Mar 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There must be a clear and loud throw the bums out message this November. Both Republicans and Democrats are guilty, Trump started the shutdowns and did not stop them when it became obvious we were being deceived, the Democrats doubled down and wrecked our economy and forced experimental medicine on us. Our politicians are living in an alternate universe impenetrable by reason or responsibility. They are fleecing us, fing us in the u know where and laughing at our willingness to keep them as our trusted representatives. This is our own fault and if we don’t get rid of these parasites the result will get much worse.

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Don't forget our duly elected officials and President Trump are not experienced Doctors. They don't know the fine point of contagion. They are in a position of having to take advice from the "Experts - Collins, Fauci, Birx etc". They are not (with the possible exception of elected physicians) in a position, particularly in a crisis, of going off on their own in opposition to the advice they are being given. Should they buck the "Experts" and things go wrong - it would turn into an extremely open ugly dog fight.

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I am not a vet but I know what a dog is. I’m not a doctor but I can and have sought out experts who as early as March of 2020 warned of the consequences of lockdowns. One example is The Great Barrington Declaration and there were many more. You are correct about the potential shit storm that would have resulted but what we lack today is courage and self sacrifice from the very people we trust to make better decisions than we could ourselves. Thanks for your response it’s great to know others are concerned about the threat to our freedom.

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Courage and self sacrifice may be impossible to expect from the people "we trust" that are too busy "bowing and scraping" to their agenda-driven bosses to give advice that may go against the prevailing hot air wind ---- whoops, "narrative"! And those who are creating the false narratives....

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Yes the powerful control the message and create the fear that leads to the thoughtless compliance of those who repeatedly re-elect them. The Money required to keep power ensures the continued corruption we currently suffer from.

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I suspect that most elections have the capacity to be rigged. Would the powerful take a chance that the electorate would choose someone not under their control? Just like Microsoft's windows has a backdoor, so do those voting machines -- but, the sheeple are likely the majority as you say!

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I can't recall whether it was Ecohealth and/or Wuhan now but Trump could have fired Fauci the day he found out money was still flowing into gain-of-function research.

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As a former Fed ee, its never that easy. In this case one would get snarled in massive battles with Congressional buddies and the Bureaucracies. The laws don' t apply to Democrats.

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You're right. My husband works at a university, and it took over a year just to fire his secretary who often didn't show up for work.

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There is also the issue of having someone capable who would be far better that can be slammed in that spot and carry on effectively. Don't know if

Senate or other approval might be needed. And there is a possibility that Fauci's staff would work to undermine the new appointee. Its just never a snap your fingers matter and, particularly in govt.

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Remember how Dr. Scott Atlas was treated when he attempted to counter the Fauci narrative.

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Agreed! And Trump was in a no win situation (as is Biden now). No one wanted to be the first to say "end all this" then have every death afterwards pinned on them. So push Putin to start a battle and everyone will forget and forget who to blame.

Funny thing is... Democrats could have stopped it and blamed failure of the vaccine on Trump. They didn't take that bone sitting right there in front of them. And that's the most odd thing or all. Unless they signed a contract agreeing to say nothing bad about it and to defend it - which is exactly what they did.

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You are assuming, Sheila, that the people in power had good intent.... or that their puppeteers had good intent - if one includes the deep state...

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Oh no. I don't think anyone had good intent. I think it was all by design.

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Sadly, yes, they are either sociopaths with liquid nitrogen where blood should be, sock puppets, or so well paid or threatened that they must tout the "accepted" narrative..

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Or God has blinded them "that they should believe a lie." He is separating the goats from the sheep and the wheat from the chaff right before our eyes and those who will see, see. These times were written about over 2000 years ago - and very accurately. The world's not falling apart, it's falling into place.

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At the point Biden and his Obama crew and Pelosi and company were looking forward to

“You know we are in an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy” the Commander-in-Chief said, “Not just the economy, the world. It occurs every three or four generations. As one of the top military people said to me in a secure meeting the other day, 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946 and since then we established a liberal world order and that hadn’t happened in a long while. Lot of people dying [now], but nowhere near the chaos. And now’s the time when things are shifting.

There’s gonna be a new world order out there, and we’ve gotta lead it. And we’ve gotta unite the rest of the world in doing it.”

– President Biden, Monday March 21st 2022

The fears brought on by the Covid pandemic were the "crisis the globalists didn't want to waste."

Their real 1st objective was their new world order which Biden apparently thought (maybe still thinks) he is going to lead.

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When the same 81 year old Dr is top dog and gives "advice" (that changes from circumstance, not "science") to "presidents" who act like they are polar opposites -- it reminds one of a puppet show, one on each knee.

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Spot on

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Thank you for this! It’s a travesty what has happened to children.

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“The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and these types of global “build back better,” policies - such as staying home to “flattening the curve” are exactly what got us into this mess.”

Their intentions were never good! It was simply an opportunity.

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So glad that all of our five grandchildren (and before them their parents) have all been homeschooled 100%. They just kept learning.

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Kudos for wonderful legacy.

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It’s time for the world to see exactly who the NWO architects are, who their political disciples are, and exactly what their agenda is. It would be a shocking exposé.

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You might be interested in reading this article, which sheds a whole new light (new to me anyways) on who these NWO architects may be - The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

Secret History of Khazarian Mafia and its evil plan to hijack the whole world now revealed for first time.

By Preston James, Ph.D - March 10, 2022


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Omg. How did you stumble on this article? First I’ve heard of it.

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I listen to Sarah Westall’s podcast and she did an interview with the researcher for this article.

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homeschool, homeschool, homeschool. its the only option now. its hard for some, i get it, but thousands of parents work and make it happen. our kids need it

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Mar 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Former teacher and have seen too much. It’s simple. We protected the teachers and school staff at the expense of the children. This seems to be the current trend in our schools. Covid just highlighted the problems.

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It’s a real shame that children are often not considered until last in societies decisions!

Beware of any “help” from the globalists- it will most certainly come with a heavy price at some point in the future! Their latest tactic is to try to get nations to sign a treaty with the World Health Organization, so they can completely control the response of all future pandemics - and I am sure we can count on a future pandemic if they stay in control! #StopTheTreaty


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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022

Thank you as always for your great information. There is NO MONEY. The Globalists can't give grants unless they print more money and with Russia and China no longer using the american dollar ( petro-dollar ) but using the Chinese currency the Central Bank is fast losing the ability to 'make up' money. The most heavily vaccinated countries were purposely pushed because countries used to a superior standard of living will NOT bend the knee willingly while third world countries will be happy with anything they receive. ( and did okay with Ivermectin. ) The 'Great Reset' is nothing more than Andrew Jackson's 'Clean Slate' which wiped out all debt and people could start fresh. ( Remember Trump's portrait of Andrew Jackson in his office? ) Governments are not worried about trillions in debt b/c they don't intend to pay it back! The Great Reset will be a Global Bankruptcy and people can turn in their collapsed currency at a 'fair' exchange rate; meaning poor people more in need will probably get a better exchange rate than richer countries like US and Israel. Now this is what I have surmised from years of going down rabbit holes and seeing which 'conspiracies' have come to pass. I no longer know who are the good guys and who are the bad guys if there are ANY good guys left. It seems like the good guys are silenced one way or another. I know WHICH conspiracy I choose to believe in and it might even have a happy ending. The people MOST still in the dark are government workers who have not missed a pay or a pension check and other than locking down in their lovely homes and eating 'covid free' take out food 🤪 are only now protesting because the cost of GAS as gone up. As Chris Hedges said when RT News allowed him to speak, " The problem with liberals is they don't ultimately understand evil. " And EVIL is what the good guys are fighting! There is an audio circulating of Obama speaking at one of the DAVOS meetings saying in reference to the New International Order that 'they' have worked for generations to build. "Ordinary people are too small minded to govern their own affairs. " Maybe we are, but I don't want to be tricked into it.

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As a teacher myself, have a front row seat to this issue, and I can say from firsthand experience that the loss of learning is going to take a very long time to undo. I think it can be done, but it will require a massive long-term commitment to make it happen.

There are so many inefficiencies I see in the school system as a teacher, and the last 2 years have only amplified them. If there is a positive out of all of this, it is that many parents are seeking alternatives to traditional schooling. Hopefully that movement will eventually force school systems to finally reform in a meaningful way instead of just shuffling the deck chairs every so often.

I strongly suspect that the mass schooling system we have been stuck with for as far back as anyone can remember is living on borrowed time. I would include the higher education system in this, and I think that could be the canary in the coal mine. If we see a long overdue implosion of the higher education system, it could take the rest of the system down with it.

The last thing we need is a Globalist remaking of schooling. What we really need is a ground up approach where parents have real and meaningful involvement in their children's education. If we let the state have their way in how our education systems work, parents will be cut out of the equation entirely. They won't have any say at all, and the state will take custody of their children from them. That is the end game here.

There is good news in all of this. You look at the learning arc of 2 different children. One learns to read at age 6, and another at age 10. By the time they are teenagers, you can't tell who learned how to read first!

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Mar 25, 2022·edited Mar 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Some of you might be interested in this record of the 1947 Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial posted on substack:


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My youngest child out of 6 children graduates from High School this Spring. She said to me before her Senior year that she had had only one full year of in school learning. The schools shut down in the middle of March 2020 for 2 weeks until they could decide how they were going to handle online school. She was a sophomore. We went up to the high school in a drive through line and sign an agreement to use the Chrome books computer. Then on school started. Two of my granddaughters who are older than my daughter graduated that years. . The school tried to make a nice graduation for the kids. Decorating cars to drive by and get their diplomas. My granddaughters said that some kids didn’t get to graduate because they didn’t hand in their online work. My daughter’s Junior year in High School was a hybrid year. The first part of the alphabet went Monday, Wednesday and the last part of the alphabet went Tuesday Thursday with Friday being the cleaning day for the school. This lasted all year with the exception of the last 2 weeks in which they all went back to regular school. Now the grade school children went back to school full time in 2020-2021.people signed a petition to recall the school board because they needed to get the kids back into school full time. It worked. Her Senior year they went back full time no masks. Yay!! During the lockdown we then parents had private Homecoming and Prom dances with a few of their friends. I think that the children will be effected for years to come. When the students were told they didn’t have wear masks anymore the children cheered. I live in a conservative state, thank heavens we didn’t have all the school closures for so long. One small town a half hour away didn’t close school. They went to school full time no masks. No problems.

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The sheer insanity and stupidity of our political policies gets to be overwhelming it's almost beyond a rational mind to grasp. So many of us will be eternally grateful for your truth telling like a lighthouse beacon in the fog and clear sign we can find our way.

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There's far more bad than good came of all the school stuff I'm sure.... But I can't help but wonder if there's ulterior motive behind all of these statements and "studies" such as: they don't want you to realize kids can do in a couple hours a day what they spend all day doing in school, teachers don't want you to know they could be part-time instead of full, they need the kids in class in order to indoctrinate them, don't want to lose the tax dollars, etc Is it coincidence parents started saying give us our tax dollars back if the kids aren't in class and all of a sudden schools open again? Some teachers got caught doing some bad stuff by being on video classes, like the one with Antifa posters. Maybe I am just suspicious of ANY thing anyone says if it involves a governmental function or tax dollars (yes, I really am. Now.) Homeschooled kids in general are far more learned and advanced than public school kids. It really depends on the families because my grandchildren only got smarter. But I don't think that's the case in every family - wealthy or marginalized. It's fishy to me for a lot of reasons.

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Another function of the gov't schools is to occupy the children while (both, if attached) of their parents go to work to cover expenses, including the taxes to fund the schools.

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That's what it has become but schools were started before the majority of women worked away from home, and they were not 7 to 8 hours a day. I don't agree with people's tax dollars being used as a babysitting service (I do agree with one's own taxes being reduced by those expenses though.) Homeschool and homeschool groups should not only allowed but be encouraged. Those family's should have their taxes reduced by the % allocated to public schools. In my state a homeschool instructor/parent cannot teach any kids except their own. There's no good reason for this. Why not let each instructor teach 5 or 6? Public teachers can singly teach 30+ so why aren't homeschooled allowed a handful? At this point I think it's solely because liberals want control of what our kids are taught, secondary would be teachers afraid of losing their jobs. Losing jobs wouldn't be a bad thing - maybe we would be left with the best public teachers that way...or the obvious worst teachers, and that would free up the good ones to start small homeschool classes. If that was allowed. I applaud good teachers, I would absolutely not want to be one today because the majority of kids today are horrible, and good teachers are becoming rare.

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This goes into the “predictable but we did it anyway” bucket. 💔💔💔

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Interventions by the sane and benevolent are needed to help these kids catch up toward their earlier trajectory. Who has the skills and resources to provide them? Returns on investment could be staggering, within and beyond our lifetimes.

We have seen what can be achieved by a motivated society with a vision, in Japan and South Korea and elsewhere. Can America still do great and worthy things?

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