Feb 20·edited Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dr. Maloine, what an inspirational post. It fills us with resolve, hope and recognizes some of the more public faces that have walked with you, Jill and all of us in our tyrannical nightmare. Going forward, we must thank God for the resolve that comes directly from him. Never surrender!

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Whereas porn is perfectly ok on the new web, we know this - because not one piece of legislation has passed stopping porn. The act of exposing their propaganda, censorship, corruption and lies is not."

Exposing the corruption and propaganda is deemed "indecent exposure," while porn evidently is not. What a bizarre, twisted world we have now.

Ancient patriots were roused by rallying cries such as "Give me liberty or give me death," while modern-day masses seek solace in slogans like "Give me Librium or give me meth."

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AI is the tool that needs to be contained, and the basic question is: Who controls what is the truth. The following was sent to me and express the problem with the mass media.

John Swinton, former editor of The New York Times shocked an audience of journalists during a banquet speech when he said:

“There is no such thing in America as an independent press. You know it and I know it... The business of the Journalist is to destroy truth; To lie outright; To pervert; To vilify; To fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his county and his race for his daily bread.

You know it and I know it and what folly is this toasting an independent press? We are the tools and vassals for rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes.”

“It is a fact that most editors and newsmen on the staffs of Life, Look, Time, Newsweek, etc., and most editors, reporters, and commentators at NBC, CBS, and ABC take their news and editorial cues from the New York Times.

Technically, it is a great newspaper; but it reports much of the news in conformity with its editorial policies. The late Arthur Hays Sulzberger, chairman of the board of the New York Times, was a member of the CFR, and today there are at least 11 people in high positions with e Times who are CFR members.

Sulzberger's son-in-law Orvil E. Dryfoos (CFR) succeeded him as publisher. The current publisher is Arthur Ochs ‘Punch’ Sulzberger (CFR). Other CFR members at the Times are: Harding Bancroft, Executive Vice President. James Reston, Vice President and columnist; A. M. Rosenthal, managing editor; Seymour Topping, assistant managing editor; Max Frankel, Sunday editor; Harrison Salisbury, associate editor; C. L. Sulzberger, columnist; and David Halberstam, columnist.”

–Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File”

“Running a close second to the New York Times in the prestige race is the Washington Post. Every Senator and Congressman, regardless of his party or political persuasion, has the Post on his desk each morning.

Like the Times, the Post is read by the people who count when it comes to running the country. The Post's owner and publisher Katharine Graham is a member of the CFR, as are other top editors and management personnel. For years the Post has been referred to as ‘the uptown Daily Worker.’

The only time the Post has ever opposed big governments when it has been used to investigate Communism. When this has happened, the people at the Post frantically start waving the Constitution and babbling about ‘freedom of speech’ something they regularly suppress when it involves opposition to fascism socialism or the Rockefellers.”

Gary Allen, “The Rockefeller File”

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Indecent exposure is legal, and truthful exposure on experimental mRNA shots is illegal in France now, I imagine the world will follow.

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

They can’t stop us speaking out.Speak to as many people as you can,in person .That was how news spread long ago.Slow but sure.Like Dr Malone said,be prepared for the next turn in the road and adapt.

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This is what my husband and I are currently doing in order to educate those who will listen. https://asclifton1971.substack.com/p/the-great-paperclip-resistance

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Thank you for that information Anne!

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Just trying to be an encourager. We are a community of people who are awake and want to awaken others.

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Just ordered my four inch paperclips!

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Praying for great success for you as you seek to enlighten others!

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deletedFeb 20·edited Feb 22
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That is a great idea!I think I will make up some cards to give out.Thank you for the idea.

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thoughtful. The idea of banning malinformation, misinformation or false narratives sounds easy till they ban the truth sayers which is precisely what they did the last 70yrs, or have successfully till recent months when the truth sayers are breaking to the fore. We each must develop our own internal truth meters and speak if so inclined.

But, to know the truth one needs many examples of falsehoods. Any censorship of false information leaves many without the means to identify the truth. Let all express themselves as they have in various forms for 1,000s of years. Those who can will sort it out, those who cannot will prove manipulated like always, but the one standard should be free speech is educational for all who seek it.

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Every day I hear the ABC news at the top of the hour on the radio, pure misinformation. I doubt that they will be "corrected."

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They won't ever be 'corrected' but once you recognize that crap you will recognize it forever and know the truth when you see it.

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And therein lies the point of Dr. Malone's article.

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You can add substack to your list of hero's, It is a good list that you have...

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Only missing is a nice all italian sub with boiled ham, provolone, capicola, Lettuce, tomatoes, onions, oil and vinegar, oregano, and for me .....

Hot pepper rings.


Who's serving subs for lunch ?

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I’m on a diet. Hold the bread.

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Dr. Malone these posts help me get through my dark times. At times I sense you yourself have those same feelings, we are all human. I’d like to put some thought to what is at stake in this next election. DHS and FBI estimate 150,000 people from targeted countries such as Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia, Kenya, etc. have been allowed in through our wide open southern border. I often think of what just 19 men did on 9/11/2001. I think of a NYC policeman or fireman picking up the pieces of our fellow Americans off the streets of Lower Manhattan. I think if my father standing over his friends body in Nazi Germany all because of a government that got out of control. What president in their right mind would encourage this, support this, fund it through the government and NGO’s? Yes when I loose focus I remember what is at stake and I regain my resolve. J.Goodrich

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This is another reason I consider all of this to be satanic. I don't think there's any other explanation for this level of evil. I trusted in Jesus 48 years ago, when I was 23 (I don't care if that reveals my age 😊) and my comfort is found in knowing He is still sovereign.

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Read today al queda reforming in Afghanistan. Warms the hearts cockles does it not?

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With 89 billion in arms ?

Heck, why not? Joe and Ho left them stocked

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I wonder if the FBI was providing future cover for future events they plan on instigating.

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CIA, most likely. You'll know because they all have matching / coordinating khaki pants

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The Electronic Townhall

It is not about writing letters to elected officials or voting some good person into office who will do the right thing.

Its about the Ratification or Annulment of each line of every law, rule and regulation on the books or that is on the docket waiting to be turned into law and taxes.

That is what it is about.

During the 1992 Presidential campaign, Ross Perot made this observation: "a general lack of accountability among elected officials and those in the bureaucracy is the one specific reason that the people in America suffered…. and the only way to hold them accountable is to inspect their work."

He called his idea The Electronic Townhall and said it is only logical that it will become our Fourth Branch of Government.

Now, it is a known fact that the members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures do not have enough time to read or debate the particulars contained in the 100 new laws (200 thousand pages) they vote on every day they are in session.

So, the only way to prevent these over worked and fallible people from making some more tragic mistakes from which we might never recover is to include the citizens, from whom the authority for government comes in the first place, in the decision making process.

How it works:

1. Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

2. Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

Ross Perot went on to note that this can easily be done with computers and he called the program: THE ELECTRONIC TOWNHALL.

It can be applied to every branch of government and will solve every problem we have at every level.

To prevent chaos, the basic law, our Constitution and Bill of Rights, would be exempt from review.

Mr. Perot speculated that the Founding Fathers would probably have done the same had the technology been available in their day.

If our government truly is of the people, by the people and for the people then this is the only way forward.

The Electronic Townhall

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Great comment -

and interesting idea

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Perhaps a good place to start is with President Trump's emergency authorization act for CV19.

AI can parse the text, ferret out the action items line by line, and the money too. Put in the summary questions and let it loose....

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Never work. it makes too much sense and grants the power directly to the people.

Oh wait...that was exactly the way it was set up.

When Power corrupts. Absolute power corruption remains.

And yup I voted for Ross Perot because he wanted the freedoms and liberty to act in accordance with rules and regs just like small business were once gladly inducted to.

He saw clearly we were now being run, over and over by large disproportioned business models ok'd by legislations and sweet deals tucked into spending bills.

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

🙏🙏 for all the hidden heroes who feel internally driven to do the right thing.

I noticed tech savvy dissidents, (free speech advocates of all political persuasions) simultaneously publish on multiple new and/or decentralized platforms. Some newer ones I found are Odysee / LBRY, Minds, MeWe. They can grow to critical mass with our support. Open source software for starting new platforms is out there.

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Yep - Don't fight dinosaurs, feed gazelles!

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Alternative media may be one of our best tools, as you say, but I believe it is far from being the answer we need. For one thing, mainstream people don't use it, or at least they don't consider it a reliable source of information. A huge percentage of the population (I'm basing that on my own observation, as a resident of a "blue state") truly believe mainstream media is honest, and furthermore, is the only honest source for news and information. Alternative media from the get-go has had a reputation not only as "misinformation," but is even considered a source to be made fun of, as in "well, I saw it on the internet, haha." I truly believe "the media control the message," and the only way through this mess would be if somehow the mainstream media woke up or straightened itself up and decided to tell the truth, because like it or not, that is the source most people will continue to look to for information. I hope some minds sharper than mine will be able to come up with a way to make that happen.

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That's true, and it will continue to be until a breakthrough occurs. You are right, how to put the squeeze on msm is the ?

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Exactly. It's "preaching to the choir" basically. But how to get more people to tune into it when they are so programmed and brainwashed into believing msm? I personally don't hold out much hope for it, at least not in the near future.

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I think the answer was posted on Monday's Dr. Malone SS by Glissmeister in response to my post about colonist and Thomas Paine who knew they had to build support for the revolution.

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Legacy media is owned by Pharma, can't squeeze them.

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Not only Pharma, although that does preclude the idea of the truth ever coming out about Covid. But legacy media is owned and beholden to the far left with regard to current events in general, which impacts their reporting (or failure to report) on everything the current regime is doing to this country, including election issues. I honestly can't see how we'll ever dig our way out of this, but I keep hoping for some sort of epiphany on the part of the population. I just can't understand how so many can be so blind.

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Repetition is powerful, and the media repeats, repeats, repeats the propaganda all day every day. Likewise, how do we get out of this?

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Feb 21·edited Feb 21


Your words resonate in my being

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Right, alternative media is an echo chamber, the majority are brainwashed by legacy media, their go to.

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On a bright note, I do see the stragglers coming around about the reality that sits before them. Not many, nor enough to make a difference at this point, but hopeful that the numbers will multiply.

I've said this before:

It will require a major catastrophe, a huge event, a spectacle beyond their comprehension to wake the zombies around us. By then, it appears it will be too late for them.

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Yes. If the average person googles C19 shots or any vaccines, they will find all articles supporting them and denigrating those who are risk aware. Dr. David Gorski, I think he is a surgeon, writes scathing articles against Dr. McCullough, he is full of contempt against any alternative medical modalities, and he is relentless. So, the public are greeted with this information, and if they want the other side they will have to dig, and most people won't bother.

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Especially if they use Google as their search engine.

DuckDuckGo use to be helpful, but that has been bought up by the liars in charge as well.

Brave used to be good, but Dr. Malone has changed our thoughts on that.

Turn your friends onto Yandex.com. So far, it has the most information out there, that appears to be mostly unbiased.

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Yes, it will be too late for them. But it will be too late for all of us. We need the converts in order to dig our way out of this mess. Without more people in this army, I'm not so sure, given the degree of censorship and media propaganda, not to mention "election interference" and just plain cheating. The Machine has become very powerful while we nodded, and too many people are still asleep. I hope you're right that the numbers will multiply, but my pessimism stems from my personal observation of people around me.

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You keep this up, you conspiracy monger you, and we’ll end up in side by side stocks;

Also, who’da thunk 40 years ago that my fav media today would be preceded by "alt?"

My oh my, how far we’ve come.

On a more serious note: being the pessimist I seem to have become, I see/it feels like we’re a long way from the days of Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson and Publius. My concern has become that like a snowball rolling down hill we have allowed the mentality, mindset and public expectations to amount to a {something} too large to be stopped or even diverted without major calamity/catastrophe. The government/our government either intentionally or (some would say) fortuitously gave the nascent digital media companies protections giving them the leeway to be the massive arbiters of speech we now have. NOW, the dominant force(s) in government, THE DEEP STATE, wants to maintain that "private sector" 😉 😉 arbiter of speech for its benefit.

My fear is that Publius would be demonetized, deplatformed, shadow banned and/or outright cancelled today. Even if "Publius" is Glenn Beck or Ben Shapiro with their own platforms, Dr Malone with his own megaphone on Substack, or even little ol’ me with just a big mouth can be heard w/out squelching — our freedom of speech may not have sufficient freedom of reach.

Are there enough people listening/reading/watching FreeAmericaRadio to make a difference? As was just mentioned on the radio (just one arm of FAR), how many people know about Tara Reade or that she moved to Russia because she felt "unsafe" in Biden’s America.

We all know inflation is bad but how many know how bad since the government keeps rejiggering the way inflation is measured.

Our current debt is $34T, 2033 it’ll cross $50T and the debt service will be the largest item in the budget - how many know what that means?

Anarchists like Cloward&Piven set forth a plan, the current direction we’re heading, to bring about the collapse of society, government, so that their vision of the future can rise from the ashes - not a Phoenix, more like a modern day Serpent. It’s possible that our only hope of rescuing America and her ideals is to make sure that those who believe in those ideals are there in sufficient force that when the "beast" that rises from the ashes of the collapse is indeed a Phoenix and not the serpent of old. (Olde?)

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Even Glenn's platform is no match for tech as proven today when both my msm and Firefox internet connections brought me to his platform but stopped short of completing it for his 2:30 eastern time podcast with Tucker Carlson, his first interview after returning home from Moscow.

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Not sure that can be blamed on "big tech" so much as on just tech. Today.

Been trying to get Prager’s 24/7 feed to stream and it has crashed every time so far; also, WMAL stream crashed, too. Seem to remember there being a CME event warning - in my addled brain that could have been last month, March or this week 🤷‍♀️

As for GB, much of his show is streamed as a podcast and I can see it listed on Apple Podcasts. There’s a mention in today’s show notes that he’s gonna discuss what he wants to discuss with Tuck - that, however, does not seem to be the actual discussion. Tuck also has his own podcast that I access on Apple Podcasts - who knows, may show up there.

As for Mr GB himself, he’s still on my 💩 list after his debacle re: President Trump in 2016 - yeah, you can call me the elephant man if you want. Son and I use to listen together when we could (and he was a wee mite back in those days) and we enjoyed their Friday random cold calling of "morons" and common trivia (pitted quickie mart employees from the cities of opposing football teams agin each other) — results were often telling, esp if an owner was on the line vs an employee.

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I loved the cold calling, my oh my. Forgot those! PragerU has been under assault for years. He even filed a few lawsuits. I only watch the 5 minute lessons linked in his emails, the latest being 'what do you know about the president'.

I quit watching Beck when he bullied about 12 BYU student in person who raised their hands going to vote for Trump and then he added his own two cents to that National Review article. I started back after his many, many mea copa since then and after the 2020 election, he admitted late last year, he sent Trump a $one million dollar check with a note on it- for your defense fund.

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His goody2shoes position could have cost us the nation in 2016 - And while we may have only gained a 4 year respite

Sometimes a breather is necessary

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Agree with both!

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Wow I didn’t know that!!

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His interview with Tucker was specifically to appear on "BlazeTV: Tucker Carlson & Glenn Beck LIVE today at 2:30 p.m. ET

Tucker Carlson will give his first U.S. interview since returning from Russia. This special edition of "The Glenn Beck Podcast " will be live for BlazeTV+ subscribers only. Use the code FREESPEECH to get 30% off your first year of BlazeTV+."

I am a BlazeTV+ subscriber and could not get to it.

He was using the exclusive to get more subscribers as he is trying to jettison online ads off all his programming. I signed up during the platforms first year.

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Yes, a very inspirational post. I feel those of us who follow you , Jill and the rest of the “fighters” are contributing to the building of the bridge. We know what the future holds if we give in or become complacent. We have each others backs.

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They'll never let us keep liberty, so it's kinda obvious what their choice will be.

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Thank you Robert and Jill Malone for another shot of inspiration and encouragement... I am forever grateful that YOU are fighting the good fight!!!

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Feb 20Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Excellent article. I was in Facebook jail for a total of 3 and a half months in '21, and am nearly permanently on 90 day restriction ,posts being moved further down newsfeed. It would have been unimaginable prior to 2020.

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When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know, the end result is tyranny and oppression no matter how holy the motives.

Robert A. Heinlein

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We are in a Spiritual war against the system ruling the planet. The best defense is choosing truth, because if we don’t know what it is we won’t know when we are being lied to. Our misplaced priorities as a people have fostered our moral/spiritual indifference and our enslavement to them

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Your analogy reminds me about how a friend described how his mother who was a trained banker was trained on how to recognize 🤔 a counterfeit.

They were ONLY given THE REAL GENUINE ARTICLE to handle and study.

That way when they came across a counterfeit they would recognize it as the fake that it was!!!

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My dad was a cop and was taught (fb.i.?) to wipe a bill on white paper. If the ink did not transfer onto the paper the bill was bad. Also, if it was a $3 bill…..

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Coming from a Christian perspective we know the truth, and God gives through the Holy Spirit a spiritual BS meter. This is contrasted in II Thessalonians 2

”And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.“

‭‭II Thessalonians‬ ‭2‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭

Ref:BLM, anti Israel cabal and all the useful idiots the Marxists gin up to protest

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It can also be applied to knowing our country's Constitution.

If we know our rights, we will know when our rights are being infringed!

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Don't ask the 30 million illegals just crossing the border.

They don't know about any "stinking constitution". They just know they're getting free shit, and Joe Biden gave it to them.

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I've said often we could stop this border problem in a matter of minutes if we'd Stop. Giving. Them. Free. Shit!

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