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Hi-Rez Morphs into Klaus

A new rap video is about to drop and it is going to be good.

Jill and I got home from a long week of travels yesterday. The last portion of our trip was to Orlando, for a video shoot with Hi-Rez (Jessie) for his new rap video. You all have seen his 2+2=5 video, so you know that craziness the emerged from that Dallas video shoot. I think this one may trump that for over the top funny. This was a wild afternoon - with some super funny comedians. Just wow!

One of the highlights was captured in Jill’s video above of Alex Stein ranting on top of the table right next to me. Caveat - the threat of the table’s final demise was eminent, although luckily for me, it managed to hold itself together for the many takes of Alex’s “diatribe.” If you don’t know who Alex Stein is, look him up.

The “theme” of the rap song is about authoritarianism, the World Hell Organization and the WEF controlling the world, so there was a lot of really great material. This is the back door to how we can reach people. To teach people what is going on in the world, with their future and that of their children.

Seated in the front are Anthony Rai (Ant) from Gays Against Groomers (one of my favorite Twitter groups) and Gavin Luis Uridel

“Klaus” and I hanging out in front of the World Hell Organization backdrop.

Klaus (Hi-Rez) with his lovely bride Rachel

There may be more faces you recognize in this photo. @HiRezTheRapper @AntConservativ3 @LouisUridel @stinchfield1776 @erin_bsn @alexstein99

Alex Stein & Luke Rudkowski Crash Klaus Schwab Davos meeting.

I just sat back, and took in the cra-cra.

I knew in that moment that we all are doing important work and having a heck of a good time doing it.

Later, we all went out to Asian food - life is good.

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Who is Robert Malone
Robert W Malone MD, MS