Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

She's proud 👏 of her wrap-up smear!!! Despicable!

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I wonder if that was an instance of "In vino veritas."

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I saw this video some years ago and have saved it to remind myself of what we face and why. Watching the continuation of what has been "business as usual" for most politicians and bureaucrats at every level of government has been demoralizing at best. And it just gets worse. Can't wait for A I to take over the overwhelming BS campaign to feed the "useful idiots".

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Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am glad to see the unfolding of the constant threat exposed by you, time and time again. Unless a person has the time and inclination to explore the world events, of which there are plenty, these avenues of exposure go mostly unnoticed. I appreciate the concise way you tie these bits together. The world is in such a precarious place on so many levels, the future is hard to predict. It has been said that the people's consciousness dictates how the earth responds to violence, trauma and the out of balance nature of all. Will we survive this world-wide display of control, fear and aggression without having more natural disasters? Time will tell.

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Yes! Keeping your eye on the prize: where’s this going? It’s too easy to get fixated on the “what happened”, oh the horror. But what happened is one stop on the road…to where??? There’s where the power lies. You can’t do anything about the what, as it already happened. But you can certainly empower yourself for what’s likely to come, if you can sense it. Dr. Malone is exceedingly good at this, and so if I had to only keep 1 stack, it’d be this one.

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Feelin the same.....Ain't it a shame.

Countin on you...to carry me thru.

Gimme the beat boys and free my soul.

Wanna git lost in yer rock and roll and drift away.

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Am I the only person here that has read or is studying Biblical Prophecies? I can't be. There are so many Answers. The Creator hasn't stopped speaking for 5000 + years.

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Unfortunately, the Bible interpretations have been messed with. Not that there isn't prophecy to pay attention to, just that it requires very specific study from learned theologians knowing how to translate Aramaic.

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Common people can read Biblical Prophecies and CREATOR gives the meaning to simple Christians. The lie is you nor I can understand without intervention of priests. The Creator gives understanding. to whomsoever asks.

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The Bible is the best commentary on itself. It is written in the first chapter of Proverbs the fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. As an example, our godless society has taken hold of and entranced the theory of evolution. Evolution is mathematically impossible and it yet to be shown where a new species of life has evolved from another species; but as Nancy Pelosi explained if you speak a lie and it’s “confirmed” by multiple puppets, the lie becomes irrefutable.

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Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If people would just be as good as children are at learning when to quit believing the boy that cries wolf. People need a source of information to believe so bad that they feel compelled to pick one from those they can conveniently hear/access. Alternative news takes a little more time and effort. Too many people either don't have the additional time, or they don't realize that the time and effort are worth it given HOW bad they're being lied to (including the non-disclosure of relevant facts) by the quick and easy sources.

That's my great concern. Because I'm convinced Jefferson was right when he said a free AND ignorant people has never been and never will be (at least not for very long). Politicians can get them to act against their own self-interests much too easily. As Bret Weinstein rightly said, we're at a point where the typical partisan issues are so trivial in comparison to what our would-be-tyrants are planning for us that we need many more people to realize JUST THAT to have a chance of avoiding unacceptable levels of ADDITIONAL damage and loss in the future.

I would love to be able to tell y'all how many minds I've changed in these 3 or more years. But unfortunately, that number is zero. The people I talk to either saw it early like the rest of us, or they still don't see it. OR, they think they're going to be raptured out before any serious harm comes to them, and so they don't inform themselves of anything that takes effort to learn. And of course my sources aren't to be trusted. Because that would imply things about our government or Fox News or American exceptionalism that they just can't believe.

Praying for us all.

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Jeff, I really enjoyed reading 📚 your comments!

I especially agree with you 💯 % about the TYPICAL PARTISAN ISSUES being so trivial!!

They also are the masters of distraction. They distract us by dangling the SHINY TOY of WORD WARS which of course are of no significant consequence.

I too am frustrated 😠 by the number of people who I have successfully succeeded in convincing to even explore that there is another side!?!?

I've resigned myself to saying that you can't negotiate with terrorists and I hope and pray 🙏 that some will realize that the RAPTURE may not come in their time to save them from this Hell on earth 🌎 that is evolving!

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Indeed, it's distraction. And that makes it all the more sinister. Even when they pretend to be helping you they're diverting your attention from the real harm.

It does seem that too many of our fellow Americans are as incapable of recognizing a BIG LIE when they hear one as it was for the Germans just decades ago. The rapture-escape belief is just as problematic. I'll never understand why they think God will save them from hard times in this life when so many before them (and even now in other countries) were killed, tortured, etc.

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When you trust your television...

Whatcha get is whatcha got.

When they own the information Lord...

they can... bend it all they want!

John Mayer Waitin on the world to change

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It will definitely change. Maybe for the worse and maybe for the better. But change it will.

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We see the bottom line for the globalists is power and the capture of currency in order to control the population. They use whatever means necessary to hold or gain both. The open border in Germany was not by mistake. Tyrants since the beginning of time have used emergencies or perceived emergencies to aggregate powers they didn’t have before. Just a couple of years ago here in America you couldn’t travel, you couldn’t keep your job, you couldn’t go to school without doing what the government told you was good for you. I know the left wants to put their obvious tyranny into the memory hole, but this is what this administration wanted. After, they exercise their new powers in a way no one would imagine. When you have a controlling group that doesn’t believe in individual rights this is what you get, a very dangerous road Germany is now going down. I hope here in the USA our love for the individual and our bill of rights will overcome this tyranny. The fight is in our DNA. The world is watching. J.Goodrich

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Amen, Brother! Putin came to power the same way. Orchestrate crisis. Crisis. Solve crisis. Instant hero.

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Amazing how the number of people I know have pulled back from trying to “do” anything and “fight” the indiscretions going on in our country now by saying “ I have placed my faith in the Lord and am praying more now. He will save us”. What? They really believe this might happen in their lifetime? Uh, sorry. Praying is always good but isn’t it true that “the Lord helps them that help themselves”? SMH.

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Mornin J.G

This insanity must all end right where it began....FROM THE BOTTOM...TO THE TOP.

All the prediction and indicators "are" there, to the point they "Boast" about it.

That is a most mind numbing and Hubris attitude for public "Servants" to employ.

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I do find Biden’s confidence troubling. He’s getting his ass kicked in every poll to the point that it’s impossible for him to win but yet he continues on his illegal American killing way. Makes me question what’s really happening?

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I regret to advise mate, don't hold your breath!

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Les, we’ll know in November if we make it until then my friend. Hope all is well with you!!!

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Have been raising cain for some time about how our founders violated the pooch when they gave SCOTUS so much power and how the legal community have virtually stolen any idea of justice and buried it in their law books. Texas passed a law making illegal entry a STATE crime allowing arrest for commission. The doj quite expectedly opposed and a tame judge complied only to be overturned by the 5 th who however delayed its implementation. The doj appealed that decision to SCOTUS who extended the 5th delay it seems for forever. Surprisingly Abbott says we will ignore that delay and proceed to enforce the law (went in force 3/5/24). To my mind no fed court had any business being involved as the Constitution clearly gives states the right to repeal invasions (which is unquestionably occurring) and that should be buttressed by the 10 th amendment. To repeat myself, this alleged self governingRepublic needs to be taken back from the legal profession

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Michael, if only it were that easy.

We can't reclaim our SELF-GOVERNING REPUBLIC as long as the majority of FOXES in congress are attorneys!

They're guarding 💂‍♂️ the hen 🐔 house 🏠 🙄

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The prob from the outset. The Constitution written to be easily understood but over half of the signers were lawyers and that I suspect is what led SCOTUS. Too bad because their perfidy was already a matter of common knowledge world wide so they ought to have been securely harnessed at the outset. Still not too late tho.

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Big surprise. SOTUS just ruled Texas CAN enforce their law. Wassup?

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This current Grand Puba of the DOJ is as greasy as he is non- commited to actual justice.

This is so reoccurring painfully OBVIOUS. Yet he thinks he's an E.F. Hutton TV commercial.

When he talks...everyone listens. DUH.

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The fact that Nancy Pelosi is smiling the whole time she is talking about deliberately smearing those she is ideologically opposed to, tells me everything I need to know about her character & of how black her heart is. She is truly despicable.

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So true!!!

She actually delights in her evilness!

I wish that a bucket 🪣 of water would make her go away!!!

Of course, that would only happen SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW 🌈 🙄

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There aren't enough "likes" to fully portray how passionately I agree with this.

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She wants us to believe that is what Trump is doing, while it is her projecting it onto him.

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Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To keep people away from Alternative for Germany (AfD) content, the Green-affiliated campaign network Campact wants to ban the AfD from TikTok. With the AfD the second most popular party in the country, part of the party’s appeal may be tied to its popularity on TikTok, where it is more popular than all the other German parties and has twice as many followers as all other parties combined.


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Your com,ent makes me wonder. Is there a Censorship Industrial Complex in Germany,' too?

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Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Interesting and yet another clear warning. BTW wasn't that the strategy that played out when our intelligence went before the special court for authority to spy on minor participants in the Trump campaign? (Sorry, I'm terrible on names of folks/things I don't like - FISA crt?)

IMO Pelosi and her nephew are despicable.

I try to take advantage of opportunities to spread my perspectives and 'stick fingers' in the oppositions positions when opportunities present themselves. I note my views have minimal impact in the scheme of things, but could court retaliation. I do feel it needs voicing, so each airing may help. Thus it's wort doing. If attacked, like the elderly lady with her walker run over by the police on their horses - offers a useful example

That said I almost got fixed into 'a bitcoin investment' by someone representing themselves as a person I respected and trusted. Decided I'd best try and familiarize myself first. Got a very fat paperback. Didn't feel very enlightened. Went back and established the offerer was not who they were pretending to be. Have become pretty hopelessly turned off of that option as a safe haven.

You note the Globalist strategy of surveillance and as it rings close to your current experience. That Stripe has no risk attendant to passing your moneys through to you belies ANY right or need for them to access your particulars. At least you are ahead of any 'game' they may be trying to execute and haven't yet been harmed. As an aside, personally don't think you come anywhere near trending toward 'far right'. Fears may be clouding the visions of the beholders.

It's a nice, if crisp, day. Hope you can get out and enjoy it.

Very Bestest, much caring ♡♡♡

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Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw your post yesterday. Stripe's demand is totally unacceptable.

On a more positive note, I have long wondered about the anonymity of Bitcoin transactions. Since the entire transaction history is available in the block chain, how easy is it to figure out who is doing what?

A couple of days ago I read that a certain Mr. 100 had become the 14th biggest holder of Bitcoin. And yet they don't know who it is! I find that fact absolutely delightful.

Extrapolating, I would project that if you were to work in Bitcoin your donors could be very confident that they would remain anonymous. You could post a public key on your site and offer people the alternative of subscribing via Substack or simply donating crypto.

There are many imaginable mechanisms for making encrypted posts available to crypto subscribers without knowing their identity. It may finally be a useful application for nonfungible tokens.

The more vile the powers that be become, the more inventive we must be in response.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Fun fact: The Social Democrat Party of today's Germany is the very same one pre-dating Hitler's reign and the Weimar Republic. They've been at this for quite a while.

By controlling propaganda and the press, globalists manage to equate any nationalist sentiments, such as the one that Germany should belong to Germans, as tantamount to evil. Internationalists work toward dissolution of the nation-state partly by rendering borders meaningless. It's self-evident; we pick our sides on the issue. I just wish we could all learn to stop apologizing for wanting to preserve ourselves.

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I’m pretty ignorant of what really goes on in the minds of Germans and appreciate this look. So they are feeling and experiencing it too…. As you say, the globalists persist.

As for the Pelosi video, good to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

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Or from the donkey's mouth. Or the jackass' mouth.

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Yes it leaves me totally befuddled that she and her sycophants find these actions acceptable behavior among supposedly civilized people. Where were they taught that this was OK?

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The left doesn't act within the system; they surreptitiously distort the structure of the system and then blame their opponents, better said, enemies, for doing the very thing they do. As mentioned below they are adherents of Saul Alinsky and his magnum opus claim to fame, Rules for Radicals, literally dedicated to the prince of darkness. Obama and HRC are his disciples.

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Absolutely agree.

That said: Where the hell were these people's mothers. Mine taught me to always try to do unto others as I would have others do unto me. I don't believe even for one second that Nancy would wish this behavior aimed at her.

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Good point, oldguy! At its core, the whole leftist shtick, including the Q+ subculture, is anti-Christian. That's one reason for the inexplicable support for Hamas by the homosexual community. They have signed on to their mantra, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

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Indeed, All the while claiming to be such pious Catholics.

I swear to God you just couldn't make this stuff up.

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“Liberty does not exist in the absence of morality.”

Edmund Burke

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Censorship. Perhaps there's more than one way to go about it.

To this day, I still refuse to establish a Twitter account. I hopped on Gettr in 2022 to follow Edward Dowd, and it eventually became the site of my greatest interest and activity.

Within the last year, I have noted a series of changes in Gettr format. The site has become progressively less user friendly. Things that pop up in the corner of the screen. Banners that flash back and forth. Reductions in functionality.

By now I've lost interest. It makes me wonder.

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Agree. On the other hand, it still seems less off-putting than the alternatives (haven't tried or heard much about Truth). Been so occupied with the Epoch mostly TV haven't been put off enough to explore. I do limit Gettr to posters I've chosen to follow.

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I've been very happy with Gab.com.

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Because of free speech, Gab is not for the faint hearted 😎

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I've never joined Twitter (X). Neither before, nor after Elon. Sooner or later everything on there is on Bannon, or Rogan or somewhere. I don't need anymore messing with my mind. There is always the Truth.

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Nancy Pelosi seems to think her scheme of lying & deception is hilarious.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some of the most disturbing people on the planet lack any sense of humor yet think they are gifted with one. Had a dept. chairman who fit that description

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All I can think of is, the woman was born without anything that resembles a conscience.

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She may have had one --- but the repeated botulism injections killed it

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Typical sociopath. Zero empathy. I had a landlord like this. He ignores anything that didn't support his viewpoint. Like arguing with a wall.

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Maybe just too much adreno-chrome.

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Thank you !!

US is a fascist country totally supporting two Nazi-dominated governments of Ukraine and Israel.

AfD is fighting against lunacy -- lunacy of emergent fascism in Europe and Germany.

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We see a recurring theme with corruption inside intelligence agencies in many countries… and collusion amongst them.

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Look up the NDP case. It proved the German internal security ran the party. German "democracy" is a controlled fraud.

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This playbook is pervasive throughout society. I've been working as an ADAAA advocate in courts and it's destroying people's lives.

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