As a clinical investigator and surgeon, I’m appalled at the lack of transparency by the CDC and the FDA. Their missteps are so egregious that I’m shocked that physicians are not speaking up. Discussion of risks and benefits of treatment is a core value in healthcare. Violating informed consent and not having IRB oversight for an EUA vaccination is criminal. These people in charge at the FDA and CDC must be held accountable for professional misconduct.

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Thank you for writing this.

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You’re welcome. I also posted my comment on twitter. https://twitter.com/pbillingmd/status/1481666255438237707?s=21

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Retweeted. Thnx.

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Everyone was so eager, back in 2008 to give government, thru the Affordable Care Act, more control over the practice of medicine. No one involved in patient care can honestly say it improved outcomes or delivery. It dumbed down the entire profession. What happened to our critical thinking skills? Apparently, like everything else, we farmed them out to the Nanny State.

I’m an ICU RN. I worked SARS. I’ve worked in Sierra Leone. Nothing in my previous experience, and I mean NOTHING, prepared me for the level of hysteria I witnessed in my hospital in January 2020. Our profession lost its collective mind. Masks? To filter out viral particles??? To this day, we’re trotting around in filthy masks as if our lives depend on them. Telling patients to go home & not come back until their lips turned blue? This is the best we can do? Sheer insanity.

Those of us in medicine knew, or should have known, the epic failure of previous attempts at creating an mRNA vaccine for a coronavirus. Yet, most in the hospital setting couldn’t get injected fast enough, even those with natural immunity. To this very day, MDs are STILL PUSHING the jabs on their patients, even while my ICU is filled with the injured. I never imagined a day would come when I would be ashamed of my profession.

I didn’t become an RN just to stand by & watch ppl die while Admin & marketing teams, resplendent in their bespoke suits, dictated care protocols that would simultaneously worsen patient outcomes, prolong suffering, and enrich those at the top. This isn’t news. Any honest person with half a brain working in a hospital has known. Most have simply chosen to look away. To collect a paycheck. It’s obscene.

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Nurses like you, and Doctors like Dr. Malone, Dr. McCullough, and thousands of others who are speaking out, speaking truth to power, exposing the corruption, etc., give me hope. We all need doctors and nurses who take their oath seriously and fight for the health and safety of their patients and fellow citizens. Thank you for all you do. We must fight for integrity in medicine.

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What is wrong with us? We just don't have backbone.

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Respectfully, I think we do have a backbone. It's just that so many of our colleagues are a part of the problem. A handful of nurses and physicians cannot stand against licensing boards and hospital “machines.” The corruption surrounds us. I am deeply disturbed and ashamed to be in the medical profession now.

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Kinda reminds us of the German Church in the 30s. 3000 revolted loudly against the National Socialists, 3000 remained quiet, and 3000 supported Hilter. Mass formation much? Yepper. Who said that history doesn't repeat itself but it does rhymes at times?

PS: Those of us who have been vaxx injured have found our way through the medical morass for the most part. Their are some great healthcare professionals out there--enough to build a new future. Thanks for serving. Keep the faith. We adore your type.

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I am a retire Nurse Practitioner. I feel the same way- I’m ashamed of the medical profession. It’s embarrassing what hospitals did for money. The physicians and nurses who tried to speak out had their licenses sanctioned and would have lost their licenses if they continued to speak the truth. In the State of Michigan, over 200 health professionals had hearing to sanction licenses and several were hit with civil suits. Hopefully, these honest professionals will one day get their day in court and sue Whitmer, Nessel and the State licensing boards. What a fraud on the American people.

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See comment above.

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You are kind calling them missteps. It is a preplanned agenda in the making for years!

This is the Medical Crime of the 21st Century that pales all others that Big Pharma has been responsible for. The global population has become participants in a massive lab rat experiment when simple early medical protocols would have stopped the virus in its tracks!

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100% TRUTH

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Like I said above:

Some of these people would have made excellent Nazis.

"I was just following orders"

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I did NAZI this coming. 🤔🤯

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Would be nice if physicians were braver. They took an oath not to harm.

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Yes, it absolutely would be. I work in a large teaching hospital. Not a single one will even criticize masks. The idea of mass formation might be plausible for the general public, but MDs & RNs are trained ( supposedly, allegedly) to work with highly contagious, potentially deadly diseases. We treat horrific illness & injuries every single day. I just don’t buy that suddenly the entire medical profession lost it’s ability to think critically and independently of the government. The harm that has been perpetrated on our patients is unconscionable.

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I had a mask that said this mask is as useless as our governor! My doctors agreed! I had two drs when asked if I should get the jab just say it’s recommended! One said basically he’d be fired if he prescribed ivermectin. BTW I live in CA says it all!

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One Dr told my husband they have a death protocol for the unvaccinated. We tried to get him to speak out to no avail.

I called Luke Letlow and got an assistant. He told me the new congressman had Covid and was in the hospital out of an abundance of caution. My response was, “Oh no! They kill you in there!” He died of complications from a “procedure”!

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It is hard to believe, but if I consider what the media and elites in power say, then I believe anything could happen.

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Some of these people would have made excellent Nazis.

"I was just following orders"

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Hitler learned about eugenics from the USA which started in late 1800s. In 1900s Margaret Sanger was a leader in the eugenics movement in the USA.

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And completely inexplicable. I agree, it’s inconceivable that the entire medical profession lost its mind, I think many were so shocked at what they saw happening around them & what they were being asked to do, that they went into a state of denial to protect their sanity. This is certainly not an excuse, it’s only an attempt to think of an explanation for SOME of the behavior. It still defies any rational belief that so many participate even to this day.

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My good friend’s brother ran the AstraZenicka(sp) trial in Arizona. He was paid millions. I understand docs get paid $500 for each shot given. Paid to look the other way while jab recipients are injured and dying. I don’t see much mention of this info.

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It sad, but someone understandable because physicians can get their medical licenses revoked if they go against the narrative. It is sad that we can no longer trust the medical profession which is controlled by pharma. Why can't we debate scientific data?

I don't like being my own doctor, but I have no choice.

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You are kind by saying they were miss steps. The white paper for preplanning the mRNA injections exist!

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Thank you for speaking out and I agree it is so strange to see all these medical professionals going along with this. I do have a good friend who is a doctor and tends to the ER on and off in a local hospital, and he speaks his mind, but very few people listen!

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I am an MD. No one would listen. Everyone was so afraid.

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I would listen. I'm not vaxxed. Have never had a flu shot either. Have never had the flu to my knowledge. I'm not afraid. I would listen

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I found this type of behavior shocking 10 or 20 years ago, but not since realizing that they have done a fabulous job of covering up their true intentions now for many many decades, starting with the 1986 law to permanently block them from having to deal with any damages from their products. What company in the world would do something like that with a product which is known to be “safe and effective“? I just doesn’t add up. And then we’ve seen the racketeering and people jumping back-and-forth between the FDA, the CDC, and C suite level positions at these pharmaceutical companies. The insane level of conflicts of interest between all of these and the medical schools, the medical journals, all the places which are supposed to be doing independent research is no longer something to be questioned. You either face the truth or continue to bury your head in the sand. In huge swath of our country men and women would rather do the second, for some reason. The party which used to be the one which supported higher education and reason!

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If you read RFK Junior‘s book called “the real Dr. Fauci” on the forward which is xxii or page 22 before the book begins it explains the genesis and the origin of why we are in deep trouble today! His Book expresses the truth and as well documented!

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If it were a DoD operation from the beginning, the other three letter agencies were nothing but the foot soldiers. We're learning more every day. Thanks for supporting RWM, MD. Good man.

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Jan 25, 2023Edited
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My wife and I make up the "we" in this house, to be clear. Thanks for asking for the amplification, Feedomisnotfree..

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Jan 25, 2023
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I'm finding Sasha Latypova's POV and Katherine Watt's promotion of Latypova's DoD take on things is of particular interest presently. Steve Kirsch's interview of Bryam Bridle and his upcoming article on the initial Pfizer data is intriguing. The whole absolute v relative risk assessments and its duplicitous use by Pfizer ands its captured regulatory three-letter-agency grifters will put even more holes in the data dam. https://open.substack.com/pub/stevekirsch/p/professor-byram-bridle-no-evidence?r=71l80&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

And, yeah, this whole " we are all in this together " is BS. People have to hang. Desmet's 30/60/10 split (-ish) on the totalitarian slant is playing out rather "well" these days (ergo, the BS line). Confirmation bias is in check. For now. Fun times.

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Jan 25, 2023
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Infectious disease doctors must have known that HCQ was used in countries for SARS CoV1 and for MERS and this was some 15 years ago?. There was also a lot of countries using HCQ with great effect in 2021. I don't get the ID literature but I didn't see anything by ID specialists in the many sites I went to starting in 2019.

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We are propagating the worst crime on humanity by going along with vaccinating low risk people with a substrate that clearly doesn’t work as a vaccine. Thank you Dr Malone for sharing this experience. We are seeing so many vascular events in young healthy people, tinnitus, vertigo, MI’s, and sudden death. Since we don’t autopsy anyone anymore we have no idea what the cause of death could be….

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There seems to be quite a bit of new evidence from coroners & embalmers of very large & strange blood clots. Steve Kirsch has done a few Substack’s on this very unsettling issue.

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As it is the autopsy's would be fudged to align with the overall plan

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I am a grieving mom of a 36 year old that died suddenly. It took nearly 6 months to get results of her autopsy. Not being a medical person having the autopsy doesn't help much. In my gut I think my daughter's death was jab related, but I can't prove it and even if I could would it make a difference?

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You are not alone. My daughter (37) died in her sleep 5 days after her second Pfizer shot. Autopsy results, cause of death unknown.

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Why aren’t autopsies being done ?ie- REQUIRED !

WHO could be the one or agency to require autopsies be done?????

Del Greenleaf MD (UCLA Med-‘79)

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I nominate Dr. Robert Malone for director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Right after Senator Rand Paul finishes with the current director.

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I do too. I want Dr. Malone running the show. He has demonstrated honesty and integrity. And he has the brain, even dealing with illness.

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I’ve said this since early 2021, secretly hoping it would become a meme, because if it did, we might be out of this mess a lot faster: “Dr. Malone is MY Fauci.”

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👏👏👏👏 I second that nomination!

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Here Here

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Thank you again, Dr. Malone, for sharing your story. There is an additional huge factor involved. Many, and perhaps most bad reactions are not reported to VAERS. Instead, they are attributed to something else, or simply a mystery. And even those that are reported, can be glaringly incomplete. For example, I noticed some inaccuracies in VAERS ID 0906910-1, and I reported it to VAERS in January, 2021 via email. They didn't respond, and the errors were not fixed.

Here is some of what I said in the email to VAERS:

"I heard of the sad death of Florida obstetrician Dr. Gregory Michael. Three days after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, he developed symptoms and was hospitalized due to absence of platelets. His condition worsened, and he died several days later.

VAERS ID 0906910-1 is the only VAERS search result for a male from Florida with serious side effects in the same age range as Dr. Gregory Michael.

1. Why does the VAERS report not list that his condition was life threatening?

2. Why does the VAERS report not list that he did die? "

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Good for you reporting that. I remember that case and it is no surprise they are hiding it. It would be great if someone found the many errors I'm sure exist and published all of it at The Epoch Times, the only outlet likely to publish it.

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I remember that case also. I was keeping track early on of the deaths after the vax. The news reports all tried to say it was NOT from the vax.

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They tried, and sadly, many people believed their answer of "natural causes". But of course, an mRNA vaccine triggering a health crisis that lead to death would look like a natural cause.

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That is absolutely insane….

And we’re all supposed to fall in line and support universal healthcare? What does that mean? People need to ask…

The lie: you can keep your doctor was bad enough.

Wait until every single prescribing pattern and medical procedure is strictly mandated and controlled (yes, rationed) by some faceless bureaucrat where it takes 5,000 pages of forms and months to get an exception…

People will be mandated to get treatments “they” deem necessary or other benefits will be cut or you can lose your job!

Imagine this system applying across healthcare writ large?

These bureaucrats can’t keep trusting citizens safe even when they have the data and yet they claim that they’re smart enough to run our entire healthcare system??….

I hope the public is starting to see the broader implications to this…

Glad you’re better, Dr. Malone…

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The hospital care in covid proves your point. The Treat Early story (not allowing meds, etc) is bad enough but the horrific Hospital care story in covid is another. Drs not allowed to prescribe, Drs not interested in learning how they can prescribe, Administrators running the show. Your care! Drs, staff following the CDC protocols, that do not work, lock step. Please share this - Attorney Brad Geyer is gathering cases, and posting interviews on his Ytube site, Liberty'sLastStand. Find his work via FormerFedsGroup.org / What We Do/ Remdisivir Support Group. Watch the videos, learn what to do and NOT do should you have a loved one needing hospital care. See you all 1/23 in DC. I am hoping for lots of prayer, singing of hymns, and patriotic songs.

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Extremely thankful you survived as God is using you greatly in this battle for our children and country. ❤️

I wrote down something you said in the interview with Mark Steyn - "People deserve to have information about the potential risks even though that may cause vax hesitancy because that's the fundamental bedrock of informed consent and informed consent is the fundamental bedrock of medical ethics." Exactly! That's what is completely missing in all of this.

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What you're speaking to is the natural caution we all SHOULD HAVE regarding any new medical treatment. This new construct - that to doubt a medical treatment is heretical and dangerous - came from nowhere in the past year and is one of the hearts of the insanity the official world is currently engaged in.

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Agreed. Yes, I've been reflecting the past few days on when exactly I started questioning the covid jab stuff. I know it was before it even came out in December 2020. I saw no reason for a "vaccine" for an infection with a 99% survival rate - even without treatment which our overlords were doing such a great job of crushing any mention of. It made absolutely no sense to me rationally and intuitively, I knew something was wrong. I'm very spiritually sensitive and I knew all of this was from the pit of hell.

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My sister in law experienced the very same scenario. Her blood pressure went through the roof and she was already on BP meds. They put her on some kind of heart drug due to myocarditis but I do not know the name of it. But, while she was being treated for that they determined it was from her gallbladder and she had stones. She was having none of the gallbladder symptoms so her doctor didn't see the need to remove it at the time. She than had a second episode of extremely high BP and was rushed back to the hospital in late June. This time they decided to remove the stones first by going down through her throat and then the next morning, they removed the gallbladder. At that time they found cancer on her liver and scheduled a procedure to go in and see if they could remove it but once in there, the cancer was too far gone. This all happened from the onset of her second shot in March and we buried her the first of December. No one will ever convince me that it was not a side effect of the shots.

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That is tragic and terrifying. We need answers. And justice.

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Just awful.

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God had more planned for you Dr. This batch business is very interesting. Thx for sharing.

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Dr. Yeadon believes, along with others, that there is a pattern of regularity in the damaging batches which reveals an actual PLAN to range-find injury/damage/death, and use this for bio weapon research. They are LOOKING for injury and death, and using vax recipients as their lab rats...What is most virulent, what kind of injury, and how this can be used to depopulate the earth.

Horrible to contemplate.

I. e., the manufacturers are testing to create a baseline for death.

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I've been curious about Yeadon for weeks now. His story has fallen to the side because the "variants" story is now accepted by all sides, pro and con. But his point in the beginning was that covid mutations are better termed "sameiants". I've still to this day (9 months after first hearing his comments) heard nothing from the other vaccine critics (like Malone) about how their perspective and Yeadon's can be reconciled. Does anyone know more on this?

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Jan 13, 2022
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Well, the batch timing is rotated on a SCHEDULE between manufacturers, and within them, depending on effects desired.

Dr. Yeadon says that this type of rotation and scheduling couldn't possibly be random. It's way too regular. He mentions all of these considerations in his video with Reiner Fullmicht.

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One of the interesting points that was presented by Reiner Fuellmich's research associate was that the vaccine companies appear to have taken turns in deploying the toxic batches. This allowed each company to get relatively clean data about the effects of each batch without having it muddied by the others. This suggests (1) that they were well aware of the toxicity of certain batches and (2) that, while knowing this, they coordinated the deployment amongst themselves. Stone cold killers.

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Thought you might like to see this doc:)

Susan St. James🍊




Dr Malone's interview with Joe Rogan just hit 50 million views. Take that twitter!

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Her account was suspended by Twitter. My God,this has declared war all over it. We're in for it. Truly.

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Dr. Malone, thank you for your post and attention to this issue. I am one of the VAERS data analysts working on the howbad dot info website and the data analysis. Your second batch was from a "bad" category (A, B, C in the middle), but in fact not from the worst category (ending in 20A instead of 21A for the batch that injured you). The 20A ones all have over 1700 adverse event reports. There is one Moderna batch that has 5000+ adverse event reports! We have data showing clearly non-random patterns of toxicity. Regulators are fully aware of this, and no action! This points to clear intent and coordination with the manufacturers.

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Hi Sasha! It appears that I am in the "holy crap" batch! Aye.. 042L20A and 023M20A.. THANK YOU ROBERT MALONE FOR WRITING YOUR ARTICLE! It's what led me to this bad batch site. Now what do I do with this info.. I just connected the dots from my brain fog (the CT-SCAN

showed a spot and diagnosed Microangiopathic disease. Then I started seeing articles and it hit me. This had to be vaccine related. I posted my story here I got the link. And second aha moment. The batches ended in 20A. Any recommendations on what else I can or should do?

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Dr Malone thank you for sharing so much important information! ??Question: what is happening to our blood supply with “vaccinated “ people donating blood? Does the spike protein or any other parts of the shot transfer and stay in the blood?

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As the studies haven't been done, who knows? But it is a reasonable hypothesis for which I have not seen data.

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Dr. Malone - Please answer this great Question from Carrie, even if it is your best EDUCATED GUESS it will be better than us guessing. Thank you

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This is my concern as well.

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R Malone "Nobody is perfect"

True, and here you are on a journey going from believing the best of your industry to seeing the lice crawl around and no bottom to their immorality.

The longer this goes on the more obvious it is I've been blessed with a higher level of scepticism and from a life of hospital treatment and surgery knew to hold the health professionals in no higher regard. As such I knew to go nowhere near their needles this last couple of years.

But even I have been surprised at the previous level of paper publishing duplicity and trust in published papers has gone from high to low.

Where does it leave us? Decades of trust deficit?. More willing than ever to hand the keys over to autonomous AI? (with even more dangerous scenarios tied in). We need to tread carefully.

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Trust deficit. Exactly. I no longer trust my physician whom I've known for several decades. I am haunted by the mental image I have of him at my last visit in Sept. of 2021 when he told me "the vaccines are safe and effective." I knew instantly he was parroting the AMA's official line, nothing more.

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Me too! And I was a volunteer at our local vaccine clinic. I was at every single clinic helping thousands of my neighbors get vaccinated. I was so proud and felt like we were all supporting the war efforts.. I saw quite a few seizures that happened immediately the second the virus was injected. All in the young healthy adult group. I heard many student nurses talk about their period problems. I loved my volunteer work over the last 5 years. Most valuable thing I was doing since my husband passed. I was also on the Board. Until January 31st when I have to resign because the Healthcare facilities in California have expanded their definition of "Fully Vaccinated" to include the booster. So get boosted or get fired as a volunteer. I did the risk/reward thing and the risk of the vaccine is far greater than the risk of getting the virus. Just so disappointing. Friends don't believe me or think I must be reading misinformation. Family same. They are disappointed in me. Won't let me come over because of the risk. Etc etc. And I loved this hospital. But they gave me a vaccine that put a bullet in my brain. And I repeated the IT'S SAFE promise with thousands. But it ends there. My new volunteer job.. working at every school board meeting to keep the poison away from the kids <12.

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The hospital’s loss is the children’s gain. Thank you!

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Yes this is what I have been struggling with since the onset of COvID. My spouse is in healthcare, upper admin, and it has been a strain, at times on our marriage. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had discussions when he comes home from work that turn into arguments/disagreements. It’s not like I’m looking for a fight but we are just discussing things and he’s my husband. It’s a comfortable space to share my worries/concerns/doubts etc…it’s been a process where finally the last disagreement ended with him saying “we just can’t talk about this, we clearly disagree”. We have to do this in order to save our marriage. COvID had destroyed so much but I think we both agree we will not let it tear us apart. He’s in the thick of it and I can’t be the one that will help him realize things are amiss. He will figure it out. I stood my ground on the booster for a while but i got it right before omicron was really coming in hard. I told him the data was what edged me. Hospitals in our areas were flooded with unvaccinated. I weighed my risk but still felt really uneasy about it. As omicron is being more understood, our family discussion involved me saying “no more forced vaccinations for me and any other variants they come up with in the future can go F-themselves.” This has been one emotional bumpy roller coaster ride since it all started.

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Sorry to hear that. I'm 31years post heart and lungs transplant and on heavy immunosuppression but luckily saw this shitshow for what it is instantly. Totally unvaccinated totally unafraid.

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The hospitals are telling people it is the unvaxxed but they are counting people that are vaxxed as unavaxxed. If you look at the ICD codes you can see how the numbers are getting incorrectly tabulated.

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In my Big 10 major University Hospital system, it's over 80% vaxxed inpatient. Complex pts w vax injuries to.....vascular and heart. Cath Lab runneth over... Few unvaxxed and out the door quick w AB intact from illness itself, even months on. Current pts usually COPDers. Transplant floors blocked off from all but their pts. Segregated in every way to keep separate from rest of units. Go and come from different entrances. NO scrubs worn coming or going. All scrubs supplied upon clock-in. Never allowed to wear street into any area that might become an OR quickly. What a mess. Still no staff since most tenured left during mandate's beginnings. They ain't comin' back!

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Jan 13, 2022
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I’m in New England. We finally got our surge starting late August/early September and it peaked right around the holidays. My husband works for a big health system with 9 other hospitals. He’s ceo of one of them. He gets the data every night. They use the data to help them make decisions about staffing, services, visitor policies, supplies etc…

Our state(Live free or die) has a decent percentage of people not getting vaccinated. The system began running the numbers and pushing them out to the public about the ratios of COvID inpatients vaccinated/unvaccinated. Numbers across all hospitals were showing 70% of them were unvaccinated. There were also several younger people who had COVID and died, mostly new moms. I don’t know how they would mess with these numbers or why? I would like to know the age breakdown. I would also like to know if they were also sick for other reasons. I do believe the vaccine may help some individuals but not without some risk. I strongly believe it should be a choice. We need to get to a place where our docs are being honest with us about those risks, being able to honestly discuss the pros and cons. At the height of the surge here there was a huge push by most docs and some nurses to get vaccinated. They were seeing so much sickness. I think many of them feel helpless in being able to help and they are grabbing at straws(the vaccine) thinking it will save the day.

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And yet, here am I as a retired bank VP, and I knew about HCQ & IVM since March 2020!

I had the great good fortune to discover Dr. Paul Marik in April 2020, and his fledgling alliance, the FLCCC.

I have taken responsíbility for my unvaccinated health with therapeutics on hand if needed, while I watched 3 friends die of Delta, and whose families would not call for local docs experienced in these therapeutic protocols.

My own dear doctor went over to the dark side, and after 10 years, I no longer trust her. 😢

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That’s great for you! I’ve heard others who have come across doctors who are willing to not go to the dark side and try other things. I’m surrounded by docs, nurses and some are friends(before COVID) who went to the dark side. I saw it the whole time. I have felt like if I say anything I’m being political, a maga, an anti vaccer. I’ve had to bite my tongue so much these last two years. I just want to move to Florida and find new associations and friends.

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Thanks for telling your story, because I learned something. I had already checked my Moderna batches and didn't think they were too bad. But if you were shocked by 8 deaths, I should have been apoplectic: Jab 1 ~ 34 deaths and Jab 2 ~ 11 deaths. Needless to say, I hadn't been planning on having any more jabs.

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Drug company's answer to adverse events due to bad batches? Just split up the batches to avoid clusters of injuries. https://circleofmamas.com/health-news/the-tennessee-sids-cluster/

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We are in a serious CRISIS OF CHARACTER in this country. We have largely lost the bedrock of morality that we had from the Founding, based on our Judeo-Christian heritage... Good God, just the 10 Commandments would suffice. Without that, we degenerate into anarchy and totalitarianism.

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What a powerful story Dr. And Thank you. For everything you’ve done and are doing. You are a modern day hero. Stay strong. Stay safe. Good wins over Evil in time. ✌️❤️💯🇺🇸

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Dr. Malone, we can confirm that your event was directly tied to a batch that caused high adverse reactions, and it was your second shot not your first shot. We also can correlate a high number of VAERS events to the 2nd shot. Originally it was thought that accumulation (2nd injection) was the probable cause of the adverse event, and not a bad batch issue. If I'm generous and don't assume this is intentional, a "bad batch" would be quality control issue. Has that batch been traced to the production facility? Am I wrong in thinking that isn't this kind of part of what the CDC does when it recalls spinach for e coli for example? Track down the farm, trace the batch, trace the grocery outlets, and put out a recall & public warning? How is this different? Again, if they intentionally suppress data regarding "bad batches" wouldn't that be malfeasance?

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