I pray that it catches on throughout all of the states!

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

When I contacted the office of my state senator recently, his staff member was aware of the WHO issue but not of SB 133. I sent him article links on the subject, as well as forwarded the plea I had previously sent to my state rep. The staffer seemed interested and receptive, and said he'd retain this for discussion for the upcoming session. His e-mail replies exceeded the bare minimum, or the polite brush-offs I've come to expect. And that's a good thing.

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The need to be heard, and logic acceptance. Good on ye.

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I think I want to emigrate to Louisiana! From the increasingly woke and Globalist run UK. I no longer recognise the country I grew up in.

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Heather, Louisiana is fine.... as long as you're willing to brave the man-eating crawfish. Beware the creeks and shallow waters.

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I saw that brave guy, eating those crayfish with giant claws!!!!

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With tartar sauce?

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Only if they can turn on the air conditioning during the summer. You know the big one that cools the outside air? Maybe I should call Bill Kill Gates, and see if he's got an extra one to spare. I'm sure Mr. Benevolent would be glad to share and help us out.

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Agreed. This is true local grassroots effort that have impact. This is why I say we need to spend more time voting for local elections than presidential elections, because we can ensure our states stay safe: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-we-need-to-stop-voting-in-presidential

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Great move by LA, but I’m in a funk because MO legislature is being paid by global lobbyist to ruin our state education system and allow our public water supply to be owned by for-profit companies, some foreign even, and to send our water out of state. The education one is the UN’s education agency, UNESCO, has advocated subsidizing private schools with tax money in order to control them — i.e., impose the same leftist standards on them as public schools — thus enabling the implementation of the UN’s totalitarian Agenda 2030 scheme. The water one is Biden’s Transamerica Corridor which incorporates five major elements, including high speed freight rail, intelligent highway design, an electrical transmission conduit utilizing green technologies, a natural gas pipeline, and a water pipeline to serve arid areas of the southwestern United States. As the spine of the new standard of transportation, the Transamerica Corridor will redefine how we move people, goods, and resources both across the country and around the world while minimizing damage to the environment. More here: https://transamericacorridor.com/ Tax dollars are funding this and for-profit companies will reap the rewards. SEC. 1105. HIGH PRIORITY CORRIDORS ON NATIONAL HIGHWAY SYSTEM. (c) Identification of High Priority Corridors on National Highway System. The following are high priority corridors on the National Highway System:

1. North-South Corridor from Kansas City, Missouri, to Shreveport, Louisiana.

2. Avenue of the Saints Corridor from St. Louis, Missouri, to St. Paul, Minnesota.

More here: Statutory Listing of Corridor Descriptions - High Priority Corridors - National Highway System - Planning - FHWA (dot.gov)

Don't for a minute think this is NOT happening across the nation. Bush 43 tried his version 20 years ago with the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, going from Mexico to Canada (through Cass CO, MO). The Partnership was founded in Waco, Texas, on March 23, 2005, by Prime Minister of Canada Paul Martin, President of Mexico Vicente Fox, and U.S. President George W. Bush.

Globalists have learned from the adverse reaction that such internationalist adventures as the NAFTA Super-Highway, will only succeed if such initiatives are pursued covertly with a determination to ridicule anyone who dares contemplate its larger purpose of increasing global sovereignty. Thus, there is no mention of Agenda 21/30 or sustainable and economic development with the Transamerica Corridor.

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This is ONLY due to the new Rep Gov Landry. *Colo is folding. Difference in who loves America, the States, the people who pay taxes....AND POLITICALS that don't.

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There is an evil in holding people back from growing to their fullest potential. For thousands of years there have been elites that controlled whole ethnic groups for use as slaves with total controlling limits placed on them. Generations were raised knowing they could never live above these set limits. This I believe is the ultimate goal of these evil unAmerican global organizations. It’s amazing when I hear people even on this sub stack say no one should ever be able to make more than 1 million dollars per month. These people are perfectly happy to collect a government check each month and have limits set on what they can make, great. But people like this should never be put in a position where they decide how much a person should grow, how evil can you be? I can’t tell you how many people I know that limit themselves because of fear of losing a benefit given to them by the state. This hinders a persons growth. We have been allowing our young to be indoctrinated into this limiting mindset that it’s ok for government to control your success. It is this top down communist system these globalists are trying to impose on Americans with our current president nodding his head in agreement, frightening!!!! I personally will never comply to the ideas of this Nazi Klaus Schwab. J.Goodrich

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We've lost the merit based foundation of our country!

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Ana, when the people that work for us, yes our employees, go along with an evil communist that says you will own nothing and be happy, I think it’s time we fire this traitor immediately. Is raising generations of children to think all they will ever be is what people like Klaus Schwab allows them to be? I can’t understand how anyone, even Joe Biden, could think this is good.

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James, when something doesn't make sense to many of us, it is because we have to read between the lines and we have to connect the dots!

It is more than likely, that just like many of us suspect, he isn't the one calling the shots.

What causes much concern, as I've frequently expressed it in this SS, is why are We The People not standing up to these tyrannical and treasonous actions coming out of the People's House!?!?

Have we lost our COURAGE?

Have we lost our GRIT?

Havr we lost our RESOLVE?

Is this country no longer the "HOME OF THE BRAVE?

I just don't have any answers.

I get up an pray everyday. 🙏.

I also have my Action 🎬 items that I do everyday. However I sometimes feel like I'm not helping out our cause in any meaningful way.

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Sorry it took so long to respond, I so much feel the same way Ana. Life is so busy and hard it’s nearly impossible to keep everything together and spend large amounts of time trying to organize a political movement. I try to influence people around me, especially young people. Many of us are on a razors edge trying to keep things together. Afford food, utilities, pay for gas, insurance, taxes, life these days have been a pressure cooker, and it’s all being done to us purposely. We are systematically being pushed to the brink and everyday they turn up the heat. I think people that don’t have Trump derangement syndrome, see him as someone that wants to take away some of those burdens. Maybe he could really lower inflation, lower the price of gas, lower utility costs, and lower the pressure on the average persons life. Maybe he could get things even slightly back to normal life could be a little easier.

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Good morning my friend.

These are VERY trying times both emotionally and financially for many of us in this country and also in this world 🌎 due to the attack from the globalist.

If ANYONE would just stop for a minute and see that what is happening OVER THE POND, they would wake up ⏰️ to what is coming to a city near them!

I don't know what it takes to get people to realize how dire our situation is! 😕. I'm worried that too many people are only kicking the can down the road by saying and praying 🙏 that Donald J Trump will take care of it.

We ALL need to have some We The People meetings to brainstorm and to come up with a plan of action so that we will have a country left for Trump to save. We all know how dangerous it is to put all of our eggs in one basket 🧺. That has NEVER been a good plan of action for anyone and we shouldn't be relying on it either!!!


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Good morning Ana!!!

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Donald Trump will NOT SAVE US. He could help a little, if he's not assassinated by the CIA, and is not blockaded by the sitting party of sheep dip in office now.

We will have to save ourselves.

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James said:

"I think people that don’t have Trump derangement syndrome, see him as someone that wants to take away some of those burdens. Maybe he could really lower inflation, lower the price of gas, lower utility costs, and lower the pressure on the average persons life. Maybe he could get things even slightly back to normal life could be a little easier."

All I gotta say is that I hope so, because the more that Big Orange Goon talks, the larger the crevasse between my belief in him, and my disbelief in him grows. When you hear his viewpoints on using the "full weight of the US Govt. against anyone who spewes a single note of antisemitism", then you begin to worry, if he's indeed part of the plan as well.

In the meanwhile, I'll keep my fingers crossed, and a bucket of fresh popcorn nearby.

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We are vulnerable,

to our thoughts that "I just might have something important to say"!

Becomes our second guess. and so often the one stopping us.

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Let's not forget that there is a little bit of John Wayne in every single American over the age of 40.

The numbers are less, under that cut off age, simply because the exposure to Atrazine has taken full effect already. Don't worry though, there's enough of us old geezers out here to fix things when the time comes. We just need the time to come already !

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No way !

A recent Kamala Harris Statement:

"I believe that giving someone a job, or promotions, or increased wages should be simply based upon their skin color, who's penis they're playing with, or cutting off, or how many children's lives they can ruin in a single year. ......And busses have wheels that go round and round"

And we all know how articulate and intellectual good ole Kameltoe Harris is.

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Yes, James. I agree. I have been following Japan’s protests against the globalist movement and wish we could rise up here in America and do the same!

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Agree 100% James!

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Joo vill eet ze bugs !

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It is preferred that we "ALL" are stockyarded/corralled and branded to a conflicted unity of sadness anxiety and chaos. Where hurt becomes anger, anger turns violent, violence to blood. The Guardrails have been set in place and are in an odd perpetual motion. Up to us to destroy and remove what that all now stands for. Is Time running out?

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I called my Rep first thing this morning knowing this was coming down. Speaker Johnson just release the House proposals to provide foreign aid. The package includes a $26.38 billion package for Israel; a $60.84 trillion package for Ukraine, and $8.12 billion to go toward Taiwan. The proposal also includes a fourth bill that would combine a number of other national security measures, including legislation to force China to divest in TikTok as well as the REPO Act, a proposal to seize frozen Russian assets and transfer them to the Ukrainian government to fight against the Kremlin.

The four bills will be paired together under a single rules package before being brought to the floor later this week for individual votes. After that, the surviving votes will be packaged together into a single piece of legislation and be sent to the Senate. [of course they will]

This is outrageous. Who the xxxx owns our Congress?

Apologies Dr. Malone for using your SS to vent.

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Shelley, we vent among friends!!!

My husband had surgery this morning 🌄 and I'm just catching up.

Thank 😊 you so much for the update!!!!

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I hope all went well with hubby.

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Thank 😊 you ‼️

Everything went well.

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I'll bet if you made him your super secret chipolte chicken soup recipe you're always touting here on SS, then he's gonna be back up and flying around in no time.


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T., this is Ana.

Are you saying that I have been touting about CHICKEN SOUP on this SS?!?!

I've NEVER used Chipotle on ANY of my recipes, much less on my chicken 🐔 soup 🍲 🙃 😐 🙃

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At least 40 times in the last week alone !

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Not I ‼️

I wouldn't speak about Chicken Soup on this SS.

This is clearly a case of mistaken Chipotle Identity!

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Shelley, is the amount to the Ukraine in the TRILLIONS?!?!

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It's a typo by the Washington Examiner. Maybe their editor was just as mad as I am and let it slide. I did a copy paste!

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Of course California and New York will embrace global mandates with open arms

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for a few years I have the idea, that the states should separate again, that Europe also, should get back to their own countries. There can be an overview-like committee, but the Big is never good. Yes I know, many Americans abhor the idea. But the countries in Europe were better off without the EU, I lived there 40+ years. The difference was very obvious. Soon as they came up with the Euro prices doubled. All these bureaucrats have to be paid by taxpayer money (just like the American govt and all its letter words). Our money. And what do we get back?

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Regarding the "ground up insects" being added to our food supply, I remember McDonalds being accused of putting worms in their burger meat some three decades ago. On a talk show the president of McDonalds Canada said "Why would we do that? Do you know how much a pound of worms cost?". Same thing with crickets and other insects. I question how practical it is. There is a Cricket Factory operating in London Ontario although I have no idea how much they charge for a pound of crickets.

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Fred, my husband and I have become VERY SUSPICIONS of our current burgers 🍔 from our local restaurants.

One of our local Hamburger franchises that was founded in our city was sold and had its corporate office moved from here to Chicago has now changed its advertising signs from: We use 100% beef to Our beef is 100% fresh!!!!!

We didn't like that change!!!!

They could've said: Our 100% beef is fresh!

Just saying 😌 🤷

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I heard the company McDonalds gets it burgers from is named 100% Beef. So no matter whats in it, it’s a 100%beef burger…

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I thought that you had to have truth in advertising 🤔???

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Oxymoron ? Truth / Advertising

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So, when you buy the cheese you sprinkle on your pasta dishes, and it's says it's "100% Grated cheese", you mean that they're not really selling you cheese?

Oh, yeah, I guess it's just 100% grated !!!

Ah, I get it. All the crap added to it is just for funzies....

Me got it, Chumley ! Thanks for the clarification !

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they can come and catch the one in my yard, that eat up all my veggies! I am NOT eathing the crickets tho LOL

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I am glad to hear you are growing your own veggies and reducing your dependence on grocery store veggies sprayed with who knows what. I watched my neighbor spraying his fields with herbicide yesterday. His opinion is chemicals raise his yield so he can feed more people. My opinion is he might poisoning them.

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doing what I can. Unfortunately this morning the harvest had already been eaten by someone else LOL. Deer know the difference too so it seems. Most of my 'veggies' are wild grown, so they grow like the weeds ! There were some sassafras and grape leaves which taste good young too. So at least I had lunch. Recently I saw yet another pic of CA farmers in moon suits spraying their stuff... awful.

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I have a neighbor who strings cheap metallic curling ribbon around her garden. It moves with the breeze and keeps the deer and birds out. The squirrels on the other hand...🙄

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Squirrels taste like chicken, so I'm told......

Two birds with one stone, I guess.

My wife, OTOH, feeds the damn squirrels. I guess it will come in handy when the govt shuts down all food production, and I'm surrounded by fat squirrels.

Gotta remember to stock up on BBQ sauce, though.

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BBQ sauce is very handy. :-)

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tried strings with bottles. they get used to it. I read that hanging red Christmas balls between tomatoes helps for squirrels, but I had no luck with tomatoes the last few years. For every plant that grows I usually have 4 or 5 waiting to eat it LOL. Last year I had 4 or 5 mulberries! I have not tried these metal ribbons . Cross fingers!

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Well dang! We have a small garden that my oldest grandson planted last year. We just got the last of the winter cabbage harvested. We do have a fence around it and he planted marigolds around the outside edge to thwart the rabbits. It is constant war with nature but my grandson will never ever use chemicals. We get what we get. I am learning how to freeze dry. It's a big endeavor.

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I just checked on cricket prices. $41.00 per pound for flavored snacking crickets. $41.00 delivered for 5 ounces of bait crickets. Wow, and I thought beef and chicken were pricey.

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Gag! 🤮

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Try buying a container of crickets for fishing bait

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I remember Mckeydees being charged with putting plastic in their milkshakes to make them "thicker".

Wonder if that's still a thing.

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These globalists are on a course that smacks of suicide. The european parliament has recently declared that all members who deny entry of “immigrants” will be fined $20,000/immigrant denied entry. They really seem to think they can find some degree of security in a borderless world.

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It's remarkable to me that so many legislators seem fine with the undermining of sovereign representative republics. Wrt our country, one can be loyal to the US Constitution, or to Agenda 2030, but not to both.

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They need their surrogate army recruits from other countries already in place, when the munitions are trucked in. We have them here. They show up in groups of 4 to the gym, every night.

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Thanks for sharing this Dr. Malone. This is the path. States must exercise their own sovereignty. Their citizens must demand it. Those who love liberty must rally behind our Constitutional Republic, Bill of Rights and foundational principals. Resist yes, but more importantly demand fealty to that which offers us protection, protections that most of the rest of the world do not enjoy. Don't let the progressives confuse you, there has been much unconstitutional action that ultimately must be reversed. Our politics, culture, society and money are all distorted and must be returned to a state that allows us as individuals and a society to thrive. Stop letting them get away with claiming "national security" ... you can see with your own eyes that DC, NYC and San Fran (Big Tech) do not care about you... note the open border. Liberty lovers must come together and demand respect for that which we have already gained... a Constitutional Republic... and the progressives can only take it if we let them.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

I've tried to identify the categories into which our federal legislators fall wrt the WHO treaties, AKA betrayal of our national sovereignty and individual medical rights. Here are the categories as I can best determine.

a) Don't know about the treaties and their implications.

b) Know about the treaties, but are too intimidated, too helpless, too overwhelmed, or too Pharma-funded to counteract even if they have reservations.

c) Know about the treaties, but prefer to trust in the benign nature of the WHO and internationalists, and to cling to a pre-2019 paradigm.

d) Know about the treaties, and are eager to parlay their cooperation into enhanced wealth/power/prestige in the planned NWO.

e) Know about the treaties, and make a pretense of resisting, but are all for them when the cameras are turned off.

f) Know about the treaties, and are willing to speak up about them and assert constitutional responsibilities even if it's politically dangerous for them.

There may be some overlap between the categories.

As I watch these legislators, I make my best guesses about where they fall.

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The problem as I see it with states doing this is the feds no longer pay attention to laws and the Bill of Rights. They make their own law these days. In theory, it's a great idea.

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And the states can just ignore them

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WOW! Whoda thunk it - the LOUISIANA state legislature UTILIZING and IMPLEMENTING the 10th AMENDMENT as it was CONCEIVED by our Founders!

Let us HOPE every so-called RED state RAPIDLY codifies the EXACT SAME TEXT to make PLAIN to the International Socialist/Communist 'movement', INCLUDING the UN-ELECTED INTERNATIONAL apparatchiks, nomenklatura and commissars in the UN, WHO, WEF (and) United States, that STATES RIGHTS TRUMP ALL attempts to subjugate sovereign Americans to MARXISM in ANY form WHATSOEVER - INCLUDING the latest form of "WOKE" (CULTURAL) Marxism and its "DEI" mandates foisted on WE the people by UN-ELECTED US federal EMPLOYEES!


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Japaanese are protesting aganist WHO as well, perhaps one reason is a recent Japanese study linking excessive Covid vacine jabs to an increase in certain cancers across all age groups from 2021-2023. More info is available on this video (Dr. Campbell):


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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

This will be another reason for people who can, to move to states that pass a bill like Louisiana. I have little hope that any blue state will, but one never knows. Jason Jones is one of those people who need to be highlighted; why is it that people like him are in the background while the killers go free. Another stab to the heart. ( Just to clarify, I prefer pro -to anti -anything)

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At least, so far, Wikipedia's "Jason Jones" is a fair representation.

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I am for furthering all strategies that might work. Signed the Soverenty letter to JB and maybe State politicians last night

I am copying the following for your info. As I mentioned, I am concerned this is Trojan horse designed to be used as an end run around should the WHO treaty and Regs run into problems.

Diplomacy Remarks & ReleasesRelease of 2024 U.S. Global Health Security Strategy

Release of 2024 U.S. Global Health Security Strategy



9Diplomacy 16, 2024

Services Assistant Secretary for Global Affairs Loyce Pace, U.S. Agency for International Development Assistant Administrator for Global Health Dr. Atul Gawande, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Mandy Cohen, and Maj. Gen. (ret) Paul Friedrichs, Director of the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy.

Strengthening global health security is a U.S. national security priority, essential for protecting the health, lives, and economic wellbeing of Americans and people around the world. Building on the National Biodefense Strategy  and National Security Memorandum-15, the 2024 GHSS outlines the United States’ approach to strengthening global health security capacities and to improving our collective ability to prevent, detect, and respond to new and emerging infectious disease threats around the world. Bilateral, regional, and global partnerships are central to this strategic approach.

GHSD is coordinating efforts across the State Department to contribute to the three core goals of the Strategy:

1 Strengthen global health security capacities through bilateral partnerships: Through GHSD, the State Department works through diplomatic channels to strengthen prevention and preparedness to global healthy security threats, including HIV/AIDS. GHSD leverages and helps coordinate U.S. government activities supporting health security strengthening  in collaboration with 50 countries and regional entities. The State Department is also working with other countries and stakeholders to catalyze health security progress in an additional 50 countries. Through its 55 bilateral relationships

2 Catalyze political commitment, financing, and leadership to achieve health security: Through the Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy, the State Department and partners around the world launched the Foreign Ministry Channel for Global Health Security in March 2024, to focus diplomatic attention and action on critical global health security priorities. The Bureau of Global Health Security and Diplomacy leads the Department of State’s efforts at the Pandemic Fund

3. Increase linkages between health security and complementary programs to maximize impact

For more information, please see the U.S. Global Health Security Strategy website. For further information, please contact ghsd_publicaffairs@state.gov.


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Copied sections of document. There is more to each paragraph

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Also note Group opposing WHO effort mtg with fed legislation Thurs

What: A press conference opposing the surrender of U.S. sovereignty to the WHO and launching an emergency “’Not Now’ Campaign to Defend America’s Sovereignty.”

When: 9:00-10:00 a.m. ET, April 18th

Who: Senator Ron Johnson, Reps. Ralph Norman, Bob Good and other legislators, together with leading members of the Sovereignty Coalition including: Former U.N. Ambassador Kenneth Blackwell, Tea Party Patriots Action President Jenny Beth Martin, Sovereignty Coalition co-founders Frank Gaffney and Reggie Littlejohn, and Kris Ullman, President, Eagle Forum.

Where: House Triangle, Capitol grounds

Live Stream: https://twitter.com/sovcoalition

Take Action: https://sovereigntycoalition.org/not-now-on-the-surrender-of-our-sovereignty-to-the-who/

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The hubris of those who think they have something better up their sleeve than the US Constitution. They neither remember nor forget for they have never known the extremities that the founders faced... and who if they continue on their mad course will in all probability come to know much worse.

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Yes indeed ...A planting by the wise is the start.

"They came, and then began to bury us,

Never stopping to actually realize they had planted the "good seeds" of futures to follow.

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