Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Brilliant, makes sense, but I would also put a small line in there that aside from the peer pressure and the in- group which many strive to belong to, there is the little issue that most had shares in big pharma and therefore profited from these policies.

On another side note, I found it funny as I was reading the news today: Nancy Pelosi was sanctioned by China for going to Taiwan. However, she assured everyone that she was there to promote democracy and human rights. I find it ironic that though we promote this image to other nations, on our own land, this same government has acted no better then the communist countries they deem to dislike. By censoring free speech and any open discourse that goes against the “group think”, we are definitely not promoting a free country. Thanks for your analysis.

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this whole mess is multifactorial. Rampant financial conflict of interest is absolutely one aspect, along with many others, I agree

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Yes, I would argue that those who were financially benefitting were also aware of the group think phenomenon and were counting on it frankly. That said, it does go a long to explaining what happened with those who didn't benefit directly.

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What are they going do? Ban her from Walmart? Cut off her CCP membership? Stop sending her bribes or cutting business deals with her? Hahaha, sometimes it seems like the world has become such a darkly hilarious comedy.

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I know, right?

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I know, right?

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That's what makes the pretty-much inevitable eventual absorption of Taiwan into China all the more tragic : how little there now is at stake.

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among other things, much of the western world's chip manufacturing capacity is at stake. Not a small thing. Latest gen chips require quite a lot of expertise and technical capability.

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Interestingly enough, Taiwan's semiconductor manufacture industry is dependent on sand imported from mainland China. Which the CCP is now blocking. Who would have thought an island nation might be limited by sand, yet few realize the differences and grades of sand.

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There is a local top quality sand quarry nearby. Pre Covid, it's big cash cow was Saudi (!!!) and Japanese buyers who pay price and shipping for their sand traps on their hi end golf courses.

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Yes, that does sound significant. And there's the quality bicycle manufacturing industry. But I'm still idealistic enough to care more about things like freedom of speech and civil liberties; things that seemed fairly robust, that we've seen cast aside on the flimsiest of pretexts.

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Intel is spending $20 billion on chip manufacturing facilities outside Phoenix, AZ. They announced it during March 2021. Interesting, isn't it?

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The more information that gets uncovered about the Bidens and how well-lined their pockets are by China, The US may very well be teed up to look the other way when China moves on Taiwan.

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I do believe groupthink is one of the gravest threats to humanity because it is the people who have the greatest control and influence (e.g., academics, scientists, physicians, nonprofits, corporations, media) who are the likeliest to succumb to groupthink.

I appreciate seeing not only the signs of groupthink but also solutions for addressing it, much as I did in my 12-step recovery program for menticide:

• “Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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Cool! Going to read it!

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Welcome to the world of corporate governance. Founded and developed in Pharma think tanks and later adopted by the WEF. Choose incompetent professionals that suffer from deep seeded inadequacy, convince them they are important and essential (label them stakeholders), sprinkle with plausible deniability and you have a recipe for group think disaster like the pandemic response. This is repeated on an ongoing basis and a cornerstone of the corporate governance model, currently being featured at our very own HHS.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Cynthia Chung has a very perceptive article on Gaslighting: the Psychology of Shaping Another Person's Reality. It's beautifully written and adds nuance to understanding what we're being subjected to and how pervasive it is.


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Excellent article. Bone-chilling. Thanks for sharing!

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Informative article. “Survival instinct” provides a plausible explanation as to why most my friends and family deny the horrible events of today. In my mind, it does not excuse them as their denial (along with many others) has damning consequences. After two years of thoughtful education attempts with data and truths, I have become tired and ready to move on, guess I am in my own“ survival instinct”.

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I think your survival instinct is wise, Lolita. It's a time for all of us to protect our hearts and not put ourselves in the path of rejection. One of my videos, done at the beginning of 2022, celebrated Omicron as the end of the pandemic and predicted that this would be the year of 'veritas' when the truth comes out so that anyone can see it. I'm finding that to be happening, although people are still in denial. But the consequences of the vaccine, the lockdowns, the masks, Ukraine, now Taiwan ... the chickens are all coming home to roost.

So you might as well bide your time and be kind. People are going to need you.

Virus, Vaccine, Veritas: https://youtu.be/Oznky5gD4uk

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We now know because of your work and others how messed up our world is. Mainly due to corrupt politicians and pseudo leaders. What we need to know is how to protect ourselves and our loved ones from further manipulation. My grandson just told me he is signing up for the Marines. I asked him if they make him get the shot would he change his mind. He said no. So what do I tell him so the spike protein will leave his body as quick as possible.

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don't know what to say.

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Aug 6, 2022·edited Aug 6, 2022

There is a recommended protocol for mitigating the spike protein/jab. See FLCCC or Dr R Fleming websites (Dr Paul Cottrell also maybe). Includes instructions re dosage & timing for an array of Turmeric, IVM, zinc, etc. Good luck !

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Similar boat here. My teen boys are strongly considering the military academies. Ten years ago, I probably would’ve thought that a great idea.

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My daughter loves chemistry and a few years ago I might have steered her to Pharm D now no way. Maybe chem engineering.

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There is a published protocol for mitigation

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I totally agree, but I haven't been able to convince many people who say they dont know anybody who has had problems, and the people they trust are still pushing it. Like Dr Malone said - it is like playing Russian Roulette - who will get immediate problems or long term or perhaps nothing at all. I tell them about potential long-term effects I tell them about the growing evidence that heart disease is not rare particularly in young men, etc. There are many people who have taken the vaccine and regret it and there are some Doctors who want to at least try to help. Some doctors/health care professionals are using the same protocol for Vax Injured as the treatment for actual Covid. Those with "buyer's remorse" are given Ivermectin, Zinc, Quercetin, Vit D3, . I think it can be found on FLCCC https://covid19criticalcare.com/

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One problem in applying Groupthink to HHS or any other government agency is that the assumption is being made that those groups are making decisions with a goal to provide a benefit to American citizens.

I don't see any of the actions of any of the US government agencies being made with our health or freedoms or longterm benefits being the goal. It seems almost everything, if not everything, is being done to enrich or empower the decision makers themselves.

Couple of examples:

1. The NSBA declaring parents "Domestic Terrorists", in a letter to the DOJ, and the AG reaction was to call for investigations of threats, not an effort to cool things down. This political local school boards on a Federal level.

2. Governors sending covid patients discharged into nursing homes. Health wasn't a concern, only the State budget.

3. Allowing pharmacists to hand out Paxlovid like candy. Large payments to pharmaceutical companies for a drug with no positive results.

None of these actions were made to benefit the citizens of America, they were all a power and money grift. Our "leaders" could get all the training in the world on decision-making processes, they'll still make the wrong choices, because their first question, every time is "How does this benefit me?"

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr Malone for this insightful expose of Groupthink that has clearly led to many miserable decisions from our government. I’ve ordered the book and intend to read it in some depth. I wonder, does Janis mention the power of the “media” and its contribution to groupthink by going after any dissenting voices such as in COVID, those clinical , not bureaucratic, physicians who believed in early treatment of the virus? The media on the left did everything to support the groupthink as fostered by Dr.‘s Fauci and his associates. The media attempted to destroy the reputation of many of these clinical physicians. suddenly, it appears, doctors of actually took care of patients became irrelevant because they did not fall under the spell of groupthink. They took care of each individual patient and saw what needed to be done. President Trump of course was not a medical professional yet I can just hear the panic in the voices of these physicians, these “bureaucratic” (it’s own form of groupthink) physicians like Fauci, telling Trump he had to do something and do it quick , like accept an untested vaccine, which we know is almost an immoral act in and of itself. I recall they initially used the word “quarantine” rather than a lockdown, the latter term used I recall in the 40s in the 50s, which seemed so innocuous at the time Fauci voiced it. Perhaps any member of the media should be required to read about groupthink and how easily they can fall prey to its allure.

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I'm sure you know this, but I want to make sure everyone is on the same page here. Quarantine involves isolation of the sick. Lockdown as used in covid involves isolation of the healthy.

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'Isolation' is isolation of the sick; 'quarantine' was historically isolation of an entire group (think 'arriving ship and its personnel,' often anchored off a quarantine island, for forty days (Spanish 'quarenta,' Italian 'quaranta'), to allow a long enough disease incubation period to pass, to conclude that the people were indeed healthy and so could join normal society. The astronauts were quarantined after they returned from the moon, for a modern example.

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Yes. Thanks for the correction. Isolation of the sick or possibly sick.

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Somewhere, there is a WHITE PAPER locked away in a TOP SECRET safe that is the BLUE PRINT for what has transpired over almost the last three years starting in October 2019. You can't make this all up. It is real and co-ordinated.

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There has to be.

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It’s been bad since the inception of the Fed in the 30s and don’t forget Eiesenhowrd warnings about beware the military industrial complex

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It's about as well-co-ordinated as the 1989 Brit Awards.

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My post on Facebook immediately disappeared: "What is the difference between tradies and doctors? Tradies train for 4 years then they can fix things. Doctors train for 12 years then they have to follow health bureaucrats' orders."

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Doctors are licensed to "PRACTICE" medicine.

Tradesman become licensed Craftsman, and by binding legal agreements "FIX THINGS" !!!!

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great thoughts, and all so predictable. All one need to do is read Saul Alinsky, a master of how to create the atmosphere that promotes groupthink.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Janis defined eight symptoms of groupthink. I would say he hit it, not only out of the park, he hit the moon (baseball reference). Since the first homo sapiens have humans evolved, devolved or is it something along the path out of a paragraph in Melvin Konner's book The Tangled Wing.....humans are like the archaeopteryx........"Well you know it is such a transitional creature. Its a piss poor reptile, and not much of a bird".....Konner: there was an intellectual shock to my young mind that fixated those phrases in it permanently. The Sars CoV 2 fiasco and rape has shocked my old mind. I will never look at the world the same, how could I?

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another great article. Most people do not want to think for themselves and do not have the courage to look inside and ask why they believe what they believe about Covid or anything else. It’s a Mad Mad World! I know people that are watching their love ones die or are injured and they still can’t question why that could be happening. Thank the good lord I had a father that taught me to think for myself. At least I know the beliefs I have about anything and everything are my beliefs and I know why I believe them.

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Aug 7, 2022·edited Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

People who adopt group think orthodoxies aren't victims, they're willing participants. They're volunteers. Perhaps a better question than why so many people are willing to follow the herd over the cliff, is why do others not follow. Why are you and I reading substack and not twit? Are we smarter than the other lemmings? Better informed? Just curmudgeons who avoid the crowd because we don't fit? Steve Kirsch occasionally asks his readers why they saw the light, were "red pilled," but quickly reverts to his obsession with looking for one of the herd to argue with. Independence is not a natural state. It requires knowledge, strength, and analytical prowess, all of which used to be encouraged by the education system. But no longer, for many. Education has widely become a process for indoctrinating obedience, not independence. Without those capabilities, people cannot think or act independently, and must rely on the mob to protect them, and to direct them.

Most of our problems can be traced to failed education system. Until we fix that, we can expect a downward spiral of ever more offensive oppressions

Desmet's insights are remarkable but fails to provide a prescription for those who need it. Those who need it are the least likely to read it, and those who do read it might better understand why they're being abused, but are no closer to solutions. Extraction from cults requires force. Maybe Desmet is too polite to recommend aggressive interventions. Electroshock therapy doesn't seem to work for psychotics, but might be appropriate punishment. We can be sure their abuse will continue as long as we allow it.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your faith in the leadership training offered in DoD and elsewhere in the federal government is touching ("mandate leadership training of the Senior Executive Service (much as [is] mandated within DoD), and particularly within the leadership of the US Department of Health and Human Services"). However, given current military and civilian leadership, and the fact that never in my 25 years of mandatory training as an officer in the Army did I ever even hear of, much less attend, a training on the Constitution, to support and defend which we all made our oaths, combined with the recent information provided by the O-5 officers who have left service for revealing current conditions of "leadership" ('Irresistible Revolution' by Matthew Lohmeier and the videos, columns, and upcoming book by Stuart Scheller) make me worry more that any such required training would turn into yet another opportunity for mandatory indoctrination camp. The 3-star promotions (who make the 2-star promotions, etc.) made by Presidents Obama (8 years), GWB (8 years), Clinton (8 years), and GHWB (4 years) give us an amazingly deep hole from which to dig out of in the military alone. They weren't all bad promotions, but we can see from the horrendous retreat in Afghanistan, the Navy ships running into things, the emphasis on Woke, Inc., over warfighting, etc., that many were plenty bad.

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Aug 6, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hypnosis Seduction.

Difficult for many and nearly impossible for others to shield themselves.

Curiosity and encouraging questioning taught to our children would go a long way.

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Most useful course in high school was called Television Appreciation. Being a somewhat lazy student I (and a lot of others) took it thinking we'd basically get credits for watching TV. Turned out to be a class on critical thinking and understanding what was being sold to the audience. Changed my worldview and the skills I picked up have been the basis for refusing to accept the gaslighting going on today.

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Aug 7, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Instead of only human frailty, I think it was a combination of pure evil directed by a few people, and a bunch of useful idiots.

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