Wow, I haven't seen such knee jerk reactions from the commenters since,.....since........ since the most recent demonization of ......of......SOCIALISM!

The reactions against Dr. Malone are about as bad as the reactions that the SDS crowd have been having on this site for years. (SDS = Socialism Derangement Syndrome).

I read this post of Dr. Malone's twice and I have yet to find him supporting Hezbollah in any way. He is trying to educate us. He didn't offer his opinion, he only quoted sources describing Hezbollah.

But this reactionary crowd is now all over him for supporting Hezbollah. This shows you the level of discourse of people commenting on this site,...... well, some of them.

I just want to say: Keep doing what you are doing Dr. Malone. Pay no attention to the reactionary idiots who are now threatening to withdraw their support of you. I don't always agree with you. But I thank you for your efforts and the knowledge that you share!

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As you point out, this has nothing to do with supporting Hezbollah. I specifically used multiple AI to summarize Hezbollah without opining in any way. People continue to conflate/confuse Hezbollah with Hamas. The irony here is that I am often accused of being pro-israel or pro-zionism, and receive a lot of hate about that - particularly on Gab. What Mossad has done here has wide implications, which I doubt were considered in the heat of battle. It is these broader issues that I am concerned. If anything, I am critical of Mossad deploying this strategy, but given the sensitivity surrounding this whole issue, I chose to not emphasize this, and to allow the reader community to draw their own conclusions without injecting my own biases.

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I completely respect your opinions Dr. Malone and I know you’re just transferring information. I can see how I may look at my phone now differently. I guess the government is already monitoring it without my consent so in my mind it’s already being used as a weapon. These terrorists organizations have been using pagers and certainly cell phones to kill people many times Americans for years. They have used plane loads of people to terrorize countries and people for decades. They blow up busloads of people all the time as well. I know when I get on a plane it has certainly crossed my mind that i can be killed by a terrorist. I guess what I’m saying is if they want to use pagers and phones as a weapon can’t people they are violently murdering use their weapons against them. They don’t seem to mind turning these devises into weapons, so why should Israel.

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Where in Gods name does this article show any scintilla of support for Hezbollah?

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It's frightening that so many intelligent subscribers are on the wrong track and positioned to impede and/or hamper Dr Malone's magnificent work of informed education of his "pupils".

His analysis is just that, sober and well-researched FACTS, I admire him for his "populist" work and courage.

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Just the facts Jim. Facts!

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I can’t find bias either way in your essay. I read it several times. But wow pinning an adolescent communist agitator, long live Iran???, victory to hezbollah???, death to Zionism???, no bias there. I had a couple of good friends that were murdered when Iran sent a truck filled with explosives into the marine barracks in October of 1983 killing 24 marines including my friends. Love the murderous anti American sentiment. Iran has murdered thousands of American kids, kids that didn’t deserve to die.

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It’s now come out Iran hacked the Trump campaign and handed the Harris Biden campaign Trumps election strategy directly interfering in the American election. Iran considers America the great satan and wants to wipe Israel off the map. With Irans daily chants of death to America why do you think they’re backing Harris, hmmmm….

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Ben Shapiro pointed out that many of the injuries the rabid Muslims received, were their balls being blown off. Gonna be some disappointed virgins in Allah land. Or happy, wont be "hard" to tell.


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Hezbollah has launched over 7500 rockets of various types at Israel just since Oct 7,2023 and about 80k Israeli citizens have been displaced. This cyber attack was aimed at Hezbollah operatives who were using these devices instead of cell phones to communicate. Stop firing rockets at a civilian population and maybe change the charter that explicitly calls for the destruction of Israel and the creation of a caliphate state. Maybe that will deescalate tensions in the Middle East

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The ***khazarian non-semitic jew*** has absolutely no relationship/pretension to the country that is called PALESTINE. It has been stolen on a grand scale since the Balfour declaration.

It's this very same evil entity that is responsible for atrocious and bloodletting barbaric actions such as Deir Yassin and the King Davit Hotel in Tel Aviv. As long as this little parasitic TERRORIST entity is allowed to exist, there will never ever be peace, just mayhem on a grand scala, see GAZA with the daily murder of women and children, bombing of schools, hospitals,

there is just no end to the gutless perpetrators, not to mention the torture centers.

***menachem begin*** called himself a terrorist who led the ***murderous, rapist irgun

gang***, may this murderer burn in HELL.

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Hey Horst... what about the USA native Indians ? Was their lands stolen on a grand scale, or what ? What about Tibet ? Over time, various lands are acquired and renamed and the population changes. This is true of Israel. Palestine was a British mandate. It did not exist as an independent country for very long. And historically, the Jews were there first. Killing off the Caananites and establishing Israel. Transjordan included Israel and Jordan, and so many 'Palestinians' call Jordan home. After the Arab nations attacked Israel in 1948, 1967 & 1973 and failed, they were embarrassed by their failure and the loss off so much of their military hardware. So they came up with another plan. They funded insurgent groups that would carry on a constant war with Israel. Hamas & Hezbollah are 2 of those groups. The 'Palestinians' do not want a 2 state solution. They want Israel Gone ! So the conflict continues.

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Here's Richie's point boiled down for simplicity:

There have been other genocides perpetrated throughout history, therefore genocide of the Palestinians is hunky dory!

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weird how idiots complain the white man is killing off the native populations, when the native populations did that to the other native population, long before the white man got there, repeatedly.

its almost like these whiny pos are complaining that the white man does the same thing, that the natives did, to well.

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Usually, with genocide there’s a decrease in population…

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2%, and counting

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Palestinian population in 1950 was 944,807. Palestinians in 2024 are 5,494,963. Maybe you can do the math on that. Hint: it's not 2%.

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You may be calling for your own burning by your curse, Horst. The hatred and violence I hear in you is what keeps these wars going. If you truly want peace, let it start with you.

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I hear you. You apparently think that the natural state of the world is peace. I always liked My Little Pony books for my children.

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The world has been at war for most of its existence. Do you really believe that you don't have a place inside of you that is Peace? Your sarcasm towards me is noted and blown off.

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All yearn for peace, of course. "Peace, peace, but there is no peace", the Scripture says. It also says, "The heart of man is desperately wicked". The Aramaic term Jeremiah used means "hopelessly diseased". There is only one cure for this.

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I thought "land for peace" would stop all of this, as Ariel Shalom and others had PROMISED.

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It's not "some land for peace", it's ALL the land. Then maybe some peace.

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You got that right. Land for peace just let the camel's nose under the tent flap.

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I think you miss heard the offer: it was "give us ALL your land" if you want peace

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funny how rabid muslims feel they can exterminate the jews

tragic so many rabid rodents support them in their efforts to do that

looking forward to an end of the rabies epidemic in the middle east

where can I send my old pagers and walkie talkies??

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Hezbollah has already launched thousands of rockets and ballistic missles against suburban Israeli targets. It seems they haven’t learned any lessons yet. I imagine that they used US funds released from oil fields in Iran to pay for these weapons. Our government is complicit in the escalation. Iran was broke when Biden took office. Now they are flush with cash. Biden prefers Islamic terrorists over peace in the region.

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Long live Iran, victory to the Hezbollah freedom fighters!

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And how is it that *israhell* has a nucliar warfare arsenal - in the hundreds - and never has signed the NON-PROLIFERATION ACT ????!!!! It's the untouchable mastadon

*** israhell *** must, of course, be treated with velvet gloves, just don't touch and harm the MASTODON !!!!!

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and any Hiller loving rodent that posts here can shove their rabid insanity up their rabid ass's.

This is what Horst Baer sent me via message, since even that little rodent knew everyone else would see he is a rabid little nazi lover who wants jews dead.

"And here the concise words of Hitler regarding the *tribe*: While the Zionists try to make the rest of the World believe that the national consciousness of the Jew finds its satisfaction in the creation of a Palestinian state, the Jews again slyly dupe the dumb Goyim. It doesn't even enter their heads to build up a Jewish state in Palestine for the purpose of living there; all they want is a central organization for their international world swindle, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for convicted scoundrels and a university for budding crooks".

and I took a screen shot of your message, rabid asshole, in case you try to deny it.

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I suspect they have a nuke because they are a smart people, unlike the rabid muslims who want to exterminate them, and unlike the rabid leftist vermin that support the rabid muslims.

Rabid leftist rodents will call Israelis engaging in self defense, "treating with kid gloves", so we can just label and mock the pestilent vermin that do that.

Like you.

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I predict the rabid muslims will have to resort to "runners". To move info, like they did in WW1 and 2.

Next up, Nike makes deal to put shoes on Hezbollhas feet. .

All shoes to be processed thru the Richard Reid processing center. Before final shipment.

(look up Richard Reid)

Ben Shapiro pointed out that many of the injuries the rabid Muslims received, were their balls being blown off. Gonna be some disappointed virgins in Allah land. Or happy, wont be "hard" to tell.


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About those "disappointed virgins in Allah land".....they will be RELIEVED, not disappointed! 🤣

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Seriously, Dr. Malone? You are going to accuse Israel of an ethical breach for targeting Hezbollah terrorists???? The operating principle for the entire Islamic terrorist campaign against the State of Israel, which is doctrinally and unapologetically committed to Israel’s complete annihilation, is to target Israeli civilians!!!!

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In many ways I agree with you. However, Americans are a target of terrorist. Will we now have second thoughts when we purchase a desktop, laptop or a cell phone. If just one American citizen is injured or killed in this manner the fear factor will go off the charts. One thing I appreciate about Dr. Malone is his insistence on maintaining a moral center. Otherwise we become just like the terrorist.

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The odds are so against what you say. Untargeted terrorism has no "shelf life". Stop worrying about the improbable. It is more devastating if you let yourself be in these peprpetrators' thrall. The Tylenol terrorist murders did not stop people from buying medications, although that would have been much easier to continue doing than installing self destruct mechanisms in computers. They are much more likely to steal your $$$ than hurt you.

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Agree...it's existed for a long time that explosives can be placed in electronic devices and then triggered remotely!!! I'm sure rogue governments have used this for years, and possibly even our own. This is not the first time this technology has been used...but as we know...if Israel uses it, then it's bad. There is no moral center in war times whether we like to admit that or not. Win the war first and then correct your morals...if you lose the war there is no morality left anyway...what if Hitler had continued to win and dominate. Obviously, it is best to leave innocent civilians out of this and the women and children, that is terrible.

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I am not sure anymore about being target of external terrorists since our own government agencies are against us. I am not sure if the threat from the outside is greater than the threat within to quash our freedom….oligarchs, deepstate, msm,

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Can’t disagree at all. The threat within is the greatest threat in my view. That does not mean that the terrorist threat is not real. It is.

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I’ve been trying to decide how to respond to this one. I’m so angry with him that I’m just going to keep quiet.

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I think Dr. M's subscription rates are falling so he had to become the provocateur (again).

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They just may fall some more

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One can hope.

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Yeah, please leave.

Thank you, Dr. Malone.

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Nice sentiment. Why stay, be the one first to cancel.

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To paraphrase Dennis Prager, those who can't/don't confront evil, blame those who do

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Agree with Linda....interesting posting. I thought all was fair in love and war. Israel was initially attacked and had brutally slaughtered women and children...so what do their tormentors expect in return? In our Revolutionary War, the British were quite upset that out patriots fought from the brushes and the brambles and targeted British military leaders...who won that war? War is ugly and those that start them should be prepared for any response, and sadly, there will be atrocities on all sides.

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Death to Zionism

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Dr. Malone has studied ethics and is probably aware that, as painful as it is to accept, an "eye for an eye" mentality among men just results in a lot of blind people. Retaliatory violence is not the way to solve the problem of violence. Humanity, though, may never learn this lesson.

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Easy to say about the ethics of war, but let's not forget how Israel was attacked first in an unusually cruel manner. Sometimes, you need a lot of blind people (eye for eye). The old saying is it takes two to fight...I disagree....it takes one to fight, and the other to defend...you're forced into a fight. IMO, if forced into a fight, there are no limits. No greater friend in peacetime, and no greater enemy in wartime.

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The sentiments you express are very common and widely supported. And this is one reason it is so difficult to end human-on-human violence. Maybe it's not worth ending. Some people find fighting kind of fun.

But the finding I have been taught is that it actually takes THREE to start a serious cycle of violence. There are the two actually doing the fighting, then there is a covert (secret) third party egging both of them on. The third party sees both sides as dangerous and so comes up with the "solution" of getting them to fight each other. I am convinced that this is a more complete understanding of why people resort to killing each other.

When it comes to something like Zionism versus Palestine, the roots of this go back who knows how far into the past. Each side uses the last attack to justify their next act of violence. And each act of violence weakens both sides. If we see this as the desired result of human-on-human violence, then we can see how the criminal mind might be attracted to it. If you can get Hamas to act as crazy as they have, though, you have created a situation that could last very close to forever. Of course most women (but not all), children and old people want to have nothing to do with all the bloodshed and can see in their own lives how destructive it is. But in the end the men see fighting as a part of their job, and seem willing (sometimes even eager) to do it regardless of the human cost.

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Every time people who think they know more than anyone else are allowed to remap the globe the world has to live with the consequences. Israel another example. Whether you agree or not with its creation, it is there and now its existence has to be tolerated, either diplomatically or militarily. Or accept another holocaust.

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Fifth columnists, Provocateurs, Quislings, Anarchists, Sorosites you mean?

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To what do you refer?

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Israel was not attacked first.

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Aww! How polite! (/sarc)

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“An eye for an eye” is not a retaliatory statement, but rather the standard that is used in biblical Law, and in our laws, which keeps the punishment equal to the law which was broken—life for life, not life for stealing my sheep.

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Yes, but the whole concept of punishment or retribution "in kind" or otherwise has not served us well. It has been discovered that many people who commit crimes want to be caught and punished, as they refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and so expect someone else to prevent them from doing bad things. However, when such people are "freed," they just go back to doing the same bad things. They have no self-control.

Of course this goes against our natural instinct to strike back if struck. To restrain oneself from doing so is considered saintly, and is not expected of "normal" people. But of course striking back only continues the violence.

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I fully support Dr Malone's pertinent analysis, THIS IS CALLED FREEDOM OF SPEECH. Do not try to muzzle us, if you don't like it, GET OUT.

Please read my comment to Mr Zimmerman, you will not be allowed to cow us, never.

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Thank you, Horst.

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I'm with you, Horst!

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No one is questioning his freedom of speech. Wake up and grow a pair. They are just questioning the content of his writing. I don't agree or disagree with what he wrote, and he puts out facts and his perspective on some of the facts. So what if some agree or disagree with his viewpoint. Not everyone is in lockstep with one another, nor should be. So don't misinterpret and escalate the matter by stating that anyone suggested Dr. M should be muzzled. What a jokester. Yes, I'm calling you out, push back on you're inciting misinformation and accusations. And no, I will not respond further. Never argue with an ignorant person...they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience....Mark Twain.

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Comments made earlier thought that Dr. Malone's subscriptions would dwindle, and at least one commenter hopes this will be so.

Another commenter yelled at Dr. Malone for his article content--multiple exclamation marks--and another said how very angry they are with him.

I have noticed here today that if you say any sentence criticizing or truthfully talking about Israel's actions, you are set upon by a pack of wolves. No free speech here today.

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Yes, yes. Exemplifying freedom of speech by adding the punctuation "Get out!".

Cacophonic dissonance.

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Correction, quote out of context:

He wrote: "If you don't like it (freedom of speech), get out!

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The difference between Israel, the IDF, and Mossad is that none of those TARGET civilians, civilians are collateral because the godless goatherds carry out their offenses from within their civilians (an action that seems to be acceptable to the godless goatherds civilians). Now, if there’s an argument to be made that Israel and her actors sent the frangible pagers to the children …

Anyway, writing this Wednesday afternoon, the news has been breaking since I was on the road this morning that a 2nd wave of frangible devices (exploding radios) caused havoc across Lebanon and throughout hezbollah. This sounds like an interesting technological flanking maneuver: attack from one direction (we’ll call it the front), get the enemy (godless goat-herders) to change direction, tactics (toss their safe pagers, switch to radios) and then a couple days later detonate the radios.

The bloodthirsty militarist in me is enjoying the mental image I’m conjuring: whereas pagers can be used at arm’s length (unless you’ve got my bad eyes) I’m imagining radios being held up to the godless goatherd’s ear - hence that eternal case of tinnitus.

In addition to my continued concern for the nation of Israel and her people, I’m now concerned for the innocent manufacturers of the pagers and radios. Godless goatherd fury will need to be vented and who better for godless goat-herders than defenseless tech firms - unless the godless goatherders can find another love fest concert full of children.

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Almost all the victims of Israel's genocide are women and children. 40,000 so far with estimates of up to 200,000. If what you say is true, that they don't target women and children, then the "best" most "humane" armed force in the world needs to improve it's target accuracy.

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Jim, if that’s really your name, go away. If you really believe the drivel you’re excreting from your nether extremes, you’re at best a fool and/or a puppet, at worse 🤔 …. - should I sign off with alahu akbar.

I, of course, respond to shalom myself, but I ‘spect you’d rather remove your lips than say such.

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Totally disgusting and insulting comment, sr miller.

You have contributed nothing to the discussion.

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🤔 thank you?

But, I beg to differ about not contributing anything - YOU responded, eh?

Shalom. Oh, be careful around any unsolicited pagers. Or walkie-talkies. OK? 😘

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Stay off CNN

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Khazarian non-semitic jews have absolutely no right at all to STEAL and occupy PALESTINE.

The Palestinians and Christians are mostly SEMITIC, you are not.

Your tribe is too troublesome wherever it sets foot !!!!!

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You have been brainwashed by the forces that Dr. Malone has been revealing to us for years.

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Brainwashed? Are you suggesting there is anything factually untrue in saying that terrorists target civilians, and that Arab terrorists targeting Israeli civilians are doctrinally and unapologetically commited to Israel’s annihilation? Or perhaps you don’t think Israel has a right to exist? Just wondering . . .

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Yes, I think the European colonists should go back home where they came from.

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And remember …if they can instruct pagers to self destruct you can bet there are ways already proven for the voting machine to be manipulated in the same way…maybe not with destruction but definitely to change the vote. These machine must be eliminated immediately…voting changes everything and our country’s direction. We must protect this essential right!!…and a absolute secure mail in ballot with proven identity…thumb finger print at least with comparison on file with voting office..and of course verification of citizenship. Only way to protect ourself and this Nation against those who want us suppressed.

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Machines don't just count the votes, they manufacture the necessary votes. It's magic.

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And resuscitate the dead

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And who are these perennial liars, cheaters, traitors within our ranks = the ignominious tribe, mostly and basically, the DESTROYERS as per ***maurice samuel***.

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War is hell and anyone who believes there are "rules" is sadly naive. An example. We claim to adhere to the geneva convention. Accordingly we executed german ss who killed US prisoners. My uncle was with Patton on his mad dash to the rhine. They were going hell-bent-for-broke and had no way. to accomodate prisoners. They encountered german home guard composed of kids, old men and soldiers mustered out by injuries. The order from Patton was....no prisoners. My uncle was one who had to give that order. He was a young man but came home with white hair and a weak heart. Repeat what I have said before, the only war crime is losing the damned thing.

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Forgot to add many were also unarmed.

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Of course they would have disarmed them, or they disarmed themselves ahead of the fray.

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No they had none to begin with.

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I heard stories about the Rheinwiesenlager and Eisenhower's war crimes. I didn't know Patton did something similar.

Abandoning moral law is a devil's bargain. Accept atrocities on civilians for whatever excuse and it will come back to haunt everyone.

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The ultimate morality of war is to win it any way you can because the alternative is losing it and that has consequences one does not want to endure, as a nation or as an individual. Which is why all wars should be avoided if possible and here that means keeping dems out of 1600

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Well stated....well stated. Reality of war.

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So sad this happened! (/sarc)

The difference between the Psi War being launched by the Globalist Elitists, and the Israeli version is that the globalist Psi War is purely for power and control, directed at everyone in the world, and Israel is using such tactics solely for survival. The Western Globalist's Psy Ops are strategic, and the Mossad's are tactical (and so much more clever!) BTW, Israelis are better than anyone at this or any other miltary games so we should be careful with any phony equivalence arguments which just give the barbarians false justification for their ninilistic activities. Individually the antidote to being influenced by Psy Ops is education. Smarten up! Live and let live.

BTW—Israel has been in these anti-semitic conflicts for 3000+ years by the same perpetrators and their descendants' death cults! See Psalm 81. Thomas Jefferson fought and beat these same ideologically disgusting misogynists in 1800 in the Mediterranean over 200 years ago! They said "convert or die" then, and do so now. To the shores of Tripoli!

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Jefferson was protecting US trading businesses as they venture a long way from home. After the costs of payments to the Barbary pirates reached one fourth of the US treasury, Jefferson built a navy and established the marines. The US has been doing that all around the world. Did not take long before it established strategic military bases all across the globe. I heard the US was protecting democracy and free trade. I think it was for the home front though.

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Well stated.

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Good response bubbagyro! Wake up people.

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By limiting conventional weapons sent to Israel to 'finish the job', Israel is forced to use other tactics. Smart bombs will limit the collateral damage. Otherwise the dumb bombs will do much more damage. What is better? No war is good, but Israel MUST survive. Biden/Obama hate Israel and undermine it covertly in every way possible. The US paid billions to Iran to build weapons. Iran now supplies proxies and Russia to wage war. Is this intelligent leadership? Trump called it right. He sanctioned Iran. No wars on his watch. Biden supports the war economy.

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I'm Rootin' For Putin!............Iran, Palestine, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and all the many countries we have touched with our Imperial aggression. I'll say it again: "I'm Rootin' For PUTIN!!!!!!! Yeah! Got it?

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I like Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), so I tuned in when he was interviewed by Tucker Carlson a few months ago. They come to AIPAC at about the 24 minute mark. I found his candor to be fascinating, but I cannot say I was surprised. Massie said that every GOP rep has an AIPAC babysitter, and that he got into hot water with them for not playing ball or writing their "term paper" for them.


I also read Whitney Webb's two volume book(s), "One Nation Under Blackmail," wherein Mossad figures prominently, including with the myriad scandals involving Epstein and Maxwell.

Sometimes hard to tell who's leading who by the nose.

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Are we better off now than we were 4 years ago? Remember she more than likely had been given the questions. And what will the world look like with 4 years of President Harris?


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China I’m sure took note and realized the potential impact they can have on America with all the electronics American companies manufacture in China. Just imagine what damage China can do with Rx meds made in China & shipped here 🤔

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Remarkable, isn't it? That over the space of a few generations, the corporate and state sages have placed our manufacturing sector and our very way of life into the hands of a CCP-led rival. Who thought that was a good idea? As far as I'm concerned, this case qualifies as prima facie evidence of subversion from within.

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I fully agree 👍

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Bravo. Excellent take. Condemn bad behavior, not the people because that leads to polarization. No matter what one side does is supposed to be 100% accepted because they are the “good guys” and the bad guys deserve it- no matter what(?)

I don’t think so. We’re not 3rd graders here.

And can you imagine a future where we’re all driving electric cars? Driving along, and the one in front of you basically vaporizes becoming a norm(?)

I appreciate your final comments the most. I’ve been making good headway with my raging liberal bff from college by doing exactly what you said in the 2nd to last paragraph. Just today she sent me a sound bite snippet of Jared Kushner (because she hates him) and that lead me to listening to the full conversation he had at Harvard with an Egyptian professor. He was explaining how he negotiated the Abraham Accords. One story was about how his approach with a Saudi leader was to start by listening and asking his advice. The guy was so surprised, that lead to establishing a good relationship. So, something I’m realizing and accepting is, there IS something we can all do. It sucks. But here it is:

Listen to people who disgust you.

We all embrace our right to free speech. But what is the yin to the yang? Do we have a right to be heard? In the vaccine moment, those injured have been shut down, silenced. In society, we do not recognize their right to be heard. So I’m not talking about someone screaming or being verbally abusive. When someone is speaking respectfully, how often do we say: I will listen to you. My raging liberal bff did that for me recently and it really opened my heart to her because of how used to being silenced I am. And we’ve been having really productive conversations.

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Love this!

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The pagers certainly could have had the ability to be remotely detonated. However, based upon the simultaneous nature of the attack a much simpler option suggests itself: The pagers were manufactured with a pre-selected countdown some weeks or even months into the future. Each device effectively became a time bomb. This latter choice would, of course take away the chance to tailor the attack, but it also would be simpler and more secure in that it would require no access to the pager data network. The only uncertainty would have been to deliver the devices to the intended targets within a certain timeframe. In support of my "time bomb" hypothesis, consider that this attack would have been equally effective whether the bombs had gone off a week ago or a month from now. On the other hand, it'd have been undesirable if shipping had been delayed and a shipping container or truck had gone up in flames somewhere in Europe..

In earlier posts I’d assumed an incendiary device but now it sounds more like some type of high explosive was used. Folks, this WASN’T just the battery exploding. If you’re going to modify thousands of units, you’re going to make something a bit more destructive than what a tiny Li-Ion battery shorted out could do.

One must credit Mossad with a brilliant covert op. To clandestinely manufacture thousands of miniature time bombs, and then safely (?) transport them to a gullible enemy is no mean feat. While many were clearly injured, relatively few were killed. It should be emphasized that that's precisely what's wanted in this attack: often times in war it's far more valuable to cripple your enemy than to kill him. The Israelis have scored a major coup because they've struck at the heart of their enemy's communciation system and beyond the general demoralization, will make them distrust any of their remaining systems.

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Well stated.

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Brilliant. I also suspect that a few of these remained, stored in inventory. I guess a box of 100 of these would make a pretty fireworks display in Hizbullah's warehouse somewhere.

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Thank you, Dr. Malone, for running this down, the backdrop information and compilation. As anticipated, this event is one of a host of events that will play out as the world awaits the US election. Reuters including a loose tie to UNESCO is surely meant to stimulate interest. Do we get sucked in by it?

Israel’s allowing Oct 7th, and its further actions, including this recent event, are additional signs that a global shift is on course for this decade, perhaps even this year. Ukraine is the closest the PTB have allowed mass disruption within Europe, although they certainly have spawned internal plight and struggle. It’s no different on the home front with open borders and massive asylum drops. We are in for a tough ride while the Middle East could soon see a hot war.

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Allowing? Comically absurd. A surprise can happen at any time. You can't have 100% success defending against sneak attacks. It is how you handle it when the perps penetrate your defenses. See Pearl Harbor. Look at all the times Israel was "surprised" in the past. Yom Kippur War, 6 day war, Intifada war. Israel cleaned their @ssiz in each case in record time. The recent 300+ rocket barrage was 99% defended. Israel's military is the best in the world, not even close. They recently scrambled 100 fighter bombers, hit 158 missile targets and all planes returned. ALL OF THEM! Totally synchronized. Last week a mountain fortress was assaulted by fighter bombers , first to suppress air defense. They then rapelled paratroopers by helicopters into the mountain containing chemical and missile labs, killed the dozen sentries, took scientists, destroyed the insides with bombs, and left without a casualty. Totally synchronized. I am not at all surprised. With 0.03% of the world's population, Israelis have 25% of the Nobel science prizes.

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You just made my point. The best of the best never gets caught off guard. It was time to shake things and they needed an excuse and Hamas gave them one. Of course they knew it was coming.

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Sure. This is the "I let them kill thousands of my people to make a strategic point." Do you realize how diabolical this method of thinking is? Search yourself, please. This is a "Truther" argument. Let them kill 3,000 Americans in the Two Towers just so we could make an excuse and go to war in the Middle East. Then the Truthers and the Dems said the war was "Blood for Oil"—even though everyone BUT the US got any oil! (we didn't even need it at the time). This thinking is an endless tautology, a circular, poisonous neurotic stretch of logic. Tin foil hat stuff. I feel sorry for you, I really do.

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911 was also a False Flag event.

Do you believe in unicorns and rainbows decorating our humanitarian government? How about the tooth fairy. Give me a break!

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A hoax, false flag, or otherwise falsified event - U.S. federal law apparently allows the FBI, local law enforcement, the intelligence community, and others to commit hoaxes.

A U.S. federal law prohibits hoaxes and falsifying information for many Americans and then apparently exempts law enforcement from that law. The law, enacted in 2004 and originally called the “Stop Terrorist and Military Hoaxes Act of 2004,” states that:

… whoever engages in any conduct with intent to convey false or misleading information under circumstances where such information may reasonably be believed and where such information indicates that an activity has taken, is taking, or will take place that would constitute a violation of chapter 2, . . . . if homicide or attempted homicide is involved, or section 60123(b) of title 49

shall be punished in various ways. The law then provides an exemption for law enforcement and intelligence agencies. The exemption is as follows:

(d) Activities of Law Enforcement.—

This section does not prohibit any lawfully authorized investigative, protective, or intelligence activity of a law enforcement agency of the United States, a State, or political subdivision of a State, or of an intelligence agency of the United States.

Examples: Covid, J6 and Operation Northwoods and may I dare say 9/11.


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There was a particular group of peoples that stayed home that day instead of going to their jobs in the towers according to a 9/11 CT.

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I think he is right. Have always hated those arguments too

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Shelley is correct. Oct. 7 was a False Flag event in that Israel definitely allowed it to happen. Cui Bono, bring on the genocide!

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Thank you Drs Robert and Jill. Excellent content and very thoughtful in terms of the implications for the future of world tensions.

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What a brilliant military move, by whoever did this. Too bad they couldn't squeeze a little more C4 in those devices. Hezbollah deserves the same treatment as Hamas; live by the sword, die by the sword.

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I don't think C4. As a chemist, I would have used silver azide, which is heat sensitive for instant ignition. There are a few others like this agent.

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Whatever works Bubba. I just read a little while ago that today, a whole lot of Hezbolah's radios blew up!

This is awesome, one and done warfare. No one will trust any device after this.

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Yes, way cool. -Büß

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I think I was wrong. Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN) is easier to handle and use. I heard that this morning. It may have had an azide initiator.

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Death to Zionism

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That's funny, that's how I feel about islam...

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So.........you wish death upon a major religion of over a billion participants, and I wish death upon a colonial, racist force which imposes genocide with it's European self upon innocent inhabitants of Palestine. uhhhhhhh......okay.......................

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Exactly. They are the religion of hate and intolerance. The only religion like that on the planet. Quite frankly, if they were all gone, no one would miss them or care.

Except maybe you and a minority of others.

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Well, at least you are admitting that Zionism is, as I wrote, a colonial, racist force. So you are making progress.

Other than that, you and your opinion represents about the tiniest sliver of our worldwide population. Do you realize that now it is only the U.S. who supports Israel? Even our lapdogs in Europe are now withholding weapons from Israel. The entire world except us and a few other white people despise Israel and their war crimes. Have enough innocent children starved to death or had their limbs blown off for you yet?

Thankfully, you are virtually alone. The entire global south is with the Palestinians.

Israel, after this horror caused by them finally ceases will be totally isolated.

I really believe that thankfully, this is the beginning of the end of Zionism!

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Jim, Jim, Jim, this conversation is boring me. Firstly, I don't know a single person who doesn't think the world would be a better place without any muslims. Therefore secondly, I believe you are in the minority. I know people in Europe, Canada and South America, all of whom do not like or trust muslims either.

By the way, a tidbit, I was born Jewish, but I was never taught to hate/kill muslims, it was the muslims who taught me to dislike them...and I do.

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Thankfully, you are in a very small minority.

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