“We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”

The above was written by a man who lived in the 1st century, who, after having been the chief persecutor of a new religion, decided to switch sides. Life would have been much easier for him if he had not done so. Even so, he survived multiple beatings, a stoning, a shipwreck, a deadly snake bite, and imprisonment. He drew his strength from God and he knew that it was God who was keeping him alive, until his work was done.

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Yep, Saul who became the apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Now that would have been a sight (his conversion) to see and hear!

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Funny, I was planning on leaving a similar comment after reading this post. Sometimes it seems we really are actors on a grand stage playing our parts in an ultimate destiny. The dichotomy of free will and predestination is hard to reconcile. When John the Baptist kept in his mother’s womb was he exhibiting free will or his predestination? I think the answer is “yes”. Hard to understand but nevertheless true. For those of us struggling to do the right thing in life, may God empower us to finish our race strong. To ultimately hear “well done thou good and faithful servant”.

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That was supposed to be “leapt”, not kept lol. 🤪

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This comes to mind as to what you wrote before you got into those news headlines: "Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed." John 3:20. I sense this evil and injustice as well, but I've learned how to disconnect from it just long enough to regain some joy and let my blood pressure drop; whether that's time with the horses, the dogs, breaking bread with good friends, getting in a good hike, or escaping to one of my favorite streams with a couple of fly rods. God is still indeed on the throne.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

All of us human beings will be brought into the bright light of justice on the Day of the Lord.

King Jesus will be our Judge and also our Advocate, our lawyer. He will look at us as individual people, human beings. In my case, I hope and trust that Jesus will say “this one is a sinner. But this one belongs to me”. “Let him enter into my Kingdom, forever “.

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I couldn’t agree more. As everyone has short comings most aspire to 1) Love God and 2) Love others. Others deny the truth and claim no right or wrong because they realize that to accept the truth would show that they also have shortcomings and need something more.

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Great thought provoking post Dr. Malone. As I have gotten older and this country has taken such an evil anti freedom path I have often thought of my WW2 veteran father. He was shot in the battle of the bulge, he told my sister that one day in Germany, he and 39 fellow soldiers (friends) had gone out on a mission and everyone was killed but him. At that point he was promoted to 2nd sergeant. He was the only one left. As a kid he lived through the depression and his father left for Virginia to mine coal. He grew up in Mission Hill in Boston and there were no jobs so his father left to make money to support his wife and kids. One of my fathers younger brothers had got sick and died. My father told me he thought his younger brother had starved to death. All of this pain and suffering and when I grew up in a middle class suburb of Boston always thought I had the best father of all the families. When I see the complete evil that is taking place in this country, the greed, the lies, the perversion, the government corruption, the cancelling of good people, I can’t see how this country stays together. I think of the sacrifices my father made and I’m glad he is not here to see this. In many ways I think this country is only surviving on its history. The history of people like my father. J.Goodrich

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

What makes sense to me is not to look at it like a failing (corruption, perversion, etc.) but rather as the result of infiltration. I keep thinking of those youtube video interviews of Yuri Bezmenov. He seems so spot on. Especially the part about capture of education/indoctrination of children. Once that is accomplished, your fate is sealed.

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The point of my post wasn’t so much of the negatives that have taken place but how todays generation has become so passive and taught to allow its freedoms to be removed with no care. When you look at real hardship and lose to survive and then thrive, it’s just not here. People have become complacent for all your reasons and true parenting is somewhat dead.

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One other thing I wanted to make mention of. Looking back, although my father was a 100 percent disabled vet he worked until he retired. He died when I was only 20, but now I realize a sense of peace that was in him. I think in his mind he had fought the great evil and survived. At that point he was at ease and enjoying his hard fought freedom. The fruits of his hard work. I can only hope and prey the evil that has infiltrated this country is somehow defeated.

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I never imagined there could be a time when I would be relieved that my mother wasn't still alive. I don't know how she would cope in these times after spending a lifetime trying to make a difference in many small but meaningful ways. All those precious efforts mocked and dishonored.

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We are two very lucky people Dr. Herr, to be raised by truly selfless human beings. I miss them more as I grow old.

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May she rest in peace. I've thought about people that have passed, before all this nightmare happened. It is psychologically damaging, what we are going through. We have been psychologically tortured. We are not damaged. My grandkids are young and I hope they don't remember.

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I meant we are not damaged goods, but we have been damaged. I know I will never forget this happening and anything that looks like it in the future will send me into a tailspin!

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I agree with the reasons that this country has been infiltrated to corrupt our children in schools and in society. I know it began long before and that Obama was the culmination of years of the infiltration, but his outright statement to fundamentally change America has succeeded beyond many communists wildest expectations.

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You are not wrong. The foundation of the nation is its morality. Our morality is tied to our faith. The foundation is completely rotten. So many indicators point to this.

The scenario is far worse than WW2. Hitler woke up a nation that still had its foundation and proved to be stronger.

When America collapses there will be no effective resistance. The godless nations will be unleashed.

Think of what the world was like when the angels came to visit Lot and he had to protect them from all the men of the city who wanted to have their lustful way with the fresh meat.

We have only seen a taste of it. Makes me shudder.

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There are so many uplifting stories like yours, and it makes me feel that most people are good and loving people, it is just that I don't see them. Everyone, where I am, are still hypnotized by the government stooges. The state that I live in has two main cities and they are 'progressive.' So, I am leaving from this place as soon as spring comes. I heard something from someone that said, if your city is run by people that let Antifa tear it up, than you know that they are not for freedom.

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I know EXACTLY how you feel. I left OR for that reason last June. The move was brutal, and the price gouging unbelievable. No one was moving in, everyone was moving out. I could manage it when I did, but given the vagaries of the economy, I couldn't be sure I would be able to in the future. The last straw was when my next door neighbor told me to stop fretting about the vaccine and contemplate my white privilege. Honest. High school science teacher.

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That sounds awful! I don't even know where to go. I was looking at other countries. Than, I thought about buying land in Arkansas. I thought about Georgia. I could live close to coast line and fish. I just don't know where to go! One of the problems about moving is going somewhere that may be worse than where you left.

I will never work as a nurse again. I am not taking a jab and I do not believe anything coming out of the CDC or FDA. I don't even know if half the things we were taught in nursing school is accurate information (grad in 1978). Our jobs should be to foster and support health but so much of what we are doing now promotes sickness and death. Pharma has seeped into everything. Type II diabetes is mostly caused from our bad eating habits and lack of exercise. The last DM nurse I spoke with told me they taught her a calorie, was a calorie. I know that is not true. I am so disillusioned about everything. I hope I am not putting my bad attitude off on you. If I am, I am so sorry.

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Wow. I wish there were a way to communicate personally! It sounds like we have much in common. I ended up in eastern TN because of a nurse friend who lives in Greeneville. She has suffered a lot because she also, refuses the jab. It's horrific to witness because she's an amazing nurse (saved my husband's life) and has so much to give that the country needs so desperately.. I wish we could fire everyone who orchestrated this mess.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are over the target and too close to the truth. Hence you become a target. The cure is consider the source and ignore them. It takes away their power. They are not worthy of your time.

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Yes Bert, Dr Malone is indeed speaking the truth which is what upsets others who live a life wrapped in ENVY which leads to hate.

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Or do like I did when I had that kind of stuff directed at me, and enjoy the twisted entertainment of pathos in the sheer impotence of the attacks. Waste of time for sure, but not as much of a waste as their efforts were.

Knowing how the other side operates, I would bet dinner that they perceive a soft spot to attack you at and they are behind a lot of it purely as a 5GW tactic...

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That is one way to look at it. I don't have the patience for it, but understand that others do.

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Spot on

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Remember these aren't the masses doing the hating but a very small, connected group.

And I don't even know if hate is the right word as that implies emotion. I think this is cold-blooded, orchestration to silence dissent. I actually think that's worse than hate.

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They are like a pack of wolves.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Our Children are precious and are at great risk and we must build a consensus now to stop the harm that is being bestowed on them. They are the futute and the future is at great risk of being degraded because of what is transpiring today. A ground swell of protest needs to be created now and everyone must participate and not go OFF TRACK! We need all the truth tellers to come together as one voice! Divided we fall!


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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Desmet's work resonated with me and brought clarity to my world, which had gone insane. It's obviously a threat to the operation (military?) being waged against us. The other light in the darkness was that Dark Horse podcast, which I found so riveting I had to replay it countless times. Obviously, millions (?) of people have been swayed by both of you - so in repayment, you become targets. It pains me, but there it is.

I confess my bias, but I am a great fan of Catherine Austin Fitts. She says you need a thicker skin. It looks like a chink in your armor has been discovered and the screws are being turned. Reprehensible, but there it is.

I came across a comment that was profound (for me). A person said they felt the betrayals of adults in their childhood had prepared them to think skeptically, and as a result, they saw through the manipulation from the very start. I think my own similar, painful occurrences may have shaped and protected me as well. Perhaps what you are enduring now is going to protect you from what might be coming. I don't have any sense at all that the people who ave gone to such great lengths to dismantle education, health services, infrastructure, the gains of civil rights, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, national sovereignty and the financial system have any interest in throwing in the towel and going home.

Wishing you the very best.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’m incredibly grateful for everything you and Jill have done. The knowledge has helped my patients and I. Please disregard the haters.

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love your quote from your Dad. My father-in-law was an EE and made similar trig-type observations of the human condition.

As far as the haters, they are all pagans/atheists/agnostics and they hate because they can't fill the hole inside of themselves with anything and they despise those of us who do. The reference to Saul of Tarsus is a wonderful one. Anything we have to deal with pales by comparison to his travails, and ending, on this earth.

Danny Huckabee

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am forever grateful again and again for brave and brilliant people like you Dr Malone and your wife and the few others that have been speaking out since the beginning of this insanity , even though every insult in the world has been hurled at all of you. You speak the truth the best you can. Please take care of yourself. I can't imagine the stress day after day of all these shriveled up dark angry little souls coming after you. I'm glad you have your beautiful family and your farm and your beloved horses. I'm sure they help you hang on. Thank you

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You write so eloquently Robert Malone and I can sense that it is hard for you to acknowledge the evil side of humanity.I am there with you . Totally. Just thinking of the inquisition as one of many exemples how people are blinded by their beliefs and are capabable of so much hatred. Willing to pursue power at any cost, and causing so much suffering.Thirst for power is what is driving the wish to control people. It is a storm of power abuse we are in right now. Never ever thought it could happen in democracies because democracy is supposed to be the guardian against abuse of power .Yet it is being challenged. When freedom of expression , the foundation of democracy is at stake we know there are forces set in motion to control the masses. It’s very frightening… I also think of those who give their lives for others , who are capable of loving and setting their needs aside to be of service, save lifes and lead the way with incredible bravery. That’s you. We must trust the ultimate universal divine order will set things on the right course again and those who need to be judged shall be taken before justice.It’s not hatred to want this it’s about supporting all those who have suffered and acknowledge what has been done to them. This nightmare must end and we shall never surrender. It’s just very hard right now. Please feel my full support and empathy. You are the light and you must know and never doubt that all your struggles are worthwhile. Warmest regards Kerstin Salen

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

HI Dr. Ma-Lion/ess! What did Clown Schwab say? "Expect and angrier world." We can't control others behaviors. We can only make sure we don't take our anger and frustrations out on others.

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Feb 9, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

*says a minor who is at least 14 years old “has the same capacity as an adult to consent to vaccination.” ...

This is extremely worrisome, many of us feel and fear and know intuitively what the ultimate goall is. How long before : "a minor who is at least 14 years old “has the same capacity as an adult to consent to SEX...?

They are after the children, including the ultimate prize, LEGAL sexual access to the children. And this struggle has been going on for thousands of years. Cultures where adult males had or currently have legal sexual access to children are cruel, abusive, oppressive, violent and warlike, without exception.

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Did you watch the You tube video about Jeff Younger from Texas? He was on Tim Pool. Mr. Younger's son was taken by his ex-wife to California for a sex change operation and he is 10 years old. The Younger story shook me to my core as they are the same faith that I am. I never thought this would happen. Lord have Mercy. It was not just the lockdowns, the masking, the riots, the intimidation, the censorship....it's also what they are doing to kids, jabs and surgeries and they just keep coming. The evil one is working overtime. Our faith does not talk about time frame for the return of Christ...but they are talking more these days.

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I've been trying for months to sort out why everything is going pear shaped, and I think I figured the broad strokes and formatted them into a Venn Diagram. I can't post images here, so I'm including a link to my blog where the image is posted:


(note: I don't track or record visitors - it's just a personal blog I've had since the early aughts. The link is clean)

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Steve, the diagram was perfect!

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Let me throw a hypothesis out there. Some of the online haters are real people, no doubt. Nevertheless, I have seen enough weird stuff going on in the last few years, combined with the advances in AI chat, that I think it is possible that some of those online haters are either foreign agents, looking to cause division, or else an AI psyop set up even by our own intelligence community. Who knows? On the other hand, I saw enough stories in Michael Senger's recent Substack that it is just as plausible that these are domestic Kool-Aid drinkers: https://michaelpsenger.substack.com/p/how-the-response-to-covid-affected

In any case, these are the entropy-increasers. Brush them off and move forward in God's light.

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My daughter warned me not to get on any AI computer helper. I can get tricked!

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Galileo was by almost any account an asshole, (probably more than 3 times, so deserving of being shut out) to very important people at the time. He was not correct--close, but not correct. Dinesh D'Souza did a good talk on the incident recently. If the Catholic Church had exercised a little of the same restraint and skepticism as they did in Galileo's day, maybe fewer Catholics would have lined up for the jab. As for the inquisition, my understanding was that modern scholars who have unearthed a lot of new material have shown that it was not nearly as severe as we would like to think, even through 21st century hindsight eyes (we just use A10 Warthogs and AC-130's to do the trick). As for witches, people today are still being tortured all over the place--usually Christians--so I get a little fatigued at these same things being brought up over and over. We have enough modern catastrophes without forever falling back to these topics. It was these same unhelpful tropes that began Dr. Desmet's book and had me smacking my head. Please...people who are much, much more intelligent than me...say something different.

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Yup. Galileo was canceled, not punished. He was inside the Vatican government, and his real crime was insubordination, not heresy. Cancelled officials are usually fired for personal reasons disguised as ideology. Department heads can't simply say "I don't like this guy", so they cite heresy or communism or populism or antivaxism

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My understanding was that Galileo was not correct on a number of important points in his argument and that there was in fact debate. But Galileo, rather than being scientific, resorted to ad hominem and pissed off a pope, which at the time would have been a no-no. Times were different. While an in-house arrest with amenities was likely a drag, it didn't help the church's cause at all. The point I have trouble with is the one-sidedness of these conversations. Galileo = beacon of truth and church = knuckle-dragging slack jaws. I doubt this was the case and while egos must have had a massive part in that nonsense (the pope was not a scientific slouch and he seemed to know quite a bit at the time), it is not quite the same as being cancelled I don't think. Religion had a pretty big bearing on life in those days--hard for us to comprehend.

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The Roman Catholic Church believed its dogma was appropriate to all peoples of the world and under the laws of the Church evil in the world would recede. Some of the most wise and intelligent people in high office of the Church for hundreds of years sought complimentary instruction from nature. Many believe that they were instrumental in planting the seeds for the sciences, just not for the purpose of science!

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Giordano Bruno begs to differ, as do the Spanish hidden Jews.

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Feb 9, 2023·edited Feb 9, 2023

People would be surprised if they knew the actual numbers of the infamous Spanish inquisition. Urban leyend versus actual numbers. For intance, regarding the burning, torturing persecuting and killing of witches, jews and heretics... other European countries were way more vicious and lethal than the Spanish inquisition, by orders of magnitude!!!

A comparison could be partially made with the infamous "Spanish flu of 2918" that didn't originated in Spain: " the first outbreak of flu-like illnesses was detected in the U.S. in March, with more than 100 cases reported at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas".

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There is a logical explanation why the 1918 pandemic ended with the misnomer "Spanish flu": Spain didn't participate in WWI, therefore Spanish newspapers weren't under wartime censorship like the rest of Western Countries, they were the only ones freely reporting on the pandemic burning through the Spanish population .

There are numerous reasons that explain why the Spanish Inquisition ended being the "scapegoat" of all the other European inquisitions (both Protestant and Catholic) but it's a long story....

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The actual numbers? "According to modern estimates, around 150,000 people were prosecuted for various offences during the three-century duration of the Spanish Inquisition, of whom between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed."

Persecuting "jews"? Is that like "christians"?

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Of course I agree with you it's not Christian at all to persecute jews. And we better wake up and smell the coffee, because the Western Civilization, whose real historical name has always been the Judeo-Christian Civilization, can't survive and won't survive if we remove the Judeo-Christian values on which it's based.

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Feb 11, 2023·edited Feb 11, 2023

Even if we accept the highest number of 5,000, let's compare with the rest of Europe, which was my point, for example:

- According to the German scholar Wolfgang Behringer, the which hunt left 40.000-60.000 víctims in Europe, 25,000 in Germany, 4,000 in France. Which dwarfs the 200-300 witches executed in Spain.

-Regarding the persecution of jews by the Spanish Inquisition, 10% of the executions corresponded to jews (between 200 to 500 people).

- The real tragedy of the Spanish jews were the explulsion of 1942.

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Oh, I do not believe for a minute that nasty, unethical, evil things never happened during these events. Not at all. As with today's corruption and the endless stream of psychopathic behaviors it would be unreasonable to entertain that the same types did not exist throughout history. I have no issue with judgement and punishment of evildoers, especially self-righteous ones--bring it on. But if the "science" has changed in regards to these events--and it appears it has--we should update our views along with them.

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It's spelled "judgment."

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See judgment.

Alternative form of judgment.

the cognitive process of reaching a decision or drawing conclusions

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As a retired AP editor, I can say without hesitation that you are wrong.

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DTT; Tsk Tsk... judgment spelled any other way is still judgement.

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I guess it's one thing to check facts but spelling? I am such a sloppy typist because of an essential tremor and I fail to see my mistakes before posting. Please ignore my spelling.

I too use an e in judgement and writing was an essential in my profession. Spell checker never blinked at judgement DTT but I'm not judging one way or the other.

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As an unretired Canadian, we spell it differentlylyly.

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He was reminding us.

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I’m wondering why you are still here, intellectually fatigued as you are?

Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.

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I’m wondering why you are a nasty person? Care to elaborate why you are rude and insulting?

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I'm wondering the same.

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You too Dandy Randy? Why are you rude and nasty?

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Giordano Bruno was burned at the stake on February 16, 1600. The "issues" have changed, but human nature has not. We are living in troubling times, maybe the End Times. Actual scientists and philosophers are being censored and condemned. Just today, 2/8/2023, Andy Ngo, the brave reporter who dared to stand up against Antifa, has been banned from Twitter. Desmet Mattias is not allowed to lecture. Dr. Malone and Robert Kennedy are attacked for telling the truth.

Indeed, everything but the most mundane gossip is a battle between good and evil.

The WEST (and especially the USA) has fallen under the spell of Satan. To say there is evil afoot is to minimize the danger.

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Thank you and I sincerely appreciate all of the truly intelligent people who post. It stretches my synapses on a good day. ❤️

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I appreciate the notice about Andy Ngo as I haven't visited his twitter thread for a few days. He has had his tweets restored, but there is an ongoing issue:


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Thanks for the update. Nevertheless, I am happy that I closed my Twitter account after hearing that Ngo was banned. I admire @elonmusk greatly; but participating on Twitter just increased my anger and frustration. "Liking" what like-minded people post and BLOCKing people like @robreiner are not sufficient. I will only miss the pictures of cute puppies that some people post.

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I joined Twitter after the Ligma & Johnson episode and I have seen enough to understand why you closed your account. I might be walking the same path.

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