Thanks for this post, particularly the information about the North American Union, this is the first I had heard about that. We should all try to pass along information like this. Increasingly, reading the mainstream "news" involves the willing suspension of disbelief.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Explains in parts the blurring of our southern boundary and the influx of immigrants.

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Sorta explains Brixit doesn't it.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Unfortunately the North American Union plan has been in the works for quite awhile. As Dr Bob stated, it was deemed conspiracy theory. When I first heard it spoken by some of our previous illustrious leaders my jaw dropped. Troublesome, isn't it? It appears we are the first responders of Truth. The wicked ways continue...and the proverbial "wool" keeps being pulled over the eyes of the masses. Rule of Law dictates the sheep be informed. Not to worry though, they can't hear the warnings above the sounds of the ba ba ba-ing. Greatly appreciate Global News Round-Up Dr Bob.

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My new project is to try to expose just how awful mainstream journalists are. I used the example of my state's most prominent sports columnist to show A)These people are clueless; B)They do not allow anyone with differing views to write for their "news" organizations, C)They are hypocrites and are certainly not "skeptics," and D) When they are proven to have been spectacularly wrong, this doesn't matter at all.


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Kari Lake (former Fox journalist) in Arizona has been turning the cameras back on fake news journalists who attend her gubernatorial race stump speeches. She condemns their actions to their faces and explains why their ratings are so low. Apparently sometimes their stations have no viewers of their evening news. It's been a powerful tactic and she's leading in the polls.

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Good article. I suspect folks like this “journalist” basically go along with the crowd. When the crowd changes it’s collective mind, so will they. Cowardly but I’m afraid most people are.

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Oct 29, 2022·edited Oct 29, 2022

re Biden's meeting w/ Israel's President Herzog, one bullet point drew my attention: "The President emphasized his Administration’s pledge to ensure Iran will NEVER acquire a nuclear weapon. " [emphasis mine]

The history of the US negotiations w/ Iran is that an agreement would delay Iran's development of nuclear weapons (to some time in the future when it would be some other president's problem), not stop it permanently. Considering the threat to Israel from Iran nuclear weapons, Herzog would have been acutely aware of that.

I have to wonder, while Herzog was meeting w/ Biden, was he thinking, "this guy's feeding me a line of bullshit"?

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Herzog knew before he boarded the plane, that Biden would continue keeping Israel in the dark and feeding them manure like mushrooms. But these state visits allow support staff to have meetings with opposition leaders, and getting ready for the Red Wave is a priority for Jerusalem. We can anticipate intelligence releases from the Mossad that will help unravel the mysterious events of the 2016-2022 Clinton Insurrection. The Five Eyes services may be too compromised, but Israel has every reason to get to the bottom of the Clinton Hoax and Steele Dossier. Their survival demands it.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Articles in The Atlantic, Popular Mechanics and Mother Jones all called for using sulfur aerosols to be released into the upper atmosphere to cool the earth. These articles admitted that it would cause drought and flooding. Exactly like the Government funded studies in the 70s that studied release of metallic aerosol particles into the atmosphere to cool the earth. Drought, flooding and extremely high winds. At least a dozen studies were commissioned one by Pittsburgh University, I remember that name, but it is all down the memory hole and I cannot find those studies any longer. I have lived where the trails are exceedingly heavy but remained a person who is outside almost every waking hour. My mineral analysis previous to that showed virtually zero barium, since then I have seven TIMES toxic levels of Ba and really feel the challenge. They have already started to use sulfur here in Central California coastal (my observation). The result is extremely powerful and the induced drought continues unabated.

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I think one of those layers flattened Cape Coral, Sanabel and Ft. Myers beach...

...I imagine this one eruption altered atmospheric conditions for years to come, more than humanity would cause

Human Climate Control...

...is just PEOPLE control

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I thought the same. So unusual with devastation going deep into Central Florida.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks again Dr Malone. This caught my eye: “like so many other things these days, talk of a “North American Union” was previously dismissed as a conspiracy theory.” The desire for centralized global governance is real. We have to make sure they don’t succeed. Even more important perhaps is how to make a decentralized system like a republic work better. Or democracy if you like. But both require some way individuals can meaningfully participate in decision making.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Joseph P. Farrell and Catherine Austin Fitts warned us over a decade ago.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Michael Shellenberger's Substack in the past few days focused on the insanity of the Brandon Administration's "energy policy" - and seemingly their plans to further destroy our country.

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Oct 29, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I like reading your reports. You're a very good writer, easy and interesting to follow. I used to be quite politically informed and active within the Democratic Party and was lauded and rewarded for my efforts. I quite enjoyed my participation and was proud to be an American allowing that participation. Yet, much to my shock and disgust, it turned out to be dangerous (following having protesting the invasion of Iraq). Political institutions and leadership, any and all parties, only want mindless followers believing and following their orders based on lies and their will to manipulate the masses. For what end? Endless killing of both the minds and bodies of most of humanity? As well I took on 5 different fields of scientific learning at an undergrad introductory level, a bit more so in cosmology, thinking it was important to be scientifically literate, which it is, and I enjoyed the learning. I've since come to almost entirely distrust, and therefore ignore, any information from mainstream news sources, political leaders, scientific agencies and institutions. I do trust your, and a few others, reports and well meaning intentions though.

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Dutchsinse runs a channel on YouTube that is solely devoted to monitoring planetary activity of volcanoes, earthquakes, meteors, solar flares, and potential manipulation weather and earth geology such as with HAARP. There are beautiful animations and graphics showing all activity everywhere and their scope and magnitude. Dutchsinse narrates and explains throughout. Over the years the data have led this personality to become more aware of manipulated events.

There is a lot of interesting material here including exotic weapons research of various types.

In recent videos he points out the earthquakes aren't natural and are making explosions and hitting targets on or near infrastructure. There is considerable suspicious activity in California, for some time now, and widespread activity across EU. If he is correct, and he has been in the past, things could get very grim, just as much so in this country as in the EU with respect to energy and infrastructure:


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Thank you for the link.

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> It is as if governments around the world have all decided to just shoot themselves in the foot.

No, they all decided to shoot *US* in the foot

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Gah! This is why I should read comments before posting! :)

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for shining a light on these important items so disproportionately obscure in the press.

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Our government is obviously working against us, "We the People," and further attempts to destroy or weaken or ignore the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights just shine more light upon that fact.

And endless war is just one way to make beggers out of citizens---as Thomas Jefferson so clearly articulsted--- "standing armies are more injurious to Freedom than Tyrants!"

The world must work for Peace if it would be Free. Donald Trump shredded the U.S. State Department and no one has tried to bring it back to life. Another reason the only solution to the Ukrainian issue is "blowing people and places up!" Or developing and setting bio-weapons loose on Earth.

This agenda to feed War, Famine, and Disease is part of the rise of a frankly demonic force on Earth and inside our Governments.

We must stand against all three with everything we are. Support your local farmers and ranchers. Get involved with county and state and federal politics. Demand peaceful resolutions to international conflict!

Farming is the most important business on Earth. No farms, no food. It's that simple and Bill Gates' fake meat, fake human breast milk, and fake human beings leads to a techno-hell this living, breathing woman and child of God is NOT interested in.

"Transhumanism" is this negative force's agenda. Reject it. Make certain your elected representatives are clear on this topic!

And when nature "moves" we humans must be ready. Tonga's eruption shows exactly how childish, irresponsible and ignorant human beings, (men, mostly,) truly are. Their desire to fight, to dominate, to feed their egos is the most destructive force on Earth.

We are busy wasting our precious resources on the ways of destruction and strife when we should be focused on developing clean energy, abundant water resources, and organic food supplies as well as top notch infrastructure and informational systems.

If we have many global eruptions, as appears to happen when the sun is quiet, as is the case for the next few years, the suddenly cooling temperatures may make growing food much more difficult. Every nation on Earth should work towards food independence. That would make societies more secure and improve relationships between nations as well.

And if we can ever address equality between women and men, we might finally move forward, here on planet Earth.

When women reach socio-economic equality with men they have 0, 1, 2, or 3 children. Population growth stops, and the children born are raised much more successfully. And they do not choose war, physical or economic as a "way of life."

Overpopulation is an artifact of the Patriarchy and the War mode in human society.

Follow the thought processes and societal structures of the Minoans and the Iroquois, among others. War, scarcity, sexual inequality and sexual violence all go hand in hand with the abuse and suppression of the female principle. War on Nature and war on Earth goes hand in hand with war on Women and Children.

Ours is the most violent society to ever exist. Wake up everyone. It is anything but "normal!"

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With the volcano eruption in Tonga, it makes me wonder if that was the cause of a cold Spring in the Northwest. It was cold until July. My garden was late in the harvesting of beans, peas , tomatoes squash etc . My apple and peach trees froze with a late season snow storm. I got ten peaches . Last year I had a bumper crop.

As for uniting of Canada, USA and Mexico , I say absolutely not. Dr Malone wouldn’t they have to put it to a vote or can the President write an executive order? So much corruption.

Have a great weekend! I hope you are able to be home for a while. Thank you both for all that you do on our behalf.

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The late Michael Creighton wrote a novel set in equatorial Africa in 1980, in which he wove into his plot the ability of resonant explosive charges to trigger a volcanic eruption. This plot element was said to be grounded in Defense Department research. I am reminded of this because someone left a copy around and I happened to re-read the novel last week. Fiction, right?

Creighton was also a critic of the "global warming" religion, so he must have been way off the mark. I won't drag in Andromeda Strain.

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That Andromedia Strain one of the best movies I ever saw.

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If one can explode a methane pipeline 100 meters below the north sea surface, can it be much more difficult to provoke a volcanic eruption 50 meters deeper in the south pacific? I wonder.

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I worry more about that idea occurring to unfriendlies and trying it at Yellowstone

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