Wouldn't it be entirely appropriate to provide medically assisted termination to the leader of the Liberal Party in Canada who has done so much to assist in the national suicide of our neighbor to the north?

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And all the people that insist on unlimited abortion and assisted suicide, necessary or not, happen to be alive. Funny how that works!

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You’re not suggesting that they’re “hypocrites” lol?

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Oh no, I would never do that. lol!

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I have mixed feelings.

Since most of the rabid vermin are just killing themselves off, I find it hard to feel concern for the idiots that keep voting for more of that, nor the people that choose to stay, and support these vermin with their taxes, in these rabid plantations.

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I overwhelmingly share your feelings. I was told that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting something different to happen.

OR, if it hurts when you do that,

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DON'T DO THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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that's what the doctor ordered ,Merry Xmas!

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Because, clearly, those leaders believe MAID is the right choice for anyone facing adversity.

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Yes. Lead by example.

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In retrospect, I probably shouldn't have posted this, even if only half in jest, given the dark forces arrayed against Dr. Malone (noted in his most recent post.). Can we just take it down? I'm a political firebrand who believes that any effort to gut our Constitution - and especially the Bill of Rights - is a causus belli. But that doesn't mean that Dr. Malone should take heat for my beliefs.

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I suspect that the good Doctor has already recognized that we are dealing with rabid vermin, and appreciates that others also "kind of" understand that.

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To wish the same harm to someone as they wish on you may be appropriate, but is not particularly sane.

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sure it is, otherwise, you are just volunteering for their butchers knife.

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So the alternative is to become a "righteous" butcher?

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weird how so many folks feel that self defense, using the same efforts as your assailant, makes you an assailant

big difference between sheep, and sheep dogs, tragic how so many sheep cannot tell the difference between sheepdogs and wolves.

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A call for an eye for an eye is not a call for self defense; it is a call for eternal war.

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an eye??

funny how leftist idiots mistake encouraging rabid rabid dangerous vermin to kill themselves, as an eye for an eye

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You probably thought your retort was particularly clever. Sanity, however, is defined as "the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner." So if a person wishes you harm, it's entirely rational to wish them harm in return is both appropriate and sane.

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yep, funny how so many leftists, and other democrat vermin, love to disarm the victims, while they protect the killers

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No it isn't. To wish them harm is to join their group and become a combatant in a never-ending war, which is just what the psychopaths who create these conflicts want you to do.

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funny how leftist vermin hallucinate that someone has "advocated for harm", when all the writer did was "recommend the same treatment" for the head of the gov, that the same gov offers to its victims.

weird how leftist vermin are Ok when their massa says it, but not when a peasant says it,

let me be clear, I wish the evil leftist vermin in the Canadian Gov to suffer the same exact harm they inflict on their victims,

so, if you are fine with the canadian gov inflicting harm, then only a leftist rodent will not be OK with the victims inflicting harm on their attackers,

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Being that I am not a "leftist rodent" I won't accuse you of being a "rightist rodent."

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leftist vermin are such narcissists


funny how leftist vermin automatically assume "they" are the leftist rodents being talked about,


if you think the foo shits, wear it

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I read what might be the worst story of the modern medical era, relating to MAID. A Canadian woman presented to the hospital having a mental health crisis, suicidal and wanting to live. She was told there were no psychiatric beds or outpatient appointments available, and was then approached by the MAID operative in the ED. She was actually appalled, and pointed out she was there because she DIDN'T want to commit suicide, and yet they were selling it to her. What an awful, awful consequence of the Canadian death cult, where it is the prescribed treatment for everything from terminal cancer to poverty, and even being advocated for children. When did our neighbors to the North go mad?

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When did they go mad? When so many of their indoctrinated young went outside for 'higher' education. Places like Harvard, MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, UC Berkeley, Princeton and Yale. They're 'building' the future for the WEF and their partners.

So many people can't see past the glitter and glamour. It's possibly going to be worse than Jonestown because the koolaid servers aren't drinking.

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mixed feelings,

the leftist vermin's headlong rush to kill off their voter base is kind of ironic.

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That is very worrying.

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Since Trudeau.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Anyone who bothers to do some serious research about this issue sees that its roots were in the UK firstly with Francis Galton, the father of eugenics ( yes, the regression guy), and later with Margaret Sanger in the US. Hitler enthusiastically embraced this. In Europe, particularly Belgium and the Netherlands euthanasia has been legal since the 2000's, ongoing, and has escalated dramatically and expanded to kill children. They didn't learn much from their WW2 experience did they? Their methods were exported to Oregon, which provided the template for expansion in the US and to Canada. The US fortunately hasn't the same legal structure as Canada so it is not possible to enact a national euthanasia law here because of federalism, yet. But, the same people who brought you abortion on demand are never satisfied and are trying to extend killing to all ages under the same pretense, compassion. I am grateful to Dr. Malone for reminding the world of this evil.

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Doctor-assisted suicide has been around for thousands of years, as has willed death. I don't see the problem as suicide itself, but rather who decides. If it is not the being itself who decides, then it is murder, not suicide.

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These policies remind me of Hitler killing the developmentally delayed children and other “undesirables” to cleanse the Aryan bloodline. Let’s call it what it is. Evil.

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again, mixed feelings, since the rabid leftist vermin are most successful at killing off the brain dead idiot, that vote for them

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This is coming to the US. Your medical professionals are being groomed for it. I work as an RN Case Manager in a small hospital. Recently I had an ICU RN ask if we could provide suicide medications for a depressed elderly patient who was expressing the desire to die. I had to explain to her how unethical her request is and it was obvious she did not agree. We are a society taught to devalue others and jettison anyone that is inconvenient. It started with legalized abortion and is now coming full circle.

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It's been here already for a long time. They're just noticing that they can be bold enough to openly recommend it now.

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Yes it has. Just a bit more morphine.

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it is ironic that the rabid democrat vermin here, are pushing policies that just slaughter a lot of idiot democrats,

and damn, the idiot democrats keep voting for more of that.

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This story brings to mind a book I won’t ever forget - The Nazi Doctors, by Jay Lifton. It chronicles how Nazis in Germany used physicians to murder the young and disabled, and then move on to killing other undesired groups, until they were standing wearing white coats greeting the Jews as they got off the trains in death camps. Some of the doctors were willing to do this enthusiastically, as they hated the Jews. Most did so out of fear of being sent to the battle front and risk their own death. In any event, the people trained to be healers became part of the machine of killing. If you think modern day doctors aren’t susceptible to government mandated horrible ideas, the Canadian MAID program is glaring proof that evil can infect the medical profession. The willingness of most doctors to do what they were told by the government and “ experts” regarding the mass vaccination of the population with the mRNA covid vaccines is more proof that doctors can be sheep, instead of shepherds.

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After watching the medical profession for the last few years, I have no reason to think they would not accept euthanasia. It seems they already have, when you think about how many lives could have been saved with early treatment.

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What is the difference between sheep and willing participants….money perhaps? It is a mixed bag

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Some doctors are actually bought and paid for. Most are accustomed to being told how to practice, using terms like Best Practice, Evidence Based Medicine, standard of care, etc. These guidelines are created by committees of people owned or influenced by pharma. Regulatory capture has taken over many areas, including medical schools, medical journals and professional groups. The absolutely massive amount of money pharma has at its disposal has been used to corrupt most people and institutions, whether they realize it or admit it. Their contempt for doctors like Robert Malone is proof that they are owned .

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Did you see the recent story about the American Association of Pediatricians advising any member on a committee or research group or just about anyone who is more than a rank and file member should be using private email rather than work email - because it is harder for press, the public, or the government to access? What are the pediatricians plotting that is so nefarious? Like we don’t already know they agree with lopping off the genitalia of children. What are they discussing that is worse?

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“The Nazi Doctors” should be required reading in high school.

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Certainly in Med school

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the link to an activity book for Canadian children to normalize the idea of assisted suicide. The child is taught how a person is killed during euthanasia.


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Wow- no words.

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If you read that with the image of someone having a massive colorectal cancer that is absolutely impossible to fix up you have the feeling of this being very humanitarian.

If you read with the image of someone who is absolutely distraught from this panopticon, technocratic totalitarianism that has an absolute aura of evil you would be left with a feeling of dehumanitarian.

This ambiguity is the foundation for smuggling in a very dark agenda. I could suggest that Trudeau already acknowledges a useless class here in Canada. This country will be what he says it will be, and if that gives us mental illness because we are part of a fringe minority with unacceptable views then we can have MAID.

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I am a 70 yo male in good health. The part that struck me was the activity book recommended for ages 6-12. At 6, I was in the first grade just learning to read and spell. I would have had no understanding of what was going on even by the description in the book. I had a great grand father who died when I was less than 10 and had absolutely no understanding of his death, or why people were sad and tearful. This sounds like indoctrination to accept not to understand death.

Maybe Cuomo had already read it and that is why he readily accepted all the deaths in my state of NY.

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Ditto Dr. Malone's comment: No words.

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That has to be one of the more evil things I’ve seen this century. It’s right up there with the UN funded schools in Gaza comic books teaching children to kill Jews.

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Appalling hubris!

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There is no mention of God, church, clergy, deity, moral implications any where in the 30 pgs.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I live in Canada and find all this appalling .............but we citizens have no say whatsoever to stop our decline. No one will listen and the courts dismiss most cases that are against the government. I am astounded that this is happening in my country, the place I was born and have lived all my live. Canada is no longer a place for free people.

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And I am afraid this is heading South to America. I worked in the medical profession for many years and am sorry to say the profession has been compromised. I wish there were more ethical doctors like Dr Malone and his like-minded colleagues to continue the good fight.

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It is heartbreaking to hear you say this Susie. I live just over the border in Minnesota. Coming our way if the liberals in this state continue. . .

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It is scary 😨 to think that governments might 🤔 be considering this as an option to balancing their over spending and their exploding budgets.

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am a Canadian living in British Columbia. There was a small hospice care facility here that refused to offer MAID to its patients. It was completely privately funded and as such should have been allowed to operate without government interference, but they leased their property from the provincial government. So because they refused to offer MAID they were evicted and the BC health authority took over the facility (which had been built solely by private donations). There were plenty of publicly funded and operated hospice facilities that offer MAID, but they couldn't allow even one in the province that didn't offer MAID.

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I'm sure when the Govt health system denies pain meds, they get more takers.

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Correct. And single payer healthcare cuts off treatment options and hospice except for the suicide drugs.

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Suicide drugs, you mean like the fentanyl the evil present administration allows to flood over the southern border?

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Naaa, fentanyl is being utilized as a murder drug. No pretense at all of obtaining consent for the fatal doses.

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All a part of the depopulation agenda 😩

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Does voluntarily injecting yourself with an unsafe biological cocktail fall under the heading of medically assisted suicide?

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It has for a few million or so

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Last figure I read on worldwide excess deaths is 17 million.

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And BOOM 💥

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Reminds me of Soylent green. Substitute granny for your beloved soy and there you are.

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I was thinking the same thing. Life imitating art. That the reason for the assisted suicides in Soylent Green was because the earth had died off and there was no more food for the remaining population so bodies were converted to food seemed so off the charts but now seem to be like our betters are following a script. And our betters keep buying up farmland.

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That movie gave me nightmares for years after viewing it! I can still visualize Charlton Heston screaming “Soylent Green is People” over and over.

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That's truly scary! No problem with family and doctors consulting together to help ease a patient's suffering but getting government involved isn't really necessary, is it? As far as drug addicted assisted suicide goes, it could be said Mexico and China are helping them along with inserting Fentanyl into drug of choice!

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Dec 23, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Gov run health care features death as treatment. Geez. If you want help dying in the US you can go to Oregon. They too have assisted death.

Today: As I’m flying out of Laredo to DFW I noticed almost every person in the airport is an illegal migrant. An American Air representative told me more illegal migrants fly out of this airport on a daily basis than Americans.

I asked a Border Patrol Agent who is checking documents if any of them are screened for Tuberculosis or COVID and he replied “Not that I’m aware of— At least not here anyways.”

As I pulled up to the airport a migrant who is now on my flight was throwing up outside.

Is this not a huge safety risk? Why are these people not being screened before being flown into major American cities and why are major airlines helping facilitate this? How is this not a national emergency?

Tayler Hansen, Investigative Reporter

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Well our ol’ buddy Ken Paxton took another bite out of the “administrations” butt in I think the 5th court of appeals ruling telling creepy Joe to keep is cotton picking hands off of barriers erected by Texas to impede this criminal element invasion.

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I saw that. It is a shame that redress is only available at the appellate court level wasting time and money.

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Shelley, that was the same story from all of the Amfest participants leaving Phoenix upon the completion of the seminar!!!!

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