This, I believe, is a 5th generation warfare dream. The perfect way to get people to enter a prison on their own accord is to frighten them to a point where the security of a cell is inviting. I believe Covid was the trial run at this WEF venture. Many willingly locked themselves into a room in their house and some even isolated themselves from family. It’s so disappointing through my eyes to see a country like America that was built on questioning government at every step fold up like a cheap suit in the present day. We should always be leery of government and be frightened if one day there’s a knock on your door and the person says I’m from the government and I’m here to help you. J.Goodrich

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The alternative to caging our youth with fear has been to groom them with the screen. From I-pads, phones, video games, and virtual reality head sets we have isolated our youth away from humanism. Idiocracy is the new youth political party. This has also pushed a whole other segment of our population to willingly enter into a box where a screen is their social world. Most all relationships are created from the screen, not the old fashion way. Who ever would have thought this is how relationships would be made? With all that they have put us through are we all not considered checkers on the checker board in the new liberal utopian world?

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Ironically, it was Japanese anime and visual novels that helped awakened me to my current power and sovereignty, back in the 2011s.

Tech, like any tool, just depends on the skill of the user.

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Got one of those community surveys from the census bureau recently? Woke on steriods

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I haven't seen one for years. One of the Census people showed up to my house asking rude questions, and got angry when I refused to answer.

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Yep! This is one of the reasons I started Homesteaders of America. In 8-weeks we've sold over 5,000 tickets to our annual event in Front Royal, VA. We're now sold out. People know this crazy WEF stuff is coming, and they are ready to make a change. They are ready to take back their communities. And they are fierce. I believe it starts this way—creating an alternative, better system parallel to the current, corrupt one. But also, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

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A diversified system that includes ways to generate electricity and clean water. Two things that can so easily be taken away.

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Yes, a Workers' Paradise, like the Soviet Union, Republic of China, N. Korea, Cuba, etc. Brought to mankind by the W.E.F.: the Worker Elimination Forum.

Danny Huckabee

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And brought to America by the DNC.

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With help from RINOs like Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, Mitch McConnell etc etc

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So beautiful... all of it! YES, this is the path forward for all of us who value our freedom. Our lives. Our families. And what it means to be HUMAN.

For those interested, I post a video every three weeks. I’ve transitioned from being a Democrat (I served in the first Clinton Administration as “Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control and Communications”) and a hardcore love of “Science,” which I now see as “scientism.” Here’s my latest: https://rumble.com/v2brqdi-hey-maga-god-is-good-buckle-up-were-in-for-a-wild-ride-episode-111.html

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Wonderful to hear your story. God is so good! I’ll check out your videos.

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After World War II Japan started building mini condo units 8 x 10 feet to house the density in Tokyo. A closet down the hall was the toilet? For many years China has controlled traffic between provinces so they don’t have another Mao revolution. So is this was coming to America. If you’re not implanted you cannot travel. If you don’t own a home you’ll be given an 8 x 10.? Has anyone bothered to ask us what we want or is it not our choice anymore?

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In our state, the state of overlord/oligarch is producing reports that say one way to solve the housing crisis of the future is to produce podlike homes using 3-D printers.

Have a look....


And as you look at those involved in this report, roped in so to speak by those exercising their influence and control....note government, private industry, and non-profits all accounted for.

This is how they work their “magic.” I swear they have a playbook. And nice you understand how it, easy to map out the connections and intersections being used to press the agenda.

Yet, most Mainers....unaware.

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And the guy orchestrating this from the Roux Institute (named for him) well, he has ties to Gates (been on the board of the IHME since it’s inception) and is busy building a biopharmaceutical corridor in the Northeast. Also, was the chair of the Jackson Labs from 2014-2022....and the priority was developing the presence of JAX in Asia and China. Did I mention that he also talks about how we now have the technology for mankind to engineer its own evolution. Oh, there’s more. Oddly, the Medical Freedom Movement has not been interested in my research around this. Heck, Roux was even featured in a Council on Foreign Relation’s publication....applauding what he is doing in Maine as a model for elsewhere in the US. Go figure. I shared that and more with Dr. Nass over a year ago. She said, “So what....what do you want me to do with this.” Said share it with your peers in the MFM. She did not think there was any point. Today, on her substack I am busy explaining to her about my research with regard to Moderna and how it possibly fits into what she has posted regarding Bancel’s statements at the WEF. Go check it out. She had accused me of trying to smear her. In truth, another commenter and I had been talking about our frustration by the MFM in ignoring other sectors and offers to help educate them around more than just the vaccine. Time is short and the MFM has kind of stalled out on raising awareness regarding the bigger Agenda of social impact markets, hacking humans and the technocracy that will come with the overhaul of the financial system---all things moving forward as the world debates the vaccine. And honestly, at this point, if people still think it’s safe...that’s there problem. We need to broaden the discussion!

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The Italian doctor at a WEF spoke and said with glee! "We can hack the human genome".

They believe they can improve on god's design. Instead, they will risk destroying all of humanity with a man made virus that defies the immune system entirely. Between that and the mRNA injections which are uncontrolable, we are in deep trouble.

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It is worse than that....I think they are now working on how to hack human consciousness. And I think they have been at it for awhile. Isn't it interesting how suddenly it is as if all things Artificial Intelligence has suddenly burst onto the scene front and center? Hmmmm....

You don't suppose that part of what is going on at the moment with all the social media platforms and the various resistance spokespersons, along with the constant parading of DEI articles/issues and those opposed is that we are being studied and data is being collected about what triggers people, how they respond, what is their reaction to heroes or to those unlike themselves, do they like feel good stories, how far can we get people to go...with Pavlov dog experiments (will they post a flag for Ukraine based on one story), etc. Think about it.....people are living their lives more and more online, that has been a big shift since the pandemic. Consider the enormous amount of data they can collect on human behaviors.....now and over the last three years!!!! Makes you think twice about the twitter files....dribbling out. Really? Was there anything requiring the former Twitter owner to provide past e-mails to the new owner? Makes my head hurt sometimes thinking about the fact that so few int he public eye are trustworthy. It is just what and who we have become as a society.

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The online community is a double-edged sword for globalists, if we can keep the lines open. Substacks like this are educating and fueling a vast community that’s waking up and itching to push back. We’re late to the party, but we’re using their weapons against them. You’re posting great information, and that’s power. Let’s keep hope on our side.

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throw God in the mix, you know, the actual Creator, and it's not we who are in deep trouble after all

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There is a county north of Kansas city that is trying to plan 'for the future'. The intro is full of Lefty talking points and includes diversity and inclusion as if those in this county care. The KC Star is the only major newspaper and it loves all Lefty projects. It's Agenda 21 through and through.

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I would add, many jump on board with what sounds like a liberal program or agenda have no idea that it is a Trojan Horse. I think of it as the left having been in large part weaponized through the use of language and all these lofty goals without them actually understanding what is behind it.....billionaires who sure as heck did not worry about diversity, equity and inclusion in building their fortunes. Common sense goes a long way in rooting out what they are really up to and why. Just start asking questions and don’t let “experts” or authorities tell you they know best.

I’m my city, one man as a school committee chair has basically ruled with an iron fist humiliating and ignoring any dissent. Then I went in and refused to be shut down. Suddenly a whole wave of info was coming at me from secret sources who had felt disenfranchised but were afraid to speak up. It was astonishing how this guy had managed to silence everyone with his arrogance in his public office on full display. Too many were concerned about social ties in a small town. Others worried about losing their jobs, etc. I was fortunate that I did not have to worry about either. Gave me the ability to go toe to toe with him in a public manner.

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Yes. People join cults, but also....people are craving being important and seen. They want what they do and say to matter. I think that need is exploited. And the reality is the more people are online or can be part of some faceless process the more they crave being important or having standing and that makes them all the more easily manipulated and weaponized.

I was talking with a high school coach recently (I use to coach up until people went after me because of my unvaccinated status) and we talked about how it is important to always talk with a parent of an athlete in person. If you allow communication on line or by text, the parent (sometimes the athlete) can say things that they really do not mean or would not say to your face. I agree with this. I personally do not like interacting with people by zoom or in the online space because I use other sense to assess a situation, problem or the person I am talking with. It reminds me of how when we fight wars with unmanned drones the tendency is to minimize the loss of life because we are not risking life to attack another. There is something about the human condition that is best served by being present in the moment. But those in the driver's seat of society today want us increasingly in the metaverse.

As for the panels.....yeah, it is like a crowd watching an accident and everyone is thinking somebody else is going to call the police or rescue and nobody does.....accountability is lost on an individual level and you enter a weird space of group think. Not good, IMO.

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Start researching the board members of entities pushing the agenda. It won’t take you long to find who is connected to who and then work backwards from there. And yes, one of the first paces they make sure they get their tentacles in is in the press--even at the local level.

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Have a hard time imagining Maine having an overpopulation problem in any foreseeable future. Somebody has already figured how to gouge the taxpayers somehow with this

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It is not an overpopulation we suffer from....homelessness and poverty are on the rise substantially. Our schools are failing. And we have one of the oldest populations in the US.

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Interesting. Two of my aged clients (dog-as pet sitter) moved up to the bottom of Maine in a new development. They are as adamantly liberal as they come. Have a nephew now recently moved into a tiny house and loving it. Are you being invaded with Nor East liberals?

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Part of what happened with the pandemic is many of the monied from the Northeast (like NYC types) flocked to Maine. Some went to live in their vacation homes and worked remotely. Some discovered that they could purchase a lot of home in Maine for a fraction of what it would cost elsewhere, work from home and occasionally travel in order to meet their business needs. The upshot was that the housing market saw a surge of prices that put home ownership out of reach for many Mainers. It inflated our market and also we already had limited inventory.

Also, a short while ago, within the last year or so, I noted that a company cut one of the largest real estate deals in Maine buying lots of inventory in the Southern end of the state for rentals. That caught my attention and I did some research and my feeling was that it was happening not just in Maine but in other states as well. One of the things people do not understand about the bigger agenda is that ultimately they do not want us to own anything, including lodging. So the buying up of assets that typically are held by the populace is part of this. You know how they say that the majority of companies are owned by either Vanguard or Black Rock. Think along those lines, creating large holding companies for assets like real estate.

The other phenomenon that is occurring in our state and elsewhere is "solutions" to the housing shortage. It seems like we are hearing constantly now about the housing shortage, especially since the pandemic. And they are talking about the housing shortage for low income. So we are seeing an introduction of housing solutions that are, IMO, also wed to the 15 minute or smart city concept. That is, they are often funded through these public/private partnerships and there is a big push to create walkable neighborhoods. I kind of laugh because before we had urban sprawl we use to have neighborhood schools, local grocer marts, restaurants within downtown neighborhhoods, and vibrant downtowns. Then the push came for big box stores, urban sprawl, big shopping malls, etc. People were sold the American dream of owning some McMansion plunked down in the middle of what was once a farmer's hay field. Now, sure feels like the ones who sold us on all that excess and consumership, are looking to herd us back into a metroplitan mindset. They are marketing it as living where you eat, work, play and go to school. Community building they say!!!!! Guess they had no problem tearing those former communities apart when it served their purposes and lined their wallets. But now, with the advent of the "4th Industrial Revolution" they see the coming automation as upsetting the balance. Think of it like this....as things become increasing automated, how do we earn a living in order to pay for our keep and choices in life (vacations, play, hobby, education, etc.)? Also, how do we pay taxes on non-existent wages for our governance and government programming? What they are pursuing is an extension of basically the lobbying that special interests already do. That is, they figure they can govern us through public/private partnerships, and they are busy selling us on this idea of stakeholder capitalism and that we will have a say. I laugh at this. If the billionaires were truly interested in stakeholder capitalism as a means of just and fair governance through public/private partnerships the first order of business should be to rewrite our corporate law that binds corporations to maximizing profit as the first priority. Seriously!?! I don't see them promoting that approach. Rather they want to do business as usual and then have an affiliated "foundation" doing good deeds to offset their actions or deeds that pollute the environment, etc. This is part of the whole predatory philanthropy model that is very effective at accomplishing their goals. It is a way for them to pretend to wear white hats when interfacing with the public. They talk about all their donations, etc. And people do not realize that donations or contributions often just prime the pump for them to make profits down the line. Think Gates and his vaccine business!

Speaking of Gates, most do not realize that the US government had found him liable for monopolistic practices with regard to Microsoft. Then 9/11 hit and suddenly the DOJ had bigger fish to fry---not to mention then all of a sudden the tech sector became essential to catching those terrorists and surveilling populations, etc. Gates then left Microsoft (he reserved some role there) and went full time with his "philanthropy." When you attach the name "foundation" somehow that leads to people just accepting you personify good. Add to it the fact that we have been encouraged to live beyond our means and that people frantically searching for grants to fund services or institutions just adds fuel to the fire. In education, they are always looking for funding sources. The upshot, those funding sources often come with strings attached that actually undermine or do not appropriately serve the interest or needs of the population that needs support. I cringe just looking at how my own district spent pandemic monies. A million dollars went into putting cameras in classrooms that got very little use and now are not used at all. What a complete and utter waste. Meanwhile, budget cuts require us to eliminate teaching positions. And it is nearly impossible to fill the teaching positions that are open because teachers are fed up.

Anyhow, my feeling is and has been for some time that Gates is working the Northeast corridor ( a couple of foundations from different billionaires are playing a role) areas well as the Northwest where he is from. My friend in Tulsa, OK (where they are actively setting up a smart city) is dealing with the remake of government institutions and education according to what the Kaiser Foundation wants or demands. Lots going on in Philadelphia and TX is a hotbed for some of the "reforms."

I have noted in Maine that the foundation for smart city models are being introduced slowly. Lewiston, Maine which is an tired former mill community with a large immigrant population from Somali won a huge grant from the federal government and is busy planning one of the mixed neighborhood---business, school, recreation, living---neighborhoods. They also rebranded themselves and the new logo incorporates a beehive of all things! Talk about hive mind!

Another thing to be alert to is this emphasis on all things electric. Remember....electricity can be shut off. If we go to electric cars and you are told that you can only have so many carbon credits and you get charged for traveling a certain distance, but want to go further and do not have enough credits...they can just shut you down. The 15 minute cities and smart cities will have lots of tech to track and trace us and collect data. That is the concern. And compliance will be dictated by our dependence on the technocracy for what we need. Notice how they are suddenly concerned about one's gas stove!!!! Really?! We have kids suddenly dying of heart attacks and our FDA/CDC turns a blind eye, but now our government regulators are worried that gas stoves might cause asthma or be bad somehow....to the point that they want to take them off the markets. The thing is....computers do not run on gas or oil....they run on electricity. It is all about the electrification so that they will have the grid to support the technocracy.

Sorry....I know I went off topic, but one of the things is once you see it and the different pieces and research a little---way too many coincidences. The agenda is alive and well. Some, high up the food chain, no exactly where they are herding us to. Others just buy the propaganda and think happy positive thoughts along the way trusting what they are being told.

It sure is a wake up call for the person that suddenly realizes all that they believed in has become susceptible to being abused and used (or maybe it was always that way, but has reached proportions that now are impossible to ignore as our immediate lives are impacted). I did not take the vaccine, in large part, because in the lead up to the pandemic I had researched education to the point that I was alerted to the overlap of this new chapter and how the same people like to play God with our lives, at no expense to them.

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I'm entirely with you on this. Have (putting it gently) distrusted Gates since the Office 6 - 7 incompatibility issues. Have and still been a WordPerfect person. Gates (and several competing others) is investing in brain chip businesses. What could possibly go wrong? As for electric expansions. I've been doing my best to beat the drum for some time. A better snare than most. Its frustrating that the blackouts, brownouts, limited life (panels batteries, windmills) don't seem to set off warning whistles. Anyway, our thoughts do follow similar paths here. We need lots of better luck and an awakening.

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deletedMar 6, 2023·edited Mar 6, 2023
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If it is any solace.....I have alerted Dr. Nass to all of this. I provided her with my research close to a year ago. To be honest, she really had no use for it. Her response was, what do you expect or want me to do with this. I said share it with the others in the Medical Freedom Movement. She had not interest. In fact, she accused me on her substack of smearing her because I and another in the comment section were bemoaning the fact that the MFM does not seem to want to move outside of the healthcare sector in their efforts to raise awareness. My feeling is that if we were to get those in the MFM and some of those who have been fighting the same people in the education sector or the energy sector, we would stand a much better shot at raising awareness. She has taken that as me "telling her what to do" and accused me of wanting her to go down rabbit holes. You can see the rabbit hole I illuminated for her today in her substack about Bancel. Again, all information I have tried to share. I do think Maine figures prominently in the agenda. You know how the 9/11 terrorists came through the northern border of Maine and then entered the airport security in Maine.....why? Because it is one of the last places that one would suspect people to go who are planning something big. Our state is known for natives who mind their business and are self reliant, not necessarily sophisticated. And our poverty and rural state makes us a cheap date.

I feel strongly that in order to counter what is happening, we need a stronger and more connected grass roots movement to raise the alarm and we need people to see the interconnectedness of the agenda. It is not just about healthcare. It is soooo much more.

Oh....and look where the guy our governor placed in the director of the state CDC landed. First our governor picked him for Maine's CDC director on the eve of the pandemic. Then the press granted him loads of notoriety....and looky where he is now....he is second in command at the federal level for the CDC. And during the pandemic he conveniently got put on the ACIP for the FDA and voted to add the covid vaccine to the children's schedule. The guy, Dr. Nirvah Shah, does not have some outstanding record. Just the opposite, he previously was in a state where he mismanaged a legionaires outbreak. But he was a Soros Fellow....and during the pandemic in Maine, took time out of his busy schedule to appear before the Natural Resources Counsel of Maine and argue that messaging around climate change should be just like that in the pandemic....do it for your neighbor. So I can already see what is coming. Did you know that the AMA, also infiltrated, has been spending time on working up all these ideas around how to tie health outcomes to climate change? Notice that the CEO was placed in his job about 10 years ago. Just wait, "global Emergency" or "crisis" from the WHO is going to entail more than just a virus and pandemic! By my estimation, the plans for ushering in the NWO have been underway in earnest for about a decade....basically, I feel like they reached a certain point with technology and it has just accelerated their goals.

I think people should also check out the Center for American Progress. Very interesting and quite a few roads I have been going down in my research lead back there. Harvard also comes up a fair amount.....along with a few other higher education institutions.

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I understand where you are coming from. The problem I have....they are not negative remarks. And when you say...."sorry you did not get the reply you hoped for".....please realize I did not hope for a reply. I simply asked her to share the information with others. No reply necessary. This was a year ago.

And I appreciate what they have done. It is not about smearing at all. It is about having a right to an opinion and not being told to stay in your own lane. What I learned when I first started doing battle on the education front is that....pay attention when you speak your piece and then the person you are talking to immediately tries to cow you....important to ask why? I have little tolerance for those who promote free speech and object to censorship but cannot handle somebody who doesn't just subscribe to their views or approach. I'll leave it at that.

And one of my other concerns s....., these docs "have spent their careers and lives saving people" as part of a system that has long been captured and corrupt. I know this from being a victim of both big pharma and also the attitude that one "does not have a right to question an expert"....I would be dead if I had not objected to that mindset and insisted that I had a right to my voice and opinion when it came to my medical treatment. Not once, but twice now I have had to educate providers who have excellent reputations in their area of expertise. Thankfully, each was humble enough to thank me for pressing them and one admitted that my case changed their practice.

And I do object to the suggestion that they "have done more than enough for us." They are doing what they are doing not for us (does it help us--yes). They are doing it first and foremost for them. Just as when I first began researching in the area of education I did it for my children. I did not just decide to go out and martyr myself. And I spend countless unpaid hours trying to raise awareness and help in the cause of pushing back the agenda. My wish is that we would all as citizens remember that rights come with responsibilities and stop looking for experts, authorities, or people in positions of power to save us or help us. We need to be better at helping ourselves.

You obviously feel as if I am being unfair to Dr. Nass. I am sorry. If nothing else, I hope people will be encouraged to do their own research and not just rely on experts....that is very much what got us into the fix were are currently in.

As for moving to a Red place, versus being in a Blue state. Just a bit of advice on that. When I was deep into researching the education issues, I thought it was a left vs right thing. I struggled to reconcile some of the things I discovered because it did not fall along the expected party lines. What I then realized (and kicked myself...thinking, what a dummy) was that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. That is, do not make the mistake of thinking this is all a left issue. In fact, the bigger agenda has proponents on both sides of the aisle....especially when you talk about the state and federal level. I view if much more as an us against them....them being those in the fin/tech sector who are most interested in adding to their wealth, power, influence and control. For now, it just feels like it is coming from the left. I think it is more coming from players who see places in both political parties where they can exploit connections, etc. And honestly, these days....the labels, left, right...well, they really don't apply so much to the average American. I think most of us just want to live productive lives, enjoy our family and friends, make a decent living and be left alone.

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I wish it were true that one can just BE in a red state. Counties with universities are blue, the largest cities with heavy Black populations are blue. They have their ways like reducing the lift to get referendums on the ballot with Lefty talking point so they can push through Blue agenda items through voting which can be suspect. And now, many Red states are finding once a Republican is elected he/she takes off their wool and there is the Democrat. And so on…We have to be very active with our legislatures.

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Most of the institutions you speak of have been infiltrated. Again, easy to trace, once you understand the lay of the land. And at the end of the day....not necessarily a left vs. right agenda. Funny, in Maine, fighting the fin/tech (Gates) elite efforts to "reform" education for its own purposes.....the left and right of the citizenry both came out in opposition...different reasons at first, but in the end....they met on the backside and were united about what was best for Maine students in pushing back on the agenda.

Too many are focused on the left vs. right aspects to this. I honestly believe that it is being pitched constantly in the media in that way to keep the division and strife going. Propaganda for divide and conquer. At the end of the day, the agenda that is planned for us in the "you will own nothing and be happy" is more about an us vs. them....the owners of tech and wealth vs. the masses to be managed. Best we get use to recognizing that. I do think the issue is compounded by the fact that the Left has been weaponized and many (within the left) do not realize that.

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deletedMar 7, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023
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There is a reason we own the most guns per capita on earth and have a second amendment we must defend. And this is being said by a 74 year old who gently moves spiders 🕷 out of the house (alive)! They won’t implant, track or control me with my smart phone. I’ll miss you all when it comes to that.

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Here in Washington State our govt is on its way to outlawing single family zoning for housing. Pods are only a matter of time ...

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

In the small town where I Iive, we have a veritable explosion in gardening under way! It has surprised even me. We still have snow on the ground but the hardware store has a display with greenhouses and more growing equipment than I have ever seen them bring in before! Everything we need to get an early start on sprouting our plants indoors under grow lights or outdoors in a greenhouse. Myself and a friend who has no yard will be building our planter boxes as soon as the frost is out of the ground. It's so exciting! I feel that many of us are doing something big and positive to thwart globalist ambitions.

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Me too. I’ve got celery and dill already growing in my kitchen under a grow light. Soon they will be outside.

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Two of my kids in their early 30's love gardening so I think there's hope for the younger generation. And of course those with grandchildren need to get them growing things from an early age. I had a backyard garden when the kids were small and even my neighbours' kids used to wander over to ask questions and help out.

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The spring of 2020, bought myself a greenhouse! Have ordered my seeds. Just waiting for temperatures to get a little more seasonable then it is go time.

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Dr. Malone, this is totally off the subject, but I am wondering if you are aware of the YT Channel, "Black and White Sports"? It's strictly a sports channel which I never would have known about otherwise but as he says, every 3-5 days he's having to report on yet another young athlete's death or collapse on the field. Please go to his channel today; there's yet another death reported of a young 21 yo athlete who collapsed on the field. If you scroll through his videos, they are filled with the deaths of young athletes!!!

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I think the media already gave a sophisticated name for these events some time ago and of course it has nothing to do with the gene therapy.

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And the CDC has added the Covid jab to children's vaccine schedule!!!

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Mar 6, 2023·edited Mar 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I observe insanity all around me, which is growing more and more outlandish by the day, it almost feels as if I was sitting in a movie theater watching a revised version of Soylant Green, *Logan's Run and Mad Max.

*note: somehow my post dropped off part of the last sentence. I'll blame it on my dog...he's used to it. Lol

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree that, as you say, "we have all the elements of what we need to re-imagine life on earth now." We all have the human imagination, which is a wonderous, powerful thing. Speaking for myself (I'm 77), I most certainly have all the elements. I actually lived much of what you describe. My parents lived more of it, and my grandparents even more. I have no trouble thinking of such a world as "normal". The memories are vivid.

On the other hand, young people today have grown up in a much different "normal". It's the normal we do not want. These are their vivid memories. I believe the best way to move toward a goal is to vividly imagine it. In detail. Reinforce that vision until it becomes the normal that dominates our thinking. Then you will be dissatisfied with everything that violates the desired normal. Use that dissatisfaction as the motivation to work like hell to fix it.

I think the young adults of today may need help vividly imagining the world you describe. Movies help them to vividly imagine a dystopian worsening of the current "normal". What is it that helps them to vividly imagine the better one? In detail. Part of what we need is talented storytellers to weave attractive images of where we want to go.

Let the artistic among us begin.

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No one under 30 will buy into a retro-grade society - too much work involved, even with all of the newer tools available today. Planting, weeding, harvesting, canning... found only in their wildest nightmares. Even my ex (your age Russ) said when he was a kid they all had to weed their two acre 'garden' and if I ever wanted one he wasn't helping. I've had many since our divorce decades ago. And I understand he's had a veggie garden for quite some time with wife three. Not this new generation though. Alright, maybe some of them!

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Yes, the vivid imagining would have to include the many qualities that make a simpler, less frantic, more humane life worthwhile. People need to see how such qualities would compensate for any increased physical labor involved. Seems like an impossible task.

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We could have a really detailed conversation on the subject of imagination and its diminished state in these United States

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One thing growing up that has so changed is the want to get your license and a car. I had worked for a long time and saved some money. I borrowed a little from my brother and bought a 64 GTO Convertible that my cousin brought back from the west coast. Santa Rosa car. I bought the car for 3500 delivered in 1985 and still have it. I always love driving this car. Today the kids take an Uber, theres just nothing there. It’s sad.

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Ah Santa Rosa, a wonderful, delightful town. No cars there every get rusty! When I married my hubby he owned a1967 GTO he bought new. It was his baby. He worked hard to get it. We use to drive up and down Venice Boulevard on Saturday nights along with the low-rider Mexicans who could not get their cars over the bumps. We'd stop at Big Bobs for hamburgers. This of course was years before the movie American Graffiti.

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Your 1000% correct Shelley with rust free cars. My cousin used to bring car carrier loads of muscle cars back to Massachusetts. I wish I bought 6 of them. It’s sad that generations of American kids were raised to love their cars and in many ways that passion for the love of cars is all but gone. Your drives in the “67” sound dream like!! I always wanted to drive up the coast of California.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I just feel sick to my stomach and am crying as I try to prepare supper. Shit!

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The movie idiocracy was 500 years in the future. We're very close in only 20 years.

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I love idiocracy. One of my favorites. I think your exactly right, it’s happening.

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I laughed my *ss off the first time I saw Idiocracy. Finally got my husband to stay put (and not fall asleep for a change) which is usually a pipe dream. Now I wonder if I used bad judgment because each time he hears the latest dumb idea I can hear him in the other room ranting and referring to Idiocracy. Can't believe I left that movie out in my post. Good call!

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Mar 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Yes, this is all so true. We must fight this decline tooth and nail. Strong, healthy families are the only way to get out of this mess. Get your kids home and out of public, state controlled schools. Feed them home raised nutritious foods. Teach them good moral values and the faith in the true God that allows this all to work. Push back every day.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Heard that! I graduated high school in Park Forest, IL, the country's first totally planned community. No pre-existing culture other than corn. Like corn on the cob. No old buildings. No heritage. All planned out in advance. As a kid, you think that's normal. Looking back, that whole area is in bondage, and planners are unable to provide good answers. Organic development preferred.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I've deleted my social media account. It serves only to propagandize and to make people reactionary. I'm not playing their 'chess game', too many 'pawns' get killed. I am free, and I will live free.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

As I observe the insanity going on around me, which is becoming more outlandish by the day, it makes me feel like I'm sitting in a movie theater watching an updated version of Soilant Green, Logan's Run and Mad Max (just for starters)...I live in the sorry state of CA where most people have already been trained to exist in an alternative reality; they don't know what they don't know, living in ignorant bliss. I see that a lot of the NWO instigators/schemers are no spring chickens (I'm 70 so don't jump me on that comment) and are ultra wealthy, living in bubbles. They think that they know what's best for everybody else by promoting this garbage but they won't be around to see the damage done.

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Mar 6, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Amen bro Malone!!!

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