The WHO delayed declaring a pandemic, they carried water for China, they vacillated on whether or not SARS-CoV-2 was airborne, and they let Peter Daszak - one of the people most directly involved in the criminal conspiracy behind all of this - investigate his own crimes. The WHO should not be trusted to run a hot dog stand.

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There is a bill that my state rep introduced in Congress over a year ago- to stop the U.S. from funding the WHO. Everyone should contact their US reps to ask them to support it- H.R.419 - No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization Act. We need to be in contact with our U.S. reps and keep up the pressure on them. (After all this is what lobbyists do.)

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Definitely. I contacted my congress member's office and asked that she co-sponsor it.

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That is awesome. Thank you!

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Thank you. Is there a clean, clear HR419 website that we can QR code to share everywhere?

If not, let’s make one!

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the "pandemic" was caused far more by policies put in place to mitigate the pandemic, than by the virus itself: https://tamhunt.medium.com/how-covid-19-stats-are-grossly-exaggerated-a-brief-summary-of-the-arguments-53a5b4237c4c

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It's really good to see Spartacus again and his expert opinions and facts!

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Who is the WHO to be declaring ANYTHING????

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big tech or those who control you through the info you get

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“The info you get”

Always question the info!

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I got better ways than that. .. and learnt it all from a NARC to

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Do tell!!!

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SARS was like covid and fake all the way.. WHO is into the fake viruses and hurting women and children with fertility drugs disguised as Vaccine everytime* 1000 at least now..

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Sorry Dr Malone, in your closing paragraph—The one about steps needed to restore trust— I don’t believe I read anything about appropriate punishment of the perpetrators. ALL OF THEM!

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

Do we really want the people to ever trust those people and entities again?

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NO! Never trust Narcissists and anything they run!!!

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This maybe the most relevant comment of the post.. You can trust a narcissist to hurting women and kids with a smile

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I'd like to add: stop pretending it is OK to go to third world countries to medical test and treat them with lower standards because we deem them our lessers (they are used to it - so it's totally fine). Anthony Fauci and his wife Christine Grady who heads NIH bioethics wrote a paper encouraging that sort of behavior back in 2002. Bad Cattitude substack wrote a great piece of these two... pieces. Here's the link: https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-bonnie-and-clyde-of-bioethics.

Nice round up of the madness we find ourselves in. Time to put our collective foot down.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

Off-subject just a bit, but in that boriquagato link there's a meme that juxtaposes the ghastly Beagle pup "experiment" with a pic of masked kids in school at "socially distanced" desks with plastic boxes around each desk. What kind of humans are these abused kids going to become?

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Not off topic and a darn good question. They will surely be fearful and probably submissive. Or they will see what was done to them and who knows what happens with that person. I don't think they will be fearless little warriors ready to conquer the world... or a tricky social situation... or feeling conflicted. Yep. Not good. But wasn't the comparison well done? Love me some Gato,

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OMG, absolutely.

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Narc see everyone as equal, Who ever is the easiest to hurt then that's there mark.. Women and kids

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Indeed, EVERYONE is an object to the Narc.

However, the Narc is often lazy and wants instant gratification, so the Narc will prey on the most vulnerable and gullible first. The Narc does not appreciate anyone who resists.

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The answer to your question, “Have these people earned our trust?”, is a deafening and eternal “NO!!!”

Anyone who wishes to join in our efforts to #StopTheAmendments, #StopTheTreaty, and #StopTheWHO, please see the comment I submitted to protest the IHR amendments here:

• “Letter to the US HHS Office of Global Affairs” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-us-hhs-office-of-global)

You will find a growing list of action steps and resources after the article. I continue to update this section as new opportunities become available.

Thank you, one and all, for helping us #StopTheWHO!

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Yes, agreed it’s an absolute NO! I did not believe the US Governments directives and remain unvaxed, why would I - or more importantly why do I have to relinquish my personal health freedoms to a corrupt global NGO?! If it ever comes to that, I will dramatically change my life so to avert any stronghold compliance over my body.

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It’s an absolute NO!

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Generally agree with this piece but you're missing a few crucial pieces, including: 1) "case definition" for almost the first time history defined a "case" based on a positive test result only, rather than symptoms PLUS a positive test (this decision appears to have come from CDC and channeled through William Engel who headed the CSTE task force that provided this recommendation back to the CDC, in a charade of public input); 2) decision to test asymptomatics widely was guaranteed to produce vast majority false positive test results b/c of low background prevalence; 3) decision to make cycle threshold 40 for PCR tests, also guaranteed to result in large majority false positives.

The end result of these and related policy choices has been a vast vast exaggeration of the actual harm from the virus.

I write about these issues in these pieces:




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Pure evil! This was planned and fear and guilt have been their main tools for compliance. We all need the strength to say no to any more restrictions and mandates. We can triumph if enough of us resist but we can be crushed if the vast majority comply as they have the past 2 years.

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Go to NIH website and Read Dr. Braylock's paper that discusses the man-made crisis in it's entirety. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/pdf/SNI-13-167.pdf

How do we stop the masterminds who created this snowball of lies rolling down hill to hell?

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I copied it and hung it in our doctors lounge, right next to the senate hearing summary.

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We continue by non-complying and by nudging back on many levels, logically and emotionally—at home, work, and in public.

At work this week, someone felt bad, took a COVID test that’s lying around the office, got a positive result, put on a mask, and went around the office informing everybody because we have some kind of right to know her private health information.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders and told her, “Okay, I’m not really worried about it. Hope you feel better.” And went back to my work without scrambling for a mask or a hand sanitizer.

She seemed a bit deflated by my response and took her drama to the office next to me.

Nudge back. Dilute the emotional power of this thing.

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Scenes like this are playing out all over the place. As people on the street (outside, in fresh air) approach me with their face diapers fastened, I reflexively shake my head ... and never a response of any kind. I guess I'm just a crazy old nutjob.

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And the loons who are wearing masks whilst driving alone in their cars. Alone!

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Hee hee hee! I give contorted and even dirty looks little kids and their scaredy-cat parents.

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Mzlizzi, I couldn’t agree more

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Excellent Summation in attached article!

This is a big Share!

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Dr. Blaylock's article is published under the NIH/PubMedCentral banner: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9062939/. NIH, really?!

Great read!

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"The better alternative was known by March, 2020, known as..." EARLY TREATMENT. Prohibition of effective treatment accelerated misery and death which fed the panic which allowed the public to believe anything Deb and Tony said.

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Yes. Mass formation.

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Science, particularly academic science, has now become so corrupt and captured that there is no restoring trust in it. And on top of that, university administrators are so over-the-edge woke that a scientist could not be independent even if s/he wanted to be. That path is dead.

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When Trump is elected I sincerely hope he'll clean house. He'll have a high quality group of doctors to choose from, including you Dr. Malone, to head NIH, CDC, FDA, etc. I hope to see Dr. Kheriaty in there too because God knows how desperately we need ethics restored to our public health system.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

We have lost our way. Instead of talking about why government shouldn't have anything to do with health, education, energy, the weather, commerce, etc. we have settled in to debates about which political group should be in charge of all those areas. When we all decided to agree that government should be the solution to all problems and that we just need the right people in government, we lost the real battle. Now we're just arguing about who gets to run the show.

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What we HAVE is incessant tribal bickering. What we NEED is a huge movement aimed at ridding ourselves of the sociopathic billionaire oligarchs who are pulling the strings of their puppet politicians and have us all by the throat. Solidarity in a common root cause. Not bickering over political dominance.

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May 19, 2022·edited May 19, 2022

I disagree. Trump was an excellent manager. He had to fight every inch to get his program through. In the end he prevailed but it often took 3 of the 4 years for the cases to work through the courts. I wish Trump had not held those lengthy exhaustive daily COVID hearings. He may have also been too combative but, frankly, it did my heart good to have a Republican finally punching back.

Ron DeSantis is my governor. I met him the first time when he was running for Congress. He believes in First Principles and wrote a book with that title, which I have.

He will be president but he has a very young family with the oldest child just five years old. We want him in Florida just as long as we can keep him. We've had some pretty good governors in Florida, both Republicans and Democrats but Ron DeSantis is in a category all his own. He is a natural born leader with an internal compass.

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Exactly as I see both men myself. On point summary. It’s actually quite amazing what Trump accomplished despite a cultural war of lies, trials throughout his time. He trusted “the best” perhaps too much. Fauci, Birx .

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And DeSantis' wife just finished breast cancer treatment. Having gone through that myself, I know it takes a lot out of the patient as well as the family. They should have a few years to recover and strengthen up. And then - White House!

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Their oldest child is 5. They need time to be a normal family. He’s young. He can be President in 2028

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So agree!

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RemovedMay 19, 2022·edited May 20, 2022
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Your experience is first hand and painful.

This is shameful. We DO agree a Need to remove the Anti American sentiment.

The current administration is on a fast track of destruction. Agree?

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Every concentration of power is a platform for corruption. Examples: the UN, WHO, WEF, Central banks, CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, and on and on and on...

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I respectfully disagree with 1 and 2 in your list to restore trust. Trust cannot be restored without accountability. To me, that means real and robust criminal investigation and prosecution of the health officials you have named, among others. The active suppression of early treatment protocols alone led to the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.

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May 20, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Australian Doctors Finally Speak Out! Part 1

¨Over the past two years, no professional group has been silenced, threatened, or targeted more than Australian doctors. So many have stayed silent because of organisations such as AHPRA and various Medical Boards threatening to suspend or de-register them if they dare voice their genuine concerns as physicians.

For the first time in a conference of this nature, a group of brave Australian doctors have finally decided to speak out about what they and their patients have been subjected to, the ways the government and TGA have skewed the safety and efficacy data of the COVID-19 vaccines, purposeful suppression of early treatment that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and the danger of continuing the COVID-19 vaccination program.

Australia and the whole world is currently at risk. The World Health Organization who is largely responsible for millions of deaths globally is currently proposing a global Pandemic Treaty which seeks to give the WHO complete control over every country. More information about this can be found on the Interviews Page on this website.¨ Read More


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Not going to happen until we start filling cells next to Bernie Madoff with a number the government and big Pharma medical eugenics swamp monsters.

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And that won't happen until the sociopathic oligarchs who run the country are overthrown and representative democracy once again has a fighting chance.

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……And these medical governmental agencies. Fauci is one of the first to go. I vote for Dr. Malone

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May 19, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

You nailed it “Nefarious Evil Intent” (unfortunately) for sure. Things are getting pretty scary. I so appreciate all of the work you do to educate those that will listen. Thank you (again) for being the voice of truth (from a fellow “Garrocha Poll wielding Santa Barbarian.”)

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I trust true science but many do not understand what true science is.

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