The Truth always puts out darkness. Do not be discouraged by the attacks but know you are doing something right or they would not pay any attention. Thank you and know prayers are covering you.

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You are a HERO!!!! Stay strong Doc and know how loved and respected you are! πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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I can relate. It is hard sometimes when it feels like there’s so much against us. But we’re doing what is right. And our conscience is clear. We're keeping our souls!

So grateful I’m on that side. Thanks again Malones!!!!! We’re rooting for you!!!

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TEAM MALONE! πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻

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I agree and appreciate the Malones continuing on and it is appreciated on the new upcoming book that I look forward to reading. I guess I will probably go onto a new monitoring list when I buy it though..

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Their censorship of you and others is an absolute admission of weakness. I’ve found when someone tries to take away a persons ability to provide for their family they in a way are trying to kill that person. It’s an evil horrible thing these people are doing, damaging people with no judge or jury, only a sentence that they inflict on whoever they feel is a threat to their views.

Truly successful people take the hit, keep moving forward, and continue to succeed. You both are my definition of successful people. I am also very proud to be a supporter of yours and I would call you my friend. If there was ever anything I could do for you I would be there.

I feel that change is coming, and whatever happens history will look back on these past 4 years as the end times of the communists march through our institutions. Let’s pray that this next administration will cause severe retribution to these communists that have trampled we the people’s constitutional rights. A successful term is just not enough.


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Agree James- the Malones are successful wonderful people that these dreadful losers are threatened by! We will prevail and I am mighty proud to be on TEAM MALONE! Such heroes in my book! God bless you Docs! βœοΈπŸ’ŸπŸ›

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James, if we keep the RepubliCANTs from blowing it and we do in fact get Our Favorite President Trump back, we can hopefully look forward to changing the current direction to the destruction of our country!

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I hope the Dems have so badly damaged themselves that Trump gets a mandate to do a full court press on all that have so damaged and infringed on our constitution. If there’s anyone that can multi task to go after these enemies of America it’s Trump, they have relentlessly put him and his family through hell.

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Yes. They have put them through hell.

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Funny, James, I just had a brief flash of everyone who would be there for the Malone's well-being. We would be a formidable group. Old enough to not care about being hurt or dying and healthy enough to withstand the blowback. I don't remember the circumstances of when I have done this in the past, but it has the pictures of rebellion to anarchy and it isn't purdy.

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I’m sure it was worth it. Anyone who’s a friend of our bill of rights and a friend of America is a friend of mine. The Malones have put themselves out there for all of us and inside I internalize it’s for me!! I’ve learned so much in 2 plus years from them and all of you. It’s been an educational TRIP!! Thank You!!!

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I will second that.

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Well said James - thank you πŸ™πŸ»β™₯️

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Yes, it will be the victors (us) who will write that history. Sadly, however, this is way beyond politics. Politicians are not the ones running this show. Unelected operatives are the ones pulling the strings. Politicians just follow orders from "above" (the deep state). On the pyramid of power, I think government is only one level above the people. As you move upward there are other levels orchestrating each level below it, and at the VERY top, I wouldn't be surprised if it was "Satan" himself directing it all! I read there are only about 20 families that comprise it.

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I listened to Ben Shapiro’s testimony about GARM and it was very disturbing to hear! Don’t let these evil organizations get you down Dr. Malone! You are shining a bright light on their corruption and so many people are praying for you and Jill! πŸ™πŸ»πŸ™πŸ»

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Jeez Louise. Yesterday I had to add John Deere to my list of companies whose products I will no longer purchase. Today I am adding coca cola and Unilever. Damn them to hell.

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I respect your impulse. Wrt Unilever, you'll have your work cut out for you. And part of what I got out of today's hearing was that competitors working under the GARM umbrella are acting as a cartel for the purposes of woke coercion.


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Out of the 31 brands on Unilever's site, I only buy/use one - Dove. But I can find something else. Thanks for posting!

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Why is it that Dove ends up on every boycott list, for decades? My favorite soap…

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Jul 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

We are at a time in this world where it is the new fight for our lives against the evil, psychopath overlords. For people like you, Dr Malone, rest assured, you are on the right side of history and I for one stand with you!

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Well this is a sure sign that you are dead-on effective. I’m going to get the book, read it, and then send copies to a bunch of people along with a heads-up that it contains information that has been censored internationally by big-money interests. (Later, hopefully, we’ll be able to discus how it’s not fundamentally about money but rather about totalitarian control.) Thank you, Drs, for persisting and

providing this tool (book). Now, let’s all use it!!

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Jul 10Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Could your work be published under a suitable pseudonym if delivered through an encrypted source which could then distribute through a VPN to sources for publication.

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Jul 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Drs Malone are truth warriors. There are so many people that are grateful for all the sacrifices you have made for all of mankind. Thank you. My prayers are for you and your righteous cause.

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Jul 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Dammit, the only soda I drink is Coke, and now I have to boycott it for life. I have one inch left in the bottom of my last bottle and I am going to throw it away. Thank you for everything you do for us, including keeping us informed about this bullshit that continues and continues. Grrrrrr.

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Jul 10Β·edited Jul 10

The consumer relations contact line for The Coca Cola Company is 1-800-GET-COKE, so I take it that our feedback is invited.

I switched to Dr. Pepper years ago, and have explicitly stated to my wife that I do not want any Coca Cola products in my pantry (and she drinks no soft drinks at all). But I have never yet called Coke to tell them so.

Recall that a few years ago, the company was called out for its diversity training urging employees to "Be less white." And I'm sufficiently bigoted to decline such self-flagellation.


"The Coca Cola Company" is listed (under "T") as a WEF partner.


Some days ago I tossed up the suggestion that a grassroots movement in the opposite direction might give pause to these woke companies. I may give a call tomorrow just to get the ball rolling.

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It has been quite some time since I have had a Coke or most any "soft" drink.

After running into intestional issues my wife started make Kombucha and Kefir. Neither of which I had ever heard of. Her blueberry water-kefir is great.

SO, screw them, thar corps.

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Pro and prebiotics ? You look into them yet ?

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yep, tried those as supplements and seemed to randomly help; it went fine for a while then, a relapse of the SIBO. . . during the last year drinking a fair amount of kefir(milk and water types, both have probiotics I believe) and Kombucha-- probiotics? The other thing is they are fermented so sugars are not available to the gut to turn into bad stuff. Also, my bride of 50 years has been making sauerkraut and that too is good for gut issues.

According to the Midwestern Doctor of Forgotten Medicine, another fav substack author, the fix is to re-start good peristalsis. Ya' gotta' get the pooper pumpin'!

and that is mostly happen' man.

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Kefir is great for pro and prebiotics.

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Well, Pepsi brand flavoring is affiliated with aborted cell tissue. Let's buy local and skip unhealthy foods to keep us going as long and strong as possible.

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Jul 11Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Deep in my mind from college days this crops up:

" There you go man, keep as cool as you can.

Face piles

And piles

Of trials

With smiles.

It riles them to believe

that you perceive

the web they weave

And keep on thinking free."

The Moody Blues

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Good selection Moodies Fan! This too ties into "thinking free":

β€œCold hearted orb that rules the night

Removes the colors from our sight

Red is gray and yellow white

But we decide which is right

And which is an illusion”

― The Moody Blues

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YES! excellent. Perfect selection, Tom. I can actually HEAR this in my mind without having to play the tape.

. . . I have been resurrecting my old reel to reel tape deck and records and Moody Blues popped right to the top.

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Well, Coke SUCKS. Pepsi Sucks. Woke corporations suck, Phil Murphy Sucks, Joe Biden sucks, and from what I hear, Obama Sucks too, but we're going a little deep here, so ....


I hate all soda, so my opinion (post here) is somewhat "tainted" and full of "misinformation". If I want sweet, I'll kiss my wife, or I'll add some fresh honey, lemon and ginger to a glass of water.

Haha, my wife isn't really that sweet, but I digress. 8-(

Yeah, that's the ticket. 8-)

So I like your dissertations, your articles, and your farm / fun you share with us, so screw the media. Oh yeah, James and DD like you too. Let's throw in Dr. Nash and Shelley as well, just for good measure.

Haha !

You're good with us, so keep that chin up, Dr. R. You've got a good team on your side.


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I will second this one too.

Let's not hold back there Tonga.

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Arh-nold: "Screw your freedoms ! "

Yeah, Arh-nold. Screw your fandom. You, Dolly, and all the other toadies who are still being PAID to push the death jab.

Tonga letting them out

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The world is not targeting you out of existence. The elites, the woke, those controlled by the evil of this age are trying to target you out of existence because of your unique giftedness. You know as well as I do that you cannot give into feelings of depression. I have known people that were wiped. Bad place to be. There are many who love you and Jill and millions would if they could see the truth of what you are doing for them. You may be at the top of the heap but they will come after all of us if they can get the ability to do it. You are on the side of righteousness. I pray that our Creator will deliver you guys and all of us from those seeking to steal our souls. May He give us the courage, wisdom, faith and discernment required for the days ahead.

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We are for you Dr. Malone. You and Jill are doing it right, and they don’t like it. Wake up America! Prayers for you and Jill.

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Jul 10Β·edited Jul 10

Doctors Malone I continue to pray for both πŸ™ of you.

I'm sad and at the same time glad that at least now you know who and where to direct your energies.

Keep the faith. You have many praying πŸ™ for you and I believe in the POWER OF PRAYER!

#FreeBannon & #FreeBannon

Stay tuned to #TΓ­aTortilla

I Boycott: Coca-Cola & Amazon

Please consider selling your book on another platform!

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