Regarding Texas, Baylor College of Med., considered the best in Texas, has declared all employees must must be boosted against china flu. All employees, even working off campus, unless have special exemptions. My take on this is that the poopaws at BCM will all have special exemptions (or get phony

public jabs of saline) but are willing to shed the lives of employees to deliver a bitch slap at conservative Republicans calling for moratorium bans. They are that woke now

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Imagine the calousness necessary to subect your employees to possible lifelong severe health impact, or even death?

For what?



Fear of being snuffed out getting out of your car, in your homes driveway, one night, by the big Pharma hit crew?

What drives them? It cannot be just "wokeness".

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The inexplicable desire for power over others is a satanic force, mindless and never ending. It is insatiable. The question is - how to fight back? Exposure doesn't seem to phase those who simply and arrogantly believe they are gods and therefore invincible.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

Jan 30, univ of Alabama:

3 black female students @ 1am attacked a white student on a bus, while simultaneously calling 911, falsely reporting that 20 whites attacked them because they had black skin.

Security footage, witness testimony all showed the 3 black girls were the actual attackers, and the white mob of 20 did not exist.

After being arrested, they all still continued to push the race narrative, and said that they were attacked by 20 whites. Never admitting the,truth, even with it staring them down. Court presence continued their denials

Why? The penalties do not get applied any longer, therefore there is no reason to admit fault.

They have witnessed our politicians, entertainers, (and society) lie, then lie again, then deny regardless of proof provided. They learned this behavior from those people in oir society who continue to lie, simply pushing the "plausable deniability" factor to its max. Nancy Piglosi said un an interview that it was imperative to get the schmear out there, repeat it as many times as possible, and eventually enough believe,the schmear to create the plausible deniabilty to take hold.

Truth is irrelevant when the goal is to supplant honesty, decency, and righteousness with your agendas falsehoods

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Seems like this represents the Age of Great Delusion, eh?

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Just one of the thousands of tactics deployed to create chaos in society, rendering it incapable of unification against the minority impoaing their tyrrany on the masses.

We have a very large portion of our society susceptible to being manipulated, and keeping them on the plantation works well

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I think this has ever be so. It's the mavericks, the outliers, the ones willing to see the tough truth and choose the path less taken, who ultimately right the wrongs. In an age where anything goes, everything does and the those who remain because they did not go along to get along, pick up the pieces and rebuild.

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T, There is a new SS by Juliet Bonnay about Feinstein you might enjoy. It's a deep dive.

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You're absolutely right. This is a satanic attack (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/are-we-under-satanic-attack#details), but the good news is we can fight back!

For one, love is an amazing weapon - and no, not the mushy hollywood love. the strong love that makes one fight for justice and truth and vanquishes evil (https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/love-the-ultimate-weapon)

By continuing to walk in love and all the fruits of the spirit, we can begin to change the world


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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

"It is insatiable. The question is - how to fight back?"

Punishment for perpetrating crimes.

Problem is, they reward those enforcers to do their bidding with gold coins, thereby not enforcing rule of law

Look at the judge presiding over Trumps trial. What a joke. Cannot believe Trump even shows up to that circus clown show

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I too can’t believe Trump shows up, but after thinking about it, if my entire family was under attack by even by obvious clowns, I’d be there to look them in the eye every single day. When the appeal comes, he will win, but he needs Americans to see the absolute level of depravity on display in NY by a corrupt legal system.

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True, in all respects.

Has to be painful to sit through all that, especially with his ego

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You think? The med school in Galveston was considered one of if not best state med school in Texas. Probably changed with new president 20-odd yrs ago who reinstated 2 identical twins caught cheating on exam and were expelled. After reinstatement the brats promptly sued the school and the prof who had to meet his own legal costs. Tells us a lot about the ethics to be expected from its graduates.

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I think we have to go back to the ORIGINS of these schools and WHY they were created. These schools were made for one thing: to push pharmaceuticals


That is what they were created to do. So even though there are many side effects, and much harm, they all have been taught to push drugs. This is the power of education and a narrative like this, is very, very difficult to break:


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Also I believe, if I remember correctly, “they” utmb-galveston were involved in gain of function research…I lost 5 binders of printed documentation in a move…That was a bummer. Ed

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Think you are right. They are our new plumb island

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Fear, greed, and job security. The working folks effected be damned.

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And they have no way of fighting this, just as the nurses, doctors and other hospital employees and university employees previously had no way of fighting this! If they refuse, their livelihoods are gone. We’re going in circles!

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My 33-year-old niece, an ER nurse, left her job last year rather than take the mandatory jabs. They called her back to work as a contractor, no jabs required.

After more nurses left, the director dogged her every shift to come back full time, until she finally agreed -- and got one required shot.

Ten days later she suffered a massive heart attack, flatlined in the life-flight helicopter but is now slowly recovering.

The hospital fired her after she was unable to work full time.

I cannot say what I would like to tell the administrative bastards who bullied her into taking an injection of known toxin.

God forgive me, but I hope they burn in hell right here on earth, and right soon.

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So sorry to hear this. It is unconscionable to force anyone to inject a questionable substance into their bodies in order to keep their job. She will bear the consequences the rest of her life and what happens to the administration who caused this? Nothing!

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My only thought is that if enough people could just quit, the moneymaking machine might come to a halt just enough to cause some rethinking. While the love of money is the root of all evil, it can also be a weapon. Look at what happened to Budlight.

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You are correct. However, so many of these employees do not have the means to survive, for any length of time, without an income. The elites in charge count on that for control! And of course, control is the key word.

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I wish I could make my imaginary solution become reality - forming groups that help each other to survive outside of the machine.

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Possible ypur idea is.

Haha, i dream of surface to air missles to stop the chem lines in the skies. Im tired of gates skies of silver

Silly aren't we ?

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I gave up pointing to the fluffy remains of chemtrails spreading out over the sky - even as the trails of other planes disappeared immediately. We have to have way more than tin foil hats. Pluck and faith.

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Patience, Grasshopper.

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The bottom line is that we have created a standard of living for ourselves far beyond what most in the world have; the price for each of us was assimilation into the Borg.

The resistance will be from those whose financial situation will allow it and those more concerned with the eternal than with the temporal.

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You are EXACTLY RIGHT! Financial situation is the key which is why THIS has to be the first form of attack: Getting our finances in order:


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I used the AOI in my homeschool program with one of my grandsons. :-)

That was interesting and I agree with the philosophy even though it does leave out the spiritual side, regardless it is the foundation of the human side.

Reminds me of years ago, while in the middle of the chaos of raising three kids, the electric company would include pithy quotes on an index card in the bill. I usually appreciated the message but one time I was truly impacted and saved the card for years. It said, "To be happy, one heeds something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to" I truncated that to be Purpose, Love, Hope. I can look back and conclude that those handful of words settled deep inside my psyche and, even recently I shared them with my 31 year old grandson who is searching for his reason for being. So this is how it works isn't it? We find a truth and pass it on, hoping it finds a home.

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Perhaps this is why 'they' are so desperate to dissolve the middle class. Too many have enough to resist.

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On target!

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One of the very sensible recommendations I got from my father-in-law, early in my marriage, was to quickly put away enough savings to survive for 12 months (an arbitrary, but reasonable time period); with the thought of having financial protection against unexpected events. Good advice, among others.

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Being independent and at the ready for the unexpected is the best advise any parent can give a kid.

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Good for peace of mind.

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And then what, the next "job" requires a jab; self employment - until you’re forced to provide vax status for the public’s safety; go on the "public" teat - think that’ll fly?

Which is why, unless there is a reckoning with consequences in 2025, this becomes moot and just one more flush on the way to the collapse of our republic - and democracies around the world.

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What has to be understood is that funding for medical research dictated by big Pharma for their profit motive will dry up if they don’t go along to get along! Peter Duesberg learned that the hard way when he challenged Fauci AZT protocol that killed all the aids patients! Of course, Dr. Malone is just the latest victim of big Pharma for challenging the RNA narrative and its development! When you look at the salary levels of our university presidents and their perks, you know they will all go along to get along and don’t have the guts to stand up for the rights of the American people!

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This isn't woke.

I think it is more properly defined as organized crime.

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So, I came home for lunch today, (working on a Saturday, I must be a conspiracy theorist) and made some lunch with my sickly wife who's suffering from a sinus infection from our lovely sprayed air column. We were discussing this thread, Big Pharm, and whatnot, when I mentioned the Texas College you were discussing, and how they're mandating their employees get their "nail in the coffin", extra special jabb-aroo in order to keep their jobs, and how neither one of us would have a job right now, if we were working that industry.

I mentioned that I'm so glad that this isn't 1989, as I myself (in all likelihood) would also now be facing the same fate of sickness and death these folks are looking forwards to. Since I was a RU student in my 3rd year, back then, I'm sure my "normie" mother wouldn't have known anything about this situation these people find themselves in today, and I would have just been told "I paid for your college, now go get your jab". Feeling relieved, again, that this isn't 1989, and I am self employed for more than 2 decades, this pressure can't be placed upon myself, nor my wife, as she would just tell them to Eff Off, and quit the job, if this type of requirement were extended to her.

Then I confided in her that when her and I go to our local gym where we have a membership together, and as I walk about, doing my exercises to keep me feeling human, I told her how I feel for these poor kids who are also in the gym, who are toting their giant "R", t-shirts, and proud to be of my alma mater, and being upset by seeing them walking about, unaware of what is to befall them.

Almost every time we're there (the gym), there is some young, innocent, beautiful human who wears that shirt of oppression, brainwash and control, as that school has MANDATED, that they cannot come back to class, if they're not jabbed with the latest version of the death juice. Saddens me so, as I can do nothing to help them, nothing to inform them (not that this would help anyway), nothing I can do to prevent their friends from doing the same.

About a week ago, my wife and I were returning home, as we were on one of these superhighways, and there was an 8 to 9 week old kitten running along the median in rush hour traffic. I see him jogging along the median barrier, inches from death, his fuzzy little tail between his legs. I cannot lose this vision which took place, as it is permanently engrained in my skull, thinking he was a gonner.

Traffic was FLYING past, and we / I couldn't stop. I couldn't grab him, scoop him up, and take him out of danger, as there's nowhere to pull over. I know there wasn't any way I was sacrificing my life for a kitten who is about to meet his maker, finding himself in the wrong place, at the very wrong time by cars doing 70plus mile an hour. There's no way he made it out of there, as the only way out was into traffic.


I still see his little grey fuzzy face, running along the divider. It haunts me, being unable to help him. I'm sure I'll feel the same when I hear that these kids around here are passing like dust in the wind, when all these folks just start dropping off, and the media can no longer contain it behind the veil of secrecy.

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That's a sadness that is hard to shake, but you will, over time. I'm afraid I share that gut concern over God's creatures who are in such peril. We can't save all of these, but one way I try to help is by volunteering for a wonderful organization that rescues animals and finds no-kill shelters who place their animals in loving homes.

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Baylor likes the government money

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Money & Power. The driving force.

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I wonder if the Covid boosters are now monetized for Medicare reimbursement like the flu shot? The hospitals % of government funding for Medicare/Medicaid is directly proportional to compliance with the flu shot. So if only 80% of the employees (regardless if they have patient contact) do not get flu shots the hospital loses M/M reimbursement, and this has been the case for 5y. They’ll probably add Covid and other requirements and then cry staff shortages not revealing the mandatory compliance with vaccines

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I might be more of a “Reacher” or “Reese” sort of Guy. I “think” I might have a better sense of humor. 😂. Ed

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I remember when I used to be Proud of the Baylor College of Medicine (Now…Inappropriate language left out.) Ed

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This is the clearest analysis I have read of these matters. Well done Mr. Tucker. Thanks for passing along Dr. Malone. As a nation we are lost as long as this corporate/government fascism exists... go for it Paxton. Our only hope resides in the States and our Courts and even that is no guarantee. It is the courageous like Paxton that we should look towards.

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In the mid 90s I, a small investor, sold Pfizer and never looked back. This was partially on moral grounds and partially that if they followed the law there was very little growth potential after Lipitor. I, with some background in mineralogy, realized Johnson and Johnson lied about carcinogenic trace minerals in their baby powder in the 70s and had a bad feeling about big Pharma in general. One principle my business guy father and mentor taught is you can make money and loose your soul as he refused the big tobacco dividends. I was following that principle and am still glad I did!

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That's why I never invested in the S&P index fund because includes businesses I couldn't support.

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Absolutely! I am an individual stock investor myself pretty much a Benjamin Graham follower looking for bargains that occur from time to time and then hold unless something changes. I am a geologist and, although I haven’t done a lot of oil and gas work, I had a job for a while where I had to understand all energy markets in general. I do not believe in this “climate change” agenda. If you do please google Dr Patrick Moore one of the founders of Green Peace and listen to him with an open mind. Also keep in mind that over much of geologic time CO2 levels have been much higher than today and there are established minimums under which plant life starts to die! Saving whales , seals, and blocking nuclear testing were good things, but then the profit motive from donations kicked in and Dr Moore wisely left.

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I agree with you about climate change, especially about the danger of over-reducing CO2 levels.

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I just wanted to be certain we were on the same wavelength with regard to American energy producers. They aren’t perfect, but they try. I once had an opportunity to take a class at Exxon and was blown away with the degree of preparedness and risk assessment, for example.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I’ve been a fan of JT for over 10 years now. This article was spot on as usual with him...

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I agree all of his articles are spot on.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Nice, I love Jeffery Tucker and his way of thinking!

Especially as "uncertainty" is our immersions into daily continuums.

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This should help AG Paxton in his investigations:


My governor and AG were also presented with this information but our AG doesn’t feel it’s within his authority to investigate. Here is where I asked him about what the embalmers are seeing and excess deaths (3 mins) : https://rumble.com/v3eh99q-shocking-ohio-attorney-general-claims-no-authority-to-investigate-c19-death.html

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This article shows why the Ohio Attorney General would run away from investigating c19 deaths

Fire workers. Fire nurses. Fire doctors. ... Fire Attorney General what's next? fire Governor?

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If only Don. If only.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I admire the truth warriors. Dr Malone is one of those. Going against big pharma. Saying truth.

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The solution is simpler than you may think. STOP BUYING ANYTHING MADE BY BIG PHARMA.

Do you really need 10 prescription drugs? Are there suppliments that could do the same but with less side effects? I don't take any prescription drugs and my wife saw the doctor yesterday to start weaning herself off of 4 prescription meds. If we all stop paying big Pharma then we cut off their money supply so they cannot afford to hire hitmen and hit lawyers. Look at the Bud Light "trans" revolt for inspiration.

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I don't give pharma a dime, yet it's effects are everywhere...

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You mean like 90% of every commerical broadcast, whether TV or radio or billboard?

Haha, they don't need your money, nor mine apparently.

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You echo my wife with that comment.

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Big Pharma, the cartel this side of the border.

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Great read!

Too bad normies will never see it

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That is what is normal now? Geeesh!!

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I always thought I was normal, but apparently the jargon of "Normies" pertains to those who walk though life doing what they are told, ignoring all, listening to the man. I never realized this, as I was calling myself a normie for a long time. I guess I'm an Abbe-Normie, and I feel special.

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It's odd that what was common sense 40-50 years ago is now labelled by MSM as radical, or far-right. Wonder why that is, I say sarcastically.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 9, 2023

The proverbial “they” won’t be stopped because they cannot be stopped. Societal control levers have been in place longer than we want to admit. Wealth and power have forever been the blight on mankind and the controlling factor in the existence of the many. Societies are especially vulnerable to hostile take over during periods of flourishing and growth. That is the deceitful cover used by the few to capture the many. Adam Smith was right, as nature proves, there must in all things be positive pressure sustained against negative pressure or the system collapses. The masses have lost and/or given up the positive energy pressure that opposes the negative. Perhaps we have already lost the spiritual realm to the Adversary.

SCOTUS with only one word, denied a request for review of the merits in the CA case that is punishing journalists for exposing the selling of baby parts by PPH.

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Your last sentence reiterates everything I have said about the captureof our Constitution by the legal profession.

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SCOTUS needs to accept and rule on more legal cases. They can do it with more law clerks.

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Even then they will still choose what issues they will tackle.

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ShelIey, I don't believe we can Ever lose the Spiritual realm, but certainly since the beginning of time there has been the battle of ego. Since we have free will granted to us by the Creator, we do battle in this realm with our own adversaries; fear, avarice, hate and so on. Seems like the negative is peaking.

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"Seems like the negative is peaking."

From your lips to God's ears

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I should have add 'in this world'. Individuals are responsible for their struggles with the Adversary to save their soul for the after life. Trying to help others do that now is a dangerous task - no job, jail time, threats, accusations .....

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I'm probably stating the obvious here, but I firmly believe big pharma reached virtual 'untouchable' status when they achieved total capture of main-stream media. Prior to that, killing and maiming citizens with 'snake-oil' was something MSM made a big noise about. As per this 1976, 60 Minutes episode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bOHYZhL0WQ Social media became a stumbling block for the evil ones, but they're doing their best to snuff that out. I thank the Lord every day for the courage and tenacity of the 'Robert Malone's' of this sadly evil infested world we find ourselves in.

I think the 'end-game' - the final battle, or battles, will be citizens taking to the streets en-masse globally. Sadly, a lot of people will die, but the alternative - to do nothing, is probably worse than death. I believe this confrontation has to occur very soon - before the evil ones are able to replace their frontline troops with either armed robots or mind-controlled killers. Past confrontations of this nature only swung the people's way when the troops laid down their weapons and began marching with the people. It happened because the troops were human.

We only have one weapon against this tyranny - numbers. They know that and will be doubling down on their divide and conquer/fear/propaganda strategies.

I'm 73 years of age - seen a lot, done a lot and mixed with the widest variety of people you can ever imagine. But never have I witnessed anything as putridly evil, emanating from the ones we're taught to trust and respect. Could there be a worse scenario? Maybe a young child overhearing its parents discussing how much money they could earn from the sale of their children?

Stay strong friends - the end-game belongs to those who know where the line between right and wrong should be. The objective is to shove that line way back to where it used to be.

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Oct 7, 2023·edited Oct 7, 2023

The hardest part for me is seeing and hearing these well documented articles and pieces of evidence and watching the ship go down. Yes, there will be a turn-around someday, but not until the implosion is complete. The Phoenix always rises from the ashes, but only after the fire. (I must be feeling a little down )

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As I've mentioned before, I've been reading a lot of novels about WWI and WWII and the Great Depression of the 1930's. I've also started reading John LeCarre's novels again and am in the middle of "The Honourable Schoolboy." This one is really dark about the way the France, England, and later the U.S. destroyed what we now call Southeast Asia plus Hong Kong.

These novels remind me that the elites will do whatever it takes to get what they want when they want it. Their violence may sometimes be economic instead of physical, but there is no stopping them.

However, I don't think they meant to exterminate 80% of the Western population, because if they do, who will they rule over? Where will they get their moola? Who will do all their grunt work, from farming to energy to manufacturing to personal servitude?

And if we do lose even 40% of our people, what will happen? Who will take charge? How will we take care of ourselves and each other?

We need to think about the future while dealing with today.

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Read "The Constant Gardner" next. All about big pharma etc.

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Epoch Times has a similar piece on the extent of scientific censorship, cross posted at Zero Hedge:


"Reports such as these appear to be laying the groundwork for legitimizing lockdowns and other NPI government mandates as a future policy response to pandemics."

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If anyone is interested in reading more of Jeffrey Tucker's writing, he posts an occasional article on dailyreckoning.com . Here's a link to his latest: https://dailyreckoning.com/the-great-demoralization/

Once more, I read some of the writers on DR but avoid others.

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He also posts articles, almost daily, in the Epoch Times Opinion Column. I also receive an occasional article on my email. There may be something free from Brownstone.

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