
What I find fascinating about some of the comments below is the subtext that malicious defamation by the NYT, WaPo, Atlantic etc. is wrong, but that repeated malicious ongoing defamation by an elderly couple should be overlooked and forgiven.

This position lacks integrity, and I do not share the ethics of those making such arguments.

Furthermore, the underlying assumption is that the legal case here has merit and will probably prevail, hence it should be dropped? Which is a concession that the repeated, ongoing, malicious defamation in question is real. And that, after multiple attempts to get the behavior stopped, resorting to court action is reprehensible and "tearing the movement apart" or some variation of that theme? Sorry, if this is your version of ethics, and these are the ethics of what your version of "the movement" constitutes, then "your movement" is not one that I wish to be associated with.

The attacks continue, and by the defendants' own admission they are intended to yield a "political takedown". Of me. This is not about some valid "inside baseball" academic dispute about proper use of the term "psychosis". The absurdity of that claim is refuted by the long and rich history of leaders in modern psychology using the term for precisely the same process. I suggest that those posting about this topic take a moment to examine their own ethical bearings. Wrong is wrong. Repeated ongoing malicious defamation is wrong. And it is wrong no matter what one's age happens to be.

Look into the mirror. Those who make such attacks, who loudly claim "controlled opposition" without solid evidence, are the ones most likely to be guilty of that which they accuse. The attacks have been obsessive, did not cease with the letter requesting that they stop, and they have not even stopped after the suit was filed.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Please keep fighting against all the malicious attacks. You are the voice of all of us that are getting attacked daily for our opposition to the government and the forced propaganda. Thanks again and Merry Christmas to you and Jill.

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Dr. Malone, It breaks my heart that these people seem to get to you. At this point I think most people have dug into whatever they are going to believe. From my own experience, trying to talk sense to those on the other side doesn’t go anywhere. I only get frustrated and want to forward a hundred examples of why I’m (we are) right, and they are wrong. I honestly don’t think I’ve impacted a single person, and I have tried. I’ve had people seemingly agree with me and thank me for sharing only to go out and get another booster!

I’ve changed tactics. I’ve gone on the offense. I don’t even acknowledge their negative, and at times, vicious comments. I think they are hoping for an argument and the more public, the better.

At this point, knowing far more than the average person, I state my position, what I do and end the discussion. I can’t stop them. A very dear friend checked himself into the hospital with Covid. An MD, to be clear. I don’t have to tell you the outcome. They drug it out 5 weeks while I checked obituaries. He had all the information; he chose not to listen.

At the end of the day, you will get the accolades you have earned. Me, my legacy doesn’t matter to me. My eyes are fixed on heaven. His accolades are the only eternal ones.

Please don’t let them steal one more minute of your time and peace of mind. Many of us know your contributions and no one will change our minds. I’ll defend you in a heartbeat. Let us be the defense.

Dr. Malone, this is a spiritual warfare. It goes beyond this world. We are here at this point and time for a reason. God knows what you’ve done which is far more than most. You are fighting the good fight. I suppose even Paul had to rescue his reputation at times, but it was not for himself but God.

You are bringing people together. Continue on that path. Let us have your back. You have far more who believe you than the lies. God will also have His say; I wouldn’t want to be in the shoes of those who push the lies.

Happy New Year and walk with God,


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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Completely agree, especially the statement "are the ones most likely to be guilty of that which they accuse." That is also true for the tactics of defense in so many cases. That these attacks of defamation continue to persist to the detriment of your well-being and that of your family is unconscionable. I appreciate your response.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You are over the target Dr. Malone, hence the attacks intensify.

Experienced this on a somewhat smaller scale and my answer was the same, " Wrong is wrong".

This is but one front in the battle against evil. Stay in the fight. 🐱‍👤

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Dec 25, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Addressing this as you have appears to be the only way to stop the willful attacks. You have my support and that of millions of others.

The psychological aspects of this "new normal" are the most damaging, more damaging than the vaccines, imho, and making it evident as you (and Desmet) have done may be the only way forward. There is more that follows on that, but that appears to be the core.

Those acting as if your position on mass formation is "tearing apart" something are incorrect. The ones tearing things apart are the psychiatrist and other supporters of these attacks. It is incomprehensible why they are doing so. If we had something like the Twitter files for them we might see it more clearly, but the actions speak for themselves. The only thing to be done is to oppose them. So thank you from my heart!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert, those advocate that you should forgive the unrepentant do no one any service. To receive forgiveness, which though extended to all offenders, to be received the offense must be admitted and genuine effort undertaken to not repeat the same. You have absolute right to take lying lips to task, and light to darkness. This is a service to humanity.

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Remember when Malone called Alex Berenson "controlled opposition"?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

"What I find fascinating about some of the comments below is the subtext that malicious defamation by the NYT, WaPo, Atlantic etc. is wrong, but that repeated malicious ongoing defamation by an elderly couple should be overlooked and forgiven."

Um, yes. If you can't see the difference between suing MSM behemoths, established "papers of record" who actually have power and billions behind them, and a team of self-published authors with a blog and a podcast, you aren't fit to serve, let alone lead. You have no concept of who the enemy actually is, and are recklessly launching friendly fire without regard for anyone in the middle.

Such lawsuits, against WaPo or whatever, have the chance of helping others who follow.

This action...who does it help, exactly, other than you and your attorneys?

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Merry Christmas to you and Jill, your family, horses and dogs!! We love and appreciated you so much!! Bettina

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for putting it this way; "...recognize them as victims of fifth generation warfare methods deployed against our minds." This truly does help remove my bitterness!! Thank you, thank you, and Merry Christmas!

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This fifth generation warfare is defined by 2 communist Chinese army colonels in a recent article: https://learning.mystic-saints.com/defining-concepts-of-5th-generation-warfare/ . These same authors wrote a book title "Unrestricted Warfare: China's Master Plan to Destroy America". Government, at all levels, have aided and abetted this well-announced "Master Plan" - to a level that some may very well call treasonous. Especially Fauci.

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The fact you have drunk the Kool-Aid that the Chinese are the cause of your country's problems, and not the organized crime families from within, says you're still a victim of the fifth-generation warfare from within your own borders. Until you accept the threat is within, you'll remain a victim even if Tucker Carlson tells you China is the bad guy. Follow the money, or the effects of the money, there you'll find the real bad guys. They’ll be speaking English as a mother tongue.

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Sir: Before I retire, this Christmas Eve, allow me to state that the communist Chinese would pose no threat to us Americans unless they were directly and very substantially aided and abetted by our own governments, primarily at the federal level. The subject addressed was the covid campaign - but certainly the Biden crime family, the Clinton crime family, and the MIC crime families are no less complicit on other fronts... Please accept my sincere wishes for you and yours of a joyous Christmas - remember the Man.

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I think the lyrics go, 'Prase the lord and pass the ammunition'.

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Is that you again, Writes to Your Health?

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Can't it be all of the above? All these forces seem oddly allied and similar in methodology.

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Seems you’re both right.

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Let’s all get used to fighting 5GW and learning its strategy and tactics, because it’s not going away. Our naïveté requires strategy.

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I would submit that the preponderance of offensive weapons used has a greater reach within the population, allowing it to continuously attack. In the 50’s TV was limited to a few hours/day, etc. No 24-7 engagement. The strategy may be the same, but the tactical weapon is advanced. The oligarchy definitely the enemy of liberty.

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Michelle, its elements are not new. They've been around for centuries.

A) amass a posse, B) tell lies to those outside the posse to make them unhinged (by a posse created definition), C) have the posse assemble a deputation to save civilisation from the unhinged, D) posse confiscates unhinged's assets, E) posse is now bigger, F) rinse and repeat.

It’s part of the propaganda program to have you think there is some new propaganda. The technology isn’t the propaganda its just another vehicle to add to television, radio, movies, paper, leafleteer, town crier, gossip, ….. The criminal families know how to play. They are the priority that needs to be disenfranchised. Focusing on their bad deeds, with our limited resources is folly. Nail them and their off-shore wealth, and you nail the human suppression and criminality of the ages.

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I appreciate the sentiment. I do. And I wish you and Jill a nice holiday.

The thing is.....and you know this, the war/battle is not limited to the vaccine or the COVID chronicles.

In fact, the COVID lies and entire affair was arguably about softening us up for the Great Reset/4th Industrial Revolution.

The suggestion that we should take the opportunity to recognize that many were led astray by 5th Generation information warfare may be accurate....but that warfare is still being used on those same folks and is manifesting on several different fronts. And while the COVID vaccine lies/damage is becoming so obvious it will lead us to a reckoning and healing.....I have yet to see much if ANY recognition by the same ones who allowed themselves to be weaponized by fear porn and government “experts” understanding that the manipulation and turning on your neighbor, family and friends is happening in many many many other ways. The degradation of the toes that bind us are under assault.

Do you not fear that extending an olive branch to those who called for us to be left to die and said we should be shunned, shamed and ostracized....will only allow them to continue their “righteousness” in so many other areas that also are largely about eroding our hid given individual rights? In fact, I worry that by suggesting that they fell prey to some evil tactics without speaking of how they failed miserably in their RESPONSIBILITY to be an engaged and informed citizen not simply a tool of the state. The very mindset of simply referring to those who hold positions of power is what our founding fathers fought against....to free us from the unforgiving dictates of a king removed from how Americans lived their daily lives in the colonies.

To be honest, I struggle to reconcile your conflicting advice to us....especially in light of your recognition that what we have experienced is not merely a product of fear in a pandemic. The COVID crisis as we have experienced it is a symptom of a much greater I’ll rotting away community. And too many ESPECIALLY those who either wish to be absolved of their wrongdoing or who cling fiercely to the narrative do not seem to grasp.

What are we to do about all the side effects and symptoms that the COVID nightmare was about ushering in.....the digital passport, the change in financial systems, tech for everything, more power to WHO and Gates, etc., transfer of wealth to those that helped perpetrate the fraud? All these things are still going on....we need people to understand that COVID was ALWAYS about this bigger agenda. It is not enough to have them simply say they were wrong and the vaccine turns out to not be what they were led to believe.

Please explain how we can forgive these friends, family and neighbors AND continue to raise the alarm about the bigger Agenda which is the real threat to humanity at this point?

In my experience, we are still being labeled conspiracy theorists and even as some who now realize they were wrong about the vaccine stop being jabbed....well, when you try to explain the bigger picture...they do not want to hear any of that (just as they did not want to hear about the vaccine) and so is giving them grace allows them to just dismiss us again and start the whole vicious cycle again. Begins to feel like that 5th Generation Information warfare you describe bogging us down....yet again.

Oh how I wish the spirit of the season could deliver us....but, I have lost too much in the past three years to have your faith. And besides...too many who kicked me still do not see the error of their ways. And I keep thinking of the saying....”You teach people how to treat you.” At this point....not willing to tell these friends it was ok and allow them to have another go at me because I know what is coming....the surveillance state. They will argue that the changes are not bad....like they argued the vaccine was not bad....just wait. That’s where we are headed. I’m going to save my energy for that battle.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

To forgive is NOT to condone. To forgive is to release hate that you hold in yourself. It is about YOU, not about "them." Forgiving frees up energy that had been bound up in hating. Then that energy becomes available for you to be able to think more objectively, and to consider the effectiveness of your own actions and choices. Forgiveness doesn't change "them." It changes you.

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I am not busy hating on them, but I am not willing to just give them a pass saying they were victims. To do so undermines what we are trying to do....that is, demonstrate the BS that is going on and why. That is where I get hung up. I not saying that those who hated on me need to pay. I just think giving them a pass helps those we are up against. It is a tough battle to truly bring them to their senses....that is what we want or NEED in this battle, yes?!?! It is not about hating or forgiveness. It is about desperately trying to fight the ship before we crash into the rocky shore.

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You cannot "bring them to their senses." They can only come to their senses themselves. (...lead a horse to water, can't make them drink...) In the same way that they cannot make you stop hating, only you can do that for yourself...or not.

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Why do you assume I hate? I don’t. I protect myself from more harm by not letting them too close at this point. And yet, I still toss a seed in their direction in the hopes it will take root. Many see that as me “needing to be right”, and others see it as a sign of my conspiracy theorist illness. Both are a bit right....there is a conspiracy all right and I am trying to survive because I know I’m right. No desire to be decidedly apologetic for using my brain. Isn’t that part of what got I in this mess....people ignoring their instincts and knowledge out of fear of being wrong? So they defer to experts and allow themselves to be exploited. Find those you trust...those who are true and not lazy when it comes to truth discernment.

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Leonora -- you have your record player stuck on accusing others, without any foundation, of "hating".

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"The thing is.....and you know this, the war/battle is not limited to the vaccine or the COVID chronicles. "

Absolutely agree and find far too many on substack still fixated on Covid, when it is clearly the precursor to more insidious plans already unfolding. Given that many do not have the time to inform themselves widely enough about this, edification is needed.

Also, stating Carl Jung was an "obscure psychologist ", especially in comparison with Desmet, is not a view that would be shared by many in the field of the history of psychology.

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that was obvious sarcasm regarding Jung. Surely you can see that without comment from me?

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Can’t help but feel that the push towards reconciliation in some respects is going to result in soaking up valuable time that we do not have. Those that brought us COVID lies are busy STIlL using those lies to justify a power grab at the WHO and also the adoption of the health passport/digital Id and let’s not forget the billions of our money they want to pour into the mechanisms of the surveillance state in the name of pandemic “preparedness.” So while we all sing Cumbauya the beast/machine presses ahead. How dumb do they think we are? Good grief?

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The Omnibus bill just passed in the House has plenty for parts of that agenda

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Yes, yes it does. And the same ones that believed Fauci et al will celebrate the righteousness of that spending and will even suggest that it is about doing right by your fellow man. We are being sold a bill of goods that is a Trojan Horse and rotten.

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Laura read Baliwick/ Katherine Watt stack regarding legal aspects. Thank you all Merry Christmas. 🎄

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Yes! See Naomi Wolff’s interview of her husband who has spent countless hours this past week reading the incomprehensible 4000 pages that define that bill:


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And of course....war does not stop for the holidays. We must be mindful. I am a compassionate loving person who has extended myself time and time again to share and give others the benefit of the doubt and to try to increase awareness....planting seeds when I can in any way I can.

Part of me resents the suggestion that my not accepting the failure of others to not think for themselves as being not their fault is somehow a character flaw....it bothers me. Yes, they were misled, and lied to....but then, us...their trusted friends and family, who (we thought they knew) tried to ask questions were treated as the enemy and accused of all the things they are guilty of. I fear no lessons have been learned.

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If we allow them to continue to tear apart the fabric of society and family, we lose. Somehow we must be able to rebuild community and heal families.

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Dr. Malone....I agree. But simply pretending that what has occurred did not by “normalizing” relationships does not help us in the long run with the greater battle? Can you not see that? Nor is it our responsibility to “control” or “fix” their behavior. That too will lead to even darker places.

I do not understand how you can hold integrity, truth and accountability as the values upon which you are suing the Breggins....and in the next breath suggest to us everyday folks that we need to find a way to help heal the tears of the societal fabric that abound in our lives.

Many of us have suffered losses greater than fame or fortune at the hands of our “misguided” neighbors, family and friends. We are in intimate spaces with people who wished us dead, who whisper behind our backs in peer groups, whose children experience hate because their parent is a “conspiracy theorist”, etc. I could go on.

And while it may be the holidays, and I can find grace in my heart to pause and hope for better for humanity.....I cannot pretend that much has changed at all. People are tired....on both sides and want things to just get mopped up and the whole sad affair be put to rest.

They....the perpetrators....are banking on the public being ready to move on. Hence the calls for amnesty, resolution, etc.

What will follow will be some accounting of the loss and harm--with no accountability (not sufficiently real, anyhow). And then, in will swoop the fin/tech elite to rescue us from our devastated state with all their technocratic plans and tools. You do realize and know this is the plan? Yes?

They have torn us down so they can “build back better.” It was always about driving us into a place of chaos, confusion and loss. We are sicker than before, poorer than before, our children’s education has been irrevocably disrupted, not to mention their mental health.

So yeah....they will propose all their pandemic preparedness, victim compensation fund, train our kids on programs in school for social/emotional learning (more behavior modification bullshit) and will step up the career opportunities in tech to create pipelines of employees for the coming gig economy. Oh...and they will build and get connected the 5G.....all in the name of recovery from the pandemic.

Psst....it is called building the digital prison. Do you really mean to tell us that we should forgive our neighbors and friends their COVID transgressions and then follow them into the digital gulag?

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Oh...and Dr. Malone....to give you a very raw example of how some of us are getting by.....

I had a Christmas celebration recently with my in-laws (who continue to jab away, who thought very little of my decision to not vaccinate my daughters and let it be known). I was appropriate, kind, thoughtful in word and deed.

It was last year that my mother went into the hospital for the fourth and final time following her toxic and deadly booster/flu shot combo.

She died. It is an awful tale. But my in-laws expect me to sit and cheerfully celebrate the holiday with them and make no mention or acknowledge that it was last year at this time I lost my mom up close and personal. They don’t mention her despite knowing her well and despite having celebrated numerous holidays in our home with her in attendance....because well, in their mind there is no way it was the vaccine that killed her and I am just a conspiracy theorist whose insistence on focusing on these things is an embarrassment to them.

I live in the same town, many know me and them, I am the outcast....but still expected to play nice for their benefit. And I do, for the most part. But I still plant seeds in hopes of making real change and yes, it is at my expense in a personal level daily. I gave my father-in-law “The Real Anthony Fauci”.....he quickly pushed it aside in a dismissive manner. He and I are both attorneys so I said, “Books has been out for a while now, and no defamation lawsuit has been filed....good for thought.” I’m confident he will not read it.

My question to you....why are you not encouraging people to plant seeds and keep moving in a direction with integrity. Can we really afford to have those like my father-in-law dictating our actions because of their stubbornness and unwillingness to meet us half way?

You filed a lawsuit, but we should find a way to move forward. I don’t begrudge you your lawsuit but careful about speaking to us about the meaning of the season and the need to find ways to move forward with those who have harmed us.

For some reason these days I am sensitive to leaders telling us what we need to do to be good humans, caring towards Mother Earth (climate change narrative) and for our neighbors (take that jab, do it for others if you do not want to do it for yourself) by those whose actions indicate they do not believe what they are telling others.

Again, I do not judge you for your lawsuit....just scratching my head o er the advice you are giving that seems so wildly inconsistent. Or is it that you are somehow different, set apart? Ready to move on perhaps? But what are we moving onto? For many of us there is no going back....normal as it once was has been destroyed in our hearts and that is NOT a failing on our part.

Merry Christmas! And I mean that with hope and respect in my heart. It is important that even within the “resistance” people he allowed to voice their concerns and express their experiences without labeling.

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For many Doc this is their awakening to the fact that they are being played. The other side of that coin is this is the first exposure of most normal folk to really manipulative, evil Mother$%^&*(*!.

So the cognitive dissonance, disbelief, "But we are the good guys (right?)!" and flood of emotions and real data are causing brain melt and panic; the world view of most has been, is being or will be crushed. I would love to have a conversation with Dr. Desmet about culture, media and info warfare.

Fix it? First there will be a fight. Hopefully not a bloody one. Then the leaders sort themselves out and implement the solutions. People adapt and usually do well. Then politicians and grifters come in and muck it all up again.

We have to stay focused and vigilant to avoid that last part...maybe install a Fauci filter.

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People at mass scale realizing they've been played, harmed, manipulated and that they participated in something horrific will be something to see. It will be an epic battle, and I do think ugly, bloody, and chaotic.

The perpetrators have planned for their off ramps in unprecedented transfers of wealth through a senseless war and NATO aggression, through the FTX money laundering caper, and the $1.7 trillion budget of clown projects and defense spending that will provide kickbacks and new placements as landing cushions when they eject from their roles. These funds will refresh the 5G Warfare coffers and that is troubling.

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Yes, yes, yes....but hey, you are being called upon to be a good human and try to mend the ties that bind while the real perpetrators press ahead with their propaganda. We need the focus to shift to the machinery of the beast which is being constructed....cameras, surveillance, 5G, facial recognition, all things digital/tech that life will be “processed” through....a giant ledger on which the fin/tech elite will manage the new social impact markets that treat us as chattel to be managed.

Time is a wasting....and growing short to counter the digital prison being erected.

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Forgiveness is the only way forward. How do they truly become sorry though?

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Mark....this is not my first awakening. Rather, I was awakened in earnest when I saw what Gates, his proxies and my state’s (bought and paid for by the fin/tech elite) we’re doing to our education system in the name of “reform.”

Myself and others were far ahead of the likes of Dr. Malone on the eve of the pandemic.

I tried to share what I knew about the “playbook” of these predatory philanthropists (you would be amazed at the consistency of the measures and tools they use for their propaganda and illusions) and was told by the experts of the resistance....”what for”....there was neither interest or a willingness to connect with those who could have brought Dr. Malone and others up to speed very fast. And those same folks are far more versed in the actions of the predatory philanthropists on a local, state, and federal level (even global).

But again, there seems to be hesitation in employing a means to spread that information widely and with details that might help the resistance. They have the substacks and means through name recognition to help get the nitty gritty out there. Not sure if it is of no appeal because too many are building their “brand” or maybe just reluctant to really piss off the powers behind the curtain in the crazy world of OZ we are living in.

This is theory and philosophy around rights and freedoms---and then there is reality on the ground.

I have not in my state seen any shift away from the original COVID narrative but I do see advances on the front of setting the stage for smart cities, 5G everywhere, likely vaccine mandate on the horizon for school age children, mandates on our college campuses remain.....

Yeah, I’ve been awake enough to know....based on my experience with the education nonsense...

(we pushed back....win the battle but are losing the war even in that area. People went back to life thinking they had stopped the agenda. Meanwhile the state with its fin/tech elite partners and politicians ignored the wishes of the people and proceeded covertly.)

I see that pattern repeating. Pug back on the COVID narrative, make progress, win some of the battle....but make no mistake this war is continuing and our opponents are stepping up their game and timeline. Is now the time for us to celebrate a growing awareness around the toxicity of the vaccine by letting people believe life is going back to normal?

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Well, hating all those people hasn't helped much...

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Where does Ms Garcia state or imply that she "hates" these people?

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I thought the reference to Jung being an obscure psychologist was surely sarcastic.

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thank you. I forgot that sarcasm does not play well on the internet

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Jung got cancelled too, still is in academia. They say he went crazy. Goodnight Irene after that. How else can you understand how to repair another's psychology if you haven't healed yourself? Now they throw lifelong meds at moral injuries.

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If my impressions are correct there was Freud and then Jung, who added God into his theories.

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LOL - right - among many other additions...

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A bit of sarcasm perhaps.

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I'm quite sure that he was joking when he called Jung an obscure psychologist.

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Please. you are hurting me. of course it was.

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I also agree with Laura—and you—except that, in his mention of Jung and other luminaries, I thought Dr. Malone was using wry humor.

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Since I have more understanding now, my thing lately is to speak about the CBDC and digital prison planned for most of Humanity, 24-7 surveillance, 70% less vehicles by 2030, 15 min cities, reeducation camps, social credit system, mandatory chips or digital passport or be prevented from most all necessities or prison or death or whatever THEY decide. Here are the docs proving their plan. Though people are not ready to accept or hear this much either yet. They say to me, “enjoy life” as if Not realizing how close and detrimental these plans are to our near future!! 182 US Mayors have agreed as evidenced in the database below. Plug your country in and it will show you the cities on board already. Ask yourself have those cities mentioned these plans these massive, life-altering plans to their constituents??



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Oh I know!!!! Been on this trail since before the pandemic. It is why I cringe a bit about people placing doctors that have spoke out in a pedestal. This is not about the toxicity of the vaccine. Yes, it is part of it. And I am well versed in these a$$holes ideas around engineering the biology of mankind. But the thing we must ALL see is that COVID and all the nonsensical policies were about breaking western society civilization so these arrogant psychopaths can “build back better.” What they did was intentional and was pure manipulation and propaganda.

My concern is that just focusing on the COVID debacle and the harm done from the vaccine is like a red herring....especially as you suggest that reconciliation and healing must happen. So while many will agree....those who have been in the trenches longer than Dr. Malone will know the danger in limiting the discussions to moving forward through reconciliation without actually naming and calling to account the evil that is busy as we try to survive the last round of lies before they move us to the next chapter. I just don’t understand how on one hand Dr. Malone claims to see the bigger agenda but does not see or is unwilling to acknowledge that the pandemic itself was part of the war....by design. From start to finish. We did not win that battle and truce will only fuel the enemy from where I sit....on the ground, doing battle to protect my children and their future. I am not jetting around the world talking about philosophical questions ideas or contemplating in theoretical ways where we go from here. Still just trying to survive each day, because the battle remains very real for those of us in the literal throes of this war ongoing in our communities. There is no reconciliation going on at that level. It is just the next narrative coming at us from the top down. Or so it seems to me. I know that is probably not a popular opinion here. But free speech demands we consider it, now doesn’t it?!?!

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A number of comments here make me think that forgiveness is being suggested for the perpetrators. I think the idea is to think about a handful of people in your circle that got caught up in all of this, then came to their senses like Tim Robbins or Dr. Aseem Malhotra. Maybe forgive or have some compassion for them. Personally, I don't feel the need for it, part of me is still unhappy with these guys but it doesn't plague me. I am happy that they are here now, doing something. it will be strange to be approached by someone I know for any kind of forgiveness in the future.

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Exactly right.

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Forgiving and forgetting are interesting words from the standpoint that the first one is granting grace and peace to a error of another's behavior or actions.

In the case this Covid scripted theater, if you knew your actions were very harmful, but stayed loyal to the .Gov narrative, you are a criminal, to one of the most horrific attempts of medical induced genocide. Forgetting is something that all mammals do each day when there is little reason to remember.

I advocate this is "NOT" one of those global events to ever forget! As was 9/11.

Forgiving those who were blinded/coerced/mandated in fears, pray for them.

As Christ had said "For they know not what they do"! Question Authority always

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I couldn't forget if I wanted to! It is clear in too short a time societies have forgotten the hard won lessons of WW2.

I think the cadre of people still out there hardcore pushing narrative have truly revealed themselves for the dark or hopelessly hijacked souls that they are. They had their moment in 2022 to jump ship, see the light, make apologies or amends. Some are taking advantage of that last call to be on the right side of history like Dr. Kerryn Phelps the vaccine injured former member of parliament and medical practitioner, but the window is closing in my mind, as we move into 2023.


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Amen...I'm on team B McD H PhD !!

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Yes, I feel this bottom line or the real reason for all that has occurred in the last 3 years is rarely mentioned by many of the warriors. So that definitely begs the question WHY?? Nothing else matters anymore in that light and forgiving others seems minuscule when one understands the PLANS for HUMANITY already apparently far down the road and not addressed enough by our warriors! Does sorta sound a bit patronizing & distracting from the more important issues when the stakes are so high!!

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Lots of battle fronts for sure. It's pretty frustrating when you heat up the phone lines to "representatives" you elected, and they vote the opposite direction anyway. I figure the spiritual front is a good one to defend. Gotta change some hearts and minds.

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It’s critical to convince the younger generation of of the climate communism lie...far too many believe.

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Yup....they are busy marrying the COVID narrative to the climate change narrative. It is part of the plan. Convince us that the two go hand in hand. We are causing pandemics by invading the natural world in unnatural ways.

Oh yes, it is very very obvious for those with eyes to see. Have a look....this from November 2022. Funny that Kirsch thinks that Dr. Horton might have integrity around these issues...


In my state, while the pandemic was supposedly raging and our state departments of health were overworked, etc. our esteemed CDC director (who interestingly was thrown onto the national limelight for his COVID briefings) took time out of his busy schedule to talk to the Natural Resources Council in our state. He pontificated about how the mantra of “do it (get the vaccine) for your neighbor” was an experiment/exercise in figuring out how to tackle climate crisis and impress upon the public that they need to sacrifice for others. The part that kills me every time though is those pushing and claiming we must sacrifice are just living in excess. But I guess they figure we are the dumb cows who must be magnates and they are the brain trusts and should therefore not be held to the same rules. And funny...it is their industries that are driving us further and further away from the natural world. Oh the hypocrisy....the first clue that these guys are about them. And we...well, we are a problem. So first, they need to position themselves where they will have absolute control before they can really begin to call the shots and force compliance. But hey, what do I know?!?

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If the baaaaa sheep can’t see that one Davos man COP 27 jet set private plane oligarchical meet up emits more carbon than you or I will in a million lifetimes...there really is no hope for them. Those still injecting are in the same category....maybe a little less TikTok and a little more substack prescribed for them. If they can still read...

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You have a song title here:

A Little Less TikTok and a Little More Substack.

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Robert, please forgive me if I am overstepping my bounds, but I can tell this situation with the Breggins is hurting you, as it is hurting me, as it is hurting our larger community.

In an ideal world, you would all sit down to dinner together and get to know one another as human beings and fellow resistance fighters. You all ultimately share the same goals—to defeat tyranny and end democide.

Since that is unlikely to happen, I would be honored to mediate a written conversation between you (and Jill if she wishes to join) and the Breggins. I honestly believe this is a misunderstanding that has gotten wildly out of control. I can ask questions to try and clarify any misunderstandings and allow you to respond to one another. You are all adults and capable of respectful dialogue, and perhaps the written format will make it easier for everyone to keep their emotions in check.

Another option is to have Steve Kirsch host a video discussion if you would prefer that format. I have already suggested to that him, and he is game if you are.

Please, in the spirit of Christmas, in the spirit of healing, in the spirit of community, think about it. If you accept, I will reach out to the Breggins, and we can conduct the exchange one question at a time via email.

Thank you, Robert, and best wishes to you and Jill for a joyful and restorative Christmas 🤗

P.S. I think it would be healing for the community if I publish the discussion, perhaps in my "Dissident Dialogues" series, but if publishing it is a deterrent, we can keep it private—whatever you prefer.

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you are probably not aware that Peter Breggin continues to attack, and has stated that his intention is a political takedown. Just because Peter and Ginger wrote a piece that placed them as the victims and showed pictures of their shelties does not make it so. They have attacked, attacked, attacked. And will continue to do so.

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Thank you for responding, Robert, and I am truly sorry you’re having to endure that. That is what I was trying to bring an end to as it is clearly causing you and Jill much anguish. Maybe I am being naïve in thinking a respectful dialogue could clear up these misunderstandings and lead to resolution, but I felt it was worth trying.

If I could get them to agree to stop attacking you and maybe even apologize for past accusations, would you consider dropping the lawsuit? I fear filing that has done you more harm than good, and it would lift a great burden off of you and Jill if we could find a diplomatic way forward.

Another possible approach would be for me to do a separate Dissident Dialogue with each party (Mattias as well), so you wouldn’t have to interact directly, but you could see each other’s responses to each question as they’re published, so the process is fully transparent. The interviews would not focus solely on this issue and would delve into each of your books, backgrounds, and contributions, but I would address the conflict and give each side an opportunity to present their perspective. In their case, I would then probe to clarify what I feel are misunderstandings of both Mattias’s theory and your own role in the sharing of that theory to attempt to rationally explore what has transpired and find a peaceful path forward.

It is probably crazy of me to suggest that considering all I have on my plate, but it is important enough that I felt it was worth offering, and if it would help bring you and Jill peace of mind, I would be honored to facilitate that process.

A mediated real-time conversation would certainly be less time-consuming for everyone, though, so if there is an opportunity to have Russell Brand or another neutral party host such an exchange, it is worth considering.

In any case, please try to forget about all of this for now and enjoy a merry Christmas with Jill and your horses 🤗🐎

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I think Dr Malone has been saying that the Breggins will not agree to mediation and that he has tried. I, also, believe all of this is wrong. Certainly the Breggins are wrong. And should stop. But it seems many folks have offered mediation and that the Breggins have rejected it. I understand why the Malones want to sue. I wouldn’t do it because I don’t believe it will resolve anything and it will cause untold grief on both sides along with more hate and all the infighting. But The Malones have, after hearing much discussion hear and elsewhere, made their choice and as the wronged parties (at the end of the day, they are) they feel this way forward is the best. I am curious as to whether you have any influence with the Breggins. Have you approached them with this idea? Are they willing? If you have and they are that should have been presented - maybe in private, but presented. If you haven’t, it seems pretty clear they aren’t interested. What do you base your ability to sway them on? Just curious as I’ve seen Dr Malone state over and over again that discussion and such has been tried and has been rejected by them.

I will say that this whole thing...COVID, the lockdowns, masks, injections, the coming tyranny. It’s enough to cause the most sane to lose their sanity. Either in bits and pieces; in big chunks; off and on; or permanently. I remember Dr Mercola mentioning thst one’s sanity in all of this could be a casualty. Also Desmet saying much the same. The Breggins may have lost theirs. They have been through a lot and fought the fight for a long time and also, perhaps, may have slipped from being two against the hell and slipping to feeling they own the fight, personally and that no one else has a right to lead it. The intensity of their attacks and unwillingness to accept mediation or to stop even in the face of a destructive lawsuit would argue to that loss of sanity. The lawsuit won’t make that better, of course and only deepen it. But as grounded as I like to think I am, I can feel mine slipping some days. My point is, if they have lost their groundedness and/or sanity then you won’t be able to reach them. Much as I disagree with the lawsuit - and it’s not my place to insist one way or another as it’s not my path to walk - the Breggins, too, have choices they can make. And made them. And apparently seem to be clinging to those choices to their possible destruction. I disagree with their behavior most fervently. But they made a choice. They have that right, even if it destroys them. We probably need to send both parties our love and support in our prayers and meditations and hope the darkness clears from the eyes that need that clearing and that Grace attends them and all of us in the end.

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I have not approached the Breggins and have no relationship with them, but they have been on my mailing list for quite a while, and I know they respect me and my work.

They cross-posted my letter to Ron Johnson (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-senator-ron-johnson) the other day with the note, “You inspire hope! May God guide Senator Johnson and his colleagues.” They also tweeted my letter at Ron Johnson saying, “An excellent plan that could turn this catastrophe even now.” I thanked them for cross-posting and sharing my letter with Ron Johnson, and that is the extent of our interactions.

I believe I may be uniquely positioned to negotiate a truce because both parties trust me and know I would engage in a good-faith effort to listen to their perspectives. I consider Robert a friend, and I believe the feeling is mutual. He knows I have endured numerous attacks because of my association with him and have defended him on multiple occasions.

Simultaneously, the Breggins understand my allegiance is to the truth, and I would listen carefully to their viewpoint. If their position is as I understand it, I think they are making some key logical errors that I would be able to dispel. If I can get them to concede those points, they may be willing to stop their attacks and apologize for past remarks.

I have been writing about mass control since my first essay (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-primer-for-the-propagandized), long before I had ever heard of Mattias or mass formation, which I have also been studying since his first appearance on the Corona Investigative Committee. I understand the history of this theory and have read many of the authors who have informed his research (e.g., Gustave Le Bon, Joost Meerloo, Hannah Arendt, Edward Bernays). I believe this would enable me to elucidate some of the confusion surrounding this concept and help them separate it from Mattias and Robert.

I would be fully transparent with both parties while emphasizing our mutual goals of defeating tyranny, ending democide, and bringing justice to the perpetrators.

Both parties would benefit from a peaceful resolution. Robert would like them to stop their attacks and apologize for past defamatory remarks, and the Breggins would like the lawsuit dropped. Fissures in the medical freedom movement would be healed, which also satisfies our shared goals.

If Robert feels this is a worthwhile pursuit, I would approach them. He knows I care for him and have his best interests at heart as well as those of the overall movement.

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Then if anyone could bring them to mediation it might be you. Thank you for answering the question. I wish this whole hurt could be healed and I’m sure many do as well. Many of us have been attacked from speaking truth over the past decades and many more will be in the next few years I fear. In an environment that is more dangerous now than it used to be. I still don’t think the lawsuit is the right way to go as the whole thing is polarizing us all at a time when we can’t afford that. But Dr Malone may have deeper concerns from this than we are aware of. There might be a concern that the Breggins’ attack could bring about some repercussions from folks looking for an excuse to take out visible leadership to the opposition of what is going on. That actually could backfire on the Breggins in time as well. But unleashing such things would not be good so maybe the Malones feel a deeper threat if they don’t find a way to stop Breggin’s attacks. I hope and will pray you can facilitate that outside a court of law since it would help us all. I respect the work done by the Breggins in years past. However, I would get some advice from someone in the world of psychology since I think there is an aspect to Peter Breggins’ personality that may make it impossible for him to hear anyone argue against him as that might be how he would view your offer to mediate. Which might cause him to turn on you as well. So be careful.

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Jesus said that forgiveness is the way forward. Forgive Peter Breggin as you forgive Hitler for they "know not what they do". They have undiagnosed mental disorders that are viewed as traits of sanity in a psychopathic culture.

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Yes, absolutely forgiveness, but it is only appropriate when asked - when an appeal has been made for having done wrong. If one never admits they were in the wrong and asks for forgiveness, then there is nothing to forgive them for.

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I don’t know these two, but have heard their names in recent months. I hope they are receiving wise counsel.

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Things like this always make we wish we could pull back the curtain and see if any funding is involved. The motivation seems so inexplicable - but maybe it isn't.

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A good hearted and well meaning proposal, reflecting the desire of many to resolve this situation. But what mystifies me is that the disagreement is really between the Breggins and Mattias Desmet. Why not reach out and organize a round table with them? Perhaps it easier for Peter Breggin to attack Dr. Malone, newer on the scene and less intimidating than Desmet who apparently has established himself for years. Such an event would best be hosted by someone the world knows like a Russell Brand, Joe Rogan, or a Jimmy Dore who come to mind for their humor, intensity, depth of understanding of the many issues and a genuine desire to resolve conflicts that are impeding the larger goals. Or maybe Bret Weinstein if both sides agreeable.

Preparation for a round table should stay focused on the Mass Formation subject and include coverage of the rumors that have been whispered among folks: that Desmet came out of nowhere, he is an invention of the deep state, that his work itself is some form of information warfare. And thus, this is why he is Malone's new sidekick. And if you really want to get all that out on the table, invite people to the discussion who are implying these things. Set the record straight and find some sort of common understanding. For example, I was astonished when I first looked into the Breggin blow up to discover these sorts of ideas being tossed around in an interview between Catherine Austin Fitts and Daniel Liszt. I have been a fan of Fitt's work in the past, and she is active in Tennessee in innovative projects. She is supporting many other doctors, freedom movement people as well with her Solari organization. It is the responsibility of Desmet to defend and educate others about his own work, not a third party who found it particularly useful.

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Thank you, Betsy. It would certainly be a good idea to involve Mattias, but Robert is the one who has filed the lawsuit and who is losing sleep over this, so he would need to participate to accomplish the goal of achieving both internal and external peace and healing.

If a roundtable with Russell Brand could be arranged, that would be amazing, and I do think he is capable of bridging the divide and finding common ground. Bret Weinstein would be a good option as well. Jimmy is great but doesn’t seem like the best option for a mediator in a serious situation like this, and I doubt Rogan would touch it as he buckled under pressure from Spotify to back off anything that threatens the COVID narrative.

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I think the lawsuit will dissolve itself if Breggin and Desmet could come to understand each other. It would force Breggin to rethink his assumptions about the Mass Formation concept and who Desmet is. And that meeting of the minds could be helpful to many if accomplished.

Jimmy Dore can be dead serious as needs be, and use humor, sometimes wickedly to make a point, and sometimes to defuse tension. He has been covering the Ukraine NATO war brilliantly and has had beautiful extended interviews with Dr. Kheriaty about his new book. Dore was vaccine injured. He would be a top choice frankly. Freddie Sayers from The UnHerd would be excellent too.

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Good to know about Jimmy. I’d say whomever is willing to host and all participating parties feel comfortable with—any of them could do a good job.

Mattias previously reached out to the Breggins about having a constructive conversation (https://mattiasdesmet.substack.com/p/am-i-an-expert-in-mass-formation) and received no response, so I’m not sure it would be any more successful this time unless Robert is involved since more is at stake for them to come to a resolution.

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Would you please, if you can, provide a link to the CAF and Liszt interview?

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The material is on the Solari Website, most of which is behind an expensive paywall for subscribers. I subscribed in 2022 and have in the past here and there. Fitts produces extensive material, beautifully prepared, quarterly reports. Her work includes thinking about preparedness, financial safety, safe investing and is global. She highlights weekly heroes like Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Zev Zelenko, and our Indiana's Dr. Dan Stock.

Some of the statements Dr. Breggin makes in his claims come straight out of materials on her website. I posted snippets of these statements before here and alerted Dr. Malone when he started writing about the Breggin problem. No one read it except two people who attacked me for posting it with my questions, which warded off other readers I suppose, so that was a pleasant experience.

As with a reputable reporter who does due diligence before filing a story, I am mystified as to why Fitts didn't call or write Malone for comment before she wrote such inflammatory things in her reports and spoke about it in interviews. Given her feelings about Desmet and that Fitts is an established publisher and communicator I would have thought she would have invited him for a point counterpoint kind of interview to deepen understanding. I was and am distressed by this situation. I wrote to the Solari subscriber portal wanting to know how I could follow up on some of her published material and did not hear back. Her platform is not built to be interactive like Substack which is a big drawback.

Like Alex Jones, Joseph P. Farrell, and others, Fitts has been in this business a long time, warning correctly and astutely about government and societal threats. She was all over 9-11, missing trillions in the defense budget, the reasons for the financial crises, and the coming space wars. There will be no calming of the story with the Breggins until there is a conversation that includes Catherine Austin Fitts.

I see three things drawing out this conflict 1) There hasn't been a careful reading by detractors of all the material Dr. Malone has outlined in his personal accounts of his timeline here and elsewhere. 2) Speaking of forgiveness, while many others can be heralded as heroes and freedom lions, Dr. Malone will not be forgiven by some for any role he had in the early stages of his career that might have contributed to the vaccines and to biodefense in general; he is a modern Oppenheimer. 3) The ongoing stubbornness and determination not to communicate in private or in public by the Breggins and their colleagues to settle differences for the common good.

It may only be that a lawsuit forces this conversation to take place. And if it happens, we could all be better off for it, rather than letting this fester.

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Thank you for the observations about Austin Fits. Others have offered similar observations.

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None of us commenting here have first hand knowledge of the actual events, and should govern ourselves accordingly. Catherine Austin Fitts has spoken of her personal experience with Dr. Peter Breggins, as is appropriate, and she has given some very reasonable and rather mild insight on the entire situation, in my personal opinion. Her comment on the Refiner's Fire I found particularly appropriate, and rather insightful.

The Breggins are fighters, imho, and Dr. Malone strikes me more as an intellectual, and while I am very grateful for his speaking out, (despite the risks, and downsides of doing so,) perhaps he cannot see this through the more "human" and heart centered approach required to forgive and let go, allowing time to prove who he really is, instead of attacking back,

or to just accept the challenge to prove where his foundation r lies.

But whatever is happening here, I cannot help but cringe for our Medical Freedom Family.

And I also fear more "monsters" will jump out of the closets-- there are lots of newcomers to our ranks and some will necessarily come to sow discord and confusion, not to help us win this battle, once and for all as is our goal!

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Thanks for your comprehensive reply!

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Whole heartedly agree!

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Whole heartedly disagree.

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Please consider your title above deeply, and also consider dropping your suit against the Breggins this Christmas, Dr. Malone.

I truly wish to see you as one of the "good guys," especially as you are a fellow horse-lover.

But this action of yours gives me very grave concerns that you are not holding the higher frequencies I would hope for. Peter and Ginger have a lifetime of fighting for human dignity, and your background would give anyone concerns if we are honest, imo.

Look again at the situation and consider, please. They are elderly. Not wealthy. Not inside the bio-medical industrial security state.

Forgive them their fears. It's natural given the circumstances, even if they pushed too hard.

"Let him without sin throw the first stone."

Words are not lawsuits. Nor is an interview or conversation equal to 25 million dollars, especially for people who do not have wealth.

If you pursue this course against these people it will only harm the medical freedom movement and cast a cold chill over anyone who voices their concerns. I hope that is not the intended goal. And also consider perhaps that

the Refiner's Fire Catherine Austin Fitts speaks of is real. Sometimes we should shrug off attacks and give a problem time and understanding, rather than turning up the heat and making two wrongs, and more severe ones, out of the original.


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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Attacking Dr. Malone didn't do anything for the medical freedom movement. This lawsuit seems to me to be a cease and desist tactic. they had multiple chances to stop their attack but ego intervened.

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A rather strong assessment on Breggin effect on medical freedom. Worked in the biomed field for 30 yrs and have harbored strong reservations about the control over lives held by medicos yet wouldn't recognize a Berggin if one bit me on the ankle. I imagine that can also be said for the majority of us who share that sentiment. Never heard the name except on this substack. They may be all you believe them to be but that does not give them the right or freedom to libel anyone they capriciously decide to and Dr. Malone's reputation is too important to allow it to be besmirched by libelous commentary, particularly so if they are as largely received as you believe.

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Dr. Peter Breggin has accomplished some remarkable feats. He is another generation back. It really is worth looking into his record. He has taken the government to court to successfully stop ongoing practices of lobotomy and electroshock. He was early and right about the many problems with antidepressant medications. He has taken risks for the public good, he has endured targeting and harassment by big pharma for it, and has been outspoken in very many of the same ways that Malone is now. That is why this situation is so distressing and inexplicable. The Breggins have made a terrible mistake this time and it is a damn shame.

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Known in a specialized area of medicine. So why I never knew of him. Am not disparaging his work but as I indicated it is the name recognition he enjoys that make libelous comments from him less acceptable. Cannot see how Dr. Malone can simply ignore them..

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Again, Breggin is widely known by a large lay public who follows him on a variety of radio shows for years. Kind of like Joe Mercola. Breggin is from another era, but still active.

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And that justifies bad behavior?????

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Not at all, I am setting some context for why this so upsetting for the audiences. For example it is likely that as many truckers know who Dr. Breggin is as they do Dr. Malone, because of the radio presence for many years. I am commenting on your belief in Breggin's obscurity which he is not. You will not find me anywhere in all these posts justifying Breggin's current behavior. in fact you will find many comments probing into the reasons it might be happening, with contribution from other voices like Catherine Austin Fitts.

But people calling Breggin senile, a jealous old man, a has been or a fool, a hater is not capturing what is happening or edifying.

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Did it ever occur to you that there may be some basis to the Breggins concerns? Who here ever heard of Dr. Robert Malone, up until 2020, or 2021, or 2022? While I am not arguing that there is, I am arguing that anyone who holds those concerns is not being unreasonable in my view. However, just as I think Dr. Malone should hold his peace, I also think the Breggins should have as well. That said,

no one should be naive; the Medical Freedom Movement is gaining a huge amount of traction, and therefore MUST be destroyed, if the industrial bio-security state system is to succeed.

Pharma has mated with government, big tech and the security state. The amount of money and power available to those combined entities is nothing short of breathtaking.

What wouldn't they do to position individuals, (with or without their knowing,) to cause chaos?

We absolutely need to be very careful with anyone who is new to this movement.

"By their actions yea shall know them;"

pleasing words are easy to come by.

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I don't even remember what exactly Breggins said about Bob. Nor do I care. It's just a datapoint in a tumultuous sea of info.I only care about Bob's scientific commentary. Bob has blown it way out of proportion. His reputation is too strong to be affected in a material way.

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To me the worst of the issue is the formidable enemies and war for the sole of our world that confronts us. The UN, WHO, WEF, CCP want to rule the world and command the masses they allow to survive.

We need to learn, understand the threats and work together to see their aspirations are not realized. The treat is REAL! To splinter our unity damages our abilities to oppose.

Our beloved Doctors promote our learning and the unity of our purposes. They do not devolve into personal aspirations and attacks amongst each other.

May they and we be blessed and supported in our quest for better tomorrows!

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These are wonderful thoughts of forgiveness for this Christmas morning 2022! Bless You! However, I'm sad to be overtaken with a need to reply to your list of external enemies 'wanting to rule the world' and your thoughts on beloved Doctors. The Devil is within not coming from external forces. What was once thought of as 'Our Government', allows it's agencies (FDA, USDA, NIH, CDC) and countless others along with NGOs (AMA, ADA) to turn a blind eye to our contaminated food supply. I'm not talking about GMO, Glyphosate and all that but rather the ultra processed substances that pass as our food supply that are driving metabolic disorders in pandemic proportions. 88% of Americans have some form of metabolic disorder with Type 2 Diabetes at 37.3M and pre-diabetes at 96M of our population. (CDC numbers if you want to trust them for numbers) Sugar added in massive amounts to everything we consume starting with our newborns. Babies 1 year old have Type 2 Diabetes. America is getting sicker by the day. So our government protected BIG FOOD Complex makes us sick while earning billions and billions while our BIG MEDICAL, BIG PHARMA Complex makes their billions and billions treating the symptoms but of course never curing anything at all. Keep the profits flowing above all. On top of that, not a single phrase from the FDA, CDC, NIH or most doctors during Covid19 telling us to get early treatment, clean up your diet , get sleep, lose some weight and exercise. BIG MEDICINE makes our doctors 'run in their lanes'. If they get out of their lane they're punished or ostracized. All this allowed for profit because the Government, not 'our' Government, has allowed millions to die over the last 5 decades to keep huge political contributors contributing. The deaths during the Covid19 pandemic are small compared to what Hell has been allowed to occur to enable BIG TOBACCO, BIG FOOD, BIG PHARMA, BIG MEDICINE to buy the politicians of their choices. America is destroying America...!

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The Breggins are fools and haters and should be made examples for other fools and haters.

Ho Ho Ho

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So glad to hear you've decided to drop the lawsuit.

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Did he? I'm glad. It will takek too much out of Dr. Malone to mess with that.

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RemovedDec 24, 2022·edited Dec 25, 2022
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Must mere speech have consequences? Legal ones?

People say all kinds of terrible things, true and untrue. We've all been called "murderers" by politicians and the media. Sticks and stones.

We like you, doc, but it is indefensible to be using the courts to silence critics while posing as an icon of free speech. It's, um, not Hippocratical. Harm is being done.

It's very hard to watch. Please reconsider, for the good of the freedom movement.

It's all we want for Christmas.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Holding people accountable for spreading lies is different from "silencing critics". This is not difficult to understand. You must know this.

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The first item in the complaint is about the term "controlled opposition".

Remember when Malone called Alex Berenson "controlled opposition"?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.

They didn't say anything that we aren't saying about Bill Gates. He's called a murderer all the time. This is a very bad precedent to set. Do you want people to get sued when they say these things about the people we accuse with strong language? That's where this leads.

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Free speech has consequences and those who abuse it can't complain if they have to pay for that abuse. You advocate for freedom yet you would constrain Robert's right to just recourse?

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What has anyone done to him, other than voice harsh criticisms that would remain obscure if he simply ignored them?

"Free speech has consequences." Indeed. The consequence is tolerating the free speech of others.

Why then is litigation required?

What, exactly, did anyone do that cost $25 million in damages in any Universe?

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Fabricating lies is NOT "voicing harsh criticisms". Lies can harm others. And when harm occurs, the guilty party should be held accountable for the harm. Importabtly, no-one is seeking to deny Breggins their free speach. Please stop the false framing.

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Cite an example. What lie? What harm?

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Except the attacks against Robert were not to his face in private, nor would they discuss their concerns with Robert to come to be enlightened, therefore they reap what they sow. I am sure if they retract so will Robert drop the case.

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Everyone is speaking for others here. Who knows what another person will or will not do?

Catherine Austin Fitts has said that in all the years she has been dealing with the "problem, " (corruption and dark forces inside our establishment,) Peter Breggin has been a strong, but fair voice. Will challenge, but will only do so to move forward in the pursuit of Medical Freedom and human dignity.

Who is Dr. Robert Malone? Honestly we have no idea. He is much too new in this arena.

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Does that mean that you are not dropping the lawsuit? I’m confused?

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Air Lift Underground decided that being a dick at Christmas was an appropriate thing to do.

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Interesting that Dr. Malone approves of profane ad hominems, but not challenges to his consistency.

This post, about forgiveness, rings hollow in the face of this vindictive legal action.

You can use your free speech as you wish, enjoy it while it while it lasts.

You have joined team censorship.

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"And the Pharaoh hardened his heart; and he would not let the people go."

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aaaww, come on, Man!

Does that mean that you are not dropping the lawsuit? I’m confused?

STILL corn-fused!

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Happily, your quote doesn't apply. Dr. Malone is in no way hard-hearted!

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Evil. Until the last three years, I felt evil was only in the realm of fantasy. But, no longer. Because of this, I never think about forgiving the Tim Robbinses. It feels like there's nothing to forgive. Eventually, they are going to run into evil, just like the rest of us. So I focus forward, paying little to no attention to the past. The omnibus bill and the adoration of Zelensky means many moves have just been made against us. There are now articles appearing about gel bots (why is it always Johns Hopkins?) I don't know how we are going to get out of this, but I'm comforted by having witnessed so many miracles over the last two years. So often, when things seemed inevitable, the most amazing turn of events would happen in favor of freedom. So I have faith.

Merry Christmas.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Two things come to mind: first that many people (too bad not a majority) know that you are being discredited and censored and ostracized because they can't debate you. They can't win and they know it. So if you are discredited, so is everything you say. It's a totalitarian tactic--as well as accusing the opposition of just what you are doing.

Second: I used to just blame politicians and think of them as evil, not the easily led liberals who seemed to have good hearts. I just cannot feel that way anymore no matter how I try. In my state, they voted for late term abortion with no restrictions (mother's "mental health" is all that's needed); they are giving children hormones and surgery before they can possibly know about their sexuality; they voted for no voter ID?; they are censoring us. I had my writing and teaching career ruined and it was not politicians who did it. All the literary community in Michigan excommunicated me. I know hating them only hurts me, so I'm trying to get it in my head, do the best I can and not hate them, but it's really hard. I've been struggling with how to make a difference and not let this consume me.

I have to hand it to you that you are able to do it. You are a lovely person.

But I have to tell you, I just got rid of a family member because of the things he was saying about you. I just couldn't take it. What happened to you (and me) should never happen. It just shouldn't.

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The plandemic separated us into two groups: One group who begged to be ruled upon and another group who valued freedom as much as life, and I see little separation between freedom and life for without freedom, what is life? When the next "emergency" is upon us, the majority of the first group will again drop to their knees, say f*ck your freedom and beg to be ruled and abused by their oppressors. Trust me, when faced with the next "Catastrophic Contagion", folks will again separate into the aforementioned groups, but I hope there are more of us in the second group the next time.

Forgiveness is not necessary for some of us to live unburdened by the atrocious acts committed against us. In the case of those who wished death upon me and my family, forgiveness will not come until accounts have been taken and a sincere forgiving of their misdeeds are requested. I will not be holding my breath and I care little for those who heaped abuse and destruction upon me or anyone else.

We'll see where those folks like Tim Robbins stands when the next phase of the great reset is put into motion. This psychological warfare was deployed so the WEF and its stooges could clearly see which group we willingly separated ourselves into.

Here in Maryland, people cannot wait for schools to mandate the jab to attend school. Wait until the new governor takes office and how quickly this happens. This is far from over. FAR!!!!!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

BTW--I love Mattias Desmet!

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"But I plead that each of us keeps in mind that if we are to overcome the damage done, by policy, propaganda and needle, we will be well served to keep in mind that your friends, family and daily associates have been subjected to an intentional process specifically designed to coerce and compel compliance with the desires of the state. Some have been able to resist, for a variety of reasons, and others have succumbed to the power of the weapons deployed against us. I ask that you please strive to forgive those who were not able to resist, and recognize them as victims of fifth generation warfare methods deployed against our minds."

Thank you for this reminder, the tensions within my family feel like scar tissue. I just keep on loving and having compassion but the underlying hostility is palpable. It's almost as if they resent life getting back to normal, many are getting Covid and it's no worse than a flu or a cold, and this is somehow disturbing to them. It's the hardened heart and mind from mass formation psychosis, so lost and so angry. Evil is real. Thank you and Jill for your humility and continued perseverance. Our joy should never be tied to our circumstances, people, job or the government; we celebrate the birth of our Joy tonight, the Lord Jesus Christ came to die in order to save us from sin, death and the evil one, He forgives and so should we...Blessed Christmas

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I don't think life is anywhere near back to normal. I'm just waiting for the next attack and trying to warn others. Regardless, you ended your comments with the only true hope we have. Amen.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've nearly finished reading and here's the rest of my unsolicited review of "Lies". The book is a devastating assault against globalist scientist medical tyranny on multiple fronts. Along with chapters written by other wonderful contributors including Nass, Marik, Kory, Bhattacharya, Dowd, Loe Fischer, Desmet and others, the scientific, ethical and philosophical arguments promoting the lockdowns and vaxx mandates are crushed. The deliberate lies and deception employed to bolster the failed arguments are laid bare. The chapters on CDC fraud and modeler fraud are by themselves woth the price of the book. But there is much more. The perversion of our individual morality and conscience in order to enable a totalitarian enslavement of humanity using the false pretext of public health emergency is beautifully explained. It is an irresistably powerful and wonderful book. I am sorry the in-fighting seems yet unresolved. I must say that if Dr. Malone is controlled opposition, then I hope they will send more like him to quickly decimate and bury the vile global totalitarian scheme now and for all time.

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

RFK Jr. said the same thing to Dr. Malone in an interview a week or two ago, if Malone is controlled opposition, well then please send us about 10 more!

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I had made a point a few days ago that it appears nearly all of the leaders of all countries are into this totalitarian globalism lock stock and barrel. Why are there no leaders that provide positive solutions that could make at least their society expand in a healthy positive way. It’s so unreal that every country in this world at this moment in time has fallen to this state by the being taught or it’s seems bribed . Are there any exceptions?

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There has never been a better demonstration for why global and large centralized overfunded "leadership" has never led to benefits or peace for humanity. That structure is the enemy, it doesn't matter who occupies the seats. Roman historians and philosopers warned us about that.

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I guess it’s me and the trouble I have wrapping my head around people who don’t see that shining city on the hill as Reagan said. There will be no country for people to to flee to like Merrick Garlands grandparents that fled the Pale Settlement in western Russia. And all the other millions that came like my mothers parents in the early 1900’s. I wouldn’t take a trillion dollars to ruin this country or constitution. I would fix it for the people to thrive. Thanks for responding Dr. , hope you and your family have a great relaxing day.

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Well said my friend!! Many blessings to you and your loved ones this Christmas season!!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Beautiful sentiment for Christmas season..🙏

Sending love and strength to you Dr Malone, to not let them grind you down.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Joost Merloo coined the term "mass psychosis" in 1933. I believe he was was the first pioneer in the subject of brain washing with propaganda. Look up "Rape of the Mind: The psychology of mind control, mentacide, and brain washing.


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Would it be correct to say Joseph Goebbels the Nazi propagandist practised the same "mass psychosus" on the German people in the 1930's? Is it any different from what we see today?

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Not familiar with Joseph Goebbels. Look up Edward Bernays. He was Freud's cousin and an expert in Nazi propaganda. I'll check out Goebbels...

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Dec 25, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Had my monthly hike with a friend I've known for almost 20 years -- 2+ vigorous hours, uphill and downhill. He's part of the 30% "hypnotized" under Desmet's theory; I'm part of the 20-30% "resistance".

I pointed out that 2 to 3 years ago, I was in the small minority of Americans -- and the only one among my circle of Silicon Valley over-educated friends -- who was an "anti-vax (read: anti-gene therapy)" "conspiracy theorist (read: "not so daft)". 81% of Americans have taken at least one jab.

Me? Zero jabs! My blood is clean!! I'm among the 19% of Americans with virgin blood (as are my wife, kid, and mother in law).

Today, only 15% of Americans have taken the bivalent jab. My friend (and his wife, and mother, and kids) is part of that 15%.

Only 3 years in, I am now in the super-majority of 85% of Americans who say "no jab for me, no mo'!" (including Dr. Malone).

The tables have been turned and now it's my hypnotized friend who is the weirdo in the tiny minority who feels the need to explain what the hell happened to the rest of the 81%. He thinks: "Are they just in denial? Palo Alto found the highest concentration of covid in the sewage this week! Run for the hills!"

I say: "They probably found pseudo-U spikes from the jabs ... you know about spike shedding for people like you, don't you?"

He described his current life as a bit miserable. His over-reaction to Covid killed his consultancy business, and his family -- who he claims listened to his guidance for their 5X jabs -- are now getting rather tired of him.

If I was a better person, I'd feel at least a bit of sympathy for his suffering, if not empathy since I was the despised minority just 2 years ago.

But I'm not. :)

Happy Holidays all! (Merry Christmas, and Winter Solstice)

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