"The biomedical world that I thought I was living in has been revealed to be a sham. "

Many of us have come to the same conclusion as well. Its disturbing because it means we can no longer trust the medical establishment. That trust is gone and it will take many decades for the trust to ever be re-established. It also means that anyone of us who has a medical problem is out "on our own" in having to deal with this. This can be a very bad situation to be in.

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Hopefully what it does for some in the medical establishment (FYI-- I bailed out years ago and now practice holistic medicine-- difference-- no Pharma prescribed) is to get them to re-evaluate the way drugs are evaluated and prescribed. Being "out on our own" is not the scary thing you think--getting off meds (many never evaluated if still required yrs later) takes intention and a good program overseen by a independent doctor. There are many.

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deletedMar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022
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Mar 14, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

I have been learning and applying homeopathic and nutritional therapies for 25 years, learning more with each disease I have been challenged with. It is absolutely fascinating to understand human physiology and its interaction with what God has provided for mankind’s ills. I know when to reach out for allopathic treatment, though, i.e., Pharma, surgery. They each have their place.

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Kurt - I agree. I have developed great remorse over the animal research I took part in, assuming that the end result would be improving human lives. I was a cog in the wheel. I feel God protected me from getting deeper into these evils - I did my master's at UNC-Chapel Hill, where no doubt some of these evils were already percolating 20 years ago.

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Oh they were more than percolating, Ralph Baric was hard at work pushing forward with the Fauci gain of function. UNC-CH is a lynch pin research facility in this whole sorted story.

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I did as well. And my pharmacy degree. I think evils have been percolating on campuses across the country.

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

Dr. Malone, I guarantee that what they have done to you (as well as the others who are like minded as you) after you burdening such great costs to tell the truth, is a very big part of what I can never un-see. As the saying goes "once you see how they make the sausage, you'll never eat it again". Never were a truer analogy stated for academic medicine, big pharma, big hospitals and their government agency enablers.

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Robert, regarding, "Those directly responsible are unlikely to face any form of reckoning.", that may be so if we relied upon the government for whom they performed as actors to conduct the prosecution.

Here in NSW Australia, as well as the UK, the law allows private citizen(s) to stand in the place of a government prosecutor in a criminal action in the event the government is unwilling to press a case against persons accused of criminal acts. This is called Private Prosecution. This is not just a civil action such as was the wrongful death case between the Brown Family vs OJ Simpson, with just a fine or financial award. If a Defendant is found guilty in a Private Prosecution, the full sentencing consequences of the law, including imprisonment are available as judgement.

I would be amongst the first to contribute to a well structured and run private prosecution against the now household names of the conspiracy of criminals who have reeked harm and death for at least the last two years. Does the USA have non-civil Private Prosecution?



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I don’t think we do. Maybe we should create it.

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That is really a great thing you have down under. Way up here in da' Nort land(-7°F two days ago) that is not possible. I was beginning to wonder if ya'll were entirely "lost" to the dark side. It appears you may have a life saver there.

as I recall(I'm an engineer, not attorney), Texas in 2021 passed a law allowing private prosecution(maybe more like 3rd party?) in a tiny window regarding abortion providers. I don't think there is much more than that. .. we need a good attorney to chime in here!

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I think the only thing that is close to Private Prosecution is a jury trial of your peers, in which, no matter what the law is or how it is written, a jury decides what is right or wrong. I’m Not a lawyer, just recalling some history— I think from Thomas Paine, the pamphlet- Give Me Liberty or Give me Death. 🤔

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Thanks for the input. You're right about juries coming to decisions, probably more of what is legal and what is not, verses what is right and what is wrong. However, in either case there has to be a trial in the first place.

If the prosecutors are in the same camp as the criminals, then there will be no trial instigated by them. Hence the need to have another outlet of civil criminal prosecution where the people prosecute the law.

When mafia infiltrates judiciary, legislature, intelligence, policing, bureaucracy, and executive as the world may well be experiencing at present, citizens prosecuting law can evolve into action beyond a courtroom for a period of time, as has been seen many times throughout history. The most reasonable of common sense tuition could conclude such an infiltration has occurred and is robust and now self-perpetuating from within, until a force strong and effective enough does in fact prosecute it amongst a jury of citizen peers, rather than corruption of 'their peers'.

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I hear you. I should have a colonoscopy later this year and I will put it off. Not what I want to do but my trust is gone and I won’t give them the opportunity to do whatever when I am asleep.

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Please don’t delay your colonoscopy. It’s an infrequent procedure that can be life saving. Our goal should be to avoid Rx’s in the long term. Early detection could minimize the use of chemo and other Rx. Healthy living is key and regular health screenings are okay to do, IMHO.

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I appreciate this advice but I will still delay it. That’s how much I don’t trust doctors now.

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I am an FP. I do colonoscopies. I am fully on board with Malone’s perspective. I hate that good folks like you will be deterred from important preventative medicine.

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Me too but if I have to have something stuck up my nose to get my colonoscopy I will pass. This is ridiculous. Even in the worst flu season people didn’t have to be tested for the flu before such a procedure.

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I don’t require a test. Perhaps you can find a private clinic that doesn’t.

My wife’s mother just died of colon cancer because she could not get a colonoscopy up in Canada when she needed it.

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Hugh, I had a Cologuard test instead. The test is 92% effective at finding all forms of colon cancer and 94% effective in finding stage 1 and stage 2 colon cancer. You collect the specimen in the comfort of your own home, mail it off to the lab, and that’s it!

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Thank you Cherry. The reason I go through the colonoscopy is to find polyps before they become cancerous. Way better to “nip it in the bud” so to speak. There is a history of polyps on my father’s side of the family and it’s advisable for me to get checked. The first doctor I saw about this told me it takes 7 years for a polyp to become cancerous and this fall I will hit the 3 year mark since my last one so I don’t feel bad about delaying it for a year or so. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t.

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I understand. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. The story of our lives the past two years! Prayers for continued health for you!

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I recently had a colonoscopy but because I use a CPAP, they made me take it in a hospital. It was an endoscopy center in a large hospital here in Columbus OH. It was like a franchise in the hospital in their own area and it went fine. A couple of hours later I was out. An outpatient procedure in a hospital.

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I have had several and I observed all but the last without being put under. It’s actually very interesting to watch the monitor. The second to last was quite uncomfortable through the sigmoid area so I had the last one sedated. At this point they make you take a Covid test before the procedure and I am not going to let them stick a swab up my nose. Never have and never will. I am willing to do a saliva test but right now they don’t accept that. I haven’t had Covid and I haven’t been vaccinated and I will not go to the hospital no matter how sick I might get. I have a good supply of both ivermectin and HCQ and know the outpatient protocol so I really don’t worry about it. If it comes down to it I will die at home rather than let the hospital kill me and I told this to my doctor who thinks those doctors and scientists who have been discredited were discredited for a good reason. Before this I mostly trusted what the doctors said. Sad.

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For what it's worth, my father had a colonoscopy and a few days later suffered a pulmonary embolism. Luckily he is fine but of course the doctors said the colonoscopy in no way caused the embolism. Ya right. My father is 100% healthy and suddenly has a PE? . This was before the pandemic and my distrust of physicians has gotten even worse.

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Sorry about your father. I am not a doctor but it must have had something to do with the anesthetic they administered. Best guess from me.

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Actually I am in medicine so spoke to some physician colleagues who told me it was likely due to polyp removal.

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Interesting. I have had a few polyps removed and even got to watch one. It seemed like a pretty easy thing to do. I know it can cause some minor (usually) bleeding.

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We still have Freedom Fighter Doctors. America's Frontline Doctors : www.aflds.org

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Sham is putting it lightly. It is an incestuous cesspool of greedy killers as far as I'm concerned.

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can't trust anyone running the government or government agencies. They're all "in bed" with each other.

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Please recognize that this is what happens when the government is in charge of health care. The government owns you, the doctors, the hospitals, the pharmacists, and anyone that defies the protocol will be severely punished, if they dare deviate from government protocol. If a doctor in a hospital thinks HCQ and Ivermectin would benefit a patient, that's just too bad, the patients will not receive these meds, the hospital will fire the physician if he prescribes it to a patient. The entire system is rotten from top to bottom. The 'good' doctors have been getting out of the profession for decades, and their replacements are practicing what I suggest is 'cookbook medicine' where individuals are treated according to group statistics, rather than their individual circumstances.

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So true. We just need to apply the lessons learned. Seek medical care from ethical doctors familiar with naturopathic medicine and stay away from the medical industrial complex. Really, the only thing left to do is to set up a parallel society, generally. And the time to start building that structure is now.

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A naturopath is what I use. And no big pharma.

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how to "find" a naturopath locally? I have not been successfull locating homeopathic or integrated med doc in Minnesota anywhere nearby.

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Find some options here, but of course, do research before you choose a doctor.


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Man, glad I asked John. I NOW have one of those in mind to call Monday. THANK YOU.

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Yes. Good advice. ^

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I just looked one up on the duck duck go thingie. Plus, I do A LOT of mitigation by what I EAT and don't eat. Integrated also a good choice! You may have to travel a bit, but in my view, worth it. IF you want optimal health.

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yep, thanks for the input. It appears the source John S pointed to will work for me. I will need to travel about 45 min to get there. Not bad at all. Rather do that than standard GP.

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Very smart! Your username says it all.

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perfectly said ^

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I am along with scores of other humans forever indebted to you and your wife Dr. Malone. I am so sad that you have had to endure the personal and professional attacks of corrupt and evil people and govt organizations. I pray God blesses you and yours abundantly here on this earth and for eternity.

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Thank you both for the amazing pressure you’re exerting to protect our rights and our world.

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 13, 2022

Thank you for sharing, the exhaustion comes through and your supernatural relentless pursuit for the good of common man. The depth of your suffering must feel cavernous and bittersweet. As depressing and demoralizing these 2 years have been for you and Jill, I hope it has carved out a deeper capacity for gratitude, agape love revealed in actions over feelings and pursues the good of others over self, and eventually a greater capacity for joy that is untouched by circumstances or opinions of man. With deep appreciation and gratitude for you and Jill, I thank you and continue to pray for you both.

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It's a while since I've seen "agape" used so appropriately. Well said.

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Yes. Drs. Malone have exhibited to the nth degree what it means to LIVE OUT agape love.

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I've been following the Nuremberg Doctors' Trials (real time on a 75-year delay) at doctorstrial.substack.com.

Lots of lessons learned have been forgotten.

One of my favorite quotes, so far at least, comes from Dr. Paul Rostock who was the Chief of the Third Reich's Office for Medical Science and Research (ultimately acquitted) who said:

"The big danger to German science, and perhaps also abroad, was that most people -- did not want to look right or left to see what was happening. When science wants to advance it has to be able to see clearly." (https://doctorstrial.substack.com/p/1947-02-24a)

Than you, Dr. Malone, for being one who sees clearly when so many others don't want to look right or look left!

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Thank you from the bottom of my heart Dr Malone and Jill. I have no doubt you will go down as a true American warriors in history. Anyone who has half a brain knows what stress this must cause you and your family. You are my heroes and I thank God you are here to speak the truth! Keep posting! Especially of your horses feeding time! Love it ❤️

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It seems there's always a heavy personal price to pay for standing up for the truth. And an even heavier personal price to pay for not doing so.

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Hear hear!

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My heart goes out to Dr. Malone. From the periphery, I feel the same sad realization that the very institutions I believed in were and are as corrupt as anything I can imagine. I quit my doctor and clinic over their policy not to prescribe Ivermectin. I am being labeled as a domestic terrorist for believing my own eyes and my science training, not to mention the OBVIOUS cheating in the 2020 election, which I am not supposed to mention either. What kind of a Soviet Socialist States of America have we become? And for Malone, to be in the heart of it, with little rest (I can walk away; he can't), my sincere and deepest condolences. It's a bitch discovering that the world is flat afterall.

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Not to pile on but the deception and corruption we have been experiencing is not only in the medical field. Education, e.g instituting the teaching and advocacy of social policies to young children in addition to governments offloading policy making to outside supra-national entities (whether the WHO or multi-national corporations) has resulted in the watering down and sometimes disappearance of democratic influence in these areas.

Its an out sourced world-- and these aren't jeans being made these are human rights being stripped. We need to look at the big picture and ask why is this happening? Who is funding it and why is the WEF/Schwab front and centre in this?.

An interesting read on this is on Whitney Webbs site-- Unlimited Hangout.


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I read that last night and frankly it scared me. This cancer is already growing for over 50 years. The mass needs to be removed now. Where to begin?

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Somehow our nation needs to gut the ability to influence all government entities:

-- term limitations

-- political campaign contribution limitation

-- delete lobbying of PACs, corporations, special interest groups, and billionaires

-- enable lobbying for individuals in specific areas of human rights while not enabling FAR Left OR Right attributes.

-- Invoke laws with Sunset clauses, laws fair for all

-- enforce our borders

-- get out of other countries unless protecting America's interest

-- Support made in America corporations with temporary grants

-- Punish those responsible for the pandemic / liberty restrictions with JAIL.

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Re: the cheating in the 2020 election. You might want to support this worldwide effort: https://www.greatunityrally.com/

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I have had so many vaccines in my life I don't even keep count, however, I know for a fact I never took the Covid jab because I got it naturally and recovered. I'm also not a starry eyed idiot who thinks the govt cannot possibly do anything for selfish motives so I suspect everything. Trust but verify right? If the govt says I need it, I need to see who in the govt or around them is benefitting from what they say I "need". IT ALWAYS GOES BACK TO THE $$$

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Yes, and go further: $$$ is a tool to get power, control + destruction. Only Jesus can put it to rights. And He will.

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You bet! I pray for the salvation of the entire human race at this point, according to God’s plan, bc God doesn’t want that any shd perish. And eternity’s a loooong time.

Plead the Blood of Jesus over every situation. And command any entity which troubles u to drink the Blood of Jesus, in Jesus name.

“Fear not, little flock, for I have overcome the world.” And that’s FOR SURE.

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Thank you Doctor Malone.

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Thank you so much for standing up and speaking the truth! God gives the most difficult tasks to the most capable.

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You are such a beautiful soul and thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you and Jill have risked and done for humanity. You have made a difference and you have saved lives! Thank you a million times over and God bless you both!

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God Bless Dr. Malone. And if your an extremist, your my kind of extremist!

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Thank you for saying this! And thank you for being honest to your truth, that is the most important thing any of us can do! I feel the same way, although my own buildup toward being very suspicious about the current establishment "truths" started years prior to 2020. I used to have delusions about the well-oiled machine but were crushed years ago, by the time 2020 showed up I was like, "Yep, I've seen this before!"

I am compelled to share the story I wrote about the general experience of discovering that things are not what they seem. I think it's a shared human experience in today's society, and we need that experience to then pedal toward clarity and healing, from a place of realization (which is depressing, as you mentioned, but also it is what it is; the world is a mess!) I always pray that we all experience it in the kindest possible way. These past two years have been educational and difficult but also beautiful in a sense of discovering our hearts and camaraderie with others! https://tessafightsrobots.com/tessa-lena/face-machine/

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Really beautiful and so accurately described and written.

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Beautifully said. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and souls - every one of you - who did this for us as much as for your own kids and grandkids. It's a debt we can never repay.

So many of us feel the same, for both like and different reasons. But you more than most because "they" took what you made for good - and made it evil. But God used you to expose their evil and bring about good. I pray that gives you some healing.

Most of us weren't in a position to actually DO anything. But we shared truth. A lot. That we could do. The sources who betrayed you and your trust and your knowledge and your beliefs are the very same sources we trusted and thought were looking out for our good. It's a trust broken that may not ever return. I think it will take generations, not simply decades. We will teach our grandkids about what they did and hope they teach theirs.

My family will never get another flu shot, after all, what else might be mixed in? Would they secretly put Covid gene therapy in it? Would the person giving the shot be a blinded liberal who used the flu/Covid mixture out of spite because they felt I should be "vaccinated?" And on and on. My family doctor, whom I have thought was fantastic, was in favor of IVM early on, even wrote a small prescription for us to have some when we went to Mexico last year, then suddenly he wasn't. He's young, I try to understand that he has loans, works for a big medical group and has a family to feed... but. Next time he wants me to take a medicine or gives me a diagnosis, well, has he studied up on it? Knows the side effects? Is open to other possibilities? And on and on. Because one thing I've learned through this is that doctors actually don't study up on stuff. I likely know more than my doctor does at this point. I KNOW I know more than my specialist or my husband's specialist because I've actually talked to them about it. And one literally poo-pooed my question about IVM and replied "it's good for horses but not people." It's a bit terrifying to think of our healthcare being in those hands. Those are only a couple of examples, the depth and reach of the violation runs deep. And I know we aren't alone in this.

When you add all of this to what we now know our govt has been doing in the areas of politics, elections, laws, etc for the last 6 years, and surely decades more, Yes, It's depressing and demoralizing, even for us.

Thanks doesn't begin to say enough. But thanks. 🙏🏻❤️

You were born for a time such as this.

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Mar 13, 2022·edited Mar 14, 2022

Amen. How true. We were all born for a time such as this... how God calls each of us, is based on our sphere of influence/situation and His spiritual gifting. Be it a watchman on the wall, a relentless truth teller, a helper, an encourager, a healer, a giver, etc...He calls us all to point to our only true North and HOPE, the Lord Jesus.

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Many, like the unsung martyrs victimized by governor Cuomo and governor Whitmer, have been lost and forgotten. Many more will die and be forgotten before the evil known as the Great Reset either destroys America or China does.

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Dr. Malone has been right all along. I would like to hear more about his thoughts on the possibility of bioweapon labs in Ukraine. Denials of the existence of such labs should be met with skepticism because I do know that we are being deceived on the war. Here are a few examples of the deception:


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