually said it out loud. People need to listen.

I was talking this morning to one of my student’s mom. She was saying that an in law relative had died suddenly . He was 72 and in good health. I ask her if he had had the vax and she said yes. I said that it was probably the vax. She said “Oh no he had a massive heart attack. They found a huge blood clot in his heart.” I told her about the funeral directors and how they are finding big blood clot in the veins and that they are having a hard time getting the embalming fluid in the bodies.

She was clueless to any of this. I should have found out if she was a vaccine person. One more clot shot death.

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Regarding your last paragraph “ Combine this with the significant adverse events and one has to wonder why the government is still pushing so hard for more jabs. It literally makes no sense…”, - - no wondering is necessary if one accepts the premise that their underlying objective is population reduction.

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It makes sense. They violated laws and millions died. They're liable for criminal prosecution and are determined to hide from that.

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Naomi Wolf, in Bodies of Others, had an EU anecdote never reported. The Greeks had a an election, circa 2015, to decide whether they wanted the EU "austerity measures", knowing it would decimate the elderly and their savings. The EU apparently had no intention of honoring the election, they were going to ram the austerity measure down their throats no matter the sham election results.

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Don't know if it was in the Wolf book or not, but I recall Yanis Varoufakis saying that, in his private conversation as Finance Minister with Christine Lagarde, she agreed with him that Greece would never be able to pay back its debts, then followed up with, "But I can't say that out loud."

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My best guess on the gold purchase is that it's a nation seeking assets to join in on the BRICKS nations, that will require asset backed currency, ie: gold. The US is going to lose the "petrol" dollar status, it's going somewhere else, and soon.

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Dec 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Freedom of speech but not of reach" is a cute way to articulate the old practices of suppression and shadow-banning. Expect the new Twitter to be more like Google in this regard.

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Yes- I found that article fascinating. Basically - suppress anything and anyone controversial by use of bots. More of the same - big tech censorship.

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Dec 2, 2022·edited Dec 2, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Time to start trading spare pennies for gold & start reading labels, stop fast food, & start eating whole foods & cooking your families meals. Wake up, govt does not work for you (poisoning instead if protecting food supply), they work for corporations, against you :)

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Russian economy: with a competent government, RU will continue to grow economically. It has oil, gas, lumber, and ores. China has labor to turn all that into finished products, but Russia has some manufacturing ability, itself.

Gold buying mystery: FTX maybe? Money laundered through Ukraine? China, while the largest producer of gold, is also a net importer of it and has been for years. Russia maybe accumulating more gold to back the Ruble?

Free Speech: Bad for Marxists. You Lie and Cheat when your ideas SUCK, and if those tactics don't work, you use Censorship and political suppression, all because your ideas fundamentally SUCK.

Spying in Brussels: Who cares? Really? There is nothing happening in the EU that matters. It may be their own vanity worrying that somebody actually cares what they think. They are an open (WEF) book. Now if Germany were to exit the EU and kick NATO out, that would be newsworthy (and very positive).

and finally...

Covid Jabs Kill People: Yesterday's news. Just don't get on the boxcars... In related news, the Babylon Bee recently reported, "CBS News Officially Confirms That Lincoln Has Been Shot".

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Could the gold buying have anything to do with the group of (mostly eastern) countries who are looking to move out from under international trade that is dominated by the dollar?

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It's a strange, strange world we live in, Master Jack ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDH9G-qWM8Q

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Dr Malone, maybe you could add to this. I just heard yesterday that Kamela Harris said a shot every year would be necessary to stop all people from being infected. Then hours later Richelle Walensky head of the CDC recommended a shot every two months I assume for the rest of your life. Have these people gone completely insane? There are no long term studies on these shots in general, never mind every two months. Who can have faith in the government health industry? I’m really trying to stay calm but what the —— is wrong with this. I can’t understand. Someone please help me I beg you. I saw this on Tucker Carlson last night. He was absolutely dumbfounded as well. J. Goodrich

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Speaking of medical debacles, I stumbled on this appalling story on Epoch Times last night. This poor doctor was harassed for 14+ years, just because he was was saving cancer patients' lives with an unorthodox treatment. Just proves the government alphabet agencies have been corrupt for many years. https://www.theepochtimes.com/burzynski-the-cancer-cure-cover-up-documentary_4849357.html

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Questions or updates please,

What is happening with Dutch farmers?

For those of us not engaged in financial dealings, why worry that someone is buying up gold?

Is Great Britain still leaving the EU?

How is Germany doing? Are they experiencing any shortages?

Locally how are you doing? I have noticed a big decrease in selection of items, pasta, coffee, tomato products (1 brand and limited selection) gas at $3 per gallon

Why are we selling our oil products to China, at a discount? Is it a novel ideas to feed your own people first?

Anyone else worried about the electrical grid?

Is Apple the same evil that Google is?

When airport, airlines, have computer “glitches” am I the only one who thinks they got hacked and are trying to figure out how? Do they care who is doing it?

Is the next election going to happen? How will we know if it hacked or corrupted?

Why is the apocalypse taking so long and so costly?

If America truly starts breaking down, will we know?

What about the volcanoes in Hawaii? The impact from them.

Thanks for any and all updates.

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I’m not sure how the questions, answers and comments are posted. I will say that I have been here a while so I see some changes in the board itself. I know earlier Dr. Malone was serious, thoughtful, articulate, informative about topics he knows about. There is so much going on these days and I think personally we all need a little chit chat and humor, just because things are so upended. If Dr. Malone is chatty, maybe he needs it. The man has an extremely heavy load of responsibilities, and input into various medical issues, innovation and all at the speed of a blink of an eye. Suing and getting sued, keeping up with various personal tasks and professional individuals and maintaining a sense of self that is health is, hard. If you are looking for really meaty content go to the archive. All kinds of serious questions, observations, experiences, and conversations can be found. You are correct, the further you go on these posts the more interesting, helpful it gets. Take Care.

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