Jan 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This article is subtle propaganda that diverts blame onto the CCP, when it is clear that Bill Gates organizations and money have been driving this biological weapon development project for 20 years. Moderna patented the spike protein prior to 2017. Fauci was in on it from the beginning.

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I don't disagree. We are aligned. The end conclusion being that the CCP was all to blame - just no. There is way too much we can and should blame on the USG and we just don't know. Particularly in regards to whether the release was accidental or not - still an unknown and so many unknowns. However, the article also has lots of good history about gain of function, other nations and the USG. It is a worthwhile read IMO. R-

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Be interesting if one of these newly organized house committees had Gates in to explain himself under oath

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Yes, good idea. And then of course, let's go back and try to understand better what the intent and purpose behind Gates and Buffet visiting China was in 2010 to establish contact with the ultra-rich to discuss philanthropy opportunities. And of course, we all know that Gates style of giving constitutes predatory philanthropy. But of course, Gates is "untouchable" as he is too much of a funding source for the politicians and their pet projects. Not to mention, how many contracts does Microsoft have with the government? Good grief people, even those who are awake are not quite awake!

Oh, and while we talk about the evil Russians and Chinese with their bioweapon programs.....how come there is no mention of the labs in Ukraine? Let's just ignore that.

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Predatory Philanthropy.


China is full of such expertise

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Would be a great idea were Gates, his Philanthropies and Foundations not immune from virtually every law and restriction almost every other person has.

This IMMUNITY has been granted both nationally and internationally by various formal entities and heads of state inclusive of the United States. By CURRENT LAW, he can't be touched; thus the reason for the insufferable arrogance. Am CLUELESS to comprehend the reason this IMMUNITY can't be removed from the orgs. and eugenicist human agents now privileged with it.

In all fairness, while idolatrous, greedy Gates has Satanic privilege; he still possesses one strength in the eyes of the ethical, moral and sane in being human and that means he can DIE.

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The actual plot was closer to Mission Impossible 2, where the supervillain develops both the deadly virus, called Chimera, and the cure, called Bellerophon.

The reason the Event 201 system was used to create and amplify the fear of the Covid virus was to stampede the sheep into taking the vaccine. Mass vaccination was the object of the entire exercise. Whether the purpose was to get wealthy or to sterilize the human race remains to be seen.

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Then it's Mission Accomplished! And in the process they achieved both goals of getting wealthy and eliminating a good part of humanity...

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Total control. "They are working to upload an operating system inside the human being and they do not care how many they kill to get it done!"

Catherine Austin Fitts.

Slavery is the most profitable business on Earth.

The goal is the enslavement of the Free World while they strip our property off of us, exactly as the German Nazis did to the Jewish people.

Nothing has changed except the technology.

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That has been an underling current for human civilizations.

Slaves are not permitted to own property.

This yet another grand intelligence test, the weakest are the easy prey to victimize.

As mind programs are amplified on the others to obey and conform or else.

Has the dumbing of America reached that pinnacle, the cascade downhill run unstoppable?

It's possible. Thus horribly dreadful to imagine. Where did it really go so wrong the question.

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Bingo....ding ding ding....we have a winner!!

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Qui bono.

We need to start digging.

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Consider what is left out of the article. The author very enthusiastically lists all biological research by Russia and China, but ignores the very long history of US biological warfare. The anthrax attacks after 9-11 were carried out with a strain developed at Fort Detrick, the Ebola outbreak in Africa was also related to US bioweapons research. The author is simply deflecting from US Deep State culpability.

Edit: Good to see readers are wise to this psyop.

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I agree. Funny how the involvement of US individuals and our government is cast as a "we didn't know" theory. Reminds me a bit of the call for "amnesty." How stupid do they think we are....and to your point, our government is just as involved with these types of operations (bioweapons) AND they are also busy working on cyborgs. Fancy that. Maybe we are supposed to blame that on the Chinese as well.

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Yes, I'm trusting "good doctors" less and less......

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"Methinks the lady doth protesteth too much!"

; ))

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Very astute observation! It appears that the nefarious actors are circling the wagons and trying out some defensive moves; but what this means is spreading the blame and guilt away from themselves and on to other evildoers, especially China and Russia; they were ALL self-serving and complicit in causing the unimaginable damage and deaths throughout the world!

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"We" (or rather the Swamp Lizards in our Government) are up to their necks in it.

Sars-cov-2 is ours, technologically. Moderna is ours.

We decidedly to lock down and destroy ourselves and the rest of the world.

We withheld and lied about HCQ, Ivermectin and other early treatment strategies.

We pushed useless, expensive and toxic Remdesivir and Ventilators.

We isolated our elderly, lied about the virus's Infection Fatality Rate.

We destroyed Freedom of Speech and actual Medicine, destroying doctors who helped their patients.

We deployed military grade psychological operations on the entire civilian population.

We are guilty as sin. The Covid Coup of the the World was created and orchestrated by the United States of America, or rather the traitors we have/had inside our Government and Military Industrial Secuirty Bio-Weapons Complex. I cannot come to any other conclusion.

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Exactly! Well stated!

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Not so subtle. How soon we forget the China Initiative. To even suggest naivete ruled the day by the wrongdoers is naive and I personally am not buying what they are selling.

And besides, if what is suggested is true, what then? Hold hearings....dole out blame, and then what? War with China? Let's not forget that our supposedly naive government is busy pushing to give authority to the WHO to take charge should there be another "global emergency." So yeah, political theatre and all that. While the COVID chronicles continue, perhaps the medical freedom warriors should focus on a little more than just COVID to understand better why what happened has happened. Psst....it is not about the corruption of our government by China. That theory is too easy and ignores the bigger picture and quite frankly, anyone who has been researching the WEF and the fin/tech elite ought to recognize that easily and readily. It begs a few questions.

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Very insightfully stated!

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Our military bioweapons security complex is at the heart of the whole mess, IMHO. We created the underlying structure of Sars-cov-2 in Chapel Hill and then shipped it to Wuhan where we helped them finish the chimera. Moderna patented a string of genetics in both Covid and the "vaccine."

We locked down, created maximum fear, lied about early treatment and lied about the new Covid "vaccines" on both safety and effectiveness.

They are dangerous gene therapies wreaking havoc on hearts, immune systems, neurological systems and reproductive systems, worldwide.

We refused treatment to the ill, and then gave them lethal protocols in hospital.

We utilized military psychological operations on the general public.

We lied about Ivermectin, HCQ and other successful therapies.

Our traitorous "government officials" and "military industrial complex" are in this up to their necks.

Ditto the apparently US created proxy war with Russia, apparently an ego response to our self humiliation in Afghanistan, after we laid the groundwork through creating an American puppet government post the ousting the elected pro Russia government in Ukraine.

Warmongerers and bio-weapins developers and corrupt government officials appear to be working to destroy our Sovereign Nation and replace it with a One World Government, seems to be the goal here with the total enslavement of humanity part of the package.

We must stop this, not make excuses for it. If we fail all human freedom vanishes in the Formerly Free World, IMHO.

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Rule #1 Money TALKS! It buys real dirty favors and even lousier flim/flam friendships.

Ike warned us in 1953. The damage of the defense budget via printing press is global and viscous and growing. Now being used against us is an understatement.

So as sirens are blaring, "Move along children"....nothing to see here.....sigh.....

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Excellent analysis and painfully true!

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There is a "home truth," for certain; this reality is so dark that serious spiritual "chops" are required to face it, IMHO. But the silver lining is that it is also awakening large portions of the entire World from very deep slumber.

So I'll just keep explaining and exploring the truths being uncovered by our valiant warriors for truth, appreciate that I'm not, yet, anyway, ; ))), a casualty of WW lll!, and

hope that most of us do survive!!

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I agree with you and have hearing too many excuses for the military industrial bio -medical security complex, here in the USA.

We created Sars-cov-2, it appears, or materially assisted in it's development, destroyed many life saving early treatment protocols, isolated, tortured, and killed the elderly with Remdesivir and Ventilators, (a totally useless, horribly expensive and dangerous protocol,) locked down and destroyed the Free World, printed enough money to wreck any economy, but especially ours, and are now trying to start WW lll, for some unknown psychotic reason.

Additionally the toxic mRNA gene therapies wrapped in toxic lipid nanoparticles has been created and injected into 2/3rds of Americans by our DOD! At least this is where the paper trail goes, and both Trump and Biden Administrations were all in.

I think if we had any intelligence or logic at all, we would be looking at our own military industrial bio-weapon complex as the real perpetrator of this whole take down of the USA and the Formerly Free World.

But their motive is unfathomable, unless they have been taken over by?

Why destroy the nation they have sworn to protect? Unless duped, or traitorous, the explanation is impossible.

However it is where the evidence leads.

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Wikiquote of a leading globalist, Maurice Strong (April 29, 1929 – November 27, 2015), in 1992:

"What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? And if the world is to survive, those rich countries would have to sign an agreement reducing their impact on the environment. Will they do it? The group's conclusion is 'no'. The rich countries won't do it. They won't change. So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?"

See https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Maurice_Strong#:~:text=Maurice%20Strong%2C%20September%201%2C%201997%20edition%20of%20National,an%20agreement%20reducing%20their%20impact%20on%20the%20environment.

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Stupid and full of insane hubris. Who knows if out of our "advanced civilizations" come the methods to meet human need without destroying natural resources? The languages to speak to our "neighbors" in distant star systems, free non-toxic energy systems, and methods to heal environmental damage???

First know that you don't know! Plato walked the streets of Athens stating he was smarter than any other person because he knew he knew nothing, and everyone else thought they knew something!

We need solutions, yet most have already been recognized and ignored---

1) when women reach social, economic, legal, and financial parity with males, birth rates collapse, and overpopulation ceases. Don't have free trade with nations that do not have equal rights for women and environmental protections encoded in law!

2) Meet your own needs- grow the food where the people are!!

3) Peace benefits- fund diplomats not war machines. Education, infrastructure and clean production leaps forward from the 100s of Billions saved not blowing up Mother Earth and killing your neighbors so you can steal their stuff!

Our problem isn't the "people." Our problem is the idiot sociopaths ruling the people!

War, Disease, Suffering and Lack are all being artificially created for short term profiteers.

Outlaw Corporations and Governments which absorb more than 10% of human wealthy production. Make everyone responsible for their own actions. Associations, Cooperatives, Organizations fine. But Corporations and Governments with no objective oversight? Hell No.

All the BS ends instantly. Including War, Overpopulation and Environmental Degradation. We just need to even up the playing field, and Truth + Accountability is the Way To Go About It.

Not Death and Destruction. That time has passed. Humanity is growing up. We demand that our "leaders" do also!

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China 🇨🇳 AND Russia 🇷🇺- hit two birds with one stone… and God forbid the biolabs in 404, at the border with Russia 🇷🇺… devious Russian plot to hurt themselves 😏

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And how do we know that your response is not part of a CCP-sponsored attempt to deflect attention away from China's role? If you are offended at the very notion, you should be. Questioning the motives of the author is an ad-hominem; questioning the facts and logic is an argument.

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For starters, my response is not an ad hominem attack. I did not mention the author at all. I know nothing about the author of this essay posted by Dr. Malone. What I attacked was the author’s reasoning and basis for believing that our public health officials and big pharma just didn’t know any better and were duped by China. Their pocketbooks don’t seem to care. Maybe those with the responsibility to do due diligence were too busy counting potential profits and pushing the bio medical agenda that they forgot to ask questions, verify answers, OR EVEN ALLOW US our individual rights and freedoms relative to asking questions, stating opinions and making personal choices relative to individual health.

I genuinely do not understand how anyone could reasonably think that Fauci et al’s actions were based on first defining the problem then seeking a solution. They had a solution they wanted to impose on the world so they had to create and compound the problem(s).

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"I did not mention the author at all." Agreed. But you did attack the author's MOTIVES by characterizing the article as "SUBTLE PROPAGANDA." Attacking the author's motives is an attack on the author, not on the author's "reasoning." If you cannot see that then I guess we are done on that point.

By the way, I am in hearty agreement with most everything else you have said. If I had my way, Biden, Fauci, and every damned one of their billionaire buddies and lesser lackeys would be buried up to their necks in an ant hill.

And, quite frankly, I don't believe the CCP suckered these guys.

But I do believe the Chinese bought their souls. And the souls of our media as well as most of our politicians. Why do I believe that?

The CCP has not made it a secret that they want to destroy us. Nor have they made it any secret that they intend to do so by means of a long-term plan to undermine our institutions. But there is one other very good reason.

Our undue respect for American billionaires notwithstanding, outside the CCP, no entity on this planet has the organization, the money, and the unquestioned authority it would take to bribe or blackmail so many critical people and institutions into remaining silent as the worst mass murder in history takes place.

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Meanwhile, the U.S. National Institutes of Health continues to award EcoHealth Alliance taxpayer-funded grants and contracts despite being found to have been out of compliance with the terms of their grant, and even though EcoHealth conducted gain of function research on bat coronaviruses in Wuhan, knew about the Chinese Communist Party’s coverup, and failed to inform the U.S. government. EcoHealth’s dangerous experiments in Wuhan and possible efforts to cover up any evidence may have started the pandemic.

Negligence has rarely enjoyed so literal a denotation.

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Indeed. And Fauci is smug and does not seem a bit afraid of any coming investigations. Why do you suppose that is? Meanwhile, with two years to the next presidential election....Gates has publicly stated there will be a hung election and civil war. Do you suppose Fauci et al have no fear of any prosecution or consequences because they believe our current systems, as they exist and function now, have an expiration date?

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To be a vile and pernicious and a very protected gangland peeuns breath proud puppet for the CCP, that has penetrated a profit sharing position of Big pHarma is no small task.

If free speech has the continuum, watch what horrid tales of deception is about to unfold.

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From your lips to God's ears!

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Ahh Roger Houston...(Squelch) Copy That!

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Yes, without question, accountability is key, but we have learned that current DOJ/FBI has no desire to hold any democrat accountable for anything and since inter connected with China, will all be swept under the rug.

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The Republicans are as much to blame and Trump was and is the vaccine salesman. Stop this right and left shit. It's all bullshit. A small number of Republicans...like 5 tried to stop McCarthy. Matt Gaetz. And maybe he's part of the show too. We have nothing but a charade going on and people pointing at the left, which are immeasurably worse, but all planned for this reason. Keep a divide and make people think the Republicans will do something. They'll do shit. That's what they'll do. It's over mainly because people won't face this reality.

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Endless tribal bickering. Divide & Conquer Made Simple.

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Not helpful. What do you suggest?

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The truth is not helpful? I'm sorry PHD. Maybe one of you books will tell you. SMH.

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The only way we may land a punch in the head to Faucci etc. is to put the proper people in place to question him and show what happened. Not the government it has to come from people (doctors) that have been harmed by their deceit. Doctors that have been successful physicians or scientists that are ten steps ahead of everyone else. Dr Malone, Dr. McCullough, etc…

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And that is your suggestion

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Another thought, sorry so late, the democrats forced the mandates on the jab. It was forced on the armed services, police, fire and also my wife who is an OR nurse or be fired. So much for my body my choice. I guess that is only for murdering the unborn to democrats. This was 100 percent the democrats. Republicans were not going to force this on the public or federal workers. The democrats that were in charge also exempted themselves from taking the poison. So yes they were in charge they made the rules and they exempted themselves. What hypocrites. By the way my wife was forced against her will or be fired. Faucci, a democrat, new the adverse reactions, and his staff was not only exempt, less than 1/2 took the poison, I wonder why, just to back you up my PHD friend!!!

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I hope it goes well for your wife. Disgusting she had to take it. Bunch at Methodist hosp in Houston were fired over this nonsense. I hope to see some humongous lawsuits against employers who did this.

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Elections, fair ones. Engagement in the process. Activism. End of corruption.

Its all been thought of before.

Something unifying the populace makes better sense to me.

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I fear that it is too late for those measures to be effective, never mind the fact that you have a population that for the most part already believes what you propose to be reality. There is also the little problem that corruption has been normalized and to be expected. We have become desensitized from the reality that responsibility and accountability are necessary ingredients to maintain freedom and feeding a just democracy.

And yes, those actively working the coup are way out ahead of us. After all, it’s a business plan they are implementing not a reactive plan to the needs and desires of the masses. Marketing and manipulation bring a higher price than truth, reason and moderation.

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Can you please explain what that means? HOW is that a suggestion? Sounds more like a pipe dream "hope". Everything is locked down and they are 20 years ahead. What are you saying Steve? Why do so many of you "doctors" "dentists" "PHD's" think like childrean. You're so damn institutionalized you don't have a free thinking thought or logical thought of your own. Your whole life you followed books and protocal. It's unbelievable. ELections? Fair ones? WTF does that mean? End of corruption? Fairy God mother help us. WTF.

Is anyone else's head exploding listening to this jiberish?

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You educated people on paper want people to always be told. It's not about the answer. You're the educated one, you tell us. It's first understanding and establishing the problem. The solution is the hardest part and if I had one could I tell you here?

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I agree totally. The left vs. right paradigm at this point is meant to distract from the bigger picture.

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There is no doubt. Did you see that JACKASS going after Matt Gantz and the other jackass holding him back by his face? If you made a movie you couldn't make it any more ridiculous. It's a total joke. Remember this. “Whenever the people need a hero we shall supply him.” Albert Pike 33 Degree Mason

They just play us back and forth. The elections in 2016 went to Trump because 50% of rhe conservatives would have never been vacinated if Hilary was president. Also. They rigged the election in 2020 and showed us it was rigged. They could have done that without showing us. They are decades ahead.

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Exactly. Beware Elon as it appears his is being maneuvered into position as the next savior, lol.

It's all up to us. No one else. Pull our support out from under their "enslavement" systems and build our own parallel support systems.

But still we must work to sort out our government. It's dirtier than the stables Hercules diverted a river to cleanse!

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Any person that would deliberately manipulate a natural virus so that it became more transmissible and more fatal to humans is diabolical and insane. These people have to be relieved of any and all power. This emphasis on killing one another has to STOP. We have serious problems that affect all of humanity that need to be collectively focused on and resolved.

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I had the very same thought. These people are soulless fiends. Oh wait. They're communists. Same thing.

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Jan 11, 2023·edited Jan 11, 2023

Do we really believe that Faucci and the NIH and CDC and FDA are just innocent captured agencies with China and of course Russia (who else?) to blame for their hand in this? Not for one minute. In that case, we should also open the worm can about U.S. undying devotion to Ukraine, might it have some to do with the bio weapons labs over there that are tied directly back to us? Hunter Biden….

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So far, China has literally gotten away with the Crime of the Century, working on bio weapons in violation of the treaty against them, either negligently or deliberately releasing the virus on an unsuspecting world, then lying about it and covering it up. I don't think I was the only one who smelled a rat and called it, when a group of geneticists early on issued a letter swearing that the virus couldn't have been genetically manufactured in a lab. Which, of course, studiously ignored GoF while providing cover for the malefactors. All of which starts to have the redolent odor of treason, as does the roles of Fauci, Collins and Daszuk. We can all either continue to bury our heads in the sand (or other, darker more noisome places) and believe our lying NIH and intel agencies, or we can demand answers and responsibility. As free people used to do.

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Pentagon controlled Covid-19 From the Beginning - The Truth Will Set Us Free!

¨Former Pharma Executive Sasha Latypova reveals that the misrepresented injections are "military counter-measure prototypes" owned by the Pentagon

From the beginning, the US government has quietly documented covid-19 as “an act of war”, not “a health event”. Speaking with Clayton Morris of Redacted News, Sasha Latypova just revealed shocking deceptions and deadly legalistic games used to deceive and poison the American people, generate massive profits and power-grabs, while attempting to avoid liability. Let’s be informed and not let them get away with it.¨ Read More + Latypova Interview Video 17:13 min



The role of the US DoD (and their co-investors) in "covid countermeasures" enterprise. by Sasha Latypova

¨All Covid countermeasures, including the biological warfare agents marketed as “Covid-19 vaccines”, were ordered by the US DoD as a “large scale manufacturing demonstration” via Other Transactions Authority contracts.¨ Read More https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/the-role-of-the-us-dod-and-their

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Yes. It is "US."


Deadly Hospital Protocols

Lies and Suppression of Early Treatment

Military Grade Psychological Operations Used on The General Public

Covid Creation

Moderna Patents

The New International Pandemic Treaty Language

Everywhere you look it is elements within our government fighting to destroy the United States of America.

We need to put a bounty out on the heads of all the Swamp Rats that have run this operation from the start!

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Yet there are those mysterious 400 US DoD biolabs in over 30 countries worldwide, including at least two BSL-4 labs, working on only God knows what. Though I suspect it’s not the cure for cancer. Was this China’s handiwork too? Haven’t heard squat about these lately. Pepperidge Farms remembers.

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My mind goes back to those fake video of Chinese people dropping dead (much like the vaccinated are now), but none of our 'leaders' have held anybody to account for this blatant psyop.

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Just like none of our very publicly jabbed leaders have joined the legion of the "suddenly dead". Wonder why?

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I hear that Peruvian pink salt Saline injections are tops for arthritic rotary cuff injuries.

Call your Doctor for more info about Pfizer's latest dis-covery.

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Thanks for the share Dr. Malone. Important history and well researched. Nice to have it all summarized too! Highly unlikely that those who manufactured the virus, or aided in it, will see repercussions for what eventually occur. The real point is yours Dr Malone. The aftermath must be dealt with and those responsible for the devastation world-wide must be held accountable. How we get to an international tribunal that captures all those here and abroad may be a reach too far. Using our own government to investigate and prosecute is certainly problematic as it stands right now. However, that provides the time to build the necessary force that will compel it to happen in a couple of years - if we can find a way to overcome stolen elections. Perhaps a few States on the side of justice will band together and sort it out??

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With the riots in Europe and Brazil, there are clearly quite a number of pissed off people in the world who rightly perceive that they're being screwed by unnamed but powerful forces. The key will be unifying those numbers and focusing their energy to demand accountability for the virus loosed by the gangsters in Beijing.

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We have the governments of Alberta, Italy, Sweden, Hungry at least. Perhaps more if UN/EU satellite nations see there is a chance? There are plenty of people pissed, but it's the 'in power' that must consent. If WEF pushes more of the same, we may find many more ripe apples on get accountability tree.

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Just Bejiing? You can't be serious.

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Well, Beijing was doing the research in the lab, let the virus loose and lied about. So they are primarily the most responsible. We can mop up the other criminals in the US, UK and EU governments later. But they are subordinate criminals. The butchers of Beijing are the most culpable.

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Did you know how much business and academia/research spans US entities and Chinese outfits? This EcoAlliance is not a one off. How can it be that on one hand our government encourages, funds and maintains collaboration and shared facilities/people on projects and then is “surprised” that abuses occur by a supposed known and serious threat. Just wow. We use to call that wanting your cake and to eat it too.

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Then comes Trump’s China Initiative to investigate and police potential abuses. Not that long ago, Biden and the left called for the cancellation of the China Initiative suggesting it was racial profiling, cooled relationships of collaboration and unfairly targeted academic researchers. Then oops, they cranked it back up again. Biden’s administration tried to gloss over its prior criticism of the program. This was not that long ago. I remember thinking at the time....here we go, they need the scapegoat and so they are back to pointing the finger at China publicly.

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"We use to call that wanting your cake and to eat it too."

Some also called it treason.

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Thoughts on blame: Our government under Trump did a full scale mock pandemic trial that concluded before reporting on the virus occurred. WEF was discussing pandemic as a means to advance its agenda and Gates/Hopkins did a what if gaming scenario. All just prior...

Covid was never a pandemic, although it was made out to be by all the players. It was the reverse of the normal effects of a flu virus which is mainly devastating for the very young but not so bad for elderly with decades of built-up immunity mechanisms. Thus it begins - deaths were overstated; exacerbated by no care and Fauci's Remdesivir; forced hospital closures for other patients; and the jabs. The Covid virus was waiting on a shelf for deployment. Xi, who wanted retaliation against Trump for his tariffs, was given the go-ahead by Klaus who want Trump's interference with his plans halted and Gates who wanted its release done earlier. Farrar, Fauci and others were not in the initial loop but brought on board later.

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I sure hope you're wrong. Because if you're not, a lot of heads have to roll.


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You want answers.....find out how many of these assh0l3s have investments in the coming social impact markets, the decarbonization industry, climate change innovations, and technological advances that are the goals of the NWO and the fin/tech elite as they lay claim to everything, quantify, measure, and then manage life on Earth....including us. Don't worry, you (and the Chinese populace) will own nothing and be happy.

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Reading all of these wonderful thoughtful comments from all of you is starting to make me think that you all are the lion and with each post that Dr. Malone puts out it sets the lion free. I said this before you are all great thoughtful critical thinking people. He has the best subscribers in the business!!! Please call Jim Jordan tomorrow 202-225-2676.

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Just called Jim Jordan’s office…

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I can't help but feel that the CCP is playing us (the US and the west) for fools. I think they see us as foolishly open and foolishly short-sighted. And this position may well extend beyond just GoF and pandemics.

I note that at least one annual meeting of the WEF is held in China, and that there are 201 WEF graduates with China as the listed country. Are they collaborating as equal partners with the other oligarchs in trying to bring about the Great Reset, or just keeping an eye on developments so as to cleverly outmaneuver everyone else and assume "king of the hill" status when the time is right? Either way, of course, we don't want the Great Reset. But the Chinese are already so far advanced in their population control methods they might help hasten progress.

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I don’t believe they will be part of the reset. They leave that for the west. It’s not us that are fools it’s the morons handing them our technology thinking their our friends FAUCCI. He’s the MORON.

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Good report!

Not being a kill joy for optimism, however, there's more blame due then just on bureaucrats.

Accountability won't come from the republican (actors) alone. The People will have to hold their feet over a very angry HOT fire till it's done. Same with all the messes the actors, stooges, and usurpers have made. The Peoples' foolishness, laziness, and unconcerned naivete allowed these messes.

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I doubt that China was the leader. This monstrosity started with Bush's bioterror in 2005.

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The tragedy of this information is its prior availability without any outcry to hold these criminals accountable. Correct me if I’m mistaken but Dr Malone has been involved to some extent as a contractor with the governments bioweapons research if I remember his prior comments accurately and I would like him to clarify that relationship if it doesn’t involve classified information that would land him in hot water more than he already is. I’m not suggesting he’s in collusion with these programs now since he’s stated he isn’t. Very scary stuff to think our genius scientists are so confident manipulating genetic organisms can be done without destroying us all or killing billions but maybe that’s their goal. These are the same absolutist dipshits who want to claim CO2 is a poisonous gas and stifle any alternative viewpoint.

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The whole pandemic narrative and climate change narrative are wed together for the purpose of scaring and controlling us. The governments of the western world are answering to forces outside of themselves (some within, but still) who are hell bent on using technology and the health/climate change intertwined narrative to control humanity and the environment, basically everything on the globe. Big pharma aligns with the drive to replace the divine and natural with technology and synthetic. Meanwhile, the climate change narrative is the fear and virtue signaling that is designed to weaponize and/or divide humanity against one another so no opposition to the cabal can be effectively mounted.

This is not about saving the Earth and improving the lives of mankind. It is about exploiting and controlling what exists (and exhausting resources) in the race to be God...or at least powerful, rich, and in control.

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