It occurs to me that this whole game of characterizing people who are against mandatory vaccinations - and the vast erosion of personal liberty that entails - as, "anti-safety" or "wanna kill grandma", is really something that should be met head on.

I completely reject the notion that my being against getting injected with something against my will makes me a bad person.

I am pro liberty and freedom. Those who wish to violate my bodily sovereignty are anti-American, because they are against the core principles that the country is supposed to stand for - a democratic republic, a free and open society with due process and the rule of law, a humble inward looking government constrained by checks and balances, a bulwark justice system more than strong enough to keep the tireless wolves of government and corporate tyranny at bay...

But those who would force this upon us... They corrupt all of that by defending the indefensible all the while hiding behind a faux cloak of "for the greater good", which is anything but. The father of lies has inverted everything and it is far past time we stopped complying with that predatory viper's crocodile tear demands.

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The US is a constitutional republic, not democratic...

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You are correct Grazyna, words have meanings and we need to use the right ones. thank you

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God I love an honest reply.

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There is a reason why actual history is not taught in government (public) schools... People would find out that their government is supposed to consist of them, serve at their good pleasure, understand that it really isn't "majority rules, end of story", that the democrat party has been the definition of racist since when slavery was a thing, then when Jim Crow was a thing, then when gutting inner cities and destroying the black nuclear family and businesses was a thing, then when Joe Biden's three strikes and you're out was a thing, and now while trying to turn men into women is a thing...

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"trying to turn men into women" - and opposite. The Transgender Industrial Complex is quite successful. Yet the ultimate goals are the Cyborgs in Era of Post-humanism.

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deletedOct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023
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Isn't Elon Musk already there, and is looking now for a companionship of other creatures with brains with computer implants, or beings living in synergy with 5G EMF modality? The post-humanism, phase one...

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

I just gotta laugh that these clowns are so stinking arrogant that they actually think they know better than millions of years of evolution. Its one thing to augment evolutionary principles with medicine, but quite another to dismiss evolutionary principles altogether and rely on one's own ill-informed hands. I'm sorry, but mankind still doesn't even know what we don't know when it comes to all things genetic...yet here we are hijacking human cells as routine. That said, I wouldn't even trust Methodist with my neighbor's incessantly barking dog, much less a loved family member. Did that once, and they refused to acknowledge to us the inevitable that we sensed and instead rang up the cash register with test after test that in retrospect, were all ordered for cash flow reasons, while not ordering the one obvious test to definitively diagnose the disease and end the ringing of the cash register. And a year later one of the docs practicing there admitted to us that was exactly the culture at Methodist... Methodist. Was. The. Worst. Experience. Of. My. Entire. Life. Literally.

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I don't understand.

Are you saying that he now has admitted it, yet he did nothing to stop ✋️ it?

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They weren't participating in the prevailing culture at Methodist though practicing there, and was not on the case I mentioned until the reality of it came out six months later and patient only had a few days left to live. This person did in fact intervene in a way that in retrospect, was really bold to stop it from happening again when another family member went there a year later, and we are grateful to them for that. And for spilling the beans. That is when we learned the truth about the place first hand, though I had already figured it out for myself.

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An interesting take on the Methodists; I need to check on. Nevertheless, the name implies methodology, which in the current circumstances is obviou, regardless of the church.

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If it's so good for us, why do they have to force, threaten, mandate and intimidate us to take it?

I don't want a chocolate bar if you are going to shove it down my throat or anywhere else.

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So true!!! It is WAY PAST TIME!!!

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Those who wish to violate our bodily sovereignty are quite happy being anti-American.

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Oct 8, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you, Dr. Bowden for having the courage to speak truth to power. The tide is turning.

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When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, most US MDs were in private practice. However the ACA mandated that medical practices had to have electronic medical record-keeping systems by Jan. 1, 2014. At the time I believe that meant a minimum outlay of $50,000 - a lot for a private practice and particularly for newly-minted grads. Today, the majority of MDs are employees of large businesses which own hospitals, labs, urgent care centers. Your doctor is no longer employed by you. Also, a collection of large businesses is much easier for a central government to corral and control than the herd-of-cats that was the millions of independent physicians.

(This same strategy can be seen w California's move to eliminate diesel tractor trailers and mandate EVs; now, that essential transport industry is dominated by small businesses that own 1-10 trucks; if the mandate dominates the industry, and the more expensive trucks with smaller payloads and greater expense to operate become standard, the trucking industry will consolidate into a few large businesses that can be readily controlled by the central government.)

Welcome to fascism!

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I remember the beginning of Obamacare. So many independent physicians in my community retired rather than go heavily into debt to have their practices become computerized to comply with the new regulations. Others just threw up their hands and joined hospital or insurance groups and gave away their independence. I knew then we were on a slippery slope in medicine. Just how slippery is just now being realized!

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It's easier to control one medical center with 1,000 employees than it is to control 1,000 medical centers with 1 employee.......

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Centralization and consolidation - the ago-old strategy of the oppressor.

To your point SC, it's a lot easier to control one government than 195 of them.

Cue the uniting disaster.

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"When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, most US MDs were in private practice. However the ACA mandated that medical practices had to have electronic medical record-keeping systems by Jan. 1, 2014. At the time I believe that meant a minimum outlay of $50,000 - a lot for a private practice and particularly for newly-minted grads."

Ah! Well that explains why I can't find a physician with a private practice.

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Independent clinics are now rare. Our government has forced them out with discriminatory reimbursement policies. Hospital owned clinics get a “facility fee” of $100 per visit. Independent clinics do the same work and get nothing.

We are converting our clinic to concierge. It is an outrage that this is our only way to survive. Before long I suspect the concierge model to be outlawed. I will retire.

Once again the medical profession has been taken captive by a government with a nefarious agenda.

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THANK YOU for these insights...I had no idea!

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We here in Texas are in a HEAP OF TROUBLE!!!

We've been invaded by so many chameleon RINOS!

We wake up every morning 🌄 looking for ways to STOP ✋️ THEM!!!

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I know this may be impossible with the radical left holding the controls of power on medical boards but imagine a hospital that advertised freedom of bodily autonomy. People wouldn’t have to worry about being denied healthcare based on vaccination status, people could less worry of the vaccinated shedding and breathing on you, people would less worry they are not getting honest advise because their doctor is being coerced and paid off by the radical left and big Pharma. Oh wouldn’t medical freedom be great?

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I have created that for myself and my loved ones, and we have alternative doctors that charge us less than the regular ones and are much better off...in over 10 years, I have only needed antibiotics once for an abcessed tooth and didn't have to take the whole prescription and now I use other types of treatments to prevent that as there's a whole world of medicine that's hidden from the public!

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James, it's enough to make a person cry 😢!

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We could only hope! Good post, James.

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I'm afraid - 'Remember the Alamo!' is gonna change to 'Remember Texas!'

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Mike, as I stated in FRIDAY'S FUNNIES, we're on the verge of losing our sovereignty!

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

All your state reps need to be primaried! Thank goodness the senate acquitted Ken Paxton. He is a great man

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Janine, several of us are working 💪 on that.

Sadly 😥 it takes lots of money to find someone with the courage to take on a Goliath that has been our representative for many years.

We are now encouraged by the fact that AG Paxton has announced that he is endorsing candidates who are running to Primary those who voted to impeach him!!!

That news just broke this weekend.

We'll be calling him next week!

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Why do you think the Bush clan moved there? Carpet baggers.

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The Kennebunkers, my spell check wants to change it to drunkenness.

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AI insight, lol.

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Carpetbaggers, liars and traitors!

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Everyone needs to go read that 1,600 page Bill that Pelosi told us had to be passed to find out what was in it: the "ACA" or Obummercare, which was actually a result of years of planning by Hillary and her team of Fraudci like doctors who sold a bill of goods called affordable health care to millions of unsuspecting people...it executed the big phrma plans for their medical industrial complex and insurance collusion to kill people legally! We had to fight and put pressure on the Florida state govt to get free from this gross exploitation of the system!

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Any bill that has 1,600 pages is going to benefit the big operations that can employ the fancy lawyers to create and/or find the loopholes. Only one Senator, from WI, took the time to read all those pages--everyone else voted based on politics, not content.

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Now it is making more sense to those of us living outside Texas what the whole impeachment fiasco in Texas was really about. The House (clearly beholden to Big Pharma, based on the votes outlined in this article) impeached AG Paxton after he opened an investigation into Pfizer for misleading and fraudulent activities. The Senate cleared him of all charges and roundly criticized the House for its handling of the matter. I can already hear the money pouring into Senate candidates who will be more industry friendly.

This is in line with the persecution of James O’Keefe, Tucker Carlson, and Russell Brand for asking questions about Pfizer and Big Pharma. They are very effective in silencing their critics.

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We have a problem in that the Speaker of the Texas House is a sleazebag collaborator, reaching "across the aisle", whereby the result is nearly always, "...the rest died in committee - most of these passed in the Senate but were never voted on by the House."

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Third in a row matching that description.

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Yes, but why?

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Rino/dem co-op. As I post elsewhere, many so called rinos actually dim holdovers

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

TX House Speaker Dade Phelan is a money launderer for big PACS:


He distributes a lot of $ to TX House representatives- First few lines from link below:

(D118) John Lujan $439,899.99 Behar County

(D91) Stephanie Klick $419,826.10 Tarrant County

(D60) Glenn Rogers $305,499.18 Parker County


Anyone with half a brain knows these TX House Reps care more about what Phelan wants than what their constituents want. Plus, Phelan appoints Democrats to chair House committees, resulting in a lot of conservative bills not even considered by the committee with jurisdiction. I don't know for a fact, but it's likely Dr. Bowden's sentence below is a result of that:

"HB 81/ SB 177, the Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Freedom Act, authored by Mayes Middleton and Brian Harrison. (This bill passed the Senate, but never made it to the House floor for a vote.)"

I am part of a group working to primary my Rep, Dave Spiller, recipient of $97,200 from Phelan.

I understand the same thing is happening in a lot of other districts. Hopefully we can awaken the voters who think they are voting Republican but hand control of the TX State House to Democrats.

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Thanks for the link. Yes, we need to be engaged at the state rep level and weed out the collaborators to get rid of the systemic graft.

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I just got a notice from Baylor Scott hospital in Dallas/Fort Worth. They are requiring all employees to take the new jab.

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Is there a national organization to protect physicians from the bullies? I am a retired physician but would like to be involved in protecting medical freedom.

The Ivermectin issue opened my eyes to the deceit. The medical establishment was using talking points (learned from Democrats). Their points were basically: “Ivermectin doesn’t work, and it will make your heart stop.” I couldn’t know about efficacy, but I could read the PDR. They were clearly and purposely lying about the heart issue. I could read various studies but couldn’t decide on the efficacy issue with what I found. The fact that they clearly lied about heart issues ruled out considering their efficacy claims. My rule: If some one purposely lies (or is ignorant) about one important issue, don’t believe them on another issue.

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"Is there a national organization to protect physicians from the bullies?" I am not a physician, but I know there are several. Perhaps the best place to start is Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (https://aapsonline.org/)

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William, at this point 👉, I'm beginning to hate the liar more than the "racist!"

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Get attorney Tom Renz to launch a class action lawsuit against them by all of you who are awake there!

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My wife is in a Boston OR, her hospital is the only one to make the fourth shot mandatory. It doesn’t make sense to me. I will try to make her quit if they follow through with this nonsense. We all just got over Covid and I believe her 3 shots is why she still has effects after 2 months.

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Oct 8, 2023·edited Oct 8, 2023

Oh my!!! I pray 🙏 that their plans are destroyed! Hopefully our upcoming Special Session will put a stop ✋️ to it!

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smh, Best of luck!

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"An updated COVID vaccine has been approved by the FDA and is now available," reads a September 28 statement from the school.

"A single dose is recommended for individuals 6 months and older. Because protection from prior vaccination fades over time and this updated vaccine better matches the currently circulating strains the updated dose is recommended. Baylor faculty, staff and students must get the COVID vaccine, or request a medical, religious, or personal exemption by Nov. 30."

I would request an exemption since it's only approved under the EUA it cannot be deemed "safe and effective" nor does it meet the definition of other "vaccines" per the US Code because it does not prevent disease.

26 U.S. Code § 4132 - Definitions and special rules


The term “vaccine” means any substance designed to be administered to a human being for the prevention of 1 or more diseases.

I would also ask them if they will accept liability and provide you and your family compensation if you're seriously injured or killed by the shot. Say a $10 million dollar policy.

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As the "jabs" disproportionately kill socialists and other woke fascists, the entire western world, including the US, will become more conservative.

They didn't properly game-out their strategy.

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'They' aren't getting the jabs. 'They' are those controlling the socialists and woke fascists. 'They' are far behind the scenes.

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But "they" are a tiny minority. Amongst the general population, the idiot NPCs are dying at twice the rate of others.

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I suspect the actual number dying is a very small percentage-- 1%? -- of those taking the jabs. Not likely to much affect population trends.

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I myself know 3 people that have died of heart attacks after getting the jab. 3 people that had blood clots in their lungs, one had blood clots in their leg, one 54 year old surgeon I know very well had a cerebral stroke and is unable to work now. I know no one that died of Covid. I don’t know but between deaths and life changing vaccine injuries I don’t think it’s 1 %. My wife that has been forced to take 3 shots of this poison has been sick for over 2 months from Covid. Of approximately 3 billion shots given 1% is 30 million. I suppose if your brother sister or parent were part of the 1% it wouldn’t be just 1%.

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I hope so, but excess mortality still appears to be trending linearly upward, with no end in sight. The "vaccine" has destroyed recipients' immune systems so that they can no longer suppress cancers. Fun fact: all of us get cancer regularly but never realize it because our healthy immune systems destroy it before it becomes noticeable and spreads. Since many of the vaxxed have VAIDS, then they will eventually succumb to cancer, but only if they don't first die from SADS, Creutzfeldt Jacob disease, an autoimmune disorder, a stroke, or heart damage.

Also, the vaxxed, especially women, have significantly reduced fertility, so that the woke statists will give birth to fewer future grooming victims.

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You're forgetting the batches and how different batches caused the worst health outcomes. It's a targetted attack in some respects.

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Regardless of the batch, uptake is correlated with political belief. Although there is circumstantial evidence that deadly batches were targeted to "red" states, the "red" state democrats and socialists were still twice as likely as "red" state republicans and conservatives to roll up their sleaves.

Unless the perpetrators had some way to make pharmacists give bad batches only to freedom-lovers, and good batches only to slavery-lovers, then the vaxxed are largely a self-selecting group, a phenomenon that is becoming more pronounced as idiot vaxxers double-down, and rational people discover ever more reasons to avoid the vaxx.

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Modern American 'medical' training is the pinnacle of government 'education'. Designed in the early 1900's to control the population of the country. It's working better than they had hoped.

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A hospital system to be aware of: Online Portal privacy policies. I read the fine print recently for UPMC. The portal system tracks the patient's use of other online services and websites (Google, Facebook, etc.) and will "also place cookies of third parties...in the online services that track your interactions with that third party's website, content, advertisements, website links, and/or other online services."

They also do something called "re-identification." "Re-identification is a process by which anonymized data collected on our online services (for example, UPMC.com) are matched with personally identifiable information." [Note: the use of an example implies they may scavenge info on you from other online sources as well.]

You can opt out, and then the portal loses functionality.

They actually have the chutzpah to state "Re-identified data are used, among other ways, to provide website users with a more relevant and user-friendly online experience." Does the "among other ways" legally apply to how the data is used or to other methods employed to provide the online experience? Or is the language deliberately sloppy?

At any rate it appears they may be monetizing patients' personal data, while not protecting their identities. They are after all asking for the permissions necessary to do that.

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Louise, that is why I refuse to use their medical portals!!!

I hope that they won't mandate it.

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Without a consolidation of resistance they will pick us off one at a time. Starting with the biggest fish and moving down to anyone who peeps opposition. The Gulag or Re-Education camps will be the final solution to break those stubborn enough to hold out. Hillary has been at the forefront of defining those who disagree as deplorable, Nazis, etc. and now re-education is her solution. The arrogance is revolting.

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We move from "Houston we have a problem" to "Houston is the problem".

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Well said, Houston is definitely a major problem.

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Do we need to further connect the dots now? Pfizer, DOD, CDC, FDA, UN, WEF? Where and how is the $$$$ flowing? In my estimation, these are the ANTS working in formation. Who is laying out the BREAD? Who is feeding Texas? And...any connection to their open borders? Did Abbott, the shill, say in answer to the question, why aren’t you doing more, “it’s complicated? Can we attain a Hawk EYE view?

Thank you for sharing this terrific information!!

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I own a medical device company. A couple years ago we moved it out of my state due to the executive and legislature being horribly top down and simultaneously incompetent. We are registered and comply with FDA. But we didn’t want to also be in a state that had a compliance regime that was expensive, idiotic, inexpertly applied, an unpredictable. To escape this, one of the states we looked at was Texas. We found that Texas HHS was a giant organization that could not tell us how we were going to be regulated (but wanted to keep all options open). We found another state.

Please get out and vote freedom loving Texans. Your Governor is the middle kind of politician. Not dedicated to freedom, not completely bought or fascist, but a voter pleaser. He will do what you, the people, force him to do. This is true of many of your legislators as well.

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Which state did you choose?

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Arizona - so far so good

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Once Texas goes, the rest of America follows.

Democrats know this -- that's why the border is wide open.

Next up -- sending out ballots for illegals. (Maybe "on accident" like in WA)

Democrats don't even need the voters -- only the ballots.

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Just a great overview and personal documentation. What a profile in courage, along with so many others. Thank you for the stand you have taken, and I'm sure some will assist in these horrendous $bills.

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