Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A great job has been done stitching this green revolution into the belief system of people. Once again, the good side of people has been taken advantage of and they fight for their demise rather than recognize the new and improved shackles around them.

We see this happen in many places, whether it is wearing a mask and getting shots and social distancing (breaks my heart, those early days of covid, being among the few who saw the scam, watching people 'smile with their eyes', damn, people are good inside and they want to do good, kills me) or all this gender crap and DQRH or supporting war in Ukraine, Syria, Lydia, Yemen, wherever.

Remember all the Christians supporting the Iraq invasion? They weren't being evil. They really thought they were on the side of right.

That is the trick. You can not just go out there and say "we are going to destroy everything". It has to be revamped to appear righteous and good. And this is the worst part of it all, good, however frightened, people working against their own interests in the spirit of, what they understand to be, the best direction for all of us.

When these ideas get stitched into the culture, the mindset, the operating belief system of a people, it takes a magic crowbar to leverage that root out of the brain, because people are not good at going against their culture.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I understand this all started with a president of the sierra club , a physicist, who changed the hiking club's mission, to one of save the world. Interesting how this got empowered.

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At least Patrick Moore, founder of Green Peace, did not take too long in denouncing the entire thing.

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Yes, the change has been awful, John Muir wouldn't approve. A lot of it has to do with big donations (=bribes) to Sierra Club in exchange for joining with the propaganda. The big eye opener was when Sierra Club started to proclaimed that cow farts were the main cause of climate warming.

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An excellent book was written by the President of the Czech Republic; Václav Klaus, titled “Blue planet in Green Shackles”

However Climate Change is the best red pill for family or friends who have only heard the legacy media version. Why? Because of the very long history of failed predictions, the very extensive skeptical peer review literature ( thousands of papers) the many thousand of PHD scientist sceptical, and the clear political objective statements of the WEF crowd over the decades.

This well written always free article puts all of the above in one comprehensive read, and has been a very effective red pill. Once the Climate Change agenda is exposed, then sincere people are opened up to a host of issues.

Please read and share...


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They kill us with the love and respect that we have for each other.

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I really love the way you boiled that all down to one line. Excellent and appreciated.

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I have to be honest. I’m not sure I buy the “weaponized compassion” excuse. I think “idiots and cowards” is a more likely explanation and this new hall pass is a way of helping the hold outs at least acknowledge their behavior even if they can’t yet be honest about their character flaws which made them vulnerable to the mass hypnosis.

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Cynicism tempts me, too, but I keep on the scale the war against the American, diet, education, employment, debt, disease etc, the American is not functioning at a prime level and has few ways out if any.

But I get your sentiment.

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WOW! I couldn't have said it better myself.. Not being sarcastic. Well said!

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Your comment says it all. Powerful comment on a powerful article.

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So true. It appears that there is a daily necessity to have the discussion with people to clear up the bullshit that we are force fed constantly. Truly a shame that there are so many liars and thieves in a place to have influence over so many.

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Just keep in mind, it has always been this way. It has been the course of humanity, but does not need to be the fate. Once you see so many people are trapped in a myth, in a paradigm, inside a mental structure which they have no key to exit, it begs despair. But each person has a loose thread, that, if located, can be tugged, and the cage will unravel, with some momentum, on its own.

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Bingo! And I so appreciate your deeper understanding of the personal dynamics in play, instead of the more common blame and polarization.

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Blame and polarize is the goal, its my first instinctual response, but I know I am being gamed, if I am getting set off by these traps and triggers, thats how I know I have to step away, shed emotional response and think.

There is such great incentive for our base instincts to surface, I have no perfect batting record in this regard, but I will say this, the discourse on Substack is so much better than other forums, and it enables that wider, logical discussion, rather than fending off agitators on other sites.

I like it here, it is overwhelmingly polite.

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Jul 18, 2023·edited Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Has anyone thought that the Biden’s, Romney’s, Pelosi’s, McConnell’s, and I’m sure hundreds of other politicians have made fortunes through energy companies. Particularly the Biden’s with Burisma and Russian energy companies drawing checks from them. Biden’s took millions from Russia before allowing the pipeline that went from Russia to Germany to be finished, you know the one after taking the money he blew up,. Now he is following through on his promise to kill oil and natural gas in America. This energy still sits in the ground however. Centuries of energy. Why do I feel like our government is stealing OUR energy right out from under our feet. If you think they don’t see the value, and the opportunity for them and their families to be rich for centuries, while us and our families forage for branches in the woods to stay warm, you don’t know the shysters that run our country. The only environment our politicians care about is their financial environment!!! J.Goodrich

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James, First it happened with the need to conquer the "other". There is always the "other". Until that mentality changes this will go on infinitely. It started with the earliest levels of consciousness,(fallen angels) always the temptation to separate, conquer and divide. The change we want to see, begins with us.

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Agreed our freedoms are just a piece of what needs to be taken back. They have stolen and intend to continue to steal physical properties we all own. Amazingly most politicians produce nothing whatsoever.

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Saw yesterday where huge caverns now empty of oil it will take decades to refill

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Aren't the developing nations so fortunate to have our help? They've certainly benefitted from being experimented on with our vaccines, right? Two examples: Fauci's repeated attempts to develop an AIDS vaccine, the series of doses of a supposed tetanus vaccine which actually sterilized women, etc. etc. Leave Africa alone! Isn't it enough that the West is insane and ruining everything in our own countries??

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It seems that some of the most cruel and strange things have been done to the so-called 'Global South', all justified by helping the little guy -- i.e., the cultures arrogantly infantilized by greedy profiteers. That is almost exactly the same colonialism as 300 years ago, just slightly better PR.

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More on topic, we hear daily with the heat wave some remark linking it to global warming, how we could stop this, yadda yadda yadda.

But forgotten is last winter. It was one of the coldest, snowiest and deadliest in many decades across the west, especially the intermountain west. Across Wyoming, over 70% of the range mule deer perished. Starved. It not only killed off the 2022 fawn cohort, but also the in-utero fawns were aborted or still born this spring. 2 years of replacements lost. Many antelope herds were similarly destroyed. It was rough.

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Jul 19, 2023·edited Jul 19, 2023

With the antelope herds, most are migratory, and travel between winter and summer feeding ranges. In the summer, it is high ground-perhaps 8000 feet. They travel down in the fall to the lowlands, usually windswept plains. This last winter, the plains were buried in snow and the feed unavailable. Many herds this summer are represented by only a few animals.

Reminds me alot of the winter of 1886-1887 and one of CM Russel's better known works-"Waiting for a Chinook" or "Last of the 5000":


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Omg, so traffic

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Oh, the snow fell without a break

Buffalo died in the frozen fields you know

Through the coldest winter in almost fourteen years

I couldn't believe you kept a smile

Now I can rest assured knowing that we seen the worst

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone your piece on "Green Colonialism" is excellent. The climate change cult is a troubling development that has drawn far too many into the sickness. There is little doubt that the USG, and particularly Democrats, see this movement as a tool for maintaining their power and making money. The drive to electrify everything and to replace hydrocarbons with solar and wind can be shown for the folly it is with simple physics. Yet they persist in the name of power and greed. As is always the case, these big sweeping federal programs (or in this world) have unintended consequences and often do much more damage then good. The Green drive is one of those programs and the sooner it is outed and stopped the better. As to developing nations there is little doubt that climate change solutions of solar and wind can only bring misery to their people. Is it "Green Colonialism", I'm not sure if they are that smart, but the effect is the same and should be rejected by those being subjected to it as well as by anyone of integrity.

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The WHO world health is green colonialism writ large on all of us. The point is to heard us into 15 minute camps so the forest, water, and land resources can be owned by the globalist powers. You can be sure they will use them wisely… employing slaves to bring them their luxuries at their forest and mountain retreats, fetch their skis for them, grill their steaks and tend their private Buffalo and bison herds. All the crap they impose on the population will be patented toxins marketed as food and necessary pharmaceuticals….in business this is called total vertical integration….

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“Soylent Green” comes to mind.

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If you do a little digging, that concept isn't far off at all. Half of the states (or so) have instituted laws which allow remains of humans to be desecrated, and used for fertilizer, and im sure "other" purposes.

I can tell you with intense conviction of thought, i'm not eating garden veggies fertilized with Grammy and Grampy.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

African nations - specifically Uganda, where I have worked for nearly 15 years - are ignoring the West now. On my last trip in April, I saw and heard virtually nothing that was American (Obama's picture was EVERYWHERE during those years!). Everything comes from China, the government is turning to the BRICS countries who don't want to stifle their development, and they are not just ignoring but are openly hostile to the LGBTQ+ agenda. They see us now as both ignorant and arrogant, and are even more fully embracing the Belt and Road initiative plus Russia's inroads. The West is ignoring all this and acting like 'we' can dictate what a whole enormous continent full of people can do. In 30 years, Sub Saharan African is estimated to make up 25% of the world population, and the population of East Africa alone will be larger than Europe. They will not be held back with ridiculous climate/green theories and cultural revolution.

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Yep, this is the WEF version of "Let them eat cake". Appalling.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I saw a summary statement from a carbon dating study published in the Journal of Health physics. (World Atmospheric Co2, it’s 14c Specific Activity, Non-Fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Fossil Component, and Emissions 1750-2018. Feb. 2022) “The percentage of the total Co2 due to the use of fossil fuels from 1750 to 2018 increased from O percent in 1750 to 12 percent in 2018, much to low to cause global warming.”

I am not a scientist but I can see that the questions surrounding climate change are many. It appears to me that at this time we have no idea what is really going on and therefore have no scientific basis for making large scale changes.

The needs of individual people or even entire populations of people do not figure into the equation of the climate alarmist (elites) because in their world human beings have no intrinsic value above other mammals on the planet. This is why they can push proposals, such as wind energy, that stand to harm so many. This is why there is no horrific out cry against the human trafficking that is going on today.

If there is no creator that we are all accountable to, than there are no “natural rights.” This is where the West finds itself. There is no creator and humans have no God given value. The kind that comes from our Creator and cannot be taken away by governments or anyone else. That which our founding documents should be protecting. The only value we have as individual human beings is that extended to us by those governing us (“elites”).

I see this as a profound Spiritual crisis facing Western Cultures.

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Tony, I agree, a profound Spiritual crisis is at the base of all that hurts and hinders us.

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They are ignoring solar cycles for once, when the sun periodically increases in activity and pours out more energy, the climate is warmer until the cycle ends. Solar activity will peak in 2025 for the current cycle and then decrease according to predictions.

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The environmentalists who push green technologies are the new communists, as Vaclav Havel pointed out some years ago. These policies are not green and they do more damage to the environment than a natural gas well or a nuclear plant, both of which can be placed on very small plots of land and produce massive amounts of BTU for decades. By keeping several billion 3rd worlders in absolute poverty, with much shorter life spans, the new communists can keep them under control. The new malaria "vaccine" will probably help achieve this control, as well, because it doesn't work, if the tests and information we know about it is even partially true.

Danny Huckabee

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Nice thing for pharma today is that their products do not have to work for them to make oodles of money off them

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If you research real climate science not obfuscated by ends motivation, you will learn that there is somewhere between little to no climate change happening. Two obvious reality checks would be; why did global warming happen before human influence ?, and how does all human fossil fuel discharge compare to one significant volcanic event ? Same as with the "vaccines"; SHOW ME THE SCIENCE !

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Garry, you may like this post. It has proven very effective when shared with family or friends that only listen to the BBC or NPR.https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/green-colonialism-is-real-and-must/comment/20966142

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Keep hearing about how bad CO2 is for the environment but cannot remember any definitive proof. I have read where head honchos at u.n. pushing this green poppycock are not in the slightest concerned about the environment but really, really want to see wealth redistribution. That usually means from us to their pockets. Regarding CO2 we have pioneered its reduction in coal plants whereas china's are as dirty as dirt and they are building them as fast as they can. Again marking all the hypocrisy this subject is swimming in

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Life is not possible without atmospheric CO2. Basic biology-plants need it for photosynthesis, animals excrete it. Optimum plant level is around 1000 ppm, the level many greenhouses are kept. It wasn't long ago CO2 levels were around 180, and it is thought perilously close to photosynthetic shutdown. In the Paleozoic, levels are recorded at well over 4000. And anthropomorphic contributions today are only thought to be less than 3% of yearly earth contributions. Recall that fossil fuels aren't the only CO2 sink---think of all the carbonate rocks and limestone---at one time that was atmospheric CO2





Shorter version at:


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Could call CO2 food for thought

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

good discussion of a subject the press won't touch.

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All of the US and European policies toward the third world have always been colonialism. How can we extract money and commodities from these countries. This is nothing new, and green colonialism is a good word for this.

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Nuclear energy has to be a part of our future. I live in CT and we used to have 2 nuclear plants. They decommissioned one of them and from what I read, the remaining one produces half of the states electricity. Our electric market is a hot mess and probably the most expensive in the US at 25 - 30 cents per KW. They switched generation to natural gas and in the winter, we don't have enough supply so rates go up.

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While Rick Perry was Energy Secretary, he was noting there were new smaller Nuclear Energy models potentially available, that would be a significant improvement on the original models we had in place.

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Sadly calif has you well beaten.

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent and much needed discussions of the many aspects and impacts of the Green Solutions to “Climate Change.” You note that ‘green energy, (which) is expensive and produces less energy per invested capital.’ Another significant issue is its reliability. When the winds don’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine, either the service stops or a backup is required. Certainly a backup that can be immediately fired up would help - but then financing has to include wind, solar and backup.

I would note, that I believe that there are covert motivations for these initiatives. Watching the promulgation of wind resources in Great Britain beginning some years ago, it was reported that Government - private collaboration was enriching wealthy informed investors. Government (motivated by donations for campaigns from lobbyists) passed enabling legislation. Wealthy donors then “invest” in green solution projects thereby benefitting from the enabling legislation and resulting Government grants.

I would note that these issues are arising in the U.S. as well. California in particular is mandating its way out of fossil fuels. They are encouraging additional demands for electricity. Their grid isn’t able to deliver on current demands. Maryland as well is quietly inching toward similar issues. New homes - no gas and must have charging stations.

Looking forward to your next chapters! You are appreciated! Have a great day! Bestest plus!

Off topic: This morning news came through that 100 year old Kissinger dispatched to China to meet with them and promote better China - US relations. Given his position in developing the WEF and other past histories, this is a rather intriguing course of events IMO.

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Jean, you may appreciate this post...https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

always free and not a news feed.

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Thanks for the lead. Copied the url to get back to tomorrow. Have been hostile to global warming et al for a long while. Seems like a scam to me. In our present condition we need to be using what works best and is the most cost wise. Then that its designed to give big payoffs from our tax moneys to a bunch of wholly undeserving fat cats ......

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Your instincts serve you well here. I think you will find it comprehensive and convincing. The primary goal in writing is to share it with family and friends that only hear the legacy media perspective. For that it has been very sucessful.

All the Best...

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Jul 18, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This used to be a major concern of the left. Now that leftism has become purely ideological and doesn't actually care about complexity or meaningful difference (real diversity, based in diversity of thinking and behavior, not flat two-dimensional attributes), I suppose it's up to the rest of us to keep this conversation going.

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You’re fantasizing about what the “left” used to be; it was always Marxist, antisemitic, anti democratic, racist and demonic.

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You appear to be the opposite of an expert, whatever that is.

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All government, particularly large statist governemnts, all tend to evolve into Tyranny.

While classic liberalism is rooted in "Live and let live" it very quickly forgets that maxium.https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/does-absolute-power-corrupt?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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