Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Notice that when Roos asked Janine Small, “Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?" and literally begged for a clear yes or no, she STILL didn't answer the question. She was asked, was the vax TESTED to determine if it would stop transmission. She hemmed and hawed and then answered that "did we know about stopping immunization (???)"....um, you know. No."

So, we still don't know if it was tested, which is important information in and of itself. Did they test? Did the test reveal the vax doesn't stop transmission---and they flat out lied and said that it did? Or did they not test for transmission at all---and if not, why? And if they didn't even test for it, then why did they stand 100% behind every assertion by leaders and "experts" who said that it has been determined to stop transmission?

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It’s the chuckle that got me. It signifies deception.

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All of the data has always showed that the vax didn't stop transmission. All of it.

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She could have answered affirmatively if the testing was done. Since she gave a stupid, vague answer, I can only conclude she was being deceptive.

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"did we know about stopping immunization (???)"....um, you know. No."

This statement (if one can call it that) is nonsensical as well as a non-answer. They question is was it deliberate obfuscation or a goof...and if the former, will they try to claim she never said that they didn't test for transmission efficacy.

I think we know that it wasn't tested for transmission efficacy. It's clear from the trial design.

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Yup. Her fumbling and inappropriate word-choice show that answering this question was very stressful for her--she couldn't think clearly because she was in a bit of a panic.

As a trial attorney, her evasion jumped out at me. It's so frustrating to see that we finally have some investigation into whatever horrors went on behind the scenes but the investigators and journalists usually don't follow up with the pointy questions. Roos was amazing here but I wanted to reach through the screen and yell, "Thank her for her answer, point out that she didn't exactly answer the question, and ASK HER AGAIN if it was tested!"

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

Yes, she appeared nervous (golly, I never thought they'd ask about that), but I do wonder if she purposely misused words to add confusion. Yes, Roos should have followed up. Emotion clouds thinking, I guess.

I don't know why people are surprised or think this is a revelation. Human challenge trials are considered unethical. That's why Stage 3 trials are supposed to last for a very long time, not two months. They injected people and "followed" them for two whole months during a time when viral transmission was low. And, then, they purposely confused people by implying relative risk reduction was absolute risk reduction.

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In answer to these questions, this is a must read: https://philharper.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-real-world. The author (Phil Harper) says "Pfizer did test the vaccine’s ability to reduce rates of “Covid-19”," that Pfizer claimed that it reduced infection and transmission, but that the data supporting the claim was fraudulent.

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Thanks for the link, I just followed and subscribed. I can't believe that I had more or less forgotten about the Pfizer whistle-blower, that's the insane clown world we live in where such a flood of unbelievable stuff is happening that even major events can get washed out of memory.

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Yes, I am buried under such an avalanche of news, studies and commentaries that I only just begin to organize my understanding of it all when another avalanche hits and buries me again.

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That's exactly how I feel!

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Their 95% effectiveness was based on Relative Risk Reduction not Absolute Risk Reduction which is the real measure of the effectiveness of a product in a trial. The ARR was actually 0.8%. You read this in this article: https://open.substack.com/pub/elylazar/p/we-live-in-the-age-of-deception?r=f4chq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Yes, the use of relative risk reduction instead of absolute risk reduction was deceptive. But Phil is showing that even the relative risk reduction was based on fraudulent data. There are many layers to this psychological operation.

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They were following 9rders

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The Pfizer admission is nothing less than public health malpractice on a scale that just a few years ago would've been inconceivable. It’s criminal.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Who would ever have imagined that WJC would look better in a dress than HRC? The Lewinsky blue does bring out his eyes so nicely...

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For those of you wondering what this picture is all about, it's an actual picture that was in the residence of Jeffrey Epstein. No, I'm not joking.


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Thanks ?? for the information.

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"De-carboning" won't affect global temperatures. There's no evidence it will, and considerable evidence it won't. Also considerable evidence it will demolish global civilization. Warmists should be publicly beaten whenever they are found. That's the only way to settle them down, and save civilization.

If Bill and Larry and Greta want to de-carbon the world, they should invest their own money in research for alternate enerygy tech, like fusion or dilithium reactors or something. Instead they game the rubes by hawking companies who claim to, but don't. They both probably profited from Solyndra.

Global warming is a sham, loved only by the ignorant and the evil.

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They want to redistribute wealth. As much into their pockets as possible

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Because, we are cockroaches, useless eaters.

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There won't be much wealth to distribute if they crash the economy. Either they don't understand the economy or have other goals.

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This has been claimed several times by the climate change honchos. They no more believe their crap about climate than I do but have publicly advocated "wealth redistribution" on several occasions.

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It's my opinion that what the ruling elites of the world, or their puppet politicians, say or do or believe about ANY subject cannot be used to judge whether that subject is true or false, fact or fiction. Such people will try to leverage ANY convenient argument that furthers their real goal of collecting more wealth and power. They're all the same. For example, it doesn't really matter to the WEF whether climate change is real or not. The fear it induces in a large segment of the population can be leveraged to further the progress toward their goal of a totalitarian state (using the process of mass formation as described by Mattias Desmet).

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Correct. You have learned perhaps the most important rule of all: Government doesn't care about you.


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The obvious solution is for alarmists to assume room temperature. If they profess that "the planet," whatever that means, is morally superior to humanity, then their path seems clear. If they yet believe their advocacy is more important than modeling the proper corrective devotional of suicide, they must of course demonstrate their selfless commitment by taking a vow of poverty as they serve the principles of their idol.

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I don't expect many of them would have the conviction to actually confront serious opposition. They'll fold, or at least withdraw, when confronted. They know it's a weak position. Those few who persist will just be good entertainment for the rest of us.

The Paris accords exposed their weakness. With onerous, economy killing objectives, the best they could muster was an insignificant fraction of a degree by the end of the century. The remaining fans are entirely politically ideological, or grifters trying to milk the ESG fantasies, or just stupid. Lots of stupid these days.

The main reason it persists is competent people have been too polite, too tolerant of their idiotic fantasies. We all need to become more firm in our responses to climate fanatics and other cultural cancers. The string of obsessions are damaging society, and will continue to expand only as long as we allow it. Climate, race, covidians, tyranny kids, drag kindergarten, all part of the same destructive mindset. We can nurture it, or stop it. The stakes are survival of our civilization.

Premeditated suicide is no virtue. Intolerance of insanity is no vice.

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Wow. I just left my bank after spending over a half hour talking to my branch VP about the vaccine, don't know how we got on the subject... She was a healthy 71 and took no prescriptions at all. Got first vax and began having racing heart 3 days after. She was referred to specialist who told her it was due to shot and not to get 2nd dose. I asked if she reported on VAERS and she said he told her he would report it on VAERS. He also told her doctors were not allowed to say anything against the shot or they would lose their jobs. Her daughter asked her own doctor recently about the shot for kids and he said he wasn't allowed to say it out loud or could lose his job but he wasn't doing his own kids. She said one older employee of hers had serious stroke after vax. A friend of hers is 35 with very healthy lifestyle but was diagnosed with emphysema some time after vax, never smoked or been around anything that is known cause (is possibly from vax?).

This is a small group of people, it's not a 2500 employees and friends situation. I think the adverse events are far more than even we suspect - and we already suspected the numbers were bad.

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I have a friend who developed asthma after being jabbed and her pulmonologist acknowledges that the shots are to blame. Another friend developed very aggressive pancreatic cancer, for which she is still undergoing grueling treatments. One of my pastors has been sick over and over and his current sickness has kept him from working for 4 weeks or so. Supposedly, he is improving slowly. I think he has destroyed his immune system by receiving the jabs. I close friend who's about 45, developed crippling symptoms after her booster in May. Her family was ministering in another country, but she cannot return for the foreseeable future, if ever. These are people I know were vaccinated. I didn't receive these jabs and will never take a so-called vaccine again.

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So sad. Just unbelievable really. It's unfathomable that they're still pushing it..... I can hardly wrap my brain around that fact even knowing how much money is involved. It's truly like trying to understand a very gruesome serial killer... just can't comprehend it. Even though I know where evil comes from.

Like you I'll never get another vaccine of any kind and maybe not any shot of any kind... I don't trust "them" not to throw something else in with it. And what if it's a leftist nutcase who feels I'm a danger and decides all on his/her own to throw in mRNA shot and tell me it's a vitamin or something? It's crazy to now be terrified of the entire medical community but there you have it. And I've always loved both my PCP and my husband's and I've tried to understand their fear of losing their livelihood but... I find I'm afraid to trust them - at all. What if they're saying (whatever) or prescribing (whatever) only because they might lose their job when the next big "thing" rolls around? The breadth and depth of harm to the medical community as a whole is huge, more than most think.

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Consider that the Tylenol poisonings hammered J&J for decades, as well as inducing distrust into the entire industry. That is peanuts compared to how much trust has been wiped out by this episode. We are in for a total revamp of health care. Let's see if the drug makers or insurance companies survive.

The government of course has been exposed as a vicious criminal conspiracy. I have to think we are in for transformation there too.

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I too would hope so. But I don't have any trust in that happening. Fauci has been known to be fully corrupt since at least the AZT AIDS crisis and he's taken ALL the exact same steps with the Covid shot. Nothing has been done. God only knows what else he and corrupt govt leaders have done in the interim 40 years. They've all gotten rich though. I would like to see justice served - but I don't anticipate it in the slightest.

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I understand your sense of resignation, and I try to resist that myself. Given the magnitude of this deviltry it is hard to imagine that it ever got this far, and makes one despair. Has all humanity become insane? Well there is plenty of that, but...I think we are living in a swirl of confusion and these facts simply have not penetrated to many. I have to think this accounts for so much apathy. Imagine, apparently a great many people just hook up the the FB sponsored feed or Apple news and innocently believe that the purveyors of drivel and lies are instead unbiased news providers. Very hypnotic.

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Yes, for sure. I'm not resigned to just accept by any means, I'm just not convinced something will be done. On the other hand, I think if conservatives could win back House, Senate and Presidency we might actually at the very least see truth exposed far and wide. We have some truth fighters in there now there just aren't enough of them.

The one we can always do is pray - and there is the real power.

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Fauci is the worst sufferer of the e.i.t.t.t.s. syndrome ever.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

If they were "working at the speed of science", they would have done all the testing and would have never released it when they saw the results. They were working at the speed of profits.

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Decarbonation = Depopulation

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You are the carbon they want to eliminate.

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If we get to pick who is eliminated I might join them. But they need to keep some of us around to entertain them.

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As the ongoing guinea pigs towards the most useful trans-human servants ....

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And the survivors will be hungrier and colder.

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I've said this before elsewhere, but I believe it might be worth repeating. There is a larger story than just decarbonization at play where population is concerned. In my opinion, there is a race underway that will determine the fate of humanity. I call it, "The Race to Chaos". Which of the following global situations will be the first to cause multi-country chaos and the attendant loss of life?

1. Evolution of SARS-CoV-2 to a much more virulent omicron (as Geert Vanden Bossche predicts).

2. Financial collapse due to rapid declines in both cheap fossil energy and real economic growth.

3. Nuclear holocaust triggered by out-of-control megalomaniac "leaders".

Regarding climate change, data does show a worsening of weather extremes over the last several decades, but even if it should continue to worsen (for whatever reason) I don’t believe it would worsen fast enough to outrace the above.

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The last ice age occurred 11,500 years ago. Climate data includes, at most, the most recent 150 (approximately) years. I'm sure attempting to extrapolate a trend from only 0.08% of the only the most recent days of weather that have occurred since that time is unlikely to be meaningful or useful.

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I agree. We shouldn't extrapolate from this kind of limited data. It's merely a data point to be considered among many other factors. As I said, I don't think it matters anyway.

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They can't want chaos. They want to rule, and they can't rule chaos. They want to reorganize, with them at the top and us doing their bidding. Ain't gonna happen, of course, and some chaos might ensue as we deal with them.

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I believe any one of the three situations could happen before the ruling elites have enough control in place to handle huge masses of angry sick and/or starving people. Only under those conditions will we "start dealing with them" in earnest, I think.

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Or, more likely:

#4. Circumstances as yet unexpected.

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#2 first, followed closely by #1. Re: #3, since few could live through a nuclear event, I think they'll avoid it. Scare everyone about it - but avoid it.

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Whose got time for that? AOC and Biden both seem to find a mic 🎤 and continue to

Speak of Russia Russia and Nuclear ☢️ nuclear war. These loose lip war hawks with

A fraction of a brain need to be pulled off stage. I’m certain Such Talk is more

National Security.

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AOC got called out in a wonderful and intense townhall by individuals whose arguments made mincemeat of her posing as a populist. Truly great to behold. Saw it on Breitbart. A long delayed actual confrontation with this absurd ditz that exposed her vapid narcissism.

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When Janine said "working at the speed of Science" she lost all credibility, like Fauci "I am Science"...incredible, as in absolutely untrustworthy. God have mercy.

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All is a lie in the entire world Dr. Malone. I am thinking with deeply sadness, There is not scape for all of us. I think is too late, but I love and admire your strength and courage for your dedication to the real truth for savings lives in the world.

Thank you so much for your fight, dedication to the truth of the health to the entire human being.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

ISN'T IT INTERESTING that Larry Fink, head of Blackrock, probably the world's larges money mgt./investment organization, is also CHAIRMAN OF THE TREASONOUS COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, and good old Bill Clinton is a long-time member of that same treasonous CFR? Hmmmmm. Two peas in a rotten pod!

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As a side note regarding the so-called "International Monetary Fund" -( created with American taxpayers $$$ )- the FDR 'New Dealer' assistant Secretary of the Treasury honcho was Harry Dexter White, who we can thank for the existence of the CCP - the Communist Chinese Party and its decades of OPPRESSION of the Chinese people, for it was White who CUT OFF any funding to the Chinese Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-sheik - who's army had the Communist "leader" Mao and his revolutionaries on the run - the so-called "Long-March" - and was all but finished until White put the kibosh on further U.S. assistance to the Nationalist Chinese. White made no bones of his dislike for Chiang, and his approval of Mao.

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Harry Dexter White was an imbedded Soviet agent. He hired the experts on China (also Soviet agents) who advised the Roosevelt and Truman administrations to sever ties with Chiang. They claimed he was corrupt, which is an amazing ironic criticism by Reds, whose secular religion has deception as its first principle. Dunder headed military man George Marshall blundered about fecklessly while China was plunged into the scarlet darkness in 1949. Joe McCarthy called Marshall out on this failure, which may have had a lot to do with Eisenhower's destroying McCarthy.

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Right you are...about Harry Dexter White being a treasonous Communist. And you are right about Eisenhower destroying McCarthy - but then, Eisenhower was a damn CFR member -( as was his VP - Richard "tricky" Dick Nixon )- Eisenhower was a longtime Democrat until he ran for office, and he was involved in "Operation Keelhaul" as WWII ended when the FDR administration granted Stalin his demand that ALL those who had escaped his clutches during the war were DEPORTED back to the U.S.S.R. The book "The Politician" (Eisenhower) is a VERY interesting read. BTW, the Communist left in America derided Joe McCarthy as "tail gunner Joe" because he once did that during WWII, however, McCarthy's 'job' was as an officer in the Military Intelligence unit ferreting out spies, i.e., COMMUNISTS. Oh, and MANY "Republicans" in the Senate dutifully trashed McCarthy just like Ike.

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I get so many interesting referrals from smart comment sections, and I appreciate yours. I located "The Politician" by Robert Welch, that is regrettably not available in my usual favored formats. I would speculate that Republican distancing from McCarthy was centered in their own attachments to "progressive" ideas, which always bear the feature of enriching their "selfless" proponents. Then of course you have their dismay about the exposure of Alger Hiss and feelings of class loyalty and ring-knockers enchanted by their own Gatsby-esque vision of themselves as diplomats and statesmen. Then you have McCarthy's Catholicism in the era of Fulton Sheen, as a bit too big for his britches. And like most Americans, nobody doubted Ike was THE patriot of the age.

Keelhaul was a travesty, along with the many Americans and allies captured and enslaved by Stalin that we just ignored. In my view this nation has paid too high a price demonizing Hitler and mythologizing the Second World War. This sugar coating led mankind to miss the lessons of WWII, so we can make the same mistakes, which we are doing now, but with terrifying new potentials.

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We certainly have had some very anti-USA like White in positions of influence. Why have they been elected over and over? Either the electorate is very unsophisticated with regard to international politics, ignorant, main stream media are a bunch of Communists, or some combination of the aforementioned. Still, it begs the question...why aren’t we learning from the past?

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Sorry for the late response... "We aren't learning for the past" simply because the (US) Teachers unions - the NEA (National Education Association) and the AFT ( American Federation (of) Teachers are the "American wing" of the INTERNATIONAL teachers unions which are all globalist, internationalist (supranational) One-World-Government entities. However, other than Home schooled kids, MOST two parent and 'single mom' families are either not interested in their offspring's education or they are busting their asses just to keep the bills paid.

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Couldn't agree more. The lion's share of the etiology of our current situation goes to the education system (NEA and crony organizations) and the demonization of the nuclear family.

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The United States is basically a honey pot for internal and domestic opportunists. This is globalism. Our populace is childlike in innocence, or stupid, or belligerent, and we have permitted latitude to criminals who wish to exploit our naivete. We are admonished to hush about these opportunists lest we appear racist. Unprotected valuable things are noticed by the aggressive and they are seized. Elections are subverted and the institutions that we thought were there to protect us have unfortunately become corrupt and sold their trust to the highest bidder. Since nobody stops them, and because they have no morals or loyalty either to this nation or to mankind generally, they violently rob everything. The stratagems are mind-bogglingly complex, amplified as they are by technology developed by people who anticipated persons of good nature, rather than the diabolical scum that squats in the offices of officialdom.

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It just goes on and on, doesn't it...

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What a nonsensical, absurd response by the Pfizer director Janine Small about "moving at the speed of science" when questioned by EU member Rob Roos. What babble! One can interpret such a response as meaning shortcuts were taken and important steps omitted...

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Moving at the speed of science means you don't have time to do the actual science. Unless it's market science.

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Oct 14, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for the Walk on the Wonky Side! Definitely areas of interest!.

First was the Blackrock Clinton skullduggery. Glad I've learned at least one State is pulling its' investments out of Blackrock. Hope others will pick it up too!

The next was "

Are COVID Vaccines Just the Tip of the Iceberg?—Kim Witczak on the ’Spider Web’ of Corruption in the Drug Safety System American Thought Leaders JAN JEKIELEK. Very interesting interview. The lady evidently got involved when her trusting husband died from hidden information re Prozak. She evidently now participates in Fed Boards reviews of psychiatric drugs. Describes becoming award of much the same corruption we are seeing with the Covid vaccines.

It seems part of our answer here is "What possibly couldn't go wrong!"

Hope all you great folks are well set for an exceptionally valuable Florida weekend.

Take care, high hopes for productive exchanges and plans of action we can support and even help with! Very Bestest!

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes. ...And, a beautiful tribute to the fast friendship between WJC and Jeff!

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As always, Dr. Malone has accurately analyzed and reported on a macabre situation. His inclusion of the now-famous picture of Bill Clinton lounging on Pedophile Island brought back pleasant memories of Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels.

Devil with a blue dress - Mitch Ryder & The Detroit Wheels …


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Fee fee fi fi fo fo fun... will's a twin tonged talker now here he comes....

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Why does anyone think these sorry dregs of humanity will ever speak the truth about anything? iMO They can’t answer the questions put to them

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That's why they want to stop you from being able to ask the questions in the first place.

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Whatever they speak is intended to deceive.

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How can they speak to truth when they have no idea what it is?

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John 8:44: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own native language: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

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