Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Author

In 2021, I put together a list of adverse events that I put up on my personal webpage. This is what that looks like: https://www.rwmalonemd.com/references

This will be a greatly expanded version of that project. It has become more difficult to search for these papers, because of the plethora of scientific literature on the subject.

The adverse events and other harms are often hidden in these papers, because scientists are scared to publish or papers get rejected if they don’t fit the consensus . This is why having a resource like this is so important, because it is so difficult now to find these papers. These published studies are out there, but if you haven’t been following the science, it becomes very difficult to find them.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you Dr. Malone for all you are doing, in spite of the cost it has had on you and your family. And thank you for attending the Front Line Summit in Washington with Dr. Gold. I wish more people would be aware of all you are doing for the country and the world. God bless you, your wife and all the brave doctors in this fight.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

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Yes, hopefully more people will find out soon what he's doing to help and that he's on the "right" side.

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Is the term 'published' specific to certain publications? If it is looser than that, perhaps you could get those doing studies and those peer-reviewing those studies to 'post/publish' them on your website bypassing those entities that would not publish studies such as these.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023Author

"Peer reviewed" - which means it can be used as a reference is the best. But we will probably end up with more than one category. To use something as a reference in a scientific publication, it has to be from a peer reviewed journal. Which is BS- given what has happened to the journals and bias. But we have to be able to fight this battle on many fronts and one of the battlefield we are given as scientists is getting articles published in peer reviewed journals.

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I suggest using references to published articles in non-peer reviewed pubs, with a note it was not peer reviewed. Otherwise you are going to limit yourself to "peer reviewed" deception we've all seen in "respected" journals.

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How many scientists are not compromised? Enough to start a journal? You know that Steven Kirsch is a supporter of medical research. The current system has obviously been trashed through corruption. Even one of your SS was about science articles that were removed. There are scientists who have been marginalized. They all need to form a team. Certainly, their credentials are as good, if not better, than those that gave up their integrity probably long before Covid to scratch each other’s back to pull in some dough. So, maybe not a part of this platform endeavor but a subset that feeds it with peer reviewed articles. Someone has got to put the goal posts back on the field or there is no fair game to be played.

I hope you and Jill are sufficiently guarded at home and where ever you go. You have some mighty big enemies with a lot of clout. Be careful please.

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Jul 31, 2023·edited Jul 31, 2023

I am a big fan of Steve Kirsch. He is putting his back into the work of fighting corruption in government. He comes off as rushed and wants to get to the point, but I understand that urgency. I do! He was lied to and he got tricked, which such a betrayal. It is such a horrible thing to do to people.

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Yes, actually Patents are considered publications. He will definitely want those. Often, so are Trademarks and Copyrights.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I can cover all the AEs.

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Jessica, if you can enlist the other scientists you know, that would be a dream!

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Lv you Jessica!!!!! Thanks for lending a hand!!!!! You are one of my Favs!!!

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I’m not a scientist but would love to help. Is there anything I could do?

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You may want to click on the underlined "bottom of this website page" and check into volunteering. There are additional details as to opportunities. We can provide our details and allow them to check with us if they feel we could be useful.

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Me too! I think there is, find me on Facebook and we can talk about ideas. 😊

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Respectfully, five more categories should be included:

(1) PCR testing

The tyranny of a “case.” PCR never should have been used as a diagnostic; so many problems with performing the test itself (Cornen-Drosten paper); meaninglessness of a “case” in the absence of clinical support; the lie of asymptomatic spread; childrens’ school lives ruined by incessantly testing healthy children to “prove” they were not sick.

(2) IFR

None of the mitigations were needed in the first place.

(3) Pre-existing immunity

Ignored but was widely reported via studies to be anywhere from 40-82%

(4) Contract tracing

Doesn’t work. Studies on this were ignored.

(5) Hospital data

Hospitals everywhere lied about capacity. There should be a record of actual capacities vs what was being claimed in press or through health drpts.

Show the receipts on how hospitals were financially incentivized to label patients/deaths as covid

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I'll do everything I can to help. In the meantime, do you think it might be ideal to put the UN squarely in focus as well? And I mean in full detail. Everyone working there, their associates, following the money into and out of all UN organizations, as well as their activities.

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The WHO'S proposed Amendments to their current Regulations and Rules. (Very disturbing proposed Amendments.)

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Not sure what you mean, can u explain better what y r suggesting?

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Are you unfamiliar with UN agenda 21/30/50, aka "sustainability goals?"

If so, there is a ton of info on it. It is, I believe, what everything we are experiencing is all about. The wef is bad too, but the un is far worse, IMO.

I can post more on it tomorrow if you like.

I don't want to distract from Dr Malone's specific goal here, but everything is inextricably intertwined.

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Mike, now THAT would be good: create a vend diagram of all that intertwining!

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How would you find that info?

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Here are some links to videos and some books to read, as well as to the UN and wef websites. If I could post PDF's here I could post the entire UN source documents, but you can find them on the UN site. They aren't hiding them.

Links to videos:



























Links to books:

Agenda 21 - Julian Chitta

U.N. Agenda 21: Sustainable Development in the U.S.A. - Monolith Press

U.N Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy - Ileana Johnson Paugh

From the Earth Summit to Local Agenda 21: Working towards sustainable development - William M. Lafferty and Katarina Eckerberg (haven't finished this one yet)

Agenda 21: A Graphic Novel of Globalization and a New World Order - Ron Taylor

Agenda 21: Earth Summit: The United Nations Programme of Action from Rio - United Nations

Earth Summit: Agenda 21, The United Nations Programme of Action: Digest Press Summary: UN Agenda 21 - United Nations

Agenda 21 & How To Stop It - Tom DeWeese

Agenda 21: The Wrenching Transformation of America - Tom DeWeese, David Libardoni

Ethics and Agenda 21: Moral Implications of a Global Consensus - Noel J. Brown

Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21 - Rosa Koire

United Nation's AGENDA 21: "THE BIG LIE" "Open Borders, Eminent Domain, Global Com: "Open Borders, Eminent Domain, Global Compact Migration, Depopulation, ... New Deal - Dennis Andrew Ball

Agenda 21: An Expose of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Initiative and the Forfeiture of American Sovereignty and Liberties - Ron Taylor

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My gosh. We are in a crap ton of trouble.

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We've been in a crap ton of trouble for decades, but nobody was paying attention. I don't know if we can make it out of this, honestly. I'm planning for either scenario.

This is why it's so urgently important that EVERYONE talk to everyone they possibly can, whether it's in your comfort zone or not. We should have had several "million-man" marches on the capital, state capitals included, but we haven't.

Very few leaders with the "voice" necessary are even talking about it. They're talking about the wef, but not much else. Jordan Peterson has been, at least.

I know Dr. Malone has been as well, to a degree, but I don't know if he has the following to pull something together.

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I so agree with you! 100%.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

On the AEs it might be helpful to ask Del Bigtree what he has since he forced the feds to give the data in one of their specific online portals. I think it is an off shoot of VAERS.

'We' also need a way to fight the nonsense like this that MSM is putting out. It is hysterical in a bad way (the Covid toll in red states v blue ones. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/the-uneven-toll-of-the-coronavirus-pandemic/vi-AA1eyjS8

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My wife and may be able to jump on this, neither are working. Retired. Julia worked for BP Alaska.

She worked as a data analyst.

You already know I research everything that comes my way.

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Robert and Jill - I believe that Jeff Childers (Coffee and Covid substack) has something like this already in the works.

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DutyUsResultsGod - LOVE your handle. I've been reading Jeff every day for over a year. What a gem! Love his humor as well. Glad you found this in the archive. He even links a video with Robert in that one. I'm sure there is one in the archive that talks about the effort to put all the damning info in one place. Just don't have the time right now to find it.

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Incredible project! Thank you!

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Hello, one thing to consider is using a Blockchain database versus a traditional centralized database (or in addition to a traditional database). The advantages of a blockchain database is that it's immutable and can't be changed or censored with it's decentralized nature. Using EOS blockchain is fast (0.5 second blocks), nearly free, immutable and decentralized. If you are interested in this approach let me know as I can help with the tech side building from our experience with tipit.io. There would obviously be some details to work out. One approach would be that once the information is verified, it's also put on the blockchain with an NFT or token reward to the finder/creator of the content.

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Dr. Malone, while I applaud this effort I think it would open to the criticism that you are cherry picking reports that confirm your preconceived biases. I think a better (though more difficult approach) would be to collect scientific articles from both sides of the debate and provide comments and observations about the methods and conclusions drawn in these papers and to conduct some meta analysis on the papers by topic.

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This is why peer review papers are so important

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I am 20+ yrs out of the business but it was my experience that peer review had morphed into pretty much a cherry picking cabal operation and particularly so in papers from big medical institutions. These guys all "reviewed" each others papers and I personally saw some pretty poor product published over some well known names.

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Jul 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

That is the crux of the problem! Garbage in! Garbage out!

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Dr. Malone-you know of the false peer-reviewed pubs, etc. Very misleading/wrong. Would you suggest, if those are included, an explanation be added?

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We have entered the age when facts need to speak for themselves. There are one one set of facts IMO.

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Help with that side of it, great idea!!!!!

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I only have personal experience. Not scientific. But with having asthma, I found wearing masks much more difficult to breathe. Next week I have to work at a Skilled health care facility and LA county CA is still requiring masks.

Another point is the harm done to our residents who have difficulty hearing. This has been 3 years of substandard care because they can't voice their concerns clearly or understand the care providers.

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One might consider devising a system of written communications (may be with voice input/dictation for professionals to save time) for better understandings?

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Would the Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports by the DailyClout suffice for Pfizer AEs?

All 77 reports are here:


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We are going to need scientists to look at these on a case by case basis. The problem is, if it’s not in peer reviewed literature. It can’t be really used as a citation reference in a scientific journal.

This is why I’ve encouraged the people involved in this project to try and get papers published off of this data

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Vivek R told Glenn Beck last year that parallel avenues for media, industry, banking, food, transportation, investments, etc are now required to maintain our nation. So is science.

What are peer reviewed literature and scientific journal? Make your own scientific journal and allow studies and peer reviews. Make that parallel universe in your field.

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Robert, I have been collecting references related to injection injuries and mortality for an article in progress (hoping to finally finish it soon!) for over a year now and currently have 1,010 links I've dumped in a document, and those are the ones I haven't incorporated into the article (the rest will be embedded in the article itself). I of course have tens of thousands of links on related topics collected in various folders and files elsewhere, but I would be happy to share this file if you don't mind the messiness and someone wants to organize them into something useful. Please email me (you can find me on your mailing list) if you are interested.

P.S. Also see the COVID Injection Harms & Mandates section of my Wake-up Toolkit for articles packed with a massive number of relevant links:


In particular, this op-ed I drafted for Steve Kirsch contains some of the most compelling studies and evidence available at the time of its publication in January:

• “Letter to the Stanford Daily” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-stanford-daily)

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I’m not a scientist or a researcher, but I have a funny story for you. I went to the VA to be evaluated by the rheumatology clinic because of the arthritis I have. So while they were prescribing hydroxychloroquine, they said, you know, the medicine Dr. Trump recommended? I said you mean Dr. Redman, the Surgeon General who told Dr. Trump about this and Ivermectin? They didn’t know who I meant. Hopefully they stopped saying that to other veterans.

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You know it was Dr Zalenko who recommended it to President Trump. I am reading his book & it has copies of his letters & meetings with him.

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I stand corrected. My failing memory “see’s” our Surgeon General standing there saying it. But I could be brainwashed. Thanks

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I wish I had more time to work on this. Other commenters have offered some great ideas with the Childers and VSafe database.

Steve Kirsch has material too: https://kirschsubstack.com/s/resources

Brownstone Institute has a ton of papers and an excellent Search tool. Start here: https://brownstone.org/ and click the magnifying glass.

Brownstone example: Search for "masks" opens this page: https://brownstone.org/?s=masks

Clicking the first article in the result ("More than 170 Comparative Studies and Articles on Mask Ineffectiveness and Harms") takes you to: https://brownstone.org/articles/studies-and-articles-on-mask-ineffectiveness-and-harms/.

Next, select a link in the resulting table and drill down. Example: The first item takes you to a paper titled "Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers, Bundgaard, 2021" at https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/M20-6817

I hope this helps! Good luck!

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Bravo !

Covid virus was designed and developed in US laboratory.

China was just a low cost contractor for bio-weapon research that is illegal in the US.

Virus escaped from China’s lab -- CIA’s MAJOR criminals should be jailed for enormous economic damage and human death catastrophe – a truly global horror but, especially, -- in the US.

That “US security” CIA cancer should also be defunded.

Kennedy-24 !!!!

"Unprovoked" horror in Ukraine is one of many illustrations.

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