" Gonzo the Goose and Gizmo the Emu are in their usual places outside the back door. Their usual places being the window or door where they can best view us from. Their usual places change as we move from room to room. The imprinting is strong."
Ha! Your birds beat ours! (chickens & Sandhill cranes):
" Gonzo the Goose and Gizmo the Emu are in their usual places outside the back door. Their usual places being the window or door where they can best view us from. Their usual places change as we move from room to room. The imprinting is strong."
Ha! Your birds beat ours! (chickens & Sandhill cranes):
" Gonzo the Goose and Gizmo the Emu are in their usual places outside the back door. Their usual places being the window or door where they can best view us from. Their usual places change as we move from room to room. The imprinting is strong."
Ha! Your birds beat ours! (chickens & Sandhill cranes):