I see my endocrinologist in May. I'll print this article and take it with me. COVID has been beneficial to me in that it has caused me to see out information and learn many new things. Had it not been for COVID I would not have become acquainted with Dr. Malone, his Substack and his many interviews. (The Candace Owens interview is mind blowing). The FLCCC.net site has helped me to boost my immune system. Since taking Black Seed Oil my fasting blood sugar has come down to 100 daily. I learned about Vitamin K2 for bone health in addition to calcium, magnesium, zinc and Vitamin D and added it to my daily regimen. Thank you, Dr. Malone, for expanding my knowledge.

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Which brand of black seed oil do you use? I usually look to Consumer Labs to inform me, but they haven't tested black seed oil. Thanks

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I read the negative comments on at least a dozen brands listed on Amazon. Gaia brand is currently unavailable. I am nearly finishing Orzax brand Black Seed Oil. I would definitely order this again. I also have a subscription to Consumer Labs but they don't test everything in the category. Sometimes when I am searching their recommended product on Amazon and also reading all the negative comments of the other available products in that category I decide to go with another brand.

Black Seed Oil is supposed to lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar and control the appetite as well as support the immune system. My blood pressure is find and my blood sugar hasn't been that awful even though I am diabetes 2 but since taking Black Seed Oil daily (one capsule with breakfast) it has come down to 100 fasting every morning. (fluctuation 89-112 but mainly at 100). Most days I have eliminated one dose of Metformin and have on occasion eliminated both doses of Metformin with nearly no effect.

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Thank you. I've been adding black cumin seeds to my food for years, but I'm more consistently take supplements. Always good to get the advice of the more experienced with any particular supplement.

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I am using myself as the guinea pig. I would suspect black seed oil is more concentrated than the seeds alone. They used a cold pressed process similar to pressing olives for olive oil. I would have been skeptical but FLCCC.net had it on its list to boost immunity, especially if you could not get Ivermectin. I trust FLCCC.net and use their immunity boosting protocols including Quercetin, zinc, Vit C, Vit D daily. I recently added Vitamin K2 after seeing it on the list and then searching out and listening to at least a dozen different videos on it. Dr. Susan Brown has a series of excellent, short (love short) videos on bone health and she recommends Vitamin K2. Vitamin K2 is NOT Vitamin K1 which is the clotting vitamin. K2 (the MK7 form is preferred) moves calcium from the bloodstream into the bones. It helps to prevent calcium deposits forming in the arteries. Over time it will strengthen the calcium matrix in the bones and jaw.

Back to Black Seed Oil. It can be purchased in liquid form but most places don't recommend this way to take it because it has a bitter taste and can cause unpleasant reflux. I prefer the capsule anyway and it is easy to take the one per day.

It took about 3 weeks of taking once per day for my fasting blood sugar to drop to a normal range. It's the only change I made. I have noticed my appetite has decreased slightly and sweet foods don't taste good.

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Agree, FLCCC has been so informative from the beginning.

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Thank you!

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Thank you for the suggestion but I can purchase it on Amazon, (or at my local health food store) and have it the next day.

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I recently ordered Mercola's Black Seed Oil, it's Biodynamic, which is supposed to be much better. https://products.mercolamarket.com/black-seed-oil/

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I also buy Mercola's Black Seed Oil and like you mentioned, it's Biodynamic. It's from Egypt.

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I bet his is good too. I buy several things from his store.

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Yep, you can't beat Dr. M for products & for information! But it's very hard for me to stomach the oil, even in my morning Juice Plus chocolate shake...I don't like the oily consistency.

I was just looking at two different brands of gel caps, one 500 mg, the other 1000 mg. Both on Amazon, & both highly recommended. ORZAX is the 1000 mg., Life Extensions is the 500 mg. I think I'll be trying those, lol.

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I am a vitamin clerk so I will look at the one we have at work and let you know which brand it is. I don’t mind an oily consistency but I know many can’t stomach it. I try to avoid products on Amazon and if able, attempt to buy from the company directly and sometimes it actually cost less than on Amazon. I’ll get back to on that brand by tomorrow since I’m working later today.

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As a side note: due to success of some brands, I just stick with what I’ve been buying instead of purchasing it at work. I’ve had a lot of stomach issues so I am sticking with what I know agrees with me.

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I use Andreas Seed Oils. They are the best I’ve found so far along with Heritage but I prefer Andreas and they often have sales

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Looks like they only sell the liquid.

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Yes, they do but I like that they make in small batches and I am confident of how fresh it is.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

I was just looking at two different brands of gel caps, one 500 mg, the other 1000 mg. Both on Amazon, & both highly recommended. ORZAX is the 1000 mg., Life Extensions is the 500 mg. I think I'll be trying those, as I just have a hard time with the oily consistency, taking the oil in my morning shake.

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Mar 29, 2022·edited Mar 29, 2022

I get my black see oil from a middle eastern store. They use it in the middle east for everything and have for hundreds of years.

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Thank you. I'll look for it when next I get to the Middle Eastern grocery store.

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We only use PVC piping for sewer lines now, not intake and soy isn't good for woman with breast/bone or ovarian cancers. I'll forgo the chemicals that I can and don't trust hormone replacement either. Vitamin D, sun, good protein, less sugars and exercise for us boomers but thank you for the information doctor, appreciate you.

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Sublingual vitamin B has been a wonder for me. Functions as both energy booster and anti-depressant. That said, I'm definitely looking into what is presented in this article.

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When you say "we", are you speaking of your family only? I live in an 8-yr-old house and all of the intake water lines are made of PVC.

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Most northern states use copper for all water intake lines and PVC only for waste water. Not sure if it’s because of freeze tolerances.

But most southern states use PEX tubing for water intake lines and PVC for waste water.

I have used both and I prefer the copper pipe for water intake.

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We had copper when we lived in Michigan. Thanks for the information.

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For some strange reason an alarm bell jolted my brain when I read the words "safe and effective."

Dr. Malone, like so many others I greatly appreciate the sacrifices you are making and the work you are doing! The struggle we are presently confronted with is, as Dr. Zev Zelenko has stated, is a truly a struggle between Satan and God. God commanded Noah and his sons "Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth." This is the opposite of the globalist, climate alarmists who believe the activities of humans, the subsequent use of energy and the production of green house gases are destroying the earth. Their solution is to impose a one world government and to depopulate the earth by every means available: plandemics, sterilization through "vaccination", forced abortions and war. They have no respect for human life, rights, or freedom.

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Good point on the "be fruitful & multiply" -- I hadn't thought of that, but that definitely doesn't even begin to advocate depopulation! Of course, those pushing for depopulation are not Christians...they're following Satan.

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I agree.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is such an important piece. Dr. Malone, thank you for looking out for our health from many different angles. The volume of content you share with your substack audience with all of your other commitments is impressive!

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so confused by the bowl of oatmeal sentence. what the hell is he putting in his oatmeal to jack up the sugar levels to above that of a “root beer float and bag of twizzlers combined”? that’s some serious willy wonka oatmeal.

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After I read your comment, I went and read that sentence. I think the point is that the oatmeal on the market - can be very high in sugars (not oats). As shown by following article.


But it may also be that it is a high carb food - that converts to sugars.


As this is a guest article - and I didn't write it, I can only guess.

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That's probably what he meant. And yes, oats are high in carbs...but steel cut oats have more fiber, so they take longer to digest & therefore don't kick up the blood sugar. Rolled oats come next (not the quick cooking). Both of these are lower on the glycemic index -- 53 & 57, respectively.

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both points make sense; never really considered that people might think they're eating healthy when they consume any of the products listed in the link you just posted.

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Hahaha! I thought the same—then realized he must be talking about the little flavored instant oatmeal packages.

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I wondered the same thing but maybe he meant the already mixed package or addition of so much dried fruit added that a lot of people add on top of a bit of sugar.

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Yes, I’m fine being average.

The desire to become above average and fool Mother Nature through pharmaceutical means is what got us into our current Pharma mess in the first place.

I’ll go get some copper piping—and also work on getting this intermittent fasting down—instead.

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Dear Dr. Malone,

I have the unhappy task today of disagreeing with you.

HRT is a penny-wise pound-foolish strategy for dealing with a natural phenomenon. If Jill wants to feel vigorous and alive despite

hormonal shifts ( a colleague referred to hot flashes as 'power surges') I strongly recommend Weston Price eating (you likely do

that already) and good homeopathic constitutional medicine. Until you've experienced the depth and power of this form of

healing, you can't imagine it could be so.

It disturbs me that you seem to be pitching a product which, like the covid vaccs, is based on bad science, profitability, and spitting

in the face of Mother Nature. Who is it that says that post menopausal features are hormones 'out of balance'? Pharma. Who

is it that says that women of sixty can (and should) look, feel and act like women of thirty? Pharma. Who is it that suggests, even

promises , that we can (and should) live forever, pain free, home free? Pharma. Pharma is Pharma, and by definition untrustworthy.


Jan Dederick, DC, Homeopath

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Well said, and a refreshing rebuttal. I see a homeopathic doc.

Also the book called — 1 degree of Change.

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A good homeopathic constitutional medicine such as what, may I ask?

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Homeopathy requires individualization , i.e. each patient is unique, and all the events/symptoms of their picture need to be included in choosing the correct remedy to them. There are several remedies frequently indicated for menopausal (I'm assuming that's what you refer to), but one must take the entire case before deciding. Does that answer your question?

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It does, & I should've known that! I don't know of any practitioners in my area...bummer.

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One needn't meet face to face in this day and age! Where are you?

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I don't like the concept, I don't believe the claims lasting overtime. Its another quick fix and I will wait for the shoe to drop on this one just like all the other quick fixes promoted by the snake cult.

Nothing will come close to good health than eating nutrient dense food and the exercise it takes to grow, fish, hunt, and forage for it. Evidence of a long healthy life is found among certain ingenious lifestyles to prove this.

As far as fertilizing your fields check out Dr Christine Jones work on bacterial quorum sensing.

Dr Malone your testimony on the road is amazing. Thanks.

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Dr Malone is allowed to slow down a bit but that’s his decision. This was a great read with a lot to think about.

The article made me think about how I am able to still be quite active in my early 70’s. A lot of people my age are still very active but many are not. I eat what I want and probably drink a bit more alcohol than I should so what do I do differently? I go to bed and get up early and have meals at regular hours. Nothing special about that but I do one thing I believe most people don’t. I have been taking velvet antler every day for close to 30 years. It just may be keeping my hormones from dropping and I am convinced it helps me recover from injuries a lot faster. Just think of all the substances that promote growth in the velvet of a developing antler. I know it worked wonders for one of my dogs.

My doctor has never talked to either me or my wife about our hormones but did not try (unsuccessfully) to talk me into taking statins. She had a computer program, likely supplied by Pfizer, that showed my likelihood of dying from a heart attack in the next 10 years. When we kept all my data the same but changed either my race or sex my risk went way down. The program is set up to show every white male my age needs to be on statins.

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Incredibly insightful comment particularly re: statins. Thank you.

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I should add that my father’s first cousin told me he blamed the statins his doctor put him on for his neuropathy.

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One that my BIL was put on for high blood pressure caused him to develop vasculitis which destroyed much of his kidneys before his doctor recognized the symptoms .

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

What brand of velvet antler do you take? I'm surprised I've never heard of that, but it makes sense that it would be very beneficial!

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Hi Becky, I and my wife both take one 500 mg. capsule a day on an empty stomach and make sure we don’t eat for about 20 minutes. We take Tobin’s Farm velvet antler and they are in Maine and I think this is from red deer and elk. My step daughter gets hers from a place in Canada and I think this is all from elk. That website is caneva.ca. I was turned on to this by a doctor who was vacationing at the same place I was. Some veterinarians swear by this for arthritic pets.

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My son is a senior in high school and is writing a paper on phthalates and testosterone for his senior project. I don't know how we can be at a point where we are not looking at environmental toxins for some of our health ills. Another crime against humanity if you ask me.

C19 has also opened my eyes to new health possibilities. For example, I will not see a doctor that does not prescribe ivermectin for C19, that is a red flag for me. So I've switched doctors and my new doctor is actually interested to heal you instead of pushing pills. We are even doing some genetic testing. I hope healing is the future of medicine!

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Scorecard is the Global Authority for chemical safety. In 2020 UC Davis who maintained the database pulled it off line. Thanks for putting these issues of human health on the table.

Basic Testing to Identify Chemical Hazards

If an industrial chemical is allowed by law to be released into the environment, most people assume that it must have been tested and evaluated for its potential risks. Unfortunately, this is simply not true.


Bill Gates funds and promotes gmo crops the primary driver of glyphosate and atrazine as well as funding the astroturf NGOs that troll and smear critics much like you have seen in vaccine space with media who support the Gates petrochemical narrative. GMWatch is my favorite source in the gmo space with science chops.

The Gates Foundation's African programmes are not charity- The activities of the Gates Foundation are an example of what has come to be called philanthrocapitalism. Philip L Bereano argues that philanthrocapitalism is an attempt to use market processes to do good – but is problematic as markets are ill-suited to socially constructive goals.


The Oakland Tribune, Sunday, July 21, 2002

Research on the effects of a weedkiller on frogs pits hip Berkeley professor against agribusiness conglomerate By William Brand


Pesticide damage to DNA found "programmed" into future generations

19 August 2018 https://www.gmwatch.org/en/106-news/latest-news/18417

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they're trying to kill us, one way or another.

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Yes but slowly so we're dying for profits.. time release genocide.

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More like They have a vision and we’re just objects to move about the game board.

Sadly, They really believe Their kool-aid . They will truly believe they can “save” the world, in the end.

Ha ha. Joke’s on Them.

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I don't think it's about saving the world, whatsoever. I think it's all about power, control, & wealth, & they just use the pretense of saving the world as cover.

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Mar 24, 2022·edited Mar 24, 2022

Gates & his so-called foundation are evil. In an article talking about his former girlfriend, with whom he has continued to spend a long weekend every year, even through the years of his marriage. In it, he said to her that he could see himself making $500 million. He then followed with ‘What troubles me is I can’t see how I am going to get past $500 million.’

Well, I'd say he has far exceeded $500 million, but it has been to the detriment of humanity...over the dead bodies of so many in Africa, & now with these jabs, all over the world! All in the interest of power, & building his own wealth.

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https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29035175/ Confirms all that you have expressed.

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Oh nice thanks! My conclusions were based on a decade in Washington followed by two decades mostly tracking Monsanto etc w hands in legislation, politics, science & spin. :~)

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(Warning, RANT ahead!) Doc Malone to the rescue! At the risk of sounding like 'fan,' he's giving us information that really should be in everyone's awareness by way of our primary care physicians, and even general health information. We have an aged population fighting health issues that our grandparents did not face because the medical (It IS an industry) and chemical industry hadn't permeated society to the extent we see today. Hormone imbalance is a huge issue, and also low vitamin D3, and B12(all the B vitamins) are at an epidemic low levels and they contribute immensely to the failing health of the American population. You know, I start to comment on these informational articles and I just become overwhelmed thinking of all the information that I, a 62 year old disabled man, have come across since covid broke. We have been bamboozled for so goddam long it's sickening. While you and I were working and slaving to make a living, to live this nebulous 'American Dream,' the people we elected to have our backs and make sure that our children and you and I, were not taken advantage of while you and I were and are distracted working 8-16 hours a day so you could contribute to the well being of the country by paying your taxes, took out their knives and gleefully started stabbing us in the back like the psychopathic narcissists they are. Because look over here at Brangelina, Kimye, Bennifer, and Khlomar! Donald Trump is a Nazi, racist, white supremacist Putin sympathizer who locks kids in cages! To those 'conservatives' who say "All this is YOUR fault because you didn't pay attention!" I say fuck you. Don't gaslight us into taking responsibility for the actions of people who promised us we could trust them and then did the absolute opposite and hid their disdain for the common man behind a fake smile. And now have voted their own salary raise by 21% during record inflation, the end of a 'pandemic' while financing a proxy war with Russia with no money to fight the invasion of our southern border. Well, I've gone way off point here and I won't apologize. When I see good, caring, and most intelligent people we have who are kicked around and censored, attacked, disparaged, belittled, denigrated, and discredited, by the very people who lie, cheat and steal out of a sociopathic desire for power (they already have all the money by shuttering small business during the pandemic and transferring the money to big corp) I go off the rails on start riding the crazy train. Anybody else feel this way or is it just me? And I do apologize. The contrast between people like Dr. Malone, Dr. Peter McCollough and Dr. Pierre Cory to people like Fauci, Collins and Walensky, the hospitals, FDA and medical establishment is mind boggling.

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It is quite disturbing and disgusting what those in power have been doing while good working people were putting their trust in them to be doing their jobs of looking out for the people’s well being! Thankfully, my father who was an Army medic and lab technician taught me to be skeptical about drugs, and so I learned to research natural healing and prevention. Digging into natural health opens your eyes to all the greed and deceit in the allopathic medical industry.

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And they are asking us to finance gain of function for their pleasure! Nuts. Gain of nothing.

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i suggest finding a functional medical practitioner. straight doctors don't know much about this subject.

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This made me think and to see things a bit differently. It doesn't get much better than that.

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Good article. Even though I am vegan, I make sure I KNOW MY FARMER. I take no man made pharmaceuticals and my pullups are getting more fine tuned. Born in the mid 50's of the last century, I just realized that i don't pay attention to my birth year. Oh well.

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I drink a lot of herbal teas, generally organic and add milk or juice to them; I brew it in a coffee maker. Also use a filter for the water as my understanding that bottled water in addition to being kind of expensive also has the soft plastics in it.

Men should work to have good hormonal levels; cholesterol is one of the factors in testosterone production, nothing to be afraid of. Quality eggs, organic, free range, quality beef, etc. will help supply good protein and other positive substances. Greens and green powders are excellent health inputs as well as all the other ones that Mercola and Gary Null recommends. Wisconsin grown ginseng is a good stress herb. I don't believe in any drugs. Exercise is vital, meaningful work and social interactions. I'm glad to see the 12 step meetings coming back to help all those struggling with issues as well as family members who have addiction issues. Church meetings can be a positive experience.

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