It's all about power, and today that means the control of information. That's why our noble overlords have been pushing, via censorship and suppression of dissent, to maintain a stranglehold on discourse using an informal alliance between the Democratic Party, America’s canon-making institutions, and Big Tech.


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Ron Paul told anyone who would listen that the creation of the Department of Homeland Defense would be a disaster for civil liberties and for "homeland defense." It would create terrible results for our "homeland."

This prediction is obviously true today. Just read this article.

I still say the only way to be protect citizens from the harms caused by these government agencies is to (figuratively) nuke these agencies. That's the only way to be sure.

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Some presidential candidate should also try to "nuke" the "watchdog press." Let voters know this is probably THE institution that has let our nation down the most.

By now, we should all know "don't trust the experts and the authorities," but we'd all already know this if the "watch dog" Fourth Estate simply performed its most important job.

So to save the country the Fourth Estate has to be purged, disgraced and/ or "nuked."

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See My column "Movies for Our Covid Times." Selection No. 11 is "Aliens," where this apropos quote comes from.


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Thanks for this analysis Dr. Malone. The only way forward is back. Congress needs to be engaged in the wholesale elimination of agencies, making narrow and absolute the mission of those that seem to have proper purpose under our Constitution and acknowledge through their legislation and action that a big, tyrannical and out-of-control federal government is a straight up NO! Neither party is yet positioned accordingly, some individuals in both yes, but too few at present. I'm not optimistic that solutions will be found at the Federal level through Congress. More is being accomplished through the actions of the States and I hope they continue to push the envelope in pressing back against the Leviathan. Regrettably it is a slow process as the path generally runs through our Courts. I'm optimistic though as I believe there are many more of us that are committed to the foundational principals of America than are not.

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Well, WHADDYA know! Just by coincidence, Jen Easterly - the Biden appointed head of this new SPY agency that the good Dr. Malone lays out before us, just happens to be a member of - you guessed it! - the Council on Foreign Relations.

Think of it: the US CONGRESS is FUNDING MORE un-elected and un-accountable (lifetime) BUREAUCRATS to CENSOR the free exchange of information using US TAXPAYER dollars!

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Jul 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So much for the Smith Mundt Act of 1948 which protected American citizens of being propagandized by it's own governmental agencies.

Oh yeah, silly me. Barach Osalami gutted it if you believe the "conspiracy theorists".


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It is my belief he gets too much credit. His record of mediocrity indicates a mental acuity not much greater than his current successor. In the case of both, everything credited to them almost certainly committee created products

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

I agree Michael.

"In 2024 Republicans cannot "out-fraud" the left, cannot "out-ballot-harvest" them, cannot "out-lawfare" them, cannot "out-media" them, cannot "out–contribution mule" them, cannot "out–Justice Department" them...but sure as hell can out-compute them — and that may do it."


An compelling introduction and partial bio by the author himself is at:



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Every credit given was a deficit to the country. O was the appointed figurehead of the cabal and his mission was to redirect blame to the culprits across the aisle, tell everyone not to watch Fox cable news, and run interference (that is lie) for the Dem's mis-labelled laws to take down America and to weaponize every single executive agency. To this end he was successful, and with this the cabal held all funding as collateral on those seeking to remain in power - you must act and speak on our behalf - ownership of an entire party.

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A good sock puppet. He dressed up good and could actually read

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And now he and family are millionaires! Pays well, I'd say.

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Do you think it had anything to do with the 150 BILLION in CASH dropped on a tarmac in a desert country in the middle east ?

Hmm.. No observers counting the cash left there. No one confirming the money made it to the people it was intended to. Sounds to me like all these weapons being sent to Ukraine, of which MINIMUM 30% don't ever get there, now apparently showing up in Mexican Cartel's hands ?

Oh yeah. Same old story, different players.

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All of it, every penny, hard earned taxpayer money. And we let them get away with it. Decade after decade.

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Sen. Joe Biden planned to spend Wednesday focusing on his official announcement that he was running for president, but the Delaware Democrat instead found himself defending remarks he made to the New York Observer about his Democratic opponents.

In the article published Wednesday, Biden is quoted evaluating presidential rivals Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-New York, former Sen. John Edwards, D-North Carolina, and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois. His remarks about Obama, the only African-American serving in the Senate, drew the most scrutiny.

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man." (Watch Biden's comments and Obama's reaction Video)

Biden issued a statement Wednesday afternoon, saying: "I deeply regret any offense my remark in the New York Observer might have caused anyone. That was not my intent and I expressed that to Sen. Obama."

You mean that "clean black dude" that Resident Pedo Satan Biden referred to ?

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Every western has a bad guy. O'Salami is mine.

Even Wiki"lie-o-pedia" has the references for the previous administrations "revisions"in its references, but doesn't site O'Salami.


How strange !


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Thanks for the link and encouragement to contact our officials. So often we can elucidate on a topic without the direction of action.

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I don't know how many times I've addressed topics with the Federal reps of my state...all Democrats...with one Senator squatting on his perch for 30+ years, another Senator a WEF butt boy and the Rep for my district borderline socialist.

Never have I had a meaningful, actionable reply. If I even got a reply at all. The usual soporific, sophomoric platitudes churned out by some hack in their offices no doubt.

More and more, I keep looking at a Convention of States, with clearly defined objectives, as a keystone to driving meaningful change through the uniparty. Not the only means, but perhaps a major impetus for driving sweeping changes in the House, Senate and more importantly...the swamp. I'm convinced it won't happen otherwise.

But in the meantime, I'll forward this report and my objections to our rights being trampled, once again, to the reps I didn't vote for. With similarly expected results and, most likely an update to whatever file they already have on me.

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You live in OR or WA?? Sounds just like WA, where I am forced to be...for now.

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I donate regularly to Convention of States. I am old now and much smarter and can easily see patterns as soon as they arise. From books I read I believe most who are in the fight recommend that average citizens fight at their local and county levels.

I am glad that in USMC late 60s I learned how to fight in a different style. Now I will fight by supporting those out in the front at out local and county levels and higher.

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Please…… Help Fight Against the Sale of Children for the Purpose of Sex Trafficking and Child Pornography

1. Watch this entire trailer……

2. Go see this movie when it opens on July 4th, and………

3. Consider Paying it Forward

The Sound of Freedom


This is a true story. I watched an hour long interview with Tim Ballard, the subject of this movie, and Jim Caviezel. Tim quit his job as a Department of Homeland Security Special Agent so that he could literally, 'save the kids'.

He is 'The Real Deal'. Jim Caviezel is the actor who plays him in this movie.

These men are literally doing 'God's Work', Tim, by performing this work, and Jim by shining a light on this literal EVIL that is among us. For instance, at my workplace, two men were fired and incarcerated within the last 6 months for child pornography. That happened because they were 'incautious' enought to watch it on a government computer. Think of how many are watching on their private computers, and don't get caught. This is a huge problem worldwide, and our country is a primary contributor to this (no other word for it but)…….. Pure Evil.

We have a moral obligation to do what we can to fight against this….

Please help.

Please take a material step and stand up for goodness, on this Independence Day.

Thank you, Elizabeth

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This is sickening. AnaLise, Megan, Kim, Suzanne, Kate. . . on and on. 90+% female MDM's. Finally, they got their POWER-- they have "shattered" as Jesse likes to opine.

Their emails reads like a bunch of busy-body, overbearing women kibitzing how best to spy on citizens with NO oversight!

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oh, geez. I forgot one!


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Oh, geeeez. Now have to update this once MORE now that the 3 women Presidents of MIT, U of Penn, and Haaaahvad were unable to come up with excuses for not defending Jews against the anti-semite protestors.

Three smirking bitches in front of the entire Senate.

I just love it that 100's of millions $$ is being rescinded by college alumni!

Love it.

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Jul 2, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The federal government has too much money. Saturate any organization with easy money and bad actors always appear. These Govt. "agencies" are nothing more than money laundering mafioso. Anybody who appears in the halls of power who might threaten their grip on this bald faced grift will be destroyed, reputationally, or worse, physically. The press is no longer our "watch dog" they are snarling carrion eaters fighting over the scraps tossed to them by "regulators". God Save Us!

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As I say, repeatedly: There is no such thing as constitutional rights. If our rights came from a piece of paper, then all it would take is 51 out of a hundred legislators to strip our 'rights' away simply by choosing to do so. A sentence on a piece of paper with enough traitorous Quislings signatures taking away our liberty.

Government has constitutional limits. humans have CERTAIN, INALIENABLE, and GOD GIVEN rights. There is no such thing as "constitutional; rights". The idea is designed to make you resigned to the idea that you have no actual power in your life, that the parasites in government are the ones who 'let us be'.

If your life is marked by the day to day grind, with no great adventure to mark your history, now is the time to engage the full power of God and prepare for a life of meaning and righteous power. The war has already begun, humanity needs the sword of the spirit wielded by mighty men and women.

And you are that man. You are that woman, if indeed you are finally in-Christ and know that He has your back.

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What if they gave a pandemic and nobody came?

We WON'T get fooled again.

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Here's a question.........given their self-appointed mission, how good at their "job" were they really, if they failed to capture a single Biden in their "threat" nets?

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Who's to say they didn't?

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Catch and release - the Biden way.

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Treason’s what it is. Intentional, malicious destruction of the marketplace of ideas. I feel like these bastards just punched me in the gut.

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Jul 1, 2023·edited Jul 1, 2023

But when the "cognitive infrastructure" is itself corrupted by misinformation and disinformation, where does that leave us, Ms. Easterly? Congratulations! You are being nominated for the Joseph Goebbels Award for Truth in Advertising.

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The Goebbels and Gestapo all wrapped into one Agency....of course with the aid of our own CIA and FBI.... Amazing that when such agencies work against the American citizens they work so efficiently and without cross purposes yet when they work for our Countries they are so ineffective...just shows who really runs the show and why each Agencies needs disbanded and revised to root out this lethal cancer within.

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Disbanding the intel agencies is the right idea, but forget about attempting to reform them: such concentrated power and secrecy will inevitably lead back to corruption.

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Sadly, one simply does not have the time to read the whole article. Trying to keep abreast of all of the Covid Issues, & the sinister organizations like WHO, NIH, WEF, UN, NHS, & Govts, is extremely time consuming. I agree with Brad, the writer below. It would appear that here in Australia, a similar thing has occurred, with many citizens being censored, without their knowledge or consent. I would guarantee most world Govts organized for the general populous to be under surveillance, one way or another, perhaps under the instruction of the WHO?? Even Banking Institutions were involved. Its all been too scary for words. QLD, Australia.

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The most extreme false information is rampant in countries with the kind of extreme censorship we have recently been exposed to in the U.S. People always believe the worst in such situations.

I suspect recent generations are not educated on the U.S. Constitution so freedom of speech is a mystery to them. They have no clue. This recently led to a letter from an attorney reporting the recent left disinformation in a legal case as if it were true. She was apparently oblivious to the established fact that WAPO, NYT, MSNBC, CNN, and NPR are left wing propaganda agencies. Do we laugh or cry at such ignorance?

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