May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Malone, thank you for an excellent post on the reality of viruses. I have been dismayed at some of the authors on substack whom I greatly admire and respect suggesting that viruses do not exist. As a physician I was certainly misled by the FDA, CDC, NIH guidance and by extension hospitalist guidelines in 2020 ,by 2021 I had wised up. I can’t imagine listening to any recommendations from these or other Federal agencies at this point as it only takes one monstrous lie to lose all credibility.

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Yeh, it is kind of amazing how many virus deniers there are out there.

But then what the government has done with all their fearporn and lying makes it hard to people to believe anything.

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May 19Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I'm inclined to believe that 'erasing viruses' is an artificial way of simultaneously sowing dissent among those who question bigpharma and its minions, as well as inserting a means to discredit this group as irrational.

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Dr. Malone, In this case, the question: Can the existence of viruses be proven? is not a knee jerk reaction: In this thoughtful 38 min. video, Dr.s Cowan and Bailey explain their perspective and request knowledgeable responses. Their sincere goal is to unify the medical community so health freedom can be pursued scientifically, and global tyranny avoided.


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Can You Catch A Cold?: Untold History & Human Experiments Paperback – 23 Mar. 2024

by Daniel Roytas (Author), Dr Samantha Bailey (Foreword)-Haven't read the book saw him interviewed by Sam Bailey. “The claim that colds and flu are contagious may be one of the greatest ever blunders of medical science. Prepare to be shocked as this book brilliantly brings to life the buried data that can no longer be ignored”.- Dr Mark Bailey Co-author of The Final Pandemic: An Antidote to Medical Tyranny. I need to rewatch, since I can't understand virus deniers and I want to see where they are coming from.

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If they do not exist I wasted 4 yrs characterizing a temperature sensitive mutant of something called a murine sarcoma virus. Wonder what it REALLY was?

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They have identified over 72 forms of Lymphoma and in half they have identified a virus as a component. Speaks volumes'. My wife acquired Green Monkey from live Salk vaccine and Herpes Zoster from Chicken pox. Combined with a deficient immune system and the virus wins! Mayo researchers have no idea why the Enlarged B Cells destroy the T cells. Essential to combat cancer cells. Don't understand why some deny that viruses exists. Have they been sold a bill of goods to get the Covid con actors off the hook?

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Sounds like an autoimmune response perhaps at a table set by compromised immunity due to over vaccination of children. Virus deniers for same reason some believe in a flat earth. Unmitigated ignorance.

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I don't understand why Tom Cowan has been able to convince people in the medical field that viruses do not exist. And, that contagion is a myth. When I comment, they say things that are based on his philosophy but there is no proof. When examples of contagion are pointed out, they are dismissed as release of toxins. It is like a return to the dark ages.

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They are having a hard time selling the fear seems they overplayed their hand with COVID. If we have a REAL bio disaster their credibility would be a bigger issue as they wouldn’t be believed. We could deal with it on a decentralized level

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boy who cried "Wolf"

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Yeah and we are the sheep. Nice to have credible sources to listen to Doc!

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I would love to believe that, but from what I can see most if not all of those who bought into the lies 4 years ago have still not opened their eyes.

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We are doing what we can to smarten up the sheeple see a LOT are becoming aware Facebook be damned

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This could very well be a localized phenomenon. I live in California, which is the very definition of lost cause. A true alternate reality.

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Brad, here in FL — and a few other states, the awakening is occurring. The media is just working overtime to hide it: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-rise-of-the-rebel-state

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Brad, it is not localized, just last night I went to a chamber concert and I counted at least two or more who were masked. It's everything I can do to keep quiet.

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Linus carrying his security blankie around and sucking his thumb

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Gary, I 100% agree. I think they definitely overplayed the pandemic. It’ll be a while before we become susceptible again

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

“GOT FEAR” It seems every aspect of our lives today revolves around someone, the government or a business using fear to move us towards their product, candidate or a general control of our mindset. The conspiracy theorist, people that question this type of mind control, are more likely to never go along with their BS. It’s quite obvious this controlling fascist government that is on the verge of jailing the leading presidential candidate has no tolerance for any contrary or opposing ideas. This Biden administration has changed America into a totalitarian fascist dictatorship that I’m not sure will ever be the same again.

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you very much for explaining all that. Especially the part about the percentage rate of death from infection, as I am starting to hear in the media about high percentages for H5N1. Knowing about Fearporn and how it works and by whom it is generated from helps me see through to look for the real truth somewhere else.

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Those numbers mean nada if you do not know the number of infected and as with the china flu, since most too mild to report no way to ever even begin to guess that number

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Agree Dr. Malone. The purveyors of fearporn are unethical and immoral. They should be shamed and isolated from society.

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fear’s up to the ceiling,

They keep vaccine on ice

“Sure,” we said, “we are all just listeners here, on our own device”

And in Big Pharma’s boardrooms,

They gathered for the feast

They profit from our sickly lives

And they just can’t care the least

-- from the song, Welcome to the Hotel Paranoia, featured by Dr. Malone in his Sunday Strip two years ago: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/sunday-strip-467

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Maybe we could weaponize a fear of media campaign.

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Agreed David! Once we begin to see what fear really is, and begin to pay attention to the spiritual, we stop falling for their campaign: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-spiritual-perspective-of-reality-aa8

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Thanks for this, Dr. Malone. Many people are tuning all this out, understandably. Although, my neighbor who flies every 'freak flag’ and works for the government, had 8 hens and a rooster… haven’t seen or heard any of them for days. We got used to ‘Lucky’, a buff colored hen, coming over onto our property and having a hidden feast to herself. Sadly, she never left us an egg in thanks.

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Your great reviews should be taught in all schools where the kids are to be educated on how to avoid propaganda by Govt…Our Govt. Yes I expect such will never be approved but for School Boards truly interested in the Kids then it is a must. Those with closed minds will never see the ligjt but then we must start with the kids…the future of this Nation. The Dems have so corrupted their minds for decades we must start sometime…an immediate edict from Depart of Education under a Prez Trump new term in Jan25.

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Good call.

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article. Thank you! Yes, wasn't it terribly distressing recently when "bird flu" finally made its appearance in a few cattle herds in the US AND SPREAD TO AN AGRICULTURAL WORKER, the only human apparently to be affected. The person got pinkeye. Horrors! Again it leads to the increasingly relevant question, HDDTTWA--translated, How Dumb Do They Think We Are? Did those seeking to manipulate people into bird flu hysteria have a meeting deciding this was a good time to try another "covid play," i.e. elections looming in the US, also according to the Guardian, Europe is on edge with EU elections coming up in a few weeks, an attempted assassination, several incipient wars (Ukraine, Israel/Gaza/Hamas)? A good time tactically to bring forward the WHO attempt to rule the world through tyranny inspired by health fears? A good time tactically to spur the populace into an unthinking mob yet once again clamoring for masks and isolation? Hmm. Is it credible? Does anyone think this scenario, albeit hypothetical, is having any real effect?

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Dr Malone, could you possibly answer a question for me. I am legally blind, and it is very, if not impossible, for me to read very much. I recently had a virus, Parin Influenza Number 4, and was hospitalized. I have COPD and have had 4 cancer incidents, 2 heart attacks resulting in 3 stents, oh I am 87 years young! I would like, more info on the virus I had. God Bless you and Jill and your farm critters.

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May 18Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS


If you can (get someone) do search using your term you can get a list of sources. The one above was the first in response to my Duck Duck Go search. It was a pretty extended list.

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Not out of context….If your grounding is in fear not faith you have nothing to discern the truth

”And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie,“

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬ ‭

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You truly do ease the mind with posts like this, thank you. Plus, as I read, any questions that come to mind are answered in the next paragraph. Thank you for that, too!

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Thank you once again, Dr. Malone, for your bold insight. Fearporn, like the propaganda which usually accompanies it, has become an indelible facet throughout not only the U.S. and its Western allies but across the globe. Its success with fooling most of the people all of the time is undeniable.

Unfortunately, 4 years out now from the "15 days to flatten the curve" firehose of fear and lies, far too many of the populace still embrace that propaganda and would in an instant roll over and bark at their government's command should the situation repeat itself. Most have learned nothing. All the facts, evidence, and undeniable truth in the world seem to have no effect.

How do we get through to those who stick their fingers in their ears and yell, "Liar, liar, liar!" like Miracle Max in the Princess Bride?

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I’ll have to fully read thru later, prolly very interesting, but I am concerned about this one thing:

If it weren’t for fearporn I’d have very little porn in my life at all - and since "porn" has been part of the fabric of civilization since man knoweth not…

{yes yes, I know, I said MAN, gender specific, not "man" inclusive 🤣}

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Thank you for this information. I suspected as that this was the case but it so reassuring to hear it from you.

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